WATCHER OF REALMS | State of the Game (Community Reaction)

  • Опубликовано: 30 апр 2024
  • Watcher of Realms | State of the Game based on YOUR Feedback
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    State of the Game based on your community feedback.
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Комментарии • 128

  • @rodclark4960
    @rodclark4960 2 месяца назад +12

    As someone stated already, shortcuts in progress never really help. You started later than a good portion of folks and allowed Fasti to get your account further, which robbed you of your accomplishment endorphins. Fasti didn't spot you, he did that lift solo and allowed you credit since your back was on the bench. You know I love you homie, I think that's where went sideways tho.

    • @christianhansen9790
      @christianhansen9790 2 месяца назад +2

      Completely agree, just want to add that spending a lot early game also does make a big shortcut. Its good for making content, but he should have a FTP account to get that feel too. I feel the less I spend the more I play and the more I spend the less I play.

  • @Destined_WoR
    @Destined_WoR 2 месяца назад +22

    While I definitely agree with alot of points and opinions in this video, I do have some things to add to kind of both vent a little bit (big rant ahead) and also give some props, and negatives to moonton that I think need to be explained or explored more.
    This game is a large part of my life and I think I am qualified to speak on this especially as someone who has access to files and upcoming things that show moonton is TRYING THEIR BEST
    A lot of points on things like transparency and content related things are FAIR. Perhaps the biggest issues with this game as a whole are the lack of transparency, updates, and diversity. Transparency wise its brutal out here, things will be changed for the worse and for the better with no warning, rates are scuffed and hidden and its a MESS. But there are still alot of good things I feel that are overshadowed by the worse things, arena was changed for the worst yes but they are giving out ancients like candy now, giving more rewards in general and adding new content with no downsides for more rewards.
    As a whole I think moonton is also very responsive and aware of certain issues and despite how long it may take they are quick to fix and compensate for bad thing. The boreas nerf for example was NOT BAD he is still top 3 aoe mage in the game and yet they provided a way to get compensation AND gifted a free reset book. The nisalt thing gave 200 gems and a method to reset him... FOR A BUG that clearly had to be fixed
    In terms of content we have SO MUCH coming, theres a new guild boss, series of quests for a FREE legendary and a FREE dolores skin. Theres a new demon crusade event AND A NEW WEEKLY GUILD BOSS, and a second gear dungeon
    This is all stuff projected to be coming in the next 2 months, I cant speak on what it is but theres also 2 MORE gear dungeons in the files, an entire anniversary event planned that looks super cool and a ton of other stuff... this game isnt even a year old and we are getting force fed content right now, the new codex boss isn't even out yet!
    I do also think an area that is a bit lacking right now is the hero diversity, the legendaries are too specific and important for some things (mainly gear dungeon) and we need more relevant epics and legendaries. But we just got 2 epics and in the files there's upwards of 10 rare-epic hero's that are being made and will be released eventually so they heard our concerns and seem to be taking steps to addressing them which is super cool!
    To talk about more specific things said in the video. I think gearing being important is actually a good thing... there's 2 ways to beat things generally, either you have great legendaries or you have great gear... but 90% of the content in this game is completely doable with no legendaries and because gear is so important if you just farm a ton everything (but the HARDEST content in the game) is completely doable!
    While stuff like raid felt a little more legendary and specific hero dependent and the pool was bigger so as a FTP player I was miserable my whole time playing since I was constantly hero locked
    Guild boss 2 is being added, so is campaign 10 and a ton of other stuff lol
    The baseline of legendaries is far better than most games, i can name maybe 2 genuinely useless legendaries (kria who dominates 1-18 and below and maybe azhor? whos still not bad early on) so I was surprised for that to be a complaint
    The point of this comment (aside from just being something for me to do between editing) is not to be rude or anything to anyone with issues with the game, I agree with alot of them.
    The point is just I think we as a whole need to try our best to stop being so critical, theres alot of good and cool things being added that are getting overshadowed and I dont think the game is dying like everyone is saying it is. I just wish we could all stop being WoR doomers... but I did partially contribute to that so I take some responsibility
    Also farm gear ash you cant truly enjoy late game with bad gear haha GvG, IC and other aspects are so cool and your missing out!
    Game needs more community things though and someone get me test server access
    TLDR; Game has a ton of issues but theres alot of cool stuff coming soon and things are being adressed, we need to be a bit more patient and try to nudge moonton in the right direction. One of the better gacha devs despite all the flaws.

    • @EarlTheFool
      @EarlTheFool 2 месяца назад +3

      I’m not reading all that, but here’s my like

    • @themilkpenguin9535
      @themilkpenguin9535 2 месяца назад +1

      I can’t add anything you didn’t but we’ll put! Maybe trying to do multiple games hurts at the end of the day. I just made a big jump in the game, they are same in the concept but different in gameplay

    • @VikingsNeverDie
      @VikingsNeverDie 2 месяца назад +1

      I understand that you want them to be succesful since your income depends on Moonton, but the endless grind for gear - especially now that they clearly nerfed the drops to sell the sets in the shop - is ridicolous.
      It's way worse than RAID to me. You can trash 4k energy without a single good mythical piece.

    • @Destined_WoR
      @Destined_WoR 2 месяца назад +2

      @@VikingsNeverDie fair but 4k energy in this game is very little compared to raid for example where you get a ton less. The game force feeds you stamina and diamonds and if you manage it right you can get endgame gear for your champs in a couple months vs raid even ash has been farming all the time and buys energy and it’s been years.
      You can SWAP your gear in this game you don’t need as much, you only need like 6 sets or less to be set for most of the game

    • @HurkHogan
      @HurkHogan 2 месяца назад +1

      THIS !! We just need to get moonton to the anniversary. Show them we care and we are here to stay and I guarantee you they will show out for us. They are BY FAR the most responsive devs of any videogames I've ever seen no matter the genre. I didn't even know devs listened to their community until I got to wor and I've gamed everything from WoW to CoD. They are busting ass and yes they are making money but how are y'all gonna get mad at them for that.. show them we deserve more of that money to be thrown at the game and that we are a community that is here to stay and I guarantee you they will make this game great.

