panellogy 386 - prince valiant

  • Опубликовано: 30 апр 2021
  • hal foster's highly influential masterwork in a splendid oversized gift box edition from fantagraphics
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Комментарии • 40

  • @enragedkaiser237
    @enragedkaiser237 Год назад +1

    Hal Foster's art is gorgeous!

  • @gennarocarletto9927
    @gennarocarletto9927 11 месяцев назад

    My father was Reading the stories in The Italian sundaypapers before WW2. Hè moved to the Netherlands in The fifties and back in 66 a Dutch supermarket published the PV stories. Since 66 is am still Reading PV. The Best ever

  • @ftloc
    @ftloc 3 года назад +12

    Hal Foster is someone I've only recently started appreciating, and the Fantagraphics Prince Valiant volumes are absolutely indispensable for that. The Tarzan Sunday pages are another wonderful showcase too.
    Thanks for another great video, always a pleasure to spend some time in your library!

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +4

      Yeah, Tarzan, always tempting... maybe someday... but for now Prince Valiant scratches two of my itches at the same time: a fascination for medieval times (and what the 19th century had made out of it) & comics.

    • @brushonfire8800
      @brushonfire8800 3 года назад +2

      @@earlgrey862 I have one of the sundays.... they are very rough. I would skip them or get the smaller european size volumes in french. It does not match up to the quality of PV and foster didnt take it as seriously, it was just a way to pay bills while he tried to get his painting career going

    • @ftloc
      @ftloc 3 года назад +5

      @@earlgrey862 the Tarzan pages don't match the magnificent lushness of Prince Valiant, but I find their energy, movement and kineticism to be very appealing. In that way, a lot of the earlier Prince Valiant can feel like lovely illustrations with prose (although numerous) in comparison, and because you move faster through the panels in Tarzan it feels more 'comicy'. I really love both effects.

  • @sleepyreader666
    @sleepyreader666 3 года назад +3

    Wonderful video. Funny it never occurred to me to-think of Valiant as kitsch . More a golden ideal of old fashion “boys adventure “ dream that is surprising to actually see on the page. The illustrative perfection is almost overwhelming, which makes it feel like a dream to me. I would guess his approach was informed by his youth in the wide open spaces and wilds of turn of the century Canada than the industrial boom of the more urban areas.
    I would say that Foster was an overwhelming influence on the first two generations of American comic book artists...and perhaps selectively influential still...

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +2

      As a kid I spent some vacation days with my parents in the castles along the river Rhine, looking at bulky, heavily uncomfortable looking armour suits, getting my chills in torture chambers and so on... this may explain why I can't help but have to compare these impressions with the romantic "dreamlike" stories by Foster.

    • @sleepyreader666
      @sleepyreader666 3 года назад +2

      @@earlgrey862 What is kitsch may depend on where you grew up. I ran about the woods of New England, a sword sized stick in my hand, looking up at rock formations and imagining them to be medieval fortresses. The only ruins I ever saw were the occasional foundation of a tiny colonial farm house now covered over in vegetation.

  • @brushonfire8800
    @brushonfire8800 3 года назад +9

    def read all the captions and boxes, foster has a lot of jokes and innuendos you will only get by paying close attention....I also disagree that its kitsch , the stories are very good and some of them have some very complex themes like when PV encounters the pagans and ruminates on modern religions creating a new superstition that supersedes mythic truth. Also its stories for all ages, it doesnt have raping and murdering like Hermann stories but cmon its intended for the whole family to read.

  • @PERart6231
    @PERart6231 3 года назад +3

    Hall Fosters magnum opus Prince Valliant !!!
    Sunday funnies at their best, and a time capsule of the 30s of the Sunday comic strips, this a must have along side with Alex Raymond's Flash Gordon.
    a cool knight with the best haircut in comic history!!
    thank you for the great video.

  • @OdysseyMichele
    @OdysseyMichele 3 года назад +2

    I have the second case and I enjoyed it. It's true, it's kitsch but fascinating. There is some love that comes from these stories that makes you go on. The storytelling is unique, I mean the absence of balloon makes it a real "oral tale" and so does the time progression from panel to panel. It fees like mythical tales that you've used to hear from your grandpa in front of the chimney. It's illustrative ofc, but Foester gets always the best moment to ilustrate.

