@StoneMountain64 I wish to you, and your family, all the Best in New 2023 Year, with all the best wishes for the all new content's that gona be more and more entertaiment than before and YOLO more commanding officer video and clip's, by Sanjin " SickBoy " Cattunar
We are always friendly till you get that 1 player that wants to ruin it for his whole team and get team wiped lol 😂 wiped 3 teams ... just cause they wanna be toxic
I always call out friendly but 90% of the time the other team is not and I end up dead, but it is the 10% that makes all the fun out of this game. teaming up with other teams is what makes dmz so much more fun. I wish everybody wasn't so hostile.
That is because 85% of players in dmz are actually multiplayer noobs trying to get something. I can understand if you shot at everyone, just in case. But if you ran into players at your own spawn point, and they are carrying three plates and a big backpack, then you know they are killing you for nothing
that's why I stopped being friendly. more like 98% they pretend nice and I end up dead lol. so sorry if I ever see any of you in raid and I seem like a dick.
I am usually in party chat playing solo, so I don't hear proximity chat and end up dead or killing, but I try to avoid fights in dmz it's no fun killing people in dmz warzone ranked is more fun to play for killing
I was in a bad run in DMZ with a squad of 3 so we all decided to grab a hostage and exfil to reset. After clearing the A.I. I ended up with the hostage. For some reason, I thought it be a wise idea to start making my way to the efil chopper all by myself while my 2 squadmates dealt with the remaining A.I threat. About 25M away from my squad, I dipped inside a grocery store for cover. Through a blown out hole in the side of the building, I slowly entered the building. Once the entrance was cleared, I stood up from a crouched position to see another team looting the registers just 2M in front of me. They saw me, and they know that I saw them. With the hostage hung over me, I quickly crotch again think to myself, 'I'm F****d'. Knowing that I'm probably done, I blurt out, "This is not what it looks like! I know this man!" Laughter filled prox chat and then invites flashed my screen! Thank god. There are good people.
So glad you're dropping this content. The social interaction is a lot of fun in DMZ. As I've always said - It takes more discipline to not press the trigger.
No lie, when I go solo and just go for the team fill option, it feels like my teammates are more preoccupied with eating glue than playing the game... Whereas I've had more experiences with randoms I squad up with mid-match. I've gone into 1v3 scenarios and midway through they invited me to join so I wouldn't off them all lol Glad you had a good experience here!
Agreed. I find the best team mates through the interactions I have fighting other squads rather than trusting squad fill and getting teamed with window lickers
Some of the best times in MW2 is meeting friendly players and DMZ and having a literal blast together! I don’t even want to play anything else any more lol
Squading up is the only way I like to play. There's nothing like running a 6 man team in DMZ. Unfortunately a lot of people don't realize you can join up, and others lie saying they're friendly and use that to kill you knowing you're not fighting. Real A-hole move. But when you find a full squad of cool people DMZ is AWESOME
Ran in a 6 man team once and it was a ton of fun, sadly we didn't start heading for extraction until it was too late and we all died one by one in a futile attempt to outrun the storm lol
@@FuhzyLiquids That's your opinion. My opinion and dozens of the people I play with when I matchmake feel that the A- holes take away from the experience. Majority of real DMZ players just want to get their challenges done and collect lot. You talk about prox chat... do you know how many times I run into squads with their chat set to friends only or party only. They come into the hand with the specific mindset of hunting players and aren't even forced to use prix chat like everyone else. They can hear us but we can't hear them. How is that fair? If you're going to have PVP it should be an even playing field and it's not. The warzone jerks have an advantage cause we don't even want to fight. We're busy trying to talk and be friendly and they don't have the decency to leave us alone. I really feel bad for the poor souls who try to run solo. That's just foolish. And so many streamers I see who specialize in warzone look like idiots in DMZ. I can't watch them because I'm so far ahead of their challenges that it's boring and when they come in DMZ just to hunt, I can't sit through that either. Do that in warzone, there's a resin it has no challenge progression, stashes or Easter eggs. DMZ has Easter eggs but you'd have an impossible time discovering them since people won't mind their business.
@@DSFking I run solo mainly and I die from bots n players all the time. It doesn't ruin the experience. What happens when everyone's done with their missions. What's the incentive to keep playing. It wouldn't be fun just going in and killing ai every game. Me and my friends didn't even finish the raid since it's just ai. Also if it's set to friends only for prox chat they can't hear u either.
