Tektro E-Bike Brakes HD-E350 detailed explanation of everything necessary to DIY Repairs and Mods

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 169

  • @UncleFjester
    @UncleFjester  Год назад +6

    *"If you find this helpful, Please consider clicking on the "THANK$" Button"* 👍🏼

  • @diskgrind3410
    @diskgrind3410 3 года назад +13

    It might be easy for you, but you had to learn at some point how to do it. I'm a boomer and never really did any mechanical bike work. I now own an Ebike with hydraulic brakes and am here to learn. Thanks for all the valuable information!

  • @ivan-j4l9x
    @ivan-j4l9x Год назад +5

    Hi working on bikes was quite daunting for me at first. I only starting teaching myself after being turned away from local bike shops since ebike are quite rare in Australia. I wouldn't say it is easy. It takes patience research and understanding and like everything will become easy. Since getting my ebike I now understand every component from mechanical to electrical and have had fun modding the hell out of it.

  • @buffalobob
    @buffalobob 9 месяцев назад


  • @johnsheetz6639
    @johnsheetz6639 2 года назад +3

    I'm 1 minute in and I already like you. 😆 To be honest though people pay a lot of money for their e-bikes and they don't want to mess it up by doing it bad or fray the cable I was going to be one of those guys where I got it serviced at a bike shop thank God most bike shops here don't want to touch e bikes! I was super scared when I wanted to change a tire on my lectric I bought a few tools and just went in and now me and my bike are one! 1200 miles I've done all the work myself

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад +1

      😎 I like you too John, I'm going out on a limb, no disrespect, it's a generational thing. As a Boomer if we wanted to get away or socialize we used our bikes, there were no gangs or predators when we grew up. Our fathers showed the first born, how to change tires, tubes, etc. After that it was up to us to do repairs, teach our younger siblings and pay for the parts, OK to use dads tools as long as he doesn't find out.
      Every subsequent generation had video games, boomers got Pong in College. Then parents got too scared of child predators to let y'all free to go away on bikes. So for most people, the new eBikes are their first experience maintaining much less modding a toy.
      Stick around, I posted many repair and improvement videos.

    • @johnsheetz6639
      @johnsheetz6639 2 года назад

      @@UncleFjester I worked on a lot of old school mountain bikes but I never had anything that expensive so I was a little bit apprehensive at first and I saw videos on lectrics they said they had to use a frame spreader. That's not the case with mine so no problems I think big e bike had something to do with making people scared. 😂

  • @roberthammers5691
    @roberthammers5691 3 месяца назад

    High 5s for video.
    Purchased a Aventon 500.3 Pacer, June last year.
    I live out of state from the state I purchased bike.
    The bike shops where I live, seem cater to a certain client base.
    Treks, other high end bikes,
    They don't carry Aventon.
    Lately, front brake mushy.
    Discovered the ParkTool website, thanks courteous rep. And other sites pertaining to bleeding brakes.
    Ordered bleed kit from "A".
    After several attempts to relearning fluid dynamics, Ha, using both syringes, finally used the cup, that method worked.
    Learning this stuff, I contaminated pads.
    Now I have a horn when brakes applied.
    Order brakes or use sandpaper and ISA to clean/resurface pads.
    Once again, just found UJ site today.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, Hydraulic brakes are a pain in the ass till you become one with them, then it becomes easier to service them which you'll be doing frequently. My advice would be stay offline and out of the forums, Iso Alcohol is for Doctors, not bike brakes, those commenters know nothing and just repeat what they read like a monkey would. No need to sand the rotor either. I would get new pads and a spare set or two depending on how many miles you ride. Hyd. Pads wear fast on these heavy AF Ebikes.
      So, a little common sense that no one in any forum has, is this. These are the same brake design mountain bikes use only cheaper. MTB racers go thru knee deep water and nasty mud and all they do is hose down the bike. And they are fine. If you want to ride today, I'd remove the pads and with some 120 or 240 sandpaper, lightly rough up the pads then wipe down the rotors with any solvent. Its just Baby oil that got on everything. Good luck!

  • @djbastetusa
    @djbastetusa 3 года назад +1

    The first video I have seen that someone is not using 2k worth of tools just to take a brake lever off, I love it.

  • @clubwilliams89
    @clubwilliams89 4 года назад +2

    Good video. I took my first ride yesterday and was very pleasantly surprised - No Brake Squeal! For this you get my first thumbs up! Happy Saturday!

