so bad. Sorry, but you talked and talked and talked. I saw the card and got lost, cause you spoke to fast and so many useless comments to the cards. You could do a Top 10 of legendaries quite shorter. Show the card and tell view words about the benefit of each card.
You know guys? F*ck you, he was told to do an informative video about legendaries because someone wants to craft a legendary unlike you guys he's not ignorant and uninformed to do a half-assed video about it. It's not for you so if you don't like it GTFO, if you wan't to be good at Hearthstone my advice, listen to Kripp, stop f*cking complaining.
Kripp is Talking about Dr. GG -> My enemy Plays it Kripp is Talking about Kel'Thuzad -> My enemy plays it... just hope he is talking about majordomo soon...
You think the legendaries are your ally, but you only paid for the legendaries, I crafted them, grinded for them, I didnt use the legendaries until I was already rank 1 by then they were nothing to me but pretty cards!
Why do i see all the people say Dr.Boom needs a nerf by making a 6/7.To me these people are people who ACUALLY have it.Why?Making Dr.Boom 6/7 is a buff because he cant be hit by bgh.
Well, a 6/2 isn't overly difficult to finish off and Lightbomb still kills the bots. Which are the main problem. Making Boom a 6/8 would more screw BGH than Lightbomb
Why do i think that Harrison Jones should be in the League of Explorers? His picture looks like hes from there and also he says : This belongs to the museum. Which kinda makes a bit sense.
LordyLucifer i have been finding only the classic legendaries seem to be any good i been using my standard zoo lock deck in wild just for the tempo with leeroy and and gormok i havnt really needed much else
I don't understand kripp, how do you get cards like Dr. Boom? What tavern tier is it on? Isn't ysera a champion? The game portion of this video looked weird, Looks like people were using hella exploits. The turns took forever and were one player at a time. Weird.
Hеаrthstоne Itеm Тoооооl v2.0 is 100% undеteсtablе, so yоur ассount will bе safе. Wе sеt mоnthlу rеsоurсеs limit and wе аre using the bеst Аnti-bаn script. You cаn gеt ааа lot of gоld аnd аrсane dust in hеаrthstоoооnе in 1 minutes !!★◆ ★◆ Hеаrthstone Тоpр 10 Legеndаries In HS
Dream is actually a really strong card in Control matches, it helps you lock down the board, I wouldn't be complaining about drawing that many Dreams in a row, esp. vs a Priest
TheAudioInjection LOL The dreams were HUGE in that fight. He kept Sylvanas completely off the board, which would've had a big chance of taking sylvanas for the enemy.
One thing I've noticed with Kel'Thuzad is that if your opponent doesn't have a way of taking control of it they will rush into him and some times over extend themselves to get rid of him. This can be used to your advantage if you want to get rid of some of your opponents better spells so that you can play your better cards without worrying about losing them.
First time poster on your videos, I have been watching on and off since WoW. I really appreciate this video and the good interpretation of statistics. Really well presented and informative. Great stuff! :)
Glad Ysera is getting some love, have her in 50% of my decks. mainly priest and druid. I find it either gets me 4-5 cards, and gives me massive value or it gets silenced and i still get a decent body. Ysera for life!
Alexstrasza Its one of my fav legendaries, she have saved me a bunch of times, or give me lethal in also many times, and I love dragons *-* , my favorite definitely is Ysera
She was not only the first legendary I pulled from a pack, but one of the first legendaries I encountered in matchmaking. I could hardly even believe she was a real card the first time I saw her, her effect seemed so OP, so I was nothing less than elated when she was my first Legendary, knowing that there were few cards people would be happier to have. It was also good because I played almost nothing but Priest at the time. I still love her, easily one of my favorites, she's just as slow as a card can get, so harder to play than she used to be.
I'd agree that Ysera's underrated...except that Shrinkmeister + Cabal Shadowpriest is a thing. If we get a heavy control meta like Kripp says, that means Priest'll see a huge resurgence as a class, meaning that people who play Ysera is going to have that combo happen to them more often. Probably.
I honestly don't think Dr boom should be nerfed, It's nowhere near as OP as sylvanas... If sylvanas didn't exist and they brought it in now everyone would scream
I dunno. if you are playing vs aggro with for example handlock and you are running low on hp, sylvanas isn't gonna do you anything because it isn't taunt and it has no instant board presence. in other words, it's slow. it's effect is also determined by rng, so in worst case you steal something like spectral spider. it's mostly counter for greedy decks, but just as well everyone is prepared for dr boom/rag with bgh, most decks also run silence for taunts, tirionand sylvanas. But now I'm just pointing put negative sides to balance scale. It is great card and works in most decks and many sitations, but if you are far behind on tempo it won't help in any way
Slyvanas was nerfed. It used to be 5 mana. Dr. Boom is 100% better than War Golem and he's a neutral (because class cards are allowed to be better than neutrals) and that's why he should be nerfed.
mrawesomexyz Just to be nitpicking, Dr. Boom is not 100% better than War Golem . (It still has the "disadvantage")- which is summon 3 minions. 2 of them are small ones. So: 1. You cant summon more if you have 7 minions. 2. UtH is stronger 3. Sea elemental is cheaper
mrawesomexyz He's a legend though, he's meant to be a bit OP, I just think everyone is reacting the same way people would if they brought in some of the old OP legends now
zero061192 1. not summoning boom bots doesn't make him worse, only the same 2. UtH is more risky because the bots can kill the hounds 3. sea giant makes great synergy with dr. boom
My midrange druid deck has 1 spot for a high mana drop mob, would you recommend Ysera or Ragnaros? I have both and I can't choose which one would be better, I know if Ysera stays in game and she gives me nightmare at the end of the turn, then next turn I can do 4+5+2+12+2= 25 dmg if I have S.R and FoN in hand... but sometimes Ragnaros can be game changing, what do you think?