  • @kgirona830
    @kgirona830 2 месяца назад +12

    don't remember who left that comment you read but the guy that wanted new guild boss and campaign mode and other things. The new guild boss is coming as is chapter 10. if you remember mabuckets visit to moonton in December. also gear dungeon 2 should be in global soon as it is already in fore runner server. So they are adding new things it just it takes time. Remember this game is only 10 months old. Also add in the fact all the quality-of-life things they have added. these guys have been busy.

  • @fresnokila3
    @fresnokila3 2 месяца назад +1

    For me, there is also this trial and error in a lot of the stages. You have to first play a few minutes to realize enemies will come out more at one area, and you replay to place your champions differently. Then you realize one of them needs more heals than others, and you have to replay again to make sure they are all in the perfect spot.
    So many times I am playing a hard stage to realize almost at the end I have someone in the wrong spot. I just close the game and play something else.

  • @dnaseb9214
    @dnaseb9214 2 месяца назад +5

    They should add pushers and pullers into the game. Like in arknights.
    To push or pull enemies into pits and 1 shot them. Also summoners would be cool.

  • @johnsy10
    @johnsy10 2 месяца назад +41

    Love your content ash, but... You kinda did this to yourself. Bought so many summons then handed your account to Fasti to get to the GR 21s. Hard to stay engaged when you don't put in the work to grind it out. GR4 is a perfect example of needing to set a goal to work towards. I couldn't clear GR4-6 first rotation. Spent a month building out the units and got it cleared second rotation. The progression walls can be engaging if you put in the work yourself...

    • @InanisNihil
      @InanisNihil 2 месяца назад +1

      Lol OR lack of FUN things to do leads to causes disengagement.. FUN is KING… period… nothing is repayable .. nobody wants to manually do stages of anything once we clear it… let alone without power of dominance once unless testing units… 99% of my time is auto battle and watching RUclips or jacking off to porn 😂💀 funnest part of the game is literally summoning 😂 and fyi good luck being a CC if ur not summoning and showing off units.. u really think ppl would watch him or anyone if to the extend that they do if he was F2P? 🤔 I’m not convinced I’d be a viewer if he was casual and didn’t have a stacked account… let’s not lie… and don’t ignore games where it’s full of whales that summon all the time but the content is FUN interns it’s replayability.. star rail hard content for example… tbh this game needs to put NEW HEROS ON HOLD.. we got way more then enough.. they need to work on just making it more FUN add thinks that are actually have replayability.. I like the game but nearly all permant content is literally just on auto battle 😂 new heros DONT CHANGE THIS PIT FALL… here’s an random idea .. let players create maps and set up waves and mobs and modifiers etc.. I know fortnite does this and player created things if good enough get featured and players get account xp… GAME LACKS DIVERSITY.. sorry ur complacent and settle… but some ppl like variety and diversity and different things to do.. u can only do the same thing so much before is stale… 😂 it’s crazy that once I didn’t have Silthus then I got him and put him in a gear raid.. beat it.. saved it.. never bothered it again and just auto battle grind.. 😂 tower defense games literally need tons of variety to make up for its drag and drop loop.. it’s like other time gate gachas.. literally prevent ppl from playing non stop.. fyi most ppl don’t wanna be told when to stop.. but I understand why these games force us.. but that’s not a US issue.. 😂 I’m not responsible for how they designed the game.. 💀 they are.. they are responsible for tons of content or lack of it. they are responsible for variety or lack of it.. let’s not pretend most ppl don’t auto battle GB only update when they get a more op hero then save it for auto battle… some ppl like to watch shows episodically .. 1 ep a week.. some like to binge… aka I’d rather not be time gated in my games personally… arena is boring indirect pvp.. guild wars isn’t exciting anymore.. honey moon phases are over.. 😂 it’s kinda a chore now and let’s be real.. most of us are just playing to save up for more summons… am I wrong? company is RICH.. they absolutely could do so much more with the game..

    • @HurkHogan
      @HurkHogan 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@InanisNihilfastidious is f2p so that kinda ruins your entire claim.. also the fact that me and thousands of other people play the game daily and find plenty to do to stay engaged and excited about the game... It's just the gacha community it's one of the worst communities ever to exist in the gaming scene. Bunch of rich adults trying to play mobile games without any patience. Games only been live since July and y'all are sitting here acting like it's been up for 5 years lmfao. If your bored then gacha isn't for you and I advise u to leave this community before you make it worse bc you want it to be updated like a console game lmfao.

    • @HurkHogan
      @HurkHogan 2 месяца назад

      ​@@InanisNihilI'll agree with one thing you said and thats player creation.. if players can make they're own maps and mobs or even create new heros or mods etc then that would be HUGE . Other then that more campaign stages and void rift would be solid as well as maybe a monthy gb or something .

    • @HurkHogan
      @HurkHogan 2 месяца назад

      ​@@InanisNihilI've also said this time and again... WAIT... Give them time bruh lmfao. Let them get to the 1 year anniversary at least so they know they're game is here to stay. They aren't going to drop everything and put all they're profits into a game they aren't sure is going to stay. When you guys sit here and complain CONSTANTLY it isn't giving them much hope either. Thug it out for the next couple months and show them that your a community that isn't going anywhere and MAYBE just MAYBE you'll deserve some good content .

