after ottoman ...its history of puppets appointed by uk france or usa .....biggest upset was fall of shah in iran for the west and recenty could not able to make coup against erdogan successful.
Whe will come verry soon on a full confrontation with the Arab from all European Union .Their blood will be like dust in the wind .The Natanyahu Army on the rise
King Hussein is one of the greatest diplomats/political leaders in history, considering all the pressures within Jordan and from outside Jordan, he has the strength and skill to out match even the strongest antagonist.
So losing half of your kingdoms and putting 1 million Palestinians under Israel direct control is considered to be a great success? The bar in Arab countries must be very low.
King Hussain of Jordan was truly the last of the Islamic enlightened rulers in the style of Saladin. He exhibited to very end, even in great pain with his cancer, his chivalry, honor and royal duty to his Nation and the Jordanian People is his legacy.
I'm not a huge fan of Abdullah but King Hussein was a great man. I was a teenager when he died and a political animal--and I remember the sadness in Washington that day. Something we rarely see in the US for a foreign leader.
yes he was so careless he managed to loose half his occupied west bank in just a few days to the entity. . even after being warned by the Zionist Entity through UN in W. Jerusalem to cease fire heavily shelling the infidel part of Al-Quds or risk war. Unfortunately he was again negligent and refused to listen being a "little" stubborn and over confident. Great pity said PM Golda Meir and General Dyan who liked the fellow.
Killed by a Palestinian. Yet Jordan is the home of the largest number of Palestinian Refugees and is the only country in the world that gave them FULL citizenship on the spot. That has to be hard pill to swallow. Wish for peace in the Middle East it's such a Beautiful place in a Horrible situation.
You missed his school education at Victoria college in Alexandria ,Egypt where he was colleagues with Omar sharif and Prince of Spain ...that must have had some influence shaping his character. Other than that..great documentary!.. good job! :)
Saudi’s and the British had same goal,ironically they both wouldn’t allow the Hashimites from Iraq to control Jordan,because that will be a big threat to both Israel and Saudi’s.The most important thing to the Saud ruling family is the preservation of their regime,over all other considerations.
Not true. And to equate Saudi Arabia with Israel is such a shameless attempt at demonizing Saudi. The facts are: Saudi was always reserved when it came to a country taking over another country, by merger or by take over. To that point king Abdulaziz of Saudi captured significant parts of Yemen in battles against the Imami’s then returned them because it was truly turbulent and destabilizing. Hence, Saudi was against unifying Jordan & Iraq under the Hashemite rule.. when you think about it that worked for the favor of the Jordanian monarchy since their cousins in Iraq were virtually stampeded and slaughtered by rouge angry mobs!
@@Garbeaux. many many years ago, Canada had hosted the G7 summit here. Think it was held in Banff, in the mountains west of Calgary. But he definitely was Hussein of Jordan
All Jazeera only tells you one side of the side of the story. Thanks Goodness that I have seen and listened to the story from a few other different sources.
Lots of DIFFERENT views...however one looks at it...most of those people still live in the stoneage...that will not change for a long time to come, especially when it comes to women....
@@siegridthomas9674 with all respect Is this an insult to Arabs????? At least we stoped the slavery of black people before 1400 years while the west stop it before 300 years Sorry if I miss understand you
It's funny how many arab people are hating Jordan after they actually destroyed their countries, even though they still live as refugees in the country.
Hashemites are Arabs. Saud family killed and chased many away. Many Arabs left their homes and flee because blood was spilled. May Allah give us justice Amin
The family King Faisal the second and his brother Abed Allah , King Hussein are free masons . King Talal who was king Hussein father was not . he tried to fix the problems through the 1952 constitution . The British with the help of the free masons kidnapped him and took him to a Hospital in Switzerland accusing him of being crazy , never allowing any Jordanian or a doctor from any other country , Only a British doctor who is assigned by them . Later on they moved him to Turkey under the control of the military Junta to put him under house arrest for the rest of his life . King Hussein was 16.5 years old , So his mother and her brother Alshareef Naser Ben Jamil ( an Egyptian) Signed the deal with the British. Later on King Hussein went to England to meet Winston Churchill who advice him on policies to always to be in the gray area . When he talk with the Jordanians he is very sweet , understanding , nice man , But when they get into small problem and they were asked to visit Wakalaht AlMukhabarat , They find the truth , We have a gang of criminals running the country. King Hussein became a free Mason on May17of 1957 , In the same year , He started working for the CIA at a salary of $700.000 dollars a year ( Bob Woodward ) 1978 investigation , In the same year he started sharing his salary with the top leadership at Wakalaht Almukhabarat and encourage them to cooperate with the CIA , So the money will keep coming . The kingdom was established by the British to protect Israel and helped them to establish themselves . King Hussein and his son always complain that Jordan is a very poor country , Even though they establish a $33 Billion dollar bank account . The term Jordan is very poor is the tree the cover the jungle of treacherous polices that always built on keeping the people down .
