*Huge thanks to the German publisher @WestendVerlag for making this interview possible!* 🙌 Check out their RUclips channel (@westendverlag) and don’t miss Jeffrey Sachs' must-read book *"Diplomatie oder Desaster"* 👉westendverlag.de/Diplomatie-oder-Desaster/2201
While it is great that you had him as a guest and in general. The conversation was interesting, but it was a bit one-dimensional (you have done better interviews) For example like when he talked about Merkel taking wrong decisions and not standing up against the US and according to him with such high stakes, individuals matter. Well, what he leaves out (and you DIDN'T ASK) just a few years earlier when Schröder voiced his opposition to Iraq war, he wasn't alone many German and European politicians joined him. But from 2008 till today, most mainstream European politicians have supported the US policy on Ukraine and Russia. How does he explain this??? just about the individual politician on the top, or is there a LOT! more to it ??? Or his talk about the USA government/deep state being just stupid arrogant, etc.. sure, but isn't it far more interesting to ask who those interest groups are, which finance, push people to power to take those decisions.. and who benefits from such decisions. You could have probed this.. so the interview lacked depth...
He is talking out his a$$ on Ukraine. Putin is dead, and the US has been playing both sides. Helping Russia on one side, giving small amounts to Ukraine on the other. This war would have ended in Kherson if the US wasn't undermining Ukraine.
He is talking out his a on Ukraine. Putin is dead, and the US has been playing both sides. Helping Russia on one side, giving small amounts to Ukraine on the other. This war would have ended in Kherson if the US wasn't undermining Ukraine.
He is for a kind global state controlling the world. I don’t say that we don’t need a global coordination in some sectors. But if he comes with man-made global warming and all that bullshit….forget this guy
Ich denke, dass für den Westend Verlag Jasmin Kosubek die geeignete Interviewerin war, weil sie ein fleißendes Englisch und ein ökonomisches Studium vorweisen kann. Ideale Voraussetzung für dieses Interview.
@@AT-kx6fj Information: she has questions, we have questions. Shes direct thats a german trait and its not a bad one. May seem like interupting but it is couriosity driven so maybe you listen what she asks not how she asks...
ABSOLUTELY!!! I'm one of those long follower of PROF. JEFFREY SACHS...he's a Brilliant Intelligence and Smart Neutral, very Rational and Learned a lot from him.
@@debasismohanty1952they don’t hate west. They hate the western politicians who carried out stupid and destructive policies that don’t even benefit its own citizens.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is not afraid to say the quiet part out loud. More importantly, he is genuinely tirelessly working for peace and harmony in our world!
@AT-kx6fj I could not disagree more. Jasmine does push back a bit in a most polite way and even (I find unnecessarily) adding that she may be wrong. She actually bends back quite a bit - but understandably so when interviewing somebody of Sach's calibre. The word "egoistic" is completely out of place. Jasmine remained authentic by making her occasional disagreement known, but she was never out of bounds in any way. So it's quite the opposite: She handled the interview with a celebrity who's opinion she does not always share very well. What a contrast to much of today's mainstream journalists.
She also thinks that pushing the Palestinians out of their homes is normal cuz that is just how things go from time to time 🤢 look at the interview with mershheimer … 🤦🏼♂️
Klasse, dass Sie ihn eingeladen haben; ich verfolge seine Standpunkte zu geopolitischen Themen seit Jahren. Seine Aussagen (können) helfen, anerzogene Denk- und Meinungsmuster zu hinterfragen. Klasse Frau Kosubek! Weiter so!! Mit den allerbesten Grüßen
Ist es nicht so, dass die US Geostrategen schon immer im Auge hatten, den eurasischen Kontinent zu schwächen, um die unangefochtene Nr1 in der Welt zu sein/bleiben? Es gab immer Versuche diese Verbindungen zu kappen. ZB der Vertrag von Rapallo. Russische Rohstoffe für deutsche Maschinen. Das wurde konterkariert, indirekt über den Einmarsch der Franzosen ins Ruhrgebiet. Und in der Jetzt-Zeit hat Deutschland seit 2000 mit Russland immer bessere Beziehungen entwickelt. Wirtschaftlich, aber auch durch Nordstream. Ist die Sprengung und der Ukraine Krieg nicht voll im Interesse der US Industrie und Geostrategen, Deutschland und Russland zu schwächen? Es gibt Stimmen, die sagen, dass der Nichtangriffspakt zwischen Hitler und Stalin so gar nicht in das US strategische Konzept passten. Mich würde Ihre Meinung interessieren.
Mega. Jasmin kein Wunder, dass der Mainstream neidisch ist. Du hast tolle interessante und mutige Fragen gestellt. Ich bin einfach sprachlos begeistert 👍👍👍
Liebe Jasmin, ich bin regelmäßiger Besucher ihrer Seite und verfolge auch viele Beiträge von Prof. Sachs. Diese Interview ist hervorragend gelungen.Anders als in vielen Interviews mit Prof. Sachs gesehen habe, haben sie auch sehr kontrovers gefragt.In dem Gespräch von Prof. Sachs und Prof. Mersheimer hatte ich einmal kommentiert, dass Prof. Mersheimer eher die Positionen vor der Zeit der Aufklärung vertritt und Prof. Sachs der Vertreter der Aufklärung ist. Danke für dieses hervorragende Gespräch
Prof. Mearsheimer soll jemand sein, der seine Gedanken/ Argumente aus der Zeit vor der Aufklärung hat? Oder hab ich Sie mißverstanden? Jedenfalls habe ich mehreren Vorträgen und Interviews Prof. Mearsheimers zugehört und finde seine Gedanken und Argumente klug und überzeugend..
Prof Jeffrey Sachs is a great man of high humanity and integrity ! Highly recommend you his channel(s) ! And also "Neutralitätsstudien" of Pascal Lottaz.
Team Kosubek,.. ihr übertrefft euch selbst. Das ist Jeffrey Sachs. 😮😮😮So langsam bildet sich hier ein echtes hochkarätiges Format. War es schon zuvor, aber man merkt das es noch besser wird. Macht so weiter.. 👍👍👍 And a big thank you to Jeffrey Sachs, for his important opinion and his political point of view.. This is rare for us nowadays.. Reasonable estimates and grounded thoughts.
Dear Professor you are Honest and good hearted person. You are knowledgeable, straight, simple and humble. When someone is coming to interview you should have guts to face the powerful. Interviewer mostly come to satisfy their bosses.
