  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024
  • We give our reaction and first thoughts on Pete and Bas's Plugged In w/ Fumez
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Комментарии • 85

  • @RESET1776
    @RESET1776 3 года назад +26

    From giggling school boys to stunned deer in the headlights 🤔

    • @your_fathershome
      @your_fathershome Год назад +1

      Yeah, the giggling was pissing me off. Then as they heard the bars, shyt got serious.

  • @MrDarkweaver
    @MrDarkweaver Год назад +45

    The last 7 bars are all disses at drill rappers who either refused to work with them, or they said they would, and nothing happened, hence the JayKae reference on the second to last line. The full diss goes :-
    Lil' mug tried it, you don’t wanna ride it
    Gave him the kiss of death, I ain’t gay though
    I ain’t Fredo, don’t wear tight little shirts like Bugzy
    Lil boy Aitch don’t wanna get maced
    Stormzy’s mug get smashed in the face
    Jaykae still didn’t send his verse
    Skepta get left in a casket case
    So they called out Fredo, Bugzy, Aitch, Stormzy, JayKae and Skepta in 6 lines, not bad for Grandpas :)
    I don't care what anyone says, these two fellas are better than 95% of the artists out there, including your favourite rapper. Really enjoyed your reaction.

  • @GeNX4LIFE1972
    @GeNX4LIFE1972 3 года назад +77

    Laughing at a whole lot less laughing at end. Realized they got chops and sound 75+ better then most currently out.

    • @daviddawes293
      @daviddawes293 Год назад +6

      I love when that happens.. they completely change up when Pete and bas start cooking

    • @kjp1232
      @kjp1232 2 месяца назад +2

      Natural reactions

    • @aftonair
      @aftonair 24 дня назад

      Cognitive dissonance ​@@daviddawes293

  • @topshelfdustin3300
    @topshelfdustin3300 Год назад +14

    You didn't even get that the Fredo comment was both a godfather reference AND a shot! Yeah...that's sick.

  • @davidb4165
    @davidb4165 3 года назад +36

    You said about them being old and not having long enough to learn to spit like that. Well worth noting Bas (taller geezer) is very musical, he is classically trained and teaches piano, so that has some way to go with it. You would be surprised how much the skills relate, rhythm, beats, etc. So he hasn't been trained on rap, drill etc since a yout but he has had 50+ years of musical experience.

  • @Bergerac82
    @Bergerac82 2 года назад +9

    Fredo, Buggsy, Aitch, Stormzy, JK, Skepta.
    Sent for all these mans, and nobody clapped back.

  • @GeNX4LIFE1972
    @GeNX4LIFE1972 3 года назад +32

    They write their own music...just get with their grandkids to get current lingo. They explained their writing process in an interview.

  • @MaximDL1410
    @MaximDL1410 3 года назад +17

    The Kings of Drill: Pete and Bas 👏😎🔥🔥🔥

  • @pointsur67
    @pointsur67 3 года назад +13

    You all are sitting there worrying about words rhyming exactly. I'm from the original days of hip hop here in America.We didn't always worry about that. If a person has a good flow he can pull it off. You guys are the only ones that I see trying to be super picky about what words he uses. They write their own music. What is so hard for young people to realize that us older folks can get up there in do things you all can do? Understand that some of us have been around since the beginning of hip hop and even though we may not be into it we might still follow it. Bas is the tall one. He is classically trained on the piano and also plays several wind instruments including the saxophone. He has also taught music. It would not be a stretch for him to do this because he is already knowledgeable in timing, cadence, rhythm, and the flows of music. We older folks no more things thing you give us credit for. We can also pick up new things faster than you think. We don't always let you all know. Some of us not only have the keys to the game but we also have the cheat codes. 😉👍

  • @vshynobi
    @vshynobi 3 года назад +8

    The last part if you didn't get it.
    Gave him the kiss of death, I ain't gay though I ain't Fredo, don't wear tight little shirts like Bugzy Lil boy Aitch don't wanna ge maced Stormzy's mug get smashed in the face Jaykae still didn't send his verse, Skept get left in a casket case.

