THE ILLRIGGER The lawful evil illrigger creates for his god a framework of evil on which to operate and subdue key proponents of good. He has crisply efficient assassination skills and maintains a functioning network of followers to precipitate his crimes upon the world. Should the illrigger ever commit a chaotic or carelessly disruptive act, his church will excommunicate him and he will become forevermore a normal fighter. Illriggers prefer armor and weapons of darkened metal. Plate mail and morning stars predominate. Illriggers wear great helmets bearing the symbols and war standards of their gods. Insignias of rank, each a subsymbol of the illriggers personal sigil, accompany every follower. Wisdom and intelligence are the prime requisites of the illrigger. A total score in both abilities of 32 or greater adds 10% to earned experience, and a total of 35 or greater adds 15%. Illriggers have chances to know listed spells and minimum and maximum spells per level as magic-users do (see Players Handbook, p. 10, Intelligence Table II: Ability for Magic-users) and receive spell bonuses and chances of spell failure according to their wisdom scores as clerics do (see Players Handbook, p. 11, Wisdom Table II). Illriggers can use any magic item unless it has an intrinsic good alignment. Each time the illrigger gains a level, a cumulative 10% chance indicates the presence of a follower (10% upon reaching 2nd level, 20% upon reaching 3rd, etc.). Illrigger Table III shows the type of followers attracted by an illrigger. An illrigger with sufficient funds can build a stronghold at any time. The special abilities of an illrigger are: 1. A continual emanation of a protection from good spell. 2. Immunity to all forms of disease. 3. Detection of good at 5 per level. The illrigger can determine the type of good (lawful, neutral, or chaotic) in one segment of concentration. 4. Saving throw bonuses against chaotic magic at +1 for each three levels ( +1 at 1st through 3rd level, +2 at 4th through 6th level, etc.). Chaotic magic includes any spells cast by chaotic NPCs or monsters, and any effects of magic items that are intrinsically chaotic or that are used by chaotic beings. 5. Spell use at 5th level and above. Illrigger Table II shows the number and level of such spells. 6. The use of certain thief functions at a level of ability equal to half the level of the illrigger (1st-level ability at 1st and 2nd level, 2nd-level ability at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). The functions include open locks, find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, and hear noise. Racial adjustments do not apply. 7. The ability to attack on the assassins table for assassinations after surprising an opponent. The illrigger follows no strictures other than the rigid rules necessary to maintain his church. Nearly all known illriggers are devil worshippers.
Definitely hoping for The Talent, as difficult as it may be to implement correctly. It is a class that truly stands on its own, with its own identity as the inheritor of the Mystic archetype
If someone plays this class at my table, I'm fully going to let them have two Weapon Masteries as well. It's the only change it needs for 2024, and the class is actually pretty amazing.
@@MijMikeit comes with 5 subclasses and 4 fighting style options out of the box but yeah it still is a bit steep. I think that’s how much it was when he first released it though too.
@@Exaltable come on, if you seriously think 15 dollars per class is a good price point, enjoy it. There are entire RPG systems that cost 30 dollars out there. Stop acting like WotC are broke. 😂😂😂
I'm so happy and excited for this book you guys made classes for a group in my campaign that I was trying to find something similar and couldn't find thank you so much. I love how my idea melds with this book so much I can't thank you enough for helping me with my story 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️
The 2014 players handbook has 12 classes + 9 race options some with their own subraces + 12 backgrounds for 50$ I love the idea of this class but it should be 5$ or 10$ MAX if its a masterpiece but 15$ is price gouging
This kind of movement makes me excited for the idea of both the tamer and the bender from both heliana's guide to monster hunting and ryokos guide to the yokai realms
Custom classes feels like a technical block way more than a licensing or creative block. This is a _product_ , probably part of a series of one-off products, more like the Bloodhunter than a player-crated class.