Had two friendly experience the other day in DMZ, it was amazing ! 1. For the first one, I was already playing with my buds as a 3 man squad and we went for the mid-game supply drops. As we arrived, we saw 2 dudes looting the thing, we engaged and killed one right at the start, then fought for a long time - it was a very tense fight with a few revives on boths sides, push phases and sniping phases. At some point there was only 1 left, and one of the downed guy on which I had looted a building 21 card used the ask for help feature. As I already have a building 21 keycard and experienced plently of that map thanks to the glitch, I felt bad for this dude as I myself struggled for a long time before finding one. So I accepted his request, he joined our squad then proceeded to invite his mate into the squad (the 3rd one had left) and I gave him his B21 card back and we exfilled together. This felt so wholesome. 2. Second time is a bit simpler. I wanted to get the weapon case, and this game had it at the hydroelectric powerplant. I was playing solo and got to the hydroelectric, I saw a bunch of dudes and though I might ask to join their squad. To I sent a request and to my surprise they accepted. But turns out we had no keycard and the jugg is always inside that locked control room at the middle. So soon after more people came over and we invited them also, and we ended up being a 6 player squad. We eventually found a stronghold keycard to enter, easely killed the jug and extracted with all 6 squad members, this was wholesome, not only because it's freaking cool to be 6 in a squad, but also because that way it was beneficial for all 6 of us and we all got the weapon case reward.
What you are really saying is that it sucks to die and it does. This game takes a lot of patience and discipline to stay alive but is so much rewarding to exfill than to get kill when you have the most to loose when it comes to missions and weapons
The last death wasn't the dude who you teamed with before. If you notice throughout the last game, their red prox chat icons are stuck on the screen. It's a bug, that only restarting the whole game fixes it.
Oh man there's so many cool possibilities with DMZ. I've been killed, rezzed and then adopted by a squad and been the last one up in the heli with 4 downed teammates bullying in to the final chopper as a 5 man. The firefights that evolve from deadly to friendly when the last chopper arrives. Extracting 10 deep with multiple teams. Being rolled up on by teams of aggro players who get smoked. Just so many gameplay possibilities warzone doesn't have.
I don’t like loading in with randoms anymore cause I’ve lost to many large backpacks, durable gas masks, and decent guns to people without the bare minimum; mics.
Same drill charge stim and ammo to reload those I'd desperate. Then build up from ther. Last night I got one of my best kills. Team extracting I came flying over the dunes catching air with LVT hit the biggest dune and saw a player run a circle on the other side SPLAT. That truck just dropped perfect on him. I had no idea he was there. My freind ended his freind and picked up a golden ak. The LVT literally dropped down perfectly onto that player like a fly swatter. He knew I was coming I didn't know he was there but I wanted cover of the big dune I guess he did too.
@ArborialAspect The communication helps with cooperation though lol I know what you mean cause in Warzone 1 I’d have guys fill a squad on quads then go to the complete other side of the map. Then they expect you to buy them back after they get clapped alone by another squad.
Friendly advice to help everyone out with contracts that include looting a certain item numerous times. Pick up one item, drop it, pick it up and repeat until completed. It counts every time you pick up the item as a new item looted. Can complete the 12 wine bottles in 30 seconds with 1 bottle.
some of my most memorable games have been when being friendly! it can easily turn the game into a comedy shooter! but always make sure you have the upper hand before offering it up. down one or two on their team, make a super squad, and run the lobby!
You can only plea when you’re in a squad that’s still alive and you’re killed by enemy operators. Otherwise if you drop in as a solo, you are unable to plea as your squad has been wiped. Thus, even if planning to run as a solo, it’s best to drop in with a random squad and mute if you don’t want to hear them. Then you still have the option to plea.
played sunday and was invited into a group of streamers that made the game the best game I have ever played! So much fun playing with pro's! LadyxSkitz , Marvelousmis and Loki were amazing to play with! So tired of getting squaded with no mikes or 5 year olds!!
It’s so fun when you get a team of 6 going, I wish it was more inviting for other players because there’s some tryhards out there that just want to kill every player.
I used to get so mad playing solo DMZ cause AI are OP and I hated running into full teams as a solo, but it turns out people are really nice and most people will join up if you ask them.
i play solo 99% of the time and i have to constantly hide and run away from others... let others take the stuff i wanted and everything... just wish people didn't just kill me when i don't really engage players....
I've only just started playing the new cod a week ago n the DMZ yesterday, man its brutal. But last night a full squad showed mercy and let me tag along with them and helped show me the ropes a little.
Friendly is mad fun, had the experience of last exfil, final countdown and teams screaming in yelling FRIENDLY.20 odd people dancing in the back of the chopper on the way out.
Love when this happens, I got in 6 man team , at final exfil and we literally exfiled with another enemy 3 man team so 9 of us all crammed in hahah was actually awesome
explain pls how can I join with other team ...what key is on keyboard - I use laptop I know only that when I die and press interact , but when I am alive what key I have to use ??!! More exactly , what hey I have to use to se on the screen what you have on 0:54 in this video ???
