Director: Marker. And action. Woody: Bullseye, are you with me? Oh, okay, good boy. Prospector, how about you? (Turns the box around and we see Prospector talking to two of the Barbies) Prospector: And so you two are absolutely identical? (Chuckles) You know, I’m sure I can get you a part in Toy Story 3. (Notices the crew filming him) I’m sorry, are we back? Oh! Alright, girls. Lovely talking with you. Just anytime you’d like some tips on acting, I’d be glad to chat with you. Alright, off you go, then
Flik: Isn’t this exciting, Heimlich? Our first day of shooting! Heimlich: Oh, yeah, yeah! It’s so exciting! Flik: You know, I can’t believe that you talked them into making A Bug’s Life 2. Heimlich: Oh, yeah. I can hardly believe it also! But there’s a little baby tiny thing I forgot to tell you. Flik: What’s that, Heimlich? Heimlich: Well, you know it’s a 2 movie. But it’s not A Bug’s Life 2. Flik: Well, then… I don’t understand. What is it then? (Reveals that they’re on the bush that Buzz chops through) Director: And action! (Flik and Heimlich Screaming)
I am glad that stinks prospector is gone for good. And I bet he is nothing more than a bossy, rude and sexist fusspot who doesn't deserve attention from kids.
“Is that it? He lost his string?”
- Jessie bloopers 😂
Just rewatched the movie and AAAAAHHHHH LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!
i love it so much aswell!
Loved when they played the bloopers 😂
I like the music.
This song is catchy
Director: Marker. And action.
Woody: Bullseye, are you with me? Oh, okay, good boy. Prospector, how about you? (Turns the box around and we see Prospector talking to two of the Barbies)
Prospector: And so you two are absolutely identical? (Chuckles) You know, I’m sure I can get you a part in Toy Story 3. (Notices the crew filming him) I’m sorry, are we back? Oh! Alright, girls. Lovely talking with you. Just anytime you’d like some tips on acting, I’d be glad to chat with you. Alright, off you go, then
I'll always remember that outtake. Even though they removed it, I still have Toy Story 2 on both VHS and DVD, which both have that outtake.
The Dislike is From Al Since He Lost His Chance To Get Paid From The Round-Up Collection And He’s Still Mad About It
Flik: Isn’t this exciting, Heimlich? Our first day of shooting!
Heimlich: Oh, yeah, yeah! It’s so exciting!
Flik: You know, I can’t believe that you talked them into making A Bug’s Life 2.
Heimlich: Oh, yeah. I can hardly believe it also! But there’s a little baby tiny thing I forgot to tell you.
Flik: What’s that, Heimlich?
Heimlich: Well, you know it’s a 2 movie. But it’s not A Bug’s Life 2.
Flik: Well, then… I don’t understand. What is it then?
(Reveals that they’re on the bush that Buzz chops through)
Director: And action!
(Flik and Heimlich Screaming)
Toy Story 4-Movie Collection
Me when I was 6: …
Me now: *Breakdancing*
Jurassic World Evolution All 68 Dinosaurs Skins
Thank you so much
Peggy Schultz
Me gusta este soundtrack de toy story 2
Becky Studer
Jason Garrett Shiffert
I am glad that stinks prospector is gone for good.
And I bet he is nothing more than a bossy, rude and sexist fusspot who doesn't deserve attention from kids.