@@philipmeade7789 I think so but that it’s still a long way off. The stated goal is they want DDB to become the Steam of D&D; albeit they’re moving at a glacial pace. With that in mind if it does come to pass and they allow self publishing of homebrew onto their marketplace you could in theory see custom classes. The infrastructure is there as evidenced by this and the CR class the Blood Hunter, and the payment system exists obviously too. If you can put both of those things together already and even allow Mercer to update and edit the Blood Hunter multiple times then I would say it’s a matter of patience for you and anyone to be able to publish your homebrew class and let others use it. Maybe if that happens these third party custom classes will actually get properly balanced too *glares at Mage Hand Press and “Valda’s Spire” in particular*
It was revised last year, so it's more updated than its initial release. But it hasn't been updated for 5e 2024. Should still work plenty fine in 5.24 though.
@@BlazeLycan yes and no it’s specifically got subclasses that work like it and can definitely encompass the idea of blackguard but it’s mostly focused on the hells and expands to larger amounts of character concepts as well.
Hey I highly doubt I’ll get a response but I got a question. If the attack I trigger the burning seal is a crit. Does that seal’s damage get doubled? If it does does the painkiller’s deathstrike mean that it would be doubled the critical seal damage? I was talking to my dm and am looking for clarification since its wording is similar to the Death strike ability of the assassin.
It was revised at the end of 2023, so it doesn’t have weapon mastery and more closely fits with the 2014 rules, but the 2024 rules say that a 2014 character can be played at the same table as 2024 characters
I like the idea of new classes but like 15 dollars for one class? I get its basically Wotc sponsored homebrew similar to blood hunter in previous edition which is cool! But I feel like 15 dollars for just a class where their isn't even a guarantee all gms will allow it is a bit much. Why not just make one source book that just has like 4 or 5 new classes all made by community contributors, put it all in one book, add artificer to the book to be a big sales pitch and call the book something like "Forgotten paths of Heroes" or something. Then make the book like 50 bucks or something itll cost more but it at least has content worth to the amount of money. Cool class tho
Is not homebrew, is a third-party class from a company that hires professional designers, illustrators, and playtests the product. They also pay people well for their labor, that's why it costs more than what a homebrewer might ask for a class.
Someone didn't do their homework. Illrigger actually dates back to 1st edition. It was laid out in a Dragon Magazine article as a Lawful Evil Paladin. The article created Paladins for every alignment. But this does sound interesting.
That was the original inspiration, yes. The MCDM version doesn't resemble that one beyond name and basic concept though. There were versions of warlord and warlock from early Dragon Magazine articles long before their introduction as official D&D classes, so it's not unprecedented.
MCDM certainly knows that - it was what inspired the first version of the Illrigger they made for play in an online campaign, which later got turned in their (MCDMs) first version of the Illrigger, which was then revised for MCDM by Sadie -which is the reason she mentions as the "original" because it was the original SHE started off from.
It's rough enough when paladins get spells only up to level 5, so max level 4 is worrisome. As cool as this class is, nothing beats being able to cast high level spells.
Nah man. I guarantee you a proper illrigger can outpace a pally. Paladins are limited to the oaths they have and certain spell slots. Spells are fun and all great but illriggers have ways of doing what a pally can do but better minus smiting bc that's still always gonna be strong. The weakest hellspeaker can give a good pally player issues. There's so many ways to bust this class its crazy.
So it is just pact based subclass based on Blood Hunter as a base class, and then for subclasses you select if your base class is fighter, rogue or warlock. Funny.
As much as I think it's neat that new classes are coming, MCDM's classes don't really fit into D&D imo. I had an experienced player start a campaign as a Beastheart, and every time his turn would roll around the game would slow to a crawl. It may have just been because we were unfamiliar with the rules, but the class was just doing too much, and had too much upkeep. My player retired that character after around 10 sessions just because it was so much more "crunchy" than most D&D classes should be. It's not even that it was overpowered, it just was a lot more effort for essentially the same class fantasy as a Druid or Ranger. At first glance this too seems like too much for just an Echo Knight Fighter/Paladin/Hexblade, but I'd love to be convinced otherwise.