At least you found guys with coms. When I spawn into a random squad and nobody's talking, it's probably going to be a short game and I'm going to be losing my stuff.
When I squad fill with randos if they aren’t talking I just run off and play solo with 2 fewer possible killers they usually self wipe themselves anyway. Don’t let a shut squad drag you down
Me and my squad have switched over to just playing DMZ now. The bots provide a great tension while the even a single stray shot or comm by a player can cause chaos. The 3 of us killed 2 others in a square at a gas station when one of us (ahem) got killed. Thinking the sniper was with the other two, I told him we could all squad up and he could revive his boys. They just typed back "not my boys" and took more shots at us. Cold blooded, and hilarious.
That’s so good, teaming up is the way to go, watched Westie wipe a squad for kicks at the last chopper with the guys desperately calling out not to fight, something about it was just so shitty to watch.
I wish these kind of guys would represent the majority of cod players. If you shoot everyone on sight in dmz, you don't get the mode imo. If you're chill you can get more cool interactions with players than a typically unbalanced gunfight.
It's always good running into teams of good players there are a few out there. What I learned is if you call out friendly and they say their are friendly but don't send or accept a squad invite they are not friendly and want to wipe you out.
Fill is a horrible idea. i've gotten so many terrible players who can't even walk properly, let alone use a gun. i watched 2 players get clapped by a single non-armored bot with a 20 round 74u. they both had 3 plates.
I play solo and kill everyone I see but occasionally I'll be nice and let someone join me after I down them so I can pick them back up. Usually just leave them to go their own way and finish doing whatever it was I dropped in to go do.
Whenever I have 4-5 friends online we figured how to get in the same DMZ lobbies. Nothing like running fab5 or seal team6. Best is when teams of 3 get cocky, talk trash, and get run over not realizing we have 5-6 solid operators.
This just happened to me the other day. Me and my friend came up on a team of 3 and they just joined us and they were great. Got like 3 missions done and everyone got out
DMZ mode is about peace through strength. Nobody joins up unless it's required for survival. It's about setting the tone. Squads seem easy to beat, be it because they're pre occupied with loot or fighting AI.
Literally love sitting at exfills with my vectes xmr 50cal with my ghillie suit sniping squads and looting all thier top tier loot they worked hard to get why I waited nice and silently for the perfect kill 😊
Had a squad of 6 and then teamed up with another squad of 6. Obviously we couldn't join more then 6 people but we ran 12 strong. Lots of friendly fire though during missions lol. But it was awesome.
That's awesome. I've been looking forward to that myself, but haven't managed to put it together yet. It was mentioned once, I was with a 3 man and we were coming up on a squad Fighting AI. there were more than 3, I suggested trying to team up but squaddies had mentioned even if they would, friendly fire would likely be an issue in the fog of war with the AI or other squads.
Last night I was on a six man squad and all these single and double squads tried to take us on😂 like ok you got me and a buddy but there's four other dudes who love me and they're coming for ya 😂
Man, you hit that UAV at the end and it pinged them on the hill overlooking the extraction. And when you were looking out the back I was sitting there yelling "their behind you" "turn around." Not like you could hear me, but as a fellow solo player, I was hoping you would make it out
I love friendlies. Always sucks getting thirsted right at the spawn but i wish it was easier to migrate entire squads without one rogue member just killing you before accepting the invite
DMZ solos is so difficult. You need to prioritize on getting a couple self revives, not because of other players. But the bots are like insane, either too many or too op 🤣 DAMN at 14:27 you can see on the minimap right before the mini uav ends that he was heading straight for the chopper. and stone was too distracted shooting the ai and then when he got on the chopper he was looking toward the back and not where he just got on. oofaleh 😮💨
When I went into DMZ solo, I'd always try to find friends. 3 is better than 1, and 6 is better than 3. The help is always appreciated, and you can have some really great moments as a team. I'd recommend pulling teams anyways as the AI here are RRRRUTHLESS!!!
Once, we destroyed 2 players and then invited the only player on to our team.... he explained that his team mates had some stuff they needed to extract, so we helped him
I get some nice people I've queued in with some good people I ran solo and joined a decent Squad. It's hit or miss literally you could scream friendly but then the person will shoot you anyway or vice versa
I feel ya man I've been tricked and betrayed so many times I've had my own teammate betray me and lead a whole squad to kill me. I only shoot if shot at. Hopefully all the small brains will get sick of the op ai.