    • @rodclark4960
      @rodclark4960 2 месяца назад

      You're dealing in the right vein. Ash had to think about where most people were and get there asap, being new to the game and in a bit of a time crunch he let Fasti do what Fasti is best at and while boosting Ash temporarily he hobbled him long term. Also got to flex on a huge Raid CC and boost his own takeover prowess. Not saying anything negative was intended but results don't lie, Fasti isn't making this video. I wish there was a way to put it more kindly, but tough love is needed sometimes.

  • @KeithDCanada
    @KeithDCanada 2 месяца назад +17

    I quit WoR a few months ago. I had gone as far as I could without spending a mind-numbing amount of time fidgeting with battle positioning in order to get into the top level dungeon stages.
    To me, the effort has to be worth the potential outcome... and I just wasn't interested enough in the end. I would have trouble with a stage, try and figure it out with my roster, and after hours o f trying to solve it myself, look online and see the ridiculousness that some people go through micromanaging a stage run in order to get it to pass. F that. I have better things to do with my time.
    My takeaway from WoR is that it's one of THE most 'You need X champion to be able to do Y stage' games out there. If you are FTP, and your pulls haven't been great, you ill never see endgame. Games like that, I don't waste any more time on.

    • @travmacl4419
      @travmacl4419 2 месяца назад +3

      I found some of the last stages in campaign on the hardest difficulty and chapter nine normal was way too hard to be worth it.

    • @Prospector-WoR
      @Prospector-WoR 2 месяца назад +4

      There is plenty of options for almost every stage. Only a few nm void rift and now gear dungeon stages ha e such requirements lol

    • @travmacl4419
      @travmacl4419 2 месяца назад +3

      @@Prospector-WoR Ya sure, depends if you see it worth the effort was my point

    • @Prospector-WoR
      @Prospector-WoR 2 месяца назад +3

      @@travmacl4419 yeah I suppose. I like that specific grind
      Though sometimes I feel like this games strategy revolves more around cost and placement versus the heroes abilities.

    • @travmacl4419
      @travmacl4419 2 месяца назад

      @Prospector-WoR 100% agree, there's people that can use rares and epics to my legendary units and do better.
      I was just at a stage where I'm like ok.... you struggle to beat that then what..... the games done lol

  • @Theaphilius-Lupin
    @Theaphilius-Lupin 2 месяца назад +4

    As always, I really like your content; yet I have to write a few things [I still gave you a thumb up.]
    As a total F2P player who is playing both games [Raid and WoR], I would like to bring my perspective to this conversation as well [but I am open minded to other opinions].
    [I am sorry for the long comment]
    I have been playing Raid since UDK came out - we have the same date of beginning and together with Tallia [by far the best non-legendary starter champion, even now very valuable] I did not have any trouble in progressing, but as time went by and more and more was added, it became very difficult to progress without specific champions [as an example before I got Arbiter [which still needs a string buff to be that wonderful as she once was - she is still very strong in most of the content, but she has to be something special, because she is the first milestone [similar to Volka, where I will write about further down the line] Fireknight was an area that caused massive issues without Alure or Coldheart; and given that those two champions are no way guaranteed to get but instead your are getting Lordly Legionary for this area, that is ridiculous -> Eventually I got very lucky with my pulls [and Ronda made it also much easier].
    Another point is that even now I have not pulled any Void-Legendary after all that time I have been playing; I am still lacking crucial champions for Faction Wars and cannot progress even with the best gear; which brings me to my last point for Raid: The Gear-Removel cost is obnoxious and is proving a lot of player to stuck in various areas until they get enough good gear with the right states and the right champions, etc. ...
    -> I had to change this section, because of the newest information about Raid [as of 02.05.2024] - well done Raid!
    Now to WoR:
    I have started the game and was able to get Volka [the equivalent of Arbiter] in less than 19 days [started close before midnight with the game] without much difficulties; and Volka [after A1 - which they give out for free - it goes all the way up to A4 with the Tide waves] she becomes even more amazing and really helps in so many areas.
    Of course progression gets very difficult very soon and sometimes the level seem to get to difficult to soon, but after a while you can easily beat the stages and you are getting a lot of rewards doing so -and talking about AFK-ing the game, of course you can - you only need to fulfil a few conditions and than you can run it in the background [even in the game background] - therefore I have to be honest, this point I did not understand, unlike in Raid, in WoR you can actually buy multi-battles [quiet a few].
    The next thing is the Gear-Removel [which is a huge deal, in particular for F2P who do not have enough currency for doing it as often as they need] - you can utilise this is so many ways a swap it around as much as you want without any concerns - you can even swap with a specific hero*in and even that will be improved in the future [set-naming]; but of course the cost of upgrading in relations to what you are getting [Gold] is quiet an issue, but it is not that necessary to do so often because you can swap the gear around.
    The Guild-Boss [in comparison to the clan boss] is very similar, with the only downside that you are only getting 2 free tries a day in WoR, but the Rewards are good [even though it is quit a bit harder to get the maximum chest for 50k Blood compared to the maximum chest at 70+mio]
    And my last point - the hero*ins
    The redundancy your [and others were mentioning] I cannot understand your point, from my perspective it opens a lot of opportunities not only for newer player but also for new ways to approach each stage - just in case no one thought about this - in WoR you cannot place the same hero*in twice in a battle, only one version per hero*in is possible. In Raid there are plenty of strategies that involve multiple versions of a specific champion and yet no one seem to have an issue with that.
    Just imagine double Nyx [yes she is by far my favourite, second to none; one for each side of wave based content with a lot of enemies], so where is the issue with having redundancies? That opens so much more possibilities for a strategist like me.
    But also to be fair - I have seen the recent video from Fastidious [where there where also a few points I disagree with], he mentioned among other things, issues such as Faction Trial [where you need specific hero*ins] to get three crystals - where by the way the redundancy would kinda help ..
    But you are getting so much summons for free and the weekly events are very useful for getting specific hero*ins and you can easily get 250 summons for the guaranteed hero*in [which normally will be in an interval that you can collect the necessary resources for the next one]. And the fusions are very easy and rewarding, everyone can do them without having to stack up resources of buy anything, you can skip a lot of the events during the fusion and still get enough to finish the fusions - and those hero*ins are really good [Krodor, Abyzou, etc. ...]
    Of course there is much more to discuss, but I think I wrote enough already [if there is even someone who reads my comment].
    Final conclusion: Both games are fun to play, despite their many issues; And I will continue playing both of them until the games are no longer existing [And sometimes WoR makes more fun and sometimes Raid]. And I will continue to narrate and record the Lore of both games.