King Hussien of Jordan is a great father, husband, brother, a great leader of humanity and freedom of the middle. Your achievement and legacy will not be forgotten even decades has past. God bless your soul, your family and all your friends. We love you King King Hussein of Jordan.
oh please stop defending thieves monarchies are all thieves stealing wealt from their own people especcialy the big predator of morocco king mohamed the 6 he stole all of the wealth of morocco and let the moroccan people extremly poor no education no health no Jobs no infrastructure no democracy nothing his wealt is propably more than $20 biljon dollars also the emirs of the gulf states the same problem
Palestinians have their considerable issues with their history over the past 60 years. Good luck to them. But I, as a Circassian-Jordanian, couldn't give a flying Chinese fart about any of them, if they challenge Jordanian authority. We (Circassians) helped to create AND MAINTAIN Jordan, and we stand by it.
Fascinating history by some one another guy about Saudi Arabia tribes ,Beautiful land ,visited tabby and adjacent places, looks a modern country with excellent infra structure. One problem I saw is , people r too emotional !
King Hussein had the right idea. Just imagine how much land the Palestinians lost because of Egypt and the rest of the clowns. Now look at the Palestinians!!
Often you find that the case. More likely that a thorough Documentary is filmed then and article put together by the writer on Wikipedia rather than the other way round.
Division ,foreign ideologies all contributed to the situation we see in the Middle East . What’s needed here is a Salahuddin to unite the region and free Palestine .
you mean greatest looser. Just like his son who actually beats his Dad. The AJ documentart of Black September was very accurate for a change. The ONLY incorrect details by US Diplomat was that, at the request of King Hussein through the Americans, he did request Israeli intervention to stave off serious entry of Syrian armoured forces who wanted to overthrow him and plant Yasir Arafat as President of Jordan. As correctly stated Israel DID mobilIze ostentatiously one armoured division near Nazereth. It ALSO sent its IAF jets over Syrian forces making "sonic boomS" to peturb them. It worked and the Syrians quickly returned to their bases in Syria. The King was eternally grateful and repaid the prompt neighbourly help by WARNING PM Golda Meir of the impending attack by Syria & Egypt (Yom Kippur War 1973Tm facing Abdullah & expensive Harrods shopper Queen Rana is as of December 2023 is whether they might face a BLACK SEPTEMBER MARK 2? The disloyal & noisy Palestinian residents are again very restles Maybe once again, despite all his bluster and pretend anti Israel (zionist entity to you lot) rhetoric he will probably have to call them in to re -establish order and restore his throne and her huge expensive shoe wardrobe.
Islamic countries need not kings or queens just the word of allah(swt) and the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbu). Had we followed the principles of our umma we would not have suffered so much disarray decades on end.
British create the kingdom of Jordan, they've support of the king family indeed to be the biggest help to establish Israel and Palestine was under there monarchy
British gives Hashmit family that country as a part of the agreement with Shareef Hussain. Not to protecting Isreal just Jordan was created before Isreal. Also the date of creation of Israel was not planned by British they just took themselves back to home. BRITISH CREATED MOST OF Arabic countries especially GCC.
Glubb never saw it coming😂😂😂, he should have made more friends in Jordan. The arrogance of believing that Jordanians were incapable.of leading their own......
Everyone says Nasser was a fine statesman and maybe he was but didn't he antagonise the Israeli army and in turn they obliterated all the Arab armies, if he hadn't been caught up in nationalist euphoria the war might not have happened, so he wasn't at all savvy enough was he .
Nasser had no serious intentions of attacking Israel in 1967 as declassified documents show, he was just putting on a show of force against the Israeli's to boost his standing within Egypt and the wider Arab world.
Let's get serious a 17 years old can run a country? I'm not saying that later he became the most influential man in the area. But again a 17 years old and the fact that he wasn't aligned to be the successor. Britain is the real king. I became one that really liked him later in life.
He did right by his people by making peace with Israel and fighting the PLO out of his country, who tried overthrow him. Look today his country prospers.