@miloszforeman Indeed, He is not humble. On the contrary, he even believes himself to be an expert in climate, although He is just a believer of the usual - very well paid for - Mainstream narratives.
@@Digitale_Native 😂 Ach niedlich... Ich bin zweisprachig und darf bestätigen: Jasmins Englisch ist hervorragend! Auch inhaltlich ein SEHR gutes Interview.
@ und ich kann sehr gut englisch sprechen und darf bestätigen: Jasmins Englisch ist ganz okay, aber nicht richtig gut. Und jetzt? Was der Lachsmiley und die abfällige Art jetzt soll, weiß ich nun auch nicht. Habe ich dich persönlich angegriffen oder was ist los?
@@Digitale_Nativeweil du dummes Zeug redest. Jasmins Englisch ist ausgezeichnet. Du bist nicht der einzige auf dem Planeten der einwandfrei Englisch und das beurteilen kann.
After John Mearsheimer now Jeffrey Sachs. These are diamonds of wisdom and knowledge about geopolitical affairs. Great respect! Suggest to also put Victor Davis Hanson on the list.
Absolut tolles Interview...habe auch was gelernt und ja wenn gewisse Regeln wirklich verlässlich und bindend sind und diese nicht im Interesse von Unternehmen sind, dann könnte ja so was wie die UNO sogar Sinn machen. Danke Jasmin, toll gemacht - deine Ruhe und Offenheit hat ihn wieder zugänglich gemacht.
Sehr interessant. Ein sehr interessanter Gesprächspartner. Und Kompliment an Jasmin Kosubek, dass sie trotz dieser Intelligenz unf Selbstsicherheit auch kritische Fragen gestellt hat und auf bewegliche Art immer in ihrer unabhängigen Mitte blieb.
It was a good discussion and it shows that however well-informed someone thinks they are on an issue, it is extremely important to shed light on opposing views and that supranational bodies will not work without the direct involvement of the countries' people represented there.
Respekt Jasmin, so ein Hochkaräter. Leider bin ich von seiner Meinung zur Klimahoax und WHO enttäuscht. Dafür hat er ansonsten sehr vernüntige Ansichten.
He is a great 2:57 and brave hero, telling the world the truth nothing but the truth. Even against the mother land USA because he is patriotic fighting against the deep stakes who only want wars for the benefits of a few.
I loved that interview because Jasmin was questioning why we should trust the powers that be. Why we should believe things like climate change. There's a lot of disillusioned people out there. It was good to hear Jeffrey Sachs explain these things in a straightforward and heated way. Our systems of government are broken, which is a very good reason why Trump got elected. The fact he got elected at all points to how the US public have completely lost faith in its own government. This is also reflected right accross the western world..
On the contrary, I was surprised and disappointed to hear Prof. Sachs react in such an emotional , even impolite manner! But listening to him it became clear, why. He doesn't know more about climate change than the usual mainstreammedia-propaganda. Amazing. He is brillant in economy snd politics, so there is no obligation for him to be an expert in the climate-change-hoax, too. But - si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses!
I am curious about what Jasmin Kosubec thinks about the German foreign minister. My description of Baerbock is that she is a complete infantile that has ZERO ability to do the job. A embarrassment to the German people.
Stark !! Richtig gutes Interview mit einem großartigen Partner. Der Switch zum Thema Northstream II hat Euch wieder vereint, nachdem bei den Themen Klimawandel und WHO Dissenz bestand. Dieser Part war für Sie, Frau Kosubek, sicherlich nicht einfach, aber Sie haben das gut gemeistert (ich bin bei diesen Themen übrigens ganz auf Ihrer Seite). Als nochmals; dickes Lob für tollen Journalismus!
Dem kann ich zustimmen. Bezüglich Klimawandel habe ich keine festgefahrene Meinung. Ich misstraue auch der Gewissheit, die Sachs hier zum Ausdruck bringt. Vielleicht irrt er sich, vielleicht hat er finanzielle Interessen. Wer weiß. Man kann heute niemandem trauen, der ein "Arrivierter", ein Promi ist. Und selbst wenn kein böser Wille vorhanden ist - Irrtum ist menschlich. Gilt auch für kluge Leute. Man soll nicht immer Bosheit annehmen, wo Dummheit oder Inkompetenz als Erklärung ausreichen. Sachs ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, nicht Klimaforscher. Nicht wenige Intellektuelle halten sich auch auf Gebieten für kompetent, in die sie recht wenig Lernzeit gesteckt haben. Erfolg auf dem einen Spezialgebiet führt leicht zum "Abheben".
Wow Frau Kosubek! Jeffrey Sachs, einer der Besten! Und Ihr Englisch ist perfekt, Kompliment. Sie sind eine Perle des deutschen unabhängigen Journalismus. Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit!
President Putin is the greatest leader the world has known. He truly does all possible to help his people and defend his nation. I wish the US could have a Putin for president. The US tars him with their crimes in the media. The US does this always. I hope people are seeing through it. We would be wise to work with President Putin to counterbalance China. This is sensible. We need a balance of power. Putin is willing to work with us. We all need this balance.
Look how the majority of russians live. Watch '"vasha in the hay". You are sadly mistaken.. That most US politicians are arrogant. I agree. Biggest mistake merkel and zarcosy made was voting no on ukraine joining nato.. Merkel has admitted she was wrong about putin and zarcosy was on the take..$$$$$.
It is to late, I am afraid... The cards have already been dealt. Russia has reached an long term agreement with China (as well as Iran, North Korea, etc.)... There is no way that Putin or anyone else from Russia would break their word, withdraw from the agreement with China, and side with the West, which is so steeped in russophobia that every attempt to be nice to Russians seems like some kind of bad acting. Also, Russia knows very well that as soon as they deal with China, the Americans will return to the conflict with Russia and finish what they started... The only country that is still not fully committed and retains a chance to change its geopolitical position today is: Turkey. For everyone else, it is clear... In connection with the above, the EU has made a historical mistake that will leave Europe on the margins in economic, political, scientific, cultural, and every other sense for a long time. Of all the Europeans, the Germans have made the biggest mistake. They had the Russian market, Russian respect and friendship, cheap raw materials and gas. You may not see it that way, but as far as Russia is concerned - Germany has committed high treason against Russia. And this - even after two such difficult and bloody historical moments that it caused and which it was forgiven for... Greetings from Republika Srpska!!!