    • @Theaphilius-Lupin
      @Theaphilius-Lupin 2 месяца назад

      Speaking of Alure - a new promo code ... for new players only.

  • @rickamerican674
    @rickamerican674 2 месяца назад

    After watching that last video it made me wonder about the summoning/collecting aspect of the game. So I go and review my Mat 18 and GR 1,2,&3 - 19 teams and am surprised that I don’t use any characters pulled within the past several months.After about 8 months I have almost half of all epics and legos but use very few regularly. So, what’s the point of summoning?

  • @jakejaeric
    @jakejaeric Месяц назад

    You really nailed it when it comes to Raid having a perfect balance of attention required. I listen to a ton of podcasts so Raid is a perfect game to play while enjoying my pods. I play WoR as well during this time but mainly to do the things I can do on auto.

  • @charlestyler1187
    @charlestyler1187 2 месяца назад +1

    Firstly. Appreciate the discussion Ash.
    Your point about Raid having "perfect balance" with afk and active time is something I wholeheartedly disagree with.
    -hydra alone takes multiple hours of manualing battles to get the best run
    Hard DT for most is a similar situation
    I recently got back into raid, and the cursed city feels the same.
    Arena/Team arena suck major ass, and the rewards are garbage.
    With this said, Wor does have a lot they can improve on. But I disagree that Raid has a good balance of active vs afk time. Though I do get your point about needing more afk style things in wor.

  • @invest1914
    @invest1914 2 месяца назад +2

    your spot on. I never leave comments but when your right your right

  • @AnonymousHomonid
    @AnonymousHomonid 2 месяца назад +2

    I can remember bein like that in Raid for a bit way back in the early days. I think the super emphasis on gear is just because of its limits so far..or atleast i hope anyhow lol I get what youre sayin tho. Its super easy to get distracted n set everything up to go completely sideways. I gotta be totally involved in Watchers when im not usin autofight. I would say there is a ton more strategy involved here than in Raid. Especially from the start.

  • @astralb.2647
    @astralb.2647 2 месяца назад +6

    There is an affinity-like system with armour types and damage types, but it's very hidden. I feel like it would already be a great improvement if it was stated on the hero/enemy profile with a symbol rather than a paragraph.

  • @OlePittyP
    @OlePittyP 2 месяца назад +1

    Also a guild boss that is weaker to magic, piercing and physical damages on a rotation would be fun.

  • @kevcat4581
    @kevcat4581 2 месяца назад +2

    yeah, I kinda feel burned out from all the pulling and grinding and the feeling that you just get B-C Tier Legends added to the pool frustrating. Not every hero has to be a Valderon but make them at least do their role decent.
    There is actually so much stuff that is not really working out well atm and I don't really think they listen there to us.
    - GB rewards are bs, can't remember the last time I pulled something cool out of my NM4 chest
    - Void Rift Nightmare loot is TERRIBLE
    - why they don't bring at least new stages for gear, artifact or even the stuff you need to star up your heroes?

  • @karstenantinom4472
    @karstenantinom4472 2 месяца назад

    Also gotta say, as much as i like you, gotta put in the work yourself. You bought your way through. Just got GR 4 - 6 done last week and it was a struggle but very satisfying once i did it. Same for finishing all faction dungeons. The game needs some replayability endgame, harder scaled dungeons for endgame players to try improving, new players joining in, it needs more buffs/debuffs for heroes for sure and combos, it needs a lot of stuff, but it is still a lot of fun. Also gvg can be really fun.

  • @user-ch7qs8lo2z
    @user-ch7qs8lo2z 2 месяца назад

    Ash ,please make more videos about this game , I follow you everywhere about games , your one of best content creators

  • @doro626
    @doro626 2 месяца назад

    I had a lot of fun with the starter rares, and it sucks that I don't use them at all anymore.

  • @mjgreysanchez8196
    @mjgreysanchez8196 2 месяца назад

    i think there is no debuff in vr, both gets a buff

  • @alwoods6471
    @alwoods6471 2 месяца назад

    Day 286 here. Still loving the game. Play every day.

  • @7duke77
    @7duke77 2 месяца назад

    I feel quite the opposite when comparing RSL to WoR. RSL takes far too much time and at least for my account (haven't played in a long time now), it became much more gear dependent than WoR is. Yes, there are a few hard stops in WoR that are essentially gear checks. However, you can sometimes overcome those with a different strategy/composition. Whereas in RSL, if you're stopped, you simply need better gear and that's that, you're stuck.
    As for the affinity system. Personally, I can't stand those because you wind up getting into a rut if you weren't lucky enough (or didn't spend enough) to pull that one hero that is required.
    WoR does need to work on showing us the buffs/debuffs when applied. Other than that and the hero pool getting a bit thinned out, I am much happier with where WoR is than RSL ever was. But that's just me. :)

  • @Eaton_Beavers247
    @Eaton_Beavers247 2 месяца назад

    I loved WoR for a good 6 months… like… loved it. But, it really went downhill with the Boreas nerf… I stopped paying money… I didn’t really keep up with it daily. Now, I’ll open it a few times a week? But, it’s fizzled out hard.