  • @Alex-jv4hi
    @Alex-jv4hi 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm so happy to come across this video, y'all have such great on screen chemistry

    • @HennythingGoes
      @HennythingGoes  3 месяца назад

      Thank you that’s a very positive comment 🙏

  • @theman328088
    @theman328088 3 года назад +18

    No cap.. they are too much. They say they write their own bars and to be honest .I don't care .their flows and delivery are better than most on the scene ..the variety of the flows and lyrical madness is sickening!
    Listen to their EP...recently dropped.. actually 🔥🔥

    • @HennythingGoes
      @HennythingGoes  3 года назад +10

      Putting a lot in the scene to shame 😭

    • @MaximDL1410
      @MaximDL1410 3 года назад

      @@HennythingGoes Facts 👏😂

  • @wickedtokensmoke
    @wickedtokensmoke 3 года назад +9

    You missed the sends for skepta, stormzy and aitch

  • @Abdul-Mo
    @Abdul-Mo 3 года назад +11

    Surely you'll respect them enough to do more of their joints 🙏🏾

  • @bmt1483
    @bmt1483 3 года назад +10

    You two have such good energy, keep at it, one of if not my favourite reaction channel rn 🔥👑

  • @scottywilliams2476
    @scottywilliams2476 3 года назад +5

    People think they arent about it....they were direct associates with the Kray twins back in the day....they are REAL AS THEY GET ha

  • @eriksimca9409
    @eriksimca9409 Год назад +5

    Bas & Pete is the real deal, they write their own stuff with help from grandkids and family to get the slang and lingo right but thats all, theres nothing in the background, its all them. Both has experience with music before.

  • @ChelseaFCMario
    @ChelseaFCMario Год назад +3

    Bas is my new favourite MC!!

  • @e55ex36
    @e55ex36 3 года назад +6

    Nice to see you jumping on this at last lads. Honestly idc if they write the bars or not coz they ride a beat like they’ve been in the game since pirate radio days.

    • @HennythingGoes
      @HennythingGoes  3 года назад +1

      Flows are levels we were very surprised

  • @drewsimon3500
    @drewsimon3500 Год назад +3

    I Love it when people catch the engineer spill the drink 😄 I didn't notice at 1st

  • @stublad
    @stublad 2 года назад +4

    They sent for Skepta at the end too. After they sent for JK, Pete says “skepta get left in a casket case”

  • @bbldrizzzzzy
    @bbldrizzzzzy 2 месяца назад +1

    Bugsy has been tweeting at them and has a verse where he said someone is half dead like pete and bas and so they are coming in at them

  • @abdush-shakurreid5280
    @abdush-shakurreid5280 3 года назад +4

    Flabbergasted a mighty long word😁👍

  • @localgreens5297
    @localgreens5297 3 года назад +5

    You mans are straight jokers! Had me laugh the whole time! Big up from Bermuda! New sub!

    • @HennythingGoes
      @HennythingGoes  3 года назад

      Thanks for the sub all the way from Bermuda 🇧🇲

  • @drewsimon3500
    @drewsimon3500 Год назад +3

    We call him "Boss man" in the usa

  • @Lidds1973
    @Lidds1973 3 года назад +3

    They used to run with the Richardson’s so are proper Gs. Try Golf as your next one

  • @NyVsEvery1
    @NyVsEvery1 3 года назад +5

    They write their own music

  • @katinagy1472
    @katinagy1472 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yesss....Pete is the short guy & BAS is the tall guy

  • @acm1345
    @acm1345 3 года назад +2

    Pete & Bas - Golf

  • @brookscym
    @brookscym Год назад +3

    It’s all giggles at the beginning until….

  • @indigochiever
    @indigochiever 3 года назад +3

    fuuuuuuck loving the passion and the energy keep the shit fucking UP man

  • @curronchrissafi8015
    @curronchrissafi8015 3 года назад +3

    Just subscribed on this video wow

  • @TommiBrem
    @TommiBrem 3 года назад +1

    You guys are the funniest.

  • @dominadors4795
    @dominadors4795 3 года назад +5

    Well Bas taught piano so.....must have a musical ear...I bet they have somebody coaching them but is music 😆🤣
    You should react to their newest tune Bermondsey 😆

  • @basslinejunkie2776
    @basslinejunkie2776 3 года назад +4

    well. i think you need to react to pete and bas lightwork freestyle after this :P

  • @daryledwards90
    @daryledwards90 2 года назад +1

    Like you guys. Keep at it. God Bless.