That really falls onto the DM for not fully reading the mechanics prior to allowing it. That's why you always do a test run and allow the player and the dm one on one to see what they like and don't like. The beast heart is a very fun and balanced class that can easily be sped up with proper rule 0 talks before hand and testing
D&D DM from Brazil here. Since the class has a very difficult name to translate in a fitting manner, could we have at least some indications to how we could call it in brazilian portuguese? Thanks in advance.
@StriderZessei both those subclasses need a buff. Any already strong sub class that got ported over got a Nerf. Bladesinger is fine as it is and stands equally as strong next to the 2024 5e subclasses. If anything, it's stronger now with the new spells and wizard features.
While the idea of a “Hell Knight” isn’t very unique or original, I like the idea of a Blood Mage Healer. PainKiller also looks cool but the name is nonsense and the features are very limited in use.
@wlefebvre0119 aside from Ranger not getting enough new stuff, every change in 2024 has been to make the classes feel better and the game more balanced. Paladins can only smite on a bonus action, but that's the biggest complaint I've heard.
This is a Player Class? How many tables actually use Evil characters in the first place for this to be an in-demand class? They really should have just given us the updated Artificer already.
This comes from Matt Colville. His 3rd party company made this like 3 years ago or something. Now DnDbeyond is adding 3rd party stuff to their marketplace and MCDM is one of the biggest. Its not WOTC making random classes. Its them opening DnDbeyond to independent developers
It was released years ago; so technically 5e, but its very strong, so I'd probably throw it on 2024 groups since they're designed about being stronger.
This is for 5e. Not updated for 5.5. The Artificer doesn't need an update for 5.5. It's already strong enough to stand next to the 5.5 updated classes.
Initial thought - I take a bit of umbrage with the class being so intrinsically evil-coded. It immediately makes the whole class feel restrictive from a creative standpoint, making my first instinct when considering making a character for the class to be to design one that flies in the face of that restriction who is distinctly Good-Aligned and using their powers to stand against the hells. The issue there being that I have to figure out a way for that to make sense.
Just reflavor what the seals are, you don't *have* to be evil at all and can just use the mechanic as a chassis. A more open-minded DM might even let you change the parts that *are* inherently evil into something else.
Why name it Illrigger when Edgelord was *right there*?! Also 15 bucks for what amounts to a homebrew class and it doesn't even clarify which version of 5e it works with? Classic WotC.
A fully integrated into D&DBeyond base class and multiple subclasses for 15 dollars is about on point. You can play 2014 classes with 2024 classes; this class can play in both (though given the power bump in the 2024 PHB, this class fits better there).
Kinda cool because this seems like a suitable nemesis to the Bloodhunter
especially the Sutekh themed one!
Original Illrigger "A Plethora of Paladins" Dragon Magazine, No 106
One of my favorite articles ever in Dragon
The lawful evil illrigger creates for his god a framework of evil on
which to operate and subdue key proponents of good. He has crisply
efficient assassination skills and maintains a functioning network of
followers to precipitate his crimes upon the world. Should the illrigger ever commit a chaotic or carelessly disruptive act, his church will
excommunicate him and he will become forevermore a normal
Illriggers prefer armor and weapons of darkened metal. Plate mail
and morning stars predominate. Illriggers wear great helmets bearing the symbols and war standards of their gods. Insignias of rank,
each a subsymbol of the illriggers personal sigil, accompany every
Wisdom and intelligence are the prime requisites of the illrigger.
A total score in both abilities of 32 or greater adds 10% to earned
experience, and a total of 35 or greater adds 15%. Illriggers have
chances to know listed spells and minimum and maximum spells per
level as magic-users do (see Players Handbook, p. 10, Intelligence
Table II: Ability for Magic-users) and receive spell bonuses and
chances of spell failure according to their wisdom scores as clerics do
(see Players Handbook, p. 11, Wisdom Table II).
Illriggers can use any magic item unless it has an intrinsic good
alignment. Each time the illrigger gains a level, a cumulative 10%
chance indicates the presence of a follower (10% upon reaching 2nd
level, 20% upon reaching 3rd, etc.). Illrigger Table III shows the
type of followers attracted by an illrigger. An illrigger with sufficient
funds can build a stronghold at any time.
