Great preamble to the project. I'm looking forward to following you through the process. Prototyping is is most interesting aspect of designing and building. I love the trial and error and the innovation involved. Making them nesting canoes isa fantastic idea. I've had building some of those on my to-do list for years.
Looking to go through this process myself, so I'm excited to follow you on this! I'm most interested in hearing your thought process as you go through and what influenced your decision one way or another; a how-to-think vs a how-to-build.
Always had an interest in Skin on Frame canoes, so here we go... BTW, I've known a few Canadians in my life, with your calm, easy-going personality and demeanour, sure you don't have some Canuck heritage??? Just wondering, maybe a Voyager blood to boot
Hey Chris, it would probably be a while on that one, what I will do however is try to put up a video soon about the Greenland kayak designs I build and why I make them the way I do, I think a lot of that will speak to what you're looking for.
you've kind of messed up the signs. love your videos. Cheers from Austria. I'm looking into doing a Tom Sawyer/Huck Fínn down the Danube from Vienna to the Danube Delta. Childhood dreams! Take your boats down the Mississippi just for me, PLS!
I agree with you, but there's no way I'm going to be able to put out videos with dual measurements. I'm sure it's terribly annoying, and I would vote tomorrow to change everything to the metric system, but for now, it looks like a simple converter app is all I can do! (I will at some point release PLANS for all of my boats in metric.)
I'm multi-metric, can translate numerous linear measuring systems (and even think in some of my non-native ones). It's a blast! (and uber-functional, ja?)
Great preamble to the project. I'm looking forward to following you through the process. Prototyping is is most interesting aspect of designing and building. I love the trial and error and the innovation involved. Making them nesting canoes isa fantastic idea. I've had building some of those on my to-do list for years.
Looking forward to the build.
This sound great!!! love this sort of video series
Looking to go through this process myself, so I'm excited to follow you on this! I'm most interested in hearing your thought process as you go through and what influenced your decision one way or another; a how-to-think vs a how-to-build.
I love your work. I wana be like you. Thanks very much for your videos
That is crazy how those books showed up!
Always had an interest in Skin on Frame canoes, so here we go...
BTW, I've known a few Canadians in my life, with your calm, easy-going personality and demeanour, sure you don't have some Canuck heritage??? Just wondering, maybe a Voyager blood to boot
Hey, could you please make a video like this for a sof super low profile rolling kayak? If you have not already.
Hey Chris, it would probably be a while on that one, what I will do however is try to put up a video soon about the Greenland kayak designs I build and why I make them the way I do, I think a lot of that will speak to what you're looking for.
how to make a canoe screen?🙏
you've kind of messed up the signs. love your videos. Cheers from Austria. I'm looking into doing a Tom Sawyer/Huck Fínn down the Danube from Vienna to the Danube Delta. Childhood dreams! Take your boats down the Mississippi just for me, PLS!
those '>' kinda messed up
I hope you are going to remember people who live in the metric world during this project...:)
We as europeans completely agree
I agree with you, but there's no way I'm going to be able to put out videos with dual measurements. I'm sure it's terribly annoying, and I would vote tomorrow to change everything to the metric system, but for now, it looks like a simple converter app is all I can do! (I will at some point release PLANS for all of my boats in metric.)
I'm multi-metric, can translate numerous linear measuring systems (and even think in some of my non-native ones). It's a blast! (and uber-functional, ja?)