  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • Following a lead I cross over the mountain and into the woods above the Jonastal SIII tunnels. We know something must be there, and it may be something more than we have so far expected.
    Throughout this episode I go over all the known details we have of General Kammlers doings as well as what we know of what happened in Jonastal. Sometimes its good to briefly go over what we actually have found over the year and go over what is next.
    I find one more open small tunnel that really puts into perspective why something more must have been built here during the war.
    After this it is time to follow in the Generals footsteps as he went at the end of the war. So from here I travel East just like he did, to Austria and Czechoslovakia where the Kammlerstab was. From here it really gets interesting.
    I upload documents and full episodes to my Patreon also so please join me there it all truly helps.

Комментарии • 402

  • @martinharris5017
    @martinharris5017 2 года назад +18

    The panting of your breath helps appreciate the effort you're going through to record all this. The lengths authorities are going to in disguising all this makes it clear that we've been deceived about the German nuclear progress. Thanks for sharing this field research Tino, very much appreciated!

    • @stefanschleps8758
      @stefanschleps8758 9 месяцев назад

      Here's another one who drank the kool-aid. You're being manipulated.
      (He follows the same script in every video for the gullible audience member.) SMH.

    • @martinharris5017
      @martinharris5017 9 месяцев назад

      @@stefanschleps8758 I have no intent of partaking in mass suicide. I'm not being manipulated. He doesn't follow the same script; you do. Your script is the Dummy's Guide To trolling;)

  • @Schlipperschlopper
    @Schlipperschlopper 2 года назад +6

    Found this: Nach 21 Uhr gegen halb Zehn, war hinter Röhrensee mit einmal eine Helligkeit wie
    Hunderte von Blitzen, innen war es rot und außen war es gelb, man hätte die Zeitung
    lesen können. Es war alles sehr kurz. Und wir konnten dann alle nichts sehen, wir
    merkten nur dass es eine mächtige Sturmbö gab, aber dann alles ruhig war.
    Ich wie auch viele Einwohner von Röhrensee, Holzhausen, Mühlberg, Wechmar und
    Bitterstädt hatten am andern Tag oft Nasenbluten, Kopfschmerzen und auch einen
    Druck auf den Ohren.[...] > [...] Ein Tag der mir immer in meinem Leben Bilder
    vor dem Augen macht, war der Nachmittag des 5. März 1945. Wir mussten in der
    Bollde [Polte 2, Anm.d.A.] Rudisleben Gerüste errichten für einen Versuch, der in
    wenigen Tagen stattfinden sollte. Am Nachmittag fuhr die SS mit LKWs vor,
    eigentlich hatte uns die SS nichts zu sagen, da wir ja immer mit Sonderbefehl
    arbeiteten, die immer die Stempel der Reichspost bzw. des Forschungsrates trugen
    und nach dem Lesen sofort vernichtet werden mussten. Es war ein Befehl, der die
    Unterschrift von Kammler trug. Wir mussten alles Holz, das verfügbar war, aufladen.
    Die Fahrt ging nach Röhrensee, dort waren einige SS-Ärzte tätig, da eine große
    Anzahl von Bewohnern Kopfschmerzen hatte und Blut spuckte. Wir waren dort falsch
    und wurden sofort nach Gut Ringhofen bei Mühlberg gebracht. Dort wurde uns
    gesagt wir müssen Holzhaufen am Waldrand errichten, ca. 12 x 12 m und nur
    höchstens 1 m hoch, dazu mussten wir Vollschutz tragen, auch unsere Häftlinge.
    Am Waldrand sahen wir schon einige Haufen von Menschenleichen, die wohl
    ehemalige Häftlinge waren. Die Menschen hatten absolut keine Haare mehr, teils
    fehlten Kleidungsteile, sie hatten aber auch Hautblasen, Feuerblasen, nacktes rohes
    Fleisch, teilweise waren einige Teile nicht vorhanden. SS und Häftlinge brachten die
    Leichen an. Als wir die ersten sechs Haufen fertig hatten, wurden die Leichen darauf gelegt, je
    Haufen ca. 5o Stück, und Feuer gelegt. Wir wurden zurückgefahren. Im Gut mussten
    wir den Schutz und unsere gesamte Kleidung ausziehen. Diese wurde ebenfalls
    sofort von der SS angezündet, wir mussten uns waschen und erhielten neue Kleider
    und neuen Schutz, dazu jeder eine Flasche Schnaps, auch unsere Häftlinge.
    M.M. weiter: >> Am 12. März wurde um 22:14 nach erfolgreichen Tests [...] eine
    Bombe [...] ebenfalls auf dem Versuchsgelände gezündet. Die Lichthelligkeit und der
    Strahl waren ebenso wie am 4. März. Menschen waren nicht im Einsatz, doch die
    Erde sah danach schlimmer aus als am 4. März. > Es war am 12. März 1945 gegen 22:15 Uhr. Es war
    nicht eine so große Helligkeit wie das erste Mal. Auch hatten wir kein Nasenbluten
    usw. Für die Ortschaft und auch für uns hat es damals bereits um 21 Uhr
    Fliegeralarm gegeben, und dieser ging bis 23:11 Uh

    • @Haffschlappe
      @Haffschlappe 2 года назад +5

      Very interesting they build S3 mainly for testen and producing the AEG Kugelwaffe and nuclear bombs

  • @enchantedthunder5017
    @enchantedthunder5017 2 года назад +5

    Tito, you should do a episode about the german colonies in Argentina. To this day, there are underground cities and german colonies in the Andes mountains to this day. If the faction that went to Argentina continued on to this day Unabated, then there is possibly a hidden city of german people still living in the Andes completely unnoticed by the world. If you look at a map of the mountains in Argentina, you can located the german towns and small cities that exist to this day. You never hear about them.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +3

      I will be going there expecting next year, so it is absolutely on the books:-)

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад +1

      Most of them went to Antarctica. There are still lots in South AMerica though.

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад +3

      ​@@tinostruckmann p.s. if you are not NS or understanding this ideology you may not get far there. I doubt they will open up to outsiders, they certainly will not want it on youtube. I would advise you not to publish that btw. Some cemetaries over there in other countries major cities only recently had Hackenkreuz removed from them. Even in Colombia there are lot of German streets and areas in the capital let alone elsewhere. Paraguay also lots and many other places.
      I knew someone who lives in a small fishing village in Argentina, and they have had Germans come to get supplies for the 'German Antarctic base/scientific expedition'.. which doesn't exist. Enough said.

  • @brianwilliams3729
    @brianwilliams3729 2 года назад +17

    Exhausting work again Tino, thank you. I think that the answers to the questions you have outlined have many, many sensitive political secrets surrounding them, the type of secrets that people have died to conceal. I do hope your being careful as powerful companies have interest in keeping these secrets buried.. Top work my friend!! So much enjoying your narrative..

  • @outhouse9451
    @outhouse9451 2 года назад +7

    The fact that European culture in general has decided to burry and forget the nazis angers me as its history that needs to be taught to prevent these things from happening again, however I’m afraid it’s too late

    • @Maples01
      @Maples01 2 года назад

      Its difficult to get the citizens to commit to becoming socialists if they are reminded they fought the national socialist party before!

