"Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree:" Deuteronomy 12:2 KJV
Now if only we can start teaching that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th and closer to around the Feast of Tabernacles we would do much better as a body.
The closer we've gotten to Jesus over the decades, the more Christmas has changed in our home from celebrating self through getting presents to celebrating Christ by praising and singing joyfully our worship to God.
research the origins of christmas on ytube...it is after the sun god saturnilla...so i ask you what happens after christmas say the rest of the year...people forget Jesus...Jesus said love not the world...and people buy material things, send cards, songs, dinner and a decorated tree which does not represent Jesus...at least you know so that you have no excuse for not knowing...if you hear the voice of God do not ignore..quote: Hebrews 4:12-16 Believe it or not, many people who attend church choose to ignore God’s truth because they don’t like hearing sermons that convict or demand a change.
quote: as you celebrate your xmas, Jesus was not even born on the 25th...true believers can recognize the wiles of the devil... 1-A worldly person’s identity is found in this world, and not in heaven (18:21b) 2-A worldly person finds escape through amusements, entertainments, and pleasure-seeking (18:22a) 3-A worldly person uses work, career success, and even daily life as a way out of spiritual responsibilities (18:22b) 4-A worldly person is tied to the technology, and the knowledge of this world-and not the next (18:23a) 5-A worldly person is tied to social life, party life, the calendar, and holidays (18:23b) 6-A worldly person is tied to finances, wealth, and possessions (18:23c) 7-A worldly person is intoxicated by the world (18:23d) Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Even if I don't want to celebrate Christmas, we all get time off for the holidays. Anyone have any fun suggestions for memories our family can make during the holidays ? I want to start new traditions, but it's all saturated with "Xmas" symbolism.
@@sherrcon Everyone knows, Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25. Illrelavent. While our main purpose, is to honor, and follow Jesus, and his word, we are not condemned, by enjoying what he has given us. True believers, don't spread false doctrine. They can recognize, the wiles of the devil. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
I stopped celebrating Christmas over 30 years ago. I don’t miss the fluff part, I just miss getting together with family to have fun. For some reason it never happens at any other time of year ! As Christians, we should get together more, just for good fellowship and fun year round. I thank Jesus daily for coming to earth to save me. I carry that gratefulness in my heart always.❤
I understand what you mean. My church stopped celebrating Christmas several years ago. But its always a good time to cook good food and get together with friends and family.
I been believer in Jesus, only started 5 years ago I'm not celebrating Christmas, the church I go was celebrating baby Jesus birthday, I began studying for myself, which I never did,
From a personal standpoint, my faith in Jesus Christ as a child was strengthened because my parents had always told me that there was no such thing as Santa Claus. . that raises a lot of eyebrows until I explain this. . if my mother and father were not willing to lie to me about a myth. They certainly would never lie to me about the truth.
I told my kids Santa was created by someone imagination to replace Jesus Christ. Santa is only imaginary in tradition of good fantasy, like batman, Superman, and Mickey Mouse, who are not real. Nothing in the world such of those people with all the imaginary powers. Imaginary Santa can blur and twist the truth purpose of Jesus coming to the world, and the spirit of the darkness has brought it so that human beings will get lost and confused in Satan's lies.
I so wish my parents would have told me the truth. This has carried on for generations. It's hard to break the cycle. Now our precious grand children are believing the same. I don't want to hurt their feelings. I try to ignore them when they speak about St Nicholas. I want their parents to tell them the truth but after them being raised believing at what age do they tell them the truth?? We love our Savior Jesus and know his actual birth isn't Christmas. I as a grand parent homeschool the 2 youngest boys. They're both 5 years old. I'm trying my best to make them righteous. This is hard.
You describe your parents' belief in the divinity of Jesus as "the truth." What makes you think that your parents know this to be "the truth"? It sounds like they believed that Jesus is who the Bible says he is. But that speaks only to what your parents believe. Surely you recognize that, without evidence, what they happen to have been raised to believe has little to do with what may actually be true. Have you simply done what they did? Just go along to get along, the truth be damned? If so, that's pretty lame.
We do not need to observe those things anymore. What God wants is for us to do good to our neighbor , to live a humble obedient life, at least that should be the intention.
@@luc706 Why do all the nations observe the Feast of Tabernacles during the millennial reign according to Zechariah 14? His actual birthday when he tabernacled among us.
We never lied to our children about Christmas. I taught them the Truth of God's word. We did not celebrate pagan christmas. We took a lot of verbal abuse from our families, but they are lost sinners, so that's not surprising. I'd much rather please the Lord, than gain the approval of men.
"The noblest virtue is not tolerance, but righteousness!" "The most important thing in life is not what is possess, but what you believe!" "The goal of life is not personal satisfaction, but the goal of life is the glory of God... that the blessing of life."
@leezaslofsky4438 the Bible does not forbidd someone to have wealth, it's how the wealth was gained #1 and #2 how its being spent #3 whether you help out the poor or not.
I just had the best Christmas ever. The wife and I went down to Bicol province in the Philippines and had the privilege of feeding and giving gifts to 150 kids at her brother's church. If I want something, I'll buy it. Sharing my blessing with other's is priceless. Jesus is the Reason for the Season, not 🎅
Its nice what you have done! anyhow there are peoples that do this every singel week during the year or at least each month, then ? they celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus eact time they do this?
Giving does not have to be limited to Christmas. Christmas is not mentioned in the bible, it was not mentioned at the birth of Jesus. Go ahead and Google when did Christmas start, see who started it. Ther is nothing in the bible that suggest we should celebrate the birth of Chtist This is a pagan holiday. No Christian should take part in this.
Jeremiah 10:2-4 This saith the Lord, ' Learn not the way of the heathen, be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3For the customs of the people are Vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest ,work of the hands of the workman, with the axe 4 They deck it with silver and gold, fasten it with nails and hammers , that it move not. All of Christmas is paganism, idolatry. Our Lord God is a Jealous God! SChrist has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas! Do your research and not bow down to Man's will! Wreaths, yule log, tree, the decorations ,gifts , Santa, even the actual date of Christmas is pagan!
No one can bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing. The only peace in the world is to become one with God and his word. No exactness no truth. Masse is eating human flesh catholic Christmas is eating Christ daily. 😊
A lecturer went to an Ivy League campus and a student challenged that there are no absolutes. His response to the student….”are you ABSOLUTELY SURE?” Priceless
This is powerful because I always hear things in our culture like “you can do anything”, and “we need to learn more tolerance.” It’s good to remember that these philosophies are not from God, even if they seem “good” on the surface.
Sorry to be the one to break it to you, Johnny, but countless studies have shown that intercessory prayer has no impact on those who are prayed for (for one example, see "Prayers don’t help heart surgery patients," Harvard Gazette, March 30, 2006). The best advice for people who want to make the world a better place? Get up off your knees and actually do something to help others. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time.
A church asked me to give a devotion on the Christmas story. I asked him to help me by giving me scriptures that I could use. he gave me luke 2, and while I studied luke 2, i learned something, luke is not a story of xmas. its astory about salvaton, redemption, adoption, forgiveness, and the mercy of God that rains down on the just and the unjust. this message confirms what I always beleived.
Ephesians 6:12 King James Version 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
One so far but again what’s important is people read it. its time for people to stop playing Church and become fully engulfed in His word and practice what they read in scripture so they can truly know what our Heavenly Father requires of us to come to Heaven.
@@darlenemungo5483 Ephesians 2:8,9 We do not 'earn' our salvation inorder to have a place in Heaven. Jesus, on the cross shedding his blood for our sins is the works part of salvation and when I acknowledge that He paid the price with his blood and death for my sins and express from my heart and mouth my trust in that fact, that He died for me and I invite Him into my heart, then God honors that and I am 'born again' into His kingdom. He comes, in the Person of His Holy Spirit, to live in my heart and makes me a new creation!
@@stephenhagen234 I gotta say, I never really got that whole "sacrifice" thing. The guy had one lousy weekend, I'll grant you that. But where is he now? Running the universe? For the rest of time? That's not a sacrifice. That is the best deal ever! You show me somebody who wouldn't take that deal, and I'll show you an idiot. Sacrifice my ass.
Just be CHRIST centered 24/7 even on Christmas and Easter (pascua).Lets celebrate the WORD becoming flesh, the washing away of our sins and the resurrection to eternal life.
Exactly. The christ is intangible and becomes flesh when ANYONE is begotten of the Fathers incorruptible seed. The christ is formed within us as literal biological Sons of Elohiem. Is it not said YE are eloheim (little e). The christ (glory of YHWH) in YOU is the hope of glory. Christ is not flesh until its risen in us as Sons.
The Lord showed me the Truth about all the holidays when I did a deep study into false gods/idols in the Old Testament. I've tried to show others but so many people just don't want to know the Truth. I just can't go back after seeing the Truth. And honestly I feel much freer not celebrating the man made, pagan traditions.
I also have found the truth and I won't return to pagan ways .. it was nice of you to try to share your knowledge of what happened to you .. sadly people don't want to hear the truth ..
man made holidays, none of it has anything to do with JESUS, but a lot to do with the devil turning people from TRUTH, just like the word santa,just the devil in desciss same letters as satan.LORD JESUS HELP US ALL
I was going to have family over for the holiday. But the more I started making plans the more overwhelming anxiety came to me. Something told me this isn't what you're supposed to be doing. Long story short told family that I love them but I wasn't going to be hosting Christmas for the holidays and that I would be donating instead and enjoying a peaceful day with my wonderful husband. I feel so much better now.
The joy and excitement I experienced as a child from Christmas and Santa Claus has been replaced with that same childhood joy by the good news. Thank you Jesus for working through Pastor MacArthur and his church and making his sermons available on RUclips
My Father told me, when i first come to accept the truth of the holiday... "You can not sanctify the unholy...and make it Holy"!.. And when i tried to pull that line "He knows my heart".. He rebuked me so hard and said.. "But, do you know Mine?" People can spend their lives doing things that the world will justify.. When i hear the voice, attempting to justify my actions.. I stop dead in my tracks..because it ain't the voice of God.
God sanctifies the unholy and makes it holy. He does that with His followers. He redeems us, transforms us, saves us. That's the whole point of Christmas. We couldn't save ourselves. He came for us.
Christmas isn’t a holy or unholy day. Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to celebrate Christ’s birthday. We don’t even know when he was born. Celebrate however you want. For fun. Religiously. But just don’t try to force your way on others as the only way to celebrate. Yes. Christ is THE only way to the father. As for holidays, I don’t care how they are celebrated. I feel convicted directing the Christmas play at church and this will be the last time for me. We teach so much tradition as doctrine.
Mac Arthur he does believe Jesus be came a human, his a false prophet 2 John 7 Many deceivers have gone out all over the world, people who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came as a human being, Such a person is a deceiver and the enemy of Christ 8-9 Anyone who does not stay with the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God. Who does stay with the teaching has both the Father and the Son. I listen his video and I no his false prophet
Church! Come out from her! Stop being yolked with her. End your adultry with her! Learn to walk in the Spirit! Be the City on the hill. Be the Light to the world! ❤
Merry Christmas. Starting the holiday with some mindfulness exercises...going through the book "30 Days to Reduce Stress" by Harper Daniels. Feels good. Relaxed.
God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north. Zeachariah 2:6 Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole. Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
This was powerful! By God's grace, I see my husband as my protector, for he has kept me safe from my pagan family of origin, and all of their spiritual abuse, for years now. And I thank God for him. I'm no longer the nervous wreck I once was when I used to be pressured, through their false-guilt trips, to bow to them in order to "honor" them. Thankfully God showed me, thru His Word, what true honor really is. The natural outworking of true honor toward our family of origin is a life of peace and joy in the Lord, NOT a life of blindly subjecting ourselves to their every whim....…”he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured” (Prov. 13:18). Honor does not mean compulsively subjecting oneself to sinful and toxic behavior or excusing it for the sake of “peace.” Honor does not mean blind obedience, pleasing or pretending. Honor also doesn’t mean having inordinate affections toward the wicked by rescuing, enabling, excusing or hiding their evil ways. For it is not a Christians duty to protect and defend the wicked. Instead, they must be allowed to incur the natural consequences of their sins (1 Cor. 5:5), in hopes that God will rescue them and restore their sanity. Because true honor does not mean keeping up a façade of enshrining a false family image, for that would also be idolatry and bearing false witness. We cannot keep one commandment by breaking another.
Sorry but Jesus was not born on 25th December. Remember the three wise men travelled to Bethlehem and passed shepherds tending their flock at night. Back then no shepherds tended their flock in December/January as they were in their stalls beneath the home as it was too cold at night. December was chosen in the 4th century to convince pagans to convert to Christianity as Pagans celebrated the winter solstice in December. No real Christian celebrates Jesus being born in December unless they do not know his actual birthtime.
A half truth, he neglected to mention the truth that God never gave the world Christmas. The true name of the holiday is called saturnalia, which in turn is the celebration of the sun god luc_ifer. Remember that it is he who decieves the whole world to dishonor God and receive judgement.
@@Peterwj9445 Correct Peter. In fact if you study the bible properly you would know it breaks Gods commandments to celebrate Jesus's birthdate in any way. This man is like many clergy who deceive the flock and lead them away from God whilst pretending to be a man of God. And again, the bible tells us of such false preachers.
@@saintsone7877 Correct, An easy one for folks who are unsure about the truth would be why if Christmas was to celebrate Jesus, why didn't they, he was right there. None of the scriptures record the celebration yearly of the birth of Jesus, not even Jesus. Can you imagine everyone celebrating your birthday and everyone getting gifts while you stand outside peering in through the window from outside. I just pray that people would desire the truth.
I had a neighbor lady who lived by me awhile back. She had lost everything. She knocked on my door. All she needed was a roll of toilet paper. I GAVE IT TO HER. Not long after that she passed on. Thinking back I also asked if she needed anything else. She said no I am grateful for this with a smile. I did not have a clue how bad it really was in her life.