Salam Dr Jawad : I am Jordanian , I went to Ajloun High school . I love Jordan and the goodness in the Character of the people of Jordan , But the so called Royal family , all what I saw es s treason from them toward the people of Jordan , Considering I lived in Jordan and I saw the soldiers after 1967 coming back with their piece of garbage English gun , which was manual , It overheat and the range get shorter . They gave them the M1 in 1968 and in 1970 gave them the refurbished M 14 from the U,S soldiers coming back from Vietnam and the trucks which the bullites still stuck in the tires , Ask the soldiers who fought . You will find the sweet talking king , shut down all the supply lines for the army . Ask the people of Nablus about the Tamween center in theire and they will tell you , It was closed on the first day of the war . Ask the officers who went their after four days of fighting , They called the defense ministry for help , They told them the orders were given to pull back to the second defense lines . Our traitor king gave the same orders on the day of the Karameh battle , But Mash hoor Haditheh refused the orders . After the defeat of Israel , The king and his regime reason for being was on the line . King Hussein put his uncle Nasser Ben Jamil to lead the defense ministry and he was the man behind the hiring of 350 Palestinians with criminal back ground to shoot Jordanian soldiers on their way to visit their families and he started the civil war and Israel came out the clear winner . This family was always behind all our misery . The soldiers of of the tank Brigade 60 , In the city of Mafraq , Arrested some of the 350 criminals and they spilled the beans , Telling every thing . The soldiers called the king and made sure he fired his uncle from the Defense ministry , It was like the traitor king did not know what his uncle was doing . These are drops from the sea of their treachery . Jordan is big and greater than all the criminals , It is always greater by the poor people who love it to death . I always believe in the greatness of the people of Jordan when they reach out to each other and stand side by side , They were part in the defeat of mighty super powers in the past and they can do it again . It is written in their blood ,
@@___-zr8rq هذه عاءلة الخونه والحراميه صنعها العبيد امثالك ، هذه عاءلة متصهينين ليس لهم اي علاقه لا بالعروبه ولا بالاسلام ، انا ابن كفرنجه تقول عني لاجيء ، هل انت مسرور من حالة الدمار والفساد الذي نشروه ، انت لو انك مثقف وتعرف راسك من موءخرتك لشتمت الملك والذي خلفوه ، اقراء الدستور ياجحش الماده ٢٤ تقول الشعب الاردني هو مصدر السلطات ، هذا يعني ان أغلبية النواب في البرلمان الذي ينتخبه الشعب هم الذين يوءلفون الحكومه وليس الملك ، الملك ليس من حقه ان يشارك الشعب في حقوق انتخاب ممثليه ، فوجود مجلس اعيانً عار ، هوءلاء هم تنابل السلطان اي عبيد الملك القضاء يجب ان ينتخبه الشعب ويتبع لسلطة الشعب لكي يكون حيادي ومستقل القرار ويكون عادل في احكامه وليس عصى يهدد الديكتاتور بها الشعب ، مجلس النواب لديه السلطه الرقابيه على الملك وديوانه وكل الوزارات لانهم ممثلي الشعب ، فالملك ليس له اي سلطه بحل البرلمان هذه من صلاحية الشعب الذي انتخبه ويوكل رءيس المجلس بحل البرلمان بعد تصويت كل النواب على القرار ، اذا لم يصوتوا ،الشعب يكون قد صوت على اليه مثل جمع ١٠٠ الف صوت ناخب اردني موثقه وموقعه يطالبون بحل البرلمان ، نسخه تذهب الى رءيس مجلس النواب ونسخه تذهب الى المجلس الاعلى للقضاء لتنفيذ قرار الشعب ، الملك ليس له علاقه ، منصبه فخري ، كل الوزارات تخضع للجان منبثقه عن البرلمان والملك ليس له علاقه بقيادة الجيش او سرقة وزارة المالية وجعلها صراف الي ، هذه من صلاحيات الشعب ، ويجب ان لا يدخل اي وزارة الا بعد اخذ موافقه من مجلس النواب ، لأن الشعب هو مصدر السلطات .
The narrator said King Hussein came to power after his grandfather in a succession crisis, but I read he came to power at such a young age because his own father was mentally unstable. I also think he was about fourteen when he became king.
His grandfather was in excellent health, but the British accused him of madness because he hated Britain, and the British took him to Turkey, and no one knew what they did to him, perhaps they killed him
The main reason byond the British support for the Kingdom is the British agreement with Shareef Hussain to be the king of Arab if he would help to downfall the ottoman empire but that didn't happen. NOT FOR SUPPORTING ISREAL !!! IT WAS CREATED EARLIER THAN ISREAL
wouldn't be too hard to do really, unlike jordan the qatari monarchy was not built on blood and treason. but it is a dictatorship at the end of the day, though nowhere near as brutal as jordan.
@@amerlad"no where near as brutal as Jordan"? Dude ask all those foreign slave laborers working in Qatar about what they think about human rights in the country
This is a dumb statement as it implies that heads of state or heads of government in western democracies are elected based on their competency. I don’t know which fantasy land you live in Kevin but this isn’t the case,leaders in the west are elected based on popularity,competency optional.
I didn't know that Jordan is a young country!!!! I want to know who were the rulers before this family? For sure this family saga is more complicated, intrigued than sny Hollywood plot anyone could ever think of, not even soap opera plot. I was visiting Jordan in October 2021, their English has s British accent!
The history of the middle east is so interesting i can watch documentaries about it all day
It really is. I am watching them now.
Me toooo
Indeed! The exciting thing about the middle east is it always has more seasons with new characters lol
My condolences to king Hussains family death in Iraq 🇮🇶. I am sure it took a toll on the king.
after ottoman ...its history of puppets appointed by uk france or usa .....biggest upset was fall of shah in iran for the west and recenty could not able to make coup against erdogan successful.
