Son of the Morning Star part 19
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Son of the Morning Star part 19 with Gary Cole (George Armstrong Custer), Rosanna Arquette (Libby Custer), David Strathairn (Capt. William F. Benteen), Rodney A. Grant (Crazy Horse), Nick Ramus (Red Cloud), Stanley Anderson (Ulysses S. Grant), Edward Blatchford (Lt. Cooke), George Dickerson (Gen. Sherman), Tom O'Brien (Charlie Reynolds), Terry O'Quinn (Gen. Alfred Terry), Tim Ransom (Tom Custer), Dean Stockwell (Gen. Philip Sheridan), Demina Becker (Young Kate Bighead), Sheldon Peters Wolfchild (Bloody Knife), Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (Sitting Bull) and Buffy Sainte-Marie (Kate Bighead (voice) (tv mini serie 1991 - western, indians, history)
ever since the 1st time i heard bout Custer and the battle of little bighorn, when i still a lil boy i've been obsessed with it. the whole myth and everything else bout it.
currently i'm reading The Last Stand. it's a fascinating read. it's been a while since i watched Son of Morning Star, can't wait to revisit this miniseries and comparing it to the book i'm reading now.
Fine story for both groups
.too bad peace did notovertake be themball.
Custers skirmish lines were overwhelmed from the get go. The 7th was doomed !
they were doomed because he divided his forces. even so they would have lost.
What I learned from some accounts the 7th did beat them back after a third volley and at a stand still until Crazy Horse showed up with his Lakota. That's what I understood from the documentary I watched.
They had their own version of kamikaze's, warriors who would plow into custers men in suicidal charges, and they caused quick mayhem. Reno and Benteen didn't have to deal with those warriors
When Custer saw all of those warriors approach, he knew he was doomed.
This is by far one of the few movie about Custer and Little Bighorn this is a balanced viewpoint between the two sides. I would take this over Custer of the West or Little Big Man any day.
I always thought the intensity, and grit of this mini-series felt more real than the movie Gettysburg which came out around the same time.
MichaelCollins1922 How about Custer of the West or They Died With Their Boots On?
@@lagunaflyguy both are Hollywood fiction and BS in historical facts
I like the movie but the whole sequence with custer is wrong
Gut gemacht Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne !;!
General Custer tries to get Crazy Horse to fill out the new cover sheets for the TPS reports, and trying to get him to work on a Saturday. -circa 1876
Yeeeaaah! If you could just try and beat the Indians, that’ll be great!
this is the best part of US history
Great job to the prop master for not putting a colt peacemaker in GACs hands at his fall. If you look closely. He is loading a Webley "RIC" (the worlds first double action revolver which was made in England). Custer was known for his flamboyant, custom made uniforms and a penchant for exotic firearms.
This Movie is by far the most accurate of the Custer/Little Bighorn movies made, even after 20 years, even if it does have some inaccuracies in it.
This a pretty good accounting of the events. Back in the 1960's there was a TV documentary hosted and Narrated by Walter Brennan. It had some good information in it.
@punkrockxzz Exactly! The govt. should have removed the squatters from the Black Hills as required by treaty. However, it didn't want to tick off voters so it tried to squeeze the rez Sioux into selling them. When the govt. found out that non-rez Lakotas such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were stopping the sale the govt. called the army out on them to force them onto the rez where they would assumably be more compliant. It was civilian policy makers who were the real villians, not the Army.
Bravo nota10. Indienii
I agree with what this young man said for I feel that this was a great victory for the Lakota and our alies but I feel this was more a Victory for the Cheyenne Nation, for they were the ones who told custer that if he ever came to bother the Cheyenne again he and his men would die by their arrows.
Do you know if there are any accounts from Lakota & Cheyenne who defeated Custer that describe whether Custer could have retreated before he was surrounded & save the lives of his soldiers? In other words would the Lakota & Cheyenne have permitted Custer to flee or would that have been too great a risk for him to return w/a larger force?
This would not happen if our government kept its words and treaty with the natives.
The Indians dismounted, took cover, and just lobbed arrows into the remaining troopers on LSH. They weren't attacking mounted on horses. Only after their arrows had thinned-out Custer's command, and their fire began to slack, did they rush in to finish them off.
The Native Americans had better rifles. After the Civil War the War Dept. cut back. History does repeat itself.
The 1873 Springfields the army used actually had much better range.
@@luvfreedom1470 : But they had a tendency to jam after firing several rounds, and the spent cartridges then had to be ejected using a knife or other sharp object (as accurately shown in the movie).
What most history buffs don't realize is that Captain Benteen would Reincarnate into Eddie Ciccotte and make even more history with The Black Socks and appear in another gripping movie called Eight Men Out.
