(1) 字少腔多, 而當代粵劇反而是字多腔少,, i think that's why 林家聲 suggested beginners to practice singing older songs to learn and perfect their 腔. (2) [再世紅梅記]開場的白欖, i think they skip that these days??? (3)七字句中板唱法, i saw what you have put down on screen.慢的唱法 I have the impression that same pattern happens to the song 陌路蕭郎? those 七字句中板 could move faster but that will not fit the farewell mood lol, therefore uses 慢的唱法 (4) 胡不歸較多撲燈蛾白欖, 但今天文武生正花較少使用白欖, 其實有表演, 舞台效果等多方面原因...what are the reasons?
[1] Yes, not too many words of libretto, your vocal will more perfect. [2] No, The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom always have the rap talk at the beginning of the performance. [3] The mid-board rhythm with seven words in the vocal of cantonese opera have 3 style of speed, but the singers can sing faster or slower basic on their mood at that time. [4] The actor and actress dislike to speak the rap talk, because they think that is vulgar image.
@@manfungau1948 (2) sorry, i was confused, i was thinking of- 西楼错梦 演出版 has it and 帝女花 唱曲版 has it (3) agreed. 陌路蕭郎 because of the situation/setting/mood, it has to be slow speed, yes (4) lol, i never thought that was the reason lol thanks anyway
❤❤❤群姐 兆明哥 唱得婉轉動聽 演得精彩哀怨情長 唱與做都顯出大老倌級數水準 好欣賞。謝謝,!!!
謝謝, 請繼續支持他們和粵劇。
兆明哥和超群姐表現非常出色, 唱功優秀, 聲線悅耳, 謝謝上傳, 得以欣賞, 感謝。
不用客氣, 請支持粵劇。
@@manfungau1948 區小姐安排的公演, 我大部分都有買票觀看的, 除了有事不能前去嘅啫!
期待 “納蘭性德” 的演出。
那是折子戲版才有, 需聲明不是我加的。我的原則是不隨便改人家的劇本, 除非有需要, 如演員要求, 從不會主動做這樣的事, 也是對原作者的一種尊重。
胡不歸別妻一場與其他的別妻(如別窰)場口不同 比較難演 也許這就是少作折子戲演出的原因吧
它的著墨點在 依依 不在 悲慘 不在 淒涼 欲言又止的吞吐要拿捏得精準 畢竟不是陽關折柳 難怪此劇是文武生的畢業試
兩位老倌都非常落力 可惜是悲淒有餘 依依不足 是感人的一折別妻 但不是胡不歸的別妻
這也許是新加的唱段而改動了兩位老倌的交流 令此折的最大特色 那份含蓄的依依 未能發揮那藴藉的魅力
王超群的大頭戲不錯 夠定 夠穩
梁兆明應該是省港澳新一輩最具潛質的文武生 稱得上聲色藝全 希望繼續加油 努力承傳
唐突胡言 多事了 莫怪
不要緊, 真心說意見, 不是惡意便十分歡迎, 你有你的睇法, 絕對歡迎。至於表演方法, 可能演員和觀眾的認知不盡相同, 我相信兆明和群姐是努力演好這場戲, 至於水平, 觀眾感受, 誰也難說得準。不過, 仍要多謝閣下的寶貴意見, 希望你能繼續支持粵劇文化。
不用謝, 請繼續支持他們, 也繼續支持粵劇。
Very good. Thanks for sharing
梁兆明出類拔萃, 難得腔口台步完全融入港式粵劇表演, 年輕一輩文武生, 可算首屈一指 👍
謝謝, 請繼續支持兩位佬倌演員, 也繼續支持粵劇。
不用客氣, 請支持粵劇。
Thanks for sharing! Very good.👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏
Please share more🙏🏻Btw, can upload the latest drama ‘For Mong Fun Gung 14 years’ by Tin Tin Gor & Thompson Vong. Overwhelming respond 👍👍👍
Sorry , I didn't have this.
(1) 字少腔多, 而當代粵劇反而是字多腔少,, i think that's why 林家聲 suggested beginners to practice singing older songs to learn and perfect their 腔. (2) [再世紅梅記]開場的白欖, i think they skip that these days??? (3)七字句中板唱法, i saw what you have put down on screen.慢的唱法 I have the impression that same pattern happens to the song 陌路蕭郎? those 七字句中板 could move faster but that will not fit the farewell mood lol, therefore uses 慢的唱法 (4) 胡不歸較多撲燈蛾白欖, 但今天文武生正花較少使用白欖, 其實有表演, 舞台效果等多方面原因...what are the reasons?
[1] Yes, not too many words of libretto, your vocal will more perfect. [2] No, The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom always have the rap talk at the beginning of the performance. [3] The mid-board rhythm with seven words in the vocal of cantonese opera have 3 style of speed, but the singers can sing faster or slower basic on their mood at that time. [4] The actor and actress dislike to speak the rap talk, because they think that is vulgar image.
@@manfungau1948 (2) sorry, i was confused, i was thinking of- 西楼错梦 演出版 has it and 帝女花 唱曲版 has it (3) agreed. 陌路蕭郎 because of the situation/setting/mood, it has to be slow speed, yes (4) lol, i never thought that was the reason lol thanks anyway
I think you see 陌路蕭郎is perform by the actors from the past, they sing slowly usually. @@andrewtam3185
I just hear 陌路蕭郎 from You Tube, I agree that is not fit the farewell mood lol, but that is 薛覺先singing style.@@andrewtam3185