Stúlkan sem starir á hafið - Bubbi Morthens

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Stúlkan sem starir á hafið - Bubbi Morthens

Комментарии • 89

  • @NikBlack20
    @NikBlack20 14 лет назад +6

    I`m danish, married to an icelandic woman. I love his music, eventhough I don`t understand the lyrics yet. I`ll get there.

  • @debbilitli
    @debbilitli 13 лет назад +7

    "She existed. I saw her in a certain village years ago, when I was a young travelling worker. I fell in love with her, but did not know she was mentally ill. I found out soon and felt the right thing to do was leaving the place. She lost her husband on sea and couldn’t handle it. When I read she was dead, I recalled her story. Some of the text is fiction, bust mostly it’s true. The text is about her - and all the other women who have lost husbands, brothers and sons to the ocean.”
    -Bubbi, 1994

  • @Tekow1
    @Tekow1 14 лет назад +15

    I was together with a girl from Iceland that loved this song, it also made a deep impact on me personally, and I many times have to go back to listen to this song, it reminds me of her and how much I loved her, despite the lyrics wich are pretty sad...
    Each time I listen to the song, I realize how much I really do love my old love Kristin, even tho she is not around me anymore, and either will she ever be again...

    • @kiddalingur
      @kiddalingur 10 дней назад

      the girl that star at the ocean ? stúlkan sem starir á hafið

  • @sverrg
    @sverrg 16 лет назад +5

    It's about a man who gets a bad job and a small room in a small town and one day he sees a local woman standing and staring at the ocean, he sees her dancing. Each night she's on the cliffs looking at the sea. Her eyes are green and deep and stare into the ocean. He is told her husband drowned, a fisherman.
    She cries looking into the waves. The man in the small room can't stop thinking about her and falls in love. He leaves the small town but thinks of her when he hears another boat has sunk.

  • @SuperDmitry888
    @SuperDmitry888 8 лет назад +20

    takk Bubbi. svo godur ad heyra thessi ymislegt lagid fra fiskvinna i Djupavogi arid 1991, Dmitry fra Russlandi

    • @einarmar7445
      @einarmar7445 7 лет назад

      You should leave, My family is PURE Icelandic and it should not have to change it

    • @afroschlan
      @afroschlan 6 лет назад +1

      Gaur? Hvaða saur er í þér?

    • @sagaomars2697
      @sagaomars2697 6 лет назад

      stop itt??? he tried to speak some icelandic and this is how we respond??? be kind

    • @groupvucic2235
      @groupvucic2235 5 лет назад +1

      ​@@sagaomars2697 they are just jealous of our nuclear weapons.

  • @snati6
    @snati6 7 лет назад +3

    Takk fyrir ad vera gód sál og gefa okkur bestu løg Ìslandssøgurnar. Takk :)

  • @hedin73
    @hedin73 10 лет назад +3

    thessi norduramerikani skilja ekki net af hvalaveidu,og teir ski;ja ekki vit etum teir. Heilsa og kvedjur, Faeringur I Canada

  • @Thorum13
    @Thorum13 13 лет назад +1

    "Oh my.. it does rise my spirit!
    and encourage me to dream.."

  • @Thorum13
    @Thorum13 9 лет назад +2

    Again beautiful. Sublime.

  • @mundarnir
    @mundarnir 15 лет назад +3

    Klárlega einn af bestu söngvörum Íslands ! ;)

  • @Schnellbusfahrer
    @Schnellbusfahrer 16 лет назад

    A friend from iceland told me about Bubbi´s songs and I really like it.

  • @phoranea
    @phoranea 16 лет назад +1

    The only thing I understand from this song is "hafið" but the voice reminds me of the way certain French chanson singers and Spanish troubadours sing... I love the voice...also, the simplicity of the music that can only but to enhance just about enough the story told in the lyrics (which is usually the most important thing)... I just wish I could understand what he's singing about... which, I'm guessing has something to do with the sea.
    And... I love that too :D

  • @solaskinner
    @solaskinner 11 лет назад

    I simply close my eyes and listen to the music.

  • @Thorum13
    @Thorum13 15 лет назад

    Beautiful and moving!!

  • @Thorum13
    @Thorum13 15 лет назад

    Absolutely beautiful!!

  • @MrEagleboy21
    @MrEagleboy21 14 лет назад

    Bubbi in the prime of his life!

  • @thomasyogayoiii3759
    @thomasyogayoiii3759 2 года назад


  • @steinroskolbeins602
    @steinroskolbeins602 8 лет назад


  • @sk8iceland4ever
    @sk8iceland4ever 8 лет назад

    Bubbi is a certified TÞS member.

  • @svuggli24
    @svuggli24 7 лет назад +1

    Lord Bubbs for president!

  • @IloveNickelback050
    @IloveNickelback050 16 лет назад

    I love this song and I like Stórir strákar fá raflost

  • @gudnyjonasdottir2107
    @gudnyjonasdottir2107 10 лет назад

    ekkert smá flott

  • @Turftechutah
    @Turftechutah 16 лет назад

    Faglegt lag, á einhver orðin, eða veit hvar ég gæti fundið orðin? Röddin hans Bubba er æðisleg.

  • @tomasvivaas
    @tomasvivaas 7 лет назад

    Þetta er okkar besti

  • @osibosi99
    @osibosi99 3 года назад

    Geggjað, bara geggjað!

  • @stanislavsmirnov611
    @stanislavsmirnov611 11 лет назад +1

    eg skil ekki had thetta allt saman - koke, obaman - hefur ad gera vid laginu. eg vann i fiski or gistadi i verkbud. ek elska laginu! stanislav, russneskur

    • @einarmar7445
      @einarmar7445 7 лет назад

      Ísland er bara fyrir íslendinga

    • @mw2Funnyface142
      @mw2Funnyface142 7 лет назад

      demonic ginger Afhverju segirðu það? Hvað hafa útlendingar gert við þig?