My 103 years old grandfather who is thanks to Allah still alive today, was the driver of king Talal and he told me a lot about him
Incredible age wow. God bless
is he still alive today? that is very incredible of him ❤
I'm Jordanian proud of my country and أهلا to my Arab friends
Respect to this great king. Greetings from Holland to Jordan.
Disrespect to this traitor king! Greetings from Jordan to Holland.
@@blackdarkghost1212 a traitor?
His decision to get involved in the Six Day War wasn't so great.
Whe will come verry soon on a full confrontation with the Arab from all European Union .Their blood will be like dust in the wind .The Natanyahu Army on the rise
@@64untilltheworldblow97 I hope the war will happen soon Be an obedient servant
He is a Great Leader. He Save Jordan and its people. He learned at an early age that he had to protect his own country
King Hussein is one of the greatest diplomats/political leaders in history, considering all the pressures within Jordan and from outside Jordan, he has the strength and skill to out match even the strongest antagonist.
King Hussein is gone, and we have his corrupt son, King Abdullah II
So losing half of your kingdoms and putting 1 million Palestinians under Israel direct control is considered to be a great success? The bar in Arab countries must be very low.
@Jordan he’s worst. He so weak his wife and her brothers big time corrupted. If you talk about her family you will go to jail
King Hussein was a traitor.
King Hussein was a traitor to the Arabs. See the 50 years War made by BBC.
I met him at an air show In BC Canada. Awesome and charismatic man.
King Hussein, so respected loved by his people. I remember the sadness in His funeral
Even the israel president shed tear they said
The day of his death was the saddest day for us Jordanians
Greetings from Jordan
@@johnp3172 On the day of King Hussein's death, Netanyahu said: Today the man I feared most died
@@mahmoudbataineh9716 may peace be with us all. Greetings from Argentina.
@@iermanicus Probably
Greetings from Jordan
King Hussein was a man of honor. When he passed away I cried like the rest of Jordanians living all over the world.
Jordanians mourned him despite his relationship with Israel? I'm seriously asking how did this relationship go down in Jordan?
@@Cfish613 we accepted the Palestinians but they went to Jordan caused a civil war. I couldn’t care less that he signed a peace treaty with Israel
@@ScienceRules45 King Hussein, peace, peace with Israel, so that they will be Palestinians from entering Jordan
@@Cfish613 King Hussein, peace, peace with Israel, so that they will be Palestinians from entering Jordan
A perfect human specimen!
My Father was in Lebanese Army during period where Malik Hussein was in power. He was part of military escort when he visited Lebanon in 50’s & 60’s
King Hussain of Jordan was truly the last of the Islamic enlightened rulers in the style of Saladin. He exhibited to very end, even in great pain with his cancer, his chivalry, honor and royal duty to his Nation and the Jordanian People is his legacy.
Stop the BS he was the Zionist Agent like hes father
He has nothing to do with Islam.
You can not compare a treacherous Western puppet monarch to Salahuddin.
But his wife dress and women on that time not wore Islamic dress .
@@richardalfaro3890 please don’t ever compare the greatness of Saladin to these men🤣
A true King with exceptional qualities perhaps the only nobel royal Arab!!!
I think when people know their history it gives them a know how of the present and a blueprint to the future.
May Allah protect Dr.Qassem and his peaceful protest against injustice. I googled him and he seems to be a voice for the voiceless
DownWith Imperialism شو بعرفني هههه، بدك تسالني عن شغلة حظرتها قبل سنة؟
Amer Adams what does downwith imperialism said?? Can you translate it to english????
Same here but they need to make a documentary about ben ali and other dictators if they can
Admirable man and great ruler. He and his son have many fans in North America.
Reallyy??? How is that??
Most Americans do. Honestly Jordan is an example other struggling ME nations should follow.
@@ehsanzahoor607 because they killed Palestinians and saved Israel
I'm not a huge fan of Abdullah but King Hussein was a great man. I was a teenager when he died and a political animal--and I remember the sadness in Washington that day. Something we rarely see in the US for a foreign leader.
Jordan is awesome.
your awsome too
The King is one of the bravest Men i have ever known, i love, respect, and admire him.
yes he was so careless he managed to loose half his occupied west bank in just a few days to the entity. . even after being warned by the Zionist Entity through UN in W. Jerusalem to cease fire heavily shelling the infidel part of Al-Quds or risk war. Unfortunately he was again negligent and refused to listen being a "little" stubborn and over confident. Great pity said PM Golda Meir and General Dyan who liked the fellow.
I was barely responsible enough for a full-time job at 18. I can't imagine being 18 and responsible for an entire country
try being 17 y/o and being the general that conquered modern day Pakistan
like Muḥammad bin Qāsim ath-Thaqafī in 7th century
It's the way you were raised. Besides not all of us have the same capabilities and that's good
And stand uo to a world power and the Palestinians, communists, meddling relatives and Israel. He is one of the rulers you can admire
Beth absolutely very good documentary
People are different
Amazing documentary. To think Hussein was a young man when when the reins of leadership were placed in his hands.