  • @Thetruepianoman
    @Thetruepianoman Год назад +1

    Where it all started

  • @NothingButSilicone
    @NothingButSilicone 3 года назад +2

    When you said “over them way” about “boss man,” were you referring to my clueless American brother and sister?

  • @TomVuk-ic3du
    @TomVuk-ic3du Месяц назад +1

    Don't mess with old men in a game where men die young

  • @GeNX4LIFE1972
    @GeNX4LIFE1972 3 года назад +1

    Out online....better get on what they just recently dropped after this video

  • @knowlesy3915
    @knowlesy3915 10 месяцев назад +1

    Archeolgical comment here but after baz says "shaving his head like a fkin Turkish barber (which is hard as) what Pete does (imo) is as good: "popped his noggin with thd butt of the dotty and his body foamed up like s bottle of cava, feds came rou d and I never said nada, quick tsch and im downing a lager.
    Usually ppl completely miss all that and its a shame because its epic.

  • @testypresidentgaming
    @testypresidentgaming Год назад +1

    Styles Pete and JadaBas on the second beat lol

  • @PuffinDaEr6
    @PuffinDaEr6 Год назад

    Guy on the right be laughing uncomfortably but he knows it's good. Admit it fella lol

  • @drewsimon3500
    @drewsimon3500 Год назад +1

    "Crosses ✝️ "

  • @piotrjeske4599
    @piotrjeske4599 2 месяца назад +1

    Cockney Rhyming , the great grand father of rap , is 300 year old ...minimum. As in we know the lyrics for it.

  • @samanthahadwin
    @samanthahadwin Месяц назад

    They write their own, but the grandkids help with modern slang!!! No ghost rappers in their stuff!!! Accept the talent be respectful!!!!

  • @lfcgero35
    @lfcgero35 3 года назад +2

    I had a feeling the laughing would stop a minute or two in lol.

  • @hammellish2150
    @hammellish2150 2 месяца назад +1

    whut hapn?

  • @bigmona2741
    @bigmona2741 3 года назад +1

    Y’all are wrong. They don’t use ghost writers.

  • @sam-hs1vs
    @sam-hs1vs Год назад

    17:20 KO! 😂

  • @ronjosephs1070
    @ronjosephs1070 Месяц назад

    How come y’all not laughing at the end?????

  • @leeflid1976
    @leeflid1976 2 месяца назад +1

    Yeah i agee we English are movers an smoothers not not stuck in they're there vynal groovers 😢😅😅😅 uk rule the Wavels no matter how they deliver 😮😮😊😊😊❤❤❤❤

    • @leeflid1976
      @leeflid1976 2 месяца назад +1

      Lol Britania will always rule the waves music or whatever ❤😊😅

  • @soupatos483
    @soupatos483 2 месяца назад

    Messed up that american reactors took pete and bas more seriously from the get go than actual brits.

  • @k_kingz2317
    @k_kingz2317 3 года назад +1


  • @russellopenshaw8975
    @russellopenshaw8975 2 года назад +2

    Stopping it every 10 secs then laughing how can u get any feel of it. Just totally ruined it

    • @HennythingGoes
      @HennythingGoes  2 года назад +2

      If you want to listen to it without pauses the link is in the description 👌 we’ll react how we want to thanks for the comment

    • @Thetruepianoman
      @Thetruepianoman Год назад

      ​@@HennythingGoesHaha wreck em

  • @adrenalineunlimited
    @adrenalineunlimited 2 года назад

    Literally haven't heard they don't write their shit except for salty reactors/commenters on RUclips

  • @GeNX4LIFE1972
    @GeNX4LIFE1972 3 года назад +1

    75+% better

  • @wuqueenbee2852
    @wuqueenbee2852 Месяц назад

    Wow no need for the disrespect…

  • @Lootensansy2308
    @Lootensansy2308 2 года назад

    Bottle of rum like that you don't drink out cups boys is shame you do that.

  • @Deloneys
    @Deloneys Год назад

    This started cringe worthy!