The special abilities of an illrigger are:
1. A continual emanation of a protection from good spell.
2. Immunity to all forms of disease.
3. Detection of good at 5 per level. The illrigger can determine
the type of good (lawful, neutral, or chaotic) in one segment of concentration.
4. Saving throw bonuses against chaotic magic at +1 for each
three levels ( +1 at 1st through 3rd level, +2 at 4th through 6th
level, etc.). Chaotic magic includes any spells cast by chaotic NPCs
or monsters, and any effects of magic items that are intrinsically
chaotic or that are used by chaotic beings.
5. Spell use at 5th level and above. Illrigger Table II shows the
number and level of such spells.
6. The use of certain thief functions at a level of ability equal to
half the level of the illrigger (1st-level ability at 1st and 2nd level,
2nd-level ability at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). The functions include
open locks, find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, and
hear noise. Racial adjustments do not apply.
7. The ability to attack on the assassins table for assassinations
after surprising an opponent.
The illrigger follows no strictures other than the rigid rules necessary to maintain his church. Nearly all known illriggers are devil worshippers.
Definitely hoping for The Talent, as difficult as it may be to implement correctly. It is a class that truly stands on its own, with its own identity as the inheritor of the Mystic archetype
The best Psi class for 5th edition by far, 10 times better then the Mystic and the Psionics rules are as good as the old ones, no magic copy.
Please DNDbeyond let's get the Apothecary class from Sebastian Crowe's guide to Drakkenheim from the Dungeon Dudes!!!
Book should be available at DNDbeyond.
This, so many great subclass options also but would love the apothecary to be on there finally
Book is but the class is not. @@eleishar18
Leme play my arcane hand monk please
Homebrew classes added to DnDBeyond? It's about time
i mean... its not about time... they added the blood hunter SEVERAL years ago from critical role
*more homebrew classes
@@voryndagothDL this isn’t really adding functionality for homebrew classes at least not for the masses
MCDM class on ddb I am so very excited. Bring Beastheart and Talent next woo! and more 3rd party classes and custom classes one day maybe lol.
The new Monster Hunter class from the 2024 Grim Hollow books is rumored to be going on DnDBeyond once the rest of those books are added
Yes all MCDM classes!
If this was bundled with Beastheart and the talent I'd consider buying it. As is, it's wildly overpriced.
@@mrmuffins951 Yes it should be as both new Grim hollow books will be on DNDbeyond, including the new class and new subclasses
We'd already be there if they hadn't sold themselves to WotC.
If someone plays this class at my table, I'm fully going to let them have two Weapon Masteries as well. It's the only change it needs for 2024, and the class is actually pretty amazing.
Right I was building an ill-lock and debated a level of fighter just for that. Went 5/5 and no fighter but I really wanted it lol
I love how excited she is about this thing she created. Her excitement made me buy the class. Kudos!
This is actually perfect for the campaign I am DMing.
Fyi this class costs $15
15 dollars for a class? 😂😂😂😂
I feel like the five subclasses, four new fighting styles, and the couple magic items and spells make it a tad more reasonable
@@MijMikeit comes with 5 subclasses and 4 fighting style options out of the box but yeah it still is a bit steep. I think that’s how much it was when he first released it though too.
It’s a homebrew supporting a 3rd party creator? Why were you expecting it to be free? It’s not a core class?
@@Exaltable come on, if you seriously think 15 dollars per class is a good price point, enjoy it. There are entire RPG systems that cost 30 dollars out there. Stop acting like WotC are broke. 😂😂😂
Awesome! I hope they do this with more homebrew classes too!
The new Monster Hunter class from the 2024 Grim Hollow books is rumored to be going on DnDBeyond once the rest of those books are added
I like Sadie's enthusiasm, I hope the MCDM showcase her more. The Class and subclass is very cool
Just picked this up and already planing my next 2 characters hahaha
Oath Breaker Paladin Class!