Hey guys, I finally have enough arcane dust to craft a legendary. I mostly play paladin and I am considering crafting tirion fordring, ysera is also an option. What would you guys recommend? Your recommendation will be greatly appreciated
lkjkhfggd Grommash is top tier. He is a staple in any control warrior deck. Antonidas is not top tier however. He is used in some Mage decks, but far from most. I wouldn't call Jaraxxus top tier either, since he is only included in Handlock and some Demonlock decks.
My list is my own opinion, it's not like I pulled it from some website. This is not based on usage, but individual strength of the card by itself. I also put arena into consideration, since that's all I play. Yes, Grommash is a staple in control Warrior, but I also considered its strength in arena, where it's basically a fat Argent Commander (great, but not top tier like the three cards I put there). Of course you're not going to run Jaraxxus in Zoolock man, the card costs 9 mana. The card isn't any less top tier just because not every archetype of Warlock runs it. >.> And even though Antonidas isn't run in every Mage deck, the power to get infinite Fireballs is still so strong that he's worthy of being in the top.
lkjkhfggd Alright. It is more reasonable as an arena list. Although for arena I would put Malorne and King Krush higher on the list. Malorne is just solid value, even without considering the deathrattle, and the deathrattle is also really good in arena. King Krush is a really good finisher for Hunter in arena, where games tend to be a bit longer, so you will usually actually get to play it. I would not rank Edwin Van Cleef that high in arena though. He is only really good if you get a fast enough deck to combo with him. And you can't reliable draft that in arena. And you usually wouldn't want a fast arena deck anyways. I don't think Grommash is even high tier in arena either. He is pretty average as a legendary if you cannot get Taskmaster, Death's Bite or Whirlwind to combo him with.
+Atlas yeah but cards like Black Knight and Rag have fallen completely off the radar (and also you're forgetting about BRM with Nefarian and Thaurissan)
oh ya forgot about that okay so only thaurissan would be added to the top 10 with reno nefarian isnt good enough to be top 10. Maybe justicar and nefarian would make it into a top 20 though
+Atlas Justicar is great in rogue. Also, cairn got a lot more popular because of Nzoth. Brann is run in all cthun decks. Elise is run in every control deck. Nzoth and Cthun are also very popular themselves, along with twin emperors.
Hey Kripp, as a new-ish player that doesn't have any legendaries nor dust, how should I progress in the game?: Should I save gold and buy packs? Save gold to unlock naxx? Start doing arena (and fail miserably)? I filled up a spreadsheet I found on reddit and it says I currently have total 452 playable cards, 266 of them are basic.. I can't play any of the popular decks like deathrattle hunter or mech mage because I dont have enough cards to pull it off :/
Play value Mage or value Shaman. Both classes have solid removal (Polymorph and Hex) allowing you to deal with the legendaries of your opponents. Look up free to play Mage/Shaman if you don't know what's in those decks.
If you are tight on gold, then don't ever buy packs. You just need 2-3 wins on average for it to be a good investment to do arena instead. And if you stick to picking Mage, Paladin and Priest, it shouldn't be hard to get that. If your main goal is just to a get a viable deck to play in ranked, I don't think you should save up for Naxx. To get a viable deck for ranked your single best option is Mech Mage. And it does not require any Naxx cards. Besides Harvest Golem and Blastmage, Mech Mage only requires basic cards and common GvG cards. You will probably have all the GvG commons you need after 20-30 packs. And by then you should also have enough dust to craft the Harvest Golems and Blastmages.
Deathwing was my first legendary, i played it in every deck because that is what you do when you get your first legendary. I ended removing it from my decks because everyone was playing bgh because Rag was being played a lot. I never disenchated it because I thought it could see some play some day. So I recently added it to some control decks (Priest and Warrior) and actually did pretty well. Yes, it was sitting on my hand most in some of the matches, but its hella good in late game, when your opponent wastes all of their removal in your other cards, like bgh in dr.boom and shit. It ended winning me some games by itself, and when it did nothing, it was not a big deal, it's just one card.
When it says "rag is picked 100% in arena" thats a lie , I picked yesterday millhouse over it and i end up with a 8 wins druit. In almost every game I had millhouse in the opening hand.
