長洲西灣漁民海產保存文化工作坊 - 蝦乾篇 Dried Shrimps Workshop

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • 是次工作坊由長洲西灣非物質文化遺產傳承人教授參加者製作蝦乾。蝦乾是以紅蝦、赤米及蝦頭不同種類的蝦生曬而成,漁民捕魚不一定有漁獲,所以在漁獲豐收時會製作不同魚乾、蝦乾等存放在艇上,以備未有漁獲時食用。
    This workshop was organized by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Bearer to teach the participants how to make dried shrimps. Dried Shrimps are produced by sun-drying various shrimp kinds. Since catches are not guaranteed in each fishing trip, fishermen make dried shrimps and fish when there are good catches. Storing those on the boats prepare them for the low times.

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