  • @davemus
    @davemus 9 лет назад +3

    Bubbi þyrfti að hitta grassið á ný og opna huga sinn a ný og semja góða músík

    • @kiddalingur
      @kiddalingur 6 лет назад

      ég veit ekki með þig en ég verð ónýttur eftir smoke

  • @swedishbutcher
    @swedishbutcher 16 лет назад

    cool song

  • @sverrg
    @sverrg 16 лет назад

    no problem, it's not literal of course but I didn't have enough space to type the whole thing literally - maybe I'll do it later in several segments if I get some downtime

  • @HjortGeirsMr
    @HjortGeirsMr 14 лет назад

    Lubbi syngur lubbalega!

  • @phoranea
    @phoranea 16 лет назад

    Takk! for the translation ;)

  • @bergvingislason1733
    @bergvingislason1733 5 лет назад

    Eitt af perlunum hans :)

  • @Ben2546
    @Ben2546 15 лет назад


  • @agnarholmkolbeinsson703
    @agnarholmkolbeinsson703 6 лет назад +1

    Þetta var á Bíldudal þegar Magga missti Hjálmar sinn

  • @Rusl2006
    @Rusl2006 15 лет назад

    Best að nota capo á 3 band og svo er þetta sirka bara plokkað G og C.....

  • @Hewi94
    @Hewi94 15 лет назад

  • @swedishbutcher
    @swedishbutcher 14 лет назад

    @Mrparris uhmm noooooooo you should mabey check out the studio version with bubbi

  • @MrEagleboy21
    @MrEagleboy21 14 лет назад

    Bubbi in his prime!

  • @Varghalur
    @Varghalur 13 лет назад

    @notblondeswede inte allt i svenska och isländska er likt, för exempel ordet fött :P Det betyder en helt annan sak på isländska, tror att några andra här har redan förklarat vad det egentligen betyder ^^
    Jag är från Island förresten ...

  • @kinslerable
    @kinslerable 14 лет назад

    Hann var svo harður og er það enn :'D

  • @sviti88
    @sviti88 15 лет назад

    kannski cmoll og svo g7 ?

  • @75312369874
    @75312369874 15 лет назад

    It's about a girl and her dad drowned at sea

  • @bergvingislason1733
    @bergvingislason1733 5 лет назад

    Sorglegt ,en eitt af hans bestu lögum

  • @binnulingur
    @binnulingur 13 лет назад

    @northmetalguy It's about a girl who loses her man to the ocean and stares at the ocean every day.

  • @agnarholmkolbeinsson703
    @agnarholmkolbeinsson703 5 лет назад

    Það besta frá Bubba:

  • @zuubermann
    @zuubermann 13 лет назад

    @missgitta10 Enda er lagið eftir bubba

  • @johannheiarsson4146
    @johannheiarsson4146 8 лет назад

    Bubbi bara flottur ,,

  • @arnikristgeirsson6679
    @arnikristgeirsson6679 11 лет назад

    á þessum tíma var bubbi í kókinu.. haha

  • @sesar92
    @sesar92 15 лет назад +1

    Iceland has the highest education rate per people in the world. We are one of the leading countries in environment issues. The whales are not in extinction danger in the northern sea. And if you are from USA then this might interest you that USA fishing ships kill more whales than any other country combine. And they also destroy their ecosystem. We have rules about how many whales we can hunt and we hold the size of the stock steady. Sorry for my bad English. great song by the way.

  • @MrKingGlock
    @MrKingGlock 13 лет назад

    @MrKingGlock hahaha getur fólk ekki tekið jákvæðru gagngreen'i

  • @vikingrebalgrindjaniicelan1369
    @vikingrebalgrindjaniicelan1369 10 месяцев назад


  • @IngaBigga
    @IngaBigga 13 лет назад

    Nei Hann var ekki alltaf algjör skalli x'D lol

  • @solaskinner
    @solaskinner 15 лет назад

    Not her father, but her husband.

  • @Vampi-el8ys
    @Vampi-el8ys 8 лет назад

    það er fallegt ljoð

  • @pinkglittergirl23
    @pinkglittergirl23 8 лет назад +1

    hey tussar þetta drullugott lag hættið að shamea bubbann

  • @jamespatterson3020
    @jamespatterson3020 8 лет назад

    falleg og melódísk

  • @MrKingGlock
    @MrKingGlock 13 лет назад

    einsog Td. *spurning ? hvað hefuru hlustað á mörg lög og margar tegundir af tónlist ?? þetta er all í undirmeðvitundinni ! og ef dú yrðir beðinn um að semja lag í dag hvernig mindi það hljóma ????????????????

  • @7mt7
    @7mt7 14 лет назад

    flott lag!!!!!

  • @maggid27
    @maggid27 13 лет назад

    Ömurlegur taktur í þessu haha
    annars gott lag sko

  • @valtyr89
    @valtyr89 16 лет назад


  • @FlyingC4r
    @FlyingC4r 15 лет назад

    Iceland also did 9/11 , ask Gordon Brown

  • @HjortGeirsMr
    @HjortGeirsMr 14 лет назад

    Yes, this is obeouvisly a bad looking fat-spill, hey cook it!

  • @Mrparris
    @Mrparris 14 лет назад

    Ehh...I like Bubbi and all, but Hera's version is just better. :x

  • @SigurtorHolm
    @SigurtorHolm 13 лет назад


  • @birkirbekkur1329
    @birkirbekkur1329 5 лет назад

    þetta geggjað lag

  • @saltskeggur
    @saltskeggur 4 года назад

    Hera did it better