    • @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k
      @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k 9 месяцев назад +1

      Nothing has been buried. There are many German language books about the war. I have some.

  • @fokkerd3red618
    @fokkerd3red618 2 года назад +18

    Your research is impressive and very thorough. What really impresses me, are these massive concrete structures that the third Reich built during the war, such as the Sub pens. Unfortunately thousands of slave laborers died helping build these projects ,but they are still very impressive.

  • @femmyeggink9233
    @femmyeggink9233 2 года назад +4

    My father worked as a Young man during WW2 in Zella Mehlis. From there he saw a similar rocket launch as later on the Saturnus rockets from NASA. In march 1945. It was launched from a place north or north west from Zella Mehlis and no one could tell me more of these possible rocket launch from Thüringen. Are there more witnesses?

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      As to the rockets there are a few statements of high ranking SS men who testifies to rocket tests. Test explosions yet there are quite a few and tunnels were witnessed by a lot of people. I go over some of them in previous episodes from there. And we will talk more about the rockets coming up.

  • @insanebmxthomas
    @insanebmxthomas 2 года назад +2

    Didn't think i'd ever see a German who mastered the art of English :) great job i really enjoyed this last hour!

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! 😃 I cheated I grew up in Denmark with a British stepdad:-) ...

  • @Nathanm7977
    @Nathanm7977 2 года назад +11

    something has to be missing, to many people and records and all that you can see now is just a rough cave .either they forged records or the records are pointing in the wrong place . I have learned more than what I did in school from you . keep digging Tino

  • @Nobluffbuff
    @Nobluffbuff 2 года назад +5

    They who funded this, are still in power, having controlled the money on each side of the war, did not care who won or lost, cared a great deal about it being linked back to them. All in all, we were merely ants working hard and battling for their future gains. That is the history for which we cannot have truth.

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад

      They didn't control the Reichsmark. It was backed by labour and freed them from the kosher system, that and manufacturing were the whole reason 'they' started the war and lied about Germany and everything else you were taught about the 'ebil bad men'. Even Churchill, one of their pawns, admitted it in his memoirs later. Read the 1936 quote, enough said. 'Germany will have war whether they want it or not'

    • @hippiesaboteur2556
      @hippiesaboteur2556 9 месяцев назад

      You wouldn't be referring to the House of (rhymes with "Chothsrild"), would it? And several other particular ßanking/financial and/or major multinational co₹₱orate/big ßusiness familes...names like Morgan, Wa₹ßu₹g, ₹ock€f€££€₹, ßush, Fo₹d, etc, spread out all across each & every continent, on both/all sides of the ocean(s), who know nor owe real, true allegiance to any nation, government, military, or anyone/anything other than themselves, their families and (at times) maybe only to/amongst the very small, select hanful of the few people who make up the MOST upper, highmost elite, wealthy, powerful, influential, etc .001% of THE 1%. Would that be correct & ring a bell??

  • @stevencalkum9128
    @stevencalkum9128 Год назад +2

    I would love to see what ground-penetrating radar would show in and around the blocked sites such as this one.

  • @fvandenkommer5091
    @fvandenkommer5091 2 года назад +3

    Tino, Hi, and thank you so much for all your research on my faforite topics too. I'm so happy with this video in special, because you do the exact same things I can not do myself anymore. I used to study the topic for years and collected huge amounts of data about Thüringa and Bohemia. (+ Norfhausen). But niw I have here a video impression insted of just photographs and Google Earth. Yoy say you like to use your eyes, but I prefer to study old maps and areal pictures. I've learnd a lot doing so. The A-bomb test location was neither in the valley nor near the castle ! But to my calculations and observations at map location : 50°50'19.63"N ; 10°48'45.38"E .... (approx.) Sorry for correcting you publicly. I do not mean to offend or harm your research, but I am also fluent in German and have read lots of 'whitnesses stories' (even some surviving Russian POW's) it was just south of a big farm at Röhrensee at he end of the woods where a 500+ Russian POW-bodies were cremated. (now a Golf course as I remember well).

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  Год назад +2

      There are several tests sites that has been named and not in the same place one of them it's impossible to get to the other one it's a little more covered I'm trying to find a way to get soil samples from all of the locations that have been pinpointed feel free to connect with me directly on email

  • @Freunderealitaet
    @Freunderealitaet 2 года назад +4

    my friend i wrote you in the comments some months ago, that i have also found something. I had big problems because of the corona pandemic, there was totaly no time to talk with you. I have to wait until the restrictions stop, looking forward to get in touch with you in the next year, here in my village is a big secret, i need you and your knowledge to figure out whats going on here. we talk soon, happy xmas

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      Hey Thomas Did you email me directly? I am behind on my emails but Im slowly catching up

  • @toddmetzger
    @toddmetzger 2 года назад +3

    Always more questions than answers. Keep plugging away Tino, certainly will take some effort to get to the bottom and find that treasure trove of answers.
    So many German and Austrian companies were involved in the creation of many many things. They have also done much not to trumpet their achievements during the war, and so much to obfuscate their involvement.

  • @jeffreymcdonald8267
    @jeffreymcdonald8267 2 года назад +14

    Tino have you ever thought of doing a deep dive into the still standing Castle that was the SS high temple. Wewelsburg or something like that. Might be dangerous and creepy.

  • @bobjim1us1
    @bobjim1us1 2 года назад +4

    I'd say Kammler made it to America during Operation Paperclip

    • @hippiesaboteur2556
      @hippiesaboteur2556 9 месяцев назад +1

      For sure. Way too smart and even way more valuable. He was the biggest key to everything the third Reich had by wars end (& even before) but especially afterwards... There's no way they wouldn't have wanted him, and they would've gladly given him a new identity and everything

  • @naclaski99
    @naclaski99 2 года назад +17

    The problem with this idea is the scale of infrastructure required to make atomic weapons. There must be a reactor to make the plutonium and then a complex plant to extract the plutonium and refine it (see Queen Mary chemical separation buildings). It's a hard metal to machine. Then there's the technique of implosion to detonate. It would have required a programme larger than Peenemuende (that's why the Germans never pursued atomic weaponry, rockets were easier!). If you read The Wages of Destruction (Tooze) and The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Rhodes) you'll appreciate it was out of the question for the Nazi war effort to accommodate an atomic programme. The notion that it could somehow have been hidden and forgotten about is totally implausible. Sorry, but whatever witness narratives you are referring to concern some other type of explosion.

    • @catsooey
      @catsooey 2 года назад +1

      Pretty odd though that less than 4 months after Germany fell, the US suddenly had the bomb and used it on Japan.

    • @madjackblack5892
      @madjackblack5892 2 года назад +3

      @@catsooey You realize the Manhattan Project had gone on for years before Trinity, etc?

    • @domdouse3575
      @domdouse3575 2 года назад +2

      Agree completely- the nazis never pursued nuclear weapons with any real zeal - whatever this site is it isn't an atomic testing or development site

    • @domdouse3575
      @domdouse3575 2 года назад +5

      @@catsooey the us Manhattan project- the most expensive project the us has ever conducted (more than the Apollo program) was already well underway well before the fall of Germany - just a coincidence- the Manhattan project gained nothing from German science or research

    • @franksiam2975
      @franksiam2975 2 года назад +3

      rumor is .. the 2. nuke bomb material on japan ..nagasaki.. the material is from germany.. us had- same as everybody else - not enough nuclear material.. us captured a sub marine ..traveling from germany on its way to japan..the sub marine capitan was ordered to surender..from germany..there was a lot of very interesting things on this sub marine..