Killed by a Palestinian. Yet Jordan is the home of the largest number of Palestinian Refugees and is the only country in the world that gave them FULL citizenship on the spot. That has to be hard pill to swallow. Wish for peace in the Middle East it's such a Beautiful place in a Horrible situation.
You missed his school education at Victoria college in Alexandria ,Egypt where he was colleagues with Omar sharif and Prince of Spain ...that must have had some influence shaping his character.
Other than that..great documentary!.. good job! :)
Good to know cheers 🍻
That is certainly very cool. Not really the Prince of Spain part, the Omar Sharif part. 😊
To understand what is going on Asia and the Middle East today you have to study the history of each country and surrounding countries.
Thank all al jazeera staff for those docmenteryies
الف رحمه عليك يـ صقر العرب الملك الحسين بن طلال 🇯🇴
need a epic HBO series of this
His life would be and interesting miniseries, indeed
Saudi’s and the British had same goal,ironically they both wouldn’t allow the Hashimites from Iraq to control Jordan,because that will be a big threat to both Israel and Saudi’s.The most important thing to the Saud ruling family is the preservation of their regime,over all other considerations.
That's the point my friend. You have nailed it in the head
I love Saudi Arabia's involvement in the problems of the Middle East, even if it's not true lol
@@GLOmar-my6xc the Lannisters of Middle East
Not true. And to equate Saudi Arabia with Israel is such a shameless attempt at demonizing Saudi. The facts are: Saudi was always reserved when it came to a country taking over another country, by merger or by take over. To that point king Abdulaziz of Saudi captured significant parts of Yemen in battles against the Imami’s then returned them because it was truly turbulent and destabilizing. Hence, Saudi was against unifying Jordan & Iraq under the Hashemite rule.. when you think about it that worked for the favor of the Jordanian monarchy since their cousins in Iraq were virtually stampeded and slaughtered by rouge angry mobs!
Stood behind him and his bodyguards at a McDonald's because his son wanted a big mac before leaving Canada, true story! 😂
Wait. Hussein 1 or 2? If 1 you prob saw both depending on how long ago this was.
@@Garbeaux. when was this?
Haha that's awesome
That is the funniest thing!
@@Garbeaux. many many years ago, Canada had hosted the G7 summit here. Think it was held in Banff, in the mountains west of Calgary. But he definitely was Hussein of Jordan
Thank you for new knowledge on Middle Eastern affairs was eye opener.
Goodwork Aljazera 👍
All Jazeera only tells you one side of the side of the story. Thanks Goodness that I have seen and listened to the story from a few other different sources.
Ok. The other side of the story is correct?
This royal family along with Assads dynasty needs be killed off.
Lots of DIFFERENT views...however one looks at it...most of those people still live in the stoneage...that will not change for a long time to come, especially when it comes to women....
@@siegridthomas9674 with all respect
Is this an insult to Arabs?????
At least we stoped the slavery of black people before 1400 years while the west stop it before 300 years
Sorry if I miss understand you
سبحان الله العظيم ... دنيا ... لكنها فانية
Surrounded by burning bridges on both sides with crocodiles lurking below..
He was a good man.. better than current ones atleast .
It's funny how many arab people are hating Jordan after they actually destroyed their countries, even though they still live as refugees in the country.
are hashimites from saudi arabia????
Hashemites are Arabs. Saud family killed and chased many away. Many Arabs left their homes and flee because blood was spilled.
May Allah give us justice Amin
Chandini Mohan yes they are
you are a dumb arab with a big zero on your head. thats all I have to respond to your comment.
The family King Faisal the second and his brother Abed Allah , King Hussein are free masons . King Talal who was king Hussein father was not . he tried to fix the problems through the 1952 constitution . The British with the help of the free masons kidnapped him and took him to a Hospital in Switzerland accusing him of being crazy , never allowing any Jordanian or a doctor from any other country , Only a British doctor who is assigned by them . Later on they moved him to Turkey under the control of the military Junta to put him under house arrest for the rest of his life . King Hussein was 16.5 years old , So his mother and her brother Alshareef Naser Ben Jamil ( an Egyptian) Signed the deal with the British. Later on King Hussein went to England to meet Winston Churchill who advice him on policies to always to be in the gray area . When he talk with the Jordanians he is very sweet , understanding , nice man , But when they get into small problem and they were asked to visit Wakalaht AlMukhabarat , They find the truth , We have a gang of criminals running the country. King Hussein became a free Mason on May17of 1957 , In the same year , He started working for the CIA at a salary of $700.000 dollars a year ( Bob Woodward ) 1978 investigation , In the same year he started sharing his salary with the top leadership at Wakalaht Almukhabarat and encourage them to cooperate with the CIA , So the money will keep coming . The kingdom was established by the British to protect Israel and helped them to establish themselves . King Hussein and his son always complain that Jordan is a very poor country , Even though they establish a $33 Billion dollar bank account . The term Jordan is very poor is the tree the cover the jungle of treacherous polices that always built on keeping the people down .
