  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 110 тыс.

  • @hyeok2312
    @hyeok2312 4 года назад +1039

    빅뱅 노래는 개인적인 생각인데 여기선 이렇게 하지.. 하는 아쉬움도 없고 작은 빈틈 조차 없다 한 곡만 들어도 완성도가 높아서 만족이 됨,, 한국인 찾는다 진짜 이 노래는 언제 들어도 질리질 않네
    24년 9월 14일 어김없이 결국 다시 찾아왔다

    • @마더빠더더워-u6e
      @마더빠더더워-u6e 4 года назад +43

      ㅇㅈ 나한텐 이게 빅뱅 최애곡임

    • @NYdblee
      @NYdblee 4 года назад +41

      진짜 ㅈㄴ 세련됨....

    • @jamessimons55
      @jamessimons55 4 года назад +23

      개멋있어 진짜 ..

    • @아린-y7d
      @아린-y7d 4 года назад +24

      ㄹㅇ 노래 ㅈㄴ좋음 빅뱅중에 최고임 이노래

    • @탈리야언제버프해
      @탈리야언제버프해 4 года назад +28

      ㄹㅇㅋㅋ 노래는 지금까지도 세련되고 계속 듣는데 뮤비에서 입은 착장들에서 세월이 슬슬느껴짐ㅋㅋ

  • @안녕후르츠
    @안녕후르츠 8 месяцев назад +581

    빅뱅 스타일 지금 봐도 멋있다

    • @cintiaamarilla1314
      @cintiaamarilla1314 2 месяца назад +4

      Siii yes ❤

    • @Favy-Choker
      @Favy-Choker 17 дней назад +1

      아니 지디 패션 다른 사람이 했으면 개촌스러울텐데 지디가 입으니까 간지가 나네..

    • @RBMONS
      @RBMONS 16 дней назад


    • @sml834
      @sml834 15 дней назад


  • @kentokim
    @kentokim 4 года назад +988

    Watching in 2021.
    Hope everyone has a better year.

  • @xxeheex
    @xxeheex Месяц назад +96

    뱃보이 진짜 좋아함ㅜ 이 앨범 발매됐을 당시에 날씨 느낌까지도 생각남ㅋ 뭔가 가을~초겨울 넘어갈때랑 겨울~초봄 넘어갈때는 한번씩 꼭 생각나 근데 이 앨범 곡 전체가 꼭 그쯤 계절 느낌이 노래에서 나서 신기함

  • @sara-yy9dd
    @sara-yy9dd 4 года назад +1356

    You know a group is legendary when their 8-year mv comments like "1 hour ago" "1 day ago" "1 week ago" . + It's not just the fans who come but everyone in diff. fandom, knows the real kings.

  • @honjyari4388
    @honjyari4388 4 года назад +484

    8년 전 실화냐고..... 어제 발표된 노래라고해도 믿겠음... 지디 패션도 실환가싶고 ㅠㅠ 아 진짜 10년 전으로 돌아가고싶어 미치겠어 빅뱅.. 여전히 사랑해 진짜

    • @아진-j4e
      @아진-j4e 4 года назад +11

      그러게요..ㅠㅠㅠ 요즘들어서 더 생각나서 미치겠어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    • @sdm3376
      @sdm3376 4 года назад +17

      ㄹㅇ 내일이라해도 믿음

    • @HoaNguyen-vn8os
      @HoaNguyen-vn8os 4 года назад +3

      Do you remember this song, please put it back on the chart

    • @이즘-o5w
      @이즘-o5w 7 месяцев назад +5

      오늘 신곡 아니였음?

    • @1inha
      @1inha 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @yusaputeri5282
    @yusaputeri5282 4 года назад +482


    • @TaehyungNugget
      @TaehyungNugget 4 года назад +19

      they were going to have a comeback in Coachella this year untill miss rona had to come to the party uninvited 😔

    • @gottawatchemall1118
      @gottawatchemall1118 4 года назад +11

      @@TaehyungNugget Damn it Rona. I won't forgive you.

    • @wasserkolors8292
      @wasserkolors8292 4 года назад +1

      I think they still will make a comeback this year. They're just taking their time, due to Covid.

    • @ziggyrawr3785
      @ziggyrawr3785 4 года назад

      @@wasserkolors8292 i hope so

    • @plateausin
      @plateausin 4 года назад +3

      I wish they can comeback as 5. Despite the scandals and hates, they are perfect as 5. And their music is the best so I don't really care about their image, ppl can change tho. But sadly i don't think another ppl would also hv the same opinion as me.

  • @Daniel-yn6gc
    @Daniel-yn6gc 2 года назад +538

    10년이 지났는데도 이노래는 명곡이다 지금 들어도 엄청 세련됐네 노래가

  • @dope2111
    @dope2111 9 лет назад +11011

    Obsessed with this song !!!!

    • @SomebodyToKnow
      @SomebodyToKnow 9 лет назад +71

      I love you so much and I can't belive you love this song too! 💕

    • @semina286
      @semina286 9 лет назад +35

      me too, and just understand 'I m a bad boy and you re the good girl' hahahaah

    • @sarahhhhhhhhhhh517
      @sarahhhhhhhhhhh517 9 лет назад +7

      Whoaaaa O.O

    • @jessicaguest6976
      @jessicaguest6976 9 лет назад +11

      R all guys in North Korea this fucking flawless

    • @emilyhopkins9472
      @emilyhopkins9472 9 лет назад +2

      Oh, hello :).

  • @stanbigbangstantreasure1666
    @stanbigbangstantreasure1666 4 года назад +3887

    Jay Park said this is the best song of BIGBANG. Jay Park has taste

    • @wazihawahid5815
      @wazihawahid5815 4 года назад +233

      I understand jay park, this song has special n unique groove, western media also pick this song as one of big bang best song

    • @Kira-se5uq
      @Kira-se5uq 4 года назад +138

      Jay Park has a good taste same as VIPS. We know it from beginning this song such a masterpiece. No one can replace king of kpop.

    • @arianacervantes7324
      @arianacervantes7324 4 года назад +7

      You Like? Aaaaaafgsrgh. Gafete desengrase

    • @mashisseosseo1171
      @mashisseosseo1171 4 года назад +5


    • @mashisseosseo1171
      @mashisseosseo1171 4 года назад +5

      @@muhammadaizat2298 Thanks

  • @angelann3838
    @angelann3838 26 дней назад +325

    Who's here after mama 2024 😭❤️❤️❤️

  • @CodeName768
    @CodeName768 4 года назад +327

    다른곡은 모르겠는데 이노래랑 baebae는 진짜 빅뱅밖에못하는 명곡이다 음악성으로도 너무 잘만듬

    • @말김-g1n
      @말김-g1n 4 года назад +11

      이쭈뿌 원더풀도 좋아용 ㅠㅠ

    • @이세영-g9e
      @이세영-g9e 4 года назад +12

      말김 헐 ㅠㅠ 원더플 좋죠 전 갠적으로 천국 마지막 인사도 좋던데 ㅠㅠ 참고로 07이지만 옛날 노래 거의 다 압니다.. 7년찬데 모르면 바보죵

    • @후하-s6o
      @후하-s6o 4 года назад +4

      이세영 저두 07입니다... 그래도 왠만한 빅뱅노래는 다들었죠....