Great movie
Very good civil war movie telling real indian and soldier
Fighting and real story happened..
It's not the civil war, it was the indian wars
I know, I wonder if the Vikings had left horses running around how easily the Spanish had conquered the New World if they had faced mounted Aztecs & Incas
9:08 Wow, your last sight is a rain of arrows.
Custer may have died early in the battle & been dead by time of Last Stand. US Cav used single-shot trapdoor Springfields which tended to jam after 25 rounds due to black powder fouling. Many Indians had repeater rifles like Winchesters. So may not be historically accurate but visually a cool battle scene.
Actually the problem was the army initially manufactured ammo with copper casings which expanded and jammed.
After the fire in 1988 field investigators found numerous copping shell casings with knife marks made when the soldiers pried out the casings
How would he have made it all the way up to Last Stand Hill then?
Marcus Reno was ordered to attack the village head-on with only around 90 man. He had to fight around 800 braves. Benteen was send on a scouting mission even when he tried to talk some sense into Custer (keep the regiment together). After Reno and Benteen reunited, it was pointless to aid Custer because the regiment was to far away for a quick response. Even if Benteen and Reno made their way to Custer it would've been too late.
Yes they couldn't aide them but from the begining they had faulty intelligence as too how many combatants they would face
2 mile ride from Reno hill to Last Stand hill. Fifteen minutes? Most witnesses say that the gunshots from the Custer fight ended around the same time or shortly after Benteen reached Reno hill, but even if they hadn't, it seems likely that as you say- it was too late by then. I'm not sure about the 800 figure though; those present have given hugely different estimates to reliably put forward any figures. That said, with an estimated 2-2500 warriors in total, over a camp several miles long- is it likely that a full third of them were engaged in the Reno fight? I suppose it's possible, but I'd consider 800 towards the upper amount. I think Reno suggested at one point it was 4000- maybe a formula can be worked out using the equasion; double vision + Reno's likely exaggeration multiplier= amount of Sioux/Cheyenne in the Reno fight!
8:24 Custer is like: I ain't going out like no bitch!
Yeah a bitch is smarter n tougher....
2:12 It was at this moment Custer knew........he fucked up.
No me cabe duda, que el oficial George Armstrong Custer, a pesar de tanto retrato.
No era muy popular, tanto como para sus superiores, como para, subordinados, debió de ser, muy polémico.
Alguien, debía de estorbarle, y no me entra en la duda, de que utilizaron a los indígenas de la zona, para quitárselo de en medio.
De los que iban con él, no sobrevivió nadie.
Y eso, que no eran ni cuatro, ni cinco.
Sin embargo, a los soldados, que iban con Marcus Reno y Frederick Benteen, les dejaron vivos.
- ¿Sabían algo algunos nativos?, que después fueron asesinados, Caballo Loco y Toro Sentado,
, de que sólo debían acabar con Custer.
- ¿Por eso tuvo ese sueño Toro Sentado?, que caerían como moscas, ¿Sabia ya algo?, los indios serán como son, pero, no son tontos.
Y cuando, sé realizo la investigación de lo ocurrido con Custer.
La investigación, sé detuvo, porque, ya estaba en marcha, lo que algunos decían, que era la verdadera, campaña india.
Antes no, ahora sí, ahora sí, antes, no.
…Lo que paso con Custer, siempre y aunque haga muchas representaciones, quedara en la duda.
No es Custer fuera, un santo, pero, le hicieron pagar con creces, tanto a él, como a los hombres, que, le acompañaban ,el daño que había hecho ,sé lo hicieron pagar con creces.
I would never have ridden to this position, if then in the forest or behind rocks.
1:32 Only Men and Rainbow Dancer cameo.
Send in the british " heavy " cavalry waterloo era . Custer should have had the life guards ect lol . I like that crazy horse guy 👍 . And captain bentine is a cool customer 👍
Dramatic license aside, probably a very realistic depiction of the final minutes, as all cohesion collapsed into a collection of small fights and individuals cut down one by one until everyone was dead.
People would behave alot better if the threat of few warriors was present
Reno is universally and justly excoriated for his conduct in the battle. Benteen, on the other hand, has supporters and detractors. I think this movie fairly captures Benteen's attitude (very well played by David Strathairn). Benteen was greatly influenced by his contempt for Custer as well as by what had happened to Major Joel Elliott at the Washita. Benteen did, however, have a direct order from Custer to, "Come on," an order that Benteen disregarded until shamed into advancing by Captain Weir (this is not shown, making it look like Weir was the only officer who left Reno Hill to try to reach Custer). As noted by other commenters, the Custer fight was virtually over by then, and Benteen's command (including Weir) was forced back to Reno Hill. To Benteen's credit, he organized and directed the defense on Reno Hill, unquestionably showing sound leadership and great personal courage. While it is no excuse, I do not think that Benteen realized just how much trouble Custer was in on the 25th. On June 27th, Benteen at first flatly refused to believe that Custer had been defeated even when told so by General Terry, and Benteen was genuinely shocked at finding Custer dead on Last Stand Hill.