I play DMZ for camaraderie first and foremost. I like chatting with friends, making new friends, accomplishing missions, and just messing around. I like to be on a team, but often play solo. When I see other players, I'm usually yelling "friendly" as I approach, in hopes that we can work together, team up, have more fun, and make new friends. When you turn and shoot me for absolutely no reason other than to loot my backpack, I think you're an A Hole. If you want something, just ask for it. Now my insured gun is gone. If you're only focused on your missions and ruining my game for your benefit, that's fine. It's just a game after all. I have a theory though. People who kill other players are scared. They think it's kill or be killed, and they don't want their game messed up, so they eliminated perceived threats. Plus, when you team up, you can accomplish more together! What's more impressive than being a DMZ rockstar by yourself, is to befriend other players. You want a real mission? Try completing that one! A Holes...
Personally with how insane the AI can be these days. I have noticed an increase in the amount of teams who spend all their time hunting players rather than roaming doing faction missions. I myself am trying to help players wherever possible but with a team limit of 6, I myself tend to just end up thinning the herd rather than just trying to team up with everyone . After all this is war. And not everyone has good intentions.
I had a PERFECT pro 6 man squad with helo, good comms patience and strategy yesterday. It was freaking awesome we completed all squad hunts, but we derped and got multi-airstriked defending near the helo at the last exfil.. full wipe last second :(
I have had great experiences solo as well as filling with randos, and I strongly advise not letting the randos drive. I have died as much from other players' terrible driving choices as I have died from everything else combined. Especially being the best driver in Al Mazrah, you are better off taking the wheel
It’s pointless killing squads unless it’s a mission. Team up and beat the Ai they are better than most squads I’ve ran into. It’s also hit or miss. Half my squads are horrible and the others are great. There’s a reason it has six people per team that can link up. It greatly reduces the effectiveness of the ai and makes missions way easier. Everyone I kill I give the chance to rejoin. It’s a video game to have fun and if you’d constantly dying it’s not fun
Don’t be a bot, Double check you’re subbed
Good idea and thanks cause I wasn't subbed but now I am again thanks alot
Done - Thanks for the reminder!
@StoneMountain64 I wish to you, and your family, all the Best in New 2023 Year, with all the best wishes for the all new content's that gona be more and more entertaiment than before and YOLO more commanding officer video and clip's, by Sanjin " SickBoy " Cattunar
I got some Building 21 cards, mind if I join ya StoneMountain64? Could use some good squad mates
Quadruple checked 👍
These guys were friendly!
13:39 why not buy 2 self revive kits, you had the money
We are always friendly till you get that 1 player that wants to ruin it for his whole team and get team wiped lol 😂 wiped 3 teams ... just cause they wanna be toxic
Solos can't send out the plea, Stone. They don't want solos to play DMZ really.
That’s the way of DMZ solo. Hard life gg
Playing like this is the best way to play DMZ.
I always call out friendly but 90% of the time the other team is not and I end up dead, but it is the 10% that makes all the fun out of this game. teaming up with other teams is what makes dmz so much more fun. I wish everybody wasn't so hostile.
people say friendly but i get shot from them =(
That is because 85% of players in dmz are actually multiplayer noobs trying to get something.
I can understand if you shot at everyone, just in case. But if you ran into players at your own spawn point, and they are carrying three plates and a big backpack, then you know they are killing you for nothing
that's why I stopped being friendly. more like 98% they pretend nice and I end up dead lol. so sorry if I ever see any of you in raid and I seem like a dick.
Same.. if they shoot I pull out my ftac lmao
I am usually in party chat playing solo, so I don't hear proximity chat and end up dead or killing, but I try to avoid fights in dmz it's no fun killing people in dmz warzone ranked is more fun to play for killing
I was in a bad run in DMZ with a squad of 3 so we all decided to grab a hostage and exfil to reset. After clearing the A.I. I ended up with the hostage. For some reason, I thought it be a wise idea to start making my way to the efil chopper all by myself while my 2 squadmates dealt with the remaining A.I threat. About 25M away from my squad, I dipped inside a grocery store for cover. Through a blown out hole in the side of the building, I slowly entered the building. Once the entrance was cleared, I stood up from a crouched position to see another team looting the registers just 2M in front of me. They saw me, and they know that I saw them. With the hostage hung over me, I quickly crotch again think to myself, 'I'm F****d'. Knowing that I'm probably done, I blurt out, "This is not what it looks like! I know this man!"
Laughter filled prox chat and then invites flashed my screen! Thank god. There are good people.
So glad you're dropping this content. The social interaction is a lot of fun in DMZ.
As I've always said - It takes more discipline to not press the trigger.
No lie, when I go solo and just go for the team fill option, it feels like my teammates are more preoccupied with eating glue than playing the game... Whereas I've had more experiences with randoms I squad up with mid-match. I've gone into 1v3 scenarios and midway through they invited me to join so I wouldn't off them all lol Glad you had a good experience here!
Thanks for sharing 👍
Dang Stone really gave you a "cool story bro"
Eating glue. That is part of the Black Mous faction missions if I’m not mistaken
Eating glue is being way to nice bro.
