My Hopes and Fears for the Construction Update | Planetside 2

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 82

  • @TheBackyardChemist
    @TheBackyardChemist Год назад +46

    I think one of the biggest issues of no-deploy/no-construct zones is that they are circles. A lot of bases are not. Trying to set the circle sizes to cover non-circular bases is a recipe for pain. PS2 desperately needs support for polygonal, ellipsoid or otherwise non-circular exclusion zones.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya Год назад +12

      If for some reason that's not possible, overlapping circles of various sizes could work.

    • @Fantastic_Mr_Fox
      @Fantastic_Mr_Fox Год назад +1

      @@ZealousVidya My autism tells me I would die if that was implemented in that way though, ngl

    • @TheBackyardChemist
      @TheBackyardChemist Год назад +4

      @@Fantastic_Mr_Fox you get 4 circles on your tech plant, forming a cock and balls

  • @Peebuddies
    @Peebuddies Год назад +32

    I remember when Oshur first came out you could build damn near anywhere. What ended up happening is that people would build destructible layers around the POIs, creating this kind of "levelution" the other buildings being destroyed until you reached the core of the base. Which was fun for me at least. Bases could have depth and were entirely different each time depending on the creativity of the builder, even small bases could be turned into interesting fights, construction reinforcing the bases natural weaknesses completely changing the flow of battle.
    But over time they've removed all of that and went back to form, bases with large no-construction zones and now Oshur sucks worse than Koltyr. We only ever fight at the same bases over and over, often times for hours on end during low pop hours.
    This should absolutely return, at least for the smaller POI's maybe they would get one of those pre-built silos enticing people to throw up add-ons. I understand you maybe don't want places like 'The Crown' to also get upgraded but there are so many smaller bases that could be "Improved" by the players and make construction relevant again.

    • @E1nsty
      @E1nsty Год назад +1

      Wish we could get random days when construction inhibiting nanite fields would be disabled on the whole continent. Maybe during some events. Spice things up a bit.

    • @travis1066
      @travis1066 Год назад +4

      This sounds actually pretty cool. The ability for construction to be an add on at certain bases around the map.
      I assume not everything would be available. But a good chunk. Also would feel like a throwback to planetside 1 where Ant's would resupply the base.

    @EXEQUTER- Год назад +23

    Reducing the No Construction Zones is the way to go for now I believe, Thats how you make construction more interactive, by allowing it to be near important capture points, not in the middle of nowhere.

    • @conscript900
      @conscript900 Год назад +4

      Would also mean that small or individual builders can help prepare some points to some degrees while other areas are getting the bigger teams focuses.

  • @Fantastic_Mr_Fox
    @Fantastic_Mr_Fox Год назад +3

    6 years ago but still 4000% relevant 👌
    Wasn't expecting a shoutout to my fav CMDR Cyrious vid lol.

  • @BrendaDelam
    @BrendaDelam Год назад +4

    RPG and DBG before them have often taken guarded steps and half measures for most of their existence, and it is somewhat clear to me that this lets them tread water at best. They need to take a gamble if they truly want to grow. The question of how to bake construction into the normal battleflow is critical for the success of construction and NEEDS to be gambled on for this to work. Otherwise they will have wasted money on another half measure.

  • @VindicatorsOutfit
    @VindicatorsOutfit Год назад +3

    Thanks for mentioning my work. The mock up you mentioned was actually inspired by your microlattice idea for guiding and spreading fights through facilities.

    • @CMDRCyrious
      @CMDRCyrious  Год назад

      I feel like I missed some of your other interesting ideas on how to create flow outside the bases. What other sections of your website would be good for people to browse?