More like a knight of hell class
Minus the auras - there are auras, but its like a Warlock meets Eldrich Knight with a pinch of Monk and Paladin.
@@nm2358 It's a nice blend though
sounds like a Hell Knight from Pathfinder... but they can't say that they took ideas from other games I guess
The class would resonate well with the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Beastheart tomorrow? Talent on Friday??
Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope
That would be so awesome!
@@mrmuffins951 I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner. 🕷️
I hope they release the talent
I feel compelled to someday have an entire party of Illriggers, one of each subclass :D
And since there's five subclasses, they each have a vital role! Workshopped name could be 'the Black Hand' or something.
@@occultcenturion1131During the playtest for the revision, me and a couple of other players did just that. Your table would have a wildly fun time.
Does this mean we might get the Talent too?
Omg!!! This is amazing news.
I know I'm a few days behind but I'm about to play one soon and I am so satisfied with the class so far y'all have done an amazing job
Now we just need to get the Monster Hunter from the new Grim Hollow book when it drops…
Yes! And dungeons dudes apothecary
This is great!!! I'm getting this ASAP!!!
Would love to see the Beastheart and Talent, but also classic 3rd party classes like the Pugilist, the Gunslinger, and everything by IndestructoBoy
I'm so happy and excited for this book you guys made classes for a group in my campaign that I was trying to find something similar and couldn't find thank you so much. I love how my idea melds with this book so much I can't thank you enough for helping me with my story 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️
The 2014 players handbook has 12 classes + 9 race options some with their own subraces + 12 backgrounds for 50$ I love the idea of this class but it should be 5$ or 10$ MAX if its a masterpiece but 15$ is price gouging
Just no. This is a standalone class from a 3rd party, they deserve their money. It's also 5 subclasses, new fighting styles(iirc), and new spells
Omg please import the Talent next !!!!!
If this is going to be the trend, release a bundle also where is Artificer?
I now, it seems like they're doing anything that they can to ignore it.
@@sorcereradventurer likely in the forgotten realms setting book
Artificer doesn't need an update. It's strong enough to stand next to the 2024 classes no problem.
More subclasses would be cool.
@@chrisg8989true tho artificer slaps
@@chrisg8989its not, its main gimmick about storing spells on items can now be done by anyone
Love the blood subclass
Im playing one and It's awesome
This kind of movement makes me excited for the idea of both the tamer and the bender from both heliana's guide to monster hunting and ryokos guide to the yokai realms
I want to see the Paramandyr recreated - preserve the balance by messily killing anything of extreme alignment!
Does this bring us any closer to custom classes?
I would say so. Closer, but probably not close.
I really wish they didnt completely backtrack on that. I think at this point they are just hoping we forget they promised custom classes.
Custom classes feels like a technical block way more than a licensing or creative block. This is a _product_ , probably part of a series of one-off products, more like the Bloodhunter than a player-crated class.
@@philipmeade7789 I think so but that it’s still a long way off. The stated goal is they want DDB to become the Steam of D&D; albeit they’re moving at a glacial pace. With that in mind if it does come to pass and they allow self publishing of homebrew onto their marketplace you could in theory see custom classes. The infrastructure is there as evidenced by this and the CR class the Blood Hunter, and the payment system exists obviously too. If you can put both of those things together already and even allow Mercer to update and edit the Blood Hunter multiple times then I would say it’s a matter of patience for you and anyone to be able to publish your homebrew class and let others use it.
Maybe if that happens these third party custom classes will actually get properly balanced too *glares at Mage Hand Press and “Valda’s Spire” in particular*
this is fantastic news! Im throwing my vote also for the Talent!
Listening to this, it sounded like a GM PC class that does it all, but then I remembered all of the toys EVERYONE got in 2024. It looks pretty rad.
$15 is a bit steep for a class, however, it’s a pretty badass class, so I’ll definitely be getting this
Yeah, a lot of stuff in it with 5 subclasses. And a lot of art in there too
I hope they reduced the casting subclass to 4th level spells at 19 instead of the original 6th level spells at 15th
They did. The caster archetype works like eldritch knight
Egh, shoulda been a half caster. Doesn't really add much with the new 2024 EK.
