Hello, rephrasing my question, could you send me the binding positions of this ignition starter switch? for example, which cable comes from the carburetor solenoid where does it go to the ignition switch and which cable comes from the ignition coil to which ignition switch position!
@@belajarteknik Hello, rephrasing my question, could you send me the binding positions of this ignition starter switch? for example, which cable comes from the carburetor solenoid where does it go to the ignition switch and which cable comes from the ignition coil to which ignition switch position!
Pa mau tanya Honda elemax sh 11000 harga seken nya berapa ya? Kira2 ada ga ya pa yg seken. Alnya baru nya masih mahal😂
Mengganti coilnya apakah langsung satu set,atau bisa di ganti satu saja,yg mati.
Bisa ganti yg matinya saja pa,klo yg mati yg kanan ganti yg kanan saja atau sebaliknya
Ukuran jarak klep 'y berpa pak..saya stel tidak ketemu" langsam
In 0.20 ex 0.25
Pak beli filter udara ny dimana y
Diatas cylinder head yg warna hitam itu box filter udaranya ada didalam box
Maaf pak mau nanya. Kalo beli sil askruk buat mesin ini dimana ya?
Bisa cari di ltc pa
Seal bisa beli di toko yg jual seal pa,itu umum bawa contohnya saja
untuk beli koilnya dimana ya
Bisa cari di ltc Glodog pa,ke toko omega
Pa kalau hz nya naik turun itu kenapa ya?
Biasanya engine tidak stabil perlu tune up service karburator setting klep cek filter udara dan filter oli ganti oli
@@belajarteknik silindernya pincang pa, yang perlu di stel apakah setingan klepnya ya?
Cek supply bensin dari karburator pastikan karburabur dibersihkan dari kotoran,pastikan stelan klep
@@belajarteknik oke terima kasih pa
Kalu susah hidup apanya?
Busi bagus keluar api
Tuneup carburatornya pa
Hello, rephrasing my question, could you send me the binding positions of this ignition starter switch? for example, which cable comes from the carburetor solenoid where does it go to the ignition switch and which cable comes from the ignition coil to which ignition switch position!
Please cek other video for genset elemax sh 11000
@@belajarteknik Hello, rephrasing my question, could you send me the binding positions of this ignition starter switch? for example, which cable comes from the carburetor solenoid where does it go to the ignition switch and which cable comes from the ignition coil to which ignition switch position!
Pak gx620 itu kalo isi oli ny lwat mana
Di cop klepnya pa
@@belajarteknik mesin vanguard 18 hp v twin hidup sebelah ...itu apa ny yg salah bg🙏
Biasanya klo engine vtwin mati sebelah dari ignetion coil atau businya atau bocor compresi
@@belajarteknik kalau coil nya apa kah bisa pake yg gx 390
Untuk engine vtwin ada coil kanan dan dikiri pa, jadi ga bisa pake coil gx 390
Pak boleh minta nmer wa nya,,