Agreed. I find the best team mates through the interactions I have fighting other squads rather than trusting squad fill and getting teamed with window lickers
Some of the best times in MW2 is meeting friendly players and DMZ and having a literal blast together! I don’t even want to play anything else any more lol
Squading up is the only way I like to play. There's nothing like running a 6 man team in DMZ. Unfortunately a lot of people don't realize you can join up, and others lie saying they're friendly and use that to kill you knowing you're not fighting. Real A-hole move. But when you find a full squad of cool people DMZ is AWESOME
Six-man squad sounds fire. That’s a get shit done sized team
Ran in a 6 man team once and it was a ton of fun, sadly we didn't start heading for extraction until it was too late and we all died one by one in a futile attempt to outrun the storm lol
It's good that there are a hole players if it was just bots and no orox chat it would take away from the experience
@@FuhzyLiquids That's your opinion. My opinion and dozens of the people I play with when I matchmake feel that the A- holes take away from the experience. Majority of real DMZ players just want to get their challenges done and collect lot.
You talk about prox chat... do you know how many times I run into squads with their chat set to friends only or party only. They come into the hand with the specific mindset of hunting players and aren't even forced to use prix chat like everyone else. They can hear us but we can't hear them. How is that fair? If you're going to have PVP it should be an even playing field and it's not. The warzone jerks have an advantage cause we don't even want to fight. We're busy trying to talk and be friendly and they don't have the decency to leave us alone.
I really feel bad for the poor souls who try to run solo. That's just foolish. And so many streamers I see who specialize in warzone look like idiots in DMZ. I can't watch them because I'm so far ahead of their challenges that it's boring and when they come in DMZ just to hunt, I can't sit through that either. Do that in warzone, there's a resin it has no challenge progression, stashes or Easter eggs. DMZ has Easter eggs but you'd have an impossible time discovering them since people won't mind their business.
@@DSFking I run solo mainly and I die from bots n players all the time. It doesn't ruin the experience. What happens when everyone's done with their missions. What's the incentive to keep playing. It wouldn't be fun just going in and killing ai every game. Me and my friends didn't even finish the raid since it's just ai. Also if it's set to friends only for prox chat they can't hear u either.
Most players are so desperate for a kill they act like killing a random solo that has nothing to do with their mission will make them king of COD
Go play campaign
Duh, that's the whole game.
Couple of COD kings right guys
Nah we just don't care and like to actually play the game
@@Skakid789 no its not
Had two friendly experience the other day in DMZ, it was amazing !
1. For the first one, I was already playing with my buds as a 3 man squad and we went for the mid-game supply drops. As we arrived, we saw 2 dudes looting the thing, we engaged and killed one right at the start, then fought for a long time - it was a very tense fight with a few revives on boths sides, push phases and sniping phases. At some point there was only 1 left, and one of the downed guy on which I had looted a building 21 card used the ask for help feature. As I already have a building 21 keycard and experienced plently of that map thanks to the glitch, I felt bad for this dude as I myself struggled for a long time before finding one. So I accepted his request, he joined our squad then proceeded to invite his mate into the squad (the 3rd one had left) and I gave him his B21 card back and we exfilled together. This felt so wholesome.
2. Second time is a bit simpler. I wanted to get the weapon case, and this game had it at the hydroelectric powerplant. I was playing solo and got to the hydroelectric, I saw a bunch of dudes and though I might ask to join their squad. To I sent a request and to my surprise they accepted. But turns out we had no keycard and the jugg is always inside that locked control room at the middle. So soon after more people came over and we invited them also, and we ended up being a 6 player squad. We eventually found a stronghold keycard to enter, easely killed the jug and extracted with all 6 squad members, this was wholesome, not only because it's freaking cool to be 6 in a squad, but also because that way it was beneficial for all 6 of us and we all got the weapon case reward.
Obviously every interaction can’t go this way, but the game is some much more fun when people are just cool.
What you are really saying is that it sucks to die and it does. This game takes a lot of patience and discipline to stay alive but is so much rewarding to exfill than to get kill when you have the most to loose when it comes to missions and weapons
The last death wasn't the dude who you teamed with before. If you notice throughout the last game, their red prox chat icons are stuck on the screen. It's a bug, that only restarting the whole game fixes it.
Oh man there's so many cool possibilities with DMZ. I've been killed, rezzed and then adopted by a squad and been the last one up in the heli with 4 downed teammates bullying in to the final chopper as a 5 man. The firefights that evolve from deadly to friendly when the last chopper arrives. Extracting 10 deep with multiple teams. Being rolled up on by teams of aggro players who get smoked. Just so many gameplay possibilities warzone doesn't have.
Big facts
Everyone teaming up in DMZ is the best possible thing.