  • @JH-pe3ro
    @JH-pe3ro Год назад +2

    It's already the case that construction has been quietly given a strategic buff because of the router rebalancing. Gone are the days where you had to have your platoon immediately spawn on it or it would just be squashed instantly. Now it's much, much more common that I can solo build a router, tuck it away in a quiet rooftop or mountainside, and watch as a trickle of randoms flows in, failing to sustain a fight, but forcing redeployside defenders to return over and over as they fail to find the spawn in any of the usual spots and the minimap does nothing to effect, making it so that it's easier to attack the nearby construction and remove the spire instead. This has been slept on in the meta because it's not a very legible change, but every time I've succeeded at posting these secret routers, my faction ends up controlling that part of the map, and I don't think that's an accident.
    Building everywhere would be nice as well, but I can say that building has been more satisfying lately just because of this change and how it creates a subgoal that naturally spreads out the pop.
    If they were to push this angle further and buff the router spawn to require an overload timer(meaning that it'll only ever really be removed if there's no fight), then FOB construction would 100% matter anywhere you put it, regardless of what the new structures do - then you break stalemates and create longer-term map influence by adding a router or removing a router, and that makes the construction base an asset and perpetual threat for alert wins instead of a Tinker Toy.

  • @boogieondown5824
    @boogieondown5824 Год назад +4

    What if there was a new continent with no bases, or only a few major ones, and the rest all construction? A frontier continent...with player made forts. I do see some drawbacks of unbalanced population making bases quickly, and using the same blueprint over and over...or even too big and impenetrable. But maybe if limiting or randomizing resources, base size, and maybe even parts of the environment you would get a new puzzle to solve every time and new battle.

  • @noahloyd9176
    @noahloyd9176 Год назад +2

    I have two thoughts on the whole construction aspect of the game. First off, the new content, new buildings, that these things promise are all well and good; they're new flavor for those of us who've been fighting in the same old structures since beta or earlier in some cases. Some of the new bases they've tried have been fun. Some of them have been... Esamir.
    If they really want to do right by everyone, maybe taking a crack at making these new structures just as indestructible as dev-made bases might be worth looking into. Now, hol' up there, I'm not talking about on existing maps as they are now. What if, upon a new continent opening (perhaps, one specifically suited for this purpose), an enforced cease-fire period was enacted where players were either discouraged or prohibited from venturing into one anothers' territories. During this period, builders could set up bases before an alert would start and the three sides could get to work.
    Thing is, for better or worse, gamers tend to like building things in games. Having a little time to take care of that could be well worth exploring. A base/hex/region could have limits on how many buildings of a type could be placed within a certain radius to prevent spamming certain ones, and perhaps some limits on proximity of especially large, durable structures, but smaller fortifications and structures could be more or less easy to destroy, such as walls, barricades, 'trench lines' and such. Consider the seminal RTS, Supreme Commander, and its rush timer, prior to the expiration of which, all commanders in the field were free to construct as they saw fit in their own territory without having to worry about probing, scouting, or attacking (or having it done in return by) the other forces in the field.
    In practice, this could allow players to set up reasonable, but creative and unique, defenses in advance before battle began. And not just on the front lines, but in other bases along the way as well. Some regions might be restricted from having durable/indestructible buildings placed within, leaving them open to assault by armored forces, giving room for tanks to play, with competitive defenses and plenty of targets to bombard, and less reason to be on foot for attackers and defenders alike. Meanwhile, foot soldiers would be more necessary to assault and defend the larger, more durable structures immune to bombardment (thereby redirecting tankers away from them and onto tasks they are better suited for, as well as limiting the degree to which they camp on a ridgeline sniping at hapless infantry), and players on foot would have fresh new buildings and layouts to play in, instead of the same old, frankly stale, bases and buildings we've had for years.

  • @TheRealBarrettWood
    @TheRealBarrettWood Год назад +1

    Construction's big problem is that is an activity that doesn't usually contribute to the main fights at bases. There's no incentive to interact with player made bases except to try and disable their heavy weapons, like the flail and orbital strike. I think that shortening the no-construction zones around bases to allow for destructible fortifications and small scale, player-manned weapons would help a lot. For far away bases, they need activities for the players who man them to perform that help the main fight, and in such a way that it incentivises non-construction allies to defend them and enemies to attack them. Maybe they can act as an artificial capture point (1 per a hex) that can't be captured by enemies but can be destroyed by the new cortium bombs. This would incentivise a combined arms fight that does not demand an armor column be present to put it out of commision.

  • @tucanonerd4957
    @tucanonerd4957 Год назад +14

    Planetside desperately needs a shake to the macro play. The construction update just bringing more assets to the system does little to nothing in improving the experience itself. If it isn't followed by map and lattice changes, they will be just another shinny thing for people to talk about for a week, and then move on.

