Five Controversies With The Last Jedi

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @BraziBros
    @BraziBros 6 лет назад +1

    That one plane going really fast through the bigger plane might’ve been the best part of the movie. I screamed and started to stand up and I had no idea why I was doing it and I couldn’t stop myself.

  • @GonzoTehGreat
    @GonzoTehGreat 6 лет назад +2

    Luke going into hiding to become a reclusive hermit following Ben's betrayal made sense but would be more believable if he'd also suffered a personal loss, such as his wife and child. Apparently GL originally intended to do something similar, so RJ (and Disney) can't take all the credit for going in this direction with the character.
    Luke's showdown with Kylo Ren was awesome and (while I feel that after Carrie Fisher's unexpected death they should've kept him alive for Episode IX) I think he went out like a true hero.
    *However, Luke's decision to murder his nephew while he was asleep is out of character.* RJ adding some exposition during the flashback to try to justify this scene doesn't earn such a drastic change in his character. In RotJ, Luke deserted his friends on Endor to surrender to Imperial Forces because he saw the good in Darth Vader (one of the most hated, feared characters of the OT) and refused to believe his father would allow the Emperor to kill him. RJ failed to explain how Luke veered from being this character in the OT to someone who would murder Ben because he saw the same darkness in him!
    As for Snoke's premature death. They wasted a potentially awesome villain. I agree Snoke eventually had to die for Kylo Ren to grow but the execution was poor and unsatisfying.
    JJ gave fans exactly what they wanted with TFA, meeting expectations.
    RJ gave fans exactly what they didn't want in TLJ, confounding expectations.
    *Neither of these choices and the drama they've caused were necessary.*
    _Why not instead tell an original, interesting story which respects and remains true to GL's legacy?_
    Is this really so difficult? Fans don't seem to think so...and the SW EU/Legends supports their viewpoint.

  • @eliresto7151
    @eliresto7151 6 лет назад +1

    Great points guys! I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. Most people that don't like the Canto Bight sequence forget that within the audience there are 10 11 and 12 year olds of which I was sitting next to that were not in my group. But we're as giddy as all get-out during those scenes.

  • @BraziBros
    @BraziBros 6 лет назад

    That scene in the casino with the black dude and the Asian chick was amazing the first time I watched it. It took you kids two tries to figure it out but I’m glad you came around.

  • @markmethod9960
    @markmethod9960 6 лет назад +2

    my biggest issue is Chewbacca wussing out i mean he had already killed and roasted that porg dont waste it.

    • @TheRebelRave
      @TheRebelRave  6 лет назад

      Mark Method oh he def ate that off screen. 🙂

  • @GoseiWhite
    @GoseiWhite 6 лет назад +1

    Love the video guys!!! You guys are on point and that's why the film has hit 1 Billion dollars!!! Keep up the videos guys!!!

    • @ramtam4546
      @ramtam4546 4 года назад

      Ricky Tan hhh nnjjjkiijjuujjjjreee is the e krmnejwjw erdshhgh
      Mlikoojuuytgtyewweeesdssz😊😆😆😆☺️☺️🧐☺️😛😛😍😄😂🧪🧻h. Hubby
      I jInxhshsxjgjdnqUUKPpolliiytzuu

  • @mujaahid72
    @mujaahid72 6 лет назад +2

    I like the film !!!

  • @darthhull85
    @darthhull85 6 лет назад +1

    We ALL know that it is actually Rey Palpatine. Let's not kid ourselves.

  • @BraziBros
    @BraziBros 6 лет назад

    😦 We want more angry Dave. Give us angry Dave 💦

  • @eliotdew1465
    @eliotdew1465 6 лет назад +1

    Hey is there any chance you guys could do a Solo predictions video? :D

    • @TheRebelRave
      @TheRebelRave  6 лет назад +1

      Absolutely! Once the trailer comes out we'll probably do a reaction video and tag some theories and predictions on to the end of that. Thanks for watching! - D

    • @eliotdew1465
      @eliotdew1465 6 лет назад

      Legends! I'm keen for the trailer, hopefully it's not too long. xD Thanks for the great content!

  • @fernandohernandezalmanza2232
    @fernandohernandezalmanza2232 4 года назад

    Luke using a projection was the most cowardly thing i see in a movie just to die moments later, so whats the point of killing luke like that when he could face kylo ren in person and luke trying to kill kylo even if it was a moment of pure instinct he supposed to have learned that after return of the jedi and the fact he didn't tried to follow kylo and fix his mistake instead he runs away like the coward he is

