Good video. But the end conclusion was a bit of a jump. Gore wanted to keep counting until he got enough votes to beat bush, they only recounted highly democratic counties. The Supreme Court pretty much said enough is enough, no more recounting. If the court granted denied the petition and allowed for recounting than bush would’ve demanded all counties be recounted. It would have gone in for years.Gore never was ahead of bush though.
this saved me, thank you
Here during Trump v Biden 2020 down to the wire.
Go through all the dissents and none of the explanation for the majority. Amazing.
too informative. plz make the video on Donaldson v Beckett case.
Great video.
I write Supreme Court themed punk rock and I wrote a song that explains this election. The music video is on my channel.
Good video. But the end conclusion was a bit of a jump. Gore wanted to keep counting until he got enough votes to beat bush, they only recounted highly democratic counties. The Supreme Court pretty much said enough is enough, no more recounting. If the court granted denied the petition and allowed for recounting than bush would’ve demanded all counties be recounted. It would have gone in for years.Gore never was ahead of bush though.
This decision hardened the hearts of so many Americans and has led to the complete division that we have now.
You don't bring up why he wanted those specific counties to be counted. Talk about controlling the story through obfuscating the facts.
Speak faster, please. I put the vid on 1.25 speed and it finally got to the speed of a typical news anchor.
@ agree 100%. You can put it on 1.25x or 1.5x if you want. I don't want my case explanations to be speedy, I watch & read multiple times as it stands.
Just barely. Haha ...