yanis varoufakis is the most incredible mind, I genuinely feel very lucky to learn from him... he was an academic for decades before his life in politics, that alone should warrant our taking his words seriously... I really hope we listen to him, it's not often in history that someone so intelligent has the strength to speak so many powerful truths to power...
34:28 *USA-1st trade deficit based empire* “Interestingly (and this is I think the key paradox of our era) the more _in the red_ the United States became, the more dominant it became-and that has never happened in the history of humanity before. Up until then, when an empire slipped into the red-went from being a surplus economy to being a deficit economy-it lost its power; the fall began.”
The idea of "American Exeptionalism" as promoted by Bill & Hillary Clinton as well as Bush, Obama & Trump needs to be addressed by our nation's so-called political leadership...
That opinion has been artificially nurtured by Australia's mainstream media in the same way it has manufactured the fear of China. Both opinions are clearly against Australia's national interest. It shows the power of propaganda and information control.
I think this statement is dependent on if you’re talking about the Australian Government or the Australian population… I don’t know many people who look at the U.S. super fondly in todays day and age.
@@bayernvoeller Are you trying to tell me that the Australian military doesn't have soldiers from within the Australian population? Lol What I am saying is that not all Australian people look up to the U.S. as the saviour that they always used to be considered as.
The German media is full of propaganda now. If you are not political correct or in another word not in alignment with the US policy, you will be demonized. If you question about their blind support of Israel they will call you antisemitism. If you question about their policies in the Russian Ukraine war, they will call you Putins friend/ supporter. They demonize their right wing party (which is in my opinion still left comparing to Republicans in the US) and call them right extrimist or Nazi and even want to forbid them for the "sake of democracy". I don't know how many people still watch these mainstream media nowadays.
18:07 "Feudual Lords didn't invested anything except intrigue and violence." Intrigue in this sense is like the control of information between people. While violence can be seen on the industrial scale with work or starve methology example by sweat shops, or the 'deplateforming' from the fiefdom by the Tech Lords.
All of Poland Wrze - Great Protests May 10-12, 2024 youth, students, farmers, growers of soft raspberries from Krasnik, Lublin and all over Poland, shipyard workers, miners, fishermen, foresters PROTEST the New Enslavement of the Nations of All Europe by unelected EU commissioners, i.e. the New Order. People have had enough. There will be a multinational revolution of the People of Towns and Villages
@35:00 someone did not read much history. State debt has never caused a collapse of empire. A State's deficit is it's citizens surplus by accounting identity, it is a good thing (all else equal). What happens in empire collapse is either massive corruption or with monetary systems something like massive private debt, which means if the State is in deficit some oligarchs are holding an enormous amount of currency (equal to the private household debt plus the government deficit). These are only scorepoints though as far as the State is concerned, but the banking systems tend to be pretty rigid (by law), and if private debts of the poor, especially farmers, are not forgiven then you get revolt, you also get economic collapse. But it is not because of the debt of the sate (which is private surplus) it is because too much of that currency outstanding, not yet used to pay taxes, is held by too few who are hoarding and not spending. It is gross inequality which is the instability, not the debt of the State. A state that issues it's own scorepoints is never broke and can always pay its debts --- in its own currency. (Cesar could have stamped the trillion aureus coin --- the metal value of the coin is not the face value. State currency has always been a scorekeeping system.) There is then inflation risk, but that never causes the collapse of a state, since you only get nominal currency inflation if you have a booming economy, or have something crippling supply like a famine, drought or war reparations imposed. It is surprising Yanis is using monetarist understanding, he has friendly MMT colleagues, but seems to not have learned much from them
46:28 this is interesting in light of Bill Shorten's new bill on digital ID, is this a way for us to get away from being entrenched in the VISA/ Mastercard monopoly of identity? I remember 20 years ago I couldn't get an identity check approved without a credit card signiture, this is when I was dealing with the RTA, I think this has only gotten worse.
30:22 *acephalous dreams & symptoms* “Even if Elon Musk tomorrow had an epiphany and he became a feminist, tree-hugging greenie, it wouldn’t make any difference. And by the way I don’t think these people are neofascist, to be a neofascist you need an ideology. These people don’t have one. You know the dream of _going to mars_ this is just-essentially it’s a way of acknowledging that they are destroying the planet.”
Chinese philosophers, Mencius( 孟子), Confucius (孔子) embrace statecraft with virtues in their precepts 2600 years ago. These significantly shape Chinese political culture and social norms even today. It's helpful to delve deeper into the Chinese definition and practice of democracy . Chinese statecraft embraces the core Chinese precepts of virtue and mutually beneficial relationships: (和) Harmony... “和而不同”, Harmony in Diversity “家和万事兴” Harmony... Bedrock of Common Good/Prosperity. Precepts which embrace community- centric ethics “得民心得天下” 与 “君子爱财取之有道” evidently shape Chinese political and commercial culture. History matters too. Be sensitive to the fact that China was a victim of many foreign military invasions and war atrocities by European, American and Japanese as well as Western exploitative capitalism and ruthless imperialism.
I like the way Yanis sounds but I have a really important question regarding exactly how do the cloudalists profit from people using the cloud? Do they get paid ? And how much for what precisely? We need more precision in that part of the explanation.
