Conspiracy (Pastor Charles Lawson)

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024

Комментарии • 834

  • @sjs928
    @sjs928 4 года назад +226

    Amazing how a little church in an area north of Knoxville can reach WORLDWIDE with the help of The Lord and the faith of Pastor Lawson.... God bless us all.

    • @corneliussooter4404
      @corneliussooter4404 2 года назад +5


    • @mzlleathers7249
      @mzlleathers7249 2 года назад +10

      Ame, I've been following for years from New Zealand...

    • @SuperJill1111
      @SuperJill1111 2 года назад +6

      For sure. He searches the heart and guess He found a faithful servant.

    • @katherineguffey3411
      @katherineguffey3411 Год назад +5

      AAMEN, dear brother🕊📖🕊🙌🏼❣️❣️❣️ Many have moved to this area where Temple Baptist Church is just to be in a NARROW RD (Matthew 7:13-15 KJV OF COURSE🕊📖❣️)! I have even considered this due to THE GREAT FALLING AWAY, as prophesied‼️ GOD BLESS YOU, brother and I will look forward to seeing you in GLORY VERY SOON🙌🏼🙏🏼‼️
      Love in Christ ALWAYS, Kate

    • @chad9383
      @chad9383 Год назад +10

      Takes more than a pastor the holy ghost must be present

  • @kristinethibodeaux619
    @kristinethibodeaux619 Год назад +11

    Not only is Pastor Lawson a man of God, he is an excellent history teacher. He has touched upon history in many of his other sermons. I enjoy learning from him very much.

  • @timmymonte9813
    @timmymonte9813 4 года назад +369

    Charles Lawson is in the Top Ranks of Best Preachers

    • @kennymartin7803
      @kennymartin7803 4 года назад +4

      I Wonder does he preach on Sunday like every other sun worshipping Constantine Catholicism Church?

    • @emmettgriffin547
      @emmettgriffin547 4 года назад +38

      @@kennymartin7803 let no man therefore judge you in food or drink, or in respect of any holyday, or of the New moon, or of the Sabbath days. Colossians 2:16.
      Jesus is our Sabbath, and every day is for the Lord. The first church met on the first day of the week, the day Jesus risen.
      Stop being so judgmental, especially towards a man of God like Charles Lawson.

