Dab neeg Vam mab tus nyab tub nkeeg 24/5/2017
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Dab neeg Vam mab tus nyab tub nkeeg
Zoo siab tos txais nej txhuam leej los rau koosloo_Ulias Channel
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/ @koosloosuliaschannel
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Koos loos cooking: • koos loos cooking
tsiaj nruab nrag, yos hav zoov; • Tsiaj nruab nrag
yog leej twg muaj lus nug los xav pab txhawb nqa sau ntawv rau kuv tau
Email: hmoobtiamtshiab2@yahoo.com
Facebook; koosloos los yog U-ulias lis
xov tooj; 85620 2282 9559
txaus siab tos txais nej txhua lub caij nyoog
Ua tsaug rau qhov Pab Nia Subscribe. txhawm rau soj qab pab txhawb nqa kuv nawb
Zoo siab thov ua tsaug rau kuv cov phooj los yog Subscribe uas tau pab txhawb nqa kuv channel txhua lub sij hawm. vam thiab cia siab tias nej txhua leej yuav tsis tso kuv pov tseg.
Thov zam txim txawm muaj ntau yam ua tsis haum sawv daws siab los ua lub siab loj kuv mam hloov tsim kho dua tshiab
thov kom txhua leej tsuas muaj lom zem xauv npo rau koosloos_ulias Channel
ua tsaug ntau
zoo mloog tshaj li os tij laug koos look
Tij laus koos loos koi hias tau zoo mloos heev thiab zoo luag heev rau rau siab hias kuv mam txhawb qha koi os
Đúng Rồi 😊😊
Koos loos kj cov lus hais zoo mlooy tshiab tsi yaum kev ib lo li hai taws siab heev. Li
Koog loog koj haig dab neej zoo noog thiab zoo hluag heev li og thom kom koog loong mug tau zoo nawb 😁😁😁😁
Yog kawg kuv pom muaj ib co zoo li ntawv yog txhob hai xwb hai ma tseem txhaum thiab😁
Hhhj hai tau txaus luag kawg o toj laug koos loos peb cov poj niam ce yeej muaj tej tug tub nkeeg o
Koos loos koj piav dab neeg tau zoo kawg
😂😂😂tij koos loos mas cas txawj hais ua luaj 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Zoo kawm muaj qab haw kaum ha ha
koj mas hais Tau zoo mloog kawg nawb thiab funny tshaj mloog koj hais mas luag luag mob plab gas line os.
ua tsaug ntau nawb
kuv mas luag luag mob plab tag li lawm os koos loos koj mas tsawj hais tsaus luag tshaj plaws li os
Nyb zoo tij laug koo loo kv caum kj lawm pab mu ntxhawb kv thiab os
koo loo aw koj txhawj piav dhau lawm kuv luag2 mob plab tas li os😂😂😂
raug siab tiag tiag li os koos loos aw
aw ua tsuag nawb
Puag taig maj ...txaug Hluag tshaj .....haha
Muaj tseeb tiag o tij koos loos aw...niaj hnb no kv yj pom mj tg2 li nb
Yos kaw Nyab tub nkeeg .gái thời nay lười lắm...
Koj cov dab neeg zoo kawg
So funny...hahahaha
Zoo luag tiag 😆😆
Koos loos koj hais dab neeg zoo heev
koosloos you my N#1 love you brother..
Ua cas zaj zoo li kuv niam kuv txiv kawg, thau kawg nkaw tus tub txawg nkaw cia siab ua rau nkaw quaj qaw.
Tij laug koos loos ơ koj paiv tau txaug luag tiag2 li o ua rau kuv luag2 mob qlab tag
Cas yuav dag luaj li ,
Xav kom tau ntsib thiab thoos tu poj niam
Zoo noog heev li os koos look😂😂😂😊
Zoo luag heev
Ha ha ha ha... zoo mloog kawg yom
Fun story
Mloog mug mloog log tsi paub dluav li oh koos loó
Cas txaus luag ua luaj li os koos loos
Hahahaha Koos loos. Koj mas txawj tham kawg tej yam koj ua Paj lug hais kuv mloog 2-3 zaug thiaj tos taub.