    • @부처님-k4k
      @부처님-k4k 4 месяца назад +2

      저랑 최애곡이 같으시네요? 혼자완창가능한 두곡 ㅋㅋ

    • @무무-c9c
      @무무-c9c 3 месяца назад +3

      헐 저도 딱 저 두 곡이 빅뱅 최애곡ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @Sfxfreestyle
    @Sfxfreestyle 4 года назад +2463

    BIGBANG just doesn’t get old. This song is like 8 years old, and it’s still amazing

  • @walidbenallal5623
    @walidbenallal5623 4 года назад +888

    I wish this era of Kpop lasted forever.

    • @leonardortega3485
      @leonardortega3485 4 года назад +8

      Solid bigbang 💯♥️🔥🔥

    • @miashawol6483
      @miashawol6483 4 года назад +5

      Me too 😭

    • @batminhh
      @batminhh 4 года назад +20

      we wont get another bigbang

    • @emtee8580
      @emtee8580 4 года назад +8

      Imo, this was the best era of Kpop by far!!

    • @wiiplayerin
      @wiiplayerin 4 года назад +5

      BIGBANG has lasted since 2006 they will last forever and K-pop and J-pop will

  • @감주-v5q
    @감주-v5q 6 месяцев назад +134

    내 인생곡.. 아무리 다른 아이돌을 찾아서 덕질을 하다가도 결국엔 돌아오게 돼.. 내 귀가 빅뱅 노래를 원한다고

  • @elfzedd
    @elfzedd 3 года назад +3025

    Why Bigbang are called The Kings of Kpop?? Here we go:
    1. Bigbang is one of the first group to start writing and producing their own music. G-Dragon is the first idol to do it. And not only writing songs but he produced such a hit song(Lies-Bigbang). After that agencies started giving their idols chance to do it.
    2. Bigbang is the first one to have official lightstick.The first official lightstick in kpop was designed by G-Dragon. It was called Bang Bong. Since then all fandoms followed it and now every fandom has their own lightstick.
    3. T.O.P is the first underground rapper turned idol in kpop and the first rapper in kpop to have a deep voice. After that it became a trend for every group to have a rapper with a deep voice.
    4. Bigbang is the first boy group to dye their hair bright unusual colors like pink, blue, neon green, orange. G-Dragon made it trend, starting from blonde there is no color he hasn't tried. Now every kpop idol will color their hair differently in every comeback.
    5. Bigbang is the first group that members have solo careers without disbanding. Before bigbang, groups always disbanded or the member just left if one of them wants to pursuit their own career. But Bigbang showed them you can have solo career while still being in the group. Taeyang and Gdragon have won daesangs(main awards) for their solo career and always topped the charts including Billboard. Daesung was so popular in Japan (more popular than bigbang itself lol)
    6. And to this day G-Dragon is still the only soloist from idol groups to win Artist of the Year/Daesang.
    7. In 2014, G-dragon won World's Best Entertainer Of The Year and World's Best Album at World Music Awards,
    and the first kpop act to have two albums on the Billboard 200.
    8. Seungri once had his own vocal and dance academy that have trained many idols such as J-Hope from BTS, Mijoo from Lovelyz, Jinwoo from Winner, Zelo from B.A.P , Hyung Won from Monsta X, Hye Lin from EXID and many other artists.
    9. First kpop artist to collaborate with western artist. G-Dragon's collaboration with Flo Rida back in 2009.
    10. First kpop group to win an international award. In 2011, they won MTV EMA. They beat Britney Spears that day. They also won World's Best Group, World's Best Live Act and World's Best Video Of The Year (Fantastic Baby) in 2014 World Music Awards.
    11. They were able to enter U.S Billboard Charts 200 (2012) with a full korean album making them the first Kpop group to achieve that without any promotion in U.S
    12. They introduced the concept of EP(Mini Album) to kpop.
    13. They set the fashion trends because they were the inspiration for many fashion designers.
    14. G-Dragon is the one who made kpop idol airport fashion trend. He also become the first asian
    to be a global brand ambassador of fashion brand (Chanel)
    15. They are also called the kings of live performances coz their stage presences were insane. When you impressed by watching their MVs, trust me their live performances are better !!!
    16. And until now Bigbang still trending everyday in Melon (Biggest music streaming platform in korea) without doing anything and not releasing any music. Their last song before hiatus titled "Flower Road" broke many records and topped all the charts in korea without a single promotion and they were already in the military when the song was released.
    17. Today they are still the best selling kpop group in China's history despite being 4 years of hiatus.
    18. And until today they still held the record for the biggest kpop concert tour ever (Bigbang - Made World Tour)
    19. They are your idols' idols, many idols wanted to be idols because of them. Big Bang may not be your bias, but they're your bias' bias
    20. They have conquered two generations since their debut in 2006(2nd gen) and when they comeback in this 4th gen, imagine the impact.
    Their influence and impact in kpop is heavy.They are the blueprints of kpop that is why they are called the KINGS.

    • @91wisam
      @91wisam 3 года назад +150

      readin this makes me proud to be one of their fans

    • @syamiranajwa7783
      @syamiranajwa7783 3 года назад +79

      this comment deserve more like

    • @elfzedd
      @elfzedd 3 года назад +23

      @Hannah Ke half an hour maybe 😂

    • @Allediasora
      @Allediasora 3 года назад +12

      Damn gurl preach!!!!

    • @vp.charts
      @vp.charts 3 года назад +4

      2021: basong kutsara

  • @영짱-r3z
    @영짱-r3z 4 года назад +428

    와 진짜 시간 지날수록 노래가 어째 더 좋고 하나도 안 촌스럽냐

    • @병준-c3g
      @병준-c3g 4 года назад +8


    • @user-wooywooy
      @user-wooywooy 4 года назад +29

      요즘 나오는 노래 수준이 참.. 그래서 더 빅뱅이 그리워지네요

    • @하이-k7i6o
      @하이-k7i6o 4 года назад +30

      요즘노래는 진짜 한 공장에서 계속 찍어내는것같아요 ... 이때가 진짜 좋았는데

    • @dogmon3165
      @dogmon3165 4 года назад +11

      빅뱅덕분에 십년전부터 지금까지 내 귀가 너무 행복했는데 ㅠㅠ 근데 이제 끝이라고 말하지 말아줘 제발....ㅠ

    • @전은우-h1f
      @전은우-h1f 4 года назад +7

      박주영 요즘엔 뭐 공장보다 더하쥬 ..

  • @green0216
    @green0216 4 года назад +286

    이거랑 Blue 가 인생 띵곡이다

  • @eunsizia
    @eunsizia 17 дней назад +16

    저 미역머리는 지금봐도 혁신적이다. 어떤 스타가 저런 스타일로도 새로운 길을 만들어내냐 진짜 난 놈이다...

  • @Demjinn
    @Demjinn 3 года назад +1467

    Songs like this aren't made these days anymore, more lyrics and slow instruments. Those times were so good.

    • @fangirladm1n
      @fangirladm1n 3 года назад +32

      Yes, now it more on upbeat like more on dance songs..

    • @vip_ic_teume4317
      @vip_ic_teume4317 3 года назад +11

      Hii,,, im vip too
      But if you dont mind maybe you can check Orange by Treasure
      They're bigbang's dongsaeng from YG
      Orange has slow beat like this song
      It is b track of treasure album and created by the members
      I love it

    • @allovertheplace4250
      @allovertheplace4250 3 года назад +15

      Groups nowadays compete with hard dances, and very high production of mv sets.