    • @awatchman5945
      @awatchman5945 4 года назад

      Emmett Griffin
      Col. 2:16 is NOT referring to THE 7th day Sabbath, of which is a COMMANDMENT OF GOD ! It is referring to feast days known as "high sabbaths". (John 19:31)
      (Lev 23)
      The 7th day SABBATH REMAINETH !
      (Hebrews 4:4-9)
      A message of MEAT
      🙏🏽(Isa 28:9)🙏🏽
      God's Law is eternal, (Psalm 111:7-8) so how can it be nailed to the cross and done away with as most churches claim? We will still be keeping God's Law & 7th day Sabbath when all things are made new. (Isa 66:22-23)
      (The key to passing the coming
      Controversy... SUNDAY LAW)
      The counterfeit "mark" of the Roman beast.
      Ezekiel 20:12/20:20
      hallow MY SABBATHS; (not the worldly counterfeit) and it shall be 👉🏽A SIGN 👈🏽 between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God.
      SIGN = 'ÔWTH (Hebrew)
      Strong's # H226
      A distinguishing "MARK"
      The 7th day Sabbath is the distinguishing MARK of Yahweh. (God) An outward SIGN of Obedience. The SEAL of the Living God is in His Law. ( Isa. 8:16) This seal contains His Name,Title, and Territory. (The "Lord" - "Creator" of "Heaven&Earth")
      (Ex 20:11/Rev 14:7) (Psalm 146:5-6) (Acts 14:15)
      The 1st day as "the Lord's day" is the counterfeit MARK of the beast. (When enforced) It's a "right hand" of falsehood. (Right hand Example:Psalm 144:8/11) Satan says ... "I will be LIKE the Most High".
      (Isa 14:14) Satan/Lucifer/the beast is a counterfeiter of the things that are God's.
      Yah (God) has a Sabbath (Isa. 58:13-14) and Jesus is Lord OF IT.(Matt. 12:8). So, Satan/Lucifer , who wants to be LIKE the Most High God (working thru the worldly system of the Roman Papal beast out of the sea, and America; the beast out of the earth- Rev 13) will counterfeit an enforced day of rest & worship which is the total opposite day in which God Himself instituted at creation, and it still REMAINETH to this day. (Heb 4:9) That counterfeit day is known as the ancient pagan day of the sun. ☀️Sun-day; A tradition of men which is being kept, and a Commandment of God that is being rejected. FULL WELL ! (Mark 7:9/7:13)
      The Choice: Who do we obey?
      Answer: (Acts 5:29)
      Hebrews 4:4-9
      subject: The 7th day
      Heb 4:9 - There "REMAINETH" therefore A REST to the people of God.
      Remaineth = to continue /stay
      4:9 REST = SABBATISMOS (Greek)
      Strong's # G4520
      A keeping Sabbath
      (Heb 4:9) There REMAINETH therefore a keeping Sabbath to the people of God.
      The Doctrinal mistake: Do not confuse the Law of God with the law of Moses. Do not confuse God's 7th day Sabbath with the feast days which are also called sabbaths. (High Sabbaths)
      (John 19:31/Lev. 23:38)
      Paul's epistles sometimes seem to confuse most people & Pastors, as Peter warned.
      (2 Peter 3:16) Most people don't understand this when they quote other verses trying to justify breaking the Sabbath and saying we no longer have to observe it. It IS a Commandment of God just like the other 9 that the church preaches,but downplays #4 as the least commandment. (Matt 5:17-19) even making excuses.
      Research where sunday keeping comes from,and who changed it from the 7th day to the 1st. (Hosea 4:6)
      Remember, this message is MEAT not milk. (Heb 5:13-14)
      Chew it up good before you swallow it and seek the Holy Spirit confirmation while searching the scriptures here a little there a little,line upon line, precept upon precept, to understand the symbolic nature of Prophesy. The Bible will interpret itself.
      (2 Tim. 3:16) and the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophesy. (Rev 19:10)
      We are nearing the days of the mark of the beast ! How will you avoid it if you don't know what it is? It is a very "SUBTLE" deception. Just ask Eve. (Gen 3:1)
      ❗️The deadly wound of the Roman Papacy (1st beast) is almost completely healed. The 2nd lamb/like beast (America) that speaks like a dragon, and will eventually exercise ALL the power of the 1st beast before it, will soon speak (legislate) & cause (enforce) all to worship the 1st beast and set up a church & state image of the Roman Papal beast, and enforce its Sunday MARK of authority on the entire world using economic sanctions through the green new deal.
      This is the main goal behind the Pope's climate change agenda...
      A world wide "green" sabbath day of rest for ALL nations. To Come together ON SUNDAY for the common good. This is a major,but subtle deception and a very clever plan of Satan,as everyone is already conditioned to keep sunday as the Lord's day anyway. The question we must ask is this. What "Lord" is being referred to here? 👉🏽(Matt. 24:5)
      The Church & state should remain separate (as far as enforcing laws go) as it is written in the Constitution .(Matt. 22:21) Render to Caesar (the govt)
      the things that are Caesar's and render to God the things that are God's. No religious law should be enforced on anyone, 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 but i guarantee that a sunday law WILL eventually be forced on the world using economic sanctions. (No buy/No sell)
      It is prophesied that Most will accept it no problem, but The remnant few that keep the commandments of God and the faith OF Jesus will not. (Rev 14:12) The persecution will then be full fledge against the obedient people of God, and the climate calamities (judgements of God) will be blamed on the remnant few that do not bow in worship to the beast's image or accept its sunday MARK. (counterfeit sabbath)
      Research the Roman Inquisition to find out what happens to God's OBEDIENT people when the church is given State/Govt. power ! 538AD - 1798AD. Approx 500 million Christians were killed at the hand of the beast for refusing to break God's law.
      Ecclesiastes 1:9 states that It will happen again !
      (Rev. 20:4) is proof !!!
      They will go after the obedient Commandment keeping remnant that have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17) Mainly, Sabbath keepers ! Sunday Law will be ENFORCED world wide very soon and that IS the MARK of the Roman Papal beast !
      "Sunday is our MARK
      of authority. The (Catholic) church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance (Sat to Sun) is proof of that fact."
      (Catholic Record of London,Ontario
      Sept. 1st, 1923)
      (Ezek 22:26) - Her priests have violated MY LAW , and have profaned mine holy things:
      (Ezek. 22:8) - Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast profaned MY SABBATHS.
      The MARK IS NOT LITERAL, It is SPIRITUAL ! The right hand represents your actions and the forehead represents your decisions. Both are linked to OBEDIENCE. So basically, You worship whom you obey.
      Romans 6:15-16 KJV
      [15] What then? shall we sin,(transgress God's Law) because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid!!!. 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to OBEY , his servants ye are to whom ye OBEY ; whether of sin unto death, or of OBEDIENCE unto righteousness? …
      👍🏼KEEP THE 4th COMMANDMENT/TRUE 7th day SABBATH! It is a sign/a seal/a mark between God and His people . His obedient remnant. REMEMBER to keep the 7th day Sabbath Holy !!!
      ❓Why? (Psalm 119:6) Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto ALL thy commandments.
      (Sign/Seal/Mark) synonymous
      Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve... WWJD ?
      God's 7th day Sabbath Or
      The beast's counterfeit sun-day sabbath...
      They are BOTH a "mark".
      (an outward sign of obedience)
      To - God's law or man's law.
      Everyone will have one or the other ! The Seal of God or the Mark of the beast ........
      Isaiah 8:16
      Bind up the testimony,(JESUS) 👉🏽seal the law👈🏽
      among my disciples.
      God's seal is HIS LAW !
      Rev 14:12
      Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that KEEP the commandments of God,(THE LAW) and the faith OF Jesus.(THE TESTIMONY)
      Isaiah 8:20
      TO THE LAW (10 Commandments) AND TO THE TESTIMONY (Jesus Christ) if they speak not according to THIS WORD, there is no light in them.
      If any man will do HIS will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
      (John 7:17)
      The Pope is Anti-christ ! The man of sin !
      Sunday is his mark & it will be ENFORCED on the world !
      It is NOT The true Lord's Day !
      (Isaiah 58:13-14)
      🙏🏽 P E A C E
      👍🏼JESUS IS COMING SOON !видео.html