A truly beautiful story. What a good Christian you are! To part with a roll of S-paper so willingly. Thank you! I now know how I shall live the rest of my life. Today I will buy a big supply of S-paper to hand out to all who need it!
@@leezaslofsky4438 Ahh...I was deeply moved to laughter - at your sarcasim. 99% of the time sarcism is not my thing, but the post was such a post that most people would have been embarassed to share it. Almost thought it wasn't real - so reread it again. Then I read your reply! I am thrilled that you'll be supplying your whole community as needed!
I was told in church when I was 9 years old (50 years ago) that Jesus was not born on December 25th, I discovered the Church of Jesus Christ Christian in the 1980s on WWCR shortwave radio and there are sermons from Bertrand Lewis Comparet here on RUclips
Thank you, even me I never celebrate and enjoy Christmas since I knew the truth . Thank you Lord. John 8:32 The truth set me free and my family, God bless you for this message.
We always took our new toy to show Baby Jesus on Christmas morning to church as little ones and there was always a crib scene at church which explained the beauty of Christmas to us little ones, and I did the same for our children. Santa was a brief harmless episode in our young lives but the birth of Christ was and is always central. I wish you all a peaceful blessed Christmas 2023 as we celebrate and contemplate the birth of our Saviour.
That's what they say about church and Halloween. "Oh we have an unholy day of wicked practices of Halloween to draw the people in. Then we tell them about Jesus. Good deal. They do the same thing at used car dealerships, as they compete with each other. The Messiah, Son of God, King of kings, doesn't compete nor will He ever compete or need to compete with anything of this world. Just practice telling the truth of righteousness and salvation, which overcomes and defeats sin. That's all you need.
@@jefferydumont430 when we study the first church in Jerusalem and that time, there was no "Christmas celebration". It is alright to celebrate the birth of Jesus as described in the bible. But at some point unbiblical tradition started and fairy tale stories were mixed in stories such as Sanata Claus. God warned in Jeremiah chapter 10 of worshipping false gods etc. Same chapter describes a tree cut in the forest and decorated etc. much like a so called christmas tree and warned of it. Please take time and read it. I will not have a false god in my home and I follow Christ Jesus and His word. Hallelujah!
I agree. I was raised this way, my children and grand children. Our 2 youngest grands are 5 years old. How do I as a grand parent contradict what their parents have told them. I really wish my parents never started this. We wouldn't be telling the children today. Jesus is my Lord and Savior forever.
Thank you pastor MacArthur, I haven't celebrated a Christmas for about 17 years and I feel free, spiritually financially mentally physically and it's not because I couldn't afford it it was because I realized the lies in it and the myth and that's what the word says liars will not enter into the kingdom and don't follow the myths of men, 💞 but I learned to respect everybody's decision about Christmas do not let no one judge you on the holidays on the Sabbaths on what you eat and what you drink, and I have learned to do just that, some of my family members wants to do Christmas , go for it, Christ's birth was never given , it was not even told to celebrate it, what was told to do was to love God with all your heart all your mind , soul, love each other as you love yourself, do people really love each other even on Christmas? Not even on Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, is their love in a man's heart? Some they're full of pride proudness greed always seeking for themselves, for me its a day of sadness, to see so many people that are lost in the world, even though I am not perfect and I do whatever I can to help anybody, I know that if I have not right with God I am a lost soul also, but I'm glad I'm alive and I'm glad I have peace and I'm glad that our heavenly father has Mercy and Grace on this wicked 🌎, but one day all that Mercy and Grace will end for the wicked, God Bless 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏻🌍
Angels celebrating his birth is not precedent enough for you? God saw fit to record two accounts of his arrival, Angels, shepherds, parents, old saints in the temple, Magi on a long dangerous journey-- All rejoicing at his arrival--and His enemies troubled by it. Seems good reason for me to celebrate
When I was born again, it surprised me to discover that Christmas was celebrated in the church of God. Considering the roots of Christmas and Easter, it's vile to attribute these doctrines of demons to the Lord God Almighty. Ì asked Him how He felt about it and He answered me. My desire is that all Believers would get the revelation. It's like chocolate coating a turd and presenting it to your love ones. The picture God showed me was much worse than that.
Hello John, I’m gona comment but I’m not trying to argue at all. I respect others and what they want to do. It’s between them and God. But we did a huge study on Christmas and Easter and man it’s Not what it seems. I’m totally in for celebrating the Bible and birth of Christ. But that wasn’t dec 25. The reason we do not celebrate Christmas is because it was not originally for the Birth of Christ. If you go back Dec 25 is a pagan holiday. It was morphed into what you see now by the church giving in. Do you know the puritans knew it was pagan? It was actually illegal in the USA in many states until into the later 1800’s. Television morphed Santa into it. The trees, the decorating the trees are all old pagan rituals. God said to beware of your vain traditions. He does not like praise being mixed in with other stuff. The Israelites went in they were to get it ALL out. Take down the high places. Did you know the coloring of the eggs for Easter came from pagans that sacrificed children and used the blood to color eggs in a fertility ritual? All I’m saying is there is a world of knowledge to be had. I know a lot of people that don’t celebrate Christmas and a lot more that do. I treat them no different. People think they are doing good. But once a person knows I don’t think I could go back to celebrating it. I’m not Perfect in any way. I have to call on the Lord constantly for help. He is faithful to us. Only God knows what is pleasing to Him!! Although HE left His Word for a pathway for us. God Bless you!! Ps I’m not trying or wanting to argue sir so please don’t take this comment that way. Thank you
If you live in the north of the northern hemisphere when it starts getting dark around 3.00pm in December, the celebration of Christmas with all its light, colour, socialising etc. is a very welcome highlight in the middle of the cold, dark winter.
20 дней назад
To celebrate pagan wickedness is always a bad idea. Always
God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north. Zeachariah 2:6 Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole. Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
I understand what he’s saying, and Christmas HAS been commercialized. I work in retail & see this every Christmas season at work. However, if John would look back in history, there really was a Saint Nicholas who helped the poor & gave gifts to children. That’s where the Santa Claus idea came from. I grew up believing in him, until I was about 7, but at the same time I also knew Jesus is the real reason for the season! He came, shed his blood on the Cross to pay for our sin & rose gloriously 3 days later! 🙌🏻😇 For people who don’t know the Lord & just get caught up in the Christmas rush, they long for it to be over, so the day after Christmas, they take everything down. But for us as Christians, the celebration of Jesus’ birth continues all year long! Same thing with Easter. These are the two times of year many people who’d otherwise not go to church will often go if they’re invited. Always invite any and everyone you can to church!
It’s so much worse than commercialization. It’s pagans killing their own babies as a sacrifice. They would have a big bronze statue with its arms out. They would build a fire in it and get it red hot. Note the red. It would also have a hat on it. Much like a Santa hat. Note the hat. So they would go to the statue and ask for stuff they wanted and then put live infants into the arms of the red hot statue and they would burn alive and melt into the lap of the red statue. What does “Santa” look like? Where do kids sit on him? We are getting played by Devil worshippers. They get us to empty our bank accounts and blaspheme our Elohim. That’s just the start. The Christmas tree is garbage too. Easter is really Ishtar. They used to kill infants and paint eggs with their blood. That’swhere dying eggs comes from. We are lied to about almost everything. The hypocrites who Yeshua argued with, did their fathers work (Devil) didn’t just disappear. They are still here doing the same things they did back then.
Do you really believe that Pastor John (notice in humility I give him the title that God gives him, yet you refuse to and simply call him 'john') do ou believe that he doesnt know the history of "Santa Claus'. A learned man, of diligent tertiary study, published works, theologian and minister, and you think he needs to look back further to understand that, yes, a long time ago, a saint did good deeds for the poor. I think brother you need to think about your words, for of course this learned man knows the history, he is not naive, nor uninformed. Yet you believe you are more informed that 'john' as you call him. Thus you fail to see the plank in your own eye, and try to pick the speck from anothers. Truly Christ Mass, is tainted by the imagery of a man in a red suit, with large stomach, promoting that if you do good you get good and if you do bad you dont get bad, you just dont get good. perhaps it is more beneficial to teach a child that it is indeed bad. Not good, and that its nature will always be bad. It needs to obey. But it cant, its simply wont. Thus it needs someone to help it. It needs a real gift. It needs grace to learn humility and humble itself like a child. I pray you also do this. For as you try to elevate your knowledge above learned men, by proposing you know more, you simply expose the insecurity and pride in our own heart, by trying to pull others not only to your level, but again elevating what you deem as correct , above them. Ps John knows the history of santa claus, i can assure of that.I hope you can take this criticism with humility, it is not an attack, it is said in care, for Christ corrects us when we are wrong. Am i Christ? of course not, could He be in me? He could. Can I confess that He is writing now and afford myself the risk of pride and boasting...no I wont. That is for you to judge my friend if the words sound true or if your own pride flares up at being challenged, you are misguided Gods Grace, Christs peace, The Spirit's humility
@@Mungunimzuri 1 - 12 - 23 Four days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "". John 11 : 25 #1 I don't believe in his opening statement that he is insinuating that John MacArthur doesn't know the History about CHRISTMAS or Santa Claus #2 He even says that he understands what John MacArthur is talking about and he agrees in his opening statement that CHRISTMAS and Santa Claus has been commercialized #3 ANYTHING can be considered PAGAN at what point Even WATER was PAGAN at what time by the Egyptians Babylonians and many other groups #4 Are we not going take a shower or drink water because it's considered PAGAN by some ? #5 He ended his comment that because of CHRISTMAS and Easter many people are invited to come to church that otherwise would not come if it weren't for these two celebrations #6 We CELEBRATE the BIRTH of Jesus Christ and the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ( EVERY SUNDAY ) ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
Where in the Bible does it teach or command that we should celebrate the birth of the lord Jesus? But we are to remember the sabbath day & keep it Holy, we are also to remember the lords death and resurrection until he comes by partaking of the lords table.
I did die giving birth to my boy and I did went through this portal and stood before Jesus. Our spirit when leaving our body is just as easy as taken once shoes off.
I'm so thankful that Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem as the prophecy foretold. The angels announced His birth to the shepherds. The shepherds went to see Him and worshipped. They ran to tell everyone they could. They were rejoicing. A brilliant star was over the place where He lay. The magi followed the star to where He lay. They fell on their knees to worship Him. They presented Him with gifts, gifts for a king, Gifts for God in the flesh, the little baby Jesus. That was the first Christmas. It is a very special time for me as I remember, and worship, and give Him glory. Worshipping the Lord Jesus, God in human flesh, is always in order. If He did not come this way He would not have died to save us from our sins. If you look at it, people were always running with joy to spread the good news, at His birth, and at His resurrection. We have a reason for such joy and celebration of the truth.
I Thessalonians 5:21. Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good. (A Faithful Version) Did you know: ORIGINS OF CHRISTMAS The origins of Christmas stem from both the pagan and Roman cultures. The Romans actually celebrated two holidays in the month of December. The first was Saturnalia, which was a two-week festival honoring their god of agriculture Saturn. On December 25th, they celebrated the birth of Mithra, their sun god. Both celebrations were raucous, drunken parties. Also in December, in which the darkest day of the year falls, the pagan cultures lit bonfires and candles to keep the darkness at bay. The Romans also incorporated this tradition into their own celebrations. As Christianity spread across Europe, the Christian clergy were not able to curb the pagan customs and celebrations. Since no one knew Jesus’s date of birth, they adapted the pagan ritual into a celebration of His birthday. CHRISTMAS TREES As part of the solstice celebrations, the pagan cultures decorated their homes with greens in anticipation of the spring to come. Evergreen trees remained green during the coldest and darkest days, so they were thought to hold special powers. The Romans also decorated their temples with fir trees during Saturnalia and decorated them with bits of metal. There are even records of the Greeks decorating trees in honor of their gods. Interestingly, the first trees brought into the pagan homes were hung from the ceiling, upside down. The tree tradition we are accustomed to today hails from Northern Europe, where Germanic pagan tribes decorated evergreen trees in worship of the god Woden with candles and dried fruit. The tradition was incorporated into the Christian faith in Germany during the 1500’s. They decorated trees in their homes with sweets, lights, and toys.
I went to Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel, and a local grocery store (part of a big chain), and I could not find even one Christmas card that mentioned the name of Jesus. I felt really sad.
I'm surprised to hear Cracker Barrel didn't have Cards about Jesus, I recently went into one of their Stores & I was happily shocked to see almost everything in their Shop was Christian
@Some One You do realize the Pharisees were keeping man made laws and traditions, not God's Laws. If you study the Old Testament; hand washing, eating grain, healing on the Sabbath we're NEVER laws of God. They are Talmud laws that Rabbis wrote to add to God's word. Mark 7:7-9, 13. Matthew 23:3. Mark 7 16-19. Jesus came as God's living WORD, God's Word, Torah (instructions/law) implanted in a repentant heart grows in obedience to God. Jesus was the Perfect example, follow Him. Lawless ones are children of the devil!
@Some One The Pharisees accused Jesus and His disciples of breaking the Law of God against HARVESTING GRAIN ON THE SABBATH. They were plucking it to eat, not working. Pharisees have volumes of books called the Talmud which add to God's Laws. They instructed people how to hand wash, keep Sabbath etc. These laws WERE NOT IN GOD'S WORD. If Jesus broke God's LAW He could not have been the Perfect sacrifice. Start at the beginning, study God's Laws. Then you might understand why God sent his son to die for us. It was because he divorced Israel, and in order for the Harlot to remarry God he had to die. it says that he will no longer be called our Master but he will be called our husband.