  • @PatchesRNG
    @PatchesRNG 2 месяца назад

    I commented on Nub roadmap video this morning because he mentioned how we should just have free regear in raid already and i commented saying Raid would be ruined withing 6 months and this is why. people complain about the "worst" parts about raid often being 1. the predatory nature of plarium and 2. the ridiculous difficulty and the grind that applies t nearly every part of the game. That second point is actually why its the best game....... how many of us played eternal evolution and said it would kill raid then had it off our phones within 6 months because it was JUST TOO EASY and there are dozens of examples of this issue. the throwing legendries at you in the beginning is alluring for the start then it just becomes no mountain to overcome.

  • @sunderbuddies9099
    @sunderbuddies9099 2 месяца назад

    I just recently quit this week after about 6 months playing and pretty active spending. I just couldn't progress without serious time commitment and the daily game play loop started to get tiring.

  • @Prospector-WoR
    @Prospector-WoR 2 месяца назад +2

    I'm going to be honest Ash, this game simply is set up to cater to low to mid level spenders. Which is what everyone wants no?
    What they need is to add NM5 gb and a harder stage to void rift.. Maybe even a new rotation.
    The debuffs work.. And they are there. BUT! They just don't do enough to make a difference. Like in raid a drop def is almost a requirement. In Wor not so much. I raid you need better support to stay alive. In Wor.. Volka passive healing will keep you rolling lol.
    The game just isn't hard enough. The heroes and gear way out scale the stages in the end game. End game should be sweaty full time.

  • @davidhfranz
    @davidhfranz 2 месяца назад +1

    Without key infernal, esotericist, northern, and cultists heroes, I can't complete faction trials, gr1, gr3, or gd1

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 месяца назад

      Some of the requirements in faction trials are stupid. I cannot 3 star one where it needs 2 healers and I've only got 1!

    • @davidhfranz
      @davidhfranz 2 месяца назад

      @@Thurgosh_OG I'm in the same boat. I only have 2 Northern mages, 1 Eso healer, and 2 Cultist fighters. I'm blocked by not having Zilitu or TF for Infernal.

  • @scorpion0498
    @scorpion0498 2 месяца назад

    i felt burned out and barely played for a couple weeks but im back into it and loving it on 2 accs again, maybe a 3rd ftp if this summons weekend works out lol. its a solid game i understand ppls criticisms of it but also some of them, are the FUN parts for certain ppl, the endless grinds.

  • @ModernMyths
    @ModernMyths 2 месяца назад

    You mentioned in this video how you can easily turn off raid while you would spend a bunch more time with WoR. It's the complete opposite. I'm end game in Raid and yet I spend all day on it just doing the daily stuff and everything. Especially Tag Arenas and now Cursed City. While WoR it's easier to swap gear, do special epic events and even farm gear. Yeah, they watered the summon pool. But doesn't that happen in every game?

  • @truthonly8100
    @truthonly8100 2 месяца назад

    Never thought id be tired of summoning ive not longed in in 3 days maybe i just need a break from it one of my biggest issues is the lack of epics and rares i have almost all the meta lego champs it feels bad to see a epic from summoning im all over the place i dont know

  • @thestrategos4710
    @thestrategos4710 2 месяца назад

    I think all these games get to an end point of interest; I just started WoR and find it interesting still, but Raid I quit after nearly 5 years as I found it both impossible without spending like a kraken, and quite frankly it had become mind numbingly tedious. Simple answer is to play for as long as it's fun and you have a favourable opinion, then go to another game!

  • @colehuman9336
    @colehuman9336 2 месяца назад

    Love the game and followed u in raid and watchers but agree 💯 % with u ,i have great heros but gear is so bad I can't do anything but focus on gold raids and gear raids, other aspects ain't as bad but overall the importance on not just getting go gear but gold needed to get a solid set is insane

  • @Nickodeemuss
    @Nickodeemuss 2 месяца назад

    I got to the point where I didn't really care about any new characters coming in as all of my teams were set. There's no need for the most part to ever replace characters in your teams.

  • @chantelleproulx8085
    @chantelleproulx8085 2 месяца назад

    Agree with you Ash. When’s fateless coming out then I can drop raid and wor

  • @oda_nw8637
    @oda_nw8637 Месяц назад

    I feel like we need to give the devs some time to cook. They can’t keep throwing out banger content every single update. I’m personally taking some time to do other things and am doing my dailies for the most part. While I agree this game needs more buff/debuff affinity diversity instead of overall damage buff/debuff, I think the game has a good base and hopefully continues to go in the right direction in terms of content. Making cc heroes more prevalent could bring this game to another level and keep people coming back for more because for the most part it is just AOE or single target dps heroes reskins that make any difference at this point. I feel like in terms of your comments on content being gear centric, I think that is preferable to hero centric content because I think that needing a specific lego hero is a bad direction to go in since pulling a specific hero is next to impossible except if you swipe a lot on a specific banner. Hero gating content would be the death of this game imo as it would be purely pay to win. Diversifying the viable comps with gear (ie time playing the gear raids) is imo the best way to move forward

