Iowa Wildlife Center & Friends of Ada Hayden Volunteers Remove Deceased Geese from Ada Hayden Lake

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2023
  • The Iowa Wildlife Center, Friends of Ada Hayden, and Skunk River Paddlers work to remove deceased ducks and geese from the ice on Ada Hayden lake on Sunday, January 15, 2023. Upon receiving permission from the City of Ames, all were briefed on all hazards (including potential biosecurity risks), donned appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and carried rescue ropes in case of emergencies. Those working on the ice were avid paddlers with ice and/or water safety and rescue training. The reason for the collection? An abundance of caution. In collaboration with the Iowa DNR veterinarian, carcasses were submitted for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) testing after IWC staff removed a recently-deceased juvenile Trumpeter Swan, and nearby goose carcasses from the ice late last week and submitted them for HPAI testing. To prevent possible transmission of disease to scavengers like bald eagles, crows, and coyotes and to more easily count future deaths at the site, the removal of these 30 carcasses was prudent.
    Posted with permission from the Iowa Wildlife Center and Friends of Ada Hayden.

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