    • @momohirai3675
      @momohirai3675 3 года назад +5


    • @seanpatano2898
      @seanpatano2898 3 года назад +9

      Like what Han hyunsuk said bigbang is making money for YG..which is very true with all of their success since debut what else can they take from them.LEGENDARY NOT ONLY KING OF KPOP.

  • @deadlydoll406
    @deadlydoll406 10 лет назад +492

    T.O.P and his raspy voice is like OMG. And then his walk on top of that, I just can't. He's too perfect, I can't even come up with words to describe him.

    • @Mary-Therese
      @Mary-Therese 10 лет назад +4

      Yes yes yes i was literally just saying that 💞💞

    • @alexishoffman1345
      @alexishoffman1345 10 лет назад +4

      T.O.P's voice...I can't even describe it.

    • @deadlydoll406
      @deadlydoll406 10 лет назад +2

      Alexis Hoffman RIGHT!!! It makes your ovaries explode!!!!!

    • @alexishoffman1345
      @alexishoffman1345 10 лет назад +9

      Oompa Loompa Haha! Top's voice is pure sex...

    • @deadlydoll406
      @deadlydoll406 10 лет назад +2

      Alexis Hoffman Yes. LMAO XD

  • @tk23222
    @tk23222 2 дня назад +2

    배드 보이 포함해서 빅뱅은 지금 들어도 옛날노래 같지 않고 좋은 곡들이 너무 많음.
    트렌디한 곡들도 했지만 애초에 트렌드랑 상관없이, 무조건 빠른 곡만 하는게 아니고 다양한 장르의 다양한 분위기의 곡을 수록곡이 아닌 mv, 무대까지 하면서 했다는게 대단함.
    어쩌면 빅뱅 이라는 이름으로, 혹은 4인조 빅뱅으로 마지막 곡일수도 있는 봄여름가을겨울도 유행과 상관없이 낸 것 또한 빅뱅 답다고 생각했음.
    빅뱅은 칼 군무보다 큰 틀안에서 멤버 각자 스타일에 맞게 자유롭게 안무를 하는게 특징이라 생각하는데 배드 보이 뮤직비디오에서 역시나 그런 부분이 돋보임

  • @신스네잌
    @신스네잌 2 года назад +679

    10년이란 엄청 긴 시간이 지났는데도 지금 노래라고 해도 믿을 수준의 미친 음악성 ㄷㄷ

    • @이승준-q2z
      @이승준-q2z 2 года назад +29

      10년 전 영상에 21시간 전 댓인데 좋아요 5개 ㄷㄷ

    • @keisunglee3660
      @keisunglee3660 2 года назад +62

      ㄹㅇ 존나 좋음 빅뱅노래중에서도

    • @ohnickdiary474
      @ohnickdiary474 2 года назад +40

      아직도 들음 개띵곡 은근히 사람들 모르더라고요

    • @sappabdobidoba
      @sappabdobidoba 2 года назад +52

      ㅇㅈ 난 빅뱅 노래중에 이게 젤좋음 빅뱅의 찐한 감성이랑 멤버들의 20대가 젤 잘느껴짐

    • @EE-fd6bx
      @EE-fd6bx 2 года назад +43

      이 노래 나온 이후부터 빅뱅 음악이 제 색깔을 찾은거라 생각함. 그전까지는 거의 댄스음악이었는데 확실히 이 곡 이후로 분위기가 달라짐

  • @陳念-x2t
    @陳念-x2t 4 года назад +2666

    T.O.P. is the king of not dancing when he's supposed to but still making it look cool

    • @ferzh9123
      @ferzh9123 4 года назад +65

      The Bang (x3) practice video is the graphic definition of this comment hahahah

    • @BakuranTV
      @BakuranTV 4 года назад +41

      He had the finest voice among them for me.😁

    • @KimFebriany
      @KimFebriany 4 года назад +31

      Lol agreed he has that swag vibes

    • @menamechez7777
      @menamechez7777 4 года назад +1


    • @kjthekunoichi
      @kjthekunoichi 4 года назад +23

      The thing is, all of the bigbang members are cool, even when they are not dancing😌😌

  • @라인더카오
    @라인더카오 Месяц назад +23

    2024년 10월 30일
    어찌 12년이 지나도 노래가 촌스럽지도 않고 앞서 나가는거 같냐,, 너무 좋다 진짜 저때 저시절의 빅뱅 노래들은

  • @user-je5x
    @user-je5x 7 месяцев назад +540

    이게 어떻게 12년전 노래지?? 오늘 나왔다고해도 이상할게 없을듯..

    • @valeriadias1021
      @valeriadias1021 6 месяцев назад +16

      Incluso si me dices que salió hoy lo creería .

    • @koy-bb2cl
      @koy-bb2cl 5 месяцев назад +13


    • @ash00010
      @ash00010 3 месяца назад +1

      지금 나왔다고 하면 좀 이상하긴 하노 게이야..

    • @스누픽
      @스누픽 2 месяца назад +23

      @@ash00010 말투 개찐따같아여..

  • @sweiynney3123
    @sweiynney3123 5 лет назад +665

    Actually Bigbang was the first Kpop group I really love!!!!

  • @정은-y6z
    @정은-y6z 2 года назад +315

    어딘지 모르게 아련한 기분이 들게 하는 곡
    언제 들어도 너무 좋다

    • @bbbsss222
      @bbbsss222 2 года назад +13


    • @douknow.whoiam
      @douknow.whoiam 2 года назад +17

      크.. 역시 나만 아련한게 아니었구나 ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @여문수-c3q
      @여문수-c3q 2 года назад +4

      이거 하고 blue 너무 좋음

  • @Valiant_Femme
    @Valiant_Femme 15 дней назад +9

    Just discovered this song last night while binge watching BIGBANG' MVs. I fell in love instantly. Can't stop listening to it over and over again. This is such a beautiful song. Everything is amazing... Their flow, their swag, the lyrics... They are truly legendary... There's still a lot to discover from them. They deserve the title Kings of Kpop.

  • @jenniekimistheaceofkpop4638
    @jenniekimistheaceofkpop4638 4 года назад +778

    BIGBANG is inactive and has been in this industry since 2006.. yet they are still being compared to other groups now. They are the standard.

    • @lotustew
      @lotustew 4 года назад +20

      As they should

    • @jenniekimistheaceofkpop4638
      @jenniekimistheaceofkpop4638 4 года назад +47

      Annnaaa08 Yup. I just can’t tolerate the disrespect of some new Kpop fans 😕

    • @syirox
      @syirox 4 года назад +3

      I don't even exist that day yet💀💀

    • @donquixote2023
      @donquixote2023 4 года назад +8

      I'm very proud that Black Pink is the same entertainment (YGE) with Big Bang

    • @siddharth9027
      @siddharth9027 4 года назад +2

      @@jenniekimistheaceofkpop4638 yes, as a 2017 kpop fan, i do respect others, idk if yor fate is unlucky or what, u have just met the trash toxic kpop fans, not the real kpop fans

    @MRYCLE 3 года назад +537

    It's 2021 and the world needs BIGBANG TO COME BACK 👑👑

  • @kit9148
    @kit9148 8 лет назад +240

    Big Bang have made history as the first korean musician to enter 'Forbes celebrity 100' list ♡

  • @eds3764
    @eds3764 7 часов назад +2

    13년전 난 2011년 군번... 이제 비로소 숨 좀 쉴 것 같은 일병때, 취침점호 전생활관 대걸레질면서 KT 셋톱박스로 이 노래 주구장창 틀고 걸레자루 마이크 삼아 분대원들 다같이 웃고 떠들던 기억...내 인생에 가장 비루했지만 가장 서글프고 찬란했던 청춘으로 빛났던 시절 ...