So what I’m getting is that it’s the opposite of a paladin. Right?
In flavoring yes, but the subclasses add so much more.
Create a playable Ranger: 👎
Create evil Paladin: 👍
Let's hope they can implement the Beastheart, the coolest companion class.
This class is a lot of fun!
The illrigger is a LE palading from dragon magazine 106 in the 80s
Now I just need to find a game that allows this...
Is this updated for 2024? I'll rigger had been out for years now in MCDM Strongholds book.
It was revised last year, so it's more updated than its initial release. But it hasn't been updated for 5e 2024.
Should still work plenty fine in 5.24 though.
No. It's 5e class.
This is great, can we get the apothecary though?
basically an evil paladin
Very much an evil paladin, but also an evil assassin, evil bard or evil caster depending on the subclass.
Evil Paladin with invocations in an Eldritch Knight'a frame.
Not more evil than infernal pact warlocks
Wait, is this effectively a Black Guard?
@@BlazeLycan yes and no it’s specifically got subclasses that work like it and can definitely encompass the idea of blackguard but it’s mostly focused on the hells and expands to larger amounts of character concepts as well.
The painkiller subclass is kinda like that.
It's a hell knight
Bravado existing as an ability means all my sorcerers better be able to use CON as a spellcasting modifier
What everyone wants the warlock/bloodhunter to be
As much as I would like to take this class for a drive, paying 15 dollars for a single class is a little absurd.
I am happy that you have a new class, looks really cool but can you update the Artificer was well please because I don't get why it was left out.
This looks so cool!
Hey I highly doubt I’ll get a response but I got a question. If the attack I trigger the burning seal is a crit. Does that seal’s damage get doubled? If it does does the painkiller’s deathstrike mean that it would be doubled the critical seal damage? I was talking to my dm and am looking for clarification since its wording is similar to the Death strike ability of the assassin.
Seals do not crit
it'd be nice if i actually had access to the content since i've purchased it, but alas it is not so.
been waiting for this for ages
Is this class updated for 2024, or is it just the 2014 version that's coming to DND beyond?
It was revised at the end of 2023, so it doesn’t have weapon mastery and more closely fits with the 2014 rules, but the 2024 rules say that a 2014 character can be played at the same table as 2024 characters
It's a 5e class.
@chrisg8989 Yes, but is it 2014 5e or 2024 5e?
@Bryito 5e. Not 5.5e
@mrmuffins951 I see. Do you think it will fall under expanded rules or legacy? I try to turn off all legacy content if possible, typically🤔
I like the idea of new classes but like 15 dollars for one class? I get its basically Wotc sponsored homebrew similar to blood hunter in previous edition which is cool! But I feel like 15 dollars for just a class where their isn't even a guarantee all gms will allow it is a bit much. Why not just make one source book that just has like 4 or 5 new classes all made by community contributors, put it all in one book, add artificer to the book to be a big sales pitch and call the book something like "Forgotten paths of Heroes" or something. Then make the book like 50 bucks or something itll cost more but it at least has content worth to the amount of money. Cool class tho
Is not homebrew, is a third-party class from a company that hires professional designers, illustrators, and playtests the product. They also pay people well for their labor, that's why it costs more than what a homebrewer might ask for a class.
Please tell me this is good news for the Dungeons of Drakkenheim Apothecary class!
Someone didn't do their homework. Illrigger actually dates back to 1st edition. It was laid out in a Dragon Magazine article as a Lawful Evil Paladin.
The article created Paladins for every alignment.
But this does sound interesting.
Correct. 'A Plethora of Paladins' Dragon issue 106, if the index I found is correct.
That was the original inspiration, yes. The MCDM version doesn't resemble that one beyond name and basic concept though. There were versions of warlord and warlock from early Dragon Magazine articles long before their introduction as official D&D classes, so it's not unprecedented.