    • @awatchman5945
      @awatchman5945 4 года назад +1

      Ash Roberts
      A message of MEAT
      🙏🏽(Isa 28:9)🙏🏽
      God's Law is eternal, (Psalm 111:7-8) so how can it be nailed to the cross and done away with as most churches claim? We will still be keeping God's Law & 7th day Sabbath when all things are made new. (Isa 66:22-23)
      (The key to passing the coming
      Controversy... SUNDAY LAW)
      The counterfeit "mark" of the Roman beast.
      Ezekiel 20:12/20:20
      hallow MY SABBATHS; (not the worldly counterfeit) and it shall be 👉🏽A SIGN 👈🏽 between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God.
      SIGN = 'ÔWTH (Hebrew)
      Strong's # H226
      A distinguishing "MARK"
      The 7th day Sabbath is the distinguishing MARK of Yahweh. (God) An outward SIGN of Obedience. The SEAL of the Living God is in His Law. ( Isa. 8:16) This seal contains His Name,Title, and Territory. (The "Lord" - "Creator" of "Heaven&Earth")
      (Ex 20:11/Rev 14:7) (Psalm 146:5-6) (Acts 14:15)
      The 1st day as "the Lord's day" is the counterfeit MARK of the beast. (When enforced) It's a "right hand" of falsehood. (Right hand Example:Psalm 144:8/11) Satan says ... "I will be LIKE the Most High".
      (Isa 14:14) Satan/Lucifer/the beast is a counterfeiter of the things that are God's.
      Yah (God) has a Sabbath (Isa. 58:13-14) and Jesus is Lord OF IT.(Matt. 12:8). So, Satan/Lucifer , who wants to be LIKE the Most High God (working thru the worldly system of the Roman Papal beast out of the sea, and America; the beast out of the earth- Rev 13) will counterfeit an enforced day of rest & worship which is the total opposite day in which God Himself instituted at creation, and it still REMAINETH to this day. (Heb 4:9) That counterfeit day is known as the ancient pagan day of the sun. ☀️Sun-day; A tradition of men which is being kept, and a Commandment of God that is being rejected. FULL WELL ! (Mark 7:9/7:13)
      The Choice: Who do we obey?
      Answer: (Acts 5:29)
      Hebrews 4:4-9
      subject: The 7th day
      Heb 4:9 - There "REMAINETH" therefore A REST to the people of God.
      Remaineth = to continue /stay
      4:9 REST = SABBATISMOS (Greek)
      Strong's # G4520
      A keeping Sabbath
      (Heb 4:9) There REMAINETH therefore a keeping Sabbath to the people of God.
      The Doctrinal mistake: Do not confuse the Law of God with the law of Moses. Do not confuse God's 7th day Sabbath with the feast days which are also called sabbaths. (High Sabbaths)
      (John 19:31/Lev. 23:38)
      Paul's epistles sometimes seem to confuse most people & Pastors, as Peter warned.
      (2 Peter 3:16) Most people don't understand this when they quote other verses trying to justify breaking the Sabbath and saying we no longer have to observe it. It IS a Commandment of God just like the other 9 that the church preaches,but downplays #4 as the least commandment. (Matt 5:17-19) even making excuses.
      Research where sunday keeping comes from,and who changed it from the 7th day to the 1st. (Hosea 4:6)
      Remember, this message is MEAT not milk. (Heb 5:13-14)
      Chew it up good before you swallow it and seek the Holy Spirit confirmation while searching the scriptures here a little there a little,line upon line, precept upon precept, to understand the symbolic nature of Prophesy. The Bible will interpret itself.
      (2 Tim. 3:16) and the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophesy. (Rev 19:10)
      We are nearing the days of the mark of the beast ! How will you avoid it if you don't know what it is? It is a very "SUBTLE" deception. Just ask Eve. (Gen 3:1)
      ❗️The deadly wound of the Roman Papacy (1st beast) is almost completely healed. The 2nd lamb/like beast (America) that speaks like a dragon, and will eventually exercise ALL the power of the 1st beast before it, will soon speak (legislate) & cause (enforce) all to worship the 1st beast and set up a church & state image of the Roman Papal beast, and enforce its Sunday MARK of authority on the entire world using economic sanctions through the green new deal.
      This is the main goal behind the Pope's climate change agenda...
      A world wide "green" sabbath day of rest for ALL nations. To Come together ON SUNDAY for the common good. This is a major,but subtle deception and a very clever plan of Satan,as everyone is already conditioned to keep sunday as the Lord's day anyway. The question we must ask is this. What "Lord" is being referred to here? 👉🏽(Matt. 24:5)
      The Church & state should remain separate (as far as enforcing laws go) as it is written in the Constitution .(Matt. 22:21) Render to Caesar (the govt)
      the things that are Caesar's and render to God the things that are God's. No religious law should be enforced on anyone, 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 but i guarantee that a sunday law WILL eventually be forced on the world using economic sanctions. (No buy/No sell)
      It is prophesied that Most will accept it no problem, but The remnant few that keep the commandments of God and the faith OF Jesus will not. (Rev 14:12) The persecution will then be full fledge against the obedient people of God, and the climate calamities (judgements of God) will be blamed on the remnant few that do not bow in worship to the beast's image or accept its sunday MARK. (counterfeit sabbath)
      Research the Roman Inquisition to find out what happens to God's OBEDIENT people when the church is given State/Govt. power ! 538AD - 1798AD. Approx 500 million Christians were killed at the hand of the beast for refusing to break God's law.
      Ecclesiastes 1:9 states that It will happen again !
      (Rev. 20:4) is proof !!!
      They will go after the obedient Commandment keeping remnant that have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17) Mainly, Sabbath keepers ! Sunday Law will be ENFORCED world wide very soon and that IS the MARK of the Roman Papal beast !
      "Sunday is our MARK
      of authority. The (Catholic) church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance (Sat to Sun) is proof of that fact."
      (Catholic Record of London,Ontario
      Sept. 1st, 1923)
      (Ezek 22:26) - Her priests have violated MY LAW , and have profaned mine holy things:
      (Ezek. 22:8) - Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast profaned MY SABBATHS.
      The MARK IS NOT LITERAL, It is SPIRITUAL ! The right hand represents your actions and the forehead represents your decisions. Both are linked to OBEDIENCE. So basically, You worship whom you obey.
      Romans 6:15-16 KJV
      [15] What then? shall we sin,(transgress God's Law) because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid!!!. 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to OBEY , his servants ye are to whom ye OBEY ; whether of sin unto death, or of OBEDIENCE unto righteousness? …
      👍🏼KEEP THE 4th COMMANDMENT/TRUE 7th day SABBATH! It is a sign/a seal/a mark between God and His people . His obedient remnant. REMEMBER to keep the 7th day Sabbath Holy !!!
      ❓Why? (Psalm 119:6) Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto ALL thy commandments.
      (Sign/Seal/Mark) synonymous
      Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve... WWJD ?
      God's 7th day Sabbath Or
      The beast's counterfeit sun-day sabbath...
      They are BOTH a "mark".
      (an outward sign of obedience)
      To - God's law or man's law.
      Everyone will have one or the other ! The Seal of God or the Mark of the beast ........
      Isaiah 8:16
      Bind up the testimony,(JESUS) 👉🏽seal the law👈🏽
      among my disciples.
      God's seal is HIS LAW !
      Rev 14:12
      Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that KEEP the commandments of God,(THE LAW) and the faith OF Jesus.(THE TESTIMONY)
      Isaiah 8:20
      TO THE LAW (10 Commandments) AND TO THE TESTIMONY (Jesus Christ) if they speak not according to THIS WORD, there is no light in them.
      If any man will do HIS will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
      (John 7:17)
      The Pope is Anti-christ ! The man of sin !
      Sunday is his mark & it will be ENFORCED on the world !
      It is NOT The true Lord's Day !
      (Isaiah 58:13-14)
      🙏🏽 P E A C E
      👍🏼JESUS IS COMING SOON !видео.html

    • @tylerfoster1898
      @tylerfoster1898 4 года назад +7

      @@kennymartin7803 Get out of Hear with that. Do some Actual research before you Go implying words which you dont understand. Read your Bible

  • @surrenderdaily333
    @surrenderdaily333 4 года назад +85

    The people of Holland and other places in Europe saw what was happening and left for America. We have no place left to go, folks. This is where we make our last stand. Let's fight the good fight!