I don’t like loading in with randoms anymore cause I’ve lost to many large backpacks, durable gas masks, and decent guns to people without the bare minimum; mics.
Good thing you don't actually lose anything of value in this "extract shooter" then xD
I've stopped loading in with guns n shit. I go in with a stun, throwing knife and a dream. Violence of action is the key.
Same drill charge stim and ammo to reload those I'd desperate. Then build up from ther.
Last night I got one of my best kills. Team extracting I came flying over the dunes catching air with LVT hit the biggest dune and saw a player run a circle on the other side SPLAT. That truck just dropped perfect on him. I had no idea he was there. My freind ended his freind and picked up a golden ak.
The LVT literally dropped down perfectly onto that player like a fly swatter. He knew I was coming I didn't know he was there but I wanted cover of the big dune I guess he did too.
@ArborialAspect The communication helps with cooperation though lol I know what you mean cause in Warzone 1 I’d have guys fill a squad on quads then go to the complete other side of the map. Then they expect you to buy them back after they get clapped alone by another squad.
Mics are overrated tbh. Game can be played without it.
Friendly advice to help everyone out with contracts that include looting a certain item numerous times. Pick up one item, drop it, pick it up and repeat until completed. It counts every time you pick up the item as a new item looted. Can complete the 12 wine bottles in 30 seconds with 1 bottle.
Thanks for all the amazing content CO, happy new year to you and the family. Love the DMZ content
Happy new year! Much ❤️
No f wording way. I can't believe you still make videos that's so awesome! Your military persona is the best
some of my most memorable games have been when being friendly! it can easily turn the game into a comedy shooter! but always make sure you have the upper hand before offering it up. down one or two on their team, make a super squad, and run the lobby!
Love the mid credit drama in the middle. Great editing and re-hook on the video.
How did you die at that last exfil? Your UAV said they were right there lmao 😂
You can only plea when you’re in a squad that’s still alive and you’re killed by enemy operators. Otherwise if you drop in as a solo, you are unable to plea as your squad has been wiped. Thus, even if planning to run as a solo, it’s best to drop in with a random squad and mute if you don’t want to hear them. Then you still have the option to plea.
played sunday and was invited into a group of streamers that made the game the best game I have ever played! So much fun playing with pro's! LadyxSkitz , Marvelousmis and Loki were amazing to play with! So tired of getting squaded with no mikes or 5 year olds!!
Mantis is actually a buddy of mine. Been gaming with him for years. He’s a solid guy and a good teammate.
It’s so fun when you get a team of 6 going, I wish it was more inviting for other players because there’s some tryhards out there that just want to kill every player.
I used to get so mad playing solo DMZ cause AI are OP and I hated running into full teams as a solo, but it turns out people are really nice and most people will join up if you ask them.
Some of the best DMZ games I’ve had have been with randos and assimilation. Talk about sweaty extracts too.
squading up in DMZ is the way to go, makes for some hilarious moments
'I'm a friendly bro!' POW! 😩
Yea I’ve def found some pretty dope squads while playing DMZ. Rolling 6 deep is definitely fun.
Yeah it is 💪
how do you get your mic like that in game?
Very good! Intense and FUN!! Thanks for this!
DMZ has great potential. I usually squad fill and help out the teammates who are usually a few missions behind.
i play solo 99% of the time and i have to constantly hide and run away from others... let others take the stuff i wanted and everything... just wish people didn't just kill me when i don't really engage players....
Start lighting them up bro 3v1
The higher tier missions are so hard to solo too
I love solo hunting other squads probably the best part of DMZ :)
@@RUclips_Expert. UAV tower 5 at once. RIP to your solo
Pro Tip for the wine, just pick up one, drop it then pick it up again, rince and repeat it just keeps adding to your mission lol
I've only just started playing the new cod a week ago n the DMZ yesterday, man its brutal. But last night a full squad showed mercy and let me tag along with them and helped show me the ropes a little.
Stone, “Ah geez that’s ahhhhh, that looks like a problem, not my problem” , is the most realistic military reaction/saying to a stuck vehicle.😂
Friendly is mad fun, had the experience of last exfil, final countdown and teams screaming in yelling FRIENDLY.20 odd people dancing in the back of the chopper on the way out.
How do you change your voice on the fly, man that cracks me up every time 😂😂😂 id love to bump into you mid game when your giving out full coms
Love when this happens, I got in 6 man team , at final exfil and we literally exfiled with another enemy 3 man team so 9 of us all crammed in hahah was actually awesome
glad to see i'm not the only one with the mind-numbingly annoying bug of enemy comms staying red even after you've joined teams
explain pls how can I join with other team ...what key is on keyboard - I use laptop
I know only that when I die and press interact , but when I am alive what key I have to use ??!!