King Hussien of Jordan is a great father, husband, brother, a great leader of humanity and freedom of the middle. Your achievement and legacy will not be forgotten even decades has past. God bless your soul, your family and all your friends. We love you King King Hussein of Jordan.
Regele al Iordaniei a fost bun și suflet la inima,pt.poporul Iordaniei! Din cauza bolii a suferit foarte mult. 0dihna veșnică!
May Allah guide the mighty Hussein, King of Jordan, to reach Heaven, from your Moroccan brothers and sisters.
oh please stop defending thieves monarchies are all thieves stealing wealt from their own people especcialy the big predator of morocco king mohamed the 6 he stole all of the wealth of morocco and let the moroccan people extremly poor no education no health no Jobs no infrastructure no democracy nothing his wealt is propably more than $20 biljon dollars also the emirs of the gulf states the same problem
Certainly one of the noblest, most capable world leaders of my lifetime.
Background music is fabulous.
Palestinians have their considerable issues with their history over the past 60 years. Good luck to them. But I, as a Circassian-Jordanian, couldn't give a flying Chinese fart about any of them, if they challenge Jordanian authority. We (Circassians) helped to create AND MAINTAIN Jordan, and we stand by it.
Can you stand up against Isreal ya homi! don't forget where you came from!!!
@@Americano213 they knew it better than anyone. So they'll do what is good for them.
Fascinating history by some one another guy about Saudi Arabia tribes ,Beautiful land ,visited tabby and adjacent places, looks a modern country with excellent infra structure. One problem I saw is , people r too emotional !
Brainwashed... Is one of the words your looking for.
Well done
King Hussein had the right idea. Just imagine how much land the Palestinians lost because of Egypt and the rest of the clowns. Now look at the Palestinians!!
I don't get your point?
May God bless his soul 🙏 ❤️
والله أنك صادق و راجل قوي
صوتو بكشعر البدن الله يرحمك ملك القلوب
To be a king is a blessing with huge family but its curse when they turn evil
Interesting history of Jordan but it is striking how similar the narration is to the Wikipedia entry for Hussein of Jordan.
Often you find that the case. More likely that a thorough Documentary is filmed then and article put together by the writer on Wikipedia rather than the other way round.
Division ,foreign ideologies all contributed to the situation we see in the Middle East . What’s needed here is a Salahuddin to unite the region and free Palestine .
King Hussein was the greatest leader the Middle East had ever witnessed
you mean greatest looser. Just like his son who actually beats his Dad. The AJ documentart of Black September was very accurate for a change. The ONLY incorrect details by US Diplomat was that, at the request of King Hussein through the Americans, he did request Israeli intervention to stave off serious entry of Syrian armoured forces who wanted to overthrow him and plant Yasir Arafat as President of Jordan.
As correctly stated Israel DID mobilIze ostentatiously one armoured division near Nazereth. It ALSO sent its IAF jets over Syrian forces making "sonic boomS" to peturb them. It worked and the Syrians quickly returned to their bases in Syria. The King was eternally grateful and repaid the prompt neighbourly help by WARNING PM Golda Meir of the impending attack by Syria & Egypt (Yom Kippur War 1973Tm facing Abdullah & expensive Harrods shopper Queen Rana is as of December 2023 is whether they might face a BLACK SEPTEMBER MARK 2? The disloyal & noisy Palestinian residents are again very restles
Maybe once again, despite all his bluster and pretend anti Israel (zionist entity to you lot) rhetoric he will probably have to call them in to re -establish order and restore his throne and her huge expensive shoe wardrobe.
Islamic countries need not kings or queens just the word of allah(swt) and the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbu). Had we followed the principles of our umma we would not have suffered so much disarray decades on end.
When you have mortals interpreting words of god, you end up with dictators hiding behind god. Look around you. Check out Iran for example.
Amos Tabibian Iran doesn’t hide behind god,they hide behind imams. Thus there’s no interpretation of god.
British create the kingdom of Jordan, they've support of the king family indeed to be the biggest help to establish Israel and Palestine was under there monarchy
British gives Hashmit family that country as a part of the agreement with Shareef Hussain. Not to protecting Isreal just Jordan was created before Isreal. Also the date of creation of Israel was not planned by British they just took themselves back to home. BRITISH CREATED MOST OF Arabic countries especially GCC.
Petrol stations I call them
No hashmits family always rules in arab country like jordan and hijaz & morocco and it was in syria and iraq stupid
Actually british and Arab gang up to destroy israel in 1948
Glubb never saw it coming😂😂😂, he should have made more friends in Jordan. The arrogance of believing that Jordanians were incapable.of leading their own......
All the news channels of the whole world must learn the truth form Al Jazeera.
Kind eyes
Very Intresting and fascinating.!
great man!
King huseein so attractove when younger, he very good looking
Kinda sad his head is very big and has a very small body. But yes very handsome.
wait until u see the prince hashim bin hussein
@@musicguy20 you should see his son king abdullah and prince hashem bin abdullah
Jordan has the only military Israel feared in the 67 war. they feared the Jordan army more than Syrian military.