  • @alpyhaWQFwef
    @alpyhaWQFwef 2 года назад

    I LOVE these books. I've read all through Hal Foster's life. That Volume 4 cover is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  • @alpyhaWQFwef
    @alpyhaWQFwef 2 года назад +1

    I may not be a romance reader either, but who can deny that H Foster had an intimate understanding of courtship and romance between men & women. It is beautiful to see how his understanding is inspired by the love between his wife & he.

  • @jasonharding1522
    @jasonharding1522 3 года назад +1

    The best stuff. Thanks!

  • @Sweercheff
    @Sweercheff 3 года назад +1

    Great video.
    The biggest Serbian comic book publisher, Čarobna knjiga, recently published entire Hal Foster's run on "Prince Valiant". It looks very much like Fantagraphics' edition (no gift box, sadly), and it is comprised of 17 volumes spanning the period 1937-71. Just a few days ago they issued two "new" volumes ('71-'76), with John Cullen Murphy on pencilling duties. I have them all, but still haven't got to read them again (I did of course read them when I was a kid). It will be fun to compare their drawing styles, although I saw somewhere that until late '70s, Foster was the one who virtually led Murphy's hand very austerely, so I guess there won't be too many differences in the art after all.

  • @Lefti_der_Halunke
    @Lefti_der_Halunke 2 года назад

    Ey Earl!
    My lovely Comic Collector!
    A nice and huge comic collection what you have.
    But I'm very scared how many space the comic collection need.
    I like your english, because I understand it very well.
    You speak like me, but you have more vokabularys in use.
    So I see your clips to practice more understand english.😉
    Specialy I like the clips about history themes, specialy knights, pirates, fantasy, european comics and so on.
    The only thing that leaves something to be desired are your book shelfs. I thing with new good book shelfs in white or black (like Kallax) your comic collection gets a whole new "Wertigkeit". 👍

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  2 года назад

      ha, learning English while watching my vids, that's a new one! as long as you don't try to imitate my often idiosyncratic pronouncations it's probably fine... hopefully... I guess :))
      as to my shelves: me and my Ivar-shelves from Ikea have become old together, so I won't part with these... they're very functional & I actually like the "Kiefernholz" look - vielleicht erscheinen sie in den Videos manchmal etwas schräg aufgrund von Verzerrungen durch den Weitwinkel oder so... sind sie aber nicht und man kann die Höhe jedes Faches beliebig einstellen, was für mich Grundbedingung ist.

  • @AlucardNoir
    @AlucardNoir 3 года назад

    When it comes to comics this was a great week for me. I bought some Moomin, finally received Legends of Today and Wika from Titan Comics... and here you are doing Valiant... I was expecting a better outing from you Earl.

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад

      favourite comment of the week already :)

  • @lobbymccawker2083
    @lobbymccawker2083 3 года назад +1

    Prince Valiant by Foster is an absolute classic. Mine are the same books but not in slipcases.

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад

      somehow it's not very fair, that those (like me) who are bit later are treated with these (slightly) discounted and nice slipcases. same with the crepax books from fanta (and the ec-collections)... even though I don't like the design of the crepax boxes too much, so I'm not sorry that I bought the single books beforehand.

  • @MarkSmith-ch1gx
    @MarkSmith-ch1gx 3 года назад +1

    So tempted to buy the first box set but will I ever read it?

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад

      I had similar concerns... but since you can read many pages almost as if they were silent (by skipping most of the narration boxes), it turned out to be quite a pageturner :)

  • @andiscomicbude3228
    @andiscomicbude3228 3 года назад

    Diese schönen Schuberausgaben von Prinz Eisenerz lassen mein bibliophiles Herz gleich höher schlagen. Ich habe nur ein altes Softcover Album von Prinz Eisenerz vielleicht wird esal Zeit meine Sammlung diesbezüglich zu erweitern und upzugraden.
    Wie immer tolles Video!

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +1

      Danke Andi... diese Ausgaben sind definitiv eine Augenweide. Du kannst ja Dir auch einmal die Ausgaben von Bocola ansehen, die eigentlich auch mit Liebe gemacht sind, auch wenn ihre Neukolorierung mir so gar nicht einleuchtet.

    • @andiscomicbude3228
      @andiscomicbude3228 3 года назад

      @@earlgrey862 werd ich mir definitiv mal anschauen

    • @familje5455
      @familje5455 3 года назад

      @@earlgrey862 Auf der Homepage von Bocola wird auf eine digitale Restaurierung der ursprünglichen Farben hingewiesen und nicht auf eine Neukolorierung. Hier ist der Link. Man muss etwas runterscrollen, um zu der Info mit der digitalen Restaurierung zu gelangen:

  • @ta5777
    @ta5777 3 года назад +1

    Do you have the Prince Valiant Studio Edition? It’s amazing!!

