if a patient has right dilated pupil non reactive ( direct and consensual ) + right inferior rectus palsy + left side superior rectus palsy. Could it be nuclear? She had no pupil involvement in left eye and little or no superior rectus in right eye. No ptosis OU. I don't know why she had pupil and inferior rectus in one eye and just superior rectus in the other eye, doesn't seem like strict nuclear or fascicle lesion, maybe both? If it was pure nuclear she should have superior rectus palsy and pupil involvement OU right?
Thank you so much for your support!
if a patient has right dilated pupil non reactive ( direct and consensual ) + right inferior rectus palsy + left side superior rectus palsy. Could it be nuclear? She had no pupil involvement in left eye and little or no superior rectus in right eye. No ptosis OU. I don't know why she had pupil and inferior rectus in one eye and just superior rectus in the other eye, doesn't seem like strict nuclear or fascicle lesion, maybe both? If it was pure nuclear she should have superior rectus palsy and pupil involvement OU right?