  • @acke26
    @acke26 4 года назад

    I know you're devoted STAR WARS fans, but I'm baffled what a different experience we had.
    Here are some issues that disturbs me with The Last Jedi
    ........the bombing scene!
    Yes, star wars is fiction, but throughout the whole franchise there is a star wars realism that every director has respected. But not Rian Johnson, all of a sudden there is gravity in space.....!!??
    ......or not in the scene with Leia, where she can fly........Furthermore she can survive in space without her blood boiling, freezing to death and as mentioned now even can fly.
    Rian Johnson also destroyed the fact that you could escape using hyper drive. You can also defeat any deathstar like weapon of the first order from now on by "kamikazing" any bigger or mid size ship into the first orders deathstar-ish weapon.
    Why did he leave the map, if he didn't want to be found ever???
    A much better story, for instance, Luke could have expanded the Jedi temple, training the future jedi knights building a new jedi warrior clan. We could have learned about the knights of Ren and why Kylo had "skipped class"
    Or Luke could've turned in to a sith, learning how to be even more powerful.
    He could've been keept as a prisoner by sith guards for Rey to rescue him.
    There could've been so many interesting storylines for Rian Johnson to develop.
    Why didn't he use the outline that JJ had worked out?
    Why the need to insult him?
    The biggest hero in film making history, always positive and never giving up hope (the first ep of the original trilogy A New Hope was referring to Luke) - now portrayed as an old grumpy sucidal grumpy man being a coward hiding on a deserted island looking crazy milking and drinking green milk from a giant sea monster with his beard all soiled!!!!! Then dying of exhaustion and dehydration sitting on a rock!!!
    Come on, that's not a good story or a worthy portrait of the biggest hero in film making history!
    Why the total insult? What purpose did that have to bring the story forward?
    I've no problem with Luke dying, but the way it was executed was not done in a good way.
    When Rian Johnson was asked how he came up with the story, his answer was that he didn't work with an over all storyline. He said that he took each and every character and asked himself what could be the absolute worst case for them....... That at least explains why there isn't any storyline connecting with the final episode, why the story doesn't continue from TFA and why Rian Johnson didn't bother to give any answers...... He is incompetent and totally useless as a writer. He blew it! Ep 8 could've been epic!!!
    What about the embarrassing plot holes?
    When Finn and Rose found out that the one and only and totally unique code master expert was not to be found on the casino planet, they got put in jail for wrong parking : ) and then as the most convenient coincidence, the guy in the bunk bed just next to them is ALSOOO an expert super unique code master....... Such a pathetically bad writing! A ten year old could have come up with a better stor.
    Rian Johnson is an idiot.
    Rian Johnsons masterpiece as he labels TLJ himself.
    It's totally okay to like the film. I like a bunch of really bad films, but I would never argue that they are good films in a filmmaking point of view.
    How on earth can anyone defend the character of Holdo???
    This is the worst and most embarrassing way to promote feminism. Think of it in the other way around. Whenever in film making history is a superior middle aged white man bullying a young woman considered a hero?
    The storyline surrounding vice admiral Holdo is just so badly written that it is not just insulting the viewers intelligence it's an insult to real strong women in reality. And even worse, it's counterproductive and has created a backlash among young men that after these types of idiotic feminism has increased largely - it creates hate towards feminists and women.
    To promote women in films, just follow the rules how to create men heroes. Make them likeable, make them go thru difficulties och develop and not just being overpowered or as in this case an superior bully and an asshole!
    Look at characters like Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley in Alien, Laura Croft or Alice in Resident Evil. They are all cherished and loved by both men and women.
    Finn was an interesting character in TFA, a defector of the first order struggling with his inner moral. To become a comic relief with one liners in TLJ.
    And even worse, the character of Rose - totally meaningless!
    After had crashing into Finn in order to save him, how on earth could they have survived sittings there chitt chatting and she declaring her love, when there is a ful blown war going on. There are a whole bunch of AT's and storm troopers there aiming at them.
    Ps. I have nothing against the prequels. I love them. So you understand that I'm not complaining about everything. I also like The Force Awakens, the SOLO movie and Rouge One.
    I can understand that some criticize the bad digital effects in the prequels, but George Lucas has always been a pioneer. He saw the amazing opportunities with digitalisation of fx.

  • @fernandohernandezalmanza2232
    @fernandohernandezalmanza2232 4 года назад

    For snoke if they wanted to kill snoke they could have done a lightsaber duel between rey and kylo vs snoke and by the way episode 8 its just a ripoff of episode 5 and 6 and you saying its completly different but its not for example the throne room scene its just a copy-paste of return of the jedi

  • @acke26
    @acke26 4 года назад

    Aren't you quite naive when you refer to a text Mark Hamill wrote months after he statred to criticize The Last Jedi publicly.
    Can't you see that it's not his words. He has for sure been contacted by Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, maybe even threatened to make this statement.
    You say his words has been taken.out of context. Then you haven't seen his long interviews and attending at panels where he loud and clear trashes Rian Johnson and his writing.
    It's not short clips here and there, it's long discussions where Mark Hamill speaks his mind.

  • @acke26
    @acke26 4 года назад

    We that criticise The Last Jedi doesn't want a Luke 2,0 or a Rey story like Luke's. We don't want the same, we want new stories and new worlds - but we don't want badly timed Rian jokes. We don't want Luke being humiliated for no reason, we don't want the embarrassing unintelligent over apparent forced feminism Kathleen Kennedy promotes
    (I'm a father of two daughters and I fully support the fight for equality. I consider myself a feminist.)
    Kathleen Kennedy's head on feminism is totally wrong. It's actually counterproductive and has created more hate and resistance towards women than support.
    This kind of feminism is not just an insult to the audience, it's an insult to real stong women in today's world.