Benteen did to Custer and his men exactly what he HATED Custer for abandoning Major Elliott at Washita. Benteen should of been shot when he got off his horse at Reno Hill he had his orders to advance and did not
I think Gen Custer's order to capt Benteen was a badly written one, with little or no inform of what Gen Custers intention where and in the Fog or war capt Benteen had every justification in disobeying it.
You understand that Capt Benteen action of disobeying that order probably saved the lives of the rest of the Regiment form being wiped out
When one reads Benteen's memoirs, one can't help but feel that there's a streak of sour-grapes jealousy in them. Both Benteen and Custer served in the Civil War but now Custer (younger by several years) is a lt. colonel and I'm only a captain.
Benteen gets a lot of shit but he did what Custer failed to do, save his own command. He recognized that they were outnumbered and outgunned and got the hell out when he could. So many seem to overlook that Benteen rode out to Custer (contrary to what the movie shows) and they were driven back. They then spent the whole night and into the next day on that ridge getting shot at by surrounding warriors. Benteen and Reno just didn't have the manpower or weapons to relieve Custer, that simple. Plus, Custer was a dick that sent Benteen on a pointless scouting mission in the first place. Duty or not people don't risk their lives for dicks.
Iuvfreedom thank you i totally agree with you i am fed up to high teeth with the Custer fan club blaming Benteen for what was 1 Custer mistake and 2 bullish ineptitude . If it was not for action of Capt Benteen the 7th Cav would of been wiped out at the battle of the Little big horn
personally looking at all the historical fact that we now have and on what we know of military fitness of units. I do not think that the 7th Cav regiment in 1876 was fit anther unit to in the should been used it this campaign.
way ? to many new troopers and a command staff at war with each other
And now can say Terry , Crook and Gibson did not now this
Custer should have taken out an insurance policy and waited for general terry and not rushed in those native americans are tough . Respect to both sides
@yburra4180 No one was found guilty of anything. The Army closed its ranks and protected its own. It threw the blame for the disaster entirely on Custer. General Terry, who divided his forces and issued discretionary orders, did what he could to throw Custer under the bus. However, the biggest problem was the arrogant mindset of the entire Army that quite simply didn't believe that the Indians would stand and fight if faced by a large body of troops.
Great point Terry did what Custer gets raked over the coals for
Today is the 140th anniversary of the battle.
and disrespectfully fuck your government because they lied.
That may be true but the heroic stand was actually a 2 in a half hour battle and Custer was one of the easy targets like the officers he and his 2 brothers (1 was brother in law)
And his young nephew was pretty much standing up on the hill. And like I said last time Custer was injured one time then was killed. It was near the end so many Indians was aiming at him
It also didn't help that Custer, Reno and Benteen all despised each other.
Anyhow it appears comparable to a similar situation approximately 75 years later in Stalingrad, when the so called "sub humans" were hitting back.
Are you kidding? Try Isandluwana, where the British got almost the exact same thing only a few years after this battle.
Can't really compare the two. Stalingrad was one of the biggest battles in history with a lot of moving parts that took over 6 months to complete.
Custer did not use the Colt.45. He had an English Bulldog.
Why didn't cavalry soldiers carry hand guns? That seems a natural item for them, not to mention that you get off 6 shots instead just one before reloading.
They did carry hand guns
Why go back that far ... the Sioux tribes were scalping and killing Crow Indians in this time period. Indians and US ... both are humans and both prone to the human condition of fighting and warring against their own kind. All the same ... cultures clash.
At 7:55 the scene shows what appears to be a young Indian warrior becoming sick to his stomach while scalping a dead soldier. This guy bore a remarkable resemblance to the character "Laughs A Lot" in the movie "Dances with Wolves". In DWWs, Laughs A Lot gives the strong impression that he might not only be very young, but also (perhaps) gay. Anybody else pick up on that?? Or am I just depraved??
Close resemblance. Different actors. In the scene, it's probably his first battle.
Custer makes the " charge of the light brigade " look like a perfectly sensible military exercise ! 🤔 .
