How in the hell does she not have a Grammy? Most people couldn't even play piano like that, let alone sing like that at the same time, having composed the entire piece personally.
this has to be one of the best live performances [by anyone] i've ever seen. check how she moves the mic stand while still playing perfectly w/ the other hand. totally badass.
Actually, the performance in West Palm Beach in I think it was 1997, when she had her miscarriage while on stage, left went to the hospital, came back and finished the concert. THAT was the most incredible showing I've ever seen. Granted, no one knew why she left the stage until a few days later.
This is Tori at the peak of her career. The videos from this time period are incredible. Everything about her was magical. As good as I’ve seen and I’m a music fanatic. She was also stunning which is just icing on the cake. She was the whole package!,
Peak of her career? This recording is from july 3 1991. She even didn’t have her debut album out. Or do you think she hasn’t released anything better since then?
@@michaelfloss845honestly, I think no, she hasn‘t. Not because her later albums where bad, but her early works were just perfect. Her music is not my kind of music, but Little Earthquakes is so unbelievably good, and these live performances are even better…
I never paid much attention to Tori Amos in the past but damn if this isn't one of the most intense mesmerizing performances I've ever seen from anyone.
Traduction Reverso . Tori Amos is for me the woman who revolutionized the piano and the pedagogy of her teaching. It was the shock in the face of the classical conservatism enclosed in its dogma that prevented the real development of artists in the making. Tori Amos brought an exceptional dimension to piano singing by creating a true symbiosis between voice and piano playing through her original compositions. Thanks to Tori, the piano takes on another dimension and allows more than ever singers and pianists or creative singers to open the gift that nature has given them in order to satisfy the ear of demanding music lovers in search of creativity and novelty. The American school has now understood how the Tori Amos case should be an example to follow and a source of introspective and self-critical reflection in order to avoid the ostracization of the true artists who make the greatness of music. The story of Tori could be written as a film script of a woman who has struggled since childhood for the love of music as the medium of true self-realization. The strength of her commitment has had and continues to have a tremendous impact on Art regardless of the disciplines and styles, to the point that I qualify her as a living Legend of self-fulfilment and self-realization for the pleasure and strength of art. Thank you Tori.
Besides the powerful lyrics and stage presence, her skills on playing the piano always blows my mind... This song looks painful to play because is so fast omg
Me and my girlfriend had a meet and greet with her before one of her shows. Really cool. Took a picture with her and she reached around my girlfriend's back and tickeled me during the picture. Thought I might turn to stone. She's amazing.
Has anyone felt the music from her early years are just crisper, her key strokes more definitive than what we have seen in the last ten years. For me there is no comparison, she was hungry and angry. That created a brilliant equilibrium.
Yes, her 4 albums from the 90's and their respective performances/tours were the best of the best. Afterwards, she had her daughter and was married and that likely took precedence for a while. Besides, she was almost in her 40's, had processed and made peace with a lot and was likely more mellow 💜
O.M.G. Brilliant Tori is wringing the Bösendorfer piano out of that plastic Yamaha CP something (CP-70?) like nobody else did before (or afterwards), awesome! Kind regards, the trivial matters
What a brilliant piece and artist, both highly underrated by ignorant people...She deserves her success more than most of artists. Greetings from France and thanks for sharing this video.
@@40173k I agree that there is something intimidating about her. As a musician myself this is just so many million miles away from what is realistically achievable that it‘s shocking. Absolutely shocking.
My misguided self couldn't see past the physical when I was a kid, I liked her cause she was incredibly attractive. I'm so glad I grew up and came back to realize what a talent I was witness to.
Cette interprétation de Precious things est tout simplement fabuleuse. Remettons nous dans le contexte de l'époque, Montreux est le premier grand concert de Tori, il a pour objectif de la faire connaitre. L'organisateur, sous estimant probablement les capacités de Tori, n'a pas trouvé mieux qu'un piano électrique Yamaha.Tori consciente que l'instrument n'est pas idéal, elle va devoir se donner à fond, ( Tori à 28 ans elle re"commence" sa carrière à un âge ou d'autres artistes l'ont terminée)
I've seen many different versions of her singing this live, but this is head and shoulders above. Absolute best performance I've witnessed yet. She is a genius.