Oh ok. They get the rent for using the apps as a de facto middleman to suck value out of economic circulation and horde it . And that destabilizes the money system because the 40% fees Bezos charges for each transaction for doing nothing basically does not benifit society at all. For capitalism to work the money has to be in circulation changing hands like veins supplying blood to the human body! Well if one believes in capitalism it might make sense from that reference frame. And I think it's correct from a viewpoint of capital theory. But I think we could do much better without any sort of financial system or money. We could get rid of money entirely and cap personal and combined wealth to a narrower range where there's not much difference between the poorest and the richest from a resource energy perspective. It's just an engineering problem . But more people have to develop their brains to act as safeguards for entropy. Every point no matter how obscure has meaning in defining universal solutions to designing PARAMETERS OF THE PROBLEM AND ALL ISSUES THAT CAN ARISE IN DEALING WITH AN INFINITELY COMPLEX SOLUTION. Everybody has to be taken into account as part of an equal piece of the pie. It has to be a benificial solution . Not a negative one. Those solutions have to be reasoned out . Because everyone is different needs may vary. There's different ways of measuring wealth. The idea would be to create more complete human beings by conserving limited finite resources and increasing efficiencies in achieving total wealth not measured in how much money,property or stuff anyone accumulates or has. But to simplify the problem by observing humans as individual biorganisms. You have to boil the problems and issues down my dear Watsons! This is child's play. Really! It's just so simple . Any weak minded neophyte oughta be able to do it! You can't have exactly equal wealth as the energy burn to handle that is impossibly infinite! And still a totally unsustainable impossibility! But you can keep a narrow range and stop treating resources as the source of all wealth as some sort of perpetual motion machine you id . Oh I better not say idiots. The non free speech police will delete my most important comments off the internet . When my brain is working on overdrive and I've got the best brain on Earth or the entire universe! See most people don't understand the perpetual motion machine analogy because most people don't know much of anything. Including the wealthiest people that ever existed. Nw c'mon now. Let's get to the heart of the matter. Insanity and the complete inability to have the capacity to ever reason with any clarity. Elon and Jeff. Bezos. See the heart of the matter is those guys are so dumb they don't understand what a perpetual motion machine is . Not on a really deep level . It escapes them and many others ,far too many to attempt counting that money represents energy and resources. But only as an imaginary representation of something tangible like energy or matter . Which is what everything is other than the infinite eternal empty void ,the vaccum of space. Energy is also infinite and eternal. A second type of infinity caused by the existence of nothing or empty space. Neither can be created or destroyed. Only energy can be transformed and exists because infinite void causes vaccum energy to exist with it as wind that is created by infinite distances immeasurable by any means. I don't claim to be right or wrong. This is just what I think currently as i ponder existence. I know I'm a legend of the mind like Socrates or Descarte. But not really. We're all just one of an infinite number of creatures throughout eternity with individual self interests. But to make a solution work or a great number of solutions work we need to combine our self interests even though entropy forces our energies apart and that's why we act in the ways we act. And as long as our species or whatever we might evolve into continues we're never going to escape that. All those bad things and terrible possibilities will always have the potential to reemerge over time. And they will. Insanity within emerging intelligence is a constant Sherlock. Recognizing the patterns and rarities repeatedness over infinite space and localized courses of big bang courses with galaxies and the matter/energy dynamics it should never come as a complete shock when the same likely events keep repeating themselves in various ways with different outcomes. But the same situations keep happening as time marches on. We'd want to find solutions instead of letting Jeff and Elon calling the shots. That's why we have to collectively recognize psychopathy in all it's forms and identify precisely who the insane really are and the ways they act,what they think,and detail the ramifications and detrimental outcomes of the resultant thought processes behind how this insanity operates over time. Because my dear Watsons there exists no way we could ever solve our problems as long as psychopathy and all the other forms of insanity are running loose out there on the planet! So that means more people need to start examining every aspect of existence in every micro detail and macro observation to determine how insanity is destroying all life on Earth ,why,and how. And when. Attention to details. Every detail all day long helps tremendously to explain universal behavior and how everything works in it. All creatures and life are a normal reaction in matter as portions of it transform into life and living organisms. The wealthiest people are psychopaths because they just don't care and have no empathy and therefor no control and very little restraint on what they're willing to do no matter who it harms or they destroy. Which infers all the proof necessary that psychopaths gain power because others are obstacles to them or puppets and cattle. And psychopathy doesn't want the world to know that. Because more people would object and even refuse to be led and controlled by war mongering psychopaths who appear normal in public. They lie alot and like to sell you their stories while they make you feel good in advertizing and courts as lawyers and part of huge law firms. Lawyers are advertizers selling their storylines. Alot of them are psychopaths and become judges. That's inferred as evidence in court cases i.e. when Ted Bundy was sentenced the Judge called him PARTNER. Or in Canada a guy got on a bus and stabbed another friendly sleeping passenger to death then started cutting him up and eating the other guy. A judge in Canada let the guy walk free. There's been many other cases where the results of those trials indicated the judges were insane also and more than likely psychopaths . Which also indicates and suggestsother forms of insanity were present on the bench. Which further indicates the prevalence in all areas of the public and governments everywhere on Earth and within the wider universe unexplored by humans that this psychopathy and insanity is everywhere within emerging intelligence and is a natural function of entropy.
For the likes of Facebook, it's advertising. Watch as Facebook panics as it loses market share. For Google it is also advertising. For Uber, you just pay for the service even though Uber owns no cars itself, and it skims off 25% of every fare. For Amazon, it is charging 30 to 40% on every single purchase (Yanis explains this in the book and on other videos)
Critic and innovative thought comes out when an academic is pushed into polititics to see its ugliness, be vocal about it and has the courage to step aside as Yanis did as finance minister
Abolish the RBA and in its place establish a people of Australia, owned bank to regulate money. Democracy requires that politics and ethics are inseparable.