hahaha ua tsuag ntau nawb
🎉2024 còi ai nghe ko😢
tij laus koos loos koj tham tau lom zem kawg li o
ua tsaug ntau anwb
Kuv tus nyab tseem tshaj ko 10 npaug os koos loos aw kj mas lam hais dab neeg tab sis peb tus nyab mas thiaj tseeb2
Koos loos, tsis hais tub los ntxhais yog tus twg nloog2 lus Thaum yau mas Thaum nws loj es txawj Tham hluas nraug hluas nkauj thiab yuav txiv yuav poj niam lawm mas nws yuav kiag nws tus me hlub hais Txib ncab mus ncab txib nkhaus mus nkhaus lawm xwb nws yeej tsis mloog yus ua niam ua txiv hais ib los li lawm
koo loo koj ma tham tau muaj ceem ta ta 55555 kv yuav xa ib qho tuaj koj piav duas yom
hahah ua li xa tuaj ma nawb
Wm os
Zoo tag tag li hom koos loos
Koos loos aw cas koj tham tau lom zem thiaj muaj ceem ua luaj kuv mloog mas kuv luag 2 mob plab tag lawm os koj yuav tau noj mov kom ntau es thiaj muaj zog tham rau peb mloog nawb kuv xav luag dhau lawm os cov nyab xab maim no naj
Kuv kuj niaj hnub tos mloog zaj tshiab thiab nawb
hahaha zoo siab ntau anwb
kuv xav tias peb cov txiv neej mas tsis xav mloog cov lus neej neeg no lawm lauj koos loos aw
kuv nyiam koj cov dab neeg heev kuv yeej dowload txhua txhua zaj li tab sis mas xyov yog koj muab ua li cas lawm. cas twb dowload txog 100% lawm los tseem tau tos li 15 nasthis.nws tsiszoo li lawm cov na. mas xav kom txhob zoo li ntawv puas tau
los. ua tsuag qhov pab txhawb nqa nawb. yog koj dowload mas yeej zoo li ko os. qhov kom yooj yim tshaj ce cia li mloog twj ywm hauv youtube no xwb hahaha
Koj hajs tau zoo hov
Ww zoo
Tij thaiv aj kv muaj ib zaj dab neeg xav cia koj tham rau peb tau mloog na kj tham tau zoo heev
Ntuj aw....ib co es twb g Tau nrauj Los niag nyab twb niaj hnub nrog hluas nraug lawm os....
Koob loov zoo kawg
ha ha ha
Thooj li kuv tij laug ntag 😆😆
hais tau lomzem tshaj plaws.
ua tsaug os
Zoo mloog kawg li os
Tij laug koos loos
hahahaha cas yuav muaj ceem yuav luaj li os
hahaha npaum no diam los twb tsis raug siab qhua sli thiab tiag
Kuv tsi tu siab ZooNkaujUaLuajชอบเรอหว่า
Koos loos awd, peb xav tias niag yawg vam mab ntawm koj mas ntshe yuav nkaus tshaj plaws ntiaj teb no lawm os.
Ruam thiaj li ua qhev...hmoob ruam hmoob thiaj li muab tebchaws nplog toj roob hauv pes ntov du tag...
Nws tsis yog me tub thoo. Yog tus tub too xwb os
Yim mloog yim xav koj hais tau txaus luag dhau hehehe
los. ua tsuag ntau os
Jfhdheurjcbycrkkfnfhduurh hàng ngày
@@benlor29 #yyjyiyjjyyjyjyjyjjjryy tr ttjtjttytthkyjttthjr hrhryghttgtrh4ytrgk*ỵyytyjyjyjjtthjtjjrthryyyhjj tth
@@benlor29 ๅ
@@benlor29 ได้
Cười cc
Hai tau dag luaj li po
Tom qab yawg vam mab pom nws tus nyab qhov khoom ua neej haib npaum ntawd, tej hmo ntshe cav ua rau txiv yawg pw tsis tsaug zog thiab qee zaus noj mov xav txog ntshe tsis nco qab nqos thiab nes.
hahahaha lub ncauj tsis hais los ntshe txiv yawg yeej xav kom rov muaj dua os yom
Koosloos_Ulias Channel xav tias li ntawd no o.