This might be my favorite performance of the song. it used to be from the HRL gig, but damn. This is so raw and pure and it is really perfectly performed! This song is surly on my top 5 of favorite songs. So inspireing!!!
Je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste dans le domaine de la musique, mais j'ai toujours gardé une oreille attentive à l' affut d artiste qui puisse me surprendre . Par la force, le feeling, la puissance de son jeu, son originalité, ses mélodies, la richesse et la diversite de ses compositions Tori nous à donner à montreux un concert d' ANTHOLOGIE. J'ai l'impression que Tori nous a invitée chez elle,qu'elle s'est livrée et qu'elle nous a donné l'étendu de tout son talent.
J'aurai l'occasion plus tard, et je ne me priverait pas d'éloges, de m'étendre sur l'expressivité du jeu de Tori.Force est de constater, que la musique s'écoute mais aussi qu'elle se regarde. Tori nous fait ici la parfaite démonstration de la symbiose du son et de la vue.Par ce biais, elle nous permet d'accéder à un niveau de perception sensoriel qui nous permet de qualifier ce qu'est : la Beauté !. Cette façon de se livrer avec tellement de sincérité qu'on a l'impression qu'elle se met à nu.
A Montreux en 91 il n'y a pas eu "Little eartquakes ", mais un véritable et très rare tremblement de terre Force 10 sur l'échelle musicale de Richter. Les vulcanologues musicaux ont trouvé l'épicentre et la cause: il s' appelait Tori Amos. Je rêve de rencontrer un magicien qui me demanderai de faire un voeux; je lui dirai : télétransporté moi à Montreux au concert de Tori Amos! Je veux entendre et voir cette femme qui dégage autant d'Aura par la sincérité, et l'intensité dramatique de son jeu.
Tori Amos est pour moi la femme qui a révolutionné le piano et la pédagogie de son enseignement. Elle a été l'électrochoc face au conservatisme classique enfermé dans son dogme qui empêchait l'épanouissement réel des artistes en devenir. Tori Amos a apporté une dimension exceptionnel au piano chant en créant une véritable symbiose entre la voix et le jeu pianistique par le biais de ses compositions originales. Grace à Tori, le piano prend une autre dimension et permet plus que jamais aux chanteurs et chanteuses pianistes interprètes ou créatifs d'ouvrir le cadeau que la nature leur a donné afin de satisfaire l'oreille des mélomanes exigeants en recherche de créativité et de nouveauté. L' école américaine a maintenant compris, combien le Cas Tori Amos devait être un exemple à suivre et une source de réflexion introspective et autocritique afin d'éviter l'ostracisation des véritables artistes qui font la grandeur de la musique. L' histoire de Tori pourrait s'écrire comme un scénario de film d'une femme qui a lutté depuis son enfance pour l'amour de la musique comme le médium de la vrai réalisation du soi. L'a force de son engagement a eu et continue à avoir un formidable impact sur l'Art quelques soient les disciplines et les styles, au point que je la qualifie de Légende vivante de l'épanouissement et de la réalisation du soi pour le plaisir et la force de l'art. Merci Tori.
Parenthèse : Tori Amos est l'une de ces femmes, qui comme le chante Francis Cabrel " elle a du faire toutes les guerres pour être si forte aujourd'hui, elle a du faire toutes les guerres de la vie". Revenons à Précious things. J'ai découvert ce morceau en93; comme beaucoup de français,ne parlant pas anglais,j'entendais les paroles comme faisant partie de la musique. J'y percevai de la sensibilité, de la révolte, de la force et beaucoup d'intensité dramatique.Je trouvais ce morceau super .
I can't remember which tour it was ("Dew Drop Inn" maybe?). I saw a handful of shows in my area. She'd open with this and it was like a bomb going off. It was and is still one of the best openings to any show I've ever seen.