  • @The1MagikMike75
    @The1MagikMike75 Год назад +1

    This was absolutely the best video. Perfect explanations, and the commentary was spot on!!!

  • @dexe
    @dexe 8 месяцев назад +1

    What hose and what diameter does the Tektro HD-350 use, I can't find a specification anywhere... AliExpress offers BH-59 and BH-90 which are 5mm but this one seems to be 5.5mm?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  8 месяцев назад +1

      Link to everything I put up are always in the description

  • @mjfoutdoors1551
    @mjfoutdoors1551 2 года назад +1

    This was fantastic. From start to finish. I just wanted to learn about some breaks and when you pulled out the gun I was cracking up. Great video!

  • @drecoracing
    @drecoracing 2 года назад

    Both my grandfathers died before I had the chance to meet them as a child. I always imagined they would be something like this lol. Awesome vid

  • @Rotary12A
    @Rotary12A 2 года назад

    Thanks just got one of these installed on my front brake. Was charged 90 bucks for the whole front system installed. My last one blew so I needed one anyway.

  • @augiemattheiss
    @augiemattheiss 3 года назад +5

    Very informative, thank you for taking the time to make and post this video recording. I always laugh at how squeamish some RV'ers, lots of young men, are with sewage, apparently they've never done plumbing work, had a dog or a baby, entertainingly crazy exaggeration of risk, perhaps from being sheltered for decades?

  • @ronb1353
    @ronb1353 Год назад

    Great Video however would you happen to know if there's a lever spring on this model? My brake lever no longer springs back when you take your fingers off it. Other bikes would have a bolt that can be unscrewed releasing the lever from the brake assembly which gives you access to the coiled spring however not sure if the silver pin on this thing can be removed and replaced. It appears that it be more like a rivet and once it's compressed on it's on. Thanks in advance

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад

      Not that I know of...

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад +1

      This works on Hydraulic pressure of the lines, if you have no pressure or a leak, then squeezing the lever pushes all the fluid out and with no pressure it can't rebound

  • @StephaneDumas-j5f
    @StephaneDumas-j5f 2 месяца назад

    Best how to video out there plain and simple

  • @BlastedMaster
    @BlastedMaster 11 месяцев назад +1

    Dude's got top-tier crazy uncle vibes and I fuckin' love it. And Uncle Fjester, your right dude, fuck those companies pedaling lies (pun intended) about _needing_ their _special_ overpriced tools. Besides things like a bottom bracket removal tool. It's kinda unavoidable if you need to pull your crank...👌🥸

  • @scrippslarry
    @scrippslarry 2 года назад +1

    Very informative, with a smile - thanks! Wish you taught lessons on everything!

  • @andrewstephens2687
    @andrewstephens2687 Год назад

    Dude just found your channel trying to "fix" the brakes on the used Ariel rider I just grabbed used. Love your style.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад +1

      Welcome aboard! & Thanks!
      Here is the deal with eBike brakes, especially a powerful Ariel. Most brakes are undersized which means the pads will wear fast AF. Between pad replacements You can bleed or pump up the pressure to get by til the pads get replaced.

  • @arnoldomonterroso8417
    @arnoldomonterroso8417 4 года назад +2

    Awesome video as always !

  • @bonnavideo
    @bonnavideo 4 года назад +4

    I will smell like a baby going down the road lol. Very educational, thanks!

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад +4

      Exactly! you'll be able to Smell when you have a fluid leak😂🤪

  • @rickc2222
    @rickc2222 7 месяцев назад

    Really wish tektro had used a 3 wire magnetic switch that can do either normally open or closed (yes they exist) - as I need the opposite - continuity when brake is pulled - to turn on regen for the kelly controller.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  7 месяцев назад

      It should be as simple as switching out the contact in the lever.

  • @AlexMint
    @AlexMint 3 года назад +1

    The barb insertion tool isn't necessary, but it is helpful if you're working on a bunch of bikes, like someone who does a bunch of conversions to make some side money.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      YES! Any professional should have professional tools for any job.
      DIY'r can get creative

  • @romandevda4357
    @romandevda4357 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for such a detailed video!!!!

  • @stavencapp
    @stavencapp 29 дней назад

    I had always wondered wether baby oil could be used, thanks for confirming it. I guess the only difference between baby oil and proper fluid would be the additives the use to reduce boiling point etc, but i mean, its a bicycle not a motorcycle in what situation are u going to be boiling the brakes.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  29 дней назад

      Added Fragrance of Baby Oil allow you to smell it when there is a leak.