  • @AeciusthePhilosopher
    @AeciusthePhilosopher Год назад

    I could also see construction spicing up biolabs:
    Add the surrounding bases (back) into the biolab as (mostly) empty vehicle control points with SCU controlled hard spawns and a teleporter rooms - basically take part of the biolab fight outside and allow for sieges.

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Год назад +2

    Thanks Cyrious. No 2 people will ever entirely have the same opinion, but you touched on a lot of what I've been calling out for years.
    New buildings are great and all, but if construction isn't integrated into the rest of the game properly then there is no point.

  • @daimyo1959
    @daimyo1959 Год назад +9

    Honestly I think its time for Planetside 3 because we really need a fresh start

  • @YargonK
    @YargonK Год назад +8

    You know what else we need with this? (and I do mean *need*)
    Construction's entry price HAS to go down. It's SO expensive that I know so many people who just aren't willing to get into it. Unless you've thousands of hours and years spent in game and are running out of shit to spend certs on, if construction isn't your thing, you don't spend 20k Certs unlocking everything, because that's insanely expensive.

    • @E1nsty
      @E1nsty Год назад +1

      True, when a module that is a passive thing most of the time costs as much as a new gun the cost of entry into making a viable base climbs fast and not everyone is in a well organized outfit.

    • @Ihaveausernametoo
      @Ihaveausernametoo Год назад +2

      I say give it to people for free, I think that will retain more players = more money.

  • @SecularMentat
    @SecularMentat Год назад +1

    I'd like to see external points on towers being buildable if you capture the point for long enough. Like B or C point at Quartz Ridge (Especially Indar Excavation)

  • @michaelleza3291
    @michaelleza3291 Год назад

    Bases are useful for more than just control points. A well built base can give you regional control of multiple control points.

  • @MunitionsDudTester
    @MunitionsDudTester Год назад +1

    Great video. Glad to see they aren't giving up on what I'd venture to say most would consider a more niche system.

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Год назад +3

    I will say that to me the biggest thing that got me concerned that this is a construction update made for everyone *except* construction players is those fixed silo locations. The main appeal of construction to me is the ability to be creative, to make something in game that is my own creation and see how it works.
    Having the dev team dictate to me where my silo goes is against the theme of construction, and I guarantee you that whoever thought of that is not a builder.

    • @E1nsty
      @E1nsty Год назад

      I assume this silo would be indestructible which would certainly take away from the relevance of needing to decide its placement.

    • @Fantastic_Mr_Fox
      @Fantastic_Mr_Fox Год назад

      @@E1nsty I think it's supposed to be, since it's also a capture point

  • @VCE4
    @VCE4 Год назад

    I had a similar thoughts before
    Bring more field bases. Much more. Not 2 or 4 for per continent. Tens of such bases in and between lines (with reduced no-construction zones obviously).
    But I also really not sure if they gonna work well.
    As I said in the Reddit post that almost nobody has seen (because general text don't catch attentions, pictures do) the problem is not people don't want to attack Construction bases. People *don't defend them in the first place* to make at least a fight against people and not walls.
    Players just jumping in fights right after another, and as such the concept of making preliminary defense is almost none existent in PlanetSide. But it is required to make Construction bases work or for launching epic field counter-attacks with tank columns and foot zerg, which is a signature of PlanetSide itself.
    I pretty much agree on all you said here
    NCZ should be reduced to make room for Construction bases. Adding just new build pieces to couple places per continent will not bring significant impact for sure.
    People should be encouraged to use vehicles. Construction pieces should be *much more* accessible.
    You may not even know that some field base or capture-the-flag base is under attack until is too late. This is literally game breaking.
    And that hellish thing knows as *forced 20k Cortium threshold* on Silo is just a bane of my existance. *Why* I can't just let my allies use *my own Silo* to spawn some Sunderers?
    *Why* I need to spend 10 minutes just to gather enough of that damn Cortium to let my teammates just use a vehicle terminal?
    This is really kills fast-forward aggressive construction, when you trying to keep with the battle flow.
    And why we have to wait several months untill all this stuff comes in one big chunk?
    You know, there could be more small patches with positive changes, like making actually possible to counter Flail "darts"? It could be useful right here right now, without all new Construction pieces.
    As alwasys, hopes are there. but still a ton of work left to be done.
    (Well, you asked to go share opinions, and here I am)

  • @LanzerYT
    @LanzerYT Год назад

    Nice video. Vindi coming in with the assist on the control mockup

  • @firestorm1579
    @firestorm1579 Год назад +1

    The major thing I worry about is if we still cant tilt objects to conjour to the landscape.Whats the use of having all these items but can only put half of them down.