First card I ever crafted was Leeroy. He got nerfed, so... the next one I crafted was Malygos and Thalnos to try to make a powerful spell based deck. Didn't work. Then Ysera. Then Dr. Boom. Sylvanas will likely be next.
ysera will make comeback when games aren't concluded before turn 9. as meta seems to be always about aggro over control, aggro decks either kill you before you clear board or you stabilize and they run out of steam. no point on playing ysera because when you can play it that means your situation is already safe. it's great vs super lategame decks, but they are so rare that if you wanna climb ladder you can't focus on them
Renwoxing13 it already is, they just need to add something to the archetype "Dragon". If you look at the card, it says "Dragon" where other cards would say "Beast" or "Mech"
See my thing is why did undertaker get nerfed... Zoolock, Hunter, and Mechmage are super OP decks like they nerfed 1 card and its already been replaced.. You'd literally need to nerf every god damn card in those decks just so a new meta can come around... because those decks aren't going anywhere.. I'm trying out a new Paladin deck called Divine intervention lol basically all divine shield cards mixed with mechs and some removal it's been working alright haven't really tested the waters on ladder still needs some work but it's pretty powerful try it out. I'm hoping Dragons / a new type of card like "goblin" or whatever and beef up some of the other decks cause I've had to do the whole If you can't beat them join them but I think this paly has potential.
Basically NO 1 drop should ever snowball so far out of control as to determine the whole match on is on, that is called bullshit. .. . .Huntard will live forever like they did before UnderTaker, but that bull shit 1 drop doing 20 dmg on it's own or killing multiple minions is done.
These statistics represent usage in decks created on that website, right? If so they aren't taking into factor how often a specific deck might be used. This also has many old/theory decks that arent used.
Got Ysera as my first legit legendary, been having tons of fun using her !! If she isn't removed fast she will give you insane cards to finish the game :)
Maybe I'm weird, but I really like Foereaper in my controldecks. It gives you a way to get stuff, that is hidden behind taunt and if your opponent, can't remove, it, it can clear a lot of minions in one turn. Also, you could do fun staff like attacking a 1/1 with it in order to hit the 28 attack Bolvar next to it, but still only take 1 damage. .
I remember when Leeroy Jenkins was such a phenomenal card. Man-- feels like yesterday that I crafted him for my cancer hunter deck. 2014 Hearthstone. I miss it man.
Lol. Kind of funny Kripp released this video today cause I just got enough dust to craft my first legendary xD Also, 0:18 that face doe. And...I never noticed this, but in Ysera's artwork (you can see a good view of it at 14:55) it almost looks like she has human hands. Am I just seeing things, or are those closed up human fists in the bottom of her picture?
Before watching, here is my list: 1) Dr. Boom 2) Ragnaros 3) Sylvannas 4) Loatheb 5) Bloodmage Thalnos 6) Tirion 7) Alexstraza 8) Jaraxxus 9) Cenarius 10) Kel Thuzad Honorable mentions: Ysera, Cairne EDIT: didnt realize it was a popularity contest, wouldn't have included class legendaries.
Was looking on at 20:00 realised exactly why Kripp is better than me(I already knew he was obviously but I was impressed.) I should think more about plays before I do them.
I was really lucky and got two legendaries, one of of them being a golden Illidan Stormrage and the other being Gazlowe (Ik they're not good, but Illidan is GOLDEN :D ). I have Deathwing (Perfect plan B card), Tirion Fordring and Comfessor Paletress + all the Naxxramas cards. Should I craft dr boom or Ysera?
What legendary do u think i shud make??? i just got golden sneeds today and i had one already, i hawe all naxx(voijin, not pagle, old murk eye,gazlowe, mogor the ogor, dr boom, sylvanas, trogzzor the earthinator and last but not least sneeds old shreeder.
the way i see dr. boom nerfed is to make it 8 mana cost, 7/6 body, 1/1 bomb with deathrattle deal 1-3 damage to random enemy. i think it would be a reasonable card to play, yet not that powerfull as it is now and maybe BGH wouldn't be used as much, ragnaros is basically unplayable these days. great vid btw :))
I haven't played a ton of HS. I played a lot during beta and am just getting back into it. Personally, Ysera is the one legendary that has given me the most trouble by far. I think I've lost to it every time. I see the value in Dr. Boom but I haven't had as much trouble against him. And Slyvanas seems risky.
Agree: Ysera is a winoption on it's own. I still put it in a lot of good control decks, cuz Ysera on it's own wins you games vs. other control opponents. Disagree: Combo Shaman is viable. I am nooby and i reached 68% winrate with it (200+ games played with it in total) in the one-digit-ranks. I never got to legendary with it tho. I guess that is because in the top 5 ranks I just don't play good enough to have the edge on other good players and i bounced around 3-5 for nearly a month. Maybe i shouldn't do my daily quest in constructed cuz that usually costs me 1-2 ranks for 60 gold reward. But combo shaman rly is such as consistent as mech mage or sth.
No cairn bloodhoof? I mean he's not really a gamechanger like the ones you mentioned, but he's a preatty slid minion? Was he just popular because of priests?
People say make it a 6/6, but thats actually a buff, many people run BGH because it is the most played legendary,and if its 6 attack thats one less day to deal with it.
bombs being 1-3 damage would not help.. the problem would be the same. still 3 minions that are not killable in 1 turn, also the bombs are FREE in comparison to war golem. it has to be 8 mana
You seem cool and very good to the game. You know i thought some of the legendaries you mentioned was a little crappy before, but you are really good at finding good reasons to play them. Well done
Some great thoughts from Kripparrian on all the legendary cards
so bad.