More exactly , what hey I have to use to se on the screen what you have on 0:54 in this video ???
Get a squad of 6 and run the map, it’s the best lol
My last game I played on DMZ I died on exfil they all had RPG’s I was deleted immediately 😂
It really is!
Sooooooooo lame lol.
Soft. I'm a duo and everyone wants to fight us. We could be minding our own business and teams hunt us down. They don't succeed 80% of the time 🤣
At least you found guys with coms. When I spawn into a random squad and nobody's talking, it's probably going to be a short game and I'm going to be losing my stuff.
When I squad fill with randos if they aren’t talking I just run off and play solo with 2 fewer possible killers they usually self wipe themselves anyway. Don’t let a shut squad drag you down
When Stone Mountain talks in game it’s kinda like that operator that’s in every shooter game and he’s on your team 😂
Me and my squad have switched over to just playing DMZ now. The bots provide a great tension while the even a single stray shot or comm by a player can cause chaos.
The 3 of us killed 2 others in a square at a gas station when one of us (ahem) got killed. Thinking the sniper was with the other two, I told him we could all squad up and he could revive his boys. They just typed back "not my boys" and took more shots at us. Cold blooded, and hilarious.
That’s so good, teaming up is the way to go, watched Westie wipe a squad for kicks at the last chopper with the guys desperately calling out not to fight, something about it was just so shitty to watch.
I wish these kind of guys would represent the majority of cod players. If you shoot everyone on sight in dmz, you don't get the mode imo. If you're chill you can get more cool interactions with players than a typically unbalanced gunfight.
Love some solo dmz shenanigans. Only way to play
It's always good running into teams of good players there are a few out there. What I learned is if you call out friendly and they say their are friendly but don't send or accept a squad invite they are not friendly and want to wipe you out.
Fill is a horrible idea. i've gotten so many terrible players who can't even walk properly, let alone use a gun. i watched 2 players get clapped by a single non-armored bot with a 20 round 74u. they both had 3 plates.
the game with an actual team that comms is fucking insane. it's like night and day. these guys def knew what they were doing too.
Ohhhh my god the ending 😂😂😂😂
I'm here after watching grandpa hacks spectating Stonemountain. Good to finally see a streamer not cheating. Hats off brother!
I play solo and kill everyone I see but occasionally I'll be nice and let someone join me after I down them so I can pick them back up. Usually just leave them to go their own way and finish doing whatever it was I dropped in to go do.
Whenever I have 4-5 friends online we figured how to get in the same DMZ lobbies. Nothing like running fab5 or seal team6. Best is when teams of 3 get cocky, talk trash, and get run over not realizing we have 5-6 solid operators.
Dude you gotta tell me how. I have many friends and 6 manning up would be unstoppable
This just happened to me the other day. Me and my friend came up on a team of 3 and they just joined us and they were great. Got like 3 missions done and everyone got out
You guys are doing great! 💪🏻🙏🏻
DMZ mode is about peace through strength. Nobody joins up unless it's required for survival. It's about setting the tone. Squads seem easy to beat, be it because they're pre occupied with loot or fighting AI.
Literally love sitting at exfills with my vectes xmr 50cal with my ghillie suit sniping squads and looting all thier top tier loot they worked hard to get why I waited nice and silently for the perfect kill 😊
Maaaan id love to run with ya stone easy walkthrough 💪🏻💪🏻
Had a squad of 6 and then teamed up with another squad of 6. Obviously we couldn't join more then 6 people but we ran 12 strong. Lots of friendly fire though during missions lol. But it was awesome.
That's awesome. I've been looking forward to that myself, but haven't managed to put it together yet. It was mentioned once, I was with a 3 man and we were coming up on a squad Fighting AI. there were more than 3, I suggested trying to team up but squaddies had mentioned even if they would, friendly fire would likely be an issue in the fog of war with the AI or other squads.
@@KRaZyWaKa “In the fog of war,” calm down you weirdo
Last night I was on a six man squad and all these single and double squads tried to take us on😂 like ok you got me and a buddy but there's four other dudes who love me and they're coming for ya 😂
Man, you hit that UAV at the end and it pinged them on the hill overlooking the extraction. And when you were looking out the back I was sitting there yelling "their behind you" "turn around." Not like you could hear me, but as a fellow solo player, I was hoping you would make it out
This squad probably in their 30's, some of them might be a veteran in old MW2 days. That's from what I observed.
Im gonna need license and registration StoneMountain 😂
I love DMZ, i play it more than MW2 now.