  • @wendybray2324
    @wendybray2324 2 года назад +3

    i really love watching your channel i would love to see the entire underground of this one, thank you for caring enough to record the history

  • @ManBoo55
    @ManBoo55 2 года назад +1

    I’m new subscriber. This is going to be a fascinating journey through your library of videos. Real history is the name of the game. Thank you

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      Welcome aboard! I am glad you are here..

  • @oliverbraun524
    @oliverbraun524 2 года назад +2

    Ich war 1992 in einigen der Tunnel, sie sind nicht fertiggestellt gewesen bis auf die Nr. 21 dieser war fertig, am interessanten war der Bereich links am Anfang wo ehemals die Gleise in den Berg führten. Eventuell ein Gang zum Lager Ohrdruf.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      There certainly are a lot of stories telling of far more underground tunnels. and far more in the provinggrounds themselves. that would be an interesting walk through if they will ever allow us to do so

  • @webfoot3
    @webfoot3 2 года назад +50

    Tino, your work and dedication to finding the truth is without equal. I only wish more people would realize the importance of correcting the "accepted" historical record. I am convinced that had Hitler not closed down most reserch for almost two years earlier in the war, the outcome would have been very different. Be well.

    • @ryanberman5314
      @ryanberman5314 2 года назад

      He had to. He was hemorrhaging money and resources

    • @V_Hannibal
      @V_Hannibal 2 года назад

      Which historical record should be corrected?

    • @christopherneufelt8971
      @christopherneufelt8971 2 года назад +2

      Hi. Speaking on experience on the subject -I was blessed to speak with people of that era and projects back in end 80s start 90s- I got another narrative that is very disturbing, and was one that the management of the war effort already knew that will fail. That is, they knew from the beginning of the war that they will loose. Thus, no way that Germany would have win the war in this timescale, or at least until 1951-1952, no matter the scientific innovation. I hope one day, if the political correctness situation improves, to publish some of these parts, though to be fair, none is interested for history these days. P.S. I am an engineer by profession and study (Academic level).

    • @stefanschleps8758
      @stefanschleps8758 9 месяцев назад

      And another one. 😅😆🤣

  • @markothwriter
    @markothwriter 2 года назад +3

    This is why you put the arms factories in Prague. It's too difficult to build in the German mountains. Move the armaments industry to Prague and get them to work for Germany.

  • @whatyoumakeofit6635
    @whatyoumakeofit6635 2 года назад +4

    "Cheap fix"= "cheap and easy way to hide a entrance". That was my immediate thought.

  • @RamblingCanuck
    @RamblingCanuck 2 года назад +2

    Awesome a new video to pass time as I am in dialysis they make it go so much faster just awesome thank you tino

  • @adolfdyversiti6517
    @adolfdyversiti6517 2 года назад +1

    Man!It was so interesting!
    You so brave enough in the tunnels,and seeking question and answers.

  • @cliffordfreeman7829
    @cliffordfreeman7829 2 года назад +4

    I really enjoy this series and everything your doing to bring the real truths to light after being hidden and deflected on,and dare i say it buried from us all for 70 plus years Great video and i live all your work.

  • @P51D-Mustang
    @P51D-Mustang 2 года назад +1

    This world needs more people like you Tino.
    Not necessarily in your vocation, just making the best of what they've got!

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      I could do with a double:-)

    • @P51D-Mustang
      @P51D-Mustang 2 года назад

      @@tinostruckmann do all your own stunts! 🤣

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      @@P51D-Mustang of course

  • @828enigma6
    @828enigma6 2 года назад +6

    Is it possible to do an aerial radiation survey over the area? Of particular interest would be if a radiation spectral survey could be made. Of course, assuming it can be done without getting yourself shot down.
    Also, what about an analysis of runoff water from or near the blast site?
    Tree ring core samples might be interesting, even if from soil clearance areas. I do not believe it possible to remove all radioactive traces from the soil. Most, but not all.
    Also, is it possible to do or get a GPR survey of the area?
    Love your videos.

  • @Kobayashhi
    @Kobayashhi 2 года назад +10

    Tino, another fascinating episode. Cans of worms ought to be opened for the truth.

  • @alfredsletten7380
    @alfredsletten7380 2 года назад +2

    I am a new subscriber to your channel. I found this presentation highly interesting. Thanks for your hard work and uncovering history that might otherwise be lost.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      Thank you so much for saying so and welcome to the madhouse :-)

  • @juliustausch7377
    @juliustausch7377 2 года назад +1

    I just stumbled across your channel and this is blowing my mind! Jonastal is pretty close to where I grew up. Also, there are uranium deposits in the Thuringian Forest, for example near Braunsdorf, where uranium concentrations could reach up to 15% in weight of the ore, if I remember correctly.

    • @stefanschleps8758
      @stefanschleps8758 9 месяцев назад

      What are you smoking? The Nazi's got what little uranium they could get from other research scientists. None of it came from Germany. Without exception 95% of all uranium before and during the war came from the Congo and even some the USA, the rest came out of Russia. There is not uranium ore in the world that even comes out at 1% let alone the startling 15% you claim. One average concentrations of uranium in ore are no higher than one tenth of one percent. Stop spreading such misinformation. The Nazi's couldn't even produce a dirty bomb, and Hitler had little patience for theoretical weapons, nor had he the intellect. His brain was rotting away from drugs and syphilis. Additionally Heisenberg was actually working against his own program and actively trying to stall the development of nuclear weapons by the Germans.
      If Hitler had anything close to a small atom bomb he would certainly have had it dropped on Stalingrad instead of hiding it away for some future Fourth Reich. Thats actually the plot of a comic book! 🙄

  • @lokischildren8714
    @lokischildren8714 2 года назад +6

    There was a he 177 v38 nuclear bomber built and converted in Prague. So the Germans had a delivery method built and near the underground facilities.

    • @datadavis
      @datadavis 2 года назад +1

      Man, if they could only have deployed them against the communist hordes. Europe would be so much better now.

  • @ageingviking5587
    @ageingviking5587 2 года назад +1

    Great stuff Tino... Great views ...... Happy Jul dude!

  • @philsmith6597
    @philsmith6597 2 года назад +1

    Thanks mate. More to add to my list of things to dig out. Very good docu.

  • @davidcollishaw2771
    @davidcollishaw2771 2 года назад +2

    the way Tino crawls around these old workings (without an entrenching tool) I do wonder if he has ever seen the hills have eyes.?

  • @KK-sz3dy
    @KK-sz3dy 2 года назад +2

    The military area around is a former "Truppenübungsplatz" which was founded in 1906. 1935 the first german tank regiment was founded there. After WW2 the Russians used it as military base till 1995. After that it was used again as "Truppenübungsplatz" till it was downgraded to an "Standortübungsplatz" in 2011. I come from Ohrdruf and have also served at TrÜbPl for some time. Actually it ist mostly used for shooting trainings with hand weapons and trainings with drones. There is laying a lot of ammunition under the ground. The cleared parts of the area, are mostly just cleared spade deep. If there is a conflagration up there, the adjacent fire brigades are required not to leave the paved paths with their vehicles. There is ammunition from 115 years of military use, especially a lot from the time of use by Soviet troops. More in the center of the TrÜbPl, there are plenty of old bunkers and their rest. Also the rest of the former "Amt 10" (Fernmeldeführungsanlage a Telecommunications control system from WWII).