Yanis' digital cloud tax can also be extended to high speed trading machines by collecting taxes, like 10% GST, on every transaction. Collecting necessary transaction data, so that the correct tax is applied to every transaction, will also provide crucial insight into the Key Performance Indicators of the cutting edge sophisticated preditive algorithms of these high speed trading machines, including insight into the motivations of the decision makers behind their design. Trying to stop human technical advancement is an act of pure folly, but that doesn't mean we must blindly submit control of our lives to the people that own and control these sophisticated cutting edge technologies, especially as there is already ample evidence that these corporate entities, and/or elaborate partnerships, consciously ignore ethics in pursuit of a dominant market share and ever increasing profits. Instead, we must demand our governments implement and strictly enforce regulation that more equitably rebalances the current power imbalance that greatly favors corporate/partnership entities,to the detriment of consumers and the independent producers that supply these massive operations.
He's saying capitalism is being replaced by a more ephemeral and tenuous form of value creation (or extraction). First, I think limiting capital to the physical is too narrow, and has never been done as that would exclude finance. Second, I would make the distinction that while the means of *production* have been streamlined, there's still low hanging fruit in the means of *distribution*, and that's where the online platforms are finding opportunity. The new capitalism qualitatively remains the old capitalism.
I don't think that what he means is ephemeral, in the book he goes to some length to describe the materiality of it all : fiber optic cables which cross all oceans, satellites lunched in the last ten years (which outnumber all the other satalites in orbit by 3 to 1 and most are owned by space x and starlink), gigantic server farms and maintenence work forces. These are things built with public money and the public uses it to create value for a very small number of companies. A big part of his argument is that these companies own something more powerfull than a means of production, they own a means of behavior modification- this is the part of the book which I found most lacking, since its something very hard to prove. Financialization was allways based or coined in something, usually capital or profits. in the book he says this is no longer the case, because central banks have essencially been printing money to cover for debt of big companies ever since the pandemic, no matter their lacking in profits, which explains the recent recessiom "scare" and the quick rebound of it
Perhaps another way of looking at the algorithm's that dictate the content an Individual well see is one of a smoky room with dark alcoves with people talking over their grievance's in the night time to those others who look at it as a coffee house to talk over idea's, and philosophy, or yet others who look at it as an idea's, and or market exchange. Most people will fall into the first category which makes them a goldmine for the business of politics as their input is sold off to the highest bidder, and the 2nd category is shut off to them. The internet and good governorship are not aligned by content providers who now find themselves with the power to play god.
30:49 I'm unsure how you can say that Elon Musk as CEO of Tesla an Electric car company that is building infrastructure for electric vehicles and energy storage to counter petroleum and coal, but gas especially is destroying the planet. You may not like his personal views on twitter, but his businesses have done more for climate change than any other business in the world. SpaceX may have issues of satelite re-entry but this is only new, so we are yet to see what they do about ozone depletion in that space.
cars aren't solving anything, electric or not. from rubber to batteries to asphalt to urban sprawl to energy demand, electric cars will perpetuate most of the disastrous environmental effects of the auto industry.
This was a great talk. The stuff about Elon Musk wanting to destroy the planet is just lazy thinking. I think the lady in green must have never listened to Musk speak.
Amazon brings together buyers and sellers. This marketplace is global. But it is a service, and that means Amazon gets a cut from each transaction. When you use PayPal or a Bank of America credit card, the banks get a cut of each transaction. That is how the service works. If it is to expensive, you do not use the service. It is a choice. There are many reasons why people use that service….time wasted in a car looking for a particular item, etc.. As long as there are no monopolies, or government favoritisms, the system works. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos provide services that people want and value. That’s how you get the stuff you want. That’s why we have so much stuff. Communism shuts down capital markets. And no capital markets, means no goods and services, employment and taxes for infrastructure. Food production also nosedives and people lack food and healthcare ( that is also profit driven). Capitalism is not perfect… however, very few people are starving, and millions of those people, living n communist countries are being fed by very generous people in capitalist countries, FREE !
Take a breath and calm down. He's just talking about how the system is changing, how it might be detrimental, and how we can improve it. He's not calling for revolution
In 2011, on the floor of the Australian parliament, US President Obama announced the US military "pivot to Asia" to prepare for war with China. Have the preparations stopped? No. We just had the AUKUS deal signed which is now being expanded to include Japan. Yanis Varoufakis doesn't even mention the issue. We had two world wars last century. Does any believe capitalism won't go to war again? Do they think they are "more sane" now than before? The rest of Varoufakis' analysis also falls apart under any serious scrutiny. QUOTE ... Varoufakis’s argument, stripped of verbiage about “democracy” and “peace,” boiled down to a call for the European and Australian governments to heavily invest in “cloud capital,” so that they can compete in that sphere, and to end an unquestioning “servility” to the US, lest its activities jeopardise their own imperialist interests. His entire analysis was geared towards reaching this conclusion. It combined superficiality with falsification. That was evident in Varoufakis’ equation of the US and China, two countries with extremely divergent histories and positions in the world economy. Despite its major economic advances, and the aspirations of the ruling elite spawned by the Stalinist restoration of capitalism, China, unlike the US, is not an imperialist power. It remains locked within a financial system dominated by the US and European banks and corporations. Varofikis’s blithe dismissal of these issues, lines up with the depictions of China as a new imperialist power, used by pseudo-left groups and others to legitimise the US war drive. A similar position has been advanced by the pseudo-left on Russia, which they employ to back the US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine. Inevitably, the word “imperialism” did not pass Varoufakis lips, nor the crisis of global capitalism and its intractable contradictions. WSWS: Yanis Varoufakis tours Australia: A pseudo-left representative of European capitalism in search of political allies 29 March 2024