    • @garychandler4296
      @garychandler4296 4 года назад +2

      Problem is, who are "we"? "We've" become so segregated we can't agree even to disagree!

    • @donnabuckner
      @donnabuckner 4 года назад +5

      Webster- you are correct this is the last stop

    • @laurae8324
      @laurae8324 4 года назад +5

      Gary Chandler and it was by design.

    • @vincentrusso4332
      @vincentrusso4332 2 года назад

      @the form of sound words ministries the link was removed, do you have another way to link to it?

    • @vincentrusso4332
      @vincentrusso4332 2 года назад +1

      The link was removed

  • @dillionclayton2882
    @dillionclayton2882 4 года назад +26

    This preacher is all over it! I live in Tennessee and ima go watch him preach one Sunday. Why can't other preachers have the balls to say what's going on in this world! PREACHERS WATCHING THIS, TAKE NOTE AND STAND UP FOR WHATS RIGHT!!

    • @maryannenizio4816
      @maryannenizio4816 3 года назад

      They are AFRAID .... might lose people .... afraid of the government

  • @876portturbo
    @876portturbo 4 года назад +186

    Thank you 🙏 Jesus for Charles Lawson

    • @tinadupree4028
      @tinadupree4028 4 года назад +8

      Amen🙏Blessings in Jesus Name💌

  • @wakeywakey8603
    @wakeywakey8603 4 года назад +62

    I love that this pastor is well versed in "conspiracy theories" as well as biblical prophecies. The bible provides the framework to make sense of the things going on in our world. Pastor Larson knows how to connect.the dots & lift the veil of deception

  • @victoriacarr6685
    @victoriacarr6685 4 года назад +96

    The Best Truther Pastor EVER! Preach it Pastor Lawson! God Bless you and your ministry!

  • @susanyoung1600
    @susanyoung1600 4 года назад +22

    There is no pastor in my area that preaches current events like this guy. I wish I lived closer. He's awsome.

    • @usacitizen5857
      @usacitizen5857 4 года назад +3

      Susan Young : I'm in the same pitiful dilemma. Finding a good place to hear the true Word of God seems impossible in my area as well. All that preachers seem to preach now are long, boring dry bone sermons, no meat at all, just diluted, watered down, skimmed milk, dry toast sermons. They love to preach about tithing however, and to tell stupid jokes while "preaching." If it were not for the preaching by pastors like this man of God, then faithfully posted here on RUclips, I don't know how I would regularly hear biblically sound preaching.
      The child he spoke of who was at that sodomite parade was really vexed by that nasty naked sodomite. The look on his face was proof of how hurt he was. His face told it all. I wondered why his mother would even bring him to such a parade. She needed a good rear-end whipping.
      This sermon is so full of the horrors of what is really going on in the world and in America. I research and read all kinds of articles, and all that he is sharing about what is going on, I also have read about. When he introduces horrors that I haven't heard about, I do as much research as possible in order to gain proper understanding (Crispr, Agenda 21/2030, etc.) and this is scary, what is going on right here in America.

    @101ST-AIRBORNE 4 года назад +63

    I believe we're living in the end times, everything Pastor Lawson is speaking about is leading up to the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Praise God the Father

    • @endgame6979
      @endgame6979 4 года назад

      The revelation 12 sign was a warning.

  • @garretlarkin8039
    @garretlarkin8039 4 года назад +22

    I found Pastor Lawson about a year ago, and thank God. I know this man is truly a man of God.

  • @SmokyB96
    @SmokyB96 4 года назад +93

    GOD BLESS YOU SIR!! We need more pastors like you in the world!!

    • @187IsWhoIAm1
      @187IsWhoIAm1 Год назад +1

      I hope and pray that by the grace of God that I can have a double portion of what this man of God has, just like Elisha asked of the Lord.

  • @wakeuppeople9634
    @wakeuppeople9634 4 года назад +187

    Wish my pastor would tell us what’s going on like this pastor

    • @dedeeisdivinelydelivered4166
      @dedeeisdivinelydelivered4166 4 года назад +10

      Your not lying. The Holy Spirit told me it's cookie cutter Christianity most people know this in the church but they don't say anything out of fear of being ostriachized

    • @kennymartin7803
      @kennymartin7803 4 года назад +2

      Have you ever seen the word wish in the Bible? Stop.

    • @kennymartin7803
      @kennymartin7803 4 года назад +4

      @@dedeeisdivinelydelivered4166 I think it's great that you like the way he preaches ,wonder why he still bow s down and worships sun-worship Catholicism?

    • @dedeeisdivinelydelivered4166
      @dedeeisdivinelydelivered4166 4 года назад +8

      @@kennymartin7803 why are you here?

    • @wakeuppeople9634
      @wakeuppeople9634 4 года назад +5

      Lilly White no it’s a good church but u have do own research as u grow in the Lord

  • @phyllispitts1817
    @phyllispitts1817 Год назад +2

    This message was preached just three years ago! Now look where we are in 2023. Just about Everything he has preached in this sermon, has come to pass, and the rest, just around the bend.

  • @conrado5910
    @conrado5910 4 года назад +32

    "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

  • @leemi-cha3229
    @leemi-cha3229 4 года назад +122

    I am very blessed to have a Bible teaching church and pastor. That said, I love Pastor Lawson’s ministry so much! I get so happy every time he puts up a new video. God bless that wonderful servant of THE Living GOD!

    • @garychandler4296
      @garychandler4296 4 года назад +3

      Agreed, but I cannot and will not listen to their style of music. Pastor Lawson is to be greatly appreciated for telling the Truth. Not many like him out there - I wish there were, however.

    • @markcovais1835
      @markcovais1835 4 года назад +6

      Ive recently discovered Pastor Lawson by the suggestion of a stranger who asked me why I wear the Christ on the crucifix. Charles Lawson preaches eloquently, directly and truthfully to the reasons why I wear my crucifix. He is certainly doing our King a great service. I cant get enough of his preaching. I hope the youth of this country take hold of Jesus's word before its too late.