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +3

      nope... just a second ago I didn't know that such thing does exist at all. and of course: it's out of stock everywhere... damn... but thanks for the info

    • @ta5777
      @ta5777 3 года назад

      @@earlgrey862 not sure if he is still selling his copy of the Studio Edition. He was selling for $80USD:

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +1

      ... but with postage it's out of my range as well and I'm not on facebook, but thanks... maybe some better opportunity will present itself sooner or later

  • @uzzab6937
    @uzzab6937 3 года назад

    You should make a panellogy of your Conan collection, if you have one

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +1

      I don't have any Conan, sorry

  • @michischwarz
    @michischwarz 3 года назад

    Interessantes Video. Ich hatte schon lange überlegt, mir die Boccola-Ausgaben zuzulegen. Habe mich aufgrund des doch recht konservativen Stils jedoch nicht so recht dazu durchringen können. Diese Fantagraphics-Ausgaben sehen sehr gut aus. Nur bin ich bei der Farbwiedergabe nicht so sicher: . Was ist Deine Meinung dazu, Du meintest ja die Farben kämen den Original näher als Boccola? In den Kommentaren zu dem Blog-Eintrag wird ja recht positiv über Boccola gesprochen. Nun weiß ich nicht weiter:)

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +1

      Das ist ein interessanter Link & für mich doch ein wenig überraschend, wie sehr die Fantaversion vom Original abweicht. Der Hauptpunkt scheint aber der zu sein, dass die Kolorierung oft zu dunkel sei und die Zeichnungen verdecke ... mag man so sehen, ich tue es nicht.
      Mein Problem mit den Bocola-Ausgaben sind eigentlich zwei, die aber zusammengehören: 1. das deutlich geringere Format, 2. das komplette Löschen der Benday-Dot-Strukturen des Originals. Das geht m.E. deutlich über den Eingriff von Fanta hinaus, bei denen Du nahezu überall bei näherem Hinsehen die "Pünktchen" sehen kannst. Klingt jetzt vielleicht albern, aber für mich machen diese Strukturen den Charme alter Comics aus. Hingegen habe ich das was ich im Comicladen von Bocola sehen konnte als flach und seelenlos empfunden... aber ich kann natürlich sehen, dass manche das bevorzugen, weil es einen klareren Blick auf die Linien an sich ermöglicht.
      Und bei dem kleineren Format der deutschen Bücher wären die Bendays vielleicht eh nicht mehr so gut zu sehen.
      (Du kennst sicher die Seite von Bocola mit Leseproben: )

    • @michischwarz
      @michischwarz 3 года назад

      @@earlgrey862 ich werde da noch etwas weiter recherchieren. Bei den Druillet-Ausgaben hast Du mich ja auch schon angefixt. Soweit habe ich die Avant-Ausgaben in der VZA und die Chaos von Titan Books. Salammbo und Yragael liegen schon im Warenkorb und warten noch auf eine Entscheidung. Bei "Die Nacht" warte ich noch ab... Bist 'ne gute Inspiration! Passt auch gut zu meiner Moebius-Sammlung, oder Bilal oder oder oder....:)

  • @itsgeekbeat
    @itsgeekbeat 3 года назад +1

    An Prinz Eisenherz musste ich mich erst gewöhnen. Keine Sprechblasen und einfach sein Image, dass er bei mir "genoss", ähnlich deiner Sicht darauf als Kind. Heute ist es eine meiner liebsten Comicreihen. Für mich ist einfach nicht ein uninteresantes Panel in den Geschichten.
    Angefangen habe ich unglaublich günstig mit Pollischansky und bin dann zu BoCoLa gewechselt.

    • @earlgrey862
      @earlgrey862  3 года назад +1

      dann gehe ich mal davon aus, dass Du die Neukolorierung von Bocola magst? Und ja Du hast recht, da gibt es kein uninteressantes Panel & oft sieht man Dinge auch erst auf den zweiten Blick, so z.B. wie Val hier in meinem Thumbnail pfiffig an seiner Begleiterin vorbei die 4.Wand durchbricht... ist mir erst aufgefallen als ich nach etwas geeignetem zum "Verthumben" gesucht habe.

    • @itsgeekbeat
      @itsgeekbeat 3 года назад

      @@earlgrey862 Ja, BoCoLa haben sich viel Mühe gegeben und mir gefallen die Bände sehr gut.