Yanis is one of the most intelligent humans in existence. But he has few followers who can decipher his meaning and no financial clout . He's outnumbered by the psychopathy of wealth and power. His suggestions are noble but the insane will completely ignore him and any ideas he has to tax cloud capital and redistribute it to the world population. The money system is destined to fail anyway no matter what anybody does because cash represents stored energy approximations based on energy resources.or the energy in matter we exploit being finite on any world . And no one has been able to develop advanced sciences and physics to manipulate and replenish the Earth's limited supply or develop space travel and mine different moons and asteroids without burning up too many dwindling existing resources on Earth. Then we overlook all the hidden details and costs. The knowledge of physics doesn't exist and we're premature in our developed hopes as a species. For instance let's say we develop enough advanced knowledge and abilities in hundreds or thousands of years. Then manage to mine rare minerals and things like lithium and gold. The problem then arises of moving and redistributing matter around the solar system would then start to affect the delicate gravitational balance between all orbiting bodies in the solar system. The problem is the psychopathic power and wealth fools will continue claiming that they're smarter than everyone else through proxy sources. And continue conning everyone else that doesn't have a clue what the Three Body Problem in physics states. Which means that no one can ever calculate how moving mass around the solar system will do to orbital stability of planets,moons,and asteroids as tipping points are approached faster when greed begins to increase in velocity at faster rates in shorter and shorter timescales! That's why we have to eliminate capitalism as a failed venture in the future. Along with breaking completely free from psychopathic influence. Wealth can be redistributed relatively equally and money eliminated completely. We're all different so the solutions to solve the issues must be variable but fall within an efficiency energy conserving range with an aim to sustain long term life support in the biosphere for millions of years to give us alot of time to evolve and discover improvements to science and knowledge gains. The problem is we dogged it by finding technology thus destroying all hope of a continued sustainable existence beyond a few thousand years at best. We need alot more time to think and ponder our every move from here on out instead of rushing into space unprepared and blasting resources out there with our primitive fledgling science and knowledge capabilities which are poor at this time. Money cannot ever be the answer because money has extremely limited abilities that psychopathic billionares treat as a perpetual motion machine. Which is totally impossible to build . So you have to either be insane or follow insanity to continue the pretense that you can get free energy in the form of money for little to no return energy. And yet that's the insanity we live under.
My God! I wasn't enough for you to hold us hostage for a "welcome to country," you had to make it even longer than normal to show that you are extra "virtuous" as this garbage becomes more normalized!
I find that ceremonial welcome to country along with reverence to past, present and future custodians has now become so formulaic that it smacks of insincerity. The political opportunism of keeping the errors of colonialism front and centre of contemporary Australian consciousness is what I find distastefully stultifying. Why? It continues to impede those unable to envisage a life out of their victimisation. While trauma is obviously horrendous, only one person, oneself, is capable for putting our pain to rest whatever it maybe.
Varoufakis, is worrying too much, to not loose what already has. He knows some but he does not knowing them to the proper level and is confusing himself. But its ok. Life is a wonderful road with a lot of hills, slides and blah, blah and again blah. He is already subjugated himself to bankers and has no way out....such to preserve his current wealth status. He will learn eventually, to be straight shooter and not to want to have the cake and to eat it , too. Nothing personal, but Varoufakis does not radiate a fair dinkum attitude, rather, he is representing, a slippery and an oily entity of sort, with leech like, properties.
Yanis is a waste of time. He became Greece's Treasurer and did nothing - even the things like reforming the bureaucracy which the funding powers that be were all for him doing and which he had common ground on with them he did nothing. He is all talk.
They are still far better than India with its high level of absolute poverty, hopelessly inadequate n outdated transport infrastructure n filthy n unhygienic environment
They are still far better than India with its high level of absolute poverty, hopelessly inadequate n outdated transport infrastructure n filthy n unhygienic environment
And you now know why all economies will fail too. You better get brand name tattoos so they can identify your corpse in a thousand years for the publicly funded museum.
Yanis Varoufakis is the preeminent techno-humanist of our time.
Yanis starts his speech at the 5:00 min mark
I reckon it’s @ 35 mins
yanis varoufakis is the most incredible mind, I genuinely feel very lucky to learn from him... he was an academic for decades before his life in politics, that alone should warrant our taking his words seriously... I really hope we listen to him, it's not often in history that someone so intelligent has the strength to speak so many powerful truths to power...
In a world saturated with imitators and charlatans claiming the title, Varoufakis is that rarest of things; a true public intellectual
Genocide....what a joke
Gaza 1990 700,000 people....2024 2.3 million people...
No wonder Greece is bankrupt....
A public intelectual is a person that has no responsability to anyone on his opinions.
@flxjay8985 So a private intellectual is a person that has responsibility to anyone on his opinions. Please clarify.
Yanis varoufakis truely understand the loopholes and evil of capitalism.
"Capitalism" is NOT EVIL comrade...
@@akhalif68 He never said that. He said, "The EVILS OF Capitalism".
@akhalif68 what is capitalism?
34:28 *USA-1st trade deficit based empire* “Interestingly (and this is I think the key paradox of our era) the more _in the red_ the United States became, the more dominant it became-and that has never happened in the history of humanity before. Up until then, when an empire slipped into the red-went from being a surplus economy to being a deficit economy-it lost its power; the fall began.”
It's a shame the audio has been run through AI. Removing any/ all audience noise makes this an odd experience.
australia sees united states as a savior - rather than a hijacker in reality
The idea of "American Exeptionalism" as promoted by Bill & Hillary Clinton as well as Bush, Obama & Trump needs to be addressed by our nation's so-called political leadership...