@@vladomacar1372 Correct, the Russians have been betrayed time and time again by the west and especially Germany. Germany has thrown away its economy and its peoples hard won standard of living by toadying up to the US. Weak administrators in power imitating real leaders that is the main problem, it's embarrassing. The whole rotten west was grandstanding and gushing in self righteousness at the beginning of the special operation by Russia, it was sickening. Germany has to ask herself do we want an independent foreign policy, or are we simply puppets of the US.
Wirklich erstklasdig! Darüber sollte eigentlich jeder Bescheid wissen. Leider erfährt das in Deutschland niemand, der sich auf Tagesschau und Tageszeitungen verlässt.
If Russians didn’t leave the East Germany, the forgetful germans would still have 2 states. When you forget who did good for you in 1990 and then betray them (Russia was betrayed by Germans) you become vasals of the greatest terrorist state in the world, and you pay for your sins.😩
Grossartiges Interview, sehr gutes Englisch. Auch wenn ich in weiten Teile die Auffassungen von Jeffrey Sachs nicht teile, so war das doch, auch die gedankliche Auseinandersetzung mit den abweichenden Auffassungen, mehr als nur interessant für mich. Danke.
I think that the war in Ukraine could have been avoided. Sadly the Istanbul peace accords was never finalized in 2022. The US/NATO/ UK/ EU/ told ex-president Z to bring home his delegation. He was told to not sign any agreement without first consulting with them first. .
I appreciate this interview and I appreciate the harder perspectives and questions you put forward. I was disappointed by the hostility from Jeffrey who I respect a lot towards you when posing those thoughts / questions. These larger issues like climate are not just one single issue as it is with global health issues. Climate involves weather modification, other experimentation, war, emotional energetics on the planet, a imbalance in eco-systems... so it can not be simply put into green house gas emissions.
Ich durfte einen ultralinken Amerikaner zuhören. Du hast das sehr gut gemeistert @JasminKosubekOriginal , auch die Stellen im Dissens, schön zu sehen, wie dein Gast die Beine verschränkt hat (verschlossen)... und sich danach wieder öffnete. So darf Meinungsbildung sein, der Austausch von Meinungen und Eindrücke zu angebotenen "Fakten", gerne auch mal "hitzig", aber immer in Respekt... Großes Kino Jasmin! Weiter so! Liebe Grüße
So someone talks in the rational way although it doesn’t align with the European lefts moral propaganda is labeled as ultra left? Your Germans seem to love the world “ultra” so much. Ok, let me try it, how about ultra stupid and spineless German politicians.
Freu mich schon, das Interview mir in Ruhe zu Gemüte zu führen. War gestern bei einem Vortrag von Martin Grassberger über "Das unsichtbare Netz des Lebens: Wie Mikrobiom, Biodiversität, Umwelt und Ernährung unsere Gesundheit bestimmen" in Wien. Wäre sicherlich ein spannender Gast für Sie! Danke für Ihre Arbeit!
Regarding the global warming argument, who can name the largest man made global gas emission in human history? It was the destruction of the three Nord stream pipelines (typical US incompetence blew up one of the pipelines twice, leaving one untouched), where the green house gas emissions were equivalent to over a million cars running non stop for over a year within several hours. For those who are unable to comprehend this, this was a huge megadose of green house gasses in a very short period of time. What were the consequences of this? Are we now burning up on account of this? Don't talk to me about huge storms now taking place as if I wasn't born just five year ago. I remember hurricane Hazel from decades ago for example, and many storms like that. And then there was the argument of what is going on California. Am I supposed to believe that cost cutting and criminal negligence by the Democratic party was the result of global warming? Jeffery should stick to the economy and politics which is where he is the expert, thank you very much.
Jasmin Dantas Kosubek is right about Los Angeles. Many of these fires were deliberately set, The water supply and water management infrastructure was not good. They would rather spend their money on weapons and war than to put their own country in order. All their houses are made of wood and burn like torches. The fire department was very poorly equipped, half of their equipment was broken and unusable. If you can't fight a fire it will continue to rage until the fuel runs out or it starts raining. My opinion is that Jeffrey Sachs is very naive about what the UN, NATO and WHO are. He also avoided the word COVID crime but was talking about Malaria and HIV. Jeffrey Sachs may well have a good view of world politics but what is going on with the WEF, WHO and the like simply escapes him.
On Covid Sachs said in another interview that it was generated in american labs! I think pollution is due to humanity, climate problems are due to changes in our planet/ solar system!
He hobnobbed with them, he perfectly knows what the US, WHO and NATO are because he personally worked and regularly dealt with them. He has firsthand experience working with them, that is why he is disillusioned not with the organizations but with the people running them.
Prof. Sachs is right. Qualifications of these "world leaders" in the USA and western EU countries are a problem. In the USA, to apply for any job needs a resume and to meet requirement for qualifications. But for the US president, one only has to be >35 years of age, was borne in the USA territory, and to have lived in the USA continuously for the past 15 years counting from the year of election back. Just about every one in the USA is qualified to become the US president. One of the current congresswomen did not even graduate from middle school. In 2016, 16 people in Detroit area applied for candidacy for the US presidency. None of them graduated form college. 3 had criminal records, one was a fugitive; one person made up his resume and it was not his first time, he made up of resume a few months earlier running for a position in the municipal government and got caught; one was homeless; Two without home addresses; the rest were unemployed. Only 4 people were current municipal officers but all of which several months later were convicted of fraud and were serving sentences in prison to this day; Many congressmen had little qualifications and some could not even complete a simple sentence. Trump is a better one at least he managed a company successfully for several decades. Presidents or senators, presidential candidates have never had a job, or a job that requires responsibility and and requires management skills. For instance Hillary Clinton was a house wife for decades and then suddenly she wanted to be the president. She bought a house in New York state for the purpose of running for senator during which she voted for the Iraq war. With that record she became Secretary of States and continued to support wars, including the war in Libya. During the crisis, the US ambassador in Libya tried to contact her and Obama by email, telegraph, phone calls 140 times with no answer and he was killed. Biden is another example that, after law degree, he became a senator for 40 some years. He never ever had a job that requires management skills and that bears any responsibility.
America is proof that in this epoch, and undoubtedly for the first time in the history of humanity and of its inhumanity, stupidity rules as such, totally and shamelessly.