@Some One I don't follow John MacArthur, or other men, I follow God's word. If Jesus came and set us free, what did He set us free from? Sin, or the punishment of sin, or God's Laws and ways? Preachers teach Jesus set us free from all of God's impossible Laws, this is FALSE. Did He say sinners would not go to heaven? What is sin? BREAKING GOD'S LAWS. (1John 3:4). What is truth?(Psalm 119:142,160) Jesus said MY sheep hear MY voice. And what did HIS voice sound like? The only way to know for sure if He was God's true son would be if He kept and obeyed and followed and SPOKE GOD'S word. And the only way to know God's true children is if they do the same. This is why Satan and his followers are called the Lawless ones. Why do you think Satan's famous words are "Did God really say?" He deceives us into disobeying God's laws, feasts, and instructions. When the Lord comes back and some people are left behind and they cry "Lord Lord we did miracles in your name, we healed in your name, we cast out demons in your name; He doesn't debate them and say, no you didn't. When the door shuts he says, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity(LAWLESSNESS), I never KNEW (intimate marriage covenant) you. The full story of Jesus is a marriage covenant and it's told throughout the Bible. The people keep breaking HIS marriage covenant and keep on committing adultery with false gods. God divorces Israel, not Judah. God's law says that a woman cannot remarry a husband who divorced her, and she is not free to remarry unless he dies. so how does God save Israel? The husband (Jesus/God) dies so she can remarry Jesus. That's why HE drank the New Covenant with his disciples who wanted to live in Covenant with him. They were HIS bride because they wanted to obey, Judas didn't. Then he leaves promising to come back for his bride, who should be following his ways, not committing adultery with all these false Pagan things.
@Some One Faith may be where you and I disagree on the definition. The Bible also says faith without works is dead. So how is it that faith can be separated from works? It can't. Every example of faith given in the Bible, contains some action ( Abraham, Rahab, etc...) Faith or belief in His truth causes us to be obedient. I mean TRULY if you believe Sin is BAD, and God is Good, why wouldn't you try to stop sinning and walk according to His instructions. Who would benefit from your disobedience. I know it sounds exactly opposite then what we've been told by preachers today, but we are in the great DECEPTION already. Why do you think there are so many denominations? They are all following man made traditions. Follow what God taught. Deuteronomy 13:4 Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, fear Him, and keep (guard and protect) His Commandments, and obey his voice, and Ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. How many examples has God given us in the Old Testament about his judgement for disobedience? Jesus said in Luke 16:31 If they don't listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead. And in Hebrews 10:29 we are warned that our punishment will be even worse then for those in the Old Testament, if we trample underfoot the son of God. Do you really think that God is going to judge them on the law and us not on the law? That would be unequal weights and unequal measures, and God considers that an abomination. What is Paul quoting in Romans 10:6 when he says, " but the righteousness that is by faith says: DO NOT SAY in your heart, "who will ascend into heaven( that is to bring Christ down), or who will descend into the deep ( that is to bring Christ up again from the dead). but what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth. Or in Romans 10:4-5? for Christ is the goal of the law for righteousness To everyone that believes. For Moses writes for the man who practices the righteousness which is based on the law shall live by that righteousness. He is quoting Deuteronomy 30:11-16 Notice in verse 30:16 it says to obey His commandments so that you will live? That's what Paul means when he says you will live by them. That's Faith! And that' why people can deceive us if we don't know what's being quoted in the Old Testament. Jesus used verses in the Old Testament to stand against the devil. It is our firm foundation an unchanging word that can be used as a weapon to tear down the lies of the enemy. Start memorizing the OT scriptures, and the enemy will never be able to deceive you!
@Some One Christ died to be an atonement for our sins. We are all sinners, but Paul says you ONCE WERE fornicators and revellers Etc. Repentance is turning from our sins to God's WAY. HIS WAY, HIS LAWS, Jesus is the WAY because he is God's word (TORAH/ instructions) made flesh.
This pastor just said "the lie about Santa Clause does not do much damage". For a pastor to make that statement is very telling. He also said truth is absolute then at the end tells us it's ok the celebrate a lie (Dec 25, etc). Christmas brings out a lot of emotions in people but it's not truth. God is all truth.
He's come a long way. He use to believe in election only a few are selected to be saved and now he teaches John 3:16 God loves the world and all have the potential to be saved based on their belief in Christ. He only used Santa as an attention grabber. The man detest secular Christmas traditions. Especially Santa. He is the prince of expository preaching. Not many like him. The Mac...
Thank You Heavenly Father for John MacArthur 🥰 Thank you Lord Jesus for his ministry ❤️ Thank You Holy Spirit for strengthening this man to speak Your truths 💕
@@eve3363 Once something is considered an act worship of God.Than it must come under spiritual scrutiny.Because has saturated the world with propaganda concerning God and his purpose.This guy was right about Christmas but he went back to other parts of the lie and accepted it.For example bible does not pin point December 25 as the dated God sent Christ here as a baby.Christ neither his apostles celebrated his birth.For good reason. read Ecclesiastes 7:1,2 God's reason why he does accept it as an honorable thing.
@@eve3363 then PLEASE STOP celebrating everyone’s birthday as that is not in Scripture and don’t forget to throw your phone away too as Scripture talks about man making idols with gold & silver & metals as well as the trees!!!! MAN MADE RULES!!!! If you celebrate yourself & can’t celebrate Christ birth, your reasoning does not add up. The nations who ban this day are definitely pagan & anti-Christ. Scary!
I have been Pentecostal all my life, 71 years, 6 generations, and I have never heard prosperity doctrine preached in our churches. My husband traveled as evangelist and we had a wide scope of things. I know one Tv evangelist that preached that doctrine, but he also is trinity.
1 Peter 1:19-20 King James Version 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Ephesians 1:4-6 King James Version 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Pretty hard to deny before the foundation of the world. And all the prophecies that came about in full detail spoken hundreds of years before each kings reign in Daniels prophecies. Scientist struggle to explain it. And no doubt why they rubbed out the "Bel and the Dragon" apochrypha from the 1611 bible. Not to mention most of Isaiah and especially ch 53. Which spoke in detail thousands of years before. God is all good but created evil. He allows the adversary to use evil to exhalt his goodness. Exodus 14:4 “And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so.” All throughout his word he makes things as he desires them to become. Free will is a lie from the devil. To create more pride in us. How does this work? We began to belive we choose to do good when we do good. We then believe we chose to serve him and accept him and believe on the resurrected Christ. When we have examples like Paul. If it could come by knowledge of men through study of his word. Paul would have known. But he couldnt see it til the spirit of prophecy revealed it to him. THere is only one spirit . The Holy Spirit. But that Spirit person has traits of his spiritual person that he uses for different reasons. Here we learn many of the Holy spirits traits that would come to rest on Jesus. Isaiah 11:1 Context 1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; 3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: 4But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. Here we learn that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Another words as it says in one place that we can not even call him lord except the spirit gives it to us. Revelation 19:10 “And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” 1 Corinthians 12:3 “Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.” And so if it has to be revealed to us by spirit. And he is the only door. Even accepting the "knowledge" preached doesn't work. It has to be a true revelation not just men convincing you. Matthew 16:17 “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” Used to say I wasnt a calvinist. Actually still pretty much say it because I do not follow men I follow Christ. I hate all the labels. But Calvin was definitley onto something way back then. Exodus 33:19 “And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.” Romans 9:16 “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” Doesn't matter how much I will my children or wife to be saved. Or even how hard and how much I fast and pray (run the race of the faith). BUt only if God sheweth mercy. Good lucking running from the truth of predestination of God and his greatness and goodness. Its gonna be a hard row to hoe.
@@lilianhaggland2031 God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north. Zeachariah 2:6 Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole. Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
If you're not Calvinist, MacArthur's myopic sectarian mind would paint you as a non-Christian. His view of the Church is small indeed (and very American).
Since Christmas is a big enough deal to God that he dedicated much of a chapter in the Bible to it (Luke Chapter 2), I think I will continue to honor it.
Christmas is demonic and it's a false ritual that honors an ancient sun god. easter is also demonic, it's the name of a false pagan goddess of fertility of the spring equinox. God. Most High is disgusted with all of this and there's nothing noble about any of it. It's man made demonic traditions that makes God want to vomit. Please know the truth and please honor God properly. He doesn't want to be worshipped how others have worshipped their false gods. He's made that extremely clear.
Exactly. whenever i talk about it, i am told that i should celebrate Jesus and leave the rest. But how can i ignore the fact that we are commanded not to worship God in the way that the heathen celebrate their gods? Jesus wasnt even born in december, and so many other gods are celebrated at this time. Why should i add my Jesus to their celebrations? Jesus categorically told us what to celebrate, and it is not his birthday.
Amen. Thank you Pastor John for teaching the truth of Christmas. God didn’t say a thing about Christmas in His words. That’s why in the NT there was no precise date mentioned about Lord’s birth! Thank You God for giving His true sheep Pastor John to teach boldly and steadfastly Your truth to Your true sheep! Very grateful to You, my dear God! All Glory Be To Christ, our KING!!! I can never stop listening to Your faithful saint, God. The more I listen to Your truth preached by Pastor John, the more I learnt about Your words and how to live my life to You, and for You and before You, God. Hallelujah. Amen.
The facts we know from the Bible is that Jesus was born at a time of census and at time when shepherds were able to sleep outside. This points to autmn, after planting time, before harvest time. Is it a coincidence this lines up with the Jewish new years day, the Feast of Trumpets.
@cowboysbrother, Pastor John MacArthur only preaches about Lord Jesus and for the past 53 years , in the same church, Grace Community Church , verse by verse explaining The Gospel truth. Praise Jesus. He is a faithful and bold saint of God. I thank God and I praise God that He has raised and kept Pastor John MacArthur faithful to Him and His words and His true sheep. Brother, I strongly encourage you to listen to Pastor John and follow his teachings and you shall know and gain the truth about Lord and The Gospel. I have followed him for the past 2 years and I have learnt so much. Praise God.
@@johndevisser903 what ever you do do to the glory of God. For what ever is not done of faith is sin. Which father won't be happy that their son throw a birthday for him. If you understand what Christ did, the decision he took you'd see a reason to celebrate him. Origin?? Even if the origin is of darkness I am celebrating in light.
Jesus Christ did not come to celebrate pagan holidays such as christmas and easter. He also warned us about the false prophets who would come in his name in these end times.
TOTAL TRUTH!! This man is a blessed Godly man by ABBA, through the Holy Spirit!! I thank my Father in Heaven for the TRUE teaching of His Holy, Righteous, Living, Breathing, WORD!! May God-Almighty BLESS everyone that hears this man, in Jesus' name I pray 🙏🙏 Amen.
Christmas is cool. I loved getting the christmas tree up and decorated. so many great memories with family and friends. Anyone who wants to pass judgement on Christmas is a boring person and usually puffed up.
@@EagleTalons1.0 Grow up you maroon. That passage is talking about making idols. Literal idols for actual worship. It has nothing to do with Christmas. Do you think I have not read the Bible? Pathetic cherry picker, scripture twisting heretical wanna be legalist. Poser. Shame on you. Depart from me. [Colossians 2:16] Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
I have detested Santa for so long because he has stolen the real meaning of Christmas for so many people. Others think I am being miserable, but it has gone on too long. Love you Jesus
Look up St Nicholas of Myra , an early Christian bishop during the rule of Roman Emperor Diocietian . Most people posting here don't seem to have an understanding of early Christian church history.
@@100hm43700 The pastor here is not telling the whole truth. Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. Christmas evolved from a pagan Roman festival called Saturnalia. The pastor did not once mention that. That's the real history of Christmas.
Christian Parents are responsible in teaching truth to their children so that even when they are expose to this world, they know the truth. I hear about santa when i was a child but was never taught about it. my parents never talk about him on Christmas and now that i am a parent, i never tell my children about him because i have not learned about him. We talk about Christ on Christmas month. Thanks Pastor John talking about the truth about Christmas. It's my prayer that people will listen to this message too.
Please show me where in the Bible is the commandment to cekebrate/remember the Lord's birthday. I haven't found one example of the disciples doing this. I do find about remembrance of His death and resurrection on the first day of the week not yearly. So what makes your homes any different from others?
Jews don’t celebrate birthdays because life begins at conception, so you would celebrate that when life began! But technically, no man knows that date. The Catholic Church started his birthday in mid 300’s.
I don't agree with everything exactly as he presents it, but the essence I can get on board with. What is fabulous about this message, I think, is the doors it opens to discussion, taking the concepts to the mat and see what remains at the end.
Thank you Pastor MacArthur for sharing the truth of Christmas, without which none would be saved. I am amazed how little consideration there is for the masses who are lost. Doesn’t the church know that faith comes by hearing the gospel? Don’t Christians know that unbelievers must hear that our Savior has come and given His life that we might become the righteousness of God. Why aren’t believers sharing this wonderful good news that saves. I’m not trying to be critical. How can it be such good news, and yet rarely told in our daily lives. t’s rare, truly rarely spoken of outside of the pulpit of our churches. How could this be? Do we believe the gospel? Romans 10 says how can they hear unless someone tells them? Faith comes by hearing the gospel, our neighbors, yes, even our families need to hear. Most Christians I talk to can’t even tell you how they know they are going to heaven let alone share the gospel with someone else. I think making disciples of Jesus Christ is the answer. “As followers of YOU, LORD, make us fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
My Dad said to me if you arrange the letters of Santa around you get Satan. It isn't fun to believe in Santa because it takes the children's eyes and hearts off Christ who really knows if you have been bad or good.
Honoring the resurrection of Christ is a noble act. After all, Jesus broke bread, gave it to his disciples…and said “do this in memory of me.” I honor his sacrificial death and his victorious resurrection. Amen!
I started feeling uncomfortable with Christmas, the closer I got to God. I prayed about it and last year a video came up in my feed. It was titled, "Why I don't celebrate Christmas by Robert Breaker." He went through the history of Christmas and it confirmed my feelings. I put up my manger and focus on the birth of our Savior. It's not easy, the Christmas tree was my second favorite thing about Christmas but I wanted to make Jesus the whole focus of my Christmas celebration.
@@bigg4454 We weren't commanded not to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ either. If in fact we were commanded not to celebrate Jesus birth into the world, provide scriptures please form the AKJV I see the celebration of Jesus Christ is nothing new according to this... John 12:12-13 (KJV) On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. Celebrating Jesus Christ on every aspect is righteous. You might not think he is worthy to be celebrated on December the 25th as any other day but I do.