Sorry, but you talked and talked and talked.
I saw the card and got lost, cause you spoke to fast and so many useless comments to the cards.
You could do a Top 10 of legendaries quite shorter.
Show the card and tell view words about the benefit of each card.
Too long and boring.
I thought it was quite good and informative. Thanks!
Kripp, why u no add malganis?
You know guys? F*ck you, he was told to do an informative video about legendaries because someone wants to craft a legendary unlike you guys he's not ignorant and uninformed to do a half-assed video about it. It's not for you so if you don't like it GTFO, if you wan't to be good at Hearthstone my advice, listen to Kripp, stop f*cking complaining.
New drinking game that defiantly won't kill you:
1 shot every time Kripp bobs his head back and forth.
+David Chacon I'm dead.
Where am I
I've never been so drunk plz help
restlessfrager shush I was playing the game when I made this comment
Kripp is Talking about Dr. GG -> My enemy Plays it
Kripp is Talking about Kel'Thuzad -> My enemy plays it...
just hope he is talking about majordomo soon...
Hahahah this make me laugh 😂
Well...he didnt Talk about Major... :/
And i lost.. just by the way :D
+Pascal Reineke major is one of the most shit legens
+hohoho479 Hence why he wanted his opponent to play it.
Kyo Grey
Thx Captain :D
You think the legendaries are your ally, but you only paid for the legendaries, I crafted them, grinded for them, I didnt use the legendaries until I was already rank 1 by then they were nothing to me but pretty cards!
Cool verhaal broeder
you can only get that high rank with cancer aggro
therefore you're cancer
therefore get cancer
I've spent between 100 - 150 bucks on this game which is just spare change to me. Guess what m8 their still pretty cards.
You're a big guy.
Ishak Ince
For the CIA guy.
So who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make tempo, tourney, and other the same goddamn color?
+Kingnewgameplus Just follow the order of the graph ;) other comes before aggro and the others 2 come after theorycraft in order
Still bad design tho.
+Kingnewgameplus My only guess is that there wasn't another color option for some reason.
+ChemicalExperiment but dar blue were used for the classes
Make DR boom cost 12 mana so no one can fucking use him
Take it to 15 so even a druid with farsight (-3) and this 2/2 for 2 next minion costs 1 less can play it
Whatever, just gonna Ancestor's Call it out then.
nah just make him 8 mana, and no one will use him then.
MisterAssasine Druid with Far Sight? Op op
NeoBoxy Lorewalker Cho
17:50 skipperino kripperino talkerino
31:51 skipperino kripperino videorino
***** U mad??
***** as you wish. KAPPA
I love when kripp talks,it gives me in depth knowledge about hs and cards in general,great video as always.
In 10 minutes watched, you already watched it?
TheRetnet Yes i watched the whole video lol.
Why do i see all the people say Dr.Boom needs a nerf by making a 6/7.To me these people are people who ACUALLY have it.Why?Making Dr.Boom 6/7 is a buff because he cant be hit by bgh.
I got al'akir and its not as bad as i thaught
U mean "its not as bad as i thought" ya just realised it now
Al'Akir The Windlord That's the point. When people say that they're joking about how that "nerf" would indirectly buff the card.
Lightbomb wouldnt work aswell...
Well, a 6/2 isn't overly difficult to finish off and Lightbomb still kills the bots. Which are the main problem. Making Boom a 6/8 would more screw BGH than Lightbomb
Why do i think that Harrison Jones should be in the League of Explorers? His picture looks like hes from there and also he says : This belongs to the museum. Which kinda makes a bit sense.
bc he is Han Solo
Real OGX Um sure :3
+Dolan Duk Han Solo is Harrison Ford, Harrison Ford plays Indiana Jones, Harrison Jones is a reference to Indiana Jones/Harrison Jones
+Noah Payne Harrison Ford* said Jones so many times there i confused myself lol
That makes a bit sense when i think about it
Sneed's Old Shredder is now bad because it can give you Majordomo
Lel rip sneeds
Or Nat Pagle
ChaosBladewing probably the worst thing is that you can't you the battle cries of the legendaries.
+BrosLP Nat Pagle is not so bad it can help you sometimes.
Last time i used him i got ysera,grommash,hogger, and deathwing yup looks pretty good to me
Hey Krip have you thought about redoing a list like this now, almost a year later, as TGC and LoE are out?
Yeah and with the upcoming GvG and naxx nerf
Braven Ten And the Old Gods, Karazhan, and MSoG
MasterKrain Almost two years now!
would love to see an update on this with the changes in meta recently
Same it would be interesting
Nzoth is definitely top tier these past legends haven't been that great there's nothing like the good old classic set
LordyLucifer i have been finding only the classic legendaries seem to be any good i been using my standard zoo lock deck in wild just for the tempo with leeroy and and gormok i havnt really needed much else
+bru numzy jiji jjkkknnnnnmkkljjj inko
17:51 to skipperino kripperino such originalerino #firsterinotoskipperinokripperino
thanks man!
always backed up by retards thanking you
Thanks dude this made me erect!
another kripparino, another skipparino
I don't understand kripp, how do you get cards like Dr. Boom? What tavern tier is it on? Isn't ysera a champion? The game portion of this video looked weird, Looks like people were using hella exploits. The turns took forever and were one player at a time. Weird.