  • @BlairAir
    @BlairAir Год назад

    Years later, this wisdom remains valid (solid info is like that) I see the cut-off/brake light line is basically a toggle, not supplying power, but suitable to switch a device on/off, specifically a brake light. If you happen accross this, can you suggest an aftermarket brake light brand/model that accepts this as a signal? I have Techtro Mechanical brakes, with that signal line.
    Thanks forbthe Tectro "Brakedown" in any event! ✌️

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад

      OK, so you want to use this lever as a Brake light on a non eBike?
      Easy wiring, you'll need a battery suppling the voltage the light requires. Then take the battery negative directly to the Light negative.
      Take the battery Positive to either side of the brake lever, then the other side goes to the Positive of the Light.
      Electrical wiring 101...Easy Peasy

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад


    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад +1

      One more thing, I can't remember, but the contacts in the Tektro lever might be NC Normally Closed and woulnt work as a brake light switch. But an Ohm Meter would confirm my thought

    • @BlairAir
      @BlairAir Год назад +1

      @@UncleFjester Thanks, that could be. I'll test before investing time, parts etc. Appreciate the help!

    • @BlairAir
      @BlairAir Год назад

      @@UncleFjester - If the switch/contact in the Techtro is normally open. I'll take the positive lead in the headlight barrel connector, split it for a line to both handles redundantly so either handle can close the circuit. Not exactly James Webb telescope complexity, but should work for my simple needs.

  • @johnlesko8254
    @johnlesko8254 4 года назад +2

    Is that a special juiced bike brake adjustment towel you use? I noticed you didn't put a link for it. I found one online for $50, but it doesn't look as special as the towel you use. Great video!
    "Little girlie hands like Tora Harris" Fuc#@n hysterical.

  • @LeCarcajou33
    @LeCarcajou33 2 года назад

    Hi uncle, can you explain how to add a break light on the break levier for an electric bike like that ? I have a Surron and I want to make it street legal

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад

      Let me try.... Bring a Positive + wire(lets make it red) from the battery to the brake lever, it won't matter which wire(brake lever must be a Normally open contact) with the other wire on the brake lever go to the positive + on the brake light. Now you'll need a negative - wire (lets make it black) from the battery to the other - wire on the brake light to complete the circuit. Because eBikes are different than cars, where all metal object are negative you need a separate wire from the battery.
      All of this is the exact same for wiring a head light too.
      Good luck, thats a lot of work, especially keeping the wiring clean looking.

  • @sp4c3d0ut9
    @sp4c3d0ut9 Год назад

    Now which wires go to the break light and which wires go to the engine cut off? Not trying to do burnouts just wondering

  • @padrebardas
    @padrebardas 3 месяца назад

    Very valuable content in this video. Thanks a lot man !

  • @lisajfedon9627
    @lisajfedon9627 2 года назад

    Good video Uncle Fester I now can tear down my tektro auriga hydraulic brakes

  • @Iamkayaky
    @Iamkayaky 3 года назад

    Getting back to the brake sensor...could you revisit this please.
    How does it work exactly?
    My sensor wire broke when I took a spill throwing an E25 on the control "sensor error". Can I simply resolder the wire, is there a polarity issue... give me anything you have please.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      Should not be a polarity issue. It is only opening and closing a contact to kill the power and initiate the brake light. Soldering will be fine.
      Now lets discuss why you took a spill. Do you still have those Dangerous POS Innova tires? Those need to go as they have an unsafe design!

    • @Iamkayaky
      @Iamkayaky 3 года назад

      @@UncleFjester They have knobs, KENDA is the brand. No, I would have needed studs due to the ice. Now I'm trying to get a new sensor with wire and coupling.

