I love my Pastors, and this was a great message! I love when Pastors don't sugar coat things, but speak the truth in the power and boldness of our Lord!!
Please pray for me, as I fear I may have been given over to a reprobate mind. I sinned "against light", willfully, for many years. The only question I have is if a reprobate suddenly REALIZES he's a reprobate...would he care? Or if he cares...if he's terrified...as I am...might that terror be a good sign?
If you were given over you wouldn't care at all my man. Sounds like God is working in your life and humbling you! Repent and turn to God. Ask for forgiveness honestly and repent honestly and you will be washed clean. God bless.
Agree with me.. let us pray. Lord Jesus, I pray right now, asking you to to prick this daughter's heart. I ask you, Lord, to inflict sorrow into her heart, Lord Jesus, so that she can, as the prodigal son did, realize how wrong she is living. That she might come to remembrance in her spirit, how beautiful and joyful it is to live in your ways, Oh Lord. May the the chains of the devil be BROKEN, in the , the ONLY Name by which we stand with, hovering over us, OUR ROCK, OUR SALVATION, the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, our LORD and SAVIOR, AMEN!
You want to know how big our God is? I was just like your daughter- on top of that, I was atheist. And a very very angry and miserable person. Nobody could convince me God existed either. God changed me in ways nobody would ever believe. I'm one of God's miracles, I really am. I'm now a God-loving God- fearing Christian because my grandma prayed for me and asked God to show me He is real and suddenly my heart was changed. I was changed. Your daughter will be fine. Put your daughter in His hands and your faith in Him. Rest in Jesus.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way
Hi from Shadyhills, Florida.USA. I ENJOYED YOUR SERMON CONCERNING REPROMATE MIND. I studied that same subject and discovered that there is A separate baptism of reprobate. GOD allows for a reprobate person to be baptised to be cleansed of the reprobate mind once you have discovered that one is in a reprobate state of mind. My HolyGhost anointing lead me to this sermon on 06/27/2020. I wish I could come to your church and meet you in person and fellowship with the body of CHRIST. I will look into doing just that.May our GOD BLESS YOUR families in THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. AMEN.
Yes pretty much ...It means Christians have constantly came to them & they refuse the Word of God no matter how many ppl God sends their way...after so many chances God takes his hands off of them so anything can happen -we are saved by his grace but it’s up to us to receive him we must be born again Romans 10 & repent of our sins and ask him to come into our hearts allow him to work on us ...**something I got from the internet ***>>>>> The reprobate mind is given over to sinful passions and desires for such a person is set on satisfying every appetite and desire they have. The person who rejects God serves themselves and as a result, comes under the condemnation of the Lord. Such people don’t have any desire for the Lord, to attend church, or engage in any of the spiritual disciplines. As a result, they are under the just condemnation of the Lord, which is why they have no conviction of their sin or desire for the Lord. Their heart is hardened towards God. It’s scary
@ShirleyAnnPretriplo-oj7sc I feel this way, though I think I’ve seen light. I’ve been raised in a Christian home and When I made a commitment to Jesus, when I was in ninth grade, I thought I was sincere, but then I start looking at sound doctrine And that I may have not been sincere So I concluded that I wasn’t a true Christian in the summer of 2023. Then some things started happening to me as I was going through sophomore year and a lot of concern was going through me because I didn’t feel any conviction. It is 2024. I felt some conviction and now I don’t feel anything now. I feel that I could’ve rejected God’s mercy and getting what I deserve. I try and listen to the word of God, They’re like these demons, keeping me from receiving the word of God. I feel blinded to God’s existence, though the Heavens Declare his glory. My desires are vile. I think God answered my prayer for someone to come into my life to share the truth with me, but I feel as if I have a posture toward God that is evil. If you are willing, Pray.
Truth!! Direct, no playing with words or trying to please anyone but God. Thank you. Who us the pastor. Where can I find the full sermon. This was just an appetizer.