De France. Little earthquakes de Tori Amos est pour moi un album monumental et légendaire illustrant l'énorme et monstrueux talent d'une artiste, qui dès son premier grand concert est considérée par certains comme une véritable Déesse de la musique. Cet album est constitué de plusieurs et véritables Chefs d'oeuvres : PRECIOUS THINGS, en est un exemple; je considère personnellement ce morceau comme l'équivalent de Guernica le chef d'oeuvre de Picasso. On peut, ne pas apprécier Picasso, mais force est de constater, que quand on s'intéresse à l'art pictural, on est obligé, si l'on veut être objectif,de dire que Guernica c'est sacrement balaise. Par la force, l'intensité et la manière dont Picasso et Tori exprime leurs révoltes, je constate une grande similarité. Picasso par les explosions et le chaos dénonce la violence aveugle des nazis et Tori par la nervosité de son jeu de piano, par la hargne de son chant et la violence de ses mots dénoncent l'irrespect d'un homme envers une femme. Dans les 2 cas, c'est la guerre ! La chanson Précious things de Tori est sacrément balaise et a aussi un rôle pédagogique, car elle permet aux hommes attentifs de comprendre un peu mieux la psychologie et les fragilités féminines. A suivre...............
Tori expresses the inner life of teen girls, young women, and now older women like NO ONE else.
And big burly men with beards
Хуйню не неси! Я Тори уже лет 20 слушаю. Её не только бабы любят.
I'm not a woman but I feel this to the CORE
@@whynottalklikeapirat seconded
Shes an amazing musician and amazing person. One of a kind
How in the hell does she not have a Grammy? Most people couldn't even play piano like that, let alone sing like that at the same time, having composed the entire piece personally.
straight men are afraid of her!
A lot of metalheads told me she's more badass than most rockstars. Recommended Little Earthquakes to me and yeah, I agree.
Congratulations: You found the best live version of this song on RUclips.
I visit this video once a year, just to remind myself of what raw talent looks and sounds like.
So much anger in this song, I love it.
Me too
Started listening to her when I discovered her music at summer camp I was just 13 after years of bullying- HER MUSIC SAVED ME!!!!!
I saw this woman before and I almost died lol. 3rd row. Cried half the time.
You are so utterly lucky!
Second row, in the aftermath of my divorce. Cathartic to say the least 🙋💜
@@melissaveras I imagine it was. Tori is extremely helpful in purging emotions.
this has to be one of the best live performances [by anyone] i've ever seen. check how she moves the mic stand while still playing perfectly w/ the other hand. totally badass.
lols, I noticed the same...practice
Actually, the performance in West Palm Beach in I think it was 1997, when she had her miscarriage while on stage, left went to the hospital, came back and finished the concert. THAT was the most incredible showing I've ever seen. Granted, no one knew why she left the stage until a few days later.
@@ravencrestmedia I didn't know that about her! That's one amazingly brave thing
Quoth The Raven are you serious? That's soo crazy =( By 1999, she had suffered 3 right? Pheobe and then 2 others, not as established pregnancies.
The sexiest, expressive, talented , passionate piano playing and amazing vocals to boot.
This is Tori at the peak of her career. The videos from this time period are incredible. Everything about her was magical. As good as I’ve seen and I’m a music fanatic. She was also stunning which is just icing on the cake. She was the whole package!,
Peak of her career? This recording is from july 3 1991. She even didn’t have her debut album out. Or do you think she hasn’t released anything better since then?
@@michaelfloss845honestly, I think no, she hasn‘t. Not because her later albums where bad, but her early works were just perfect. Her music is not my kind of music, but Little Earthquakes is so unbelievably good, and these live performances are even better…
@@stefanscheiner1738 that's fair. I think her peak was Scarlet's Walk.
The lyrics are amazing, I don't know how it has taken me so long to discover such an Artist. It's my time to get real.
toad the wet sprocket
Same. I'm a feminist who grew up in the 90s, but I didn't start listening to Tori until like a week and a half ago. Crazy.
Her talent takes your breath away.
"My loyalty is turning like my ankle", love this ; amazing performance.
I never paid much attention to Tori Amos in the past but damn if this isn't one of the most intense mesmerizing performances I've ever seen from anyone.