    • @oda_nw8637
      @oda_nw8637 Месяц назад

      Just for example to not have Valk for GR4 makes it a real pain to clear stages 4 through 6 and that feels bad man

  • @Bryce-jw3ly
    @Bryce-jw3ly 2 месяца назад

    My absolute number 1 complaint that I do NOT see talked about nearly enough, is having to switch my gear for EVERY different thing. Wanna hop on and do my guild boss real quick, then run 50 auto fights for GR1? Nope, you better come swap gear for 4-5 champs first. Wanna do artifact raid after? switch gear. Wanna do faction trial real quick? switch gear. Not even including the fact that BP is SEVERELY skewed on gear that uses CD or AS. It's fucking ridiculous lol

  • @geografia89
    @geografia89 2 месяца назад

    i personally feel if they add some mechanims to craft gear as needed if will make life easier...not saying crazy endgame gear but at least eh possibility to craft every 200-300 runs a gear of a specific set with the main ability +2 sub stats as the player want. This will not destroy the game but at least give you a goal for farming a lot...i love gacha but this is too gacha without a way to farm/craft specific gear/artifacts

  • @siegel1614
    @siegel1614 2 месяца назад

    Ash you don’t have 20 legendary hero’s, you are missing like 5 total lol but I have hit a wall with this game as well. Still play everyday but I’m not grinding the way I used to

  • @Megalodon-1
    @Megalodon-1 2 месяца назад

    I am around day 95 login and still very interested in the game. I can see where at some point this might get boring, especially for those of you who have played from the start. I am still optimistic that new content will come in time. I plan on the long haul. Time will tell. Played RAID for over 3 years and have zero interest in going back

  • @UnpaidSeclusion
    @UnpaidSeclusion 2 месяца назад

    So far i dont see any problems, love the game 😌

  • @johnnewman8180
    @johnnewman8180 2 месяца назад

    1st thank you for all that u do.. Ash plz check your WoR private chat.. with over 2k summons i have yet to pull a nuke that isn't maul.. i have durza but he nukes me so that's counterproductive. i have heals and tanks.. yes i have dps but none that id call a nuke.. cc is great but without big nuke i just die slower. luck of the game i guess.. either way my last day of playing this will most likely be in a month or 2, honeymoon period is over. Ash plz check your WoR private chat u don't need to talk back just check it may be important stuff don't neglect the shy ppl..
    Be Happy and Safe :)

  • @OlePittyP
    @OlePittyP 2 месяца назад

    Something I’ve been thinking of is there is soo many trash legos that should have never been legos. I know some people will be mad but make those trash legos into epics and give legos something special. Like a talent.

  • @Froto-T-Baggings
    @Froto-T-Baggings 2 месяца назад

    1/2 foot in, 1000….feet out? But, like and subscribe.

  • @dougphisig
    @dougphisig 2 месяца назад

    I quit raid earlier this month after nearly 4 years i think, as I'm just tired of plarium and all new content they were adding I did not really like outside cursed city being mostly ok bar for the fact it was just a little to hard because it was so relient on your luck with the hero pool. However I gotta say definitely seeing cracks appearing in this game that just were not seen in that first say 6 months of the game. I do hope they can listen to the feedback and make adjustments to this game, either that or it will go the way of so many others over the last few years and just be limited engagement until the game dies. I'd love to find something I could get as invested in for mobile game, and in fact i'm actually playing the crap out of Pokerogue lately which is a free browser based game for pokemon battles, but is all free including having a gacha system that is purely based on gameplay.

  • @dbproductions1732
    @dbproductions1732 2 месяца назад

    I just got Aracha. I get more champs in this then raid. I get like 80 summons a weak just playing the game. This game is good. I got 4 lord's already with less then 3k pulls. And I started playing this like 3 months after raid and in the end game of this game already. I beat gears 2 and 3 21 already. I'm stuck on gear raid 1-20 and gear raid 4 stage 5. To me the structure is really good. I'm able to get any hero max when I get them. In RAID this takes me weeks.

  • @jqiq
    @jqiq 2 месяца назад +1

    if raid didn't have 3rd party programs like RSLhelper would never have time to do anything .. so this is not a fair comparison with wor..

  • @marink701
    @marink701 2 месяца назад

    Let's just give Moonton a bit more time, I say. 'Giving people bad wine to get drunk on, only to serve the best after', is literally an ancient recipe. Let's all give them more time and remember the first and last perspective on such games- 'It's all about the climb". Which is actually encouraging to not spend 'cause guys, we all love our Ash, but would you want to have his roster within the time he plays the game (6 months or so)? As a CC his reasons for a great account are obvious and we need it, but why are many in a rush to have AV Valkyra's, Khamets, top gear on all the champs you use in every content etc etc..? Sounds kinda boring to me. No climbing. Ash keep up the great work! Big cheers to all!

  • @amp7980
    @amp7980 2 месяца назад

    Yeah its getting dull. Im now stuck at 19 and in weeks i still havent gotten a single usable set of any of thise gear sets so im stuck
    They do have a unique way to triple the hero diversity. They already have flying monsters. Have flying heros. And add underground monsters and heros

  • @vulturnuszan
    @vulturnuszan 2 месяца назад

    the gear grind in WoR has got me beat. farming hundreds and hundreds of items that are mostly junk and then attempting to level the few that have good stats only to have them turn out to be crap too. It just gets really old fast.

  • @bryangirod9173
    @bryangirod9173 2 месяца назад +2

    There is an affinity type system. Damage vs armor types.