@abe LincolnI am Israeli Jordan army is a joke, Israel keeps them afloat with surplus Cobras and crapy tanks.
KingpinEX what happened to the battle where yall pulled out in defeat😂
Please God continue to bless the Nation of Israel the origin of my Christian belief.
Please obey your own bible and lay off the swine, it seems to have infected your brain.
his family keep his treachery alive
Salutări din Romania
الله يرحمه
@Azar Brahim من تقصد؟
@@-ramzy3329 ملحد سوا كم ثورة فاشلة و رمى كم كلمة مسوي فيها انه اسطورة
و العرب يصفقله
بدال ما يصفق للشريف حسين و الملك حسين الاول رحمهم الله
3:22 Talk about the Al Aqsa mosque . . . but show film of something that is NOT the Al Aqsa mosque. Misleading editing . . .
Lack of Grandfather video footage. Last known footage of him if I recall.
Great king
Voiceover is always preferred over subtitles...
That way the dummies don't have to read they can listen quietly in the corner.
The Israel vs Palestinian issue will never be solved
The no guts,no glory and no loyalty King
Screw you @$$hole.
Allah is worthy of all sujud!!! I kiss the feets of King AbdaAllah…..
Everyone says Nasser was a fine statesman and maybe he was but didn't he antagonise the Israeli army and in turn they obliterated all the Arab armies, if he hadn't been caught up in nationalist euphoria the war might not have happened, so he wasn't at all savvy enough was he .
His ideology was fine. Unfortunately, wasn’t well thought prior !
Nasser had no serious intentions of attacking Israel in 1967 as declassified documents show, he was just putting on a show of force against the Israeli's to boost his standing within Egypt and the wider Arab world.
@@TheSunderingSea that sounds like Assad when he gets out of that civil war of his
Long live the King
King hussein is my iconic leader
I hope future king Hussein names his future son Abdullah
@Faisal Majali I changed my name. We're naming our kid something else
@Faisal Majali yes you do
@Faisal Majali swear brother it is swear😂😂😂
Let's get serious a 17 years old can run a country? I'm not saying that later he became the most influential man in the area. But again a 17 years old and the fact that he wasn't aligned to be the successor. Britain is the real king. I became one that really liked him later in life.
He studied in Britain thats why it became close to him
I imagine he had to carry that burden at 17 years old. 🤔
The story is kind of scary lol
I see Jordan now so Modern Arab Country. Freedom
He was great and smart, I doubted her Son Abdullah
Gamal Abdul Nassar - a man for the right Time, but fatefully also ahead of his time by what looks like 100-200 years.
He did right by his people by making peace with Israel and fighting the PLO out of his country, who tried overthrow him. Look today his country prospers.
Yes, there is a blessing to GOD'S CHOSEN PROPLE and KING HUSSEIN Believe this, they remained peaceful with each other
My Parents are From Jordan
@@MaryRose007 فيك مضغوط هههه
Im a distant family member of the Royal Family and they don’t know i exist 🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴😂😂
King Hussain goes in history as one of the best leaders of the modern history
why the absolutely terrifying music btw?
Salam Dr Jawad :
I am Jordanian , I went to Ajloun High school . I love Jordan and the goodness in the Character of the people of Jordan , But the so called Royal family
, all what I saw es s treason from them toward the people of Jordan , Considering I lived in Jordan and I saw the soldiers after 1967 coming back with their
piece of garbage English gun , which was manual , It overheat and the range get shorter . They gave them the M1 in 1968 and in 1970 gave them the refurbished M 14 from the U,S soldiers coming back from Vietnam and the trucks which the bullites still stuck in the tires , Ask the soldiers who fought . You will find the sweet talking
king , shut down all the supply lines for the army . Ask the people of Nablus about the Tamween center in theire and they will tell you , It was closed on the first day of the war . Ask the officers who went their after four days of fighting , They called the defense ministry for help , They told them the orders were given to pull
back to the second defense lines . Our traitor king gave the same orders on the day of the Karameh battle , But Mash hoor Haditheh refused the orders . After the defeat of Israel , The king and his regime reason for being was on the line . King Hussein put his uncle Nasser Ben Jamil to lead the defense ministry and he was the man behind the hiring of 350 Palestinians with criminal back ground to shoot Jordanian soldiers on their way to visit their families and he started the civil war