Interesting interview. The host is very brave lady, she is not afraid to express her opinion, even when it contradicts the guests... I am familiar with Mr. Sachs's views. I follow him on other channels. It is interesting to see how much his political views have changed compared to the time of my childhood. When he served those governing elites that rule the West today, he participated in causing much evil and injustice to my nation... Serbophobia is just one of the branches of Russophobia :)... However, although he has changed his political views, Mr. Sachs's attitude towards globalist institutions has remained the same. The truth about climate change is probably somewhere in the middle between the opinions of the hosts and the guest. Climate change is there, unquestionably... However, it is debatable how much of it is a consequence of human activity, including the burning of so-called fossil fuels, and how much is the effect of little-known long-term external factors, beyond the reach of current technology. This especially applies to changes in the positions of the magnetic poles, as well as to the warming of the oceans and the release of huge amounts of CO2 as a result. Otherwise, viewed in the long term, today's level of CO2 in the atmosphere is almost at the historical minimum that can sustain advanced life on planet Earth (hence the flora and fauna today is significantly smaller compared to fossilized ancestors). The burning of fossil fuels in terms of quantity is not that significant in the total sum, and possible reductions that would cost the economy tremendously are especially insignificant. But the so-called "green agenda" is a very profitable story for certain structures in the West. Even more profitable than vaccines against terrible "Chinese" viruses :).
None of the things you've refuted about climate change are backed by data. What has the magnetic poles got to do with increase in temperature? What constitutes complex life according to you? On what basis do you say that human contribution of GHG is insignificant? If so, what is that significant number and based on what source? If you claim that today's CO2 levels are min needed for if, then how do you explain all the human civilizational growth over the last 10k years when by your own admission, the levels were not to the minimum? How do you account for the economic burden of fossil fuels lifecycle, including environmental damage at extraction, processing, and consumption stages, like respiratory issues from pollutants and deforestation? What are the figures tat helps you state that the green revolution is a money grab compared to coruption caused by big fossil fuel? And if its and big money grab, then why are't governments pushing to even fulfill their Paris Agreement obligations, with people having to sue govts the world over for action?
@Berkhoi You have many interesting questions here. But you do not get wiser by posting them in this comment section. I suggest you do a bit of homework yourself and start researching. But do chose your sources wisely. Reading newspapers headlines won't bring you far. Be critical and head to the source. Reading a journalist's questionable take on the questionalbe press release of the questionable summary of an IPC-report which is based on questionable models... will probably not bring you much farther. It is not easy to navigate today's information world. Make an effort and in due time you will find answers to your many questions. Your efforts will be rewarded with insights. It's well worth it. Happy journey!
*Huge thanks to the German publisher @WestendVerlag for making this interview possible!* 🙌
Check out their RUclips channel (@westendverlag) and don’t miss Jeffrey Sachs' must-read book *"Diplomatie oder Desaster"* 👉westendverlag.de/Diplomatie-oder-Desaster/2201
Schwieriger Gesprächspartner hmm ?
While it is great that you had him as a guest and in general. The conversation was interesting, but it was a bit one-dimensional (you have done better interviews)
For example like when he talked about Merkel taking wrong decisions and not standing up against the US and according to him with such high stakes, individuals matter. Well, what he leaves out (and you DIDN'T ASK) just a few years earlier when Schröder voiced his opposition to Iraq war, he wasn't alone many German and European politicians joined him. But from 2008 till today, most mainstream European politicians have supported the US policy on Ukraine and Russia. How does he explain this??? just about the individual politician on the top, or is there a LOT! more to it ???
Or his talk about the USA government/deep state being just stupid arrogant, etc.. sure, but isn't it far more interesting to ask who those interest groups are, which finance, push people to power to take those decisions.. and who benefits from such decisions. You could have probed this.. so the interview lacked depth...
He is talking out his a$$ on Ukraine. Putin is dead, and the US has been playing both sides. Helping Russia on one side, giving small amounts to Ukraine on the other.
This war would have ended in Kherson if the US wasn't undermining Ukraine.
He is talking out his a on Ukraine. Putin is dead, and the US has been playing both sides. Helping Russia on one side, giving small amounts to Ukraine on the other.
This war would have ended in Kherson if the US wasn't undermining Ukraine.
@@damengambid Tja, er hat eben viel mehr Wissen und Erfahrung als die Interviewerin ... ich hoffe, sie hat einiges von ihm gelernt.
Jeffry Sachs is one of my favorites when analyzing world politics.
His political and economic perspective is simply brilliant and terrific.
Me too
You are easy to please.
He is for a kind global state controlling the world. I don’t say that we don’t need a global coordination in some sectors. But if he comes with man-made global warming and all that bullshit….forget this guy
Our hero! We admire Prof. Jeffrey Sachs for his courage and willingness to tell the truth to alert all of us for a better future for all! Thank you!
Vielen Dank, Frau Kosubek, für dieses wunderbare Gespräch mit Jeffrey Sachs!
Ein zusätzliches Lob an die hervorragende Tonqualität!
Dieses Interview sollte ein paar Bürgern die Augen öffnen. Grossartig Frau Kosubek!
Alter Schwede, Jasmin, ein Interview mit Jeffrey Sachs. Boah, wie hast Du das denn hinbekommen. Ich staune wirklich. Das ist ja grandios! 😲😃👍
Ich denke, dass für den Westend Verlag Jasmin Kosubek die geeignete Interviewerin war, weil sie ein fleißendes Englisch und ein ökonomisches Studium vorweisen kann. Ideale Voraussetzung für dieses Interview.
She is egoistic and interrupts too much!!
@@AT-kx6fj Information:
she has questions, we have questions. Shes direct thats a german trait and its not a bad one. May seem like interupting but it is couriosity driven so maybe you listen what she asks not how she asks...
Great respect to this clear, straight statement.
Mr. Sachs, I really admire your courage and loud critique.
All the best to you and to the world 🍀🕊️😇
Same here. No muddled explanation about something obvious just plain "no". refreshing.
Danke Jasmin, the more people who listen to Mr Sachs the better.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I'm one of those long follower of PROF. JEFFREY SACHS...he's a Brilliant Intelligence and Smart Neutral, very Rational and Learned a lot from him.
😂😂 only west haters listen to him no one else and west haters population on social media is very high 😂😂
@@debasismohanty1952they don’t hate west. They hate the western politicians who carried out stupid and destructive policies that don’t even benefit its own citizens.
Prof Sachs is an invaluable voice for geopolitical truth in this time of chaos we live in.