MCDM certainly knows that - it was what inspired the first version of the Illrigger they made for play in an online campaign, which later got turned in their (MCDMs) first version of the Illrigger, which was then revised for MCDM by Sadie -which is the reason she mentions as the "original" because it was the original SHE started off from.
Finally I can replay as a border control agent
Illrigger appeared years and years ago in Dragon Magazine in an article about a Paladin for Every Alignment
bought it and it keeps taking me back to the marketplace eveytime i click it nad it wont show up in Character builder
Who is Sutekh? I've checked the wiki and everything, and I can't find this particular archdevil.
It's MCDM IP character.
Do we get the dungeon dudes apothecary soon please?
How is this different from a warlock, in terms of the fantasy?
more hell, less eldritch blast?
its sounds just like a black guard.. ether way good add. now i guess we will have to make a separate class for evil clerics.
Ha, Todd's officially back at D&D Beyond!
So is this new class like a martial version of the warlock?
So there's a new 15$ class from mcdm but I still can't use many wiz kids published classes with a 2024 character yet..
Does it have been updated to 2024 rules? Like weapon masteries and epic boons?
Please add 2 weapon masteries at level 1 or 2.
Now can we get a REAL and playable psionic class? Please?
How is it I look forward to other channels explaining things then here?
Oh, legit big news
Also, 15 dollars for a whole class integrated into DnD beyond is fairly reasonable.
And the money doesn’t all go back to Hasbro
Not to mention it’s for 5e, not 5.5
@ why does it matter? 5.5 is backwards compatible so you can play this at a 5.5 table
@@MrJynkypt Its a lot stronger than the other martial options in 5e; you should definitely be throwing this into 5.5 parties.
Maybe if the Beastheart and the Talent were included, it would be worth 15...
It's rough enough when paladins get spells only up to level 5, so max level 4 is worrisome. As cool as this class is, nothing beats being able to cast high level spells.
Nah man. I guarantee you a proper illrigger can outpace a pally. Paladins are limited to the oaths they have and certain spell slots. Spells are fun and all great but illriggers have ways of doing what a pally can do but better minus smiting bc that's still always gonna be strong. The weakest hellspeaker can give a good pally player issues. There's so many ways to bust this class its crazy.
So it’s a hell Paladin
Can we get the Beastheart too?
So it is just pact based subclass based on Blood Hunter as a base class, and then for subclasses you select if your base class is fighter, rogue or warlock. Funny.
Well, this sucks that I just played one last week for a one-shot…
When are you going to address things what your subscribers ask for on the forums?
As much as I think it's neat that new classes are coming, MCDM's classes don't really fit into D&D imo. I had an experienced player start a campaign as a Beastheart, and every time his turn would roll around the game would slow to a crawl. It may have just been because we were unfamiliar with the rules, but the class was just doing too much, and had too much upkeep. My player retired that character after around 10 sessions just because it was so much more "crunchy" than most D&D classes should be. It's not even that it was overpowered, it just was a lot more effort for essentially the same class fantasy as a Druid or Ranger. At first glance this too seems like too much for just an Echo Knight Fighter/Paladin/Hexblade, but I'd love to be convinced otherwise.
That really falls onto the DM for not fully reading the mechanics prior to allowing it. That's why you always do a test run and allow the player and the dm one on one to see what they like and don't like. The beast heart is a very fun and balanced class that can easily be sped up with proper rule 0 talks before hand and testing
D&D DM from Brazil here. Since the class has a very difficult name to translate in a fitting manner, could we have at least some indications to how we could call it in brazilian portuguese? Thanks in advance.
@@JanterCyrano We speak portuguese in Brazil but thanks for trying anyway i guess
A devil politician class? Great, always wanted a chance to role play Gavin Newsom!
Where Bladesinger?
They would ruin blade singer. It's better left as it is. Works just fine with 5.5e wizard.
@@chrisg8989 every other gish is better than ever. Save your doom and gloom for reddit.
@StriderZessei common. You know Wizards would make em worse.