    • @Iamkayaky
      @Iamkayaky 3 года назад

      @@UncleFjester If it was a matter of closing the circuit does that mean I could just short the wires and get power back to the motor? Maybe there was a fuse blown too?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      No, the switch performs two functions. It activates the brake light and cuts off power to the motor. If is "just" broken, or disconnected, I would expect one of two things would occur.
      1 being, squeezing the handle to do nothing(no brake light, throttle still active)
      2 Being, throttle won't work, brake light is always on.
      I can't remember if the switch is NO or NC
      All of this is wired directly to the controller, I can't see why having the wiring ripped out would damage the controller.
      The contact switch in the brake handle is magnet operated. ruclips.net/video/vWwIrzTArwM/видео.html

    • @Iamkayaky
      @Iamkayaky 3 года назад

      @@UncleFjester I soldered the wires together and got the bike working again. Its a thought that the wire was too taught in the first place. I have ordered another handle as a just in case but those solder joints are protected in the handle, they "should" hold. Thanks

  • @derekalv911
    @derekalv911 2 года назад

    Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement sensor online? It's like they don't exist. One of the wires got pulled out and I don't think shoving them back in there is gonna work reliably.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад

      Personaly I'd take this opportunity to upgrade the from Brakes to the Magura MT5 and salvage the stock parts to the rear brake. Due to the weight of the ebike and the entry level Tektro brakes, your stopping power in minimal at best

  • @jrbrooks5171
    @jrbrooks5171 3 года назад

    Thanks for the info with style & sense - I'm riding a bike again for the first time in 50 years - no broken bones and only 10 stiches! The baby oil under my sink also has aloe and vitamin E. Would you use that?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      I would.... ruclips.net/video/63VIuPiX3CA/видео.html

  • @Campfussell
    @Campfussell 2 года назад

    Thanks Uncle Fess, this helps me better understand the Tektro brakes on my Ariel Rider

  • @JohnFixes
    @JohnFixes 3 месяца назад

    Our teennager had a small crash that bumped the right brake grip of the TekTro HD-E350. The result was that the snap ring(c-clip?) that is inside the grip popped out. My snap ring pliers are too big to get in there and the tips don't even fit the snap ring holes...
    Can you recommend a tool that would make it possible to set that snap ring?
    Thanks for the video!

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 месяца назад

      Sorry John, I got nothing...

    • @JohnFixes
      @JohnFixes 3 месяца назад

      @@UncleFjester Do you know the ring I'm talking about? It holds the tip of the push rod that compresses the hydraulic fluid/mineral oil. It just seems like such an awkward setup to get that ring re-set!
      Regardless, thanks for the video AND for giving me an idea in my own videos. I like your pinned comment approach, and and I'm already in the process of adding the same to my own videos... We offer value, and I think most folks have no idea they can send a $$$ tip!

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 месяца назад

      All I have now are Shimano Deor's on my MTB. Email me a picture of the clip, unclefjesteratgmail But in manufacturing, making a tiny C Clip needle nose Pliers for a once off use is nothing. I'll bet you can find replacement levers on ebay for cheap. Most people are now using phones to watch and I have no idea how to set up for that.

  • @eqlibrium854
    @eqlibrium854 4 года назад +2

    "Can you attend my class..." -Mr. Hand (Fast Times)

  • @browngirl1771
    @browngirl1771 Год назад

    where can I buy a replacement HD-E350 lever (left hand side) for Super 73 S2?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад

      Welcome to the World Wide Web. Check out this searchable Web Site called "Google"

  • @arrpee7468
    @arrpee7468 3 года назад +1

    I love this guy.

  • @Sydney-Ghumo
    @Sydney-Ghumo 3 года назад

    Great video. Thanks from Sydney, Australia.

  • @tazy-3009
    @tazy-3009 3 года назад

    I have a HyperScrambler2 from JuicedBike and I just want to say thank you for making this video and every other video please make more you are freaking awesome man.

  • @johnaz1018
    @johnaz1018 4 года назад

    How about adjusting the derailleur. Bike shop did shit job. My pos had to be brought there because a noise in back. Juice told me to bring it there and they would reimburse me . Haven’t seen check yet . Waiting on the part they think it is for over a month. In the mean time my gears that the bike shop adjusted don’t go to smallest sprocket.

  • @diskgrind3410
    @diskgrind3410 3 года назад

    My situation is this, I had to put my bike into a trunk to transport it. At the lever part, the rod with a round ball at the chamber end came away from the chamber area. Is this an easy fix?

  • @calvintanner7897
    @calvintanner7897 3 года назад

    When your breaking on left handlebar that controls the front tire suspension you're supposed to have full control of the front breaks when you break at a full stop ( left break handle touches the handlebar ) ?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      I guess it's personal preference, and I prefer not to have the brake lever touch the bar

  • @FatHulkRideEbike
    @FatHulkRideEbike Год назад

    Me throwing away black nitrile gloves. I was lmao at that part. Awesome!