I'm listening to this message and it's heart breaking. I have a parent who has rejected me for a lifetime and for my mental health, I stay away from her. Now she is very old and sick and I continued to try to have a relationship with her but she didn't reciprocate and it breaks my heart because God isn't pleased. I absolutely am not a reprobate. Listening to this message says if I disrespect my mother I will disrespect everyone and I do not feel that I am disrespectful. If my mother has rejected me and told me repeatedly that she is at peace with not having a relationship with me and I go on with my life, does this make me a sinner? I am absolutely not operating in any type of willful sin or immorality in any shape form or fashion. I want to make sure that I am not in sinning against my mother and at the same time, I don't want to force myself upon her when she has told me that she doesn't want me to come around her.
I'll pray for you, seek a minister you can trust. If the fear of the Lord is in you I don't think that you are of the reprobate mind. I still believe God loves you
To God be the glory sis i am going true the same things with my mother but i just pray to God about it i try so many time to reach out to her and she continue to pushing me away .
You did your part ...you forgive her & move on ...God will deal with her long as you forgave her & ask God to help you a Reprobate is someone who constantly refuse the word of God from his people they would rather keep their sinful nature and eventually he takes his hand off them
I have a question. I agree with what you are saying..... What i can't understand is when a gay person says they've known since they were little that they are gay and have had same sex crushes since kindergarten. Would God turn over a little child to a reprobate mind? Can anyone explain this?
far as that lil boy who is gay....automatically he was born as a sinner..means he was born naughty by nature...he must be taught right from wrong..a child was born with selfishness...they must be taught to share...same as that gay lil child...its the parents responsibility to train that child in the ways of the lord...when he gets older he shall not depart from the truth.once he gets the knowledge of god and accept Jesus Christ he's without excuse!!! once u accept Jesus Christ u will become a new creature in Christ the old man perish....
Concerned Citizen we as a people are born wrong that's why we need to be born again...King David said I was woven and shaped in iniquity...WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way
A reprobate is someone who no longer has a desire for repentance. They WANT their sin and don't care about the gospel. Their conscience is seared as with a hot branding iron. Repetitive sin is the chief result of this.
Lot's wife was from S&G, Lot was not, and even thought he was around that vile culture, he was still considered Righteous. Yeah she disobeyed a direct command from the Angels and even Jesus mentioned her, 'Remember Lot's wife." Luke 17:32
i really like the way this pastors speaks and whether or not someone is born homosexual or heterosexual its still a choice im heterosexual and seperated from my husband do i go have sex with other men no its still a choice you are not going to die if you dont give into a homosexual act or fornacation why do we allow sexual desires too have so much power over us it dont even last that long i would rather get high and watch funny movies and eat all the snacks in my house
No one is born gay if u realised what he was saying it says god gave them up god gave them a reporobate mind reporobate means taking away there sense of self and morals and it is wrong to be divorced but having sex with other men after being divorced is adultery I don’t even know why u would beopen about something like that
Reprobates cannot be saved. This preacher is preaching against himself. How does he read? "Reprobate silver shall men call them because the LORD hath rejected them."
I honestly believe my very abusive husband of 38 yrs definitely has a reprobate mind! He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Very scary to watch his downward spiral into sin and he really does not care! And he pretends he is a godly man at our church and out in the world! 😢
This pastor obviously hasn’t seen enough of wildlife. I’ve seen several male cats trying to mate with each other. And I’ve seen dogs try to mate with pillows. The Bible says nobody suffers a sin that isn’t common to man.
Psalms121 1 Corinthians 10:13 “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” Romans 1: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, FORNICATION, WICKEDNESS, COVETEOUSNESS, MALICIOUSNESS ; full of ENVY, MURDER, DEBATE, DECEIT, MALIGNITY; WHISPERERS, 30 BACKBITERS, HATERS OF GOD, DESPITEFUL, PROUD, BOASTERS, INVENTORS OF EVIL THINGS , DISOBEDIENTto parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are WORTHY OF DEATH , not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Seems to me that homosexuality is not the only sin mentioned here. Hope this is evidence that I do, indeed, read my Bible :)
The Palestinians are they humans and deserve a nation? look at them and say it. The power nowadays is in the West but the light comes from the East and the origin of the cradle of civilization is immersed now in east by the origin call "Kemet" by your call "Egypt" currently from Arabic _the language derived from Hebrew_ "Misir" but you deny and replace it's position with Greece for political expediency, although it's from the components in the Greek intellect. Palestine with it's Palastinians their ancestors not mostly European but the Israeli blood mostly in Palastinians they are the most pure blood of Israel although they are now neither Christians nor Jews but they are people of religion, people of faith, pious people by their nature. Sorry for confounding but free man has a pursuit of nothing but the abstract fact so the pursuit of fact has not a political bias or expediencies. Maybe these words reach to a man of power has a pure soul. From my heart Thank you priest for saying the right of that "homosexuality is against nature". This American destructive misleading must be removed from the human conscience.