    • @KK-sz3dy
      @KK-sz3dy 2 года назад +2

      The concentration camp in Ohrdruf was the first to be liberated by the US troops. The war diary entries of General G. S. Patton for the days in Ohrdruf / Jonastal are missing and a lot of files specific to the Jonastal are still under lock and key.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      and that is a wonderful excuse to keep people out....

    • @KK-sz3dy
      @KK-sz3dy 2 года назад

      @@tinostruckmann not really, the Bundeswehr is giving out each month a calendar when there are shootings, to say when it is dangerous to enter the area, that area is loved by motorbikers (also if it isnt officially allowed), the military police is stationed at Erfurt (45 km away) and is just checking randomly. the only guards are 2 people from an private security at the Entrance to the accommodations which nearly never leave the guarding building. there are literally just standing that signs, no fence, only a patrol 1-2 times a day (and they don't even check the whole area). The area is everything else than an high security area.

  • @shovington67
    @shovington67 2 года назад +5

    Wow. Thank you for this important documentary. Learned a lot, and I'm a WW2 buff, especially the European campaign s. Just goes to show that old dogs can still learn new tricks.

  • @alistairclarke6726
    @alistairclarke6726 2 года назад +8

    Is it worth popping coloured smoke, then looking for exit via bore-holes? Perhaps there are blue prints of coal mines designed by the company that would give an indication of similar layouts?
    NZ has a lot of coal mines and many are draughted on existing structurally successful models. Finding a roof bore-hole would be cool...
    great work Tino

    • @davidcollishaw2771
      @davidcollishaw2771 2 года назад

      needs a bit more than that, what they used to call a mighty mite blower would do it.

  • @chefe2152
    @chefe2152 2 года назад +1

    When i
    was teenager still leaving in small town in Poland, we used to go to the tunels and fortifications in my town,crawling in to air vents,and running around with metal detector, finding shells,fired and live ammunition, ut was fun and educational

  • @georgesweap7
    @georgesweap7 2 года назад

    Your knowledge and passionate information on the historY of WWII is very informative and interesting as with your acting career within the last few years!

  • @raymondleggs5508
    @raymondleggs5508 2 года назад +3

    The soviets obviously took the compressors, the diesel motors may even still be in use as a pump for some farmer's well or as a generator today!

  • @shootfirst2097
    @shootfirst2097 2 года назад +4

    I would love to do some metal detecting there... and/or dig into a closed tunnel

  • @burningb2439
    @burningb2439 2 года назад +24

    If the Germans built the V2 Test stands with 70mtr shafts , then doing the same for vertical Launch pads /Silos should not be a problem and might explain where the missing Tons of Cement went , it could be logged as used but who's to say it was used elsewhere ? , Tinos Vids are top notch viewing .

  • @vintagedashboard6810
    @vintagedashboard6810 2 года назад +7

    Thank you for sharing this because it’s so interesting and I’m always curious about the technology Germany had back then

  • @jaimecosman1304
    @jaimecosman1304 2 года назад +1

    That was very informative I enjoyed it all those tunnels begs to ask what everyone is thinking excuse my BLUNTNESS treasure it had to be hidden somewhere & as you stated most had no idea of this area & it's history also treasure GREAT story well done captivating 👌

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      You are correct and thank you so much for saying so I'll keep going there's a lot more stories to tell out there believe me

  • @georgeroach7499
    @georgeroach7499 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Tino,your hard work is much appreciated.

  • @Schlipperschlopper
    @Schlipperschlopper 2 года назад +1

    So the actual nuclear testing ground was behind Röhrensee village, maybe you could go there and make some other geiger counter tests next spring

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      Send me a coordinate and Ill go there:-) is it behind the line or accessible?

  • @Schlipperschlopper
    @Schlipperschlopper 2 года назад +9

    Did you watch the 1960s movie Operation Crossbow with George Peppard, there they showed a great movie set with an underground missile factory (even with AEG Berlin equiped Generator rooms) and even underground vertical lounch pads. Where did they get the idea from?

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +7

      Let me see that again stand by, but at that time it was still possible to shoot and some of the original locations

    • @Schlipperschlopper
      @Schlipperschlopper 2 года назад +1

      @@tinostruckmann Its a British American movie! With AEG BERLIN generators underground, please watch the movie its very interesting!

  • @foivosapostolos1211
    @foivosapostolos1211 2 года назад

    Excellent work. You are building a formidable legacy as a top notch researcher in ww2 technology archeology.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад

      if only I could get what I have asked for from the archives:-) that would be a step up by far

  • @jeffparryncc1701
    @jeffparryncc1701 2 года назад +4

    The geology of that area is amazing :) Look at all those layers.

  • @christinaarzt1491
    @christinaarzt1491 2 года назад +1

    Finding these tunnels is very difficult. They were blown up by American soldiers after the war.
    People who had to work in these tunnels were prisoners of war, prisoners and people from concentration camps.
    Who knew too much was killed. At the end of the war everyone was killed. The people in the concentration camp were killed with gas. For this reason there are no longer any people who know something.
    I hope you can understand my sentences.
    Warm greetings

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      Actually these were blown up by the Russians in 47 - at the very end of the war the remaining prisoners were marched off towards one of the main camps, many did not make it. Some who had seen very little survived and there are annual reunions of those survives left. Interestingly enough some who witnessed large underground complexes and tunnels did survive and testified to this even in TV - but interestingly enough those mainstream historians seems to ignore ....

    • @christinaarzt1491
      @christinaarzt1491 2 года назад

      Oh yes that's true. We have been lied to all of our lives. It's only been a short time since I've found out the truth. I now have a little more time and can better inform myself. There are some great people who have already found a lot of truth. In the former East Germany there are still people who get information through their job that a private person never gets. That's great. Now the truth is finally coming out. Our politicians are a lying dirty rabble.
      Sorry but it's true ...

  • @historybuff9276
    @historybuff9276 2 года назад +1

    Man id love to visit the places you have related to the European theater & German secrets. I'm getting my passport ready just let me know when you need someone to carry a flashlight. I'm so glad I gound this channel

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      Welcome aboard absolutely the more the merrier:-)

  • @rolfagten857
    @rolfagten857 2 года назад +2

    Tino actually you should write a piece about this whole research in "After the battle magazine". This is read worldwide by WW2 enthusiasts and veterans. Perhaps that will shed some new light on these matters.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +4

      maybe let me figure out what happened and get some facts documented first, there is enough gossip out there:-) but certainly what we know is worth a few articles

    • @hippiesaboteur2556
      @hippiesaboteur2556 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@tinostruckmannagreed, although I must admit: I do actually rather very much agree with the original comment(or) on/of this post in the thread. Primarily (from my PoV anyways) because this would not only, of course, result in a much wider audience of people from all across the globe getting to view & learn from your material coverage, but also potentially end up perhaps netting even more info, sources, leads, etc, and therefore possible unknown or yet-to-be discovered answers/pieces/parts of the wider puzzles you and the rest of us are desperately (but still honestly & accurately, of course) trying to learn, figure out & understand about these massively complex & deeply mysterious missing chapters in history from that era.
      ★ Hopefully all of that made sense & I wasn't (too) confusing or anything ★

  • @Jagdtyger2A
    @Jagdtyger2A 2 года назад +2

    The Nazi bomb sounds a lot like the US "Swan Device" which lead to the "Davy Crocket" Nuclear Bazooka and the AR-2 "Genie" nuclear air to air Rocket

  • @williamlilleston1595
    @williamlilleston1595 2 года назад

    Another great presentation !!!! Thank you ! It is things like this that keeps me coming back.