  • @georose33
    @georose33 7 месяцев назад

    12:55 dude, my hero!! Hahahahahahaha. The gloves make me crazy!!!!!!!!!

  • @thomastepfer9861
    @thomastepfer9861 3 года назад

    So cool! Next week I'll drive these breaks. Now I'm on the safe side even in advance... Thx

  • @jerrymeetsworld
    @jerrymeetsworld 2 года назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @1956dean
    @1956dean 2 года назад

    Does anybody know where I can purchase a right side hd-e350 tektro Hydraulic brake or the equivalent new or used ... Can't find any for sale

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад

      *Call Juiced Bikes Customer Support, Ask for Toga Harris, tell him Uncle Fjester sent ya!*

    • @1956dean
      @1956dean 2 года назад

      @@UncleFjester thanks unk

  • @mrMIKE6120
    @mrMIKE6120 3 года назад

    hi Uncle Fjester If you press the handle all the way, on the outer inner side of the handle there is a screw hidden, what is the purpose of this screw? tenx

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      this screw?

  • @thedon22z
    @thedon22z 3 года назад +1

    Great video you cleared some things up for me. I am doing a major ebike upgrade and was not sure on some of the components of these brakes. Much appreciated and thanks 💯👍🏽

  • @Koch8
    @Koch8 3 года назад +1

    Awesome bro

  • @veeco3110
    @veeco3110 3 года назад

    Uncle fjester... you’re a fucking legend! We need more people like you brother

  • @FamousInternetGuy
    @FamousInternetGuy 7 месяцев назад +1

    good vid. thanks

  • @uuzd4s
    @uuzd4s Год назад

    So, Uncle Fjester, it was the Late 70's, and after my tour w/ the U.S. Military I took a job maintaining & repairing Rental Yard equipment which included everything from Champagne Fountains to D4 Cat's. One fine Spring weekend a Pre Natal Surgical Doctor stopped in to Rent a Rotor Tiller to prep his Garden for planting. About an hour later he called in to say the Rotor Tiller wouldn't start. I drove out to his nice house, looked at the Tiller, selected the Kill Switch to "Run" and pulled the Start cord which resulted in the engine running as it should. The Doctor asked what that Switch was for and I selected it to "Off" and the Motor quit running. The Doctor said, Oh, OK, at which point I stuck around long enough to make sure he wasn't gonna hurt himself and then I left. How is it that an unborn child Surgeon can possess such an amazing skill and still not know how to operate a Popsicle Stick is beyond me, but it's True. Some people can barely tie their shoes and yet are allowed to Drive a car. No Wonder Insurance is so expensive! 😳

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад +1

      One of my best friends father, called me about his office at home, he said his ceiling fan and one wall plugs wasn't working. I went over, sure enough everything was dark. I look around and find 2 wall switches, the face plate was covered in the same jute wallpaper that the room had. Very hard to find. Both switches were off... I turned them on, one controlled the fan, the other controlled the wall plug. He went nuts blaming the housekeeper. He wanted me to charge him for the service call, I said no, I'd rather own this story, to tell for years and years. I agree with ya, Velcro on shoes was a game changer! Thanks for watching and commenting

  • @jasonwblangley9956
    @jasonwblangley9956 Год назад

    Hey man, your vids rock bud! Ya just got a new sub!!@

  • @woodsculptor675
    @woodsculptor675 4 года назад +3

    I promise I won't wear black nitrile gloves, I promise!!!!! Great video!

  • @ericpiepers3354
    @ericpiepers3354 3 месяца назад

    ..Everything.., except how to fix the cut-off switch when braking :-(

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 месяца назад

      Breaking or Braking? There is a difference and you'll learn it when you get to the 3rd grade.

    • @ericpiepers3354
      @ericpiepers3354 3 месяца назад +1

      @@UncleFjester Thanks for the rectification.., let's call it a slip of the pencil..

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 месяца назад

      Your 1st comment didn't give any details on what your cut-off problem is. Not sure if you're just bitchin or if you are serious about my help.

  • @Taoghiro
    @Taoghiro 8 месяцев назад

    Old guys rule. Thanks

  • @geemanns4949
    @geemanns4949 Год назад +1

    Ok then, if you say it's no difference and ridiculous....why didn't you fill it with jus baby oil??? Hhhmmmmm....

