Exegetical Analysis of the Quran | Surat al-Baqarah | Verses 25-27: Faithfulness & Suitable Actions

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024
  • Praise be to the One true God, ar-Rahman, the Lord of all realms of existence. A blessed Eid to those who ended their fasting of the month of Ramadan. May all the good that you did during the month be accepted by Allah. Greetings ladies and gentlemen, and may the Grace of the most High God be forever in your favor. Welcome to our continued exegetical analysis of chapter 2 of the Quran, surat al-Baqarah. In this video, we are going to be covering verses 25 to 27, which deal with a wide range of topics, here in particular: faithfulness, righteousness, salvation, the rewards of the faithful, Allah’s covenant, lawlessness, and damnation. They provide a vivid description of the blessings of Paradise for the faithful: warn against perfidiousness and corruption, and emphasize the consequences of breaking the covenant of Allah. They serve as a reminder of the ultimate reward awaiting the righteous in the Hereafter and the importance of faith, righteous deeds, and adherence to the teachings of the Quran. Furthermore, they highlight the importance of recognizing and reflecting on the parables of the Quran with an open heart and mind, as they serve as valuable sources of guidance and wisdom; emphasizing the role of personal choice and attitude in determining one's response to Allah's signs, ultimately leading to either guidance or misguidance. In addition to serving as a warning to the perfidious of the consequences of their rejection of divine guidance and their engagement in wrongfulness and lawlessness, the verses underscore the importance of upholding moral values and social responsibilities, reminding the faithful of their obligation to adhere to the principles of justice, fairness, and righteousness as prescribed by Allah in the Quran.
    Verse 25 begins by addressing the Messenger, commanding him to give congratulatory tidings to the faithful of Paradise as a reward for their faithfulness and righteous deeds, herein expressed in the phrase “and give thou glad tidings [O Muhammad] to those who are faithful and [who] perform suitable actions;” meaning, the Messenger, i.e. Muhammad (peace be upon him), was to confer the good news of Paradise to those who have “faithfulness”, and who perform “suitable actions.” The articles in which the faithful are said to have Imaan, i.e. the inner conviction, have been expressed in other verses of the Quran, such as verse 177 and 285 of chapter 2, as well as verse 136 of chapter 4.
    Verse 26 introduces a parable or example to illustrate the significance of all of Allah’s analogies. In this case, Allah declares that He does not shy away from presenting forth an example, no matter how minuscule it might appear: herein expressed in the phrase: “be it of a mosquito or whatever is above it:” meaning that even something as small as a mosquito or something even smaller can be used by Allah to emphasize His ability to present profound truths in simple ways. Allah does not consider this to be beneath His capability, for as small as it may seem, there may be very many lessons and teachings that may be extracted from such an analogy, irrespective of how small it might appear to us. In this context, Allah is drawing our attention to what He has described in the preceding verse, wherein the Garden of Abode is alluded to, and wherein Allah has rendered an image for the faithful to conjure up in their minds when they contemplate the final reward awaiting them, portrayed as containing certain aspects which we might already be familiar with in resemblance, but not encountered in taste.

Комментарии • 4

  • @muhammadnuralhafiz
    @muhammadnuralhafiz 6 месяцев назад

    salamun alaykum
    i know this is out of topic
    according to you prostration for adam and lahu in surah yusuf as is one time thing, right?
    as prostation only when verse of most merciful and hadith/statement of allah in surah najm 53:59-62

    • @chillinwithscripture3033
      @chillinwithscripture3033  6 месяцев назад

      Walaykum Salam.
      Yes, it is my understanding that some revelations in the past could have allowed for people to prostrate to other people as a sign of respect, not as a form of worship or servitude. Such as in the case of Adam or in the case of Joseph. But we know that for us, adherents of the Quran, prostration has been dedicated to Allah. Though, I should stress that I understand the meaning of sujud can in fact refer to simply showing obeisance to a particular thing, rather it referring to physically prostrating. With that said, however, the prostration in the case of Joseph seems to be physical due to the addition of the word “kharra” lahu sujjaddan, indicating that there was something physically going on where the collapsed from a standing position to a position of sujuud.
      As for 53:59, that does not necessarily have to imply a physical prostration. It could simply imply to “be in obeisance to Allah and serve.”

    • @muhammadnuralhafiz
      @muhammadnuralhafiz 6 месяцев назад

      @@chillinwithscripture3033 so what about statue durin sulaiman as?