  • @chlalew
    @chlalew 2 года назад +2

    Ahh Mr Rumsfeld, there are tunnels we know that we know, tunnels we know that we don't know and tunnels we don't know that we don't know

  • @capt_flapper
    @capt_flapper 2 года назад +1

    I honestly do believe if the powers that formulated a better attack plan and not tried taking Russia or Poland there would of been a completely different outcome

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      You're right Poland was absolutely a Gamble on behalf of Hitler and The Invasion and occupation strategy of Russia was completely flawed as well interesting Lee enough it would have taken such small changes in strategy and occupational tactic to quite possibly have won the Germans the war

  • @lisab3396
    @lisab3396 2 года назад +1

    Sadly, I have to go out of town on a service call Wednesday and will miss the live chat and comments. I'll have to watch it later.
    Hope you have had a chance to view that Star Fort in Scotland.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      I love those, they are a new reason to visit Scotland:-) no worries I think we are doing a live chat Sunday

    • @ladyblabla3611
      @ladyblabla3611 2 года назад

      i miss you

    • @lisab3396
      @lisab3396 2 года назад

      @@ladyblabla3611 Woow, thanks. That put a smile on my face when I arrive home and open messages. 😊 Don't tell anyone, but I missed you also. 😎

  • @critical_mass_1103
    @critical_mass_1103 2 года назад +1

    it's scary to think, the govnerment does not want us to learn from this world altering event.

  • @kazimierzmarkiel5400
    @kazimierzmarkiel5400 2 года назад +2

    Mr Tino Struckmann : regarding the rocket silo similar to Minuteman, see in Czechia site BRDA or BRDY near the German border. There was built during the WW2 such silo. Names: Rolf Engel, the prisoners were killed, USA Army reached the place in short raid -czechisch historian Maresz was searching the place and published info. May be it is one of the place, where K. Fibinger was practicizing his expertise?

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад

      Oho and we have not even started to talk about Rold Engel yet - well brought up point. I did not know there were ww2 silos constructed there..

    • @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k
      @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k 9 месяцев назад

      Karl Fiebinger built underground missile silos for the SS. He was located and sent to America to build nuclear missile silos for the Army Corps of Engineers under Paperclip.

  • @wiliamogg-moss6914
    @wiliamogg-moss6914 2 года назад +14

    I cant wait for a new episode.
    Ever done any research on a possible U boat at the base of the Churchill falls in Quebec Canada? My father was training in Quebec during ww2 and told us a story of how he was on patrol and came across a nazi patrol. The nazi's fired first and took out my dads sniper, then all hell broke loose.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +11

      German firing gun Canadians in Quebec no I have never heard that story I would love to look at that more

    • @wiliamogg-moss6914
      @wiliamogg-moss6914 2 года назад +4

      There was also a show briefly on the history channel they removed live ordinances from places. They did some sonar work and possibly discovered. Show didnt last long. My father also stated some people in quebec either built or removed the bottom of their boats to place on top of the Uboats to hide them.
      Maybe you have more channels and pull to discover this hidden truth

    • @raymondleggs5508
      @raymondleggs5508 2 года назад

      @@tinostruckmann Looks like you have yet another Idea for a future movie project!

    • @raymondleggs5508
      @raymondleggs5508 2 года назад

      Poutine eating Nazis? Now I've seen everything!

  • @ernestpaniagua1210
    @ernestpaniagua1210 2 года назад +2

    If your compass is acting funny like you indicated that would mean that there's quite possibly a lot of metal buried in the area. Just my experience with a typical lensic compass .

  • @richardsullivan2862
    @richardsullivan2862 2 года назад +1

    Heavy amount of trees will throw your GPS off,happens to me when I go geo cashing every time

  • @LeveretteJamesClifford1955
    @LeveretteJamesClifford1955 24 дня назад

    Not long after writing what is below, I commented on WW2 TV asking if the owner had ever heard of what went on here. He answered in a way that was very rude and insulting to Tino. I again pressed him for an answer and he said no to the question of did the Germans develop a small atomic bomb. Well, I pursued this by and found on you tube documents which were discovered in the Russian archives (the area was under Soviet control during the Cold War) which verify what is being said in this video. I also found a document on a mining website about the radioactivity in the area. The paper said that the Germans mined uranium here and did not know how to do it safely. The result was that the detritus from the mining leaked into the groundwater and radiation is still being released today and is even found in animals who live here and close by. So Tino is correct and the man from WW2 is biased against Tino, calling him a "showman."

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  24 дня назад

      @@LeveretteJamesClifford1955 just trying to make history interesting over here very interesting though who is he what's his name do I know this person

  • @jefffalk1441
    @jefffalk1441 2 года назад +2

    There was a story my parents talked about, A so called German refugee they took in and employed vanish when the FBI showed up looking for him. My father was told to to let him know that he wasn't wanted for any war crimes but a job. Makes one wonder how many former German Officers & scientists were actually sought for there expertise after the war.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      That is quite interesting I don't suppose they'd remember what his name was but it happened quite often especially after 47-48 when the Cold War became a reality. And most of the people in the Gestapo at security service just switched uniforms and went back to work

    • @jefffalk1441
      @jefffalk1441 2 года назад +2

      They have passed away. It was in the Spring of 48 if I recall. My uncle Ed was fluent in German, talked with him a lot. (I doubt it was friendly Ed was POW and treated horribly.) They suspected he was highly educated, could take on any task from automotive electrical systems to shop hydraulic lifts to building maintenance. My mom had some photos of him with others that were relocated to the thumb of Michigan, don't know what happened to the photos. I do recall many of the fabrication, tool & die and automotive related industry in the area were started by German refuges. @@tinostruckmann

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад

      @@jefffalk1441 Operation Paperclip.
      You might also find Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrds deathbed diary intersting. They lost the mainland but certainly not the war.. the wonder weapons are still above top secret classification today. Enjoy the rabbithole. P.s. he lived and escaped the bunker, it wasn't even the body of a man.

    • @MrSims-ky2ne
      @MrSims-ky2ne Год назад +1

      @@jefffalk1441 that is absolutely fascinating!

    • @oleriis-vestergaard6844
      @oleriis-vestergaard6844 Год назад

      Operation paperclip - around 40.000 germans taken to america

  • @massivecumshot
    @massivecumshot 2 года назад +1

    From the title, I assumed this was a documentary on Henry Kissinger.