  • @TheHuffur
    @TheHuffur Год назад +2

    My worry is and has been that everyone is just laser focusing on the NEW stuff the construction update is bringing and completely ignoring everything is it removing from what construction has today.
    Afaik all types of automated defenses are getting removed. The construction bases will 100% rely on players to defend them and as we all know there are probably around 10 people globally that bothers to do that with the current bases that provide quite big defenders advantage(AI turrets and Pain Spires) + a half competent builder will not litter the base with cover that enemies can make use of.
    Still, with plenty of advantages in the form of both having good cover while the enemy struggles to find their own and having AI turrets to help people will rarely if ever bother to defend a base. The new construction system removes all of these advantages and even expands the size of the bases with these large structures, much more surface area to cover and hunt enemies = even more bothersome to defend and gives enemies plenty of cover or entire buildings to hide in/around(beacons on roofs etc too).
    After the initial rush of curious players trying out the construction update I seriously doubt even the old builders will stick around because the new system is not a upgrade and the bases we used to build will no longer be possible. Those that stick with it will eventually get fed up chasing around a pair of Stalker infiltrators around their 100x100m base filled with large structures and hundreds of hiding spots.
    Idk if the MBT spawner is still a thing I suppose I will start making crappy 2-3 structure bases, a silo, spawn and MBT pad to pull tanks from. Anything else will just draw swarms of people to 'farm' the defenseless base and I wont have to babysit it 24/7 since I can just build a new 0 effort base somewhere else if it does get attacked.

    • @travis1066
      @travis1066 Год назад

      My biggest concern is this

    • @VCE4
      @VCE4 Год назад

      Very very this

  • @nbaumg
    @nbaumg Год назад +1

    i would definitely want them to make some big changes so construction is a larger part of the experience. yeah it might break stuff and it might suck but I want them to try

  • @airraid1266
    @airraid1266 Год назад

    The problem with the flail is it is a countermeasure to other bases, when fights get choke point-y its farm farm farm all farmin day but some field battles it just feels feast or famine, I love the flail because it is the only real form of splashy artillery in the game, what I would suggest is making slight tweaks to make it more usable in smaller field battles without making it THE push tool in some bigger choke point fights where construction isnt involved, keeping the flail powerful vs structures though is an absolute must in my opinion though to give incentive to a sort of siege gameplay loop, where the attackers feel some pressure to have at least some people sally forth rather than simply gardening.

  • @grandadmiralbayleaf7527
    @grandadmiralbayleaf7527 Год назад

    Honestly, just limit what kind of structures can be built where, maybe don't let someone build a skyshield under a tower like early Oshur, but walls around some of those more open points at Mirror Bay? Or let me throw a ramp up at Mirror bay B point for infantry to access the windows and give an extra opportunity of attack or get up onto the broken staircase at B. Remove pain fields entirely, they wouldn't be needed if players had a reason to play around and protect their base objects. aside from that I agree a lot with the comment here that when you could build anywhere on Oshur it gave an interesting "levelution" effect as you would fight your way though a base.

  • @V43xV1CT15
    @V43xV1CT15 Год назад +1

    Fingers crossed the new construction bases have hotdogs

  • @LordNightCrawler
    @LordNightCrawler Год назад

    I'm not a base builder type but i'm looking forward for any base builder out there to build a base worth to defend.

  • @YoSomePerson
    @YoSomePerson Год назад

    The one thing construction needs without excluding other changes, it just being prio 1, is making it more accessible. The construction elements cost like what 70k? certz.
    To have more players build more bases, you need more players that CAN build bases.

    • @CMDRCyrious
      @CMDRCyrious  Год назад

      You are right. Wrel said they plan to make it more accessible.