    • @tp3105
      @tp3105 4 года назад +1

      @@markcovais1835 Amen

    • @Nyasha263
      @Nyasha263 3 года назад +3

      I wish I had a home church and pastor like this to go to. My church closed due to the pandemic last year. I started listening to his messages last week, awesome word just awesome 🙏

    • @leemi-cha3229
      @leemi-cha3229 3 года назад +2

      @@Nyasha263 I pray you find a good church to attend, locally. Aren’t we so blessed to be able watch pastor Lawson, though? Big hugs from crazy California.

  • @trevormonteith5997
    @trevormonteith5997 4 года назад +133

    Blessings from Northern Ireland, great to hear they are still good preachers around. God bless you brother.

    • @HeavyMetalRuinedMyLife1971a
      @HeavyMetalRuinedMyLife1971a 4 года назад +3

      Hey brother !!

    • @onefeather2
      @onefeather2 4 года назад +4

      Blessings to you Trevor, it is good to hear that in other countries someone loves the Lord.

    • @trevormonteith5997
      @trevormonteith5997 4 года назад +3

      @@onefeather2 amen, God bless

    • @kennymartin7803
      @kennymartin7803 4 года назад

      Good preacher sun worshipping preachers they're all the same as the mega preachers.

    • @SCANIA374
      @SCANIA374 4 года назад +5

      Listening from Southern Ireland. I’m looking for a church here that preaches like Pastor Charles Lawson. I look forward to listening to all his sermons. God bless you & yours Pastor Lawson.

  • @jshadowens1979
    @jshadowens1979 4 года назад +52

    He's an amazing man of God...

  • @charlesmorehouse2260
    @charlesmorehouse2260 2 года назад +16

    This brother’s predictions are prophetic. I love you Pastor!🙏🏽👏🏽💕🙌🏼😇💪🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱

  • @aureliafox2924
    @aureliafox2924 Год назад +3

    This is exactly what we are seeing… What was prophetic three years ago is the reality today… Lord deliver us from evil, even so Lord Jesus, come quickly!

  • @Alphamales4Trump
    @Alphamales4Trump 4 года назад +10

    Pastor Charles is A voice in the Wilderness and a 💎in the Rough.

  • @marksanchez8055
    @marksanchez8055 3 года назад +9

    What's amazing is, so few people have ears to hear
    Pastor Lawson you have been such a blessing in my life
    A 40 year Conspiracy theorist who ran from God 30 years ago for a couple of years when I was called to preach
    Well, I've hit both ditches at times, but I have been preaching about 25 years
    And the obvious spiritual Warfare of the world is like watching a movie,
    But yet so few seem to be able to see it
    I pray for wisdom, obedience, forgiveness, compassion and love for the lost ,
    Psalms 3:3

  • @brothertonychrzan3969
    @brothertonychrzan3969 4 года назад +54

    Pastor Lawson always speaks THE TRUTH. God Bless!

  • @tinawallace856
    @tinawallace856 4 года назад +41

    May God reveal the truth to all who are willing to hear. Shut up and listen.

  • @angela-yf5pq
    @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +34


  • @Huhstorian
    @Huhstorian 4 года назад +59

    God bless all of you!!!

    • @danielsan3681
      @danielsan3681 4 года назад +1

      I see you like Ghost.

    • @janesancher9454
      @janesancher9454 4 года назад +4

      God bless you brother Charles Lawson and to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus over there at Temple Baptist Church.

    • @MultiLisa10
      @MultiLisa10 4 года назад

      May the Holy Spirit convict you!

  • @meowmeowmeow1243
    @meowmeowmeow1243 4 года назад +16

    What a courageous, amazing pastor. Very few know, or dare to speak about such things. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep your church safe pastor Lawson! Much love from Romania.

  • @DanielleMeetsTheLion
    @DanielleMeetsTheLion 2 года назад +9

    Jesus is coming so soon!!! Resist your flesh as much as possible! It's not going to be easy, but the gate is narrow! Spread the Good Word and stay strong in the Lord my brothers and sisters.

  • @MaryAnn598
    @MaryAnn598 3 года назад +7

    I am so thankful for Paster Charles he is one that speaks the truth wish all preachers could be like him.. God Bless 🙌

  • @Jamie-bv2wv
    @Jamie-bv2wv 4 года назад +35

    Greetings from South Africa 👋🏿🙏🏾😊

    • @Jamie-bv2wv
      @Jamie-bv2wv 4 года назад

      sur prized didn’t realize Luciferians also watch this channel!

  • @PaulWilliams-gj3xu
    @PaulWilliams-gj3xu Год назад +3

    This man has moved me closer to god then any one I've ever heard . I've been hip to conspiracies since I was in high school and all you have to do is look it up and dots will connect themselves. I love this preacher god bless him and all of you on here. Much love from Texas

  • @m.c3593
    @m.c3593 4 года назад +24

    Thank you Pastor Lawson for speaking truth.
    When you talk about what's happening in America, sir it's happening all over the world and you are the only one telling the truth .
    I'm not from America, but I tune in to watch your uploads from Europe.
    This world is getting more perverted ever day.
    God bless you and may he keep you safe.

  • @janesimmons8307
    @janesimmons8307 2 года назад +3

    Thank you pastor Lawson. God's blessings & armor of protection over all of us world wide in Jesus Christ holy name. Maranatha ✝️🙏👑❤️❤️

  • @sandrakippert9470
    @sandrakippert9470 4 года назад +27

    Pastor Lawson I pray for your health. I love you so much, you have helped me and taught me so much. Peace and blessings, much love and respect. God bless.

  • @tommynorton8973
    @tommynorton8973 Год назад +3

    The honest to God's truth if i ever in my 73 years heard it!!!!

  • @billwatts9220
    @billwatts9220 Год назад +1

    In Jesus name we pray
    Send the helper you promised to intercede for me and bless your children Lord Jesus

  • @vincentroberts3793
    @vincentroberts3793 3 года назад +7

    3 buildings came down on 9/11 2001 we in the UK seen a BBC Live news program the woman said that the 3rd building came down and it was up behind her

  • @genossdiengdoh6749
    @genossdiengdoh6749 3 года назад +3

    God bless you Pastor. We need more men like you. From Shillong, India

  • @Laura-wi7gc
    @Laura-wi7gc 4 года назад +25

    Thank you pastor Lawson, God bless you and your family..🙏❤

  • @willardreynolds1197
    @willardreynolds1197 4 года назад +24

    Thankyou pastor Lawson please pray for my family

    • @eastwood111
      @eastwood111 4 года назад +7

      Praying for you Willard. Amen!

