Catfishing Guntersville Dam. BIG FLATHEAD.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @robertmartin4334
    @robertmartin4334 Год назад

    Enjoyed your video. Keep catching the big ones and little ones. Like that you do catch and release on some of them. Time for some good eating.

  • @moonpiespotlight4759
    @moonpiespotlight4759 Год назад

    It's fun catching those skipjack, those are huge compared to the ones I used to catch in the Mississippi River. I'd love to fish those tail races.

  • @ronaldthomas7918
    @ronaldthomas7918 Год назад

    Nice Catch Sister keep it up
    Ron in Los Angeles

  • @dalehayslip5008
    @dalehayslip5008 Год назад

    First time watching your channel.Really enjoyable to watch so I subscribe so I can watch the latest when they come out.

  • @royhubbard9075
    @royhubbard9075 Год назад

    Just found Y’all, great channel!!!!

  • @baccoff3308
    @baccoff3308 Год назад

    Nice catch!

  • @joebrown810
    @joebrown810 Год назад

    Im gonna take a short nap .let me know when it’s in the

  • @JohnWilliamson-d2m
    @JohnWilliamson-d2m Год назад

    I haven't seen it come up yet but it has to be a big Flat Head!!

  • @Jaang29
    @Jaang29 Год назад

    at what time did y'all start fishing ? looks really early it's still dark , hello from Miami, FL , no rivers to fish , but lots of lakes and canals

  • @garyrice3338
    @garyrice3338 Год назад

    Was curious what kind of reels you have paired with the B n M rods? Thanks

  • @joerob3449
    @joerob3449 Год назад

    Nice fish! Congratulations A flathead won’t bite you like a blue will you don’t need grips seems better to weigh a fish that big in the net

  • @jeffdavidson3605
    @jeffdavidson3605 Год назад

    Good job girl nice flatty