    • @YoSomePerson
      @YoSomePerson Год назад

      @@CMDRCyrious I also like the idea of more capture points on the map. Would make the map movement slower and could combat the redeployside mentality somewhat.
      If it takes like another 10 Minutes or so to get to the next base when there is no construction base in between then there is more opportunity for counter pushes and battles in between. You can also make an effort to harden a frontline by building bases. Which would then allow a faction leader to free up forces because a section of the map can be defended by 1:2 force ratio.
      I think it could bring in a lot of strategy and push the CSS into an important role.

  • @georgepal9154
    @georgepal9154 Год назад

    Saw the hybrid hex plug coming from a mile away.

  • @Feyyore
    @Feyyore Год назад

    I'd love for them to allow underwater based on Oshur for the empty cap points. xD

  • @828Morten
    @828Morten Год назад

    How about around large bases, you could have specified build zones. Allowing players to build additional defenses or extra spawn options and not get in the way of vehicle lanes or base entrances?

  • @anubisTC
    @anubisTC Год назад +1

    If there was a push the payload or a kind of sabotage mission, the player bases could be used as a layer of defense. I had commented my idea for that before, but it would be going along normal alerts. Winning an alert would give you advantage for the next one. There would also be a CTF alert, but on the whole map instead. I dont remember where I posted the full idea, but I will try to put it on the Reddit. Maybe can give them something to think about.

    • @anubisTC
      @anubisTC Год назад

      "So what i've been thinking, and might be all stupid ideas, but still I wanna share:
      CTF on the map as a kind of alert. 2 flags for you to defend (close to you warpgate), 2 to capture. You can enter Sunderers, Gals and Valkyries with the flag (they get speed debuffs), and you only show on the map to a enemy when you are like 2 bases away. As you can imagine, you'll have to defend your target flags and stop it from getting to the point on the map (close to the respective enemy warpgate). You die with the flag: 30 seconds for someone to pick or will be returned. You are supposed to have a team around you. Casuals might be a problem tho. Min rank required so newbies dont ruin it too. Who gets more flags within like 50 minutes wins.
      A "push the payload" kind of thing, with a Bastion like unkillable ship, powered by ONE Galaxy a time with Cortium storage. MAYBE there could be a big shield if the ship is getting cortium. Take all the Cortium Gals down and you have extra time. There will be 2 ships for each Faction going to the opponent's Warpgate. It reaches: Boom. The first faction to take 2 warpgates "down" wins. They still get to push their ship against you, so still have to defend. Also 50 minutes, or the faction with the higher "push%" wins. So 1 Warpgate down = 50%. 2 =100%. If it is almost on the 2nd Warpgate take down you have 90% and you win.
      Maybe Sabotage style Alert, where the Warpgates are "weakened" and you have to defend yours and deliver "Sabotage payloads" to win. There I imagine you could use Gals and Sunderers . Base capturing is disabled and Construction is boundless. There the Construction Base Layouts would be very good. If your faction delivers 6 payloads, you take the Target Faction out. They cannot sabotage you anymore. Who gets the other two down first wins. Also 50 min. Who has more delivered wins.

      Winning an alert is going to give your faction an advantage for the next one, not only bonus certs. We could have a different Alert Trigger system so everyone have time for regular PS2 gameplay, and normal Alerts would still be a thing. You can see the countdown and type of the next alert all the time.
      With that, a new cert for Gals to use cortium as shield fuel, which would require a support ANT, or a Gal Cortium extraction "gun". (Maybe charging from a Silo is not good idea).
      Again: Maybe all bad ideas. Just thinking..."

  • @exorias625
    @exorias625 Год назад

    as long as walls are easir to place and there are more than 3 of them

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Год назад

    Well Cyrious, you had a nice number of comments and now I'm going to run it with comment 70.
    Anyways, guys, hear me out: I think we can all agree that the main reason to keep no-build zones is the flail. As a builder main I will say that the flail is broken. I mean, I've enjoyed my 200+ kill streaks, but I can see how bad it is for the game. OS is bad for game play too, and I don't just mean the constructed ones. 1 dude has fun right clicking the map, everyone else has to run indoors and wait for 10 seconds before they can get back to playing the game. Not good.
    My proposal: Remove flail and OS from the game, then remove the no build zones. Let builders build in places that matter, let the fun be the game play with friends. Get rid of the meta where builders sit on the side lines and occasionally disrupt the game with rods from god like the social reject pulling the fire alarm on the cool kids' party. Final point, we might need just a little bit of no-build around the exits from vehicle pads.