Das hat mich gerade total positiv überrascht (geflasht) dass Du Jeffrey Sachs bei Dir hast! Was für ein BANGER Interview. Chapeau!
"geflasht", "banger", die deutsche Sprache und ihre Benutzer entwickeln sich prächtig weiter.....
Wise and well balanced man. Always pleasure to listen to him.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is not afraid to say the quiet part out loud. More importantly, he is genuinely tirelessly working for peace and harmony in our world!
Professor… you are truly a gentleman and a scholar. Your patience fielding this woman’s ridiculous questions was nothing short of Masterful.
Greeting from Germany .Thank you Mr. Sachs for PEACE work.
I'm amazed! Great interview! Jasmin is very knowledgable, asked the right questions and has impressive language skills.
@petermuller6359 she grewed up in the U.S.
She is egoistic and interrupts too much!!
@AT-kx6fj I could not disagree more. Jasmine does push back a bit in a most polite way and even (I find unnecessarily) adding that she may be wrong. She actually bends back quite a bit - but understandably so when interviewing somebody of Sach's calibre. The word "egoistic" is completely out of place. Jasmine remained authentic by making her occasional disagreement known, but she was never out of bounds in any way. So it's quite the opposite: She handled the interview with a celebrity who's opinion she does not always share very well. What a contrast to much of today's mainstream journalists.
She also thinks that pushing the Palestinians out of their homes is normal cuz that is just how things go from time to time 🤢
look at the interview with mershheimer … 🤦🏼♂️
@petermueller D'accord!
The intervieuwer lady is very good. Thanks borh so we get the best information from Sir Sachs
Klasse, dass Sie ihn eingeladen haben; ich verfolge seine Standpunkte zu geopolitischen Themen seit Jahren. Seine Aussagen (können) helfen, anerzogene Denk- und Meinungsmuster zu hinterfragen. Klasse Frau Kosubek! Weiter so!! Mit den allerbesten Grüßen
Ist es nicht so, dass die US Geostrategen schon immer im Auge hatten, den eurasischen Kontinent zu schwächen, um die unangefochtene Nr1 in der Welt zu sein/bleiben? Es gab immer Versuche diese Verbindungen zu kappen. ZB der Vertrag von Rapallo. Russische Rohstoffe für deutsche Maschinen. Das wurde konterkariert, indirekt über den Einmarsch der Franzosen ins Ruhrgebiet. Und in der Jetzt-Zeit hat Deutschland seit 2000 mit Russland immer bessere Beziehungen entwickelt. Wirtschaftlich, aber auch durch Nordstream. Ist die Sprengung und der Ukraine Krieg nicht voll im Interesse der US Industrie und Geostrategen, Deutschland und Russland zu schwächen? Es gibt Stimmen, die sagen, dass der Nichtangriffspakt zwischen Hitler und Stalin so gar nicht in das US strategische Konzept passten. Mich würde Ihre Meinung interessieren.
Mega. Jasmin kein Wunder, dass der Mainstream neidisch ist. Du hast tolle interessante und mutige Fragen gestellt. Ich bin einfach sprachlos begeistert 👍👍👍
I greatly admire Pr. Sach's patience and dedication.
Liebe Jasmin, ich bin regelmäßiger Besucher ihrer Seite und verfolge auch viele Beiträge von Prof. Sachs.
Diese Interview ist hervorragend gelungen.Anders als in vielen Interviews mit Prof. Sachs gesehen habe, haben sie auch sehr kontrovers gefragt.In dem Gespräch von Prof. Sachs und Prof. Mersheimer hatte ich einmal kommentiert, dass Prof. Mersheimer eher die Positionen vor der Zeit der Aufklärung vertritt und Prof. Sachs der Vertreter der Aufklärung ist.
Danke für dieses hervorragende Gespräch
Prof. Mearsheimer soll jemand sein, der seine Gedanken/ Argumente aus der Zeit vor der Aufklärung hat?
Oder hab ich Sie mißverstanden?
Jedenfalls habe ich mehreren Vorträgen und Interviews Prof. Mearsheimers zugehört und finde seine Gedanken und Argumente klug und überzeugend..
Having Jeffrey in an Interview means you have been recognized, and got elevated .
Congratulations .
And as always, thanks a lot Mr. Sachs .
Muss zugeben, dass ich Herrn Sachs bisher nicht so auf dem Schirm hatte. War ein interessantes Gespräch, Danke 'für, Frau Kosubek.
Prof Jeffrey Sachs is a great man of high humanity and integrity ! Highly recommend you his channel(s) ! And also "Neutralitätsstudien" of Pascal Lottaz.
Wow Jasmin, Jeffrey Sachs? Richtig Gut!
Sehr gute Arbeit Frau Kosubek! Da ist Ihnen etwas grosses gelungen. Gratulation
Welcome to Germany Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. I love to hear your truthtelling.
This Interview will be historical legendary! ….no more to say! 🤗🤗🤗
Jeffrey Sachs is not only a man of enormous wisdom but also of incredible honor
Jasmin, das Interview ist absolute Spitzenklasse!!! ❤ 👍 thanks so much 🙏
Team Kosubek,.. ihr übertrefft euch selbst. Das ist Jeffrey Sachs. 😮😮😮So langsam bildet sich hier ein echtes hochkarätiges Format. War es schon zuvor, aber man merkt das es noch besser wird. Macht so weiter.. 👍👍👍 And a big thank you to Jeffrey Sachs, for his important opinion and his political point of view.. This is rare for us nowadays.. Reasonable estimates and grounded thoughts.
Dear Professor you are Honest and good hearted person. You are knowledgeable, straight, simple and humble. When someone is coming to interview you should have guts to face the powerful. Interviewer mostly come to satisfy their bosses.
"Humbleness" ist most certainly not a characteristic of Mr. Sachs. He would be offended to hear that.
Indeed, He is not humble.
On the contrary, he even believes himself to be an expert in climate, although He is just a believer of the usual - very well paid for - Mainstream narratives.
Dr. Sachs speaks with the wisdom of a genuine intellectual.
He's a political hack.
Super "Gesprächsenglisch" ,ich konnte Alles verstehen, obwohl ich nicht sagen würde, dass mein Englisch mega gut ist. Danke
Ihr Englisch ist richtig gut. Das muss man ihr lassen.
@@brazzo975 ich finde es eigentlich ganz okay, aber nicht richtig gut.