KL= koj mas txawj piav tiag tiag li, ua cas YAWG VAM MAB moov zoo ua luaj li es nws pom nws TUS NYAB lub ntuj qhib haib thiab loj dav ua luaj li naj !!. yawg vam Mab tshaj li kawg.
hahahah kuv tseem xav tia skheev lam kuv yog vam mab na yom hahaha
kuv los yeej xav kom kuv yog yawg Vam Mab thiab ntag.
Yog thaum yawg vam mab tseem hluas es ntsib tsum los puas yuav tau tej tus poj niam qhov khoom ua neej loj luaj hauv pliaj twm thiab su npaum lub ncuav ci tau siav ces dab tub nkeeg yeej kawg laum ib ce li thiab hos. Yeej tsis qab siab mus khwv noj ib yam li nws tus tub thiab os, ham tsis xav sib kauv saum txaj tas li xwb es.
@@phonladetprasitwiriya8324 po
hais ntau2thiaj txaus peb mloog nawb nej twb hais tsi txaus peb mloog li es
hahaha e twb tag tswv yim lawm ne hehehe siab ntev nawb
Tseem xav xa ib zaj tuaj koj piav os koos los😅
Bulbs and headlight bulb and you can do to the matter y ee is a nice day and I will take a walk and you will be too early to mid t shirts and it t and it t shirt size matter of the matter is urgent please contact me at the into the matter is urgent please try to try and it e is that I can get the into a good
Qdfy the into
Cov laus hu hais tias "tsis coj qhov muag mus nrhiav poj niam tabsi tso qaus mus nrhiav ces kawg tuag rau txog kev pim/qaus xwb"!
Love this story so funny!!! I listen more than 3 times already..!!!!
I know im randomly asking but does someone know of a method to log back into an Instagram account?
I somehow forgot my account password. I would love any tips you can offer me!
@Isaiah Khalid instablaster :)
@Will Mohammed thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm trying it out now.
I see it takes quite some time so I will reply here later with my results.
@Will Mohammed it did the trick and I finally got access to my account again. I am so happy:D
Thank you so much, you really help me out :D
@Isaiah Khalid happy to help xD
yog peb sawv daws tsi muab mu rau k.l.hais ces .k.l.tswv yim tag lawm os
hahahaha h tiag ho tswv yim tag lawm laiv yom hahaha
Hais vam txawm thiab ma
tham kuv li thiab nawb koos loos
Xua taub haus qau coj mus ntshiav pojniam ces zoo li no xwb los mas hmoob ruam aws. Niam thiab txiv los pheej ua li tub siab nyiam ywj ywj niag tub ces niag tub ua phem los tsis cem tsis khuaj tsis ntuag ces niag tub kuj liam liam li no xwb. Me tub me nyuam ua tsis yog yuav tsum tau cem lawv qhia lawv thiab hos. Txaus nplawm los yuav tsum tau nplawm. Tsis txhob cia menyuam ua ywj lawv siab tsam lwm hnub tsis mloog lus li tus tub no nawb.
Can you please send to the exception that the matter is urgent please contact us at our place into the matter and resolve it t shirts for men I'll let him know I have a nice
Pab tiv ta kuv thab os kuv tiv ta koj lawm nawb
koos loos zoo siab toa txais nej txhua leej nkag los raug koos loos qhov Game nawb bkag mus saib hauv no tau.ruclips.net/video/L2AnGgygjm4/видео.html
Lom zem heev li os
Ok koo lsoo
Nyab nkees mas g yig tub nkeeg o
Yog nyab nkees los sis tias neeg nkees 2 no xwb o
Cố gắng nhé koos loos
kav tsij hais peb mloog os
ua tsuag ntau anwb
koosloos aw koj ma hai kv luag luag kv mob plab tag li os hhhhhh
koosloos aw koj ma hai kv luag luag kv mob plab tag li os hhhhhh
koos loos koj mas tham tau lom zem ua luaj li
Kuv caum koj lawm es koj pab caum kuv thiab
puag ta kv twb hu piav rau kj lawm os kv yog tu kom kj piav muaj ib co kav xwm nqa222 nqaij na ha ha
Ua tsaug nawb
Tij koo loo kuv xav tias yog koj lam yog poj niam ma yog koj yog leej twg tus nyab ma tuag xaiv heev lau koj na