  • @loganinkosovo
    @loganinkosovo 2 года назад +5

    I know their are five levels of ammunition factory underneath what we used as the local training area outside warner barracksin Bamberg across the street from the rod and gun club. You could walk through the entire woods following the bombproof cement covers on the ventilation shafts that popped up every 100 feet or so. They looked like cement mushrooms. Under the Amberg Kaserne was a track park with all the vehicles still down there. Under the zeplin kaserne in Nuremburg was an underground airfield. The German Government drilled in the one place where they knew they would not find anything to prove it was just rumors. There were 12 levels of hospital under the US Army hospital in Frankfurt. There were at lease five levels under the SS officer's school in Bad Toltz. We used two of them and one had an underground Olympic swimming pool. There is something under every ex-nazi Kaserne. The German Government just refused to accept this as nothing but rumor since a lot of questions would be asked about who made it and what happened to them. From time to time GIs found ways into the underground that was not flooded and got sent to jail for doing it. Berlin and some other cities had underground autobahns

    • @fordhipo1493
      @fordhipo1493 2 года назад +1

      " Under the Amberg Kaserne was a track park with all the vehicles still down there"
      You are FoS.
      " There were at lease five levels under the SS officer's school in Bad Tolz. We used two of them and one had an underground Olympic swimming pool."
      There was only 1 level under the cellars at Flint Kaserne, and they were power and water supply tunnels for the housing area. The swimming pool wasn't underground. The only thing you could say about Flint Kaserne was that the bowling alley was the former underground pistol shooting range.
      Get your act together before you spout BS.

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад

      Watch Hunting Hitler, they found with irrefutable evidence the tunnels he used to escape.
      There is countless underground facilities through Germany. There was a massive, (absolutely huge one) discovered a few years ago when I was there and locals tell me of more. I have been to Obersalzberg and it has at least 3-4 levels below what we can see with light installed there. I can see them with a high powered torch. know someone who did contract/inspection work there in areas you can't get to and it's absolutely huge, as big as they say it is in the documentary.

  • @moobaz8675
    @moobaz8675 2 года назад

    Very interesting and thought provoking. There is so much we don't know - yet......

  • @bruceinoz8002
    @bruceinoz8002 2 года назад +2

    Fascinating video!
    That whole region looks "interesting" geologically.
    There is clearly-layered sedimentary rock, looking suspiciously like limestone, on my screen.
    Limestone is relatively soft, as rocks go, thus easy to excavate.
    Furthermore, when crushed and seriously heated, it essentially becomes cement powder, with which you can mix water, sand, gravel, fly or volcanic ash and steel to make reinforced concrete. Potash source locally? thus, the excavated limestone was too useful to just dump down the hillsides. Railways can take stuff away as well as deliver things. Any surviving (or relic) coal mines and cement-works in the region? Any signs of the remains of high-volume water pipes and pumping stations, "on-site" cement-mixing facilities, etc.?
    The "bomb-test" seems a bit odd.The blast-wave from even a "modest" detonation would have flattened a fair chunk of scenery around the epicenter and thrown up a very distinctive cloud of debris. Unless the region has been gone over by several major forest fires since 1945, there would be the remains of fallen tree-trunks laid out radially from the epicenter.
    If there were a "flash" as stated by "witnesses", with an actual detonation, there should have been a seriously loud accompanying BOOM, audible for many kilometres.
    Perhaps the test was a controlled "fizzle", where the fission process starts, but the intense heat melts the uranium and the chain-reaction collapses. That would indicate being "on the right track", but without notifying the entire region. However, even a "fizzle" generates a prodigious output of initial radiation. One of the things that came out from the US research and actual bombs, was that an initial "pulse" of radiation is released BEFORE the "critical" point is reached. An "invisible", but very lethal emission just before the detonation proper.
    Final thing. The German bomb project seemed to require a LOT of "heavy water" (D2O). They had a plant separating this stuff out in NORWAY and barges ready to ship before the Allies "intervened". Playing with fissionable materials without this would appear to NOT be a good idea. How much, if any of that Norwegian-produced heavy water ever made it to Germany, let alone to this facility, or others.

  • @davidcarr894
    @davidcarr894 2 года назад +2

    Tunnels are made of concrete,not cement.cement is used in making concrete .

  • @ALSNewsNow
    @ALSNewsNow 2 года назад +1

    You are a video cranking MACHINE, bro! How the hell do you even sleep??

  • @shoaibsf6897
    @shoaibsf6897 2 года назад +1

    So informative and historical

  • @adamismail3246
    @adamismail3246 2 года назад +5

    Curious. What if some of these alleged tunnels were used for testing nuclear bombs underground as well?
    Makes sense as it's a controlled environment that's far from prying eyes and safe from radiation fallout.
    That may also explain the very thorough cover up operations. It's not just to hide but also to prevent a potential environmental catastrophy.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      it was rumored that happened in Lower Silesia, and I would not rule it out here, but the descriptions of the test are very specific as to how it looked and set it up. As is seen in the brief given to Stalin - that is a main source as to what we know. But when we get into the ground and bigger tunnels we may find something entirely different

  • @rsangala
    @rsangala 2 года назад +1

    Another GEM , I think next time you need a shovel and go wherte no man has gone for many years😎. Stay Safe my friend

  • @muppetb.lansing8374
    @muppetb.lansing8374 2 года назад +2

    You have to wonder about the Nazis' final secret weapon. Hitler always referred to it. Was this anything to do with Die Glocke (if this even existed). The existence of mysterious sites where this work occurred certainly makes you wonder if the work was immediately classified by the occupiers.

    • @N4CR
      @N4CR 2 года назад +1

      Foo fighters were widely seen and documented.
      You might also want to watch Hunting Hitler and also learn about Operation Highjump. Admiral Byrds' deathbed diary says it all. NO ONE from that operation talks about it to this day. This is the key missing from the History channel findings.
      They had that tech, and there are official orders by them to send 100k of their best men and women on a one way colonisation trip to Antarctica. They are still there to this day.
      The tech to do it conventionally existed then, let alone foo fighter level stuff.

    • @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k
      @AlexMarciniszyn-y1k 9 месяцев назад +1

      The Germans had the atomic bomb. Yes, Hitler referred to it. They also had ICBMs and underground missile silos.

  • @oldminer5387
    @oldminer5387 2 года назад +4

    Great job Tino, thank you. I have a feeling that if the truth came out a lot more than history books would have to be rewritten, perhaps the fundamentals of science also.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +3

      I think so too and so many authors and professors would have to rewrite their own books ... such a hassle better just to keep it under wraps:-( right...

    • @jean-clauderainville677
      @jean-clauderainville677 2 года назад +1

      It is intetesting to note that even if we're not currently able to ascertain if an actual nuclear bomb was actually tested or not by the germans that the a9/a10 project was to be able (same as the Horten flying wing projects) to carry a 1000kg "payload" to the us. Interesting "coincidence" or at least, good constitency in specifications...
      We can extend the reasonning further to assume the purported 3 march '45 bomb would have logically weighted less than one tonne.
      The question that remains is the feasibility of a plutonium bomb at that time in view of the seemingly "primitive" reactors built by Heisenberg and Diebner...
      Comments ?