    • @killamole2188
      @killamole2188 2 месяца назад

      Was gonna say the same, game prol lacks game modes more then anything

    • @TheDefaultClass
      @TheDefaultClass 2 месяца назад +1

      Maybe affinity doesn’t matter as much as it should

  • @luebeckm
    @luebeckm 2 месяца назад

    The 9 dislikes were the game devs

  • @viborabr
    @viborabr 2 месяца назад

    I stopped playing Raid because of two things: 1 - They are so greedy that I feel guilty every time I spend. In WoR, I can keep up with RUclipsrs with minimal spending. 2 - The quality of life aspects are shocking; to 6 stars and max levelling a champ in Raid is such a chore that I just can't bear it. Said that there is no doubt Raid has more depth and combinations without a doubt, and I agree that the buffs, debuffs and affinities are the keys. Additionally, WoR needs to buff some forgotten heroes, as you said 10 times already. On the other hand, as you noted, WoR is really recent and can only partially be compared with another game with years of marketing and a monster budget. Overall, the criticism is good and will help WoR improve.

  • @Bleachguy2023
    @Bleachguy2023 2 месяца назад

    there are only a few hero's now that will excite me they are hex vierna hattsut and torodor that's really it not that all of them are bad

  • @expungerbaby659
    @expungerbaby659 2 месяца назад

    Of course you didnt read my comment. Geez

  • @Mickey_Valentine
    @Mickey_Valentine 2 месяца назад

    Its awesome :))))

  • @Bleachguy2023
    @Bleachguy2023 2 месяца назад +1

    we have to give moonton props for adding a new way to source ancient summons from brave conquest but individual goals on tournies need a rework two even if the last one gave a rare or lego or ancient summon i dont really like them and not going all in really just pop on each day and do my dailys set farming up then im off

  • @usmansabir3897
    @usmansabir3897 2 месяца назад

    I am probably one if the very few people playing the game for about 5 months WITHOUT a single rage regen hero... I am literally stonewalled in progress for about 2 months.
    I have been extremely unlucky to not get these heroes even on their banner (120 summons for hollow on its last banner without getting it).
    This is the problem with the game not tbat i am not getting a hero i need but rather all end game content is blocked from my access without it. This is a harsh meta. I would rather devs revise content to not make it impossible without a certain class of hero.

  • @UnWokeChronicles
    @UnWokeChronicles 2 месяца назад

    still playing but not spending money anymore. i agre, too watered down and rates are so bad and hidden

  • @balabala9570
    @balabala9570 2 месяца назад

    Dude, I get your point, you are right. But let's be honest, you bought the whole game, you've been through the whole content, you've finished the game... move on.
    I moved on from Raid.
    Here, it's a new game for me, I'm in an active clan and have lots of stuff to do.
    Take care, Ash, you're a greate dude❤

  • @InanisNihil
    @InanisNihil 2 месяца назад

    My complaint is despite I still love the game and sus decision aside.. the game really lacks DIVERSITY and VARIETY.. nothing is really replayable.. fyi if ur using auto battle .. my point is proven.. even more so with power dominance.. 😂 cause I’m a casual and not a CC I have zero reason to manually do any gr after I beat it the first time except just redo it with a new hero I get then back to auto battling a million times while I watch RUclips or choke my chicken.. 😂💀 I like campaign for the constant different stages but rewards aren’t worth it.. so it’s one and done .. gr’s let’s not pretend we beat once then auto it fit the rest of our lives.. it’s not FUN.. tbh I find faction trials most fun cause I’m forced to use units I would never use else where… but I actually like that.. rewards are doodoo though as it’s really just to get ur BP fit tide.. tide is ass… I say add another new mode.. where it’s infinite waves of mobs an bosses but it’s a normal stage… 😂 it be something different .. at this point I play simply to not miss out on gems so I can summon .. basically still play cause I’m just a “Pokémon” collective which I like but it’s still not a way u want ur game to be .. it needs more FUN.. I’d be ok with them putting a hold on new heros to make the game far more fun first..

  • @user-xn2oe3pt1p
    @user-xn2oe3pt1p 2 месяца назад

    spent some money on the game until I found out the rates are a lie. So yeah Kai/Kria/Crach is what I have so not gonna get much content done, and no Dolores! Not pay again here.

  • @CrouchingGrandpa
    @CrouchingGrandpa 2 месяца назад

    I'm done with the game for now. I still do however recommend it to people to try it out, very fun game. I played about 7 months and for the first 5-6 it was loads of fun. Sometimes games don't need to last for years or even a year and I'm perfectly okay with it.

  • @Buzzregog
    @Buzzregog 2 месяца назад

    I deleted the game last week and just don't miss it.

  • @aimanzahry
    @aimanzahry 2 месяца назад

    It's not Watcher of Realms anymore... its Watcher of RageRegen. Thats all... Rage Regen, high ATK%, Atk Spd and Crit. Doesnt matter which hero, so long as it's the right hero, so most heroes I've summoned are unused. I havent even pulled Hollow or Elowyn since Global and Ive already finished the game minus full stars in a few faction levels. Started Dragonheir, and mixmatching teams has made me hook to push the leaderboards which they have for EVERY content in the game.

  • @martinstolz6698
    @martinstolz6698 2 месяца назад

    Za me hrdinove super vylepsovani grafika schopnosti veci artefakty raid by se mohl ucit problem je spis podle me End game kdy mate kampan ok a vetsinu raidu ok a mate dobre hrdiny nevite co s nima....chteli by to vic eventu a treba pribehu postav apod.....

  • @AnotherTwoSteps
    @AnotherTwoSteps 2 месяца назад

    I don't agree with affinities in WOR, it's a tower defense game not one to one combat ( or 4v4 ) like RSL, this game needs better ( WAY BETTER ) buffs and debuffs system.