That opinion has been artificially nurtured by Australia's mainstream media in the same way it has manufactured the fear of China. Both opinions are clearly against Australia's national interest. It shows the power of propaganda and information control.
I think this statement is dependent on if you’re talking about the Australian Government or the Australian population… I don’t know many people who look at the U.S. super fondly in todays day and age.
@@EJB9 the Australian Population has no role in sovereignty or defence in Australia
@@bayernvoeller Are you trying to tell me that the Australian military doesn't have soldiers from within the Australian population? Lol
What I am saying is that not all Australian people look up to the U.S. as the saviour that they always used to be considered as.
The use of capital no longer builds the infructure of that enables further global progress.
Yanis is going to be studied for centuries.
Thanks very much for posting 🎉
The German media is full of propaganda now. If you are not political correct or in another word not in alignment with the US policy, you will be demonized. If you question about their blind support of Israel they will call you antisemitism. If you question about their policies in the Russian Ukraine war, they will call you Putins friend/ supporter. They demonize their right wing party (which is in my opinion still left comparing to Republicans in the US) and call them right extrimist or Nazi and even want to forbid them for the "sake of democracy". I don't know how many people still watch these mainstream media nowadays.
don't think yanis is your guy, he called the afd fascist in a few of his media appearances
Taking out audience responses really sucks.
18:07 "Feudual Lords didn't invested anything except intrigue and violence."
Intrigue in this sense is like the control of information between people.
While violence can be seen on the industrial scale with work or starve methology example by sweat shops, or the 'deplateforming' from the fiefdom by the Tech Lords.
All of Poland Wrze - Great Protests May 10-12, 2024 youth, students, farmers, growers of soft raspberries from Krasnik, Lublin and all over Poland, shipyard workers, miners, fishermen, foresters PROTEST the New Enslavement of the Nations of All Europe by unelected EU commissioners, i.e. the New Order. People have had enough. There will be a multinational revolution of the People of Towns and Villages
@35:00 someone did not read much history. State debt has never caused a collapse of empire. A State's deficit is it's citizens surplus by accounting identity, it is a good thing (all else equal). What happens in empire collapse is either massive corruption or with monetary systems something like massive private debt, which means if the State is in deficit some oligarchs are holding an enormous amount of currency (equal to the private household debt plus the government deficit). These are only scorepoints though as far as the State is concerned, but the banking systems tend to be pretty rigid (by law), and if private debts of the poor, especially farmers, are not forgiven then you get revolt, you also get economic collapse. But it is not because of the debt of the sate (which is private surplus) it is because too much of that currency outstanding, not yet used to pay taxes, is held by too few who are hoarding and not spending.
It is gross inequality which is the instability, not the debt of the State. A state that issues it's own scorepoints is never broke and can always pay its debts --- in its own currency. (Cesar could have stamped the trillion aureus coin --- the metal value of the coin is not the face value. State currency has always been a scorekeeping system.) There is then inflation risk, but that never causes the collapse of a state, since you only get nominal currency inflation if you have a booming economy, or have something crippling supply like a famine, drought or war reparations imposed. It is surprising Yanis is using monetarist understanding, he has friendly MMT colleagues, but seems to not have learned much from them
bless you funny man
46:28 this is interesting in light of Bill Shorten's new bill on digital ID, is this a way for us to get away from being entrenched in the VISA/ Mastercard monopoly of identity? I remember 20 years ago I couldn't get an identity check approved without a credit card signiture, this is when I was dealing with the RTA, I think this has only gotten worse.
Ironically, Yanis's book could mainly be purchased through Jeff Besos's platform.
30:22 *acephalous dreams & symptoms*
“Even if Elon Musk tomorrow had an epiphany and he became a feminist, tree-hugging greenie, it wouldn’t make any difference. And by the way I don’t think these people are neofascist, to be a neofascist you need an ideology. These people don’t have one. You know the dream of _going to mars_ this is just-essentially it’s a way of acknowledging that they are destroying the planet.”
Simply brilliant
Fully loaded with stuffs I never imagined
Never,people care less if they are doing ok in this system.
Chinese philosophers, Mencius( 孟子), Confucius (孔子) embrace statecraft with virtues in their precepts 2600 years ago. These significantly shape Chinese political culture and social norms even today. It's helpful to delve deeper into the Chinese definition and practice of democracy . Chinese statecraft embraces the core Chinese precepts of virtue and mutually beneficial relationships: (和) Harmony... “和而不同”, Harmony in Diversity “家和万事兴” Harmony... Bedrock of Common Good/Prosperity.
Precepts which embrace community- centric ethics “得民心得天下” 与 “君子爱财取之有道” evidently shape Chinese political and commercial culture. History matters too. Be sensitive to the fact that China was a victim of many foreign military invasions and war atrocities by European, American and Japanese as well as Western exploitative capitalism and ruthless imperialism.
You forgot the 'Bad' Mao, but he changed China completely, much more than those you mentioned.
I like the way Yanis sounds but I have a really important question regarding exactly how do the cloudalists profit from people using the cloud? Do they get paid ? And how much for what precisely? We need more precision in that part of the explanation.