    • @hippiesaboteur2556
      @hippiesaboteur2556 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@jean-clauderainville677that's a rather astute observation (on those specs), and a subsequently rather quite interesting hypothesis, sir. Bravo, and now I/we just indeed need to know

  • @MrAsfla
    @MrAsfla 2 года назад

    Thank you for this very informative video, i have subscribed and look forward to seeing more of you hard work, excellent!

  • @HolaACchillin
    @HolaACchillin 2 года назад

    Nice video! You should get into fpv drones to aid in your observations...

  • @duncanmaclean1001
    @duncanmaclean1001 2 года назад +3

    Hi SSG, are you familiar with a recent book called "The Hidden Nazi", by Dean Reuter?

  • @meatybtz
    @meatybtz 2 года назад +1

    Been watching these videos and wonder if you could use some ground penetrating radar to map the subterranean tunnels. Baring that, you could use the old ground mapping methods that use a small explosive to map the ground. Over all though, there are many drives to hide things, sometimes in plain sight. There are political narratives that are considered more critical than even human lives. No one talks about how the USA enabled the formation of the USSR by ensuring a broke and unarmed Red Russia got the money it needed to transition into a real power rather than collapsing immediately. How we invaded Russia and Siberia. How our troops fought along side the Imperial Japanese Army (yeah that same army they would fight against less than two decades later). How we toppled a stable Democratic Republic and installed a vicious dictator. How many people know that the US invaded Red Russia and Siberia? No one. But the facts are in public record. It changes the narrative of the Cold War when you realize we enabled such to exist. Some would say, actively ensured it would exist. It would explain our more friendly terms with Stalin, again, a known monster, but why were we so buddy buddy during WWII with them, AS MUCH AS with England. Ideologically you would say that Stalin's Russia should have been our enemy. England makes sense, but the USSR? Stalin? I would bet, there is more to the story than is known publicly. All politics are inbred.
    Not to lessen what the NAZIs did during the war but Stalin makes them look like choir boys. Let alone the fact that our primary corporations that made war material were very heavily pro-fascism, a stance that did not change with the start of the war, but money is money and war money is the BEST money a corporation can make.
    Again, any student of history knows that the US picked up where the NAZIs left off when it comes to unethical and illegal human experimentation.. and we "offshored" it when it got too much public heat.. except, not all of it. A myriad of unethical and illegal medical experiments continued in the USA. Here is to the Children, the orphans, who died in New York, victims of unethical and illegal human experiments.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      I am planning to except the places I want to see are mostly off limits so it takes some permits and some money for equipment. but it is in the works

  • @geralt3121
    @geralt3121 2 года назад

    Tino, please use wind sock. Makes the audio so much better.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад

      I am saving up for better equipment in general

  • @DRFelGood
    @DRFelGood 2 года назад +1

    Interesting research 🧐 it would be nice to clarify the perspective made without positive confirmation regard these incredible theories posted in this article.

  • @gregsnyder8392
    @gregsnyder8392 2 года назад

    Tino thank you so very much for all your efforts.If I could afford to contribute to your channel I most definitely would.Very best regards and keep up the good work.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      Thank you so much for saying so I appreciate all the support just watch all the episodes twice and let the commercials run haha

  • @nonegiven2830
    @nonegiven2830 2 года назад +1

    It was 70 years ago, the absence of any visible signs isn't that strange tbh.
    The "there's no munitions here" is also not necessarily true, things could be buried 6 inches down, deep enough to not been seen but still be deadly.
    Interesting stuff though

  • @williamcollins4082
    @williamcollins4082 2 года назад +1

    I suspect your right on track . But without proof it's just another "Theory" . And they know that !
    Somewhere the evidence lays !!!
    Keep up the good work !!! I always enjoy your work!!!!!

  • @Lardnapkin
    @Lardnapkin 2 года назад +1

    How come I just found your channel now?. How come you don't have 2million followers?. How come this upload has less views than my shitty amateur comic attempt videos?......So many Q's I hope the 2 first are answered soon. You deserve it, Thank You!

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      I didn't notice my bat signal lamp had gone out I'm sure that must be it :-( so I guess welcome to the dark side :-) glad you're here

  • @MarceloAugusto-wi4cw
    @MarceloAugusto-wi4cw 8 месяцев назад

    Seus vídeos são perfeitos. Onde fica este local do vídeo? Como você o descobriu?

  • @828enigma6
    @828enigma6 2 года назад +1

    Couple of observations. Could the curved object at 42:33 be human rib? And the tree stuck the roof crack at 37:25 and 45:05 be to allow access to another level? It's not placed properly to support the roof.The black material on the walls could be soot from burning organic materials. Would the Russians have herded the remaining prisoners into the back of the tunnels and set them ablaze so they didn't have to deal with them, and to silence them forever? Very possible, even likely. Human life wasn't held in much regard by Russians or Germans at this point. Did you get any results from the sample you removed?

  • @Lennymcgra
    @Lennymcgra Месяц назад

    Great research, you really need to invest in some quality lights for underground though. Going to make your life much easier.

  • @SS-zg6of
    @SS-zg6of 2 года назад +1

    Really great stuff. Looking forward to the facts and evidence...imagine if you are the one to dispel the myths used to cover up the Wunderwaffe?

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      Fortunately this quite a few people trying to do that hopefully working together we will be able to piece it together:-) happy New Year

    • @SS-zg6of
      @SS-zg6of 2 года назад +1

      @@tinostruckmann Worse things to do in Dezember than Wanderung in Thuringen! Definitely a new different POV on the Green Heart of Germany!

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад

      @@SS-zg6of aint that a fact;-)

  • @jamesgoodman6243
    @jamesgoodman6243 2 года назад +1

    You must be careful though because any leftover radioactive materials leftover have a after life of unreasonable radiation which can be deadly

  • @jimkennedy7050
    @jimkennedy7050 2 года назад +2

    something is missing if 28,000 workers were there

    • @jimkennedy7050
      @jimkennedy7050 2 года назад

      The number of Dakotas in the world's militsry has been increasing lately. they must be good. Columbia uses the puff version. .It is up to 27.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +1

      Even if we take the low number of 26000 and the high number of 33,000 absolutely

  • @rayovenden237
    @rayovenden237 2 года назад +1

    When I look at the Video its clear that the substance which they were mining through is not stable. To be effective the tunnels would have to be supported with concret. Maybe is was to late and the materials were no longer avaible. I am skeptiable about the 6 kilometer depth of these tunnels.

    • @tinostruckmann
      @tinostruckmann  2 года назад +2

      that is the whole point, these are not the main tunnels the laborers built. none of them are long enough or well enough constructed. That is why given the number of labor we are looking for the real tunnel system not this unfinished one. however they were at the time of the wars end, supported by wood beams and cross beams throughout however these were destroyed and or removed over time. and in previous episodes from inside the larger parts there is more remnants of cement:-)

  • @smurra3
    @smurra3 2 года назад +1

    Why don't you use a metal detector at least a small one. Also you could be walking on a minefield at least whats left of one. Great Work by the way..

  • @GregoryFordham
    @GregoryFordham 2 года назад +1

    Very interesting! First time seeing your channel. Have you ever considered that there is still an active military base underground there? Where would the nearest outlet for water go from an existing bunker.

  • @erlic1967
    @erlic1967 2 года назад

    It's amazing how much it changes over a period of time.

