How do you actually remain in utra red bullets mode ? Not normal red, but ultra, where red bullets are dense and fast, and you collect a lot more gold? I always seem to end up in normal red mode. Plase explain the mechanic.Thanks!
コメントありがとうございます。 私は基本的に日本語しかまともに読み書きできません。 しかし、翻訳サイトを使ったので、あなたの聞きたい事はわかりました。 翻訳サイトを使って、変な英語かもしれませんがあなたにご返答します。 私の英語がぶっ壊れてたら、G○○gle翻訳の責任という事にしましょう。 Thank you for your comment. Basically, I can only read and write Japanese properly. But, I understood what you wanted to ask using the translation site. I will reply to you using a translation site, although it may be strange English. If my English is broken, let's blame G**gle Translate. あなたの言う"normal red bullets mode"は日本で「赤走行」と呼ばれています。 弾が密集して速い"ultra red bullets mode"は、「絶走行」です。 動画を見ればわかる通り、「絶走行」は特にボス戦で「赤走行」より激しいです。 被弾のペナルティが"絶走行"ではゲージ「100%」ロストなので、ゲームシステム的にも挑戦のしがいがあります。 The "normal red bullets mode" you speak of is called "赤走行" in Japan. The "ultra red bullets mode", in which the bullets are dense and fast, is "絶走行". As you can see from the video, "絶走行" is more intense than "赤走行", especially in boss battles. Penalty for being shot is "絶走行", the gauge will be lost [100%], so the game system is also challenging. 絶走行に入るには、変身ボタンを「押しっぱなし」にします。このとき、goldが最低1必要ですが忘れていいです。 ライフを失ったりバリアアタックを撃った後は、変身ボタンを「押しっぱなし」にすれば自動的に絶走行に戻ります。 絶走行のまま面クリアしたら、次の面が始まるまで変身ボタンを「押しっぱなし」にすれば自動的に絶走行に戻ります。 この方法で最後のライフが燃え尽きるまで、絶走行でウヒョアーできます。 Press and HOLD the transformation button to enter "絶走行". At this time, you need at least 1 gold, but you can forget it. After losing a life or firing a barrier attack, simply HOLD down the transformation button to automatically return to the "絶走行". If you clear a stage while in "絶走行", HOLD down the transformation button until the next stage starts to automatically return to "絶走行". This way, you can continue to run insane "絶走行" until your last life is exhausted. それでは、楽しんでください。 それにしても、この動画はタイトルも説明文も動画内の解説字幕も日本語だというのに この動画を英語圏の皆さんに見つけていただけるなんて、私は喜びを感じると同時に不思議に思ってもいます。 多分ホーム画面とか次の動画だか何かにおすすめだか何かされたんでしょうけど、Y◯utubeのシステムって心底わっかんねえなあ・・・ So enjoy yourself. Even so, the title, description, and commentary subtitles in the video are all in Japanese. I am both delighted and amazed that this video is found by English-speaking people. Maybe it was recommended for the home screen or the next video or something, but the Y**tube system really doesn't make sense... 私のチャンネルで他に楽しい動画が見つかるかもしれません。 なんかわからない事があったら遠慮なく質問してください。 ご視聴ありがとうございました。 You may find other fun videos on my channel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for watching.
enjoyable gameplay : )
How do you actually remain in utra red bullets mode ? Not normal red, but ultra, where red bullets are dense and fast, and you collect a lot more gold?
I always seem to end up in normal red mode.
Plase explain the mechanic.Thanks!
Thank you for your comment.
Basically, I can only read and write Japanese properly.
But, I understood what you wanted to ask using the translation site.
I will reply to you using a translation site, although it may be strange English.
If my English is broken, let's blame G**gle Translate.
あなたの言う"normal red bullets mode"は日本で「赤走行」と呼ばれています。
弾が密集して速い"ultra red bullets mode"は、「絶走行」です。
The "normal red bullets mode" you speak of is called "赤走行" in Japan.
The "ultra red bullets mode", in which the bullets are dense and fast, is "絶走行".
As you can see from the video, "絶走行" is more intense than "赤走行", especially in boss battles.
Penalty for being shot is "絶走行", the gauge will be lost [100%], so the game system is also challenging.
Press and HOLD the transformation button to enter "絶走行". At this time, you need at least 1 gold, but you can forget it.
After losing a life or firing a barrier attack, simply HOLD down the transformation button to automatically return to the "絶走行".
If you clear a stage while in "絶走行", HOLD down the transformation button until the next stage starts to automatically return to "絶走行".
This way, you can continue to run insane "絶走行" until your last life is exhausted.
So enjoy yourself.
Even so, the title, description, and commentary subtitles in the video are all in Japanese.
I am both delighted and amazed that this video is found by English-speaking people.
Maybe it was recommended for the home screen or the next video or something, but the Y**tube system really doesn't make sense...
You may find other fun videos on my channel.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you for watching.
@@robounoishi thank you kindly for your detailed answer sir.
I will do as you instructed and prepare for red bullets armageddon 😊
Glad you cleared this up. I was wondering the same thing.