  • @musicmaestro8164
    @musicmaestro8164 4 года назад +4067

    2012 BIGBANG: Bad Boy
    2014 GDxTaeyang: Good Boy
    2020 Fans: I miss them, Boy.

    • @jaiowa492
      @jaiowa492 4 года назад +37

      You got 2020 nailed!

    • @Foooo130
      @Foooo130 4 года назад +38

      They will come back with New Music♡

    • @neurosis9192
      @neurosis9192 4 года назад +23

      I miss them with complete formation. The world is more cruel than it looks.

    • @Prioofficial5909
      @Prioofficial5909 4 года назад +6

      Me toooo😭😭😭

    • @mohhizahra3216
      @mohhizahra3216 4 года назад +6

      Dammn i feel ya

  • @mjcape6343
    @mjcape6343 3 года назад +2426

    If you're listening to this masterpiece in the mid of 2021, you're a legend

  • @khamillavirata1898
    @khamillavirata1898 4 года назад +187

    YG ARTIST sets the bar high for being an ARTIST and not just an Idol.

    • @sesamichstreet
      @sesamichstreet 4 года назад +3


    • @m1ndl3ss37
      @m1ndl3ss37 4 года назад

      I feel like not anymore tho

    • @sesamichstreet
      @sesamichstreet 4 года назад

      @@m1ndl3ss37 How come?

    • @chaizelleirishilagan8126
      @chaizelleirishilagan8126 4 года назад +2

      BIGBANG and 2NE1 set the standards high, and they are very incomparable. Although I'm still a YGStan, I got high expectations from BP and TREASURE, but it's not just the same anymore unlike these two legendary groups. I'm missing them so freaking much. :

    • @Mumbledore900
      @Mumbledore900 4 года назад +2

      after 2ne1 disbanded you can tell yg stopped caring about music quality and focused more on visuals and doing whatever works to get money

  • @칸붕칸븅
    @칸붕칸븅 7 дней назад +9

    빅뱅 노래중에 젤 좋은듯❤

  • @CharlxtteOlivia
    @CharlxtteOlivia 4 года назад +182

    just rewatching all bigbang's mvs. Their songs and styles are so versatile. To me, it's still futuristic. hoping they will come back

    • @lisaanderson6920
      @lisaanderson6920 4 года назад +3

      They have Some Mad Ass Talents and Awesome Swag/Style. And they all are So Talented. They all are my Bias. That means that they are a Hellva Good Group! I remember seeing them on the Award Shows. And when they hit the Stage, all of their Presence, and Performance was So Awesome and Hype. They have Good stage Presence. And they seems to Love Performing for their International Fan bade. So how can one not fall for these Kings/ Legends ? Even when they go Solo, they still holds my Attention ( All of them ) . The Voice of T.O.P and his Style .All of Big Bang ! Their Persona is Nice. Their Style is Good . And they All are Handsome. I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️All of Big Bang !

  • @mubi8626
    @mubi8626 4 года назад +1363

    i think ppl tend to forget how hard it was for bigbang back when they debuted. they were looked at as though they debuted with golden spoons in their mouth but it was very from it. when they debuted, everyone called them ugly and told them that they’d never make it big and that they should quit. they were ridiculed for everything they did. it wasn’t until Lies came out that ppl finally realized the talent they had.
    then in 2009 with g-dragons solo artist debut he was attacked for plagiarizing Flo Rida which sent him endless hate. it got so bad that they had to reach out to flo rida himself to clear up the issue, flo rida and his team said that there was no trace of plagiarism and respected gd.
    this is not even close to the worst scandal they’ve had. people always think BIGBANG had it easy. but they didn’t. at first they didn’t even have enough money to eat, and ended up starving since their manager sometimes failed to bring them food at their dorm. they would have no money so would share a pack of cookies amongst each other, letting it melt in their mouth to savour the taste and make the cookie last longer.
    in 2011, daesung got into a car accident that people believed killed someone, although someone had died, it wasn’t daesungs fault and police reports proved it. but people still didn’t believe him, they called him a murderer and told him to leave BIGBANG. he didn’t leave his room for months, and couldn’t face his own parents bc he was embarrassed. even tho he didn’t kill the person, he still apologized for it, apologized to the family, and even paid for the funeral.
    then G-dragon got involved in a marijuana scandal, where people called him a druggie and pothead. he didn’t even intentionally smoke the weed, he was offered a cigarette at a party, and not knowing the smell of weed, he took a puff but realized that it tasted weird so he quickly stopped. police reports even showed that the trace of marijuana was very little, supporting his claim. but still, people attacked him.
    in 2012, they came back from all these scandals with a song called Monster, displaying their emotions saying “i’m not a monster, you know me” “let’s stay together till the end” as most vips turned their backs on them and starting hating.
    they also released Fantastic Baby in 2012, garnering worldwide attention, setting them on top once again. BIGBANG has proved themselves to went thru the worst, but people still didn’t think it was enough.
    we all know abt 2015 MADE and T.O.P scandal so we don’t need to go into that as T.O. P is continuously apologizing to his fans even 3 years later for his actions and how he embarrassed everyone, especially his fans and mother and bandmates.
    2018, people accused GD of having special care in his military enlistment. they didn’t even leave him alone even when he was serving his country. haters came at him, telling him to stop acting like he’s injured.
    2019, people accused Seungri of disgusting allegations that he denied, pleading people to put his trust in him, but no. the nation turned their back, tainted his career forever, forced him to leave BIGBANG and retire from the Kpop Industry.
    1 year later? 2020, he’s proven innocent. but people won’t apologize. kbs won’t apologize for ruining an innocent mans life. now the only cases he’s facing is a financial case regarding his business. these cases have nothing to do with women and drugs and mostly result in a fine, no jail time. but still, people continuously hate on him, hate on BIGBANG, claiming it’s their end. there are so so so many more hardships they’ve faced, im not saying all this to get ur pity, it’s for ppl to realize how much BIGBANG went thru, yet still came back on top.
    3 years later, after getting so much, so many petitions for the group to disband, they are coming back. coachella 2020 is going to be a blast. even tho they faced so much hate in their country, BIGBANG decided to come back. why? bc they care abt their fans. they want to finish what they started. they’ve said it before, “when we disband and stop making music, let’s do it with pride and no regret”. and they, are proving their words. these 5 men are perfect examples of true artists. not letting anything stop them from doing what they love, music. their popularity was based off pure talent, their voices, their charisma, their drive, not looks. they’ve said it endlessly they will never forget the reason they started music, to not let their wealth and fame and get in the way of their mindset they had when the first debuted. i could go on forever abt this beautiful band. they truly are the kings of kpop.