Oh ok. They get the rent for using the apps as a de facto middleman to suck value out of economic circulation and horde it . And that destabilizes the money system because the 40% fees Bezos charges for each transaction for doing nothing basically does not benifit society at all. For capitalism to work the money has to be in circulation changing hands like veins supplying blood to the human body! Well if one believes in capitalism it might make sense from that reference frame. And I think it's correct from a viewpoint of capital theory. But I think we could do much better without any sort of financial system or money. We could get rid of money entirely and cap personal and combined wealth to a narrower range where there's not much difference between the poorest and the richest from a resource energy perspective. It's just an engineering problem . But more people have to develop their brains to act as safeguards for entropy. Every point no matter how obscure has meaning in defining universal solutions to designing PARAMETERS OF THE PROBLEM AND ALL ISSUES THAT CAN ARISE IN DEALING WITH AN INFINITELY COMPLEX SOLUTION. Everybody has to be taken into account as part of an equal piece of the pie. It has to be a benificial solution . Not a negative one. Those solutions have to be reasoned out . Because everyone is different needs may vary. There's different ways of measuring wealth. The idea would be to create more complete human beings by conserving limited finite resources and increasing efficiencies in achieving total wealth not measured in how much money,property or stuff anyone accumulates or has. But to simplify the problem by observing humans as individual biorganisms. You have to boil the problems and issues down my dear Watsons! This is child's play. Really! It's just so simple . Any weak minded neophyte oughta be able to do it! You can't have exactly equal wealth as the energy burn to handle that is impossibly infinite! And still a totally unsustainable impossibility! But you can keep a narrow range and stop treating resources as the source of all wealth as some sort of perpetual motion machine you id . Oh I better not say idiots. The non free speech police will delete my most important comments off the internet . When my brain is working on overdrive and I've got the best brain on Earth or the entire universe! See most people don't understand the perpetual motion machine analogy because most people don't know much of anything. Including the wealthiest people that ever existed. Nw c'mon now. Let's get to the heart of the matter. Insanity and the complete inability to have the capacity to ever reason with any clarity. Elon and Jeff. Bezos. See the heart of the matter is those guys are so dumb they don't understand what a perpetual motion machine is . Not on a really deep level . It escapes them and many others ,far too many to attempt counting that money represents energy and resources. But only as an imaginary representation of something tangible like energy or matter . Which is what everything is other than the infinite eternal empty void ,the vaccum of space. Energy is also infinite and eternal. A second type of infinity caused by the existence of nothing or empty space. Neither can be created or destroyed. Only energy can be transformed and exists because infinite void causes vaccum energy to exist with it as wind that is created by infinite distances immeasurable by any means. I don't claim to be right or wrong. This is just what I think currently as i ponder existence. I know I'm a legend of the mind like Socrates or Descarte. But not really. We're all just one of an infinite number of creatures throughout eternity with individual self interests. But to make a solution work or a great number of solutions work we need to combine our self interests even though entropy forces our energies apart and that's why we act in the ways we act. And as long as our species or whatever we might evolve into continues we're never going to escape that. All those bad things and terrible possibilities will always have the potential to reemerge over time. And they will. Insanity within emerging intelligence is a constant Sherlock. Recognizing the patterns and rarities repeatedness over infinite space and localized courses of big bang courses with galaxies and the matter/energy dynamics it should never come as a complete shock when the same likely events keep repeating themselves in various ways with different outcomes. But the same situations keep happening as time marches on. We'd want to find solutions instead of letting Jeff and Elon calling the shots. That's why we have to collectively recognize psychopathy in all it's forms and identify precisely who the insane really are and the ways they act,what they think,and detail the ramifications and detrimental outcomes of the resultant thought processes behind how this insanity operates over time. Because my dear Watsons there exists no way we could ever solve our problems as long as psychopathy and all the other forms of insanity are running loose out there on the planet! So that means more people need to start examining every aspect of existence in every micro detail and macro observation to determine how insanity is destroying all life on Earth ,why,and how. And when. Attention to details. Every detail all day long helps tremendously to explain universal behavior and how everything works in it. All creatures and life are a normal reaction in matter as portions of it transform into life and living organisms. The wealthiest people are psychopaths because they just don't care and have no empathy and therefor no control and very little restraint on what they're willing to do no matter who it harms or they destroy. Which infers all the proof necessary that psychopaths gain power because others are obstacles to them or puppets and cattle. And psychopathy doesn't want the world to know that. Because more people would object and even refuse to be led and controlled by war mongering psychopaths who appear normal in public. They lie alot and like to sell you their stories while they make you feel good in advertizing and courts as lawyers and part of huge law firms. Lawyers are advertizers selling their storylines. Alot of them are psychopaths and become judges. That's inferred as evidence in court cases i.e. when Ted Bundy was sentenced the Judge called him PARTNER. Or in Canada a guy got on a bus and stabbed another friendly sleeping passenger to death then started cutting him up and eating the other guy. A judge in Canada let the guy walk free. There's been many other cases where the results of those trials indicated the judges were insane also and more than likely psychopaths . Which also indicates and suggestsother forms of insanity were present on the bench. Which further indicates the prevalence in all areas of the public and governments everywhere on Earth and within the wider universe unexplored by humans that this psychopathy and insanity is everywhere within emerging intelligence and is a natural function of entropy.
For the likes of Facebook, it's advertising. Watch as Facebook panics as it loses market share.
For Google it is also advertising.
For Uber, you just pay for the service even though Uber owns no cars itself, and it skims off 25% of every fare.
For Amazon, it is charging 30 to 40% on every single purchase
(Yanis explains this in the book and on other videos)
You are asking wrong question . Question is, In what human cost?
Go the Greek philosophers 35 minutes in 😁👍
Critic and innovative thought comes out when an academic is pushed into polititics to see its ugliness, be vocal about it and has the courage to step aside as Yanis did as finance minister
Abolish the RBA and in its place establish a people of Australia, owned bank to regulate money. Democracy requires that politics and ethics are inseparable.
Great talk, but taking out audience noise is a questionable decision in my opinion.
You need USDA to buy oil. It us Americas perogative to not allow the creation of alternative energy to move forward.