Literally speaking to myself right before watching this video saying that I hate how most churches make god and Christ into some “nice guys” but when I read the Bible they both are WARRIOR KINGS. They are power. Ultimate. Church feels so hollow to me and the messages are like motivation wrapped in Bible quotes. I’m not a ‘good’ Christian. I’ve only recently felt conviction and desire to ACTUALLY change (pastor is right, I can’t change me) vs have an emotional experience that makes ME feel good. But when I read the bible (never read much before now. The bible app makes you lazy) I read authority and commands and direction. I read about the HORROR of being outside Gods grace. But it explains why He created things this way. It shows he gave free will for us to CHOOSE to love him. I’m not his slave by force… …but i WANT to be His slave! I want to please him. And because the Bible tells of Gods goodness AND the blackness of being outside of him, im THANKFUL for Jesus and the cross. This pastor is a breath of fresh, conviction filling air.
@WatchMyVideoFor CovidTruth no. You misread. God and Christ aren’t “nice” to me. He’s a benevolent Lord. A just KING. But he’s portrayed as a nice guy you can walk all over and disobey at will and it’s cool because he forgives. No. They ARE authority. It tells us to fear him and give glory. Not feel terror but Fear his authority and going against it. But churches ONLY teach the nice guy. So people sin over and over never moving forward in their walk. They may be saved but their spiritual journey is stunted. And God didn’t make us slaves because without free will to choose evil, our love and worship of him would be a lie, which he can’t except. But I..ME…wish I was a slave to Christ. I wish I could abide perfectly in him and submit fully, as a slave who loves their masters word. But I’m flesh so I don’t. That’s what I meant.
Your father monogamy is not your father, your only husband all in mongamy is not yours, your mother is not yours.. And thats made as you, you cannot change that lies.. Basically evil.. What evil stuffed by stiff heart criminals .. on you will you tell its not my truth and walk away or criminals excecutable punished by law or God... On such criminals... Only there God exists too. God did not make criminals liars filthed me filthiest never repented, never felt that guilt.. Aversive... never were ashamed of doing filth on me... God after "Gods wrath" has killed all that filthed me dead...
@@overtcovert Christmas is a pagan holiday and nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. First century Christians did not celebrate Christmas and even up to the time that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ was crucified and put to death. Christmas evolved from a Roman pagan festival named Saturnalia. Saturnalia was the worship of the god of Saturn. God does not like it when we worship false gods or idols. People forget what happened when the Israelites were at Mount Sinai when Moses went to receive the 10 commandments after leaving Egypt and after crossing the Red Sea.
I was so relieved to learn the truth about Christmas many decades ago. As a child I was not comfortable with the Santa lies but wanted to know more about the baby in the manger. If a minister celebrates Christmas, I don't follow him. He can't even get a basic understanding of pagan holidays, how can he possibly teach Gods word!
I couldn't agree more, these false man made holidays are pagan and false worship that completely insults The Holy Spirit, and any "preacher" or "pastor" that can't see that is either ignorant or deliberately a contradiction to God's Holy Scriptures. I've studied Jon macarthur for a while and see that he's absolutely a false teacher and he preaches demonic false doctrines such as paganism, calvanism, and cessationism. These are all false doctrines from the pits of hell. It's sad that false teachers like him have such a huge "following" because he's leading people into hell.
My only concern with the "Santa clause" myth, along with easter bunny, tooth fairy etc is when your children find out after so many years of belief in these myths that they've been lied to by the very parents that dished out consequences for them lying what does that teach them? And especially when you try and lead them to belief in Christ of which (can't be physically seen) where does their minds sometimes go? Just my thought, which don't amount to a hill o beans on a biblical perspective
Totally agree. But then this children then become those parents and the cycle continues. The packaging is way more unforgettable than the lies it hides.
I agree, lying is a sin end of story you cant lie for years to your children and then at the same time be teaching them about God, what kind of a testimony is that! Even as an Atheist this lying to children made me very uncomfortable and my biggest weapon against Christians was that kind of hypocrisy.... Praise the Lord He saved me and i am now born again but the facts are deliberately lying to children is wrong on sooo many levels.... I pray christians realise and come to repentance because it is a sin. 🙏✝️
@@annep.1905 You need to do the research. Truth matters to God. He didn't give us His Son's birthdate for a very good reason. Trust God's Word over your super hero MacArthur.
@@SherryLC09 I did the research, and neither MacArthur or any other preacher is my superhero. You need to do your research, and maybe start by not trusting Christians who haven't done their research, but simply trust the shoddy research of pagans who want to destroy Christmas. Maybe you should check out Holding, et. al. at Tektonics.
@@annep.1905 I have researched this since 2007. I have a blog chock full of scriptures rightly interpreted, too. I have a plethora of resources cited. But you have to face God at the judgement and answer to Him, not to me. I have warned you and that is all God asks of me. Good day!
@@SherryLC09 Oh, congratulations on your resources (sarcasm). The difficulty is that I've gone and looked at resources (and there are many), and Scriptures which say that you're incorrect on this. Pagans want to destroy Christmas and you're playing right into their hands.
The fact that I grew up December 25 is Christmas Day but somehow when I received Our Lord Jesus Christ in my life, I found out that when Jesus was born was in a cool day and no month nor day.
Lots of good things to say/share and I appreciate that. Only wish he would have gone deeper into the REAL history of Xmas and the actual dates closer to the birth of our Savior. I pray he will get there one day, as he influences a lot of people.
For all those who are debating for or against christmas - maybe we should all go read Matthew 7: 21-23 and let that sit on your heart a while. Just because WE say it is for Him doesn't mean He will recognize it.
I h8 the way Christmas is celebrated but if we acknowledge it for what it is...just a civil holiday, not having much of anything to do with Jesus, then why should we fret so much over it? We have Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Mother's & Father's days etc. They are not commanded by God, but if they are observed responsibly, there is nothing inherently wrong. What IS wrong is trying to make it what it is not. The fact that so many perpetrate the myth that it's our Lord's birthday makes Christians beliefs totally unbelievable. I personally try to express God's love in EVERY circumstance. Frankly my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
@@mamamia4745 See that's the point. Over the past 15 years I have heard/witnessed more pastors and believers champion the "reason for the season", which is suppose to be Christ. They started doing this because cities, town halls, and schools were being forced to stop having nativity scenes. Plus, they complained Xmas was just so commercial now - all about buying stuff and getting stuff. So it's hard to not fret when civil society wants separation of church and state. But the Church insists that the only reason for this "civil holiday" is the one and same person they are trying to deny. How about this. If the Church really wanted the State to stay out of it's festivals for God and Christ, they should return to the original week long celebration of Sukkot and Passover.
You and many others take that verse out of context. That is for false prophets who claim Jesus and their works over those who have faith in Jesus and what he’s done. Roman’s 14:5-6 is the real verse on this topic
You and many others take verses out of context. That is for false prophets who claim Jesus and their works over those who have faith in Jesus and what he’s done. Roman’s 14:5-6 is the real verse on this topic
You basically just said.... I celebrate Christ the way I choose to celebrate Him. I don't bow down to Him on the day He calls me....... Like a stubborn REBELLIOUS toddler, we think we know best.
Did you just figure out that Santa was a fictional character? I thought you were going to talk about how all Christian holidays were adopted pagan holidays. Christmas is celebrated at the Winter Solstice, the Resurrection is celebrated at Oester, or the fertility rites of Spring (that's why the symbols of Easter are rabbits, and eggs etc.) The Virgin birth story was adopted from Greco Roman mythology. But, I've probably taken this farther than you really wanted to go.
According to Luke 1:26, the Annunciation occurred "in the sixth month" of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist. Many Christians observe this event with the Feast of the Annunciation on 25 March, an approximation of the northern vernal equinox nine full months before Christmas, the ceremonial birthday of Jesus.
I really needed to hear this. All I knew about Christmas was opening presents and secret Santa. It’s the devils distraction of the bigger picture, Our redeemer, Our Saviour, Our Salvation, Our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you JM.
We don't know when Jesus was born. So that holiday is uh not accurate at all. It was made for a secular reasoning with a covering of Jesus birth. We celebrate God everyday, and understand Jesus birth as an important explanation of why he is righteous.
Best message about following the truth an real meaning of this sesonal celebration ...i celebrate Hannukah as a messianic Christian and ive never been closer to my savior and lord and lover! Jesus celebrated the feast days and we are to acknowledge an observe His birth in truth also !
i studied this subject when i was 18 years old and i learned that people get angry when confronted with the truth. so i do what i do and let the people do what they do. they do not have to only take the bibles word but the encyclopedia also talks about the 2 thousand years of manipulation by the catholic church. the bottom line is no one wants to hear the truth. sadly tradition wins out over true history.
"Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree:" Deuteronomy 12:2 KJV
Now if only we can start teaching that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th and closer to around the Feast of Tabernacles we would do much better as a body.
The closer we've gotten to Jesus over the decades, the more Christmas has changed in our home from celebrating self through getting presents to celebrating Christ by praising and singing joyfully our worship to God.
research the origins of christmas on ytube...it is after the sun god saturnilla...so i ask you what happens after christmas say the rest of the year...people forget Jesus...Jesus said love not the world...and people buy material things, send cards, songs, dinner and a decorated tree which does not represent Jesus...at least you know so that you have no excuse for not knowing...if you hear the voice of God do not ignore..quote: Hebrews 4:12-16
Believe it or not, many people who attend church choose to ignore God’s truth because they don’t like hearing sermons that convict or demand a change.
quote: as you celebrate your xmas, Jesus was not even born on the 25th...true believers can recognize the wiles of the devil...
1-A worldly person’s identity is found in this world, and not in heaven (18:21b)
2-A worldly person finds escape through amusements, entertainments, and pleasure-seeking (18:22a)
3-A worldly person uses work, career success, and even daily life as a way out of spiritual responsibilities (18:22b)
4-A worldly person is tied to the technology, and the knowledge of this world-and not the next (18:23a)
5-A worldly person is tied to social life, party life, the calendar, and holidays (18:23b)
6-A worldly person is tied to finances, wealth, and possessions (18:23c)
7-A worldly person is intoxicated by the world (18:23d)
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Even if I don't want to celebrate Christmas, we all get time off for the holidays. Anyone have any fun suggestions for memories our family can make during the holidays ? I want to start new traditions, but it's all saturated with "Xmas" symbolism.
@@sherrcon Everyone knows, Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25. Illrelavent. While our main purpose, is to honor, and follow Jesus, and his word, we are not condemned, by enjoying what he has given us. True believers, don't spread false doctrine. They can recognize, the wiles of the devil. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
I guess you are catholic? Because you go to Mass?
I stopped celebrating Christmas over 30 years ago. I don’t miss the fluff part, I just miss getting together with family to have fun. For some reason it never happens at any other time of year ! As Christians, we should get together more, just for good fellowship and fun year round. I thank Jesus daily for coming to earth to save me. I carry that gratefulness in my heart always.❤
I understand what you mean. My church stopped celebrating Christmas several years ago. But its always a good time to cook good food and get together with friends and family.
So true !
Christmas is an opportunity to be called upon to pray before the meal.....that's how i look at it.
@@leonpetersen7346and you can only do that on Dec. 25th?
What Bible verse is that?
I been believer in Jesus, only started 5 years ago I'm not celebrating Christmas, the church I go was celebrating baby Jesus birthday, I began studying for myself, which I never did,
From a personal standpoint, my faith in Jesus Christ as a child was strengthened because my parents had always told me that there was no such thing as Santa Claus. . that raises a lot of eyebrows until I explain this. . if my mother and father were not willing to lie to me about a myth. They certainly would never lie to me about the truth.
Good on your parents!
I told my kids Santa was created by someone imagination to replace Jesus Christ. Santa is only imaginary in tradition of good fantasy, like batman, Superman, and Mickey Mouse, who are not real. Nothing in the world such of those people with all the imaginary powers. Imaginary Santa can blur and twist the truth purpose of Jesus coming to the world, and the spirit of the darkness has brought it so that human beings will get lost and confused in Satan's lies.
I so wish my parents would have told me the truth. This has carried on for generations. It's hard to break the cycle. Now our precious grand children are believing the same. I don't want to hurt their feelings. I try to ignore them when they speak about St Nicholas. I want their parents to tell them the truth but after them being raised believing at what age do they tell them the truth?? We love our Savior Jesus and know his actual birth isn't Christmas. I as a grand parent homeschool the 2 youngest boys. They're both 5 years old. I'm trying my best to make them righteous. This is hard.
I agree 💯 with ur parents and if God ever give me children, I will tell them the SAME EXACT THING
You describe your parents' belief in the divinity of Jesus as "the truth."
What makes you think that your parents know this to be "the truth"? It sounds like they believed that Jesus is who the Bible says he is. But that speaks only to what your parents believe. Surely you recognize that, without evidence, what they happen to have been raised to believe has little to do with what may actually be true.
Have you simply done what they did? Just go along to get along, the truth be damned?
If so, that's pretty lame.
The true holy days are found in Leviticus chapter 23 and they show God's plan for redeeming man.
Hanukkah? Purim?
@criminaltotheworld3154 Concieved on Hanukkah.
We do not need to observe those things anymore. What God wants is for us to do good to our neighbor , to live a humble obedient life, at least that should be the intention.
Are we not in the day of Christ now?
@@luc706 Why do all the nations observe the Feast of Tabernacles during the millennial reign according to Zechariah 14? His actual birthday when he tabernacled among us.
We never lied to our children about Christmas. I taught them the Truth of God's word. We did not celebrate pagan christmas. We took a lot of verbal abuse from our families, but they are lost sinners, so that's not surprising. I'd much rather please the Lord, than gain the approval of men.
Boy I bet you were a lot of fun and raised some fascinating, lifeless kids with no imagination or sense of wonder and fun. Lighten up. Good lord
May God bless you, and your children!!! Sowing the seeds of truth, and resisting the evil one. Very encouraging!