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад

      I know, Right? 👆🏼 The bleed kit I first bought came with the over priced green baby oil. 🤷🏻‍♂️
      Never again

  • @sp4c3d0ut9
    @sp4c3d0ut9 Год назад

    Only thing I had to bring her in for was to get motor respoked after destroying the rim. Being a cyclops scared the duck out of me trying to respoke a moterized wheel, but it still haunts me I was a big baby haha.

  • @stevecottrell5856
    @stevecottrell5856 3 года назад +6

    Top man. Top video. Please don’t shoot. 🤣

  • @JohnFleshman
    @JohnFleshman Год назад

    Today I replaced my pads and had to bleed the rear brake. Never done it before but it was a breeze. Paying a shop to do that stuff is beyond stupid in my opinion.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад +1

      I know, Right? But those same people take their 10 year old cars to the dealership for oil changes too. 🤣

    • @JohnFleshman
      @JohnFleshman Год назад

      @@UncleFjester Im in my mid 50s and have never paid someone else top change my oil.

  • @Sanwizard1
    @Sanwizard1 3 года назад +1

    You are a funny guy. Thanks for the common sense.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      Anyone who laughs at my 🐂💩 is always welcome😎

  • @edgurash834
    @edgurash834 10 месяцев назад

    I am really cofused on which one of the Magura ebike brakes I should buy for my current ebike controller. Should I buy the MT4e closer NO or the MT5e Opener NO. I did a test to try to figure it out. But I am still confused on which to get. When I unplugged the sensor from my current brake levers. I am still able to throttle the ebike whike pressing the brake levers. Also the rear brake lights do not come on. Knowing this, which one of the Magura models should I purchase?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  10 месяцев назад +1

      There are only two wires used, the switch on the lever is usually magnetic. all it does is make or break a contact. What Americans call N.O.(normally open) Germans call that a Closer. What Americans call N.C. (normally closed) Germans call that an Opener. Its actually Germans forward looking culture. they look where things are going , while america looks at where it is.
      The reason you can throttle the bike with the harness unplugged is you disconnected it. Sorry to laugh but its been a long day. That Means they are normally open and when you compress the lever they close. So what you want is the "What Americans call N.O. Germans call that a Closer"
      It is confusing... I hope ya understand

    • @edgurash834
      @edgurash834 10 месяцев назад

      ​@UncleFjester thank you for responding. You cleared it up for me. I was going to just buy the MT5e if you didn't respond. I figured I had a 50% chance of being right. I just subscribed to your channel. Good stuff, man!

    • @edgurash834
      @edgurash834 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@UncleFjesterim thinking about getting the 4 piston Tektro beakes on my stealth bomber. It is a 175 lbs. ebike. Have you ever ran them on any of your bikes? If so, how did they perform compared to, say the Magura?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  10 месяцев назад

      203 Rotor and 4 pistons up front is all I would do. But I rarely use my rear brake

  • @skip123davis
    @skip123davis 4 года назад

    you're doing the Lord's work with all the detailed explanation. i'm pretty sure the single millennial girl that lives across the street from me doesn't have most of these tools though. for the rest of us: very useful. you have some really practical pointers in here (like probing for gaskets, etc).
    btw: that cable wasn't frayed of nothin'. it fought till the end, until you took a flamethrower to it. just sayin'... don't be sprised if the UN rings you up for some kind of rights violation.
    my only additional point would be: "normally closed" means that the circuit is functional. not everybody knows that. "normally open" means that the circuit does not work until the switch is activated. think a light switch for the latter. you have to turn the light switch on to make it work, which is desirable for your bedroom, for example.
    i have philips LED lights (cheap to operate, and i'm plugged into the bonneville dam), so ii leave them all on in the front of the house, and just adjust them. that circuit is "normally closed."
    see uncle? i was really paying attention, lol!

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад

      Yea, when Editing I realized I may of had the wrong call on the normally open vs normally closed. But Figured I could correct it in the comments.
      Have the Single Millennial woman call me & I can personally help her

    • @skip123davis
      @skip123davis 4 года назад

      @@UncleFjester i think from a functional safety standpoint you're likely correct. not sure. one would want to interrupt the circuit to stop the motor by applying the brake.
      as far as my hawt neighbor - nope: she rotates through boyfriends about every 6-8 months, and i want a turn next. i've been watching this for a few. years. she's pretty ez on the eyes. i think she only needs one tool actually anyway.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад

      OK, I just double checked, FWIW, the contacts on brake lever are normally open. The Germans (Magura) call it a Closer.