Mantis is the evil arc to stones villain origin story 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
Always 🔥🔥🔥 content GGs
I love friendlies. Always sucks getting thirsted right at the spawn but i wish it was easier to migrate entire squads without one rogue member just killing you before accepting the invite
DMZ solos is so difficult. You need to prioritize on getting a couple self revives, not because of other players. But the bots are like insane, either too many or too op 🤣
DAMN at 14:27 you can see on the minimap right before the mini uav ends that he was heading straight for the chopper. and stone was too distracted shooting the ai and then when he got on the chopper he was looking toward the back and not where he just got on. oofaleh 😮💨
When I went into DMZ solo, I'd always try to find friends. 3 is better than 1, and 6 is better than 3. The help is always appreciated, and you can have some really great moments as a team.
I'd recommend pulling teams anyways as the AI here are RRRRUTHLESS!!!
Once, we destroyed 2 players and then invited the only player on to our team.... he explained that his team mates had some stuff they needed to extract, so we helped him
I wish I can run into players that are friendly like this in DMZ
I get some nice people I've queued in with some good people I ran solo and joined a decent Squad. It's hit or miss literally you could scream friendly but then the person will shoot you anyway or vice versa
I feel ya man I've been tricked and betrayed so many times I've had my own teammate betray me and lead a whole squad to kill me. I only shoot if shot at. Hopefully all the small brains will get sick of the op ai.
Man if I could play DMZ with StoneMountain64 I'd be ssssooooooo happy
I play DMZ for camaraderie first and foremost. I like chatting with friends, making new friends, accomplishing missions, and just messing around. I like to be on a team, but often play solo. When I see other players, I'm usually yelling "friendly" as I approach, in hopes that we can work together, team up, have more fun, and make new friends. When you turn and shoot me for absolutely no reason other than to loot my backpack, I think you're an A Hole. If you want something, just ask for it. Now my insured gun is gone. If you're only focused on your missions and ruining my game for your benefit, that's fine. It's just a game after all. I have a theory though. People who kill other players are scared. They think it's kill or be killed, and they don't want their game messed up, so they eliminated perceived threats. Plus, when you team up, you can accomplish more together! What's more impressive than being a DMZ rockstar by yourself, is to befriend other players. You want a real mission? Try completing that one! A Holes...
There's some players that dmz just bc they can't handle warzone but still want the feeling of "winning".
I Squad up ever since i got linked up with another squad of 3. running the map with 6 people makes you unstoppable when everyone communicates
Personally with how insane the AI can be these days. I have noticed an increase in the amount of teams who spend all their time hunting players rather than roaming doing faction missions. I myself am trying to help players wherever possible but with a team limit of 6, I myself tend to just end up thinning the herd rather than just trying to team up with everyone . After all this is war. And not everyone has good intentions.
Ive found many friendly squads that actually helped me with hard misions, dmz has a good future as a Game mode of wz2
It was the kill at the end by the same previous team for me lmao
I had a PERFECT pro 6 man squad with helo, good comms patience and strategy yesterday. It was freaking awesome we completed all squad hunts, but we derped and got multi-airstriked defending near the helo at the last exfil.. full wipe last second :(
I have had great experiences solo as well as filling with randos, and I strongly advise not letting the randos drive. I have died as much from other players' terrible driving choices as I have died from everything else combined. Especially being the best driver in Al Mazrah, you are better off taking the wheel
Love DMZ!!!!
I bought the add on with that ghillie suit but it won’t download. Any thoughts?
When he gets stuck in the trees 😅😅😅😂😂😂is
DMZ is an awesome gamemode
haha that's crazy you ran back into them and they did you dirty
that last few games, we've joined other squads...running around as six was much more fulfilling mission wise.... we did quite a bit and all benefitted
It’s pointless killing squads unless it’s a mission. Team up and beat the Ai they are better than most squads I’ve ran into. It’s also hit or miss. Half my squads are horrible and the others are great. There’s a reason it has six people per team that can link up. It greatly reduces the effectiveness of the ai and makes missions way easier. Everyone I kill I give the chance to rejoin. It’s a video game to have fun and if you’d constantly dying it’s not fun
They just dont get it and they gloat about killing you instead of completing missions
Pure fiction, playing a few solos on DMZ every day and yet to encounter anyone who isn't out for blood.
I love getting a squad of 6, totally changes the game.
At 2:58 nah twitch ain't that great LOL
At 3:59 well STONE at least you didn't die from tree damage 🙈
I never get nice people like that. Usually people are screaming FRIENDLY FRIENDLY as they kill me...
Mantis rolled you hard, Stone. Feels bad man.
My 2nd dmz match ever ended up with 6 people, absolute treat.
This is how 50% of my game play gos. if you see Loady in the DMZ you know youre going to have fun
If your playing solo it really helps to take in stims as your tactical slot. Help getting out of sticky spots against the a.i
I wonder if you could convince all the teams to link up somehow and then everyone exfil on one copper
How did you get your coms to sound that way?
That awkward laugh 😅