0:03 Skiperino the first three seconderinos of the viderino for no reasonino.
please, stop whirling your head.
+Андрей Гусев I laughed way too hardly at that comment xD
15:16 listen to one sentence then immediately click 27:10
Thomas G LUL
Thomas G 5 dreams
Hеаrthstоne Itеm Тoооооl v2.0 is 100% undеteсtablе, so yоur ассount will bе safе. Wе sеt mоnthlу rеsоurсеs limit and wе аre using the bеst Аnti-bаn script. You cаn gеt ааа lot of gоld аnd аrсane dust in hеаrthstоoооnе in 1 minutes !!★◆ ★◆ Hеаrthstone Тоpр 10 Legеndаries In HS
"Y'see here Ysers is the best legendary cause you play it and you just draw Dreams" -Kripp
Dream is actually a really strong card in Control matches, it helps you lock down the board, I wouldn't be complaining about drawing that many Dreams in a row, esp. vs a Priest
Didn't help in that matchup lol
Yeah, clearly the part where he kept them from fielding anything and bashed them to death with a dragon didn't work out so well.
TheAudioInjection LOL The dreams were HUGE in that fight. He kept Sylvanas completely off the board, which would've had a big chance of taking sylvanas for the enemy.
Can we use GvG Cards and Naxxramas Cards in standard? (like kelthuzad and Dr boom?)
17:50 skipperino kripperino
Tops (from 0:00 to 17:50):
01) Dr.Boom
02) Sylvanas
03) Loatheb
04) Ragnaros
05) Black Knight
06) Kel'Thuzad
07) Bloodmage Thalnos
08) Harrison Jones
99) Alextrasza
10) Sneed's Old Shredder
Bonus - 11) Ysera
Worst drinking game of all time: Take a shot whenever Kripps head stays still for more than 3 seconds
Reported for attempted homicide bro.
The Black night is so underrated its easily one of the top 5 since taunt spare part is arround and you can taunt enemy minions with it too.
One could say Kripp the *Dream*
It's fun to see the drastic increase in Rouge using Sylvanas and Sneeds following the release of LOE.
17:50 Skipperino Kripperino
One thing I've noticed with Kel'Thuzad is that if your opponent doesn't have a way of taking control of it they will rush into him and some times over extend themselves to get rid of him. This can be used to your advantage if you want to get rid of some of your opponents better spells so that you can play your better cards without worrying about losing them.
1. Dr boom
2. Sylvanus
3. Loatheb
4. Jaraxxus
5. Mal'ganis
6. Emperor t
7. Ragnaross
8. Brann
9. Reno
10. Alex
emperor palpatine is in star wars not hearthstone
+Yogg'Sarino Kripperino thaurissan
+James lee he's just trolling xD
Man Kripp ur imitation of me in the beginning is SPOT on. Like even my voice you got spot on.
Is it possible for sneed's to pop out another sneed's?
Electric Anvils ok thanks
+Biohazardor dreadsneed
First time poster on your videos, I have been watching on and off since WoW.
I really appreciate this video and the good interpretation of statistics. Really well presented and informative.
Great stuff! :)
Reasons why people don't play ysera:
Shrinkmeister combo
Turn 9 you play ysera, turn 10 they mind control it
Many people play volgin
Priest isn't popular right now.
its an aggro meta for the moment ysera to slow
vol gin and tonic?
you're a FAIL XDDDD
Glad Ysera is getting some love, have her in 50% of my decks. mainly priest and druid. I find it either gets me 4-5 cards, and gives me massive value or it gets silenced and i still get a decent body. Ysera for life!
Should Release a Legendary Called PooMaster that does a shapshifting POO that'll be good for the Meta :)
I know it's a class legendary but confessor paletress is one of the most fun and interesting cards to play.
Alexstrasza Its one of my fav legendaries, she have saved me a bunch of times, or give me lethal in also many times, and I love dragons *-* , my favorite definitely is Ysera
She is my first lagendary. I used her alot back then she op
She was not only the first legendary I pulled from a pack, but one of the first legendaries I encountered in matchmaking. I could hardly even believe she was a real card the first time I saw her, her effect seemed so OP, so I was nothing less than elated when she was my first Legendary, knowing that there were few cards people would be happier to have. It was also good because I played almost nothing but Priest at the time. I still love her, easily one of my favorites, she's just as slow as a card can get, so harder to play than she used to be.
Kripp, you made my day with the 0:10 noob imitation, lmao!
Dr. Boom is only used in 34.17% of all decks because the other 65.83% don't have it =\
I'd agree that Ysera's underrated...except that Shrinkmeister + Cabal Shadowpriest is a thing. If we get a heavy control meta like Kripp says, that means Priest'll see a huge resurgence as a class, meaning that people who play Ysera is going to have that combo happen to them more often. Probably.