  • @VerilyRude
    @VerilyRude 2 года назад +4

    This could be a good movie because it's more or less public record that the Americans and the Soviets both captured their nuclear programs with the necessary scientists, as well as the related technologies that were previously developed by the Nazi's who sadly take some credit in the vast quantity of breakthrough discoveries made in fields like nuclear physics and rocketry. It's understandable and even natural for the allies to bring them back for their own programs that undoubtly scored a brain boost towards the end of the war in Europe. On the other hand, that story goes back a few decades before the war considering nuclear technology as a theory and general research direction for physics where guys like Einstein were already dreaming and working for many years before the war. So far this is all fine and some what in order with your allegations but you lost me with the cover-up and this purported test conducted by secret bunker Nazi's near caslte Wolfenstein where they overcame the theoretical physics of the time but didn't manage to build even just a one of airframe to deliver it. thankfully did not come to be. On that other hand, a working nuclear bomb was probably the only thing that would have changed the outcome of the war and it Perhaps that's why Hitler was only eluding to his new super weapon as being "Nearly done" and "So close" instead of actually using to change the outcome of the war. Thats why your movie could only be a work of fiction because so many leaps of faith and logic must be made to place it within reality and the context of any single leap alone, not to mention their combined outcome entirely refute your claim as sheer fantasy and perhaps even a dash of comedy. Let me elaborate and tell me what you think...
    First, in the beginning you suggested that a high ranking Nazi official broke his fuhrer oath and gave classified information regarding this ultra secret weapons program to some random young girl, and despite your assertion of prior knowledge as to the negative effects of radiation, the official insisted this random young girl should watch this test from the castle of convenience, coincidently located directly in the line of sight.
    Not sure why but for some reason I feel like if Hitler had a nuclear weapon, he would have tested it right away against the Soviets, and oddly enough it's even what his twisted Nazi doctors would have prescribed in 1943. Nevertheless a legitimate program would have tested the bomb inside of a mine and if they had an intention of hiding the holocaust half as much as this bomb than the mine test could serve two purposes. But I do want to clarify because it just sounds crazy that anyone could suggest the Nazis held back from using a nuclear weapon from 1943 to 1945 pending the development of a capable delivery vehicle to maintain the element of surprise? For a second I'll put aside the silly and rediculous notion the Nazi's needed to wait since it's the perfect time to mention how the Enigma was cracked in 1941, and moreover every allied country had spies and sympathisers within the Reich, as well as the documented legions of disloyal party factions breaking rank for the assassination plots that would go hand in hand with an attempt of a coup, all of which would general work towards a more friendly arrangement of surrender. One could easily say that by 1943, Nazi secrets were leaking more than a busted watermain. That being said, if finding the delivery vehicle was such a problem I'm sure the retreiting army would have found a use for it between Russia and Berlin, and if nothing else the Volkssturm would could have used them for a booby trap. Of course this wouldn't be necessary because the Nazis captured a B17 Flying Fortress bomber as early as 1942 and some simple modifications and limits to its range could bring that airframe within capability.
    Something else you eluded to in this strange interpretation of the Nazi Era was 1943 being some especially difficult time. I agree that 1943 was after the turning point on the easten front and the first time the Nazi's fought from the defensive, but in relative terms it wasn't an overly difficult time for the Nazis and by that point it could be argued their war hadn't been entirely lost, for that matter it was only during 1943 when stalingrad surrendered, and D-day wouldn't land until 1944. For that matter, the D-day landings were considered to be a last resort and hail mary play for the allies who didn't especially want to land large numbers of soldiers directly in front of machine gun nests waiting from an advantageous position.
    Another detail that doesn't add up is this claim of "labor" that apparently just can't be accounted for or something or the other. I could detail all of the numerous ways 30000 workers could be used when building a defensive fortress during their tour to Berlin, and I could detail the reason why Nazi accountants have incomplete records during that time frame as well as a few reasons leadership might want them to forget certain records. I would make you that list, but the point I'm trying to make about labor is that the Nazi's had a lot of it in the many Slave camps they were running with workers that were actually slaves and the remaining records are rather plentiful and show how they would be sent out in droves mining coal and building weapons to a particular level of efficiency considering the available resources at the time.
    Also, those slave camps were actually death camps where the best individuals could be exploited for slave labor as a means to economic necessity. I mention it for the revlevence as it ties in with an earlier point I made; because, for some reason the Nazis barely went through any trouble to obscure their existence and not much more to obscure their true purpose, even when they were in immediate jeapordy which is supported by the facts that they couldn't destroy all the mountains of evidence in time and left millions of starving victims wandering around aimlessly inside the camps. In some camps the SS units were caught off guard committing one histories most fruitless and useless horror in facilitation of a day job. Its widely known they were lined up against a wall and shot for good reason.

    • @hippiesaboteur2556
      @hippiesaboteur2556 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah, ok...sure bud. Just keep on doin exactly what you have been. SO thoroughly schooled, deeply knowledgeable & obviously much more intelligent & well-versed than the rest of us, or anyone for that matter. No doubt from your years, if not decades, worth of research, investigation, documentation, archiving, analysis, discussions, interviews, [actual trips to visit the] geographical locations & subsequent on-site explorations, and so on...?? Nevermind, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid for even asking; of course you have. CLEARLY you're the expert. And my instinct would lead me to believe you achieved all that thanks to you dedicating God knows how many countless hours upon days faithfully binge-watching Hø₹¥ Channel, and thirsty, parched you eagerly drank all the Kool-Aid those lying, bought & paid for, agenda-driven imbeciles have to offer... All the way down to the last drop. and then STILL went right back, asking for more. Just can't get enough, huh?
      You'd honestly be better off just completely forgetting about literally everything you think you so surely know about all of this. Which actually shouldn't be that hard, because it sure as hell, in fact, isn't much at all. Then start all the way over again, from scratch. But this time, try shutting up, actually paying attention, and I'd also suggest examining not only as much material as possible, but from as many different, separate sources (on the same or similar subjects) and finally then cross-check one side/set of the various pieces of info with other info in/on the same matters, only be sure to analyze, compare & verify them to one another. Oh and you should probably stop watching Hø₹¥ channel, and frankly just getting any (much less ALL) of your knowledge base from cable TV. The same also goes for unquestionably downing the Kool Aid you love so much, especially when it's from strangers. Might actually learn something. You'll truly be amazed just how much more energy & free time to learn all kinds of things, that is, once you finally stop working overtime so hard towards unequivocally perfecting your obvious current occupational choice of professional jackass (which don't get me wrong: you're exceptional at, and if nothing else, can always find your niche in that field). The more you know 😉

  • @LeveretteJamesClifford1955
    @LeveretteJamesClifford1955 7 месяцев назад

    You have scared the hell out of me with this video and knowing that the Germans exploded a small atomic bomb. Ive always been taught that when the allied commandos destroyed the heavy water plant in Norway that was the end of them working on an atomic bomb. And with the rocket they planned to put it on that would get it to North America, well, they were far more advanced than most of us knew. Dang.

  • @franksiam2975
    @franksiam2975 2 года назад

    @Tino please a full vid about sanger project .. there was a quite long time later in DDR/GDR they try to progress on it

  • @markwatters6875
    @markwatters6875 2 года назад

    Thanks mate. All the best from Australia