    • @accaliadreycov2776
      @accaliadreycov2776 4 года назад +89

      I hope people have time to read this

    • @sumankaur4060
      @sumankaur4060 4 года назад +46

      I agree with everything but isn't Seungri really at fault?.... Nicely explained btw

    • @mubi8626
      @mubi8626 4 года назад +94

      Suman Kaur no he’s not at fault, yet he took responsibility for it. burning sun was not owned by him. he owned 20% of the 40% yuri holdings owned. they only advertised that he owned it bc it would attract ppl. seungri was never in the jjy chat, he was never involved with the scandal of selling women or buying women. if u want the full interview with him i’ll link it. ppl never paid attention to his own interview bc they already decided he was guilty without evidence. i acc hate the kmedia for ruining an innocent mans life.

    • @sumankaur4060
      @sumankaur4060 4 года назад +5

      @@mubi8626 Ooooh, okie :)

    • @emma666-3
      @emma666-3 4 года назад +35

      I hope they find another way to come back soon as I m assuming the cohella is cancelled due to the covid-19

  • @PlacesAndFoods
    @PlacesAndFoods 6 лет назад +1344

    Will wait for u to come back Big Bang!

  • @이거완전도라이아냐
    @이거완전도라이아냐 3 месяца назад +13

    지인짜 오랜만에 듣는데도 가사가 절로 나오네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 얼마나 들었으면 지금도 술술 나오니 진짜 내 청춘이였는데 😢

  • @saginevital-herne3750
    @saginevital-herne3750 10 лет назад +444

    that dougie is on POINT THOUGH!!!!! (3:25-3:50)
    the guy with the sunglasses in the middle was the main one killin' it!!!
    he was the most "turnt" in the entire video to me!!!

    • @saginevital-herne3750
      @saginevital-herne3750 10 лет назад +51

      ***** I really like him!!!♥ he has true swag!

    • @josephtuagalu7689
      @josephtuagalu7689 10 лет назад +1

      that's a fucking asian doing what looks like his own stupid Cat Daddy

    • @saginevital-herne3750
      @saginevital-herne3750 10 лет назад +33

      joseph tuagalu no that's dougie I know it when I see it!

    • @saginevital-herne3750
      @saginevital-herne3750 10 лет назад +37

      joseph tuagalu look at they're legs! they move the way you're supposed to move your legs while doing the dougie. Your legs don't move side to side when you are doing the cat daddy they stay parallel and bounce a little bit. And their other arms don't even drop down that much! towards the end of his dougie he even put a fist up close to his head.
      You're right, that is his own customized version ... of the DOUGIE! there is no need to insult me over something pretty clear, I don't see what got you upset, it's really not that serious anyway :/

    • @josephtuagalu7689
      @josephtuagalu7689 10 лет назад +1


  • @juheepark7123
    @juheepark7123 4 года назад +4097

    I feel like newer fans have no idea how legendary these guys are

    • @juheepark7123
      @juheepark7123 4 года назад +73

      Except seungri, he ain’t shit

    • @irishl3403
      @irishl3403 4 года назад +157

      Juhee parc i mean putting aside everything else i still can’t imagine BigBang without him. He’s a good artist with a good voice despite all the shits he’s done

    • @khv9373
      @khv9373 4 года назад +17

      Juhee parc duuuhhh but you ain’t gotta do him like that 😭😭😂

    • @-lpsmcg
      @-lpsmcg 4 года назад +25

      Juhee parc fr 😭 i grew up listening to them, i’m back after forever it just hits different

    • @kenstrife5356
      @kenstrife5356 4 года назад +15

      So true!! Even the new generation fans

  • @humblelifetogether
    @humblelifetogether 4 месяца назад +43

    난 여전히 이 노래가 진짜 좋다 수백번 들었는데도 안 질리네

  • @bigbangconcert5
    @bigbangconcert5 3 года назад +1692

    Big Bang may not the boy group that has the most view but no one can deny that they are the king of kpop...

    • @aAnubis7281
      @aAnubis7281 3 года назад +14

      cause they underrated

    • @touche995
      @touche995 3 года назад +87

      beeborg123 they aren't underrated... They blew up a long time ago in the early 2000's but now things have changed and BTS is now the big hit. We will always love BB with all our heart though 💛

    • @richardgurney1844
      @richardgurney1844 3 года назад +44

      The Kings were:
      TVXQ, then BIGBANG, then BTS

    • @nurhana7084
      @nurhana7084 3 года назад +11

      @@aAnubis7281 they’re famous shut up

    • @poonam__thakur
      @poonam__thakur 3 года назад +8

      @@aAnubis7281 lmao wut?

  • @emaan4227
    @emaan4227 3 года назад +566

    The reason I stayed a Kpop stan

  • @luhansnipples
    @luhansnipples 6 лет назад +924

    Every song of theirs are so great

  • @pomebawan
    @pomebawan 27 дней назад +6


  • @kensalazar4973
    @kensalazar4973 6 лет назад +253

    2019 BIGBANG still the kings

  • @sulaimanm99
    @sulaimanm99 5 лет назад +280

    This song is so good, i never tired to this song

    @TheKDONGHUN 6 месяцев назад +40

    나온지 12년 된 노래인데 지금도 너무 좋은 노래

  • @cindyadriana95
    @cindyadriana95 4 года назад +2013

    Let's go back to that time when K-Pop was not recognized in the USA as it is today, but BIGBANG came to break the rules, fun fact, they never debuted in the USA but they had such a strong impact and do you know what the reason was? Their music.

    • @riaamiliaputri2196
      @riaamiliaputri2196 4 года назад +50

      Couldnt. Agree. More.

    • @gdragcn9588
      @gdragcn9588 4 года назад +31

      Yeah miss that time

    • @wolfyenriquez9504
      @wolfyenriquez9504 4 года назад +60

      When I was in high school, I was the only one from my group of friends who listened k-pop

    • @thedarknesst5995
      @thedarknesst5995 4 года назад +43

      Which is even funnier to me because this video is literally filmed in New York City, yet you're right!

    • @demmm09
      @demmm09 4 года назад +6


  • @caesars.3261
    @caesars.3261 3 года назад +882

    This doesn’t even feel like a Kpop song this is just pure good ass music. These were truly the prime days….

    • @seankhieotue-in7193
      @seankhieotue-in7193 3 года назад +73

      K-pop in early 2010s was something. Life was simple back then.

    • @darkwolf5679
      @darkwolf5679 3 года назад +7

      On Gawd!

    • @mavisespiritu6985
      @mavisespiritu6985 3 года назад +9


    • @md.s6412
      @md.s6412 3 года назад +75

      KPOP now doesnt care about make good music anymore...viral,views,stream is matter nowdays...really sad

    • @abrarkhot02
      @abrarkhot02 3 года назад +23

      @@md.s6412 I agree with you on some degree all the songs in the recent years are good but they have hard choreography and must be well dressed and dance the whole mv unlike all the 2nd generation even though they didn't have a choreography their songs would make others dance and that's one of the reason why I think the 2nd generation of k-pop is better than the current but the current generation of k-pop makes amazing music no doubt

  • @hannadejesus5439
    @hannadejesus5439 4 года назад +619

    2021, who's still listening with this song? It's been almost 9 yrs when they released this song. I remember I was a highschool student during this time. I download there songs then print a romanization lyrics and memorize it. What a nostalgic feeling ☺

  • @조혜인-g4t
    @조혜인-g4t Месяц назад +11

    갸개개개개개개개개개ㅐ개개개개ㅐㄱ씹명곡 ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ들을때마다 첨들었을때처럼 충격.. 넘조아서 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @muhdazim7936
    @muhdazim7936 3 года назад +427

    BIGBANG songs never get old . Year by year still listening to it .