0:49 awesome shot
Near my god to thee always gets me
Here is the irony of this scene, Custer had the chance to take Light Artillery and even a couple of Gattlinguns with him. Who knows, maybe they could have saved the day for the 7th. Cavalry in that battle.
@Scott Ellerby totoy bato
The short lived but very harsh Mini Ice Age that hit the Northern part of world around 1.000 AD and the collapse of the Pagan Viking kingdoms in The Nordic countries led to the demise of the Viking colonies in Eastern Canada and Greenland. The resistance local Native population was a problem but not the main one.
Run boys there fighting back
June 25th 1876--June 25th 2011, 135 yrs ago. RIP to all those soldiers and native americans who fought and died there.
AlternityGM:.....The US 1873 45-70 carbine was a good gun, powder fowling had nothing to do with jamming the gun's was the cheap SOFT COPPER casings issued to the men, the cases were sometimes prone to splitting upon firing which caused the guns extractor to tear through the rim of the casing upon opening the breech to eject it.
No women and children here just men
You can accuse Custer of hubris, arrogance, maybe even impetuous... What he was NOT was a coward or a fool. Check out his Civil War record. Maybe reckless at times, but extremely brave and an outstanding soldier. And... History shows that while he did kill Indians, which was an unfortunate part of the "job description", he was not an Indian hater as some were. While he did his job, he was very conflicted about Manifest Destiny. He did feel great empathy for the Indians and understood why they fought to maintain their way of life. He was a complex man for sure. Historian Robert Utley said something to the effect of " Who you think Custer was, depends on who YOU are".... Some see him only as a reckless fool, others see something different. I think he was saying, it just depends on your personal perspective. We can all have a different opinion, but one thing is indisputable. He was no coward.
Jan Upczak he was a fool he got a lotta people under his command killed just so he could look good
@@judeathknowshisgun5290 That is certainly one perspective, and one many people hold. I don't necessarily disagree completely with you. I think he did not show great judgement, to say the least, at the Little Bighorn.
been lloking for this movie for a long time how can i buy it?
With a visa card.
I definitely hear you Tainted. To die in a battle like this would be like a dream come true.
Molto bello e ben fatto,però che maccello😢
Poor Cooke...good Canadian boy....
@FollowerOfTheGods Yeah, I read that many of them were found dead far from Custer hill. Probably ran in complete panic.
What does Captain Weir say at 5:52? I have never been able to make it out. "Chase 'em out"?
"Twos about!" The order for the column to turn around (and head out).
It would have been cool if they had Godfrey’s rear guard action to buy time.
Custer split the forces under his command. If he had engaged them in force (with the Gatling guns he was offered, he could have even won) maybe the attack could have been beaten by the Indian Warriors, but more of his men could have survived to retreat, even himself.
Gatling guns would not of helped and staying together was not standard procedure at the time however taking some 2nd cav soldiers might have helped
@@travisdavis6778 doing that would have increased the risk of indians scattering which would result in a defeat for the entire campaign
Custer was shot 35 sec before the battle ends it was only at least 12 soldiers left on the hill the rest were trying to run like cowards and at least Custer had the guts to stand up on last stand hill and fire his pistol to the end. The injuans respected this action
Considering the 7th cavalry was comprised of mostly urban easterners and European immigrants, and served in an army faced with typical postwar budget cuts, the outcome of this battle was not surprising. Add the political intrigue of the officers of the regiment, and it was a recipe for disaster.
Also, not really covered here, but a lot of the Indians had repeating Winchersters, (bought from gun traders or stolen from settlers) while Custer's men were still using the single shot Springfields, as the army, in typical fashion, used equipment until it failed.
@@robertdiethrich6775 or maybe his luck ran out, ever think about that?
Funny thing I keep watching this for the same outcome but in 1876 the army did not have Winchester repatering rifle s if they did have they might have saved the day
He decided to give up certain things in favor of speed: no artillery, no gattling guns, no wagon trains. Just ordinary guns and mule trains. He knew that when you have to chase indians, you have to be fast.
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2:12, "Shit, where they come from?
Benteen was insubordinate and Reno was by many accounts a drunk and a coward
Custer should have been more afraid of the Indians not escaping.
@The Mystery Man my only criticism of Custer in this battle is the faulty intelligence and not taking 2nd cav troops
@The Mystery Man the size of village doesn't tell you how many warriors you face the Indian agents understated how many warriors left the agencies
Yet, Reno saved half his men, even though he was thrown at the village head on with only about 150 soldiers and some scouts. Have to give him some credit for realizing how screwed they where a-lot quicker than Custer did.