I love my Pastors, and this was a great message! I love when Pastors don't sugar coat things, but speak the truth in the power and boldness of our Lord!!
He changed ME. Hallelujah
Me too amen
A cutting edge sermon. God bless you sir
Amen and Amen
I feel bad for my child’s father I hope god can restore him and bring him back to the goodness of life
Enough is enough. Christians must RISE UP 🙌✨🌸
Please pray for me
Please pray for me, as I fear I may have been given over to a reprobate mind. I sinned "against light", willfully, for many years. The only question I have is if a reprobate suddenly REALIZES he's a reprobate...would he care? Or if he cares...if he's terrified...as I am...might that terror be a good sign?
If you were given over you wouldn't care at all my man. Sounds like God is working in your life and humbling you! Repent and turn to God. Ask for forgiveness honestly and repent honestly and you will be washed clean. God bless.
Amen 🙏🏽
How are you ray nardi
He would be terrified still
I love this preacher. He speaks the truth. God bless him.
Please pray for my daughter. I’m afraid she has a reprobate mind. Her decisions are wrong. I’ve warned her what God says. She doesn’t care.
Agree with me.. let us pray.
Lord Jesus, I pray right now, asking you to to prick this daughter's heart. I ask you, Lord, to inflict sorrow into her heart, Lord Jesus, so that she can, as the prodigal son did, realize how wrong she is living. That she might come to remembrance in her spirit, how beautiful and joyful it is to live in your ways, Oh Lord.
May the the chains of the devil be BROKEN, in the , the ONLY Name by which we stand with, hovering over us, OUR ROCK, OUR SALVATION, the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, our LORD and SAVIOR, AMEN!
This comment was posted in Jesus name. Amen.
You want to know how big our God is? I was just like your daughter- on top of that, I was atheist. And a very very angry and miserable person. Nobody could convince me God existed either. God changed me in ways nobody would ever believe. I'm one of God's miracles, I really am. I'm now a God-loving God- fearing Christian because my grandma prayed for me and asked God to show me He is real and suddenly my heart was changed. I was changed. Your daughter will be fine. Put your daughter in His hands and your faith in Him. Rest in Jesus.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way
I feel like this. Please pray for me.
Hi from Shadyhills, Florida.USA. I ENJOYED YOUR SERMON CONCERNING REPROMATE MIND. I studied that same subject and discovered that there is A separate baptism of reprobate. GOD allows for a reprobate person to be baptised to be cleansed of the reprobate mind once you have discovered that one is in a reprobate state of mind. My HolyGhost anointing lead me to this sermon on 06/27/2020. I wish I could come to your church and meet you in person and fellowship with the body of CHRIST. I will look into doing just that.May our GOD BLESS YOUR families in THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. AMEN.
I used to live in shady hills Florida
On fire 🔥 thank you Yah
Happy father's day BISHOP! Your tribute today was BEAUTIFUL
How does someone know if they have a reprobate mind? Does it mean to be like a Narcissist? Having no remorse, not repenting, etc.?
Yes pretty much ...It means Christians have constantly came to them & they refuse the Word of God no matter how many ppl God sends their way...after so many chances God takes his hands off of them so anything can happen -we are saved by his grace but it’s up to us to receive him we must be born again Romans 10 & repent of our sins and ask him to come into our hearts allow him to work on us ...**something I got from the internet ***>>>>>
The reprobate mind is given over to sinful passions and desires for such a person is set on satisfying every appetite and desire they have. The person who rejects God serves themselves and as a result, comes under the condemnation of the Lord. Such people don’t have any desire for the Lord, to attend church, or engage in any of the spiritual disciplines. As a result, they are under the just condemnation of the Lord, which is why they have no conviction of their sin or desire for the Lord. Their heart is hardened towards God. It’s scary
It means psychopath
Hard hearted
Seared conscience.
