God never has appeared to humans at any time. Those unusual phenomena were caused by God's holy spirit. God's active force. The Red Sea waters cannot be held up unless a force is applied.
@Seven-J1l : What can face to face mean since God has no face, He is a SPIRIT being. John 4:24. It just means God spoke to Moses directly through an angel. Whereas others got God's words through some human.
God never has appeared to humans at any time. Those unusual phenomena were caused by God's holy spirit. God's active force.
The Red Sea waters cannot be held up unless a force is applied.
Exodus 33:11: "And the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend"
@Seven-J1l : What can face to face mean since God has no face, He is a SPIRIT being. John 4:24.
It just means God spoke to Moses directly through an angel.
Whereas others got God's words through some human.