Traduction Reverso .
Tori Amos is for me the woman who revolutionized the piano and the pedagogy of her teaching. It was the shock in the face of the classical conservatism enclosed in its dogma that prevented the real development of artists in the making.
Tori Amos brought an exceptional dimension to piano singing by creating a true symbiosis between voice and piano playing through her original compositions.
Thanks to Tori, the piano takes on another dimension and allows more than ever singers and pianists or creative singers to open the gift that nature has given them in order to satisfy the ear of demanding music lovers in search of creativity and novelty.
The American school has now understood how the Tori Amos case should be an example to follow and a source of introspective and self-critical reflection in order to avoid the ostracization of the true artists who make the greatness of music.
The story of Tori could be written as a film script of a woman who has struggled since childhood for the love of music as the medium of true self-realization.
The strength of her commitment has had and continues to have a tremendous impact on Art regardless of the disciplines and styles, to the point that I qualify her as a living Legend of self-fulfilment and self-realization for the pleasure and strength of art.
Thank you Tori.
So beautifully stated!
The most powerful performance ive ever seen and I keep coming back to it and always have tears streaming down my face. Awsome!!!!
Besides the powerful lyrics and stage presence, her skills on playing the piano always blows my mind... This song looks painful to play because is so fast omg
🎉 simple perfection 🎉
Me and my girlfriend had a meet and greet with her before one of her shows. Really cool. Took a picture with her and she reached around my girlfriend's back and tickeled me during the picture. Thought I might turn to stone. She's amazing.
and she grabs the microphone, ... never seen anybody do this. Feeling her emotion jump straight at me and grabbed me from my computer... my god...
riiiight?? :)
Has anyone felt the music from her early years are just crisper, her key strokes more definitive than what we have seen in the last ten years. For me there is no comparison, she was hungry and angry. That created a brilliant equilibrium.
Age affects us all.
Yes, her 4 albums from the 90's and their respective performances/tours were the best of the best. Afterwards, she had her daughter and was married and that likely took precedence for a while. Besides, she was almost in her 40's, had processed and made peace with a lot and was likely more mellow 💜
She is the most beautiful female singer in the world
O.M.G. Brilliant Tori is wringing the Bösendorfer piano out of that plastic Yamaha CP something (CP-70?) like nobody else did before (or afterwards), awesome!
Kind regards,
the trivial matters
I want to see Tori Amos live before I die.I may have missed her at her best but still I'd love to see her just once.Please Tori,do a tour soon.
Prepare yourself #Tori2020
4 minutes gone like 1 second... On one breath. Tori is the most talented artist i've ever known and heard, but also the most beautiful I've ever seen
and today the youth has to listen grande, swift, cyrus, gaga or gomez... together they have not 5% of the talent from tori...
i am thinking about an duett between tori and nick cave... that must be the best possible in music history...
You'll like Jon Gomm, then. Give him a try.видео.html
What a brilliant piece and artist, both highly underrated by ignorant people...She deserves her success more than most of artists. Greetings from France and thanks for sharing this video.
She is my lode star
omg i'm back. Still the most amazing girl ever solo on the piano.
Saw her live in an outdoor amphitheater and it is life changing. This song was what she opened with.
I am aghast that I've only just discovered this wonderful woman.
She just ripped my heart out. I don't know whether to love or fear her talent - it is simply not of this world.
@@40173k I agree that there is something intimidating about her. As a musician myself this is just so many million miles away from what is realistically achievable that it‘s shocking. Absolutely shocking.
She is at the peak of her talent here. Amazing performance.
My misguided self couldn't see past the physical when I was a kid, I liked her cause she was incredibly attractive. I'm so glad I grew up and came back to realize what a talent I was witness to.
artistry period!
They don’t make ‘em like this anymore.
You haven't seen London Grammar then. Look up Oh Woman Oh Man (live) and watch the audience.
@@40173k eh I’d say she’s more like a Sarah McLachlan than a Tori
Cette interprétation de Precious things est tout simplement fabuleuse.
