Yasser Saeed sorry about that but here in Brazil we usually write Review even when ranking in Portuguese. My Target was not to lie to viewers using English title tô engage more people. Really sorry.
Filipe D. Bittencourt I see.. Didn't know that! Never mind and no need to apologize. Maybe you can add to the title (Portuguese) so people can know it's not English.
Amigo bom dia! Que top eu tenho a lw300 e lw400 mais essa deve ser muito boa, pena que no Brasil não acha. Você comprou onde?
souza oliveira souza Olá!
Eu comprei esse modelo nos Estados Unidos, mas já vi um tempo atrás à venda no Brasil! Tentou na Kalunga?
Saberias me dizer se ainda tens dificuldade em conectar com celular Android? É possível fazer uso do aparelho em lugares sem internet?
Melhorou muito nas novas versões do Android OS! Ótima impressora, funciona perfeitamente até hoje.
I do ntt understand your language! Why you put English title? You mislead people to have more viewing?
Yasser Saeed sorry about that but here in Brazil we usually write Review even when ranking in Portuguese. My Target was not to lie to viewers using English title tô engage more people. Really sorry.
Filipe D. Bittencourt
I see.. Didn't know that! Never mind and no need to apologize. Maybe you can add to the title (Portuguese) so people can know it's not English.