  • @livingstone3718
    @livingstone3718 4 года назад +12

    Anxiously waiting for God to shut this lying and disgusting world down!

    • @AChrivia
      @AChrivia Год назад

      It's been an ongoing prophesied event that has going in now for more than 1500 to 1900 years as the time of heaven and to God is a much slower process (if at all) in heaven than time is measured on earth.
      Days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millenia on earth go by at a much slower rate than it does in the realm of the creator. Where he exists space and time havr no effect or measurement in any way. Only in creation does time exist and specifically speaking on earth.
      The end could come at any time now considering how more and more biblically prophetic events are occurring closer and closer together as christ had likened these events to that of "birth pains" the closer to the end that we get the worse things get on earth and more closely together.

  • @gilly25th
    @gilly25th 4 года назад +14

    I’ll stand with you pastor.

  • @nevermore4971
    @nevermore4971 2 года назад +5

    I love this pastor and how he also teaches history with his lessons.❤️

  • @carmennooner2027
    @carmennooner2027 4 года назад +6

    The Holy Spirit definitely put fire in Pastor's heart for this sermon. He is up there at the top of my favorite preachers/teachers because he's not ashamed of the Gospel of God! I have noticed more urgency in his teaching this past year or so. He is doing his utmost to make sure that he can preach as many souls as God gives him breath for into The Kingdom of Heaven! What a mighty servant.

  • @seantamke3108
    @seantamke3108 4 года назад +18

    Amen Pastor Lawson, don't take no guff off no one. GOD Bless in JESUS Name.

  • @im_a-man
    @im_a-man 4 года назад +53

    Them Chemtrails have us all sniffling

    • @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec
      @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec 4 года назад +14

      They have you hard to concentrate on the truth and it's getting heavier and happening every day, every where! Lord Jesus christ keep us protected and our eyes open, full of your holy spirit to stand against the darkness of deception!

    • @nancymcdougall5844
      @nancymcdougall5844 4 года назад +1


    • @nancymcdougall5844
      @nancymcdougall5844 4 года назад +1

      CIA Whistleblower - on Chemtrails:видео.html

    • @geoengineering5405
      @geoengineering5405 4 года назад +16

      Tom greene they have black ones now and ones you can’t see. We are being poisoned daily.
      Keep strong in Jesus Christ our body may be sick but our soul belongs to the Father.

    • @jefferylawrence9812
      @jefferylawrence9812 4 года назад +13

      Geo Engineering try and stay physically healthy as much as possibly jog drink lots of water most importantly stay spiritually healthy amen in Jesus

  • @randywheeler3914
    @randywheeler3914 3 года назад +4

    I suggest you go back seven or eight years and watch a lot of his videos it is really remarkable how spot-on he is about things to come which are happening now as we speak

  • @michaelrobertson8793
    @michaelrobertson8793 4 года назад +20

    Thank you LORD for Pastor Charles Lawson and my Pastor Apostle Herman L. Murray.

  • @downtherabbitholewithtenne6030
    @downtherabbitholewithtenne6030 4 года назад +19

    Pastor Lawson you tell the truth of Whats Really Going On!! Thank you for that! Amen!

  • @dr8ke.k500
    @dr8ke.k500 4 года назад +14

    Thanks for preaching the infallible Word of God.

  • @wandajackson4498
    @wandajackson4498 4 года назад +5

    May God be a hedge and a fence of protection around you so the TRUE WORD will continue to come forth! Thank God for Pastor Lawson! ❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

  • @seichorn4079
    @seichorn4079 4 года назад +31

    homeschool your kids. if you have internet service and a home computer all you need to educate your kids is online. teach science from nature. and supplement materials from your local lobrary. keep your kids home.

    • @elaineholmes7861
      @elaineholmes7861 4 года назад +5


    • @TheKing-qz9wd
      @TheKing-qz9wd 4 года назад +1

      Pretty sure that if the wireless signal can hurt you then simply having internet will hurt you.
      People say it usually involves proximity. Keep it away from your head, a foot or so at least.
      I for one haven't seen adverse effects yet but maybe because my health is already comprimised by different ailments I just can't see the differences.

    • @elaineholmes7861
      @elaineholmes7861 4 года назад


    • @elaineholmes7861
      @elaineholmes7861 4 года назад +1


    • @faithmungai6107
      @faithmungai6107 4 года назад

      Even that they are aiming at taking away- same way you can chose to or not to vaccinate your child.

  • @ljo7152
    @ljo7152 4 года назад +30

    Amen, please pray I get sleep tonight. Been having insomnia. Thank you

    • @scarir12
      @scarir12 4 года назад +3

      Praying..... Magnesium helped me, I believe It truly was a God send!

    • @TheKing-qz9wd
      @TheKing-qz9wd 4 года назад +5

      Hope you ain't been taking caffenine. Screws my momma up bad.
      May God give you physical rest.

    • @margaretmcguire3241
      @margaretmcguire3241 4 года назад +2

      Perhaps some melatonin? I always listen to books of the Bible as I fall asleep, it helps me get a restful sleep & I'm taking in the word of God. However when sick, I listen to scriptures for healing.
      When I feel overwhelmed, I listen to scriptures for strength & faith. Simply listening to the word of God works wonders.
      Hope this may help.
      Lifting u up in prayer.
      May the Lord bless & keep u always.

    • @paulajames3937
      @paulajames3937 4 года назад +1

      Praying for you!🙏❤

    • @victoriacrowe5610
      @victoriacrowe5610 4 года назад +1

      Could be from your smart meter on your home, or if your cell phone is near you while you are trying to sleep

  • @stephaniew.9366
    @stephaniew.9366 4 года назад +9

    Beloved, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen (2 Corinthians 4:18; Colossians 3:2; Philippians 4:8). Grace and peace be yours in abundance to all who have eyes to see Him in His shining glory. Amen

  • @876portturbo
    @876portturbo 4 года назад +51

    May God bless you all Amen

    • @ninjacat508
      @ninjacat508 4 года назад +1

      Luke Spencer ,
      God bless you too, brother!
      Could you say a prayer for me and my family? We are being plagued and need relief. Jesus works wonders and is my only hope. I pray and He helps, every time.
      Jesus be with you, brother.

