  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The key to the past history of planet Earth is the Bible.
    God's Word is the key that unlocks all the mysterious past events in human history.
    The Word of God is the key to opening the vistas of future history for the destiny planet Earth hurtles toward.
    Across the face of our world seethes ethnic rivalry, genocide, ancient hatred, religious and regional warfare. Where did the races and nations come from?
    Nationalism is rising from the Balkans to the Orient. Terrorists seek to cause concessions to gain independence in the Basque country, Northern Ireland, Palestinian areas, and other places. How did all this start? Genesis 10 gives us the birth of the nations. So, the Bible is the key to the present, written in God's Word in the past!
    Open with me to perhaps the most fascinating chapter in the Bible: The Table of the Nations. It is God’s map of all the human family-the ultimate genealogy. All of our relatives are found in just one chapter of God's Word!
    As we review these 32 verses tonight, you will come to the same conclusion I have. Namely, the Biblical explanation of national and tribal origins is far superior to any evolutionary ideas, both morally and genetically.
    The most important difference between groups of men, of course, is not skin color but language. Only the language barrier could enforce isolation and inbreeding among men, and only such inbreeding could have produced the many distinctive physical characteristics of the different groups.
    God created Adam and Eve, the first couple of humans in the History of Earth; they had 2 sons and 2 lines, and God chose one of Abel’s. Only one of Abel’s lines survived the Flood. So God again chose one couple - the Noah’s to start over with, they had 3 sons.
    God worked down one line Shem’s to one man - Abraham, through a son of promise Isaac, to a son of election Jacob, to 12 sons of which one was Judah through whom came Jesus the Christ! WOW! God is in charge and directs the affairs of humans who, as they make absolutely responsible choices, do His will.
    Now to Genesis 10. As far as the early nations are concerned, the three major groups of nations naturally stemmed from the three sons of Noah. Seventy original nations are listed in Genesis 10, extending to sometime soon after the scattering of the people from Babel.
    In general, the Table shows the descendants of Japheth (10:2-5) migrating into Europe, those of Ham (10:6-20) southward into Africa, and those of Shem (10:22-32) remaining in western Asia. Although not certain, it seems probable that the Far East was later settled by certain groups from the Hamitic and Japhetic nations.
    Origin of Races and Nations The Bible clearly teaches that all present races and nations, tribes and languages, have been derived from Noah’s three sons and daughters-in-law in the few thousand years since the Great Flood.
    From this beginning, the development of the present world population has been quite reasonable and conservative. However, it might be questioned whether such extreme variations in physical and linguistic characteristics among different groups of men could develop so rapidly.
    Several major European royal genealogies can be traced back to Noah's sons and the Table of Nations in Genesis chapters 10-11. This is another crucial piece of evidence that points us directly back to our true ancient history, which is on the order of thousands of years and concur with the Bible's true record of our ancient history.
    The best source on this topic is Bill Cooper, of Middlesex, England, wrote and edited "After the Flood" in 1995 after spending over 30 years carefully researching ancient European genealogies. "After the Flood" is a compiled summary of this extensive research, independently verifiable from several national libraries' archives.
    (GEN-29; 001001PM)
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Комментарии • 25

  • @jimhrn8522
    @jimhrn8522 3 часа назад +2

    There is no such thing as pre- history, we have perfectly reliable history from day one😊

  • @JPGola-n9w
    @JPGola-n9w 3 часа назад +2

    💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙please pray for salvation for, My husband Pete, and two sons, Chris and Nick.

  • @jnovotney1369
    @jnovotney1369 9 часов назад +8

    John Barnett, You are precious. God loves you so so deeply. I appreciate your brilliance while yet humble. You are a rare and precious jewel 💗

  • @johnmacias7267
    @johnmacias7267 5 часов назад +4

    No such thing as prehistoric, no cave man either

    • @jnovotney1369
      @jnovotney1369 Час назад

      No pre His-Story, And I doubt Neanderthals either. I mean the deception is so great! It's just another 'mind job' where they have claimed on purpose knowingly false information putting together human evolution models usually based off half a thumb bone of something. Things like that when you really look into it. The problem is nobody ever looks into anything and we have been deceived beyond words and it's going to get worse a lot worse. I feel guilty praying for myself begging God not to let me be tested. But when I think about it compared to what the Satan ritual abuse the children are suffering I don't really have a right to ask anything 😞

  • @TimNeto
    @TimNeto 3 часа назад +1

    I am at 10:45 time mark. Always Bible and hi-story learned persona state Noah and it’s implied he and his wife restart the existence of man. Noah, his wife, the sons Japheth, Ham and Shem start mankind again. Always omitted is the unknown genetic contribution of Noah’s daughter in laws. We are not told of them. While Noah May of been of moderate characteristics (skin tone, build and height), the daughter in-laws some could of been more or less melanin. Also, while apparently neutral, they could also be the source for some of the odd myths and legends of old.