Excellent talk 👍👍
Yanis' digital cloud tax can also be extended to high speed trading machines by collecting taxes, like 10% GST, on every transaction. Collecting necessary transaction data, so that the correct tax is applied to every transaction, will also provide crucial insight into the Key Performance Indicators of the cutting edge sophisticated preditive algorithms of these high speed trading machines, including insight into the motivations of the decision makers behind their design. Trying to stop human technical advancement is an act of pure folly, but that doesn't mean we must blindly submit control of our lives to the people that own and control these sophisticated cutting edge technologies, especially as there is already ample evidence that these corporate entities, and/or elaborate partnerships, consciously ignore ethics in pursuit of a dominant market share and ever increasing profits. Instead, we must demand our governments implement and strictly enforce regulation that more equitably rebalances the current power imbalance that greatly favors corporate/partnership entities,to the detriment of consumers and the independent producers that supply these massive operations.
He's saying capitalism is being replaced by a more ephemeral and tenuous form of value creation (or extraction). First, I think limiting capital to the physical is too narrow, and has never been done as that would exclude finance. Second, I would make the distinction that while the means of *production* have been streamlined, there's still low hanging fruit in the means of *distribution*, and that's where the online platforms are finding opportunity. The new capitalism qualitatively remains the old capitalism.
I don't think that what he means is ephemeral, in the book he goes to some length to describe the materiality of it all : fiber optic cables which cross all oceans, satellites lunched in the last ten years (which outnumber all the other satalites in orbit by 3 to 1 and most are owned by space x and starlink), gigantic server farms and maintenence work forces. These are things built with public money and the public uses it to create value for a very small number of companies. A big part of his argument is that these companies own something more powerfull than a means of production, they own a means of behavior modification- this is the part of the book which I found most lacking, since its something very hard to prove. Financialization was allways based or coined in something, usually capital or profits. in the book he says this is no longer the case, because central banks have essencially been printing money to cover for debt of big companies ever since the pandemic, no matter their lacking in profits, which explains the recent recessiom "scare" and the quick rebound of it
@@watapikman Thanks for providing the book as background!
Excuses please! Where are collectively rights on this world ❤
Perhaps another way of looking at the algorithm's that dictate the content an Individual well see is one of a smoky room with dark alcoves with people talking over their grievance's in the night time to those others who look at it as a coffee house to talk over idea's, and philosophy, or yet others who look at it as an idea's, and or market exchange. Most people will fall into the first category which makes them a goldmine for the business of politics as their input is sold off to the highest bidder, and the 2nd category is shut off to them. The internet and good governorship are not aligned by content providers who now find themselves with the power to play god.
Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia is still following this informative content cheers Frank
30:49 I'm unsure how you can say that Elon Musk as CEO of Tesla an Electric car company that is building infrastructure for electric vehicles and energy storage to counter petroleum and coal, but gas especially is destroying the planet. You may not like his personal views on twitter, but his businesses have done more for climate change than any other business in the world. SpaceX may have issues of satelite re-entry but this is only new, so we are yet to see what they do about ozone depletion in that space.
cars aren't solving anything, electric or not. from rubber to batteries to asphalt to urban sprawl to energy demand, electric cars will perpetuate most of the disastrous environmental effects of the auto industry.
@@heartache5742 I think you are mistaken, cars provide transport that makes suburbs possible.
11:28 Yanis used Samsung Ultra
Starts at 5:00. Buncha nobody yackers before that. You're welcome.
Something like a personal pgp key?
IT titans are the cloudieslist❤❤🎉🎉
Imposed tax on application providers with only tax back on users, not a wise suggestion
This was a great talk. The stuff about Elon Musk wanting to destroy the planet is just lazy thinking. I think the lady in green must have never listened to Musk speak.
Have you considered opening up a new bizznizz? 🎉
Amazon brings together buyers and sellers. This marketplace is global. But it is a service, and that means Amazon gets a cut from each transaction. When you use PayPal or a Bank of America credit card, the banks get a cut of each transaction. That is how the service works. If it is to expensive, you do not use the service. It is a choice. There are many reasons why people use that service….time wasted in a car looking for a particular item, etc..
As long as there are no monopolies, or government favoritisms, the system works. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos provide services that people want and value. That’s how you get the stuff you want. That’s why we have so much stuff. Communism shuts down capital markets. And no capital markets, means no goods and services, employment and taxes for infrastructure. Food production also nosedives and people lack food and healthcare ( that is also profit driven).
Capitalism is not perfect… however, very few people are starving, and millions of those people, living n communist countries are being fed by very generous people in capitalist countries, FREE !
Take a breath and calm down. He's just talking about how the system is changing, how it might be detrimental, and how we can improve it. He's not calling for revolution
Nothing is free. Capitalist didn't offer anything for free to communist countries.
You are as brain washed as those in the communist countries,
the female host is so naive
Why? She hasn't spoken much.
@@biggpicture2930 Her demeanor is full of naivete
I can promise you that Emma has a much more nuanced understanding of the world than you do lol
In 2011, on the floor of the Australian parliament, US President Obama announced the US military "pivot to Asia" to prepare for war with China. Have the preparations stopped? No. We just had the AUKUS deal signed which is now being expanded to include Japan.
Yanis Varoufakis doesn't even mention the issue. We had two world wars last century. Does any believe capitalism won't go to war again? Do they think they are "more sane" now than before?
The rest of Varoufakis' analysis also falls apart under any serious scrutiny.
... Varoufakis’s argument, stripped of verbiage about “democracy” and “peace,” boiled down to a call for the European and Australian governments to heavily invest in “cloud capital,” so that they can compete in that sphere, and to end an unquestioning “servility” to the US, lest its activities jeopardise their own imperialist interests.