@chrisg8989 looking at Valor Bard and Eldritch Knight, no, no I don't think they will.
@StriderZessei both those subclasses need a buff. Any already strong sub class that got ported over got a Nerf.
Bladesinger is fine as it is and stands equally as strong next to the 2024 5e subclasses. If anything, it's stronger now with the new spells and wizard features.
Fresh off the line
Now bring back blackguards and don't make me pay extra to be a cleric other than life on your app
While the idea of a “Hell Knight” isn’t very unique or original, I like the idea of a Blood Mage Healer.
PainKiller also looks cool but the name is nonsense and the features are very limited in use.
It's also probably not going to be compatible with the 2014 content so won't be used in most games right now.
Weird, everyone I know moved over to the 2024 rules asap.
@StriderZessei dang really? All I've heard are that the changes are garbage. I don't have any opinions of them myself mind you.
Having played 2024 for two months already, the changes are amazing. Also this is a 2014 class, otherwise I'd bet they'd have weapon masteries
@@Hyodorio touché. I didn't remember the weapon masteries.
@wlefebvre0119 aside from Ranger not getting enough new stuff, every change in 2024 has been to make the classes feel better and the game more balanced.
Paladins can only smite on a bonus action, but that's the biggest complaint I've heard.
This is a Player Class? How many tables actually use Evil characters in the first place for this to be an in-demand class? They really should have just given us the updated Artificer already.
Thank you, hello WotC?!
Who says they need to be evil? The role play potential of this class can easily be something for any kind of character.
This comes from Matt Colville. His 3rd party company made this like 3 years ago or something. Now DnDbeyond is adding 3rd party stuff to their marketplace and MCDM is one of the biggest.
Its not WOTC making random classes. Its them opening DnDbeyond to independent developers
….. Bloodhunter Subclass?
Seems like almost not possible to work with standard hero parties, only other illriggers and rogues at best.
is this compatable with 2024 rules??
Frankly if they are going to charge $15 it shold be ment for 2024 rule set if not then it will be a hard pass for me!!
no lmao, its too powerful for 2014 but underpowered for 2024 😂
This is pretty sweet, but it not having weapon masteries, and the other various tune ups for 2024 makes it feel kinda meh.
I am an illrigger lover.
Is it for 5e or 2024 D&D
It was released years ago; so technically 5e, but its very strong, so I'd probably throw it on 2024 groups since they're designed about being stronger.
It's a 5e 3rd party class.
So we get this but not artificer...
This is for 5e. Not updated for 5.5.
The Artificer doesn't need an update for 5.5. It's already strong enough to stand next to the 5.5 updated classes.
Is this class for 5e 2014 or 24
It was designed for 2014. But you can just slap on weapon mastery and call it a day.
Initial thought - I take a bit of umbrage with the class being so intrinsically evil-coded. It immediately makes the whole class feel restrictive from a creative standpoint, making my first instinct when considering making a character for the class to be to design one that flies in the face of that restriction who is distinctly Good-Aligned and using their powers to stand against the hells. The issue there being that I have to figure out a way for that to make sense.
Just reflavor what the seals are, you don't *have* to be evil at all and can just use the mechanic as a chassis. A more open-minded DM might even let you change the parts that *are* inherently evil into something else.
This is rather expensive for something i am usually not allowed to use.
Why name it Illrigger when Edgelord was *right there*?!
Also 15 bucks for what amounts to a homebrew class and it doesn't even clarify which version of 5e it works with? Classic WotC.
A fully integrated into D&DBeyond base class and multiple subclasses for 15 dollars is about on point.
You can play 2014 classes with 2024 classes; this class can play in both (though given the power bump in the 2024 PHB, this class fits better there).
@@nm2358 get WoTC's boots out your mouth they are dirty
@@gunner22484It's MCDM's squeaky clean boots that are in their mouth, tyvm.
It's not a "homebrew class", it's a third party class that is possibly more thoroughly playtested before releas than most of the WotC published ones
@LogistiQbunnik 3rd party is homebrew, lol.
This sounds rad as hell