@@Digitale_Native 😂 Ach niedlich... Ich bin zweisprachig und darf bestätigen: Jasmins Englisch ist hervorragend! Auch inhaltlich ein SEHR gutes Interview.
@ und ich kann sehr gut englisch sprechen und darf bestätigen: Jasmins Englisch ist ganz okay, aber nicht richtig gut. Und jetzt? Was der Lachsmiley und die abfällige Art jetzt soll, weiß ich nun auch nicht. Habe ich dich persönlich angegriffen oder was ist los?
@@Digitale_Nativeweil du dummes Zeug redest. Jasmins Englisch ist ausgezeichnet. Du bist nicht der einzige auf dem Planeten der einwandfrei Englisch und das beurteilen kann.
He's the man deserving a Nobel for Peace ....but I seriously doubt that he will be put in a position to win it.....unfortunately.
Be cause it’s a USA prize .
After John Mearsheimer now Jeffrey Sachs. These are diamonds of wisdom and knowledge about geopolitical affairs. Great respect! Suggest to also put Victor Davis Hanson on the list.
Mearsheimer is a pro US hegemony guy, Sachs is neutral in his analyses, therefore more credible!
Absolut tolles Interview...habe auch was gelernt und ja wenn gewisse Regeln wirklich verlässlich und bindend sind und diese nicht im Interesse von Unternehmen sind, dann könnte ja so was wie die UNO sogar Sinn machen. Danke Jasmin, toll gemacht - deine Ruhe und Offenheit hat ihn wieder zugänglich gemacht.
Very good English Jasmin. Great show & interview.
Jasmin and Professor Sachs......Fantastic interview.I listen to Professor Sachs all the time. I love his honesty and his knowledge.......Superb!!!!!
It's too bad that Prof. Sachs wasn't asked to talk about about his undying support for the Palestinians.
Greetings from Greece ‼️ Thank you Professor Sachs, for the very good interview, information and Analysis ‼️
thank you very much mr sachs hope that this conversation will open some people's eyes
Sehr interessant. Ein sehr interessanter Gesprächspartner. Und Kompliment an Jasmin Kosubek, dass sie trotz dieser Intelligenz unf Selbstsicherheit auch kritische Fragen gestellt hat und auf bewegliche Art immer in ihrer unabhängigen Mitte blieb.
Thank you! Dr. Sachs! And thank you too, Jasmin Kosubek! For an extremely interesting conversation Thanks from Denmark!
'n harter Brocken 😅
ganz schön ruhig und eloquent geblieben 👏🏼
tolles Gespräch 👍🏼 total interessant!
Great lesson for leaders!
It was a good discussion and it shows that however well-informed someone thinks they are on an issue, it is extremely important to shed light on opposing views and that supranational bodies will not work without the direct involvement of the countries' people represented there.
Respekt Jasmin, so ein Hochkaräter. Leider bin ich von seiner Meinung zur Klimahoax und WHO enttäuscht. Dafür hat er ansonsten sehr vernüntige Ansichten.
Herzlichen Dank, dass Sie Herrn Jeffrey Sachs die Möglichkeit gegeben haben, seine Erfahrungen und sein Wissen mit uns zu teilen.
Dr Sachs, no doubt, a courageous and clear headed person.
He is a great 2:57 and brave hero, telling the world the truth nothing but the truth. Even against the mother land USA because he is patriotic fighting against the deep stakes who only want wars for the benefits of a few.
Thank you and Mr Sachs for this excellent interview. Please keep up, for informed people could bring the changes.
SIMPLY GREAT. Danke Jasmin Kosubek, für dieses tolle und auch knisternde Interview.
Wow… Great interview!!!!
Oh my goodness, Professor Sachs in Germany. Ich hoere ihm immer zu bei Judge Napolitana. Gruesse aus Australien.
how you doin mate? 👋🏼
wow, Jef Sachs ist "das charakterliche Vorbild" schlechthin, einer der "last man standing"
I like listening to this guy coz he's so wise. From Uganda,Kampala
I loved that interview because Jasmin was questioning why we should trust the powers that be. Why we should believe things like climate change. There's a lot of disillusioned people out there. It was good to hear Jeffrey Sachs explain these things in a straightforward and heated way. Our systems of government are broken, which is a very good reason why Trump got elected. The fact he got elected at all points to how the US public have completely lost faith in its own government. This is also reflected right accross the western world..
On the contrary, I was surprised and disappointed to hear Prof. Sachs react in such an emotional , even impolite manner!
But listening to him it became clear, why. He doesn't know more about climate change than the usual mainstreammedia-propaganda.
Amazing. He is brillant in economy snd politics, so there is no obligation for him to be an expert in the climate-change-hoax, too. But - si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses!
MEGA. Tausend Dank WESTEND und Jasmin ❤
Dr. Sachs a knowledgeable good heart character.
I am curious about what Jasmin Kosubec thinks about the German foreign minister. My description of Baerbock is that she is a complete infantile that has ZERO ability to do the job. A embarrassment to the German people.
Thank you Jasmin, an interesting talk with one of my favourites in world affairs
Stark !! Richtig gutes Interview mit einem großartigen Partner. Der Switch zum Thema Northstream II hat Euch wieder vereint, nachdem bei den Themen Klimawandel und WHO Dissenz bestand. Dieser Part war für Sie, Frau Kosubek, sicherlich nicht einfach, aber Sie haben das gut gemeistert (ich bin bei diesen Themen übrigens ganz auf Ihrer Seite). Als nochmals; dickes Lob für tollen Journalismus!
Dem kann ich zustimmen. Bezüglich Klimawandel habe ich keine festgefahrene Meinung. Ich misstraue auch der Gewissheit, die Sachs hier zum Ausdruck bringt. Vielleicht irrt er sich, vielleicht hat er finanzielle Interessen. Wer weiß. Man kann heute niemandem trauen, der ein "Arrivierter", ein Promi ist. Und selbst wenn kein böser Wille vorhanden ist - Irrtum ist menschlich. Gilt auch für kluge Leute. Man soll nicht immer Bosheit annehmen, wo Dummheit oder Inkompetenz als Erklärung ausreichen. Sachs ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, nicht Klimaforscher. Nicht wenige Intellektuelle halten sich auch auf Gebieten für kompetent, in die sie recht wenig Lernzeit gesteckt haben. Erfolg auf dem einen Spezialgebiet führt leicht zum "Abheben".