His entire analysis was geared towards reaching this conclusion. It combined superficiality with falsification.
That was evident in Varoufakis’ equation of the US and China, two countries with extremely divergent histories and positions in the world economy. Despite its major economic advances, and the aspirations of the ruling elite spawned by the Stalinist restoration of capitalism, China, unlike the US, is not an imperialist power. It remains locked within a financial system dominated by the US and European banks and corporations.
Varofikis’s blithe dismissal of these issues, lines up with the depictions of China as a new imperialist power, used by pseudo-left groups and others to legitimise the US war drive. A similar position has been advanced by the pseudo-left on Russia, which they employ to back the US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine.
Inevitably, the word “imperialism” did not pass Varoufakis lips, nor the crisis of global capitalism and its intractable contradictions.
Yanis Varoufakis tours Australia: A pseudo-left representative of European capitalism in search of political allies
29 March 2024
This shows that Google can manage capital way better than this video says.
He is too clever for now
Ya esos son Democracias ? .
"how to keep the demos out of democracy"
Yanis is one of the most intelligent humans in existence. But he has few followers who can decipher his meaning and no financial clout . He's outnumbered by the psychopathy of wealth and power. His suggestions are noble but the insane will completely ignore him and any ideas he has to tax cloud capital and redistribute it to the world population. The money system is destined to fail anyway no matter what anybody does because cash represents stored energy approximations based on energy resources.or the energy in matter we exploit being finite on any world . And no one has been able to develop advanced sciences and physics to manipulate and replenish the Earth's limited supply or develop space travel and mine different moons and asteroids without burning up too many dwindling existing resources on Earth. Then we overlook all the hidden details and costs. The knowledge of physics doesn't exist and we're premature in our developed hopes as a species. For instance let's say we develop enough advanced knowledge and abilities in hundreds or thousands of years. Then manage to mine rare minerals and things like lithium and gold. The problem then arises of moving and redistributing matter around the solar system would then start to affect the delicate gravitational balance between all orbiting bodies in the solar system. The problem is the psychopathic power and wealth fools will continue claiming that they're smarter than everyone else through proxy sources. And continue conning everyone else that doesn't have a clue what the Three Body Problem in physics states. Which means that no one can ever calculate how moving mass around the solar system will do to orbital stability of planets,moons,and asteroids as tipping points are approached faster when greed begins to increase in velocity at faster rates in shorter and shorter timescales! That's why we have to eliminate capitalism as a failed venture in the future. Along with breaking completely free from psychopathic influence. Wealth can be redistributed relatively equally and money eliminated completely. We're all different so the solutions to solve the issues must be variable but fall within an efficiency energy conserving range with an aim to sustain long term life support in the biosphere for millions of years to give us alot of time to evolve and discover improvements to science and knowledge gains. The problem is we dogged it by finding technology thus destroying all hope of a continued sustainable existence beyond a few thousand years at best. We need alot more time to think and ponder our every move from here on out instead of rushing into space unprepared and blasting resources out there with our primitive fledgling science and knowledge capabilities which are poor at this time. Money cannot ever be the answer because money has extremely limited abilities that psychopathic billionares treat as a perpetual motion machine. Which is totally impossible to build . So you have to either be insane or follow insanity to continue the pretense that you can get free energy in the form of money for little to no return energy. And yet that's the insanity we live under.
Mafia 😎
My God! I wasn't enough for you to hold us hostage for a "welcome to country," you had to make it even longer than normal to show that you are extra "virtuous" as this garbage becomes more normalized!
You can actually skip the parts of the video that you don't wish to see.
It's nice of Voldemort to come teach a class in Melbourne.
What the hell was all that crap about at the beginning ?
Hi MOM!!!!!
I find that ceremonial welcome to country along with reverence to past, present and future custodians has now become so formulaic that it smacks of insincerity. The political opportunism of keeping the errors of colonialism front and centre of contemporary Australian consciousness is what I find distastefully stultifying. Why? It continues to impede those unable to envisage a life out of their victimisation. While trauma is obviously horrendous, only one person, oneself, is capable for putting our pain to rest whatever it maybe.
Then you will just have to take your own advice and get over it.
Varoufakis, is worrying too much, to not loose what already has. He knows some but he does not knowing them to the proper level and is confusing himself. But its ok. Life is a wonderful road with a lot of hills, slides and blah, blah and again blah. He is already subjugated himself to bankers and has no way out....such to preserve his current wealth status. He will learn eventually, to be straight shooter and not to want to have the cake and to eat it , too. Nothing personal, but Varoufakis does not radiate a fair dinkum attitude, rather, he is representing, a slippery and an oily entity of sort, with leech like, properties.
USA 💪🇺🇸♥️🇦🇱💪
humanities asset...a grik ex finance minister, how unlikely
Yanis is a waste of time. He became Greece's Treasurer and did nothing - even the things like reforming the bureaucracy which the funding powers that be were all for him doing and which he had common ground on with them he did nothing. He is all talk.
Yanis wkrótce redukcja.
To przyniesie wiele.
Mam wytypowane.
Now I know why the Greek economy tanked
They are still far better than India with its high level of absolute poverty, hopelessly inadequate n outdated transport infrastructure n filthy n unhygienic environment
They are still far better than India with its high level of absolute poverty, hopelessly inadequate n outdated transport infrastructure n filthy n unhygienic environment
But not how time works, apparently.
You're on permanent austerity now and your vote doesn't matter. Congratulations.
And you now know why all economies will fail too. You better get brand name tattoos so they can identify your corpse in a thousand years for the publicly funded museum.