Remettons nous dans le contexte de l'époque, Montreux est le premier grand concert de Tori, il a pour objectif de la faire connaitre. L'organisateur, sous estimant probablement les capacités de Tori, n'a pas trouvé mieux qu'un piano électrique Yamaha.Tori consciente que l'instrument n'est pas idéal, elle va devoir se donner à fond, ( Tori à 28 ans elle re"commence" sa carrière à un âge ou d'autres artistes l'ont terminée)
I've seen many different versions of her singing this live, but this is head and shoulders above. Absolute best performance I've witnessed yet. She is a genius.
Paul Roberts she looks the most like Delerium here.
Theres just one other that tops this one and its on her dvd.
@@RecoveringChristian My thoughts exactly, she looks like Sandman's Del. Wasn't she the inspiration for Gaiman's Character?
@@Γκοραν80 yes. I hope they do her justice in the Netflix series. I wanna see a mini tori/delerium circa 1992 in 2021.
@@RecoveringChristian I hope so. That would be so nice and convenient
Seen her a few times live, unbeatable and incredible, just stunning!!
Thank you Tori for running faster and blessing the world with your music and honesty of life
My goodness, she is just so expressive.
In 2022, Precious things is a message to my 3 daughters I want them to know but not have to learn the hard way.
She is unmatched!
Well that hit home hard
The part where she moves the mic stand without missing a note is one of the best things I've ever seen
This is incredible
total badass, incredibly unique and skillful.
The woman has a firm command of the keyboard. I'm envious.
The one and only greatest female musical mind in Earth's history!
This might be my favorite performance of the song. it used to be from the HRL gig, but damn. This is so raw and pure and it is really perfectly performed! This song is surly on my top 5 of favorite songs. So inspireing!!!
She is such a great artist, and her music and lyrics just feel so organic and raw and HONEST.. Love her..
I saw this woman in Austin, Texas, in 1998. What a show!
Je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste dans le domaine de la musique, mais j'ai toujours gardé une oreille attentive à l' affut d artiste qui puisse me surprendre . Par la force, le feeling, la puissance de son jeu, son originalité, ses mélodies, la richesse et la diversite de ses compositions Tori nous à donner à montreux un concert d' ANTHOLOGIE. J'ai l'impression que Tori nous a invitée chez elle,qu'elle s'est livrée et qu'elle nous a donné l'étendu de tout son talent.
J'aurai l'occasion plus tard, et je ne me priverait pas d'éloges, de m'étendre sur l'expressivité du jeu de Tori.Force est de constater, que la musique s'écoute mais aussi qu'elle se regarde. Tori nous fait ici la parfaite démonstration de la symbiose du son et de la vue.Par ce biais, elle nous permet d'accéder à un niveau de perception sensoriel qui nous permet de qualifier ce qu'est : la Beauté !. Cette façon de se livrer avec tellement de sincérité qu'on a l'impression qu'elle se met à nu.
Omg, her voice! God this song is soo amazing!
Bown down. No words.
My favourite song of Tori!❤️
Beatifull song and she
Pure love and genious artist
This is such a fantastic performance - I’m speechless - and scriptless!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!
A Montreux en 91 il n'y a pas eu "Little eartquakes ", mais un véritable et très rare tremblement de terre Force 10 sur l'échelle musicale de Richter. Les vulcanologues musicaux ont trouvé l'épicentre et la cause: il s' appelait Tori Amos. Je rêve de rencontrer un magicien qui me demanderai de faire un voeux; je lui dirai : télétransporté moi à Montreux au concert de Tori Amos! Je veux entendre et voir cette femme qui dégage autant d'Aura par la sincérité, et l'intensité dramatique de son jeu.
She is absolutely AMAZING
Tori Amos est pour moi la femme qui a révolutionné le piano et la pédagogie de son enseignement. Elle a été l'électrochoc face au conservatisme classique enfermé dans son dogme qui empêchait l'épanouissement réel des artistes en devenir.
Tori Amos a apporté une dimension exceptionnel au piano chant en créant une véritable symbiose entre la voix et le jeu pianistique par le biais de ses compositions originales.