    • @rantianjarsari6012
      @rantianjarsari6012 3 года назад

      Gaya bahasa inggris kau

    • @bocilkematian-fg7jz
      @bocilkematian-fg7jz 3 года назад


    • @gdragcn9588
      @gdragcn9588 3 года назад

      find a fanboy🤝

    • @xxtaa.9959
      @xxtaa.9959 3 года назад

      Mari ngebadut tiap hari VIP nungguin kabar CB nya mereka 😭

    • @4yjq
      @4yjq 3 года назад

      Yup betul bang cuma bigbang yang gue gk benci kalo band kpop lain ya benci aowkkwkw

  • @najwazakir1471
    @najwazakir1471 4 года назад +238

    Big Bang is a living legend, even in my country (Malaysia), there is a comic called Lawak Kampus. The cover page was made based on the outfit of Big Bang from Bad Boy MV. It shows that Big Bang is so popular back then during that era. I miss that era so much :')

    • @irsyadamir1770
      @irsyadamir1770 4 года назад +1

      Bukan ikut fantastic baby mv ke?

    • @najwazakir1471
      @najwazakir1471 4 года назад +3

      @@irsyadamir1770 taklah, cover page bad boy, then kulit belakang baru fantastic baby MV 😁

    • @gdragcn9588
      @gdragcn9588 4 года назад +5

      YESS AKU INGATTT time darjah dua beli kt kedai buku😂 bawak gi sekolah baca ngn member..btw saya fanboy😈

    • @najwazakir1471
      @najwazakir1471 4 года назад +7

      @@gdragcn9588 hahahaha ramai juga lelaki minat big bang. VIP Malaysia forever

    • @gdragcn9588
      @gdragcn9588 4 года назад +6

      Najwa Zakir ofc la fans bigbang 55% lelaki tau😳

  • @IvetteStar901
    @IvetteStar901 Год назад +390

    2009-2014 were truly the BEST years of kpop. I am so happy to have been a part of that era.

  • @Shibalshibalshibalshibal
    @Shibalshibalshibalshibal 8 дней назад +4

    BIGBANG is so GOATED. They make songs that don't even need to follow trends, people will just listen to it because it's genuinely good 😭🔥

  • @soyalejach
    @soyalejach 5 лет назад +565

    Who’s still listening? 2020!! Miss them so much! So happy for their Coachella comeback! ❤️

  • @TKPagam
    @TKPagam 3 года назад +291

    TOP is the most handsome man of K-pop can sing and rap. Every member of big bang unique. Still listening in 2021 almost 50 years old Mongolian fan

    • @arsalim3641
      @arsalim3641 3 года назад +9

      back in the old day, street rapper TOP was directly recommended by GD to join YG. but get rejected bcos his appearance. he was ugly and overweight

    • @TKPagam
      @TKPagam 3 года назад +9

      @@arsalim3641 yes I read the history of BB. He was determined to lose his weight in order become member of BB. Not easy to lose weight in a few month. Since then he cares about his appearance. Too much weight makes him ugly. Under the weight was hiding talent and beauty.

    • @NesqRunner
      @NesqRunner 3 года назад +1

      @@TKPagam texx unen2

    • @kixdan.
      @kixdan. 3 года назад +1

      @AK W Jay Park?? lol

    • @BCreate2Dea
      @BCreate2Dea 3 года назад +4

      His voice has identity

  • @dynindaeyoo253
    @dynindaeyoo253 4 года назад +168

    im going here cause saw bobby's instagram updates, and im amazed how this old song can made my day now. this song very addictive and i love this energy

  • @huynhthientruc3184
    @huynhthientruc3184 Месяц назад +6

    Dear Big Bang and G-Dragon,
    Your songs are masterpieces to me. Your music cheered me up, lit up my life, and soothed me during one of the toughest phases I’ve ever faced. At that time, I was very depressed and felt trapped, unable to see a way out. But every day, I watched and listened to you, and, like magic, I gradually felt better. Even though I still struggle, I’m here, and I’m alive.
    I love how you express your thoughts and feelings through your music. It’s always so real and cool, and I can totally relate to so much of it. Your music has always played a crucial role in my life.
    And now Gd- you are back , come back so impressively and this means a lot to me and other VIPs.
    To me, you’ll always be my forever K-pop idols.

  • @Hey-ku8nv
    @Hey-ku8nv 4 года назад +503

    I don’t like how some people don’t appreciate songs like this whereas they would prefer bang bang bang or fantastic baby. I hope Big Bang could get recognised with this kind of songs they make

    • @freewoman6656
      @freewoman6656 4 года назад +7

      I agree+"loser"

    • @Rubyyyy__11
      @Rubyyyy__11 4 года назад +1


    • @apriliarizkyriadini7490
      @apriliarizkyriadini7490 4 года назад +8

      What are u talking about 😒 i mean their song, ALL of BB song are impressive.

    • @Hey-ku8nv
      @Hey-ku8nv 4 года назад +3

      i’m not saying that some of their songs are not impressive don’t get me wrong i really do like bang bang bang and fantastic baby, what i’m trying to say is that ik people who doesn’t even know that this kind of songs that they make exist. u might have misunderstood this cuz of the way i phrase it...i’m sowey

    • @jungkook5231
      @jungkook5231 4 года назад

      right this is way better than bang bang bang

  • @salvaibanez9663
    @salvaibanez9663 4 года назад +891

    Bigbang marathon. Who's with me? While we are on quarantine. Stay at home VIPs. Keep safe and be healthy.

    • @brandnew8215
      @brandnew8215 4 года назад +4

      ❤ V.I.P stay safe

    • @gaugiritocatalino2306
      @gaugiritocatalino2306 4 года назад +2

      ✋ keep safe also my co VIP's 😊

    • @huehue3231
      @huehue3231 4 года назад +2


    • @miracle87tttop22
      @miracle87tttop22 4 года назад +2

      Me, and you too. 💜

    • @tomatoes6864
      @tomatoes6864 4 года назад +3

      Stay alive VIPS, we are good at waiting so let's wait for few years and BIGBANG will comeback as OT5. Don't die yet.

  • @janinen901
    @janinen901 4 года назад +657

    Let's face it, BIGBANG is on different level compared to other groups out there

    • @Em-ah
      @Em-ah 4 года назад +11

      My opinion too.

    • @ghongyookatchai9790
      @ghongyookatchai9790 4 года назад +1

      what do you mean?? other group???

    • @janinen901
      @janinen901 4 года назад +14

      @@ghongyookatchai9790 other Groups in general.

    • @MaadLuck
      @MaadLuck 4 года назад

      @@janinen901 sad listening to this

    • @motherofdragon6459
      @motherofdragon6459 4 года назад +14

      Yg fam power is no joke

  • @user-to4ks8wm1l
    @user-to4ks8wm1l 21 день назад +11

    최애곡 들을때마다 눈물이난다

  • @barbaro267
    @barbaro267 4 года назад +401

    G-Dragon's hair in 2012 was iconic. That is all.

    • @limario8700
      @limario8700 4 года назад +10

      i used to have that kind of hairstyles 😂😂

    • @lilingyap3801
      @lilingyap3801 4 года назад +1


  • @tandord491
    @tandord491 4 года назад +377

    The idols of your idol, FACTS

    • @sukanyac3007
      @sukanyac3007 4 года назад +8

      Sooo truee

    • @xkimikimjax7768
      @xkimikimjax7768 4 года назад +10

      Every single idol wanted to be one of them. I miss Big Bang. I miss Seungri even tho I dnt like the drama. They are everything to me.