    • @muhammadnuralhafiz
      @muhammadnuralhafiz 6 месяцев назад

      @@chillinwithscripture3033 ADAM SUJUD
      This Quranic history is subject to serious manipulation. The manipulation led to Grave veneration, prostrating to other humans they call Peers.
      liādama > لِآدَمَ - the preposition > lām
      The manipulation is done by selective application of many meanings of the preposition lām. It is applied in Quran to mean - To, For, Before... The application here is FOR.
      All prostration belongs to Allah. Physical Prostration and Submission. Anything else is contradiction and Shirk.
      So, why Allah commands Angels and Jinns to Prostrate TO Allah FOR ADAM / HUMAN?
      Answer- Allah creates whatever He wishes. He created Human and declared it is His the best of Creations over Angels and Jinns. And He has proven through a test of Adam / Human. It is a prostration to al Musawwir, al Khaliq, al Qadeer, al Rahman. A requirement on Angels and Jinns to accept superiority of Human as a Creation over them.
      Angels accepted that they are incapable of doing what Adam / Human can do and Prostrated.
      Iblis (Jinn) refused with an argument that he is created of Fire and he is better then Adam / Human.
      So, IT IS A TEST OF ANGELS AND JINNS TO ACCEPT SUPERIORITY OF ADAM / HUMAN OVER THEM AND THE TEST IS TO PROSTRATE TO ALLAH - FOR ADAM / HUMAN BEING SUPERIOR OVER THEM AS A CREATION. Be mindful they all prostrate to Allah but here Allah mention FOR ADAM as it is a TEST ON THEM to accept SUPERIORITY of Adam/ Human as a Creation over them. That is why Allah said - FOR ADAM.
      [2:31] And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels, saying, "Inform Me of the names of these if you are truthful."
      [2:32] They said, "Glory be to You, WE HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE EXCEPT THAT WHICH YOU HAVE TAUGHT us. You are the Knowledgeable, the Wise."
      [2:33] He said, "Adam, inform them of their names." So when he informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of the universes and the earth and that I know what you reveal and what you were concealing?"
      [2:34] And when We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate FOR Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused, was arrogant and was among the disbelievers.
      [7:10] We established you in the land, and We provided for you means of livelihood therein; little do you give thanks!
      [7:11] We created you, then We designed you, then We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate FOR Adam." So they fell prostrate, except Satan; he was not one of the prostrators.
      [7:12] He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" HE SAID, "I AM BETTER THAN HIM. You created me from fire and created him from clay."
      [7:13] He said, "Therefore, descend from it, for you are not to be arrogant in it. So get out; you are among the belittled."
      [15:26] And We created the human being from clay, formed from altered dark mud.
      [15:27] And the jinn, We created previously from scorching fire.
      [15:28] Your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a human being from clay, formed from altered dark mud.
      [15:29] Once I have fashioned him and BLOWN INTO HIM FROM MY RUH, you shall fall prostrate FOR him."
      [15:30] So all the angels fell prostrate, every one of them,
      [15:31] except Iblis. He refused to be with the prostrators.
      [15:32] He said, "O Iblis, what is the matter with you that you are not among the prostrators?"
      [15:33] He said, "I am not to prostrate FOR a human being whom You created from clay, formed from altered dark mud."
      [15:34] He said, "Then get out of it, for you are an outcast.
      [20:116] When We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate FOR Adam," they fell prostrate, except Iblis; he refused.
      [20:117] So We said, "O Adam, this is an enemy of you and your wife, so do not let him evict the two of you from Garden [your habitat - which was in Sinseen mountains in Euthopia (chapter 95)] and thus become miserable.
      [20:118] You are granted never to hunger therein, nor go unclothed.
      [20:119] And you will neither thirst therein nor suffer excessive heat."
      [38:71] When your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a human being from clay,
      38:72] then once I have fashioned him and blown into him from My Ruh, you shall fall prostrate FOR him,"
      [38:73] the angels fell prostrate, all of them entirely,
      [38:74] except for Iblis. He acted arrogantly and was one of the disbelievers.
      [38:75] He said, "O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating FOR what I created with My hands? Have you acted arrogantly, or are you one of the exalted?"
      [38:76] He said, "I am better than him; You created me from fire and created him from clay."
      [38:77] He said, "Then get out of it, for you are an outcast.
      It is exactly same in verse 12.100.
      [12:100] He raised his parents upon the throne. They fell prostrate FOR him. He said, "O my father, this is the interpretation of my vision of old. My Lord has made it come true. He has been good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you out of the desert after the devil had driven a wedge between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Gentle in what He wills. Indeed, He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.
      Glory to Allah