  • @travis1066
    @travis1066 Год назад

    The biggest concern for me is AI.
    To me if this does indeed get removed (which it probably will) this is the biggest concern. If construction doesn't have a reason for people to defend it (other than the base builder) and no one defends it then what's the point of building a base, if the base itself won't fight back if no one is there babysitting it. A few armored vehicles will just roll up and destroy it for free since there is no defenses. Heck what about just one player in a stealth sundee going up and mass pulling cortium bombs and putting them in the module slots now.
    Next is the no construction zones. I would like a reduction. I'll be dead serious I want it removed (except around spawn rooms). When Ohsur first came out that was the most fun I had with construction. No limitations, build anywhere really shook up the fights and was something new and enjoyable. Except for the flail, why I say don't let construction build next to spawn rooms or just don't allow the flail to shoot into certain parts of dev bases.
    This is why the no constrcution zones got add to Oshur, it's because the flail is bugged. It kills through walls so when people on Oshur started shooting the spawn rooms, yeah didn't take long for No construction zones to be added and really killed Oshur for me. At least the construction part.
    Next it the cost of construction. It's way to high and if the update goes live I feel a lot of people will just be instantly turned off by it because they don't have the certs to go into it. Which I fell will kill the hype for construction and will just make the update kinda fall flat on it's face. I hope some things do get a reduction in price. I also hope that to make construction more available, what I am hoping for is this; I have everything already unlocked, if someone comes to my base and goes to my silo, since I have everything unlocked, they'll be able to pull everything as well. This way everyone has access to all the stuff, even though they themselves haven't sinked all the certs into it.

  • @roque87
    @roque87 Год назад

    Really wanted for some way to spawn ai controlled robots from a building that you can order them to follow you or have their spawner select a base or silo to attack so we have some tower defense mechanics, have these robot units cost resources, maybe have some robot factories build auto ants and some light tanks

  • @goldymires7116
    @goldymires7116 Год назад

    @5:00 Yep, I figured this out years ago once the building system was introduced. The only way to fix this unfortunately would be to remove the build-zones or shrink them substantially. Otherwise you'd have to design whole entire maps with base building in mind. Giving wide open spaces to build in. Which they've done..but doesn't solve the vanilla map issues. So bizarre of a system. Waste of development money.

  • @supasneaks
    @supasneaks Год назад +1

    My least favorite thing about PS2 is teleporting between fights. I just don't like it. I want to play on the map; traverse the terrain. I dread the "Alright everybody redeploy at x". If a full platoon is on the west of Indar I want that to have consequence; that they won't just be able to redeploy into spawn room on the other side of the map. I absolutely HATE camping spawn rooms.

  • @hermanmuncly1044
    @hermanmuncly1044 Год назад

    What if some bases were randomly replaced by construction zones every time the continent was reopened? Not only would that make player made bases possible on more of the map without permanently deleting a base, it would make every new round feel fresh, and if the system is successful, alternative dev made bases could be thrown into the mix as well.

  • @willywankr2206
    @willywankr2206 Год назад

    this game will need a tower defense tag if they add that many construction bases lol

  • @germanedits896
    @germanedits896 Год назад

    Hi Commander can you tell me the name of the weapon you use ?

  • @PAL3Tigerrr
    @PAL3Tigerrr Год назад

    I don't want to see any of the constitution to go like turrets and pain fills.

  • @ToaArcan
    @ToaArcan Год назад

    Oh hey it's my meme at 6:56, love to see it!
    Honestly my main concern with the update is that it'll break shit again. But putting that aside, I mostly worry that they'll do all this construction stuff and then the 12 construction mains will use it and everybody else will ignore it, just like before.

  • @CziffraTheThird
    @CziffraTheThird Год назад

    And here us consoles are so far behind everything....why? When is a resolution upscaling current gen update coming for PS5? It has to be coming....please? Thanks in advance!

  • @BallBusta
    @BallBusta Год назад

    Bring back Darklight implant from the original Planetside, so vets with over 10k hours of playtime *cough*cyrious*cough* stop playing that wheelchair of a class.

