This looks great, only problem is that NodeRed is promoted on it's lo, or in many cases no-code ease of use that digging into a function node for the gritty bit will put many off since that part is easier in another IDE like ESPHome. If the function reliance can be reduced, I can see this really taking off with the traditional ESPHome users like me that struggle with C or yaml automations...
This is so cool. I can see some applications immediately. But OMG - Another project!
Looks great, look forward to all the progress you will make, well done, would it interface with a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor one day ?
This looks great, only problem is that NodeRed is promoted on it's lo, or in many cases no-code ease of use that digging into a function node for the gritty bit will put many off since that part is easier in another IDE like ESPHome. If the function reliance can be reduced, I can see this really taking off with the traditional ESPHome users like me that struggle with C or yaml automations...
Very interesting, thanks.