    • @deezynski2377
      @deezynski2377 4 года назад +1

      Spiritual world.stay in

  • @lauradavis1570
    @lauradavis1570 Год назад +1

    In 3 yrs your word has come to pass. Thank God for your sermons.

  • @Revelation18-4
    @Revelation18-4 4 года назад +10

    Anyone remember the posted signs on businesses that said, " We have the right to refuse service to anyone." ?

  • @mattcorriere9039
    @mattcorriere9039 4 года назад +48

    This conspiracy has been going on since the beginning.

    • @audioengineproductions
      @audioengineproductions 4 года назад +4

      Matt Corriere the most on point comment here

    • @rozs9919
      @rozs9919 4 года назад +3

      Conspiracy since creation...

    • @sjurdurkjv
      @sjurdurkjv 4 года назад +5

      It´s coming to a head now

    • @christophersleight19
      @christophersleight19 4 года назад +9

      Pastor, I Love you.
      Islamic terrorists did not fly planes into the W. Trade Center.
      The painful reality of this tragedy is a major stumbling block for many people.
      Usually people that are having a difficult time coming to the realization that the country we grew up in, is not what we thought.
      The same group of Men and Woman, that plot the destruction of our society.
      Brought the Towers down.
      By this contrived action, the middle East has been invaded, countless men, woman and children murdered. Natural resources taken for the profits
      Of those who continue to Mastermind similar horrific events. Mass shootings, civil unrest.
      The Hegelian Dialectic, at work. But, we know the only reliable Truth.
      John 14:6

    • @gordongoodman8342
      @gordongoodman8342 3 года назад +1

      True. Wish this pastor would realize that.

  • @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec
    @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec 4 года назад +29

    Knock.. Knock we are taking your child. It's already here and has been happening in Europe for over 2 decades.

    • @angela-yf5pq
      @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +4


    • @donaldcoleman7569
      @donaldcoleman7569 4 года назад

      Gizzelle Brookes really?!!

    • @briannalathan5177
      @briannalathan5177 4 года назад +3

      Our daughter was taken at the begging of the year. By February they took our visitation away & treated me & my fiancee like we were the worst crack heads in North America. She was in & out of the hospital(of course they didn't feel like the parents even deserved 2 know about it until a week or 2 after the fact.) STILL no visitation! She went 2 B w/Jesus April,23,2019. The irony of it was,,,the investigation started B/C our special needs child missed a few medical appointments. So U can imagine how irate I was when various doctors called me wondering why she was missing medical appointments & not getting to see her specialists.[This was after the state took custody btw] The state took custody b/c we were evicted from our Apartment. It took the good ole' State government less than 4 months to destroy what took me & my fiancee 19 months to build =[ If CPS were around in Bethlehem 2000 yrs. ago, they would've taken the baby Jesus from Mary & Joseph b/c there was no room at the inn & they had 2 sleep in a manger. R.I.P. Abigail Grace Thrower. The Lord hates a lying tongue, proud look, & hands that shed innocent blood. It goes on all over the country & The World. I just pray that we can forgive them & walk worthy 2 see our little girl again. "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven"=words of Jesus. Matthew 18:10

    • @angela-yf5pq
      @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +7

      @@briannalathan5177 I will kill anyone who trys to take my children. DCFS, DHS IS A COVER FOR CHILD TRAFFICKING

    • @livingstone3718
      @livingstone3718 4 года назад +4

      Medical kidnap is another for those who refuse vaccinations. They're trying to take away our rights and more people need to wake up!

  • @quidable3626
    @quidable3626 Год назад +1

    Fear not the ones that can destroy your body, but fear God that can destroy both body and soul!
    The fear of God is the begining of wisdom!
    Fear no man, because we will all stand before God almighty and we all will be judged according to our works!

  • @amylloyd8079
    @amylloyd8079 Год назад +1

    Amen! love your teachings, the truth explained clearly without getting into too much of the individual details, holding it up and testing it against God's Word. Thank you, I really appreciate you sharing online

  • @arthur8355
    @arthur8355 Год назад +1

    Iv went to this church and saw Mr Lawson preach what a awesome church and pastor good people made us feel so welcome can't wait to get back up there

  • @angela-yf5pq
    @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +31

    Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red brown yellow black and white , they are m precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. ❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏

    • @belvederebaileycambodia
      @belvederebaileycambodia 4 года назад +1

      lol...even that song is now politically correct... when I went to Sunday school back in the 70's, it was" Red and Yellow, Black and White".. there was no brown..
      PC seeps in everywhere.

    • @angela-yf5pq
      @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +2

      @@belvederebaileycambodia I added brown to it in the 70s when i was a kid as i am brown Native American

    • @angela-yf5pq
      @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад

      @@belvederebaileycambodia no. I felt left out per say because it didn't say brown. I'm brown Native American. So as a CHILD, I sang it my way.

    • @kennymartin7803
      @kennymartin7803 4 года назад

      You just said that you don't trust the government and you believe the official government story about 911?

    • @angela-yf5pq
      @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +1

      @@kennymartin7803 no. They blew it up. Controlled demolition. Then collected the huge insurance payout. I dont believe one damn thing the Government says. Not now, not then, not ever

  • @robertjensen6094
    @robertjensen6094 2 года назад +2

    Mr Lawson thank you so much for your ministry you've done a lot for me God gave you to me in a perfect time I've been healing from a drug addiction for the last year your ministry has kept me good for a long time thank you love Rob and Krista Jensen

  • @cottontop912
    @cottontop912 4 года назад +15

    You must have read the book “ When a Nation Forgets God” .... good message preacher.

  • @paulgreig9347
    @paulgreig9347 4 года назад +3

    Yep, very few and far between preachers like this!! last of the last in the last days! Thanks be unto God we still have One like This.

  • @robertjensen6094
    @robertjensen6094 2 года назад +1

    We've been clean for a year now thank you amen

  • @zetacon4
    @zetacon4 4 года назад +5

    I really appreciate your straight forward manner and truth-telling. You have been one of my favorite respected men of God in the pulpit for years. Thank you for your plain words of truth to wake up the people and please continue to be faithful until your last breathe is exhausted. God be praised!

