b. Fuel Supp~y Line (1) Metallic fuel distribution lines shall be seamless copper, nickel copper or copper nickel. The normal wall thickness of these metallic fuel lines shall be a minimum of .032 in. (.81 mm). Nonmetallic fuel hose shall be identified as USCG Type AI.
I have the same engine and was looking at doing a bow thruster. I like your mount and pump, can you send some more photos of the hydraulic pump and mount? Thank you for the video
Intrigue is a Lien Hwa or Tung Hwa Clipper 30? I owned a very nice version of your boat for years. Same fuel setup with 120 Lehman. Your videos on the dual Racors is very timely for me, as I’ve just bought the same set up for my Willard Voyager 30. Engine is Perkins Prima M50.
Jim...Intrigue is a Tung Hwa Senator. But its the same as the Clipper, SeaHorse and several others. Glad the video was helpful. Willard is an awesome, capable vessel. Good luck brother.
Here is the pump I used. The Facet should be a bit higher quality than some of the cheaper models. It's a good reliable pump. www.ebay.com/itm/Solid-State-Fuel-Pump-For-12V-12-30-48cm-Min-Dry-Lift-40-GPH-60107N-/363540559713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
I thought you were not supposed to use copper lines with diesel?
b. Fuel Supp~y Line (1) Metallic fuel distribution lines shall be seamless copper, nickel copper or copper nickel. The normal wall thickness of these metallic fuel lines shall be a minimum of .032 in. (.81 mm). Nonmetallic fuel hose shall be identified as USCG Type AI.
I have the same engine and was looking at doing a bow thruster. I like your mount and pump, can you send some more photos of the hydraulic pump and mount?
Thank you for the video
Actually i was going to do a video on it soon. Its a Dickson stern thruster and has been very very reliable.
Intrigue is a Lien Hwa or Tung Hwa Clipper 30? I owned a very nice version of your boat for years. Same fuel setup with 120 Lehman. Your videos on the dual Racors is very timely for me, as I’ve just bought the same set up for my Willard Voyager 30. Engine is Perkins Prima M50.
Jim...Intrigue is a Tung Hwa Senator. But its the same as the Clipper, SeaHorse and several others. Glad the video was helpful. Willard is an awesome, capable vessel. Good luck brother.
Plz link that pump
@@mvintrigue-trawlerdiy1101 AL, I don't see a link
@@upspirate Ok...ill try putting it in the description.
Ok...for some reason it wasnt showing in the comments. I put the pump in the description
Can you guys see the link to the pump. I see it but someone told me it was not visible in the comments? Edit- link to pump in description.
Yes I see it
Here is the pump I used. The Facet should be a bit higher quality than some of the cheaper models. It's a good reliable pump. www.ebay.com/itm/Solid-State-Fuel-Pump-For-12V-12-30-48cm-Min-Dry-Lift-40-GPH-60107N-/363540559713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0