I honestly don't think Dr boom should be nerfed, It's nowhere near as OP as sylvanas... If sylvanas didn't exist and they brought it in now everyone would scream
I dunno. if you are playing vs aggro with for example handlock and you are running low on hp, sylvanas isn't gonna do you anything because it isn't taunt and it has no instant board presence. in other words, it's slow. it's effect is also determined by rng, so in worst case you steal something like spectral spider. it's mostly counter for greedy decks, but just as well everyone is prepared for dr boom/rag with bgh, most decks also run silence for taunts, tirionand sylvanas. But now I'm just pointing put negative sides to balance scale. It is great card and works in most decks and many sitations, but if you are far behind on tempo it won't help in any way
Slyvanas was nerfed. It used to be 5 mana. Dr. Boom is 100% better than War Golem and he's a neutral (because class cards are allowed to be better than neutrals) and that's why he should be nerfed.
mrawesomexyz Just to be nitpicking, Dr. Boom is not 100% better than War Golem . (It still has the "disadvantage")- which is summon 3 minions. 2 of them are small ones.
So: 1. You cant summon more if you have 7 minions.
2. UtH is stronger
3. Sea elemental is cheaper
mrawesomexyz He's a legend though, he's meant to be a bit OP, I just think everyone is reacting the same way people would if they brought in some of the old OP legends now
zero061192 1. not summoning boom bots doesn't make him worse, only the same
2. UtH is more risky because the bots can kill the hounds
3. sea giant makes great synergy with dr. boom
My midrange druid deck has 1 spot for a high mana drop mob, would you recommend Ysera or Ragnaros? I have both and I can't choose which one would be better, I know if Ysera stays in game and she gives me nightmare at the end of the turn, then next turn I can do 4+5+2+12+2= 25 dmg if I have S.R and FoN in hand... but sometimes Ragnaros can be game changing, what do you think?
2022 Kripp fans?
Way to win:
1: 26x Legendary+ 2x wild growth+ 2x Alarm O Bot
2: 1st round: pass
2nd round: wild growth/ mana crystal+ Alarm O Bot
3rd round: Legendary out+ wild growth again (if possible)
3: GG
0:00 kripparrino the skipparrino
Hey guys, I finally have enough arcane dust to craft a legendary. I mostly play paladin and I am considering crafting tirion fordring, ysera is also an option. What would you guys recommend? Your recommendation will be greatly appreciated
what about class legendarys?
Top tier: Antonidas, Tirian, Lord Jaraxxus.
High Tier: Al'akir, Grommash, Cenarius, Edwin Vancleef, Neptulon, Vol'jin
Above Average: Mal'ganis, Gallywix, Bolvar Fordragon, Gahz'rilla, Iron Juggernaut
Average: Malorne, Flame Leviathan, Prophet Velen
Below Average: King Krush
Grommash is top tier. He is a staple in any control warrior deck.
Antonidas is not top tier however. He is used in some Mage decks, but far from most.
I wouldn't call Jaraxxus top tier either, since he is only included in Handlock and some Demonlock decks.
My list is my own opinion, it's not like I pulled it from some website. This is not based on usage, but individual strength of the card by itself. I also put arena into consideration, since that's all I play.
Yes, Grommash is a staple in control Warrior, but I also considered its strength in arena, where it's basically a fat Argent Commander (great, but not top tier like the three cards I put there).
Of course you're not going to run Jaraxxus in Zoolock man, the card costs 9 mana. The card isn't any less top tier just because not every archetype of Warlock runs it. >.>
And even though Antonidas isn't run in every Mage deck, the power to get infinite Fireballs is still so strong that he's worthy of being in the top.
Alright. It is more reasonable as an arena list.
Although for arena I would put Malorne and King Krush higher on the list.
Malorne is just solid value, even without considering the deathrattle, and the deathrattle is also really good in arena.
King Krush is a really good finisher for Hunter in arena, where games tend to be a bit longer, so you will usually actually get to play it.
I would not rank Edwin Van Cleef that high in arena though. He is only really good if you get a fast enough deck to combo with him. And you can't reliable draft that in arena. And you usually wouldn't want a fast arena deck anyways.
I don't think Grommash is even high tier in arena either. He is pretty average as a legendary if you cannot get Taskmaster, Death's Bite or Whirlwind to combo him with.
Your videos have been balling since i played neverwinter. I'm glad to see you still playing.
Maybe you can make a new top 10 list. Know that there are a lot more legendaries.
no tgt cards would make it into the top 10 justicar is the only.decent one but it's only okay in priedt and warrior
+Atlas only loe worth mentioning is reno
+Atlas yeah but cards like Black Knight and Rag have fallen completely off the radar (and also you're forgetting about BRM with Nefarian and Thaurissan)
oh ya forgot about that okay so only thaurissan would be added to the top 10 with reno nefarian isnt good enough to be top 10. Maybe justicar and nefarian would make it into a top 20 though
+Atlas Justicar is great in rogue. Also, cairn got a lot more popular because of Nzoth. Brann is run in all cthun decks. Elise is run in every control deck. Nzoth and Cthun are also very popular themselves, along with twin emperors.
Hey Kripp, as a new-ish player that doesn't have any legendaries nor dust, how should I progress in the game?:
Should I save gold and buy packs?
Save gold to unlock naxx?
Start doing arena (and fail miserably)?
I filled up a spreadsheet I found on reddit and it says I currently have total 452 playable cards, 266 of them are basic.. I can't play any of the popular decks like deathrattle hunter or mech mage because I dont have enough cards to pull it off :/
Areeeena! areeeena! Get more gold, and it's good practice!