Totally agree with you.
The Lord never asked to be celebrated He said give Him all the glory
Celebrating the Lord is giving Him glory.
@@dubaidoug5102 Give glory to the one and only God.
"The noblest virtue is not tolerance, but righteousness!"
"The most important thing in life is not what is possess, but what you believe!"
"The goal of life is not personal satisfaction, but the goal of life is the glory of God... that the blessing of life."
MacArthur has a net worth of $15 million. "Not what you possess"? Yeah, right.
@leezaslofsky4438 the Bible does not forbidd someone to have wealth, it's how the wealth was gained #1 and #2 how its being spent #3 whether you help out the poor or not.
He was not saying these things are true but what are widely perceived to be true.
I just had the best Christmas ever. The wife and I went down to Bicol province in the Philippines and had the privilege of feeding and giving gifts to 150 kids at her brother's church. If I want something, I'll buy it. Sharing my blessing with other's is priceless. Jesus is the Reason for the Season, not 🎅
Let's not forget, I am the reason for the Season. Jesus had to come for my sin.
Its nice what you have done! anyhow there are peoples that do this every singel week during the year or at least each month, then ? they celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus eact time they do this?
Giving does not have to be limited to Christmas. Christmas is not mentioned in the bible, it was not mentioned at the birth of Jesus. Go ahead and Google when did Christmas start, see who started it.
Ther is nothing in the bible that suggest we should celebrate the birth of Chtist
This is a pagan holiday. No Christian should take part in this.
Jeremiah 10:2-4
This saith the Lord, ' Learn not the way of the heathen, be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3For the customs of the people are Vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest ,work of the hands of the workman, with the axe
4 They deck it with silver and gold, fasten it with nails and hammers , that it move not.
All of Christmas is paganism, idolatry. Our Lord God is a Jealous God! SChrist has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas! Do your research and not bow down to Man's will! Wreaths, yule log, tree, the decorations ,gifts , Santa, even the actual date of Christmas is pagan!
No one can bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing.
The only peace in the world is to become one with God and his word.
No exactness no truth.
Masse is eating human flesh catholic Christmas is eating Christ daily. 😊
A lecturer went to an Ivy League campus and a student challenged that there are no absolutes. His response to the student….”are you ABSOLUTELY SURE?” Priceless
If I was the one asked, I will reply again to him "ABSOLUTELY"
1 - 21 - 23
John 11 : 25
I said the same thing.
@@danielrfborbohmbawathen that's a self defeating notion
This is powerful because I always hear things in our culture like “you can do anything”, and “we need to learn more tolerance.” It’s good to remember that these philosophies are not from God, even if they seem “good” on the surface.
Don't forget "nothing is impossible for God"
always pray and never give up ...God is working...are you listening
Sorry to be the one to break it to you, Johnny, but countless studies have shown that intercessory prayer has no impact on those who are prayed for (for one example, see "Prayers don’t help heart surgery patients," Harvard Gazette, March 30, 2006).
The best advice for people who want to make the world a better place? Get up off your knees and actually do something to help others. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time.
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A church asked me to give a devotion on the Christmas story. I asked him to help me by giving me scriptures that I could use. he gave me luke 2, and while I studied luke 2, i learned something, luke is not a story of xmas. its astory about salvaton, redemption, adoption, forgiveness, and the mercy of God that rains down on the just and the unjust. this message confirms what I always beleived.
That is the Christmas story.
Thank you beloved pastor John Macarthur for teaching us all this truth you are the best God bless you
Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Such edifying words. I forwarded this to 10 people today. I pray they receive it.
How many ppl replied to you agreeing with you?
I’m not being sarcastic. I really want to know.
One so far but again what’s important is people read it. its time for people to stop playing Church and become fully engulfed in His word and practice what they read in scripture so they can truly know what our Heavenly Father requires of us to come to Heaven.
@@darlenemungo5483 Ephesians 2:8,9 We do not 'earn' our salvation inorder to have a place in Heaven. Jesus, on the cross shedding his blood for our sins is the works part of salvation and when I acknowledge that He paid the price with his blood and death for my sins and express from my heart and mouth my trust in that fact, that He died for me and I invite Him into my heart, then God honors that and I am 'born again' into His kingdom. He comes, in the Person of His Holy Spirit, to live in my heart and makes me a new creation!
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@@stephenhagen234 I gotta say, I never really got that whole "sacrifice" thing. The guy had one lousy weekend, I'll grant you that. But where is he now? Running the universe? For the rest of time?
That's not a sacrifice. That is the best deal ever!
You show me somebody who wouldn't take that deal, and I'll show you an idiot.
Sacrifice my ass.
Just be CHRIST centered 24/7 even on Christmas and Easter (pascua).Lets celebrate the WORD becoming flesh, the washing away of our sins and the resurrection to eternal life.
Exactly. The christ is intangible and becomes flesh when ANYONE is begotten of the Fathers incorruptible seed. The christ is formed within us as literal biological Sons of Elohiem. Is it not said YE are eloheim (little e). The christ (glory of YHWH) in YOU is the hope of glory. Christ is not flesh until its risen in us as Sons.
The Lord showed me the Truth about all the holidays when I did a deep study into false gods/idols in the Old Testament. I've tried to show others but so many people just don't want to know the Truth. I just can't go back after seeing the Truth. And honestly I feel much freer not celebrating the man made, pagan traditions.
Amen! Me too.
I also have found the truth and I won't return to pagan ways .. it was nice of you to try to share your knowledge of what happened to you .. sadly people don't want to hear the truth ..
man made holidays, none of it has anything to do with JESUS, but a lot to do with the devil turning people from TRUTH, just like the word santa,just the devil in desciss same letters as satan.LORD JESUS HELP US ALL
1 - 18 - 23
John 11 : 25
I was going to have family over for the holiday. But the more I started making plans the more overwhelming anxiety came to me. Something told me this isn't what you're supposed to be doing. Long story short told family that I love them but I wasn't going to be hosting Christmas for the holidays and that I would be donating instead and enjoying a peaceful day with my wonderful husband. I feel so much better now.
Pastor John MacArthurspeaks the truth. God bless you, sir.
The joy and excitement I experienced as a child from Christmas and Santa Claus has been replaced with that same childhood joy by the good news.
Thank you Jesus for working through Pastor MacArthur and his church and making his sermons available on RUclips
My Father told me, when i first come to accept the truth of the holiday...
"You can not sanctify the unholy...and make it Holy"!..
And when i tried to pull that line
"He knows my heart"..
He rebuked me so hard and said..
"But, do you know Mine?"
People can spend their lives doing things that the world will justify..
When i hear the voice, attempting to justify my actions..
I stop dead in my tracks..because it ain't the voice of God.
God sanctifies the unholy and makes it holy. He does that with His followers. He redeems us, transforms us, saves us. That's the whole point of Christmas. We couldn't save ourselves. He came for us.
Christmas isn’t a holy or unholy day. Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to celebrate Christ’s birthday. We don’t even know when he was born. Celebrate however you want. For fun. Religiously. But just don’t try to force your way on others as the only way to celebrate. Yes. Christ is THE only way to the father. As for holidays, I don’t care how they are celebrated. I feel convicted directing the Christmas play at church and this will be the last time for me. We teach so much tradition as doctrine.
I wish I could sit and have a conversation with Pastor MacArthur. He is one of the last titans of the Gospel and true Godly wisdom.
Such a Knowledged man
Me too so I could straighten him out on the Bible
Mac Arthur he does believe Jesus be came a human, his a false prophet 2 John 7 Many deceivers have gone out all over the world, people who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came as a human being, Such a person is a deceiver and the enemy of Christ 8-9 Anyone who does not stay with the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God. Who does stay with the teaching has both the Father and the Son. I listen his video and I no his false prophet
Careful, that's what alot of people thought and said about Ravi Zacharias.
@@richardthompson7431 I read scripture every day. I never heard any deviation from scripture by JM. Can you be specific?
Church! Come out from her! Stop being yolked with her. End your adultry with her! Learn to walk in the Spirit! Be the City on the hill. Be the Light to the world! ❤
Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, nor recieve of her plagues. . .
Amazing approach and explanation of such great matters in 17 minutes. Thank you Ps.John MacArthur. I thank God for your life.
Merry Christmas. Starting the holiday with some mindfulness exercises...going through the book "30 Days to Reduce Stress" by Harper Daniels. Feels good. Relaxed.
The truth of god
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God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north.
Zeachariah 2:6
Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole.
Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
1 - 23 - 23
John 11 : 25
This was powerful! By God's grace, I see my husband as my protector, for he has kept me safe from my pagan family of origin, and all of their spiritual abuse, for years now. And I thank God for him. I'm no longer the nervous wreck I once was when I used to be pressured, through their false-guilt trips, to bow to them in order to "honor" them. Thankfully God showed me, thru His Word, what true honor really is.
The natural outworking of true honor toward our family of origin is a life of peace and joy in the Lord, NOT a life of blindly subjecting ourselves to their every whim....…”he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured” (Prov. 13:18).
Honor does not mean compulsively subjecting oneself to sinful and toxic behavior or excusing it for the sake of “peace.” Honor does not mean blind obedience, pleasing or pretending. Honor also doesn’t mean having inordinate affections toward the wicked by rescuing, enabling, excusing or hiding their evil ways. For it is not a Christians duty to protect and defend the wicked.
Instead, they must be allowed to incur the natural consequences of their sins (1 Cor. 5:5), in hopes that God will rescue them and restore their sanity. Because true honor does not mean keeping up a façade of enshrining a false family image, for that would also be idolatry and bearing false witness. We cannot keep one commandment by breaking another.
Thank you for speaking the truth so accurately and without holding anything back!
This part time preacher bigot would'nt know the truth if he fell over it.
Sorry but Jesus was not born on 25th December. Remember the three wise men travelled to Bethlehem and passed shepherds tending their flock at night. Back then no shepherds tended their flock in December/January as they were in their stalls beneath the home as it was too cold at night. December was chosen in the 4th century to convince pagans to convert to Christianity as Pagans celebrated the winter solstice in December.
No real Christian celebrates Jesus being born in December unless they do not know his actual birthtime.
A half truth, he neglected to mention the truth that God never gave the world Christmas. The true name of the holiday is called saturnalia, which in turn is the celebration of the sun god luc_ifer. Remember that it is he who decieves the whole world to dishonor God and receive judgement.
@@Peterwj9445 Correct Peter. In fact if you study the bible properly you would know it breaks Gods commandments to celebrate Jesus's birthdate in any way.
This man is like many clergy who deceive the flock and lead them away from God whilst pretending to be a man of God.
And again, the bible tells us of such false preachers.
@@saintsone7877 Correct, An easy one for folks who are unsure about the truth would be why if Christmas was to celebrate Jesus, why didn't they, he was right there. None of the scriptures record the celebration yearly of the birth of Jesus, not even Jesus. Can you imagine everyone celebrating your birthday and everyone getting gifts while you stand outside peering in through the window from outside. I just pray that people would desire the truth.
I had a neighbor lady who lived by me awhile back. She had lost everything. She knocked on my door. All she needed was a roll of toilet paper. I GAVE IT TO HER. Not long after that she passed on. Thinking back I also asked if she needed anything else. She said no I am grateful for this with a smile. I did not have a clue how bad it really was in her life.
Did you tell her about The Good News?
A truly beautiful story. What a good Christian you are! To part with a roll of S-paper so willingly. Thank you! I now know how I shall live the rest of my life. Today I will buy a big supply of S-paper to hand out to all who need it!
@@leezaslofsky4438 ok - Mr sarcastic! We get your point - and in all it's sarcasim it makes a good point - so thank you!
@@natnielsen8472 I am deeply moved by your generous praise.
@@leezaslofsky4438 Ahh...I was deeply moved to laughter - at your sarcasim. 99% of the time sarcism is not my thing, but the post was such a post that most people would have been embarassed to share it. Almost thought it wasn't real - so reread it again. Then I read your reply! I am thrilled that you'll be supplying your whole community as needed!
I was told in church when I was 9 years old (50 years ago) that Jesus was not born on December 25th, I discovered the Church of Jesus Christ Christian in the 1980s on WWCR shortwave radio and there are sermons from Bertrand Lewis Comparet here on RUclips
Thank you, even me I never celebrate and enjoy Christmas since I knew the truth . Thank you Lord. John 8:32 The truth set me free and my family, God bless you for this message.
so you have alway been a grinch as well sorry for you wife and kids poor guy and family must of suck
ruclips.net/video/CyR01ApP68Q/видео.html SHOW ME your way
@@lighthousewc1 the Grinch is yet another mytho;ogical creature.Get in to the REAL world!
We always took our new toy to show Baby Jesus on Christmas morning to church as little ones and there was always a crib scene at church which explained the beauty of Christmas to us little ones, and I did the same for our children. Santa was a brief harmless episode in our young lives but the birth of Christ was and is always central. I wish you all a peaceful blessed Christmas 2023 as we celebrate and contemplate the birth of our Saviour.
Boy are you indoctrinated
That's what they say about church and Halloween. "Oh we have an unholy day of wicked practices of Halloween to draw the people in. Then we tell them about Jesus. Good deal. They do the same thing at used car dealerships, as they compete with each other. The Messiah, Son of God, King of kings, doesn't compete nor will He ever compete or need to compete with anything of this world. Just practice telling the truth of righteousness and salvation, which overcomes and defeats sin. That's all you need.
@@jefferydumont430 when we study the first church in Jerusalem and that time, there was no "Christmas celebration". It is alright to celebrate the birth of Jesus as described in the bible. But at some point unbiblical
tradition started and fairy tale stories were mixed in stories such as Sanata Claus. God warned in Jeremiah
chapter 10 of worshipping false gods etc. Same chapter describes a tree cut in the forest and decorated etc.
much like a so called christmas tree and warned of it. Please take time and read it.
I will not have a false god in my home and I follow Christ Jesus and His word. Hallelujah!