  • @cwjustcw1261
    @cwjustcw1261 2 месяца назад

    I hit a wall unless I just bought a ton of summons and got real lucky. So progression has pretty much stopped. Not to mention nerfs to heroes due to moonton's poor planning and testing has penalized my account. So I'm just winding down on it till I just stop.

    • @cwjustcw1261
      @cwjustcw1261 2 месяца назад

      Oh let me add a specific example.. Faction Trials Esotericists stage 10 requires 2 healers from the faction. There are only 2 healers in this faction... BOTH LEGENDARY. Which I do not have.So hard wall I can not progress through.

  • @calpilot7
    @calpilot7 2 месяца назад +2

    The Boreas nerf wrecked the game for me. Won’t spend anymore money at all. Unethical to dilute content that was purchased.

    • @kgirona830
      @kgirona830 2 месяца назад +2

      and to nerf an epic 2 weeks after they release it like they did with esme with poison. actually, she was already nerfed on forerunner before being released too global.

  • @classicbarion6303
    @classicbarion6303 2 месяца назад

    This game is more about pulling the correct heroes than pulling the best gear.
    I already beat 2-21, there's no way I can beat 1-21 with my current crappy aoe heroes.
    same with the Arena, people with the right heroes can easily rank up.

  • @vincenttrujillo3586
    @vincenttrujillo3586 2 месяца назад

    I saw you Krackin Out at start. Most players don't spend or spend little. Sad to see you "Peaked" to soon. I am mid game and Loving it. You paid for the OP heroes and didn't have the gear for them. That should say something there. I was hoping for progress videos from you but you surpassed my level of progress; so your content didn't pertain to me. All CC's show you how to clear stage 18, 19, ect. What about the lower stages?

  • @lamarh2891
    @lamarh2891 2 месяца назад +1

    The game gets a bit boring when you can't progress anywhere due to the lack of gear. I haven't been able to progress in over 2-3 months so I've gotten to the point of not caring any more. That's sad.

  • @laurenceknipe8945
    @laurenceknipe8945 2 месяца назад

    I recon you just make a free to play account if you feel your drowning

  • @chris092283
    @chris092283 2 месяца назад

    What I hate about this game and makes it not fun for me is the abysmal drop rates.

  • @maxvonkrieger5043
    @maxvonkrieger5043 2 месяца назад

    We are spoiled and impatient. I blame raid.

  • @jedemmers
    @jedemmers 2 месяца назад

    Watcher of Realms is fun. But with terrible gear a good hero can be terrible and visa versus. The gear focus should be way less in my oppinion.

  • @guiltygamingnz544
    @guiltygamingnz544 2 месяца назад

    On my main I been playing 9months and although 2days less, decided to start a 3rd f2p an its refreshing u should try it, u learn to appreciate all the lower tier Champs. Well f2p players mainly

  • @jacksonlipsey3166
    @jacksonlipsey3166 2 месяца назад

    Its the countless shadow nerfs. No actual new content, temporary codex that u do once of 3 ancients is not new content once every month, gr4 that u can do once every month, the temp gamemodes that come with events are borring and unrewarding. What we really need is a higher ceiling, give us two extra campaigne difficulties that are crazy difficult but rewarding, give us nm 6 gb that gives u consistantly good rewards but is insanely difficult and requires u to not use dalores because of the small hp pool. So many easy slam dunks moonton can do by copy and pasting code and changing some values to better the game,

  • @ondeathsedge7278
    @ondeathsedge7278 2 месяца назад

    I dislike the fact that i cant awaken a lego of my choice.. getting a lego soulstone has for 200 days been not something i have gotten... .GIMME LEGO SOULSTONES...

  • @Magesty923
    @Magesty923 2 месяца назад +1

    Moonton is very generous with the summons. People need to quit bitching
    I think they do a pretty good job fwiw
    The problem I find is limited mats for hero progression

    • @astralb.2647
      @astralb.2647 2 месяца назад +2

      Comming from Raid, it's INSANE how much summons you get in WoR.

    • @davidhfranz
      @davidhfranz 2 месяца назад +1

      They are not generous with the gatekeeper summons (northern mage, esotericist healer, cultists fighter, infernal legendary dps, watcher marksman)

  • @jasonmariani1258
    @jasonmariani1258 Месяц назад

    If you truly care for the viewers that get YOU paid, then you should give them an insight as to what their actual odds are of pulling legendary hero’s with their hard earned cash. Today for instance I blew through $35.00 and got Selkath not once not twice but 3 TIMES. Now tell me there are odds involved when out of how many epics are actually in game that I manage to pull him 3x? That’s RIGGED 100% a totally rigged ratio that the more than Evil producers of Watcher of the Realms are completely guilty of. You should warn all that watch your videos that they have a better chance of pulling a legendary if they stop giving Moonton their RL bill and grocery money

  • @thehalf8
    @thehalf8 2 месяца назад

    Just stop spending. The moment they don't get money from users they'll start listening. It's not that hard.

  • @cbelchev
    @cbelchev 2 месяца назад

    in the beginning everyone was talking about how wor was so much better than raid and blah blah blah.. it only took 1 year for players to start crying and complain about wor hahahahaha thats pathetic. wor wont even last 5 years like raid its dying with light speed

  • @qwerty123412341000
    @qwerty123412341000 2 месяца назад

    "Raid has this perfect.."
    Aaaaand no. Raid sucked ass after playing it for a while as F2P. So while you as a massive whale had AFK time, I did not - other than watching my life pass while waiting for 2x 50 turns of CB

  • @biggussdickuss6123
    @biggussdickuss6123 2 месяца назад

    I have 30 legendary champs.... 2 maxxed 6 we'll off... so basically 20 legendary Champs doing nothingnbut being a gold champ