Use free will AGAINST God.
I feel this way, though I think I’ve seen light. I’ve been raised in a Christian home and When I made a commitment to Jesus, when I was in ninth grade, I thought I was sincere, but then I start looking at sound doctrine And that I may have not been sincere So I concluded that I wasn’t a true Christian in the summer of 2023. Then some things started happening to me as I was going through sophomore year and a lot of concern was going through me because I didn’t feel any conviction. It is 2024. I felt some conviction and now I don’t feel anything now. I feel that I could’ve rejected God’s mercy and getting what I deserve. I try and listen to the word of God, They’re like these demons, keeping me from receiving the word of God. I feel blinded to God’s existence, though the Heavens Declare his glory. My desires are vile. I think God answered my prayer for someone to come into my life to share the truth with me, but I feel as if I have a posture toward God that is evil. If you are willing, Pray.
Can a Christian become a reprobate? If so, do they lose their emotions and can they still function?
Amen All Glory to GOD Amen KING JESUS CHRIST IS LORD GOD AMEN AND HALLELUJAH!! ✝️👑🦁🕍💒💯💞💖🙏🏻🙌🏻❤️🔥❤️
Amen Bishop Holcomb, we are truly speaking the same things in the same season. To God be the glory.
Awesome message brother ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Truth!! Direct, no playing with words or trying to please anyone but God. Thank you.
Who us the pastor. Where can I find the full sermon. This was just an appetizer.
Amen! And Daddy God, did change Sonia D too.... Holy Spirit I pray that we let the change (Repent) come, in the precious name of Jesus.
I'm listening to this message and it's heart breaking.
I have a parent who has rejected me for a lifetime and for my mental health, I stay away from her. Now she is very old and sick and I continued to try to have a relationship with her but she didn't reciprocate and it breaks my heart because God isn't pleased. I absolutely am not a reprobate. Listening to this message says if I disrespect my mother I will disrespect everyone and I do not feel that I am disrespectful. If my mother has rejected me and told me repeatedly that she is at peace with not having a relationship with me and I go on with my life, does this make me a sinner? I am absolutely not operating in any type of willful sin or immorality in any shape form or fashion. I want to make sure that I am not in sinning against my mother and at the same time, I don't want to force myself upon her when she has told me that she doesn't want me to come around her.
I'll pray for you, seek a minister you can trust. If the fear of the Lord is in you I don't think that you are of the reprobate mind. I still believe God loves you
Handsome Jack
👍🏿 Excellent and truthful post, Sir.
To God be the glory sis i am going true the same things with my mother but i just pray to God about it i try so many time to reach out to her and she continue to pushing me away .
@Psalms121 AMEN 🙏🏽❤️ I receive this in the name of Jesus
You did your part ...you forgive her & move on ...God will deal with her long as you forgave her & ask God to help you a Reprobate is someone who constantly refuse the word of God from his people they would rather keep their sinful nature and eventually he takes his hand off them
"I don't care who it separates me from or who I identify with, I'm going with God."
"And God says, "I can't help em. I'm giving em up.""
Great sermon
There are children of God, and children of the Devil. God uses each for his own glory and purpose....it's a tough pill to swallow
And you are definitely God’s child, now that’s an easy pill to swallow
@Jerrika Caudill just be thankful you don't have that struggle because trust u have no idea how hard breaking an addiction can be
Born in the garden out of cocoon trees 🎄. Make and female like the weed plant 🌵 duhhhhh. Not from dust
Ok, this message is life or ☠️ for me so ...where is the rest of the message?
"Who cares what you think. What does God say written in the word."
Yeah certain blood shalt never tried to mix
"God says, "The reason why you're debating with me is because you're reprobate.""
How does this end up happening?
mostly porn
Willful sin without fighting or repentance
Meta.... My God!