    • @skip123davis
      @skip123davis 4 года назад

      @@UncleFjester ok, so that implies that it activates some other device that cuts off the motor. makes sense to not push current through there.

  • @beatvampire
    @beatvampire 3 года назад

    You fucking made my day I laughed out loud ,best vid destroying the myths evaporating the fear

  • @rickc2222
    @rickc2222 7 месяцев назад

    I wear the nitrile gloves due to skin allergy to all sorts of chemicals.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  7 месяцев назад

      What do you cover your face with?

    • @rickc2222
      @rickc2222 7 месяцев назад

      @@UncleFjester lol im not touching the parts to my face.

  • @paulmudek9117
    @paulmudek9117 2 года назад

    Love your attitude no no last week my brother-in-law was telling me he was bringing his bicycle in for a tune up I was like what the fuck

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад +1

      We should open up a Jiffy Tune Bike Shop, like taking candy from Millennial Babies

    • @paulmudek9117
      @paulmudek9117 2 года назад

      @@UncleFjester I was at a bike shop a while ago looking for handlebar wrap and a guy bought in his bike to get a flat tire fixed they told him 50 dollars and after he left I said something to the guy running the store and he said he gets about a half dozen a day like that

  • @jdmannino68
    @jdmannino68 4 года назад +1

    Lol nothing complicated! I totally agree!😄😄😄👌

  • @joegarcia2427
    @joegarcia2427 2 года назад +1

    Great video, thanks. your no bullshit style and delivery is exactly what this world needs more of. nitrile gloves can kiss my ass too...

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  2 года назад +1

      Thanks Joe! Don't you love the videos of Millennials washing cars while wearing the Black Nitrile Hand Condoms?🤦‍♂️ 🤣😂😅

  • @JM-fo1te
    @JM-fo1te 4 года назад +1

    Buy a Hyperscrambler 2 so you can show he how to eventually replace everything lol

  • @AB-pn7be
    @AB-pn7be Год назад +1

    JFC - why the gun? I'm sick and tired of gun violence and guns. Let's just stay on the topic of bikes.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  Год назад

      No Gun Violence where I live, but then I moved out of that Glass Steel and Concrete, liberal run 💩 shit hole.

  • @peterross2072
    @peterross2072 3 года назад +8

    LOVE this! "If I see another one one of you using black nitrile gloves, I'm gonna shoot you in the fucking head!" Classic truth! Pity you can't love these posts but only like them. I think this is the most honest video, I have ever witnessed! I'd give you a medal but I don't fucking have any! Sorry! :D

  • @RenoLaringo
    @RenoLaringo 2 года назад

    Funny how people not even able to cook one egg make fun of ''boomers''... sad world actually. Thx for the video dude. I have the exact same brakes and wanted to know everything I needed to know about them. You made my day😊

  • @rdkuless
    @rdkuless 2 года назад

    Thanks.. I made the mistake of trying to tighten the ReachAdjustment screw in the lever.. I didn't realize that it wouldn't stop when it reached the limit. What happened was that screw is really the rod that attaches to the plunger that pressurizes the calipers . Because i turned too far, that rod dropped inside the housing of the lever.
    I ended up having to purchase another E525 brake set because the old one froze up and the lever wouldn't move after the rod dropped inside.. this jammed up the action on the lever and no way for a layperson to fix without specialized tools.. and parts that are not listed on Tektro's website.. Tektro customer service told me that instead of tightening the reach adjustment screw, i could have accomplished the reach adj by simply bleeding the system..
    My little mistake that cost me about $190...

  • @Pch100
    @Pch100 Год назад

    The younger these days have never had to learn to do the basics of life

  • @Corn8Bit
    @Corn8Bit 5 месяцев назад +1

    You're gonna shoot me in my fucking head for not knowing the fluid was safe after being used to working on motorcycles where it's basically acid and not baby oil?

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  5 месяцев назад +1

      Nah Man, That's understandable, you're safe. 😎

  • @Johnnylaurelli
    @Johnnylaurelli 6 месяцев назад

    @12:55 LMAO

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  6 месяцев назад

      🤣👍🤣. I wonder if Black Nitrile Millennial Hand condoms are a pet peeve?

