Vi tutorial - part 2

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • Essentials of Vi editor - part 2
    Part 1 video - • Vi tutorial - part 1
    Search and Replace
    /text - searches the text.
    ?text - searches backward
    n - repeats the previous search
    N - repeats the previous search in backward direction
    . matches any single character e.g - /a.c matches both abc, adc etc. Doesn't match 'ac'
    \ has special meaning. e.g - /a\.c matches a.c exactly
    e.g - /a\\c matches a\c, /a\/c matches a/c
    ^ - matches line beginning. e.g - /^abc matches lines beginning with abc
    $ - matches line ending e.g - /xyz$ matches lines ending with xyz
    [] - matches single character in a set. e.g - /x[abc]y matches xay, xby and xcy
    e.g - /x[a-z]y matches xzy, xay etc
    e.g - /x[a-zA-Z]y matches xay, xAy etc
    e.g - /x[/a-z]y // matches x followed by anything other than a lowercase letter followed by y. Therefore 'xay' doesn't match, but xBy matches.
    * - zero or more matches. e.g - xy*z matches xyz, xyyyyz and also xz
    \( \) - e.g - /\(xy\)*z matches xyz, xyxyx, xyxyxyz etc
    /&lt:.*> - matches any character in between < and >
    /<[^>]*> - matches anything in between <>
    :s/old/new/ - replaces the first occurrences of old to new on current line
    :: - replaces all in the current line
    :%s/old/new/ - replaces the first occurrences of old to new of every line in the document
    :%s/old/new/g - globally replace all occurrences in the document
    You may use any special character other than / for delimitation. For example you may use | or ;
    Few special examples.
    :%s/test/(&)/g - Here the replacement string is (&), Here the & says the current match. Therefore whatever test words in the document will be put into parenthesis as in (test)
    u - undoing the last change in command mode
    Ctrl + r - Redo the last change
    U - undo all the changes in the current line
    . (period) - Repeats last change in your cursor locations
    yy - yanks (copy) a line (Similar to dd like delete equivalents) - the yanked texts goes to vi's buffer not to the OS clip-board
    yw - yanks a word (just like dw deletes a word)
    p - pastes the yanked text after the cursor
    P - pastes the yanked text before the cursor

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