  • @thegreenehouseeffectchrist2297
    @thegreenehouseeffectchrist2297 3 года назад +3

    TRULY Love this Man of God

  • @ManuelPinner
    @ManuelPinner Год назад +1

    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to Our LORD Jesus Christ! To Live is Christ! To Die is Gain!

  • @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272
    @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 2 года назад +1

    Lawson is not only good - he is necessary and truthful to the max 🤗🤗🤗

  • @tootsiea4064
    @tootsiea4064 2 года назад +2

    If I ever get the chance to go to Tennessee, I’m going to visit pastor Lawson’s church. Thank you pastor, we love you. 💕

  • @wcharliewilson7004
    @wcharliewilson7004 4 года назад +18

    "For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
    The verse I think you were referring to...

  • @richgreene9420
    @richgreene9420 3 года назад +2

    You can tell the bible is the word of God and a man is a man of God by how prophetic the message is. Pastor Lawson is a most blessed man of God!! All Glory to God our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ!!

  • @repentorperish6805
    @repentorperish6805 2 года назад +1

    Pastor Lawson, always ahead of the times. I appreciate all the truth taught by Pastor Lawson, even when it is scary or hard to hear. I love that he tells us about the things to come that we can get over the shock by the time we have to personally witness these things, we will be much better prepared unlike the world. We need to be able to operate in the name of Christ, under horrific conditions. We have to save souls. My pastor at my church is not preparing us for this stuff coming. I have to do that on my own. So I thank Pastor Lawson from the bottom of my heart. He has been teaching me and my sister over this RUclips for years! 😊

  • @satpalhans2393
    @satpalhans2393 3 года назад +2

    Pastor Charles Lawson is really praiseworthy and one of the best preachers who faithfully preach the word of God. May almighty God use him for the spiritual uplift of the listeners in these last days.

  • @sunshineray7966
    @sunshineray7966 11 месяцев назад

    This man is anointed of God and we are ALL blessed to have him. We love you Pastor Lawson 💗!! May God take ALL OF THE GLORY 🙏❤️. AMEN 🙌

  • @creativeobx8367
    @creativeobx8367 2 года назад +1

    He speaks truth. They are already taking children away from families who don’t comply. This is a 2 years old message
    He was spot on

  • @scottperine9820
    @scottperine9820 5 месяцев назад

    He is on the throne and in control. Praise God. Hallelujah to the Lamb. Glory to God.

  • @littlemisssunshine5068
    @littlemisssunshine5068 Год назад

    One of the best Preachers Ive ever heard. Hes definitely lead by the Lord. I learn SO much from him. Watching for years from Gulfport, Mississippi

  • @1spicymum
    @1spicymum 4 года назад +4

    Oh my - I have just started listening to this Preacher . Honestly so much of what he is saying is resonating, it's incredible. wow

  • @KCL81_aw
    @KCL81_aw Год назад +2

    This sermon aged well! I just read that in some state they are not allowing kids to opt out of drag parades. Time only makes truth more apparent. 🙏❤️🇺🇸

  • @ChristwatchJR
    @ChristwatchJR 4 года назад +4

    May our Lord continue to bless and protect you Pastor Lawson.

  • @ediejudd4266
    @ediejudd4266 19 дней назад

    I thank God for pastor Lawson. God bless him

  • @IsabellaM._
    @IsabellaM._ 4 года назад +7

    God Bless you Pastor Lawson!

  • @lisaorourke4998
    @lisaorourke4998 4 года назад +2

    Pastor Charles Lawson you are a great man of god. I Love listening to you preach the word of god. Thank You Sir your a great man.

  • @per-arnemoa103
    @per-arnemoa103 Год назад +1

    Superb info from a fantastic preacher. Thank you, Lord, for this man.

  • @motownmojo3019
    @motownmojo3019 4 года назад +3

    Great sermon. You are touching subjects that could get you in trouble. I will most definately pray for you brother.

    • @motownmojo3019
      @motownmojo3019 4 года назад

      Don't stop I will back you though.:)

    • @starguy9
      @starguy9 4 года назад

      @@motownmojo3019 as will I. Better to die for freedom than be killed for not having it.

  • @kimkaragiannis848
    @kimkaragiannis848 2 года назад +1

    God bless pastor Lawson for teaching the Word of God and informing us!!!

  • @bennyhill3642
    @bennyhill3642 4 месяца назад

    Pastor I want to thank you for talking about things that no other pastors I've found will preach about!
    Praise GOD

  • @frankpitchford6936
    @frankpitchford6936 Год назад

    Pastor I see it too and send as many as will listen to your sermons I am born again tonight is turning into a great time I can see it Very clear now

  • @SuperBullyone
    @SuperBullyone Год назад +1

    Third time watching this, God must be trying to tell me something. God Bless you Pastor Charles Lawson.

  • @MaggotFood899
    @MaggotFood899 Месяц назад

    It's 2024 and 4 years ago Pastor Lawson has told the truth. This has come to pass,. God bless Pastor Lawson, his church and his family.

  • @kevinvest9693
    @kevinvest9693 6 месяцев назад

    He has been right all the time. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ comes back soon.

  • @beck1902
    @beck1902 Год назад +1

    Watching in 2022, with amazement!

  • @oldonetwoable
    @oldonetwoable 4 года назад +3

    Same thing is happening in Australia, everyone seems to walk on eggshells watching everything they say. It's all happened so quickly.

  • @sabcentrella916
    @sabcentrella916 4 года назад +6

    Yes Pastor Lawson is a Mighty man of God BUT Don't put your trust in a man! Put your trust in GOD!!!

  • @Sh4un1r1k
    @Sh4un1r1k 4 года назад +3

    I wished there were more preachers and churches like Charles's. Old pre PC tell it like it is. Preaching a mixture of topics even uncomfortable to hear. There is too much wishy washy feel good preaching today.
    I'm yet to be saved but listening to you share about hell fire and the way out through Jesus Christ is the proper gospel, really talk to the soul.

    • @starguy9
      @starguy9 4 года назад +1

      You can be saved right now. It's a choice. Simply ask Jesus for it.

  • @ServantsResearchMinistries
    @ServantsResearchMinistries Год назад +1

    Great sermon!

  • @choppertcp1045
    @choppertcp1045 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for the Truth! Be blessed my brother in Jesus!