Sehr geehrte Frau Kosubek, ich gratuliere Ihnen. That´s a frickin´ scoop.
Gerade kanal gefunden! Sehr gutes Interview! Folge Sachs, Ben Norton et al seit Jahren. LG aus Brasilien🇧🇷
Humble and fierce. Thank you mrs Kosubek
Wow Frau Kosubek!
Jeffrey Sachs, einer der Besten!
Und Ihr Englisch ist perfekt, Kompliment.
Sie sind eine Perle des deutschen unabhängigen Journalismus.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit!
President Putin is the greatest leader the world has known. He truly does all possible to help his people and defend his nation. I wish the US could have a Putin for president. The US tars him with their crimes in the media. The US does this always. I hope people are seeing through it. We would be wise to work with President Putin to counterbalance China. This is sensible. We need a balance of power. Putin is willing to work with us. We all need this balance.
Look how the majority of russians live. Watch '"vasha in the hay". You are sadly mistaken..
That most US politicians are arrogant. I agree.
Biggest mistake merkel and zarcosy made was voting no on ukraine joining nato..
Merkel has admitted she was wrong about putin and zarcosy was on the take..$$$$$.
It is to late, I am afraid... The cards have already been dealt. Russia has reached an long term agreement with China (as well as Iran, North Korea, etc.)... There is no way that Putin or anyone else from Russia would break their word, withdraw from the agreement with China, and side with the West, which is so steeped in russophobia that every attempt to be nice to Russians seems like some kind of bad acting. Also, Russia knows very well that as soon as they deal with China, the Americans will return to the conflict with Russia and finish what they started... The only country that is still not fully committed and retains a chance to change its geopolitical position today is: Turkey. For everyone else, it is clear... In connection with the above, the EU has made a historical mistake that will leave Europe on the margins in economic, political, scientific, cultural, and every other sense for a long time. Of all the Europeans, the Germans have made the biggest mistake. They had the Russian market, Russian respect and friendship, cheap raw materials and gas. You may not see it that way, but as far as Russia is concerned - Germany has committed high treason against Russia. And this - even after two such difficult and bloody historical moments that it caused and which it was forgiven for... Greetings from Republika Srpska!!!
Russia and China are now tied together, that train has gone with all the hate and nefarious actions by US against both countries.
@@vladomacar1372European politicians today got no spine and love to sit as lapdogs in US warmongers knees. They are useless
@@vladomacar1372 Correct, the Russians have been betrayed time and time again by the west and especially Germany. Germany has thrown away its economy and its peoples hard won standard of living by toadying up to the US. Weak administrators in power imitating real leaders that is the main problem, it's embarrassing. The whole rotten west was grandstanding and gushing in self righteousness at the beginning of the special operation by Russia, it was sickening. Germany has to ask herself do we want an independent foreign policy, or are we simply puppets of the US.
Wirklich erstklasdig!
Darüber sollte eigentlich jeder Bescheid wissen. Leider erfährt das in Deutschland niemand, der sich auf Tagesschau und Tageszeitungen verlässt.
Thank you for being so blunt to break leaders’ preoccupation and fear!
Noam Chomsky and Sachs both are my favorite Scholars
If Russians didn’t leave the East Germany, the forgetful germans would still have 2 states. When you forget who did good for you in 1990 and then betray them (Russia was betrayed by Germans) you become vasals of the greatest terrorist state in the world, and you pay for your sins.😩
Thank you, it's nice that you are having more interviews in english. Viellen dank.
Grossartiges Interview, sehr gutes Englisch. Auch wenn ich in weiten Teile die Auffassungen von Jeffrey Sachs nicht teile, so war das doch, auch die gedankliche Auseinandersetzung mit den abweichenden Auffassungen, mehr als nur interessant für mich. Danke.
She's absolutely right about fires in California, but Sachs was a little bit American about it.
But great that she gives him a platform. And that he accepts.
A genuinely good programme. Thanks.
I think that the war in Ukraine could have been avoided. Sadly the Istanbul peace accords was never finalized in 2022. The US/NATO/ UK/ EU/ told ex-president Z to bring home his delegation. He was told to not sign any agreement without first consulting with them first. .
Dein Englisch ist wirklich gut, man kann super folgen. Hut ab!
Thank you for this podcast.
I appreciate this interview and I appreciate the harder perspectives and questions you put forward. I was disappointed by the hostility from Jeffrey who I respect a lot towards you when posing those thoughts / questions. These larger issues like climate are not just one single issue as it is with global health issues. Climate involves weather modification, other experimentation, war, emotional energetics on the planet, a imbalance in eco-systems... so it can not be simply put into green house gas emissions.
Ich durfte einen ultralinken Amerikaner zuhören.
Du hast das sehr gut gemeistert @JasminKosubekOriginal , auch die Stellen im Dissens, schön zu sehen, wie dein Gast die Beine verschränkt hat (verschlossen)... und sich danach wieder öffnete.
So darf Meinungsbildung sein, der Austausch von Meinungen und Eindrücke zu angebotenen "Fakten", gerne auch mal "hitzig", aber immer in Respekt...
Großes Kino Jasmin!
Weiter so!
Liebe Grüße
So someone talks in the rational way although it doesn’t align with the European lefts moral propaganda is labeled as ultra left? Your Germans seem to love the world “ultra” so much. Ok, let me try it, how about ultra stupid and spineless German politicians.
He is right, the whole world is getting sick and tired of this nonsense and how arrogance the American government is becoming.
Freu mich schon, das Interview mir in Ruhe zu Gemüte zu führen. War gestern bei einem Vortrag von Martin Grassberger über "Das unsichtbare Netz des Lebens: Wie Mikrobiom, Biodiversität, Umwelt und Ernährung unsere Gesundheit bestimmen" in Wien. Wäre sicherlich ein spannender Gast für Sie! Danke für Ihre Arbeit!
Wow, Jeffrey Sachs, bin beeindruckt Jasmin.
Regarding the global warming argument, who can name the largest man made global gas emission in human history? It was the destruction of the three Nord stream pipelines (typical US incompetence blew up one of the pipelines twice, leaving one untouched), where the green house gas emissions were equivalent to over a million cars running non stop for over a year within several hours. For those who are unable to comprehend this, this was a huge megadose of green house gasses in a very short period of time. What were the consequences of this? Are we now burning up on account of this? Don't talk to me about huge storms now taking place as if I wasn't born just five year ago. I remember hurricane Hazel from decades ago for example, and many storms like that. And then there was the argument of what is going on California. Am I supposed to believe that cost cutting and criminal negligence by the Democratic party was the result of global warming? Jeffery should stick to the economy and politics which is where he is the expert, thank you very much.