Play value Mage or value Shaman. Both classes have solid removal (Polymorph and Hex) allowing you to deal with the legendaries of your opponents. Look up free to play Mage/Shaman if you don't know what's in those decks.
Naxx has a lot of good cards in it, so I'd save for that
If you are tight on gold, then don't ever buy packs. You just need 2-3 wins on average for it to be a good investment to do arena instead. And if you stick to picking Mage, Paladin and Priest, it shouldn't be hard to get that.
If your main goal is just to a get a viable deck to play in ranked, I don't think you should save up for Naxx.
To get a viable deck for ranked your single best option is Mech Mage. And it does not require any Naxx cards.
Besides Harvest Golem and Blastmage, Mech Mage only requires basic cards and common GvG cards. You will probably have all the GvG commons you need after 20-30 packs. And by then you should also have enough dust to craft the Harvest Golems and Blastmages.
Someone PLEASE make a shirt with Ysera holding the dream cards and in the background it reads "Where dreams happen!"
I'd pay top dollar for that shit.
Go to a screenprinters, and have them make it for you......
I want one that says "Shhh. No tears, only dreams now."
That move at 19:50... Very well played. These are the things that set me apart from the greats. I gotta watch more of these vids.
krips head is going crazy
Deathwing was my first legendary, i played it in every deck because that is what you do when you get your first legendary. I ended removing it from my decks because everyone was playing bgh because Rag was being played a lot. I never disenchated it because I thought it could see some play some day. So I recently added it to some control decks (Priest and Warrior) and actually did pretty well. Yes, it was sitting on my hand most in some of the matches, but its hella good in late game, when your opponent wastes all of their removal in your other cards, like bgh in dr.boom and shit. It ended winning me some games by itself, and when it did nothing, it was not a big deal, it's just one card.
When it says "rag is picked 100% in arena" thats a lie , I picked yesterday millhouse over it and i end up with a 8 wins druit. In almost every game I had millhouse in the opening hand.
He says it is RAW data, it is not 100% accurate.
Why would someone pick Mill House over rag?
Rngamer teh lulz
maybe it's actually like 99.5% and it just rounds up?
WoW. Really cool watching you higher ranked people playing games. It really inspires me to think that I have no hope at all to make it that high XD
i did arena i didnt choose Ragnaros?why 100%.huh!
This was a year ago
and ragnaros is still good
Dolan Duk 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% is more 100% than 99%
First card I ever crafted was Leeroy. He got nerfed, so... the next one I crafted was Malygos and Thalnos to try to make a powerful spell based deck. Didn't work. Then Ysera. Then Dr. Boom. Sylvanas will likely be next.
Ysera will make a come back soon enough because I'm guessing they'll make more dragon type cards
Yep dragon is definitely going to become an archetype like "beast" and "mech"
ysera will make comeback when games aren't concluded before turn 9. as meta seems to be always about aggro over control, aggro decks either kill you before you clear board or you stabilize and they run out of steam. no point on playing ysera because when you can play it that means your situation is already safe. it's great vs super lategame decks, but they are so rare that if you wanna climb ladder you can't focus on them
Renwoxing13 it already is, they just need to add something to the archetype "Dragon". If you look at the card, it says "Dragon" where other cards would say "Beast" or "Mech"
See my thing is why did undertaker get nerfed... Zoolock, Hunter, and Mechmage are super OP decks like they nerfed 1 card and its already been replaced.. You'd literally need to nerf every god damn card in those decks just so a new meta can come around... because those decks aren't going anywhere.. I'm trying out a new Paladin deck called Divine intervention lol basically all divine shield cards mixed with mechs and some removal it's been working alright haven't really tested the waters on ladder still needs some work but it's pretty powerful try it out.
I'm hoping Dragons / a new type of card like "goblin" or whatever and beef up some of the other decks cause I've had to do the whole If you can't beat them join them but I think this paly has potential.
Basically NO 1 drop should ever snowball so far out of control as to determine the whole match on is on, that is called bullshit. .. . .Huntard will live forever like they did before UnderTaker, but that bull shit 1 drop doing 20 dmg on it's own or killing multiple minions is done.
These statistics represent usage in decks created on that website, right? If so they aren't taking into factor how often a specific deck might be used. This also has many old/theory decks that arent used.
where the fuck is thaurissan and why the fuck did no one ask that before ???
+benemles Video was uploaded before BRM release....
you do not craft thaurissan
+Ramster he reviewed kelthuzad and loatheb and they aren't craft able
Who should I craft for a mage deck? Ragnaros or Alextraza? (With no Naxxramas)
Am surprised no one has swatted Kripp yet (not that i condone that shit in any way)
Hello! FBI agents now monitoring this person's internet activities!
Blade Strikes I like to say that when, suspicious things or the like get said!
Got Ysera as my first legit legendary, been having tons of fun using her !!
If she isn't removed fast she will give you insane cards to finish the game :)
He forgot Executus :(
and millhouse
And Cho
Maybe I'm weird, but I really like Foereaper in my controldecks. It gives you a way to get stuff, that is hidden behind taunt and if your opponent, can't remove, it, it can clear a lot of minions in one turn. Also, you could do fun staff like attacking a 1/1 with it in order to hit the 28 attack Bolvar next to it, but still only take 1 damage. .
anyone else physically attracted to kripp?