    • @studentsforourrevolution2332
      @studentsforourrevolution2332 4 года назад +2


    • @Kpopaisongss
      @Kpopaisongss 4 года назад +3


    • @summerbear93
      @summerbear93 4 года назад +3

      I agree but Super Junior can be Idols of our Idols too.

  • @ivanliaaam3229
    @ivanliaaam3229 4 года назад +1320

    I won't ask who's still watching in 2020 'cause legends did not leave.

  • @minakim5103
    @minakim5103 3 месяца назад +20

    빅뱅 노래중 Bad boy 랑 Monster가 젤 좋아요
    정말 지디랑 빅뱅만한 아이돌이 없음

  • @velcheese
    @velcheese 3 года назад +738

    time when music is more important than the synchronised steps and billion or million views.

    • @lamarturman6881
      @lamarturman6881 3 года назад +5


    • @RohitRoy-ev4fp
      @RohitRoy-ev4fp 3 года назад +71

      K-pop videos now are just a competition for views

    • @vanessalauch6408
      @vanessalauch6408 3 года назад +1

      Cierto , porque cuando salió está canción estaba en el colegio tenía que alquilar una cabina de internet para ver a Big Bang en RUclips. Que tiempos 💕

    • @DanceDelightOfficial
      @DanceDelightOfficial 3 года назад +21

      Trye now they all want is to stream and increase count nothing dosent mater what is the music about or even if it sounds good or not.

    • @reixy.7828
      @reixy.7828 3 года назад +21

      @@RohitRoy-ev4fp Yep , today fans just like the idols. And in their mind views is number one they just doesn't care about the quality of music.

  • @KayBees9
    @KayBees9 8 лет назад +227

    Considering we were behind by 300,000 a week ago to Oh and managed to get this close to them with FXXK It and Last Dance released and hitting 100 mil today I couldn't be prouder of VIP's and the other fandoms that helped. Thank you. Thank you!

    • @minthein361
      @minthein361 8 лет назад

      Kay Song We also thank you guys for helping us.

    • @kmycherry
      @kmycherry 8 лет назад +4

      True, snsd might be the first kpop group to get 100M with 5 MVs but Bigbang will definitely get 6 or 7 MV with 100M. G dragon- crooked 94M and Blue so keep streaming. Congrats to snsd tho.

    • @minthein361
      @minthein361 8 лет назад +1

      shelly nan Yes but i think further awards such like 6 100M MV or 8 100M MV will not be.

    • @KayBees9
      @KayBees9 8 лет назад +1

      Min Thein you're welcome!

    • @bekkispector
      @bekkispector 8 лет назад +5

      Kay Song My feelings too. Proud and happy. Fighting!

  • @Wizardwiwizard
    @Wizardwiwizard 9 лет назад +682

    man thanks a lot GD. I've watched some shows where he said that when he had this hairstyle he thought it looked cool but it kept getting in his mouth when he moved so he was kind of regret it and now i can't watch this vid like i did before because all i do is staring at him and the hair and laughing mao because he's trying so hard to keep it away AND HE STILL HAS TO REMAIN COOL OMG

    • @racheltrifena6845
      @racheltrifena6845 9 лет назад +6

      Wizardwiwizard in GO SHOW =D

    • @thephoenixxy
      @thephoenixxy 9 лет назад +6

      Wizardwiwizard Nooooooooooo!! Y u ruin it for me.

    • @FM_ris
      @FM_ris 9 лет назад +3

      omg why noooo hahaha now I an laughing too hahaha

    • @sarita-ux8pm
      @sarita-ux8pm 9 лет назад +7

      Wizardwiwizard Imagine if he had lipgloss on... XD XD

    • @FM_ris
      @FM_ris 9 лет назад +7

      he probably had lipbalm.. poor GD, it's so hard to be cool >.< hahaha

  • @user-rm9tw2pgsp
    @user-rm9tw2pgsp 16 дней назад +4


  • @apajahe2411
    @apajahe2411 5 лет назад +1070

    2019 love bigbang

    • @donghung8528
      @donghung8528 5 лет назад +4


    • @ibthasgamingdock4708
      @ibthasgamingdock4708 5 лет назад


    • @annek5136
      @annek5136 5 лет назад

      Revisiting My Boys. Still in love with them...gdragon

    • @sangic9333
      @sangic9333 5 лет назад

      @@donghung8528 $o

    • @bewitched709
      @bewitched709 5 лет назад


  • @jinsukim2553
    @jinsukim2553 4 года назад +166

    하 노래는 쓸데없이 좋네;

  • @iluvxingrafall
    @iluvxingrafall 3 года назад +226

    It’s been 8 years but this song does not sound out of date at all. I still can vibe hard to the melody.
    My lay~ lay~ lay~ lay~ dy~~

  • @hy8720
    @hy8720 14 дней назад +18

    어떻게 12년전 노래가 올해 낸 것처럼 세련됐을까..

  • @bodybuildingmotivationmusi1571
    @bodybuildingmotivationmusi1571 3 года назад +489

    It's crazy,how many people come back to this everyday.This song is legendary

    • @nurazlin2539
      @nurazlin2539 3 года назад +8

      no need for dance and agressive music to attract fans...thy just need to sing..we already like it...

  • @rajwa4158
    @rajwa4158 9 лет назад +309

    This song will never gets old. It's a masterpiece.

    • @jase276
      @jase276 9 лет назад +2

      And Blues!

    • @kpopinhoe2987
      @kpopinhoe2987 9 лет назад +10

      THEY'LL never get old vips forever 😍😍

    • @rajwa4158
      @rajwa4158 9 лет назад +1

      +Simmonalisa Wingate definitely forever

    • @litorizer
      @litorizer 8 лет назад +1

      i am new BB fan , i HATE sad songs but this song's awesome!

    • @rajwa4158
      @rajwa4158 8 лет назад

      +Derpthulu Welcome to the fandom fellow VIP

  • @xxx_GD
    @xxx_GD Год назад +632

    No one can change the fact that BIGBANG is the king of kpop and forever be the king of kpop and your fav idols knows that.

    • @primihu1347
      @primihu1347 Год назад +12

      Yeah , is truth
      BIGBANG5 ♡
      FOREVER .

    • @jesusalejandromoralesramos8692
      @jesusalejandromoralesramos8692 Год назад +5

      Yass n.n

    • @valeriadias1021
      @valeriadias1021 11 месяцев назад +7

      Así es , ellos son el standar
      BIGBANG5 ♡
      Por siempre y para
      Siempre .

    • @ODËTTĚ-V
      @ODËTTĚ-V 10 месяцев назад

      @@primihu1347 CAP

    • @jesusalejandromoralesramos8692
      @jesusalejandromoralesramos8692 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@valeriadias1021 antes hasta me peleaba en los inicios de BTS porque se me hacían una versión más chafa que querían ser cómo... pero después que me adentré un poco más al mundo supe que si y no... me gusta ver el KPOP como Power Rangers jaja hay cosas canon en cada grupo pero cada generiación tiene sus novedades y diferencias. Así que viva el KPOP que trae a los fandoms mucha dicha y soporte en su día a día n.n

  • @Der11
    @Der11 7 лет назад +446

    this song is like my favourite Bigbang's song all of time. It sounds like Hip hop but with RnB vibe, but i can't describe it, they sound really original. Thankyou Big Bang for make me know how good Kpop is. Still they are the King although so many scandals
    that they've been throught it. I'm very proud of being VIP since 2011. Hwaiting Bigbang!!!