@@Bill32H-it3svwow 😮
I agree. I was raised this way, my children and grand children. Our 2 youngest grands are 5 years old. How do I as a grand parent contradict what their parents have told them. I really wish my parents never started this. We wouldn't be telling the children today. Jesus is my Lord and Savior forever.
Thank you pastor MacArthur, I haven't celebrated a Christmas for about 17 years and I feel free, spiritually financially mentally physically and it's not because I couldn't afford it it was because I realized the lies in it and the myth and that's what the word says liars will not enter into the kingdom and don't follow the myths of men, 💞 but I learned to respect everybody's decision about Christmas do not let no one judge you on the holidays on the Sabbaths on what you eat and what you drink, and I have learned to do just that, some of my family members wants to do Christmas , go for it,
Christ's birth was never given , it was not even told to celebrate it, what was told to do was to love God with all your heart all your mind , soul,
love each other as you love yourself, do people really love each other even on Christmas? Not even on Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, is their love in a man's heart? Some they're full of pride proudness greed always seeking for themselves, for me its a day of sadness, to see so many people that are lost in the world, even though I am not perfect and I do whatever I can to help anybody, I know that if I have not right with God I am a lost soul also, but I'm glad I'm alive and I'm glad I have peace and I'm glad that our heavenly father has Mercy and Grace on this wicked 🌎, but one day all that Mercy and Grace will end for the wicked, God Bless 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏻🌍
Angels celebrating his birth is not precedent enough for you?
God saw fit to record two accounts of his arrival, Angels, shepherds, parents, old saints in the temple,
Magi on a long dangerous journey--
All rejoicing at his arrival--and His enemies troubled by it.
Seems good reason for me to celebrate
@@johnbullard902 You are so right, John. When God celebrates, THAT is important and we should take note and do likewise!
When I was born again, it surprised me to discover that Christmas was celebrated in the church of God. Considering the roots of Christmas and Easter, it's vile to attribute these doctrines of demons to the Lord God Almighty. Ì asked Him how He felt about it and He answered me. My desire is that all Believers would get the revelation. It's like chocolate coating a turd and presenting it to your love ones. The picture God showed me was much worse than that.
@cowboys just because the Bible say so. Lie is a lie
Hello John,
I’m gona comment but I’m not trying to argue at all. I respect others and what they want to do. It’s between them and God. But we did a huge study on Christmas and Easter and man it’s Not what it seems.
I’m totally in for celebrating the Bible and birth of Christ. But that wasn’t dec 25.
The reason we do not celebrate Christmas is because it was not originally for the Birth of Christ. If you go back Dec 25 is a pagan holiday. It was morphed into what you see now by the church giving in. Do you know the puritans knew it was pagan? It was actually illegal in the USA in many states until into the later 1800’s.
Television morphed Santa into it. The trees, the decorating the trees are all old pagan rituals.
God said to beware of your vain traditions. He does not like praise being mixed in with other stuff. The Israelites went in they were to get it ALL out. Take down the high places.
Did you know the coloring of the eggs for Easter came from pagans that sacrificed children and used the blood to color eggs in a fertility ritual?
All I’m saying is there is a world of knowledge to be had. I know a lot of people that don’t celebrate Christmas and a lot more that do.
I treat them no different. People think they are doing good. But once a person knows I don’t think I could go back to celebrating it.
I’m not Perfect in any way. I have to call on the Lord constantly for help. He is faithful to us.
Only God knows what is pleasing to Him!! Although HE left His Word for a pathway for us.
God Bless you!!
I’m not trying or wanting to argue sir so please don’t take this comment that way.
Thank you
If you live in the north of the northern hemisphere when it starts getting dark around 3.00pm in December, the celebration of Christmas with all its light, colour, socialising etc. is a very welcome highlight in the middle of the cold, dark winter.
To celebrate pagan wickedness is always a bad idea. Always
I chase after the HOLY GHOST daily sir as i workout my own soul salvation daily with fear and with trembling daily sir
This message is well worth the 17 minutes to listen to!
Thank you Joshua.
God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north.
Zeachariah 2:6
Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole.
Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
Amen, I know when I listen to this brother there's going to be a whole lot of truth & reality checks in his message, to the glory of God.
Get real. Go ahead, get mad. Who cares?
1 - 21 - 23
John 11 : 25
Don't let the Indians hear you say "Puritans" @@Marquus55
Oh, to have people say the same of me! That's a wonderful compliment to JMac.
He’s a false teacher
Thank you, John, for your commitment to the truth of God's word.
I understand what he’s saying, and Christmas HAS been commercialized. I work in retail & see this every Christmas season at work. However, if John would look back in history, there really was a Saint Nicholas who helped the poor & gave gifts to children. That’s where the Santa Claus idea came from. I grew up believing in him, until I was about 7, but at the same time I also knew Jesus is the real reason for the season! He came, shed his blood on the Cross to pay for our sin & rose gloriously 3 days later! 🙌🏻😇 For people who don’t know the Lord & just get caught up in the Christmas rush, they long for it to be over, so the day after Christmas, they take everything down. But for us as Christians, the celebration of Jesus’ birth continues all year long! Same thing with Easter. These are the two times of year many people who’d otherwise not go to church will often go if they’re invited. Always invite any and everyone you can to church!
It’s so much worse than commercialization. It’s pagans killing their own babies as a sacrifice. They would have a big bronze statue with its arms out. They would build a fire in it and get it red hot. Note the red. It would also have a hat on it. Much like a Santa hat. Note the hat. So they would go to the statue and ask for stuff they wanted and then put live infants into the arms of the red hot statue and they would burn alive and melt into the lap of the red statue. What does “Santa” look like? Where do kids sit on him? We are getting played by Devil worshippers. They get us to empty our bank accounts and blaspheme our Elohim. That’s just the start. The Christmas tree is garbage too. Easter is really Ishtar. They used to kill infants and paint eggs with their blood. That’swhere dying eggs comes from. We are lied to about almost everything. The hypocrites who Yeshua argued with, did their fathers work (Devil) didn’t just disappear. They are still here doing the same things they did back then.
Do you really believe that Pastor John (notice in humility I give him the title that God gives him, yet you refuse to and simply call him 'john') do ou believe that he doesnt know the history of "Santa Claus'. A learned man, of diligent tertiary study, published works, theologian and minister, and you think he needs to look back further to understand that, yes, a long time ago, a saint did good deeds for the poor. I think brother you need to think about your words, for of course this learned man knows the history, he is not naive, nor uninformed. Yet you believe you are more informed that 'john' as you call him. Thus you fail to see the plank in your own eye, and try to pick the speck from anothers.
Truly Christ Mass, is tainted by the imagery of a man in a red suit, with large stomach, promoting that if you do good you get good and if you do bad you dont get bad, you just dont get good. perhaps it is more beneficial to teach a child that it is indeed bad. Not good, and that its nature will always be bad. It needs to obey. But it cant, its simply wont. Thus it needs someone to help it. It needs a real gift. It needs grace to learn humility and humble itself like a child. I pray you also do this. For as you try to elevate your knowledge above learned men, by proposing you know more, you simply expose the insecurity and pride in our own heart, by trying to pull others not only to your level, but again elevating what you deem as correct , above them.
Ps John knows the history of santa claus, i can assure of that.I hope you can take this criticism with humility, it is not an attack, it is said in care, for Christ corrects us when we are wrong. Am i Christ? of course not, could He be in me? He could. Can I confess that He is writing now and afford myself the risk of pride and boasting...no I wont.
That is for you to judge my friend if the words sound true or if your own pride flares up at being challenged, you are misguided
Gods Grace, Christs peace, The Spirit's humility
1 - 12 - 23
"" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "".
John 11 : 25
I don't believe in his opening statement that he is insinuating that John MacArthur doesn't know the History about CHRISTMAS or
Santa Claus
He even says that he understands what John MacArthur is talking about and he agrees in his opening statement that CHRISTMAS and
Santa Claus has been commercialized
ANYTHING can be considered PAGAN at what point
Even WATER was PAGAN at what time by the Egyptians
Babylonians and many other groups
Are we not going take a shower or drink water because it's considered PAGAN by some ?
He ended his comment that because of CHRISTMAS and Easter many people are invited to come to church that otherwise would not come if it weren't for these two celebrations
Jesus Christ and the
1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
( The CROSS )
@@porfiriojohn5276 It needs grace to learn humility and humble itself like a child. I pray you also do this
Where in the Bible does it teach or command that we should celebrate the birth of the lord Jesus? But we are to remember the sabbath day & keep it Holy, we are also to remember the lords death and resurrection until he comes by partaking of the lords table.
I did die giving birth to my boy and I did went through this portal and stood before Jesus. Our spirit when leaving our body is just as easy as taken once shoes off.
Tell me more.
Thank you. For this sermon. People have forgotten about our Lord Jesus Christ. Parents must stop lying to their children.
lol Grinch lol what a moron has been never change poor guy
Yes, not to mention the hidden subtleties of evil in the name Santa being an anagram of Satan.
It’s the truth and nothing but the truth that God gave us through your words.
Thank you Brother
Blessings and mercies
I'm so thankful that Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem as the prophecy foretold. The angels announced His birth to the shepherds. The shepherds went to see Him and worshipped. They ran to tell everyone they could. They were rejoicing. A brilliant star was over the place where He lay. The magi followed the star to where He lay. They fell on their knees to worship Him. They presented Him with gifts, gifts for a king, Gifts for God in the flesh, the little baby Jesus. That was the first Christmas. It is a very special time for me as I remember, and worship, and give Him glory. Worshipping the Lord Jesus, God in human flesh, is always in order. If He did not come this way He would not have died to save us from our sins. If you look at it, people were always running with joy to spread the good news, at His birth, and at His resurrection. We have a reason for such joy and celebration of the truth.
Has nothing to do with Christmas
I Thessalonians 5:21. Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good. (A Faithful Version) Did you know:
The origins of Christmas stem from both the pagan and Roman cultures. The Romans actually celebrated two holidays in the month of December. The first was Saturnalia, which was a two-week festival honoring their god of agriculture Saturn. On December 25th, they celebrated the birth of Mithra, their sun god. Both celebrations were raucous, drunken parties.
Also in December, in which the darkest day of the year falls, the pagan cultures lit bonfires and candles to keep the darkness at bay. The Romans also incorporated this tradition into their own celebrations.
As Christianity spread across Europe, the Christian clergy were not able to curb the pagan customs and celebrations. Since no one knew Jesus’s date of birth, they adapted the pagan ritual into a celebration of His birthday.
As part of the solstice celebrations, the pagan cultures decorated their homes with greens in anticipation of the spring to come. Evergreen trees remained green during the coldest and darkest days, so they were thought to hold special powers. The Romans also decorated their temples with fir trees during Saturnalia and decorated them with bits of metal. There are even records of the Greeks decorating trees in honor of their gods. Interestingly, the first trees brought into the pagan homes were hung from the ceiling, upside down.
The tree tradition we are accustomed to today hails from Northern Europe, where Germanic pagan tribes decorated evergreen trees in worship of the god Woden with candles and dried fruit. The tradition was incorporated into the Christian faith in Germany during the 1500’s. They decorated trees in their homes with sweets, lights, and toys.
The word of God doesn't command or even suggest that we celebrate Jesus's birth. The disciples didn't do it.
It's MANS idea.
I went to Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel, and a local grocery store (part of a big chain), and I could not find even one Christmas card that mentioned the name of Jesus. I felt really sad.
I'm surprised to hear Cracker Barrel didn't have Cards about Jesus, I recently went into one of their Stores & I was happily shocked to see almost everything in their Shop was Christian
"You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions." (Mark 7:8)
@Some One You do realize the Pharisees were keeping man made laws and traditions, not God's Laws. If you study the Old Testament; hand washing, eating grain, healing on the Sabbath we're NEVER laws of God. They are Talmud laws that Rabbis wrote to add to God's word. Mark 7:7-9, 13. Matthew 23:3. Mark 7 16-19. Jesus came as God's living WORD, God's Word, Torah (instructions/law) implanted in a repentant heart grows in obedience to God. Jesus was the Perfect example, follow Him. Lawless ones are children of the devil!
@Some One The Pharisees accused Jesus and His disciples of breaking the Law of God against HARVESTING GRAIN ON THE SABBATH. They were plucking it to eat, not working. Pharisees have volumes of books called the Talmud which add to God's Laws. They instructed people how to hand wash, keep Sabbath etc. These laws WERE NOT IN GOD'S WORD. If Jesus broke God's LAW He could not have been the Perfect sacrifice. Start at the beginning, study God's Laws. Then you might understand why God sent his son to die for us. It was because he divorced Israel, and in order for the Harlot to remarry God he had to die. it says that he will no longer be called our Master but he will be called our husband.
@Some One I don't follow John MacArthur, or other men, I follow God's word. If Jesus came and set us free, what did He set us free from? Sin, or the punishment of sin, or God's Laws and ways? Preachers teach Jesus set us free from all of God's impossible Laws, this is FALSE. Did He say sinners would not go to heaven? What is sin? BREAKING GOD'S LAWS. (1John 3:4). What is truth?(Psalm 119:142,160) Jesus said MY sheep hear MY voice. And what did HIS voice sound like? The only way to know for sure if He was God's true son would be if He kept and obeyed and followed and SPOKE GOD'S word. And the only way to know God's true children is if they do the same. This is why Satan and his followers are called the Lawless ones. Why do you think Satan's famous words are "Did God really say?" He deceives us into disobeying God's laws, feasts, and instructions. When the Lord comes back and some people are left behind and they cry "Lord Lord we did miracles in your name, we healed in your name, we cast out demons in your name; He doesn't debate them and say, no you didn't. When the door shuts he says, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity(LAWLESSNESS), I never KNEW (intimate marriage covenant) you. The full story of Jesus is a marriage covenant and it's told throughout the Bible. The people keep breaking HIS marriage covenant and keep on committing adultery with false gods. God divorces Israel, not Judah. God's law says that a woman cannot remarry a husband who divorced her, and she is not free to remarry unless he dies. so how does God save Israel? The husband (Jesus/God) dies so she can remarry Jesus. That's why HE drank the New Covenant with his disciples who wanted to live in Covenant with him. They were HIS bride because they wanted to obey, Judas didn't. Then he leaves promising to come back for his bride, who should be following his ways, not committing adultery with all these false Pagan things.
