Cinderella got terminal cancer, and only then did CEO realize that he had fallen in love with her!
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- #劇好看 #熱劇 #短剧
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If I was the FL and saw the ML get stabbed - Soooooo, how does it feel to have your favorite woman hurt YOU this time? (there might even be a nah nah nah nah booo booo) But, of course, this isn't what the FL says. He protects her 1 time out of 100 and ALL is forgiven.
I wish they would start letting the FL be strong at the end. It gets tiresome to see the same repeat of a woman deciding to be a willing victim and go back to her abuser.
She was sooo better off with the doctor. He didn't want to treat her at first, but he gave in because the FLs cute daughter begged him. That showed me he has a heart and compassion as a person and a doctor. When he started to see the horrors of her married life, he cemented my feelings for him as the hero as he desperately tried to save her and talk her into going abroad. He was a way better person than hi mom, sister, and the ML. He went with his whole heart, and he deserved to be loved by the FL. I loved how he smacked the ML and gave him the brutal truth in the autopsy room with the FLs "dead" corpse and told him a story about wild animals almost consuming her dead body. That was priceless!
the difference between a stranger who thinks she killed his sister and the father of heer child and husband who thinks she killed his lover. one saved her anyway and the other tortured her non stop
@@tamhuy10 yep. Sometimes strangers are better than the people you know.
Para mim o amor e igual cristal quebrou já era ! Ela tinha que ficar só com a filha até arrumar alguém um homem de verdade ! Drama não gostei do final ! Agora esses atores são excelentes ! Criança incrível ! Merecem nossas 👏👏👏👏👏 obrigado por compartilhar vídeos 👍
这是所有短剧的标配吗? 💔
Когда его пронзили ножом , надо было перешагнуть и идти дальше к своему жениху , равнодушие порождает ответное равнодушие , и воссоединилась со своей дочкой , такой конец меня бы устроил , зачем ей тратить своё время , и шанс второй на жизнь , на никчёмного мужа и отца , ну раскаялся он и что , кому уже нужно его раскаяния
Ну и ну! Муж верит всем, кроме жены. А после смерти решил все проверить. Ха- ха. Полный идиотизм.
Глупее еще нигде не видела сериалов. У китайцев это за здрасти. Вначале гнобят, издеваются, а апосля оказывается, что муж так очень любит жену. Маразм сценаристов или так у них на самом деле.
I don't like the hypocrisy in Chinese dram someone tortures you to death and one knife stub wound you chose to forgive, I am sorry but I was born with an artificial heart you will wait till your ancestors be reborn to be able to stand in the same ground as me.
Justice for the Doctor...
Hampir setiap film China menggambarkan lelakinya biadab, wanita nya dg mudah memaafkan , wanita nya selalu disepelekan dan bodoh
I already know the formula of these dramas is to be tortured and then forgive as if it were nothing, it is to be a sucker, an idiot with a guy who abandons you, tortures you and betrays you in every way. Sadistic authors... Deadly Hatred
Смотрела дораму, где г.героиня не простила. В самом конце развернулась и ушла. До самого конца обнадёживает г.героя
That baby is so cute!!! The ML is gorgeous BUT the fl should have stayed with the doctor.
Какой хороший пример для дочки , будет знать какие бывают мужья!🤔🤔🤔😒😒😒🥵
For me, the second female lead was still around in the end. That is conclusive for me to never go back but move forward and marry the second male lead.
ML doesn't deserve 2nd chance. Wish FL is strong & end up with 2nd ML...
es muy triste me ase llorar de tristesa ha veses pasa en vida rreal ashi hay en el mundo que son lastimados las mujeres por nosotros los hombres que somos parecidos vestias
Что же любовница совсем его не убила, очень жаль!😡
Спасибо ❤
พระเอกโลภมากจะเอาทั้งนางเอก ตัวร้ายก็จะเอาเป็นผู้ชายนิสัยเสียไม่สมควรมีความสุข
What is name? Drama
Disappointing end going back to him ...
So she planned to forget her child to?
Pls use English language with close captioned and I don't understand what they say with their language thks
Такие дорамы призывают женщин к всепрощению, несмотря на садистские издевательства над ними. Как бы над женщиной не издевались, она должна любить мерзавца и продолжать с ним жить? Что за порочные нравы общества? В 21 веке пора в корне менять мировоззрение на семейные отношения, в какой бы стране это не происходило.
Dose anyone else think that poor kid has seen things and heard conversations that are totally inappropriate
Where is the English translation?
1:36:15 what? Am I interrupting? WTF do you think?
Hello what the name of male actor please ! Thank you
Liu Qing 刘擎
She's stupid if she gets back with him..
Me encanta cuando la malvada que el ha estado protegiendo, les clava un cuchillo o les pega un tiro!!
Besides not liking that knife of forgivenes and FL going back with ML, I also don't like how FL just let her daughter go. After she remembered her past, she didn't reject only her ex but also didn't accept her daughter . OK, you want new life, new husband, but can mother really just brush off own child? I know I couldn't. And I also couldn't go back to that abusive scum.
Eu não vou nem ver ...odeio violência romantizada...
This is the first time this ML is acting a fool . His face and character don’t match
Kenapa sih pemain nya bnyk yg jahat😢 banyakin yg baiknya dong
omg ❤❤❤❤ liu qing❤❤❤
tu no tu no tu noooooo la canta irama
Baru kali ini LQ mainnya nyebelin banget bikin emosi 😤
moi à sa place je ne lui pardonnerai jamais 😡😡😡
Q ódio desse drama do início ao fim🤮
Onde está o meu comentário negativo sobre esse kdrama lixo? Se você tem problemas de coração não assista. Agora estão usando crianças para serem humilhadas e torturadas. Vamos dar um basta nisso.
One of the worst examples of the Pseudo Masochistic genre of low budget web dramas. Even the looks and talent of the delish Liu Quing (I think) couldn't save this one. The old knife of forgiveness saves the day again and a crummy script dribbles to a sad and disappointing end.
O autor devia ter deixado ela morrer pq pelo amor de Deus será que ele não gosta de mulher
Ficar com esse monstro é morrer😢😢
Bahasa indonesia dong
Жестокий фильм, очень плохой
Another drama with Stockholm syndrome... Where the FL falls in love with the abuser / rapist ...
What crapy end girl🤮😡🙄
Плохой фильм.Муж - изверг
👎👎 solo trata de un maltratador 🤮🤮
Je suis tellement déçu que lui qing et accepter de tourner ce genre de film dégueulasse
nope another stupid skipped to the end saw she went back to the abuser husband so knew it was another stupid writer
why fl hids and lies to ml make more misundestanding means ur fake not trut ist FL mistake ml behave like thta how could ready to marry other person even ml is bad for ur own child that inncoent baby useless hiding hiding