  • @frankb9575
    @frankb9575 8 часов назад +1

    Did I miss the fossil and caveman information in this study???

    • @northpoint1039
      @northpoint1039 7 часов назад +1

      I think Dr. Barnett is eluding to the point that cavemen came about from inbreeding of the tribes. As for the Fossils I missed that also. I wish Dr. Barnett made these two points clearer as they are the title of the discussion. Take care and be safe :)

  • @jnovotney1369
    @jnovotney1369 9 часов назад +5

    I have been a member for a while now. I'm 58 and very distractible. I finally printed out the paperwork for the first lesson of the 52 weeks, got my folder got my notepad have umpteen Bibles but I do have the McCarthy study Bible and today I'm going to put it all together and start. I'm still a little confused but I'm sure I will figure it out I'm an old retired nurse well I retired early due to injury but still I feel 80 ☺️

    • @ociana
      @ociana 6 часов назад +1

      One step at a time, friend.❤

    • @krismayo2013
      @krismayo2013 5 часов назад


  • @Otessa-j4u
    @Otessa-j4u 14 часов назад +1

    Amen and Amen

  • @jbunch3331
    @jbunch3331 12 часов назад +2

    Saul was a cave man. David cut his robe as he slept in a cave. Yay Jesus loves you!!!

  • @marianaeksteen7248
    @marianaeksteen7248 58 минут назад

    ,simpel advertensie.

  • @patriciawand4768
    @patriciawand4768 12 часов назад


  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 7 часов назад +1

    Is one chapter in the Bible more important than any other chapters in the Bible, as Mr John Barnett seems to indicate with Genesis 10 ? What did Jesus say to Satan, who told Jesus to turn stones into bread to eat after not having eaten for 40 days (verses 2 and 3), at Matthew 4:4 ?
    This: "It is written (at Deut 8:3): ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on EVERY word that comes from Jehovah’s mouth.’”(Note: Jehovah is God's name, see Ex 6:3, KJV)
    At 2 Timothy 3:16, 17, the apostle Paul wrote: "ALL Scripture (or the WHOLE Bible of 66 "books") is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be FULLY competent, completely equipped for EVERY good work."
    At Luke 24, shortly after Jesus resurrection, in meeting up with two Jews, with one named Cleopas, who was traveling to the village of Emmaus and was "hoping that this man (Jesus) was the one who was going to deliver Israel" from Roman oppression, Jesus now says to them:
    "O senseless ones and slow of heart (having the WRONG view of why Jesus came to the earth) to believe ALL the things the prophets have spoken ! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory ?” And starting with Moses and ALL the Prophets, he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures."(Luke 24:15-27)
    So, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, a TRUE Christian reads, meditates and tries to understand it, applying it, and is like the "young children" that Jesus spoke of in prayer at Matthew 11:25, saying: "I publicly praise you, Father (Jehovah God), Lord of heaven and earth,"
    "because you have hidden these things (Bible "truths", such as the "Kingdom", see Matt 11:12) from the wise and intellectual ones (such as those with seminary training who keeps people in "darkness" with falsehoods, see Isa 60:2a) and have revealed them to young children (that teaches "deserving ones", see Matt 10:11, the truth about Jehovah God and the Bible, see Isa 60:2b)."

  • @krismayo2013
    @krismayo2013 5 часов назад

    There are 3 earth and heaven AGES. The FIRST EARTH AGE for dinosaurs. This is the second EARTH age. The third earth age starts after the 1000 years anc the great white throne judgment. Thats the EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING

  • @JesusChrist_the_one
    @JesusChrist_the_one 9 часов назад

    Thank you for such a wonderful teaching ❤️