@Some One Faith may be where you and I disagree on the definition. The Bible also says faith without works is dead. So how is it that faith can be separated from works? It can't. Every example of faith given in the Bible, contains some action ( Abraham, Rahab, etc...) Faith or belief in His truth causes us to be obedient. I mean TRULY if you believe Sin is BAD, and God is Good, why wouldn't you try to stop sinning and walk according to His instructions. Who would benefit from your disobedience. I know it sounds exactly opposite then what we've been told by preachers today, but we are in the great DECEPTION already. Why do you think there are so many denominations? They are all following man made traditions. Follow what God taught. Deuteronomy 13:4 Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, fear Him, and keep (guard and protect) His Commandments, and obey his voice, and Ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. How many examples has God given us in the Old Testament about his judgement for disobedience? Jesus said in Luke 16:31 If they don't listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead. And in Hebrews 10:29 we are warned that our punishment will be even worse then for those in the Old Testament, if we trample underfoot the son of God. Do you really think that God is going to judge them on the law and us not on the law? That would be unequal weights and unequal measures, and God considers that an abomination. What is Paul quoting in Romans 10:6 when he says, " but the righteousness that is by faith says: DO NOT SAY in your heart, "who will ascend into heaven( that is to bring Christ down), or who will descend into the deep ( that is to bring Christ up again from the dead). but what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth. Or in Romans 10:4-5? for Christ is the goal of the law for righteousness To everyone that believes. For Moses writes for the man who practices the righteousness which is based on the law shall live by that righteousness. He is quoting Deuteronomy 30:11-16 Notice in verse 30:16 it says to obey His commandments so that you will live? That's what Paul means when he says you will live by them. That's Faith! And that' why people can deceive us if we don't know what's being quoted in the Old Testament. Jesus used verses in the Old Testament to stand against the devil. It is our firm foundation an unchanging word that can be used as a weapon to tear down the lies of the enemy. Start memorizing the OT scriptures, and the enemy will never be able to deceive you!
@Some One Christ died to be an atonement for our sins. We are all sinners, but Paul says you ONCE WERE fornicators and revellers Etc. Repentance is turning from our sins to God's WAY. HIS WAY, HIS LAWS, Jesus is the WAY because he is God's word (TORAH/ instructions) made flesh.
Great message! I do believe the truth is in you .. Spirit of Truth!! John 14,15 please share your thoughts…
This pastor just said "the lie about Santa Clause does not do much damage". For a pastor to make that statement is very telling. He also said truth is absolute then at the end tells us it's ok the celebrate a lie (Dec 25, etc). Christmas brings out a lot of emotions in people but it's not truth. God is all truth.
Truth is absolute like he said
He said it might not be no big deal the he proceeds to say it does damage later down the road.
He's come a long way. He use to believe in election only a few are selected to be saved and now he teaches John 3:16 God loves the world and all have the potential to be saved based on their belief in Christ. He only used Santa as an attention grabber. The man detest secular Christmas traditions. Especially Santa. He is the prince of expository preaching. Not many like him. The Mac...
@@michaelwilliams5395 I listen to him often? He continues to teach reformed 'Biblical' theology 🙏🏻
Thank You Heavenly Father for John MacArthur 🥰 Thank you Lord Jesus for his ministry ❤️ Thank You Holy Spirit for strengthening this man to speak Your truths 💕
He’s good but he does teach one big false doctrine.
He is not correct. His sermons are mainly based on what he wants the Bible to say and not what the Bible actually says.
@@eve3363 Once something is considered an act worship of God.Than it must come under spiritual scrutiny.Because has saturated the world with propaganda concerning God and his purpose.This guy was right about Christmas but he went back to other parts of the lie and accepted it.For example bible does not pin point December 25 as the dated God sent Christ here as a baby.Christ neither his apostles celebrated his birth.For good reason. read Ecclesiastes 7:1,2 God's reason why he does accept it as an honorable thing.
@@T32059 Exactly. Any Christian who knows the pagan roots of these holidays yet still choose to celebrate them have a lot to answer to on Judgment Day
@@eve3363 then PLEASE STOP celebrating everyone’s birthday as that is not in Scripture and don’t forget to throw your phone away too as Scripture talks about man making idols with gold & silver & metals as well as the trees!!!! MAN MADE RULES!!!! If you celebrate yourself & can’t celebrate Christ birth, your reasoning does not add up. The nations who ban this day are definitely pagan & anti-Christ. Scary!
I have been Pentecostal all my life, 71 years, 6 generations, and I have never heard prosperity doctrine preached in our churches. My husband traveled as evangelist and we had a wide scope of things. I know one Tv evangelist that preached that doctrine, but he also is trinity.
I'm not a Calvinist but I've always liked John Macarthur. Love his teaching.
Me too...lol
1 Peter 1:19-20
King James Version
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
Ephesians 1:4-6
King James Version
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
Pretty hard to deny before the foundation of the world. And all the prophecies that came about in full detail spoken hundreds of years before each kings reign in Daniels prophecies. Scientist struggle to explain it. And no doubt why they rubbed out the "Bel and the Dragon" apochrypha from the 1611 bible. Not to mention most of Isaiah and especially ch 53. Which spoke in detail thousands of years before. God is all good but created evil. He allows the adversary to use evil to exhalt his goodness.
Exodus 14:4
“And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so.”
All throughout his word he makes things as he desires them to become. Free will is a lie from the devil. To create more pride in us. How does this work? We began to belive we choose to do good when we do good. We then believe we chose to serve him and accept him and believe on the resurrected Christ. When we have examples like Paul. If it could come by knowledge of men through study of his word. Paul would have known. But he couldnt see it til the spirit of prophecy revealed it to him. THere is only one spirit . The Holy Spirit. But that Spirit person has traits of his spiritual person that he uses for different reasons.
Here we learn many of the Holy spirits traits that would come to rest on Jesus.
Isaiah 11:1 Context
1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; 3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: 4But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
Here we learn that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Another words as it says in one place that we can not even call him lord except the spirit gives it to us.
Revelation 19:10
“And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
1 Corinthians 12:3
“Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”
And so if it has to be revealed to us by spirit. And he is the only door. Even accepting the "knowledge" preached doesn't work. It has to be a true revelation not just men convincing you.
Matthew 16:17
“And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.”
Used to say I wasnt a calvinist. Actually still pretty much say it because I do not follow men I follow Christ. I hate all the labels. But Calvin was definitley onto something way back then.
Exodus 33:19
“And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.”
Romans 9:16
“So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.”
Doesn't matter how much I will my children or wife to be saved. Or even how hard and how much I fast and pray (run the race of the faith). BUt only if God sheweth mercy.
Good lucking running from the truth of predestination of God and his greatness and goodness. Its gonna be a hard row to hoe.
Same here. Say what you want, he's a straight shooter, and I personally need that message of accountability.
@@lilianhaggland2031 God, in His word says Ho Ho, and says flee from the land of the north.
Zeachariah 2:6
Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
Santa says Ho, Ho, Ho, and tells you to lie to your children and tell them that Santa Claus brings them presents from the North Pole.
Satan or Santa? The letters are the same.
If you're not Calvinist, MacArthur's myopic sectarian mind would paint you as a non-Christian. His view of the Church is small indeed (and very American).
Amen, amen and amen all honor glory and praises to Almighty God in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah Amen
Since Christmas is a big enough deal to God that he dedicated much of a chapter in the Bible to it (Luke Chapter 2), I think I will continue to honor it.
Christmas is demonic and it's a false ritual that honors an ancient sun god. easter is also demonic, it's the name of a false pagan goddess of fertility of the spring equinox. God. Most High is disgusted with all of this and there's nothing noble about any of it. It's man made demonic traditions that makes God want to vomit.
Please know the truth and please honor God properly. He doesn't want to be worshipped how others have worshipped their false gods. He's made that extremely clear.
Let us all Christians celebrate the holy things of God and the devils lies together once a year because we love God so much. Have mercy on us!
Exactly. whenever i talk about it, i am told that i should celebrate Jesus and leave the rest. But how can i ignore the fact that we are commanded not to worship God in the way that the heathen celebrate their gods? Jesus wasnt even born in december, and so many other gods are celebrated at this time. Why should i add my Jesus to their celebrations? Jesus categorically told us what to celebrate, and it is not his birthday.
Amen. Thank you Pastor John for teaching the truth of Christmas. God didn’t say a thing about Christmas in His words. That’s why in the NT there was no precise date mentioned about Lord’s birth! Thank You God for giving His true sheep Pastor John to teach boldly and steadfastly Your truth to Your true sheep! Very grateful to You, my dear God! All Glory Be To Christ, our KING!!!
I can never stop listening to Your faithful saint, God. The more I listen to Your truth preached by Pastor John, the more I learnt about Your words and how to live my life to You, and for You and before You, God. Hallelujah. Amen.
The facts we know from the Bible is that Jesus was born at a time of census and at time when shepherds were able to sleep outside. This points to autmn, after planting time, before harvest time. Is it a coincidence this lines up with the Jewish new years day, the Feast of Trumpets.
He gave information needed by telling about John the Baptist and when he was to be born.
@@crb2061 Sukkot. Feast of Trumpets is His return.
@cowboysbrother, Pastor John MacArthur only preaches about Lord Jesus and for the past 53 years , in the same church, Grace
Community Church , verse by verse explaining The Gospel truth. Praise Jesus. He is a faithful and bold saint of God. I thank God and I praise God that He has raised and kept Pastor John MacArthur faithful to Him and His words and His true sheep. Brother, I strongly encourage you to listen to Pastor John and follow his teachings and you shall know and gain the truth about Lord and The Gospel. I have followed him for the past 2 years and I have learnt so much. Praise God.
ruclips.net/video/CyR01ApP68Q/видео.html SHOW ME your way
Thank you Pastor John for preaching the word of God. Not your opinion, nor mine, matters. God’s truth alone!
It sounds exactly like the world I'm living in John....what a sermon...I loved every word spoken John...may GOD BLESS YOU 🙏🙏
I celebrate Christmas but Christ centered. Pastor John tells it right on, pertaining to what really is going on, great preacher of truth
That's nonsense for Xmas is not Christ centered.
Is a worldly tradition of man.
Don't fool yourself for it makes you a fool.
Truth about Christmas ruclips.net/video/5zcaQlBbk6s/видео.html
What is this Xmas meaning?
@@johndevisser903 Celebrating the birth of our God as a man sounds pretty Christ centered to me. It's only what you make it.
@@johndevisser903 what ever you do do to the glory of God. For what ever is not done of faith is sin.
Which father won't be happy that their son throw a birthday for him.
If you understand what Christ did, the decision he took you'd see a reason to celebrate him.
Origin?? Even if the origin is of darkness I am celebrating in light.
Let us honor and glorify God!
oh shut up
Very true! We celebrate to entertain and to tell them why Jesus came into this world.
What an interesting way to justify pagan practices in the church. Crafty 😂
Jesus Christ did not come to celebrate pagan holidays such as christmas and easter. He also warned us about the false prophets who would come in his name in these end times.
TOTAL TRUTH!! This man is a blessed Godly man by ABBA, through the Holy Spirit!! I thank my Father in Heaven for the TRUE teaching of His Holy, Righteous, Living, Breathing, WORD!! May God-Almighty BLESS everyone that hears this man, in Jesus' name I pray 🙏🙏 Amen.
by whose authority does this foul mouth part time preacher interpret scripture ?
Christmas is cool. I loved getting the christmas tree up and decorated. so many great memories with family and friends. Anyone who wants to pass judgement on Christmas is a boring person and usually puffed up.
[Jeremiah 10:1-4]
@@EagleTalons1.0 Grow up you maroon.
That passage is talking about making idols. Literal idols for actual worship.
It has nothing to do with Christmas. Do you think I have not read the Bible? Pathetic cherry picker, scripture twisting heretical wanna be legalist. Poser. Shame on you. Depart from me.
[Colossians 2:16] Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
I have detested Santa for so long because he has stolen the real meaning of Christmas for so many people. Others think I am being miserable, but it has gone on too long. Love you Jesus
Look up St Nicholas of Myra , an early Christian bishop during the rule of Roman Emperor Diocietian . Most people posting here don't seem to have an understanding of early Christian church history.
@@100hm43700 The pastor here is not telling the whole truth. Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. Christmas evolved from a pagan Roman festival called Saturnalia. The pastor did not once mention that. That's the real history of Christmas.
santa is an anagram for satan
@@SuperheroJunior exactly, it's pagan and men's tradition which we are not to follow
Santa is part of Yule.
Christian Parents are responsible in teaching truth to their children so that even when they are expose to this world, they know the truth. I hear about santa when i was a child but was never taught about it. my parents never talk about him on Christmas and now that i am a parent, i never tell my children about him because i have not learned about him. We talk about Christ on Christmas month. Thanks Pastor John talking about the truth about Christmas. It's my prayer that people will listen to this message too.
Please show me where in the Bible is the commandment to cekebrate/remember the Lord's birthday. I haven't found one example of the disciples doing this. I do find about remembrance of His death and resurrection on the first day of the week not yearly. So what makes your homes any different from others?
Jews don’t celebrate birthdays because life begins at conception, so you would celebrate that when life began! But technically, no man knows that date. The Catholic Church started his birthday in mid 300’s.
I don't agree with everything exactly as he presents it, but the essence I can get on board with. What is fabulous about this message, I think, is the doors it opens to discussion, taking the concepts to the mat and see what remains at the end.
Very very few people even think of our Lord Jesus on December 25 th.
Thank you Jesus. You are Truth and no good live in me.
