恭喜我們的頻道突破10萬訂閱!🎉 感謝大家一路以來的支持! 這次的幸運 Subscriber is @Joannec6634,恭喜你獲得回饋大獎!🎁 Huge thank you to everyone who participated in our 100,000 subscribers Giveaway! 🎉 Thank you guys for all the support! The lucky winner of our grand giveaway is @Joannec6634! Congratulations!!! 夏天即將告一段落,你們還有哪些想知道的夏末護膚秘訣嗎?趕快在下方留言告訴我,我會盡力為大家解答!🌞 As summer is coming to an end, do you have any last-minute summer skincare tips you’d like to know about? Leave your questions and comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer them! 🌞
恭喜我們的頻道突破10萬訂閱!🎉 感謝大家一路以來的支持! 這次的幸運 Subscriber is @Joannec6634,恭喜你獲得回饋大獎!🎁
Huge thank you to everyone who participated in our 100,000 subscribers Giveaway! 🎉 Thank you guys for all the support! The lucky winner of our grand giveaway is @Joannec6634! Congratulations!!!
As summer is coming to an end, do you have any last-minute summer skincare tips you’d like to know about? Leave your questions and comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer them! 🌞
謝謝Dr . Erica !用心推薦這麼多好用的護膚品 . 一直都有照著你的推薦 方法保養, 皮膚越來越好了 😊😊
🌟🌟🌟 封面也太美了!❤❤❤
Transino 我出差都帶在身上!還好買對了!🤣
That must be Nara! I love those Deers!!! OMG!!!🦌🦌🦌
You are so cute Dr Erica 😍
解釋A醇那段加速快轉Dr. Erica 真的是太可愛了 ! 又專業又活潑又有氣質的醫師❤❤
Hello 👋♥️♥️♥️
OK very good things like ❤❤❤🎉🎉💯💯
我真的是這個夏天什麼都不敢用, 皮膚曬的好乾燥, 看到這一集好開心, 皮膚終於有得解救了 ! 謝謝Dr.Erica !
如果又乾燥又想抗老可以 珂潤跟Retinol 那隻美白一起用嗎 ?
可以, 但是不要一起使用, 可以 早上用珂潤 晚上用怡麗絲爾那隻 . 或者今天晚上使用 珂潤, 明天晚上使用怡麗絲兒, 再後天使用珂潤 , 以此類推下去 ~ Have a beautiful day 😊
hadir dari indonesia..full suport
add socials link to followed
謝謝 Dr. Erica最新一集詳細說明介紹如何在炎炎夏日選擇防曬美白產品以及使用方法,有效防止皮膚曬傷產生黑斑,並且回春,不必再擔心夏天怎麼保養肌膚。
also english subtitle
Hi hello good evening idol so beautiful and very nice pretty woman in I love you
new subs from manila philippines hope u pinned me on comment also a vlogger