Taiwan Railways Administration lifts floor-sitting ban in Taipei Main Station central hall

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • The ongoing debate over whether people should be allowed to sit on the floor of the central hall of Taipei Main Station has finally been resolved. The Taiwan Railways Administration has decided to lift the ban on floor sitting that was imposed due to COVID-19. To make visitors feel welcome, the TRA has adorned the checkerboard floor with smileys and the word "smile" in different languages. People can also hang out in one of the 40 seats to be installed under the station''s Choo Choo Clock.
    Foreign migrant workers sit in the middle of the main hall in Taipei Main Station for a photo, and do as the word inscribed on the floor dictates: smile. From now on, floor sitting is no longer prohibited.
    Member of public
    This is quite OK. It’s very democratic. This just goes to show that we’re all willing to have them become one of us. I think it’s great.
    Migrant worker
    I’ve brought some fruit here to celebrate.
    Foreign migrant workers can congregate once again in their old stomping ground. Moreover, the austere-looking floor is now adorned with smileys.
    Tu Wei-ting
    Taipei station master
    After many public hearings and forums, we’ve reached the consensus that a public space is for public use and citizen participation. Our goal is to create a friendly environment.
    The main concourse has now become the Hall of Smiles. Its former plain checkerboard floor has acquired smileys and the word “smile” in ten different languages. But with the pandemic still looming, slogans reminding the public to maintain a safe social distance are still on display.
    Yang Yu-ching
    FTV reporter
    In addition to allowing floor sitting in the main hall, 40 seats will be installed under the Choo Choo Clock.
    Member of public
    I think the main concern should be ease of travel, not a bunch of people gathering here. Sitting on the floor should be avoided. It’s unsightly with so many people.
    Many still feel ending the ban on floor sitting in the main hall will affect the flow of human traffic and the look of the place. But the TRA simply wants to let visitors feel that they belong, whether sitting or standing, or whether they’re for or against the new policy.

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