Pastor McArthur your speech Makes sense to me. Thank you for the upload.
Thank you Pastor MacArthur for sharing the truth of Christmas, without which none would be saved. I am amazed how little consideration there is for the masses who are lost. Doesn’t the church know that faith comes by hearing the gospel? Don’t Christians know that unbelievers must hear that our Savior has come and given His life that we might become the righteousness of God. Why aren’t believers sharing this wonderful good news that saves. I’m not trying to be critical. How can it be such good news, and yet rarely told in our daily lives. t’s rare, truly rarely spoken of outside of the pulpit of our churches. How could this be? Do we believe the gospel? Romans 10 says how can they hear unless someone tells them? Faith comes by hearing the gospel, our neighbors, yes, even our families need to hear. Most Christians I talk to can’t even tell you how they know they are going to heaven let alone share the gospel with someone else. I think making disciples of Jesus Christ is the answer.
“As followers of YOU, LORD, make us fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
Christmas is Christ mass, Roman Catholicism, paganism, and he knows it.
Shame on him
My Dad said to me if you arrange the letters of Santa around you get Satan.
It isn't fun to believe in Santa because it takes the children's eyes and hearts off Christ who really knows if you have been bad or good.
Lighten up a little your taking life far too seriously.
Nope. It means Saint in Latin and Spanish and some other languages. God said all who believe are the saints. Are you a devil?
So? You can rearrange a lot of letters in words. God is dog spelled backwards.
Lying is a sin. There is no excuse for it. Santa is a false Christ who encourages love of mammon and empty standards of morality.
Honoring the resurrection of Christ is a noble act. After all, Jesus broke bread, gave it to his disciples…and said “do this in memory of me.” I honor his sacrificial death and his victorious resurrection. Amen!
I started feeling uncomfortable with Christmas, the closer I got to God. I prayed about it and last year a video came up in my feed. It was titled, "Why I don't celebrate Christmas by Robert Breaker." He went through the history of Christmas and it confirmed my feelings.
I put up my manger and focus on the birth of our Savior. It's not easy, the Christmas tree was my second favorite thing about Christmas but I wanted to make Jesus the whole focus of my Christmas celebration.
You may want to read Matthew 7:22-23. Besides, Christmas is a creation of man, Jeremiah 17:5.
Cars are too but you still drive one.
@@maranatha5819 two different things, and situations, they used to ride donkeys and horses because they didn’t have cars, But now we do
@@maranatha5819 I wasn't commanded by my creator NOT to drive one.
We weren't commanded not to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ either.
If in fact we were commanded not to celebrate Jesus birth into the world, provide scriptures please form the AKJV
I see the celebration of Jesus Christ is nothing new according to this...
John 12:12-13 (KJV) On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Celebrating Jesus Christ on every aspect is righteous.
You might not think he is worthy to be celebrated on December the 25th as any other day but I do.
Literally speaking to myself right before watching this video saying that I hate how most churches make god and Christ into some “nice guys” but when I read the Bible they both are WARRIOR KINGS. They are power. Ultimate. Church feels so hollow to me and the messages are like motivation wrapped in Bible quotes.
I’m not a ‘good’ Christian. I’ve only recently felt conviction and desire to ACTUALLY change (pastor is right, I can’t change me) vs have an emotional experience that makes ME feel good. But when I read the bible (never read much before now. The bible app makes you lazy) I read authority and commands and direction.
I read about the HORROR of being outside Gods grace.
But it explains why He created things this way. It shows he gave free will for us to CHOOSE to love him. I’m not his slave by force…
…but i WANT to be His slave! I want to please him.
And because the Bible tells of Gods goodness AND the blackness of being outside of him, im THANKFUL for Jesus and the cross.
This pastor is a breath of fresh, conviction filling air.
@WatchMyVideoFor CovidTruth no. You misread. God and Christ aren’t “nice” to me. He’s a benevolent Lord. A just KING. But he’s portrayed as a nice guy you can walk all over and disobey at will and it’s cool because he forgives.
No. They ARE authority. It tells us to fear him and give glory. Not feel terror but Fear his authority and going against it.
But churches ONLY teach the nice guy. So people sin over and over never moving forward in their walk. They may be saved but their spiritual journey is stunted.
And God didn’t make us slaves because without free will to choose evil, our love and worship of him would be a lie, which he can’t except. But I..ME…wish I was a slave to Christ. I wish I could abide perfectly in him and submit fully, as a slave who loves their masters word. But I’m flesh so I don’t. That’s what I meant.
Praise The Lord Christ Jesus 🙏 🙌 Merry CHRISTmas, yall🎉🎉🎉
Pastor John, you have taught me so much over the past 40 yrs. God bless your honest TRUTH! ❤️
It is not my truth,your truth, it is actual truth that matters.
Exactly my dear, truth matter a lot, where are you from?
Your father monogamy is not your father, your only husband all in mongamy is not yours, your mother is not yours.. And thats made as you, you cannot change that lies.. Basically evil.. What evil stuffed by stiff heart criminals
.. on you will you tell its not my truth and walk away or criminals excecutable punished by law or God... On such criminals... Only there God exists too. God did not make criminals liars filthed me filthiest never repented, never felt that guilt.. Aversive... never were ashamed of doing filth on me... God after "Gods wrath" has killed all that filthed me dead...
Absolute truth is the word, law, logos of God, and he says it in jeremiah ten
God's greatest gift to the world (the birth of his only begotten son).
Praise the Lord. His GREATEST gift was taking the sin of the world on Himself and dying for it ALL and raising from the dead.
Yeah but I don't think he was born on a pagan gods day
Praise the Lord Amen
Well, according to John Mac, it would be God's greatest gift to the elect. The non-elect have nothing to be grateful for.
@@overtcovert Christmas is a pagan holiday and nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. First century Christians did not celebrate Christmas and even up to the time that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ was crucified and put to death. Christmas evolved from a Roman pagan festival named Saturnalia. Saturnalia was the worship of the god of Saturn. God does not like it when we worship false gods or idols. People forget what happened when the Israelites were at Mount Sinai when Moses went to receive the 10 commandments after leaving Egypt and after crossing the Red Sea.
Truth of God’s word can only be found in His word….. in the Bible!
I was so relieved to learn the truth about Christmas many decades ago. As a child I was not comfortable with the Santa lies but wanted to know more about the baby in the manger. If a minister celebrates Christmas, I don't follow him. He can't even get a basic understanding of pagan holidays, how can he possibly teach Gods word!
I couldn't agree more, these false man made holidays are pagan and false worship that completely insults The Holy Spirit, and any "preacher" or "pastor" that can't see that is either ignorant or deliberately a contradiction to God's Holy Scriptures. I've studied Jon macarthur for a while and see that he's absolutely a false teacher and he preaches demonic false doctrines such as paganism, calvanism, and cessationism. These are all false doctrines from the pits of hell. It's sad that false teachers like him have such a huge "following" because he's leading people into hell.
My only concern with the "Santa clause" myth, along with easter bunny, tooth fairy etc is when your children find out after so many years of belief in these myths that they've been lied to by the very parents that dished out consequences for them lying what does that teach them? And especially when you try and lead them to belief in Christ of which (can't be physically seen) where does their minds sometimes go? Just my thought, which don't amount to a hill o beans on a biblical perspective
Totally agree. But then this children then become those parents and the cycle continues. The packaging is way more unforgettable than the lies it hides.
Let children be children every story is a fantasy. Switch on the TV and you have fantasy for adults.
I agree, lying is a sin end of story you cant lie for years to your children and then at the same time be teaching them about God, what kind of a testimony is that! Even as an Atheist this lying to children made me very uncomfortable and my biggest weapon against Christians was that kind of hypocrisy.... Praise the Lord He saved me and i am now born again but the facts are deliberately lying to children is wrong on sooo many levels.... I pray christians realise and come to repentance because it is a sin.
Wonderfully ear tickling for the undiscerning enchanted by this magical helliday! Merry Tammuz Mas!
Only Jesus was said to have been born on the 25th, originally. All others are copycats.
@@annep.1905 You need to do the research. Truth matters to God. He didn't give us His Son's birthdate for a very good reason. Trust God's Word over your super hero MacArthur.
@@SherryLC09 I did the research, and neither MacArthur or any other preacher is my superhero. You need to do your research, and maybe start by not trusting Christians who haven't done their research, but simply trust the shoddy research of pagans who want to destroy Christmas. Maybe you should check out Holding, et. al. at Tektonics.
@@annep.1905 I have researched this since 2007. I have a blog chock full of scriptures rightly interpreted, too. I have a plethora of resources cited. But you have to face God at the judgement and answer to Him, not to me. I have warned you and that is all God asks of me. Good day!
@@SherryLC09 Oh, congratulations on your resources (sarcasm). The difficulty is that I've gone and looked at resources (and there are many), and Scriptures which say that you're incorrect on this. Pagans want to destroy Christmas and you're playing right into their hands.
Paul said some believers celebrate special days and some don’t. He accepted both.
Excellent point from 11: follow the True God. my friends keep the truth. 📖☺👆
The fact that I grew up December 25 is Christmas Day but somehow when I received Our Lord Jesus Christ in my life, I found out that when Jesus was born was in a cool day and no month nor day.
Lots of good things to say/share and I appreciate that. Only wish he would have gone deeper into the REAL history of Xmas and the actual dates closer to the birth of our Savior. I pray he will get there one day, as he influences a lot of people.
Why X in place of Christ?
For all those who are debating for or against christmas - maybe we should all go read Matthew 7: 21-23 and let that sit on your heart a while. Just because WE say it is for Him doesn't mean He will recognize it.
I h8 the way Christmas is celebrated but if we acknowledge it for what it is...just a civil holiday, not having much of anything to do with Jesus, then why should we fret so much over it? We have Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Mother's & Father's days etc. They are not commanded by God, but if they are observed responsibly, there is nothing inherently wrong. What IS wrong is trying to make it what it is not. The fact that so many perpetrate the myth that it's our Lord's birthday makes Christians beliefs totally unbelievable. I personally try to express God's love in EVERY circumstance. Frankly my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
@@mamamia4745 See that's the point. Over the past 15 years I have heard/witnessed more pastors and believers champion the "reason for the season", which is suppose to be Christ. They started doing this because cities, town halls, and schools were being forced to stop having nativity scenes. Plus, they complained Xmas was just so commercial now - all about buying stuff and getting stuff.
So it's hard to not fret when civil society wants separation of church and state. But the Church insists that the only reason for this "civil holiday" is the one and same person they are trying to deny.
How about this. If the Church really wanted the State to stay out of it's festivals for God and Christ, they should return to the original week long celebration of Sukkot and Passover.
@@paulwiederhold7629 Actually there are many Messianic temples which do that! Best wishes.
You and many others take that verse out of context. That is for false prophets who claim Jesus and their works over those who have faith in Jesus and what he’s done.
Roman’s 14:5-6 is the real verse on this topic
You and many others take verses out of context. That is for false prophets who claim Jesus and their works over those who have faith in Jesus and what he’s done.
Roman’s 14:5-6 is the real verse on this topic
Amen!! Thank you, and the power of your Christmas Message!
Every day you celebrate His first coming and every day we look forward to His second coming.. After the accension we look up for His second coming.
Knowing that the Truth will set us free, let’s celebrate his birth on Sukkot when he truly was born and can be proven through scripture!
I celebrate Christmas as birth of Christ not any santa involved . I lnow Jesus wasnt born in December but i can still give thanks for his birth .
You basically just said.... I celebrate Christ the way I choose to celebrate Him. I don't bow down to Him on the day He calls me....... Like a stubborn REBELLIOUS toddler, we think we know best.
@@LightSeekers777Roman’s 14:5-6.
@@LightSeekers777which day is it?
Did you just figure out that Santa was a fictional character? I thought you were going to talk about how all Christian holidays were adopted pagan holidays. Christmas is celebrated at the Winter Solstice, the Resurrection is celebrated at Oester, or the fertility rites of Spring (that's why the symbols of Easter are rabbits, and eggs etc.) The Virgin birth story was adopted from Greco Roman mythology. But, I've probably taken this farther than you really wanted to go.
Satan knew all about what Jesus would become, so he crafted the religions to look like what would happen with Jesus Yeshua.
None of this its true, its honestly embarrassing
According to Luke 1:26, the Annunciation occurred "in the sixth month" of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist. Many Christians observe this event with the Feast of the Annunciation on 25 March, an approximation of the northern vernal equinox nine full months before Christmas, the ceremonial birthday of Jesus.
I love to listen to your lectures because I love earing the truth plain and simple, thank you so much Jesus, Amen 🙏...
I really needed to hear this. All I knew about Christmas was opening presents and secret Santa. It’s the devils distraction of the bigger picture, Our redeemer, Our Saviour, Our Salvation, Our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you JM.
T T not to Catholics Christians...
The Story of Jesus god part 2
We don't know when Jesus was born. So that holiday is uh not accurate at all. It was made for a secular reasoning with a covering of Jesus birth. We celebrate God everyday, and understand Jesus birth as an important explanation of why he is righteous.
@@zulmycruz you are exactly right.
@@zulmycruz John the Baptist was born at Passover, 6 months later is the Feast of Tabernacles, that's when Messiah is born.
A awesome message the truth will set you free amen.
Best message about following the truth an real meaning of this sesonal celebration ...i celebrate Hannukah as a messianic Christian and ive never been closer to my savior and lord and lover! Jesus celebrated the feast days and we are to acknowledge an observe His birth in truth also !
nonsense ..
Amen Pastor John
i studied this subject when i was 18 years old and i learned that people get angry when confronted with the truth. so i do what i do and let the people do what they do. they do not have to only take the bibles word but the encyclopedia also talks about the 2 thousand years of manipulation by the catholic church. the bottom line is no one wants to hear the truth. sadly tradition wins out over true history.
It’s proof that it is easier to deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been deceived
Well, some do... You and I and John are proof of that. Keep trying because some really are seeking the truth.