Wow felt this
I have a question. I agree with what you are saying..... What i can't understand is when a gay person says they've known since they were little that they are gay and have had same sex crushes since kindergarten. Would God turn over a little child to a reprobate mind? Can anyone explain this?
far as that lil boy who is gay....automatically he was born as a sinner..means he was born naughty by nature...he must be taught right from wrong..a child was born with selfishness...they must be taught to share...same as that gay lil child...its the parents responsibility to train that child in the ways of the lord...when he gets older he shall not depart from the truth.once he gets the knowledge of god and accept Jesus Christ he's without excuse!!! once u accept Jesus Christ u will become a new creature in Christ the old man perish....
Starr Triplett 👍
Concerned Citizen we as a people are born wrong that's why we need to be born again...King David said I was woven and shaped in iniquity...WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN
Generational curses I have had gays in my bloodline i felt something at 8 years but as of dec 26th i left the life style to follow Jesus
@@murdoch1717 ur right its generational curses
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way
I feel like I've been turned over ,into a reprobate ..I'm not sure
How are you now?
A reprobate is someone who no longer has a desire for repentance. They WANT their sin and don't care about the gospel. Their conscience is seared as with a hot branding iron. Repetitive sin is the chief result of this.
Lot's wife was from S&G, Lot was not, and even thought he was around that vile culture, he was still considered Righteous. Yeah she disobeyed a direct command from the Angels and even Jesus mentioned her, 'Remember Lot's wife." Luke 17:32
Some dogs do try to have sex with dogs of the same sex
love the music man
wrong vid but thank you for the blesses
i really like the way this pastors speaks and whether or not someone is born homosexual or heterosexual its still a choice im heterosexual and seperated from my husband do i go have sex with other men no its still a choice you are not going to die if you dont give into a homosexual act or fornacation why do we allow sexual desires too have so much power over us it dont even last that long i would rather get high and watch funny movies and eat all the snacks in my house
No one is born gay if u realised what he was saying it says god gave them up god gave them a reporobate mind reporobate means taking away there sense of self and morals and it is wrong to be divorced but having sex with other men after being divorced is adultery I don’t even know why u would beopen about something like that
@@22cps_ She said she doesn't have sex. Though she needs to stop the weed smoking.
Speak the Truth without giving an excuse. Do not be a man please but God please. You should be critical of perversion!
Reprobates cannot be saved. This preacher is preaching against himself. How does he read?
"Reprobate silver shall men call them because the LORD hath rejected them."
But for how long ?
Nothing is impossible with God, as long as you still have breath and living you have a chance
@@missycallihan7510 amen!!!!
Reprobate = Rejected because of hard heart, seared conscious and free will decision/lifestyle that excludes God. Right?
I honestly believe my very abusive husband of 38 yrs definitely has a reprobate mind! He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Very scary to watch his downward spiral into sin and he really does not care! And he pretends he is a godly man at our church and out in the world! 😢
Same here 😢the narcissistic behavior has to have a reprobate mind. Reprobate goes beyond homosexual.
same here
Barrack needs to repent
You simply cant be heard .
This pastor obviously hasn’t seen enough of wildlife. I’ve seen several male cats trying to mate with each other. And I’ve seen dogs try to mate with pillows. The Bible says nobody suffers a sin that isn’t common to man.
Psalms121 1 Corinthians 10:13 “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”
Romans 1: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are WORTHY OF DEATH , not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Seems to me that homosexuality is not the only sin mentioned here. Hope this is evidence that I do, indeed, read my Bible :)
The Palestinians are they humans and deserve a nation? look at them and say it. The power nowadays is in the West but the light comes from the East and the origin of the cradle of civilization is immersed now in east by the origin call "Kemet" by your call "Egypt" currently from Arabic _the language derived from Hebrew_ "Misir" but you deny and replace it's position with Greece for political expediency, although it's from the components in the Greek intellect. Palestine with it's Palastinians their ancestors not mostly European but the Israeli blood mostly in Palastinians they are the most pure blood of Israel although they are now neither Christians nor Jews but they are people of religion, people of faith, pious people by their nature.
Sorry for confounding but free man has a pursuit of nothing but the abstract fact so the pursuit of fact has not a political bias or expediencies. Maybe these words reach to a man of power has a pure soul.
From my heart Thank you priest for saying the right of that "homosexuality is against nature". This American destructive misleading must be removed from the human conscience.
His interpretation is wrong.
His interpretation was powerful!! Amen!!
God I need help I never fear God I don’t know why
Fear Him