  • @JohnFixes
    @JohnFixes Месяц назад

    You were right about my video showing how to repair a Tektro E350 brake lever. You said I could definitely do better, so I re-did it...😂
    TekTro HD-E350 Brakes: Brake Lever Repair: ruclips.net/video/Nve-Jn8NKnM/видео.html
    Thanks for inspiring me!

  • @CAMO-hb8wc
    @CAMO-hb8wc 2 года назад

    The price of black nitrile gloves drops 50% lol

  • @thetechgenie7374
    @thetechgenie7374 3 года назад +1

    Lol I can’t believe people actually bring them in to adjust brake a bleed brake, some people have more money then any common sense and lazy overall. I built my own ebike from frame up including the battery pack as wanted high current Samsung cells and etc. Prebuilt bikes are overpriced crap with cheap components to cut corners for the most part. I would had to spent over 3k plus for a prebuilt for specs I wanted like high amp hour pack with brand name cells and thick copper winding in motor, hydraulic brakes and etc. .

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      😂 Makes ya want to open your own Bike Shop.
      Money grows on handlebars

  • @bornfree5683
    @bornfree5683 2 года назад

    Love the surgical gloves threat 🤣🤣🤣 🙌

  • @jdmannino68
    @jdmannino68 4 года назад

    Wtf can you really use baby oil??? Didn't know

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад +1

      Oh Man, Mannino, don't trust me, I understand
      Never believe anything you read or hear, and only half of what you see. Here's more proof...

    • @jdmannino68
      @jdmannino68 4 года назад

      @@UncleFjester idk man shit makes sense! I just purchased shimano mineral! Lol is good to know though! 👍😊😊

  • @fackeyutub-emael6545
    @fackeyutub-emael6545 2 года назад +1

    What's common sense?

  • @tenrozzero
    @tenrozzero 8 месяцев назад

    Avoids black nitro gloves when servicing or doing a brake bleed because I dont need to be shot in the head....lol I am also a baby boomer who loves your how to do video but the gun was just a little bit on the extreme side.....lol

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  8 месяцев назад

      You're Safe! Its a Fjukin Pellet gun that couldn't put an eye out at point blank range, please keep watching, I have many extreme moments. 🤣

  • @johnwednesdaylapp2446
    @johnwednesdaylapp2446 3 года назад

    I replaced my rotors and brake pads with much nicer rotors and pads and I think it cost me like 95$ and it makes all the difference in the world. With these cheap ass brakes I was having to adjust the brake pads almost weekly

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  3 года назад

      did you replace the rear disc too? I tried but it would fit

    • @johnwednesdaylapp2446
      @johnwednesdaylapp2446 3 года назад

      @@UncleFjester i did, but i have the juiced crosscurrent x, not sure if that's easier or not. I also live in a town that has a place you can take your bike to and they will teach you how to do fixes on them and they have all the tools to use which is great.

  • @ibrooksie
    @ibrooksie 2 года назад

    You're nuts.

  • @eqlibrium854
    @eqlibrium854 4 года назад

    Nice Glock. 🙂 I wonder how many soy boys with 👍👍 video game thumbs are gonna be butt hurt by that instead of listening and throwing away their nitrile gloves. 😂🤣

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад

      Social Justice = A shot to the head🤪

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester  4 года назад +1

      Its Funny AF🙄 how many of the Butt Hurt Brainwashed Millennial, GenZ'r, Snowflakes from Cali, that I block daily from commenting, cuz the call me a Racist, cuz I don't like ChineUh's unfair Trade Practices, Product Dumping, or ChineUh's Communistic Socialist Civil Rights Violations. That's how bad Commiefornias Public schools have brain washed our youth into accepting a HS diploma and a min wage life, into thinking they are entitled to a living standard above the poverty level. Meanwhile, $15 legislated wages for someone only worth $8, entitle them to buy $3000 E-bikes, $1200 phones, $2000 Drones, and an arm full of meaning less ink. Then they comment life isn't fair? Bad Boomers....🤣😂🤣😂

    • @eqlibrium854
      @eqlibrium854 4 года назад

      @@UncleFjester Lmao keep up the ban hammer action! This is a better place without them! 🔨💪 I wish I could ban them from this state. I blame their parents. If they hate it in USA so bad they should go give ChineUh a try.

  • @flaxseedoil1000
    @flaxseedoil1000 2 года назад

    Ha ha made this boomer's day ruclips.net/video/2C43zU9cHKM/видео.html

  • @JohnFixes
    @JohnFixes 3 месяца назад
