Vladimír Šosták - JE MOŽNÉ SA ZMENIŤ ? - 9.10.2015
- Опубликовано: 15 дек 2024
- Audiozáznam z októbrového stretnutia Spoločenstva Pavol na tému
Ako je možné znova sa narodiť? Alebo: Čo znamená obriezka srdca?
Hosť: ThDr. Vladimír Šosták, PhD.
Biskupský vikár pre katechézu, pastoráciu rodín a apoštolát laikov v Košickej arcidiecéze, postgraduálne študoval v Ríme na Lateránskej univerzite.
PBZ o .Vladimir za Vase mudre jasne vysvetlenie ako nasledovat Jezisa a zit s vierou a s doverou v laske s Bozim slovom tam kde sme♥️🙏
Vdp.. srdečná vďaka za Váš výklad a Vaše slová, ktoré sú ako balzamom na moju dušu...počúvam ich dookola a neviem sa ich nabažiť, dávajú mi vieru, nádej a lásku, ktoré v živote hľadám a ktoré potrebujem... Pán Boh zaplať
Srdečná vďaka Vám, že hľadáte Božie kráľovstvo. Nech Vás Pán hojne požehnáva... Ak Vás môžem poprosiť, tak bez toho "Vdp"... všetci máme rovnakú dôstojnosť a preto neuznávam, že niekoho voláme dôstojný a niekoho nie...:)
Konečne s odvahou prezentovaná pravda. Vynikajúca katechéza, ktorú by mali všetci kresťania uviesť do praxe . Veľká vďaka otec Vladimír.
Vďaka Vám za milé a povzbudivé slová... My sme iba neužitoční sluhovia, ktorí by sme mali robiť to, čo sme povinní... Nech Vás JHWH hojne požehnáva!!!
Počuli sme Pána Ježiša na Kafarnaumskom vŕšku. Aj po rokoch, vďaka o Vladimír.
Brilantna inteligencia v akcii. Sedi kazde slovo Vdaka dp..
Vďaka za milé a povzbudivé slová... ako aj za Vaše úprimné hľadanie Božieho kráľovstva. Nech Vás JHWH hojne požehnáva!!!
I wonder whether this guy has ever heard about contrastive linguistics. He uses interlinear translations to sound smart but seems unfamiliar with basic structuralist thought.
Mentioning that God punishes you for the behaving of ancestors, he starts to talk about God's grace and how God also blesses your children if you submit to his commands etc etc, instead of talking about the elephant in the room, namely God's righteousness or the christian concept of it. How does one have to define "righteousness" to apply the term to this (punishing and rewarding thirds)? Righteousness is something that men cannot grasp you say, but still you claim that God is just, don't you? So "righteousness" is just a word that you Christians emptied of its meaning and ruined it for the entire european tradition of philosophy.
He also started to talk e.g. about homosexuality and creation. (I know that in Slovakia there are people that don't believe in psychology etc. and think of homosexuality as a sickness. I guess that he didn't reveal his standpoint on purpose here.) The interesting question is not whether these people regard themselves as created in the image of God or not, but again something else: In Christianity there is a gap between what the body/flesh wants and what the spirit/soul wants - at least after this whole story of the fall of men etc. Why did God program your body to not want what he himself wants? To me this mirrors a sadistic behavior. Why do we even think that God really wants us to be in heaven, when he creates us as not-one, just to make the struggle harder? God already planted the seed of sin within the heart of Adam and Eve and this guy tells us that Eve's sinning already begun with her, looking at the fruits of one tree, not looking at another? Come on! Be consequent! Than you have to say, that sin already begun in the hands of God, planting the seeds of sin into our hearts. (I know that we also carry the law in our heart - but that's exactly my point when I talk about "sadistic behavior") You cannot plant the seed of something that doesn't exist. At least God's plan or vision of men sinning must have had existed before he planted the seed, unless he didn't do it on purpose, which again would be problematic or in clash with the concept of omniscience just in the same way as God creating this tree or the goddamn serpent. God must have wanted men to sin and to die as sinners since in the beginning of time he already knew that only a few will go the steep way and all others will suffer in eternity. He could have created the universe in a different way (e.g. there is a possible world in which sin doesn't mean death but only pleasure of the flesh), but "he saw that it was good". Sounds quite sadistic, doesn't it?
And what the f*ck does this guy talk about when he says "kto hlada, ten miluje"? I expected some following arguments for such a ingenious claim.
And as a fan of the idea of linguistic descriptivism I would also really like to know why he thinks that Hebrew is no usual language. I have encountered some very stupid arguments for Hebrew and (ancient) Greece being divine languages from ppl that call themselves magicians, e.g. Alexander Edward Crowley, so far and I would be pleased to hear some more from christian preachers.
excellent insights to contrast what's been said... Thank you for sharing these critical viewpoints!
Dear Simon.
If you have heard this lecture it means you are looking man... and so you are loving man... you are lookig for the truth... I don´t know any other reason to heard something suchlike...
Firstly I had no need to apologize myself but now I decide to say some word not to apologize myself but to say something specialy toward you. Sorry for my English...
About me only one word: I believe only in Word of God - not letter but message of the Word of God and it is impossible to find it unless in the hebrew context in which it was written. It is basic reason of the importance of the hebrew language....
Please, not phase in! If Word of God - not myself - speak about punishing someone for the behaving of ancestor, it is going about the influences of the evil which is undeniable. Ultimately it is connected with sin of the first man and it is including everyone of us. For everybody it is only one way: to born again. I tis not my vocabolary but i tis Jesus words...
You are right: I don´t believe in psychology, I believe and trust God - Word of God! And so I would like specialy to answer to your question: Why did God program your body to not want what he himself wants? The answer is easy: for the simple reason - in order to be able be free... Our body is composing from the elements of this earth and so afther the sin of the first man there is challenge for us to looking something over the earth...
I have no intention to abase you and it is main marker for me to hope I am right. Our behavior is indicator of we live on truth or not. Please, try to think about it... All good for you and many blessings...