I hope Trump will also release the nordstream files. 😊
Mega Jasmin! Es hat so viel Spaß gemacht zuzuhören
Prof Sachs is a sage with so much wisdom. ❤🫡
Geil Jasmin, Respekt für deine Interview Partner❤
Super spannend... einen verdammt klugen und erfahrenen Gesprächspartner hattest Du da...
Jasmin Dantas Kosubek is right about Los Angeles. Many of these fires were deliberately set, The water supply and water management infrastructure was not good. They would rather spend their money on weapons and war than to put their own country in order. All their houses are made of wood and burn like torches. The fire department was very poorly equipped, half of their equipment was broken and unusable. If you can't fight a fire it will continue to rage until the fuel runs out or it starts raining. My opinion is that Jeffrey Sachs is very naive about what the UN, NATO and WHO are. He also avoided the word COVID crime but was talking about Malaria and HIV. Jeffrey Sachs may well have a good view of world politics but what is going on with the WEF, WHO and the like simply escapes him.
On Covid Sachs said in another interview that it was generated in american labs! I think pollution is due to humanity, climate problems are due to changes in our planet/ solar system!
He hobnobbed with them, he perfectly knows what the US, WHO and NATO are because he personally worked and regularly dealt with them. He has firsthand experience working with them, that is why he is disillusioned not with the organizations but with the people running them.
I LOVE JEFFREY SACHS!!!!! ❤ You rock, Jasmin!!! 😘
thanx Jasmin, I'm waiting for this interview
Congratulations, der Jasmin, thanks to Mr. Jeffry Sachs to bring more and more détails about this phantastic American Gouvernement 😢😮😢😮😂😂
Prof. Sachs is right. Qualifications of these "world leaders" in the USA and western EU countries are a problem. In the USA, to apply for any job needs a resume and to meet requirement for qualifications. But for the US president, one only has to be >35 years of age, was borne in the USA territory, and to have lived in the USA continuously for the past 15 years counting from the year of election back.
Just about every one in the USA is qualified to become the US president. One of the current congresswomen did not even graduate from middle school. In 2016, 16 people in Detroit area applied for candidacy for the US presidency. None of them graduated form college. 3 had criminal records, one was a fugitive; one person made up his resume and it was not his first time, he made up of resume a few months earlier running for a position in the municipal government and got caught; one was homeless; Two without home addresses; the rest were unemployed. Only 4 people were current municipal officers but all of which several months later were convicted of fraud and were serving sentences in prison to this day;
Many congressmen had little qualifications and some could not even complete a simple sentence. Trump is a better one at least he managed a company successfully for several decades. Presidents or senators, presidential candidates have never had a job, or a job that requires responsibility and and requires management skills. For instance Hillary Clinton was a house wife for decades and then suddenly she wanted to be the president. She bought a house in New York state for the purpose of running for senator during which she voted for the Iraq war. With that record she became Secretary of States and continued to support wars, including the war in Libya. During the crisis, the US ambassador in Libya tried to contact her and Obama by email, telegraph, phone calls 140 times with no answer and he was killed.
Biden is another example that, after law degree, he became a senator for 40 some years. He never ever had a job that requires management skills and that bears any responsibility.
Next Level Interview.. wow
Danke für deine Arbeit Jasmin. Ich hoffe, die deutsche Übersetzung kommt zeitnah.
America is proof that in this epoch, and undoubtedly for the first time in the history of humanity and of its inhumanity, stupidity rules as such, totally and shamelessly.
Interesting interview. The host is very brave lady, she is not afraid to express her opinion, even when it contradicts the guests... I am familiar with Mr. Sachs's views. I follow him on other channels. It is interesting to see how much his political views have changed compared to the time of my childhood. When he served those governing elites that rule the West today, he participated in causing much evil and injustice to my nation... Serbophobia is just one of the branches of Russophobia :)... However, although he has changed his political views, Mr. Sachs's attitude towards globalist institutions has remained the same. The truth about climate change is probably somewhere in the middle between the opinions of the hosts and the guest. Climate change is there, unquestionably... However, it is debatable how much of it is a consequence of human activity, including the burning of so-called fossil fuels, and how much is the effect of little-known long-term external factors, beyond the reach of current technology. This especially applies to changes in the positions of the magnetic poles, as well as to the warming of the oceans and the release of huge amounts of CO2 as a result. Otherwise, viewed in the long term, today's level of CO2 in the atmosphere is almost at the historical minimum that can sustain advanced life on planet Earth (hence the flora and fauna today is significantly smaller compared to fossilized ancestors). The burning of fossil fuels in terms of quantity is not that significant in the total sum, and possible reductions that would cost the economy tremendously are especially insignificant. But the so-called "green agenda" is a very profitable story for certain structures in the West. Even more profitable than vaccines against terrible "Chinese" viruses :).
None of the things you've refuted about climate change are backed by data. What has the magnetic poles got to do with increase in temperature? What constitutes complex life according to you? On what basis do you say that human contribution of GHG is insignificant? If so, what is that significant number and based on what source? If you claim that today's CO2 levels are min needed for if, then how do you explain all the human civilizational growth over the last 10k years when by your own admission, the levels were not to the minimum? How do you account for the economic burden of fossil fuels lifecycle, including environmental damage at extraction, processing, and consumption stages, like respiratory issues from pollutants and deforestation? What are the figures tat helps you state that the green revolution is a money grab compared to coruption caused by big fossil fuel? And if its and big money grab, then why are't governments pushing to even fulfill their Paris Agreement obligations, with people having to sue govts the world over for action?
@Berkhoi You have many interesting questions here. But you do not get wiser by posting them in this comment section. I suggest you do a bit of homework yourself and start researching. But do chose your sources wisely. Reading newspapers headlines won't bring you far. Be critical and head to the source. Reading a journalist's questionable take on the questionalbe press release of the questionable summary of an IPC-report which is based on questionable models... will probably not bring you much farther. It is not easy to navigate today's information world. Make an effort and in due time you will find answers to your many questions. Your efforts will be rewarded with insights. It's well worth it. Happy journey!
Super spannend! Eines deiner besten Interviews. Vielen Dank!