Grace à Tori, le piano prend une autre dimension et permet plus que jamais aux chanteurs et chanteuses pianistes interprètes ou créatifs d'ouvrir le cadeau que la nature leur a donné afin de satisfaire l'oreille des mélomanes exigeants en recherche de créativité et de nouveauté.
L' école américaine a maintenant compris, combien le Cas Tori Amos devait être un exemple à suivre et une source de réflexion introspective et autocritique afin d'éviter l'ostracisation des véritables artistes qui font la grandeur de la musique.
L' histoire de Tori pourrait s'écrire comme un scénario de film d'une femme qui a lutté depuis son enfance pour l'amour de la musique comme le médium de la vrai réalisation du soi.
L'a force de son engagement a eu et continue à avoir un formidable impact sur l'Art quelques soient les disciplines et les styles, au point que je la qualifie de Légende vivante de l'épanouissement et de la réalisation du soi pour le plaisir et la force de l'art.
Merci Tori.
So intensiv, sie ist fantastisch einfach unglaublich 🌟
Amazing and so beautiful
Parenthèse : Tori Amos est l'une de ces femmes, qui comme le chante Francis Cabrel
" elle a du faire toutes les guerres pour être si forte aujourd'hui, elle a du faire toutes les guerres de la vie".
Revenons à Précious things. J'ai découvert ce morceau en93; comme beaucoup de français,ne parlant pas anglais,j'entendais les paroles comme faisant partie de la musique. J'y percevai de la sensibilité, de la révolte, de la force et beaucoup d'intensité dramatique.Je trouvais ce morceau super .
Best performance of this song by far.......ever !!!
She's an absolute true gem!
Pure Tori...genius
Beautiful song
J'adore ! Envoutant
😍💜😘💗😊 the piano goddess!
My Queen.
She is all there, intelligently and sexually but also crazily and passionately. She's not even my type at all but she could teach me the world.
Lydia ,ich vermisse dich so sehr.Noch immer.....😩
LOVE this song so much
Люблю Её!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Divine Goddess ❤
hermosa canción, increíble interpretación..
These these precious things.......
Fucken Amazing.
Как и все в жизни происходит в цветущем возрасте 20-30 лет. Тори прекрасна
Spiritual Fire. Loving empathy. Dogged commitment. Things upon which all men fall short. No question - women rule. And I'm okay with that...
Excellent performance I've found (so far) of Tori performing this!
Thx sooo much IlliquidDiamonds :)
My scalp is tingling lol
in my arms too no kidding!
No one can tell me there is only one God.
There are many.
She's one of them.
I can't remember which tour it was ("Dew Drop Inn" maybe?). I saw a handful of shows in my area. She'd open with this and it was like a bomb going off. It was and is still one of the best openings to any show I've ever seen.
De France.
Little earthquakes de Tori Amos est pour moi un album monumental et légendaire illustrant l'énorme et monstrueux talent d'une artiste, qui dès son premier grand concert est considérée par certains comme une véritable Déesse de la musique.
Cet album est constitué de plusieurs et véritables Chefs d'oeuvres :
PRECIOUS THINGS, en est un exemple; je considère personnellement ce morceau comme l'équivalent de Guernica le chef d'oeuvre de Picasso.
On peut, ne pas apprécier Picasso, mais force est de constater, que quand on s'intéresse à l'art pictural, on est obligé, si l'on veut être objectif,de dire que Guernica c'est sacrement balaise.
Par la force, l'intensité et la manière dont Picasso et Tori exprime leurs révoltes, je constate une grande similarité. Picasso par les explosions et le chaos dénonce la violence aveugle des nazis et Tori par la nervosité de son jeu de piano, par la hargne de son chant et la violence de ses mots dénoncent l'irrespect d'un homme envers une femme. Dans les 2 cas, c'est la guerre !
La chanson Précious things de Tori est sacrément balaise et a aussi un rôle pédagogique, car elle permet aux hommes attentifs de comprendre un peu mieux la psychologie et les fragilités féminines.
A suivre...............
Adessa Melissa..💘видео.html
greetz, DonDamienBruceLeaf - Mystedon
Long kiss from Germany !