  • @user-sv4ou5bz7m
    @user-sv4ou5bz7m Год назад

    This Construction Update - failed. Need to roll back. I prefer old constructions as it was in 2017.

  • @magorostravsky5732
    @magorostravsky5732 Год назад

    Sorry Commander. I highly disagree with your opinion new construction will be good. Yes. They offer something new, but what we are loosing is much, much more valuble.

  • @xKarion
    @xKarion Год назад

    I can destroy a pMB with a 6 man squad... at most. at least a 2 man squad... You just aint thinking strategically.

  • @beautifulcountryis6126
    @beautifulcountryis6126 Год назад


  • @Igor369
    @Igor369 Год назад

    You cherrypicked that mirror bay example... there is a difference between shrinking NCZ and completely removing it.

    • @CMDRCyrious
      @CMDRCyrious  Год назад +1

      I agree there. Shrinking the ndz not equal no zone at all. There are ways they could tweak it. For the record i am PRO shrinking the ndzs and getting construction closer to bases, AS LONG As, the flail does not exist in its current form.

    • @travis1066
      @travis1066 Год назад

      Eyup flail needs to be fixed so it stops killing through walls

  • @ssu123
    @ssu123 Год назад

    As s builder this new update sours everything we held dear abt construction no Ai turret wtf is that?

    • @TwoHams
      @TwoHams Год назад

      Some very loud people in the community that cry if they can't sprint around camping or fly around throwing c4 at everything. Infantry mains can't use nanites to pull a lightning and snipe the towers

  • @madiadk
    @madiadk Год назад

    they removing my last reason to stay in the game automation turrets

    • @kurtfredette6705
      @kurtfredette6705 Год назад

      While that might be the best part for you. Think about it from an attacker’s perspective. Is fighting a bunch of AI turrets fun engaging gameplay??? The answer to that is NO!

    • @TwoHams
      @TwoHams Год назад

      ​@Kurt Fredette those turrets are paper. If you just spawn and hold w into the base they are a problem. But any tank takes them down in 30 seconds from any distance, considering they can't take cover.

    • @kurtfredette6705
      @kurtfredette6705 Год назад

      @@TwoHams The point being is that it’s NOT fun fighting a bunch of AI turrets. I’d rather have another player in those turrets engaging me. With these changes, you can’t just leave a base alone for awhile you go fight elsewhere. You have to actually go defend it yourself. Which is how it should be.

    • @kurtfredette6705
      @kurtfredette6705 Год назад

      @@TwoHams I get zero satisfaction from killing an AI turret! IT’S BORING AND JUST ANNOYING TO DEAL WITH! I wanna fight other players at those bases, not a bunch of AI turrets! I avoid bases at all costs for that reason!

  • @DemonKnight94
    @DemonKnight94 Год назад +1

    I don't agree with the idea that vehicles have nothing to contribute to fights. 1. They can destroy enemy spawns and 2. they can fight infantry allowing your allied infantry to have less resistance to take the points. If you think that is just infantry farming then then 3. You should have your own vehicles to defend the infantry and to defend the spawn points.
    1. Destroy enemy spawns.
    2. Fight infantry to help allied infantry take the point.
    3. Defend Infantry with your vehicles against other vehicles and defend spawns.

    • @E1nsty
      @E1nsty Год назад

      Then a router somehow appears on the inside. Then what?

    • @DemonKnight94
      @DemonKnight94 Год назад

      @@E1nsty That does not take away from the ability for vehicles to fight the things i mentioned. Routers are not a part of every fight, not even close. And wouldn't it be a way to make "vehicles more useful" if you just removed routers in that case? Even tho most fights don't even have routers, people use busses and beacons way more.

  • @Slay0lot
    @Slay0lot Год назад +1

    Not excited at all with the Roadmap this year for PS2. They were on the right track with the Arsenal update but then sacrificed server performance.
    This is PS once again trying to be to many things. Rather than sticking to there core, better base designs and not enough maps. Oshur is a example of unfinished projects just like NSO’s.
    Places like Esamir and Oshur not popular because of these construction base capture zones.

  • @sningo-zd6ns
    @sningo-zd6ns Год назад +1

    I dont know for me the contruccion update is not interesting .