    • @Selsmittenxo
      @Selsmittenxo 7 лет назад +10

      Same!! It would give me chills all the time 😅☺️ my fave~ and bae bae, plus lower etc

    • @Der11
      @Der11 7 лет назад +4

      yes i also like bae bae!!!

    • @breezeschannel4609
      @breezeschannel4609 7 лет назад +2

      I became a VIP in March when I found out about kpop

  • @ibryanz
    @ibryanz 20 дней назад +6

    13 Year, 빅뱅 스타일 지금 봐도 멋있다

  • @moiseschicgarrido4776
    @moiseschicgarrido4776 4 года назад +345

    T. O. P is the only person on earth who can wear a 10 inch old fashioned skull necklace and make it look cool

    • @philliplee9545
      @philliplee9545 4 года назад

      And he is wearing a Marine Corps dress blues jacket at that 😆

    • @emmawilliams8878
      @emmawilliams8878 4 года назад

      @@philliplee9545 lol ikr I was sad when people started basing and hating him for wearing that. They said he was being "disrespectful"

  • @RandomUtubeacct
    @RandomUtubeacct 2 года назад +580

    When did this song become a decade old already but still sound so fresh?!! Ughh love you guys!

    • @CB-mc3tc
      @CB-mc3tc 2 года назад +11


    • @cikshahiddah9193
      @cikshahiddah9193 2 года назад +2


    • @ana.taddei
      @ana.taddei 2 года назад +7

      The Alive album overall aged pretty well. It sounds like it was released one or two years ago.

  • @yuvypsm4105
    @yuvypsm4105 2 года назад +511

    Cant believe this song is 10 years old this year. the kings are still slaying and irreplaceable!

  • @sreecvdr3724
    @sreecvdr3724 24 дня назад +19

    영상 아무거나 막 눌러도 다 소름 돋는 노래 뿐이네...

  • @_ariahyar_
    @_ariahyar_ 6 лет назад +323

    In my honest opinion.. I think Big bang is great of all time in Korean also Asian music history...

    • @JetBlackThreat
      @JetBlackThreat 6 лет назад +1

      no man no

    • @pou603
      @pou603 6 лет назад +3


    • @rosedawson5174
      @rosedawson5174 6 лет назад +4

      Yes, they are

    • @zacharyrmmdhn7303
      @zacharyrmmdhn7303 5 лет назад +1

      X Japan forever!!!!

    • @vieven7964
      @vieven7964 5 лет назад +2

      I love Big Bang but I can't disagree more. When Bb first debut, I always thought GD ripped off Miyavi.

  • @artleneromero3525
    @artleneromero3525 3 года назад +336

    9 years ago I was listening to this on a rented computer available in our community.
    Now I'm currently listening to this on my own personal computer. what a nostalgic feeling indeed.

  • @blinkxarmy969
    @blinkxarmy969 4 года назад +615

    new stans here thinking bts are the kings of kpop..when the actual kings are RIGHT HERE. dont get me wrong I'm an army too..but i know how to respect legendary groups

    • @wasserkolors8292
      @wasserkolors8292 4 года назад +41

      Thank you... and congrats to bts on their Billboard #1.

    • @piezae3012
      @piezae3012 4 года назад +35

      You are a Rare Smart n Considerate Army😳💓

    • @blinkxarmy969
      @blinkxarmy969 4 года назад +38

      @@piezae3012 i'm a VIP too..i love and support many grps..bigbang,shinee,2ne1,suju,ateez,nct,ikon etc. ESP YG GROUPS. I dont understand fanwars...
      These new armys and even some blinks degrade these older groups and thats so foolish

    • @dojazint7162
      @dojazint7162 4 года назад +15

      Yes bigbang is the only kings

    • @angelustaehyungie1902
      @angelustaehyungie1902 4 года назад +12

      I'm an ARMY and VIP at the same time. Yaaaz, bigbang are the Kings. Living legends of K-pop 🙌

  • @두껍아두껍아-z1x
    @두껍아두껍아-z1x 19 дней назад +23

    노래가 진짜 다 세련됐다
    역시 권지용 작곡 개쩔어❤

  • @tot6281
    @tot6281 Год назад +178

    이게 어딜봐서 11년전 노래지 지금 들어도 말도 안되게 좋네

    • @nwsug_m
      @nwsug_m Месяц назад


  • @himaririku9254
    @himaririku9254 4 года назад +188


    • @fealfaro7747
      @fealfaro7747 4 года назад +2


    • @mutiadwi4613
      @mutiadwi4613 4 года назад +2

      true aff😣

    • @himaririku9254
      @himaririku9254 4 года назад +2


  • @GG-oj8sl
    @GG-oj8sl 5 лет назад +651

    What is loyalty!? Big Bang -VIP......❤️

  • @lollol6823
    @lollol6823 8 лет назад +221

    Hi VIPS, Sone here and I want to say not to feel disappointed that BB is not the first grp to have 5 100M Mvs but at least they are the first boy group to have that achievement. VIPS work hard as well and both QUEEN(SNSD) AND KING(BIGBANG) of kpop have 5 100M Mvs on the same day !!! Congratz VIPS for reaching 100M !!!

    • @minthein361
      @minthein361 8 лет назад +29

      lol lol We are friendly competiton😂❤❤❤

    • @gummybear000
      @gummybear000 8 лет назад

      THANK YOU👑

    • @Elrun96
      @Elrun96 8 лет назад

      lol lol thank you🙆

    • @Chetbigbang
      @Chetbigbang 8 лет назад +1

      Thank u

    • @SimplyChrisss_
      @SimplyChrisss_ 8 лет назад +9


  • @으네-b3g
    @으네-b3g 6 месяцев назад +10

    들어도 들어도 개좋다… 카페 블루 바보 천국 그리고 배드보이… 빅뱅 감성에 취해버려

  • @777vante
    @777vante 5 лет назад +763

    Bigbang is really unique !! You can hardly find any songs and mvs’ like theirs in any other Kpop group ..Legends 👑 no one can take their place

    • @miilkiru1541
      @miilkiru1541 5 лет назад +8


    • @dariusmil873
      @dariusmil873 5 лет назад +9

      It's almost impossible to find one

    • @eustasskid6047
      @eustasskid6047 5 лет назад +14

      They just dont have any specific choreo just random dance, that why i like their mv

    • @wazihawahid5815
      @wazihawahid5815 5 лет назад +10

      They don't need to dance...they just walking, running n moving here n there Bammmmmm they are the coolest n swaggest on the planet

    • @sefp
      @sefp 5 лет назад

      Van Par they just copy black musician and people and culture like most kpop

  • @untitled-sp9wh
    @untitled-sp9wh 5 лет назад +7198

    Who's still listening? 2019!!! Miss you my kings :(

  • @danielkim9474
    @danielkim9474 6 лет назад +312


    • @rachelgoe2661
      @rachelgoe2661 6 лет назад +3

      Daniel Kim for some reason you listing all their names made me tear up