and Israel came out the clear winner . This family was always behind all our misery . The soldiers of of the tank Brigade 60 , In the city of Mafraq , Arrested some of the 350 criminals and they spilled the beans , Telling every thing . The soldiers called the king and made sure he fired his uncle from the Defense ministry , It was
like the traitor king did not know what his uncle was doing . These are drops from the sea of their treachery . Jordan is big and greater than all the criminals , It
is always greater by the poor people who love it to death . I always believe in the greatness of the people of Jordan when they reach out to each other and stand
side by side , They were part in the defeat of mighty super powers in the past and they can do it again . It is written in their blood ,
اخرس يلاجئ
هذه عاءلة الخونه والحراميه صنعها العبيد امثالك ، هذه عاءلة متصهينين ليس لهم اي علاقه لا بالعروبه ولا بالاسلام ، انا ابن كفرنجه تقول عني لاجيء ، هل انت مسرور من حالة الدمار والفساد الذي نشروه ، انت لو انك مثقف وتعرف راسك من موءخرتك لشتمت الملك والذي خلفوه ، اقراء الدستور ياجحش الماده ٢٤ تقول الشعب الاردني هو مصدر السلطات ، هذا يعني ان أغلبية النواب في البرلمان الذي ينتخبه الشعب هم الذين يوءلفون الحكومه وليس الملك ، الملك ليس من حقه ان يشارك الشعب في حقوق انتخاب ممثليه ، فوجود مجلس اعيانً عار ، هوءلاء هم تنابل السلطان اي عبيد الملك القضاء يجب ان ينتخبه الشعب ويتبع لسلطة الشعب لكي يكون حيادي ومستقل القرار ويكون عادل في احكامه وليس عصى يهدد الديكتاتور بها الشعب ، مجلس النواب لديه السلطه الرقابيه على الملك وديوانه وكل الوزارات لانهم ممثلي الشعب ، فالملك ليس له اي سلطه بحل البرلمان هذه من صلاحية الشعب الذي انتخبه ويوكل رءيس المجلس بحل البرلمان بعد تصويت كل النواب على القرار ، اذا لم يصوتوا ،الشعب يكون قد صوت على اليه مثل جمع ١٠٠ الف صوت ناخب اردني موثقه وموقعه يطالبون بحل البرلمان ، نسخه تذهب الى رءيس مجلس النواب ونسخه تذهب الى المجلس الاعلى للقضاء لتنفيذ قرار الشعب ، الملك ليس له علاقه ، منصبه فخري ، كل الوزارات تخضع للجان منبثقه عن البرلمان والملك ليس له علاقه بقيادة الجيش او سرقة وزارة المالية وجعلها صراف الي ، هذه من صلاحيات الشعب ، ويجب ان لا يدخل اي وزارة الا بعد اخذ موافقه من مجلس النواب ، لأن الشعب هو مصدر السلطات .
بلجيكي ملوخياتك و على الجسر 🤣🤣🤣
بدك ملكية دستوريه يا بلجيكي ، باحلامك😂😂😂
انا اقول انك تطالب بحق العوده لبلدك احسنلك
I wonder when prince Hussein will marry
He's not a bad person he descends from our prophet
Donraja786 lies
Hamza Hamz please shut up abu lahab already dead, abu lahab break the line not us sons of abu muthalib
Ted dibiasi-JLC-Sinn like your fat mom
Lmao descends from our prophet 😂😂😂😂😂
All of our history made by Great Britain
May Jordan rise to prosperity.
The narrator said King Hussein came to power after his grandfather in a succession crisis, but I read he came to power at such a young age because his own father was mentally unstable. I also think he was about fourteen when he became king.
U are an stupidaa 🙄
His grandfather was in excellent health, but the British accused him of madness because he hated Britain, and the British took him to Turkey, and no one knew what they did to him, perhaps they killed him
His father
The main reason byond the British support for the Kingdom is the British agreement with Shareef Hussain to be the king of Arab if he would help to downfall the ottoman empire but that didn't happen. NOT FOR SUPPORTING ISREAL !!! IT WAS CREATED EARLIER THAN ISREAL
never heard about Théodor Morell the doctor ?
Divide by conflict!
I dare you make the same documentary about the Qatar dictatorship.
wouldn't be too hard to do really, unlike jordan the qatari monarchy was not built on blood and treason.
but it is a dictatorship at the end of the day, though nowhere near as brutal as jordan.
Could be because Al Jazeera is from here
@@amerlad"no where near as brutal as Jordan"? Dude ask all those foreign slave laborers working in Qatar about what they think about human rights in the country
We should have hereditary doctors....monarch's as leaders should be obsolete even when constitutional..
This is a dumb statement as it implies that heads of state or heads of government in western democracies are elected based on their competency.
I don’t know which fantasy land you live in Kevin but this isn’t the case,leaders in the west are elected based on popularity,competency optional.
@@randomguy4167 well I debate with my equals. Read what I wrote properly. I said monarchs.
The question is can we humans ever learn from the past cuz so far it’s a fail.
Hta ordon kant tatir t3ado ala salam howa lhal man zaman hta la3rab monafikin widtahlo lkaw dolar thalo nifak filistiniyn liba3oha normal.....
He had a son,Timothy, with American actress susan cabot.
I didn't know that Jordan is a young country!!!! I want to know who were the rulers before this family?
For sure this family saga is more complicated, intrigued than sny Hollywood plot anyone could ever think of, not even soap opera plot.
I was visiting Jordan in October 2021, their English has s British accent!
The rulers were ottomans.