Poor George
I wonder if it would’ve turned out different if he brought his Gatlin guns. Just think if he would of won this battle he could’ve had a chance at the White House, President Custer
And you... Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
Not true at all, a noted historian did a recent book about it, and found Custer had never mentioned in public or private, any political ambitions
@@Fixingtodraw stop regurgitating what you were taught in school
I never understood the begining of this movie
Custer had it coming...
He isn't immortal the bastard is dead, 'epic death'? you have no idea of exactly how he died, not even the Indian accounts mention him, Black Elk recons they didn't even know which one was him. 'Everlasting fame' the word in 'infamy'. He was an arrogant butcher who was killed by warriors whose women and children his part of the unit were trying to ride down. It wasn't even his first offence, he had committed similar atrocities previously, significantly on the Washita in November 1848 ' That day he ran away and left several of his men to die...arrogant bullies are often cowards. Hoka Hey.
Please study history Washita was 1868 not 1848....Custer wasn't even at the Point then
during an attack like that did they haf to order reload ???
A sad day for both sides and the world
Captain Benteen is the hero.
They should of formed square.
@blacktheknife The army didn't issue repeating rifles to troopers. Sabers were useless against an opponent that used hit-and-run tactics besides the Civil War had shown that a revolver was a much better for close-combat.) Gatling Guns were useless against a foe that didn't use massed charges. WIth the possible exception of the repeaters, whose non-use was result of the cash-strapped War Dept. not Custer, sabers and gatlings wouldn't have made an iota of difference.
The Spencer cavalry rifles were not adequate weapons
1:13 what are they doing?
From what I understand the dust and smoke was so thick they had a difficult time telling friend from for ...
It is very nice to see how Custer and his murderers got punished. Great victory.
Great victory ??? The Indians couldn't take Reno's hill !!!
great victory please, how pc Custer was outnumbered 19 to one, and the Indians were better armed
Well that's what we call them
Grand Admiral We are Native you dumbass...your stupid for follow in Columbus footsteps when the fool thought he was in India...Whitey is stupid as can be and your are too
I have read on several comments that Custer got what he deserved or got what was coming to him. Custer was ambitious, wanted all the glory for himself. He did split his command up, in spite of the reported number of Indians. He didn't want any other unit like the 2nd cavalry, getting the glory the was due him.
Congratulations to the Indians. They did a good job.
Custer was an assassin.
that part when the witchdoctors got him..... smh
ridiculous … the pistols dont kill anything at that range … the natives were not cut doiwn that easily or in those numbers … yes, i’ve visited the battle ground
sad ‘merikuns with their “aren’t we the saviours of mankind” dramatisation
Eat a Snickers, you aren't you when you're hungry.
Not exactly the way Budweiser depicted it.
Custer kicked open an ant nest. Underestimated the number of Indians. Plain and simple.
Great victory, Natives.
Remember that Custer was disobeying his orders. He was supposed to wait. He chose not to.
@SgtBaker16 Don't know what history you're reading. (Don't be greedy Custer, wait for us)
Custer mistakenly thought he was spotted had he known he wasn't he may have been more cautious
Literally the whole command disobeyed orders that day. Once in survival mode, all bets where off.
Do know anything of sand creek? Tell that to the soldiers who scalped and mutilated the woman and chidren of Cheif Black Kettle who flew under a flag of peace, then proudly displayed them in the church.
Part 19 Ardy gets his Ass handed to him 🤣
That's the name ain't it
Custer got Sioux'd
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Custer and his men at their Last Stand? Sure, Custer made some bad decisions in his life, but nobody's perfect. And, I agree with MikeDallas1000's comment below.
@mkeogh76 You're very wrong, friend. In close quarters fighting, a sabre would have been much better than those silly clubs the indians had, especially if you run out of pistol ammo or don't have the time to reload. And the Gatlings, while admittedly slowing, would have chewed up the indians lke a blender. And the Army SHOULD have issued Winchester RIFLES to all soldiers. Why do you think we learned from WWII and all troops had M-16s or 14s?
Nils Skudaarkaat they were fighting with what they had...whitey creates weapons that destroy all of can survive a shot form a bow and arrow depending on where you get hit but a bullet will go straight through you
"These aren't unarmed women and children but Sioux and Cheyenne warriors waiting for you"
man you'd be a lucky indian to have got custer's scalp. What a ledgendary battle though both sides were true warriors wish I could die in a battle like this.
quero em português sou brasileiro
No comment RAa
Custer was a complete tosser..What good officer splits his forces before knowing where the enemy is and what there strength is..His other downfall was that most of his officers hated his guts,and therefore when Capt.Benteen and Mjr.Reno had the opportunity to ride to assist him,they took the better option of staying put.
After this battle,an enquiry found both officers,guilty .