I remember when Leeroy Jenkins was such a phenomenal card. Man-- feels like yesterday that I crafted him for my cancer hunter deck. 2014 Hearthstone. I miss it man.
try to keep your finger on his nose!
pretty hard
Lol. Kind of funny Kripp released this video today cause I just got enough dust to craft my first legendary xD
Also, 0:18 that face doe.
And...I never noticed this, but in Ysera's artwork (you can see a good view of it at 14:55) it almost looks like she has human hands. Am I just seeing things, or are those closed up human fists in the bottom of her picture?
how high does reno jackson rank? I really like the card myself but it only works sometimes
Im new in HS, what is combo deck?
And a dream card?
Before watching, here is my list:
1) Dr. Boom
2) Ragnaros
3) Sylvannas
4) Loatheb
5) Bloodmage Thalnos
6) Tirion
7) Alexstraza
8) Jaraxxus
9) Cenarius
10) Kel Thuzad
Honorable mentions: Ysera, Cairne
EDIT: didnt realize it was a popularity contest, wouldn't have included class legendaries.
Before watching here are mine,
1. Dr. Boom
2. Sylvanas
3. Loatheb
4. Ragnaros
5. Cenarius
6. Tirion
7. Kel Thuzad
8. Mal Ganis
9. Alextrasa
10. Ysera
Before watching
1 terion fordring
2terion fordring
3 terion fordring
4 terion fordring
5 terion fordring
honerable mention terion fordring, terion fordring
shuvo rahman *Tirion
shuvo rahman did you also mention tirion fordring?
nope kappa
Was looking on at 20:00 realised exactly why Kripp is better than me(I already knew he was obviously but I was impressed.) I should think more about plays before I do them.
I was really lucky and got two legendaries, one of of them being a golden Illidan Stormrage and the other being Gazlowe (Ik they're not good, but Illidan is GOLDEN :D ). I have Deathwing (Perfect plan B card), Tirion Fordring and Comfessor Paletress + all the Naxxramas cards. Should I craft dr boom or Ysera?
Will you make a new Top lEgendaries video now that new expansions have come out since then?
What legendary do u think i shud make??? i just got golden sneeds today and i had one already, i hawe all naxx(voijin, not pagle, old murk eye,gazlowe, mogor the ogor, dr boom, sylvanas, trogzzor the earthinator and last but not least sneeds old shreeder.
the way i see dr. boom nerfed is to make it 8 mana cost, 7/6 body, 1/1 bomb with deathrattle deal 1-3 damage to random enemy. i think it would be a reasonable card to play, yet not that powerfull as it is now and maybe BGH wouldn't be used as much, ragnaros is basically unplayable these days. great vid btw :))
what shd i craft? i have a handlock, oil rogue and doctor boom. Thinking about jaraxxus rag or sylvannas
Concerning Harrison Jones, what did he mean by hunters were nerfed? And how does that affect Harrison.
I haven't played a ton of HS. I played a lot during beta and am just getting back into it. Personally, Ysera is the one legendary that has given me the most trouble by far. I think I've lost to it every time. I see the value in Dr. Boom but I haven't had as much trouble against him. And Slyvanas seems risky.
didn't u turn down that shirt picture when we voted for next print?
whats the difference between control and midrange decks?
I've got today Captain Greenskin Golden It is some kinda good?
Today I had the luck to get gold Mimiron's Head... how good is that exactly?
Could somebody explain what aggro, control, etc decks are?
diamonddoge Google could help you
diamonddoge Aggro decks are aggresive, often with a low mana curve and control decks are meant to control the board and play slower
+Mike L somebody get this man a medal.
There. Thanks mike.
Could you do a video explaining all types of decks?
Agree: Ysera is a winoption on it's own. I still put it in a lot of good control decks, cuz Ysera on it's own wins you games vs. other control opponents. Disagree: Combo Shaman is viable. I am nooby and i reached 68% winrate with it (200+ games played with it in total) in the one-digit-ranks. I never got to legendary with it tho. I guess that is because in the top 5 ranks I just don't play good enough to have the edge on other good players and i bounced around 3-5 for nearly a month. Maybe i shouldn't do my daily quest in constructed cuz that usually costs me 1-2 ranks for 60 gold reward. But combo shaman rly is such as consistent as mech mage or sth.
No cairn bloodhoof? I mean he's not really a gamechanger like the ones you mentioned, but he's a preatty slid minion? Was he just popular because of priests?
The shreders are better
I love how right kripp was about the sneeds V ysera thing. I see ysera so much more now.
What legendary i should craft? I have rag, sylvanas, dr boom, aviana, rhonin, wilfred, and all the adventures (completed)
+BlackStar KKKKKKKK nop
Craft a life
Tirion maybe
I can craft a leggendary, boom or ragnaros? Pls answer
deathwing is it good idea ?
How come three of the colors in the bottom chart are all gray?
My first class Legendary was Al'akir the Windlord and my first all class Legendary was Leeroy Jenkins. Both found in packs.
Would bringing Dr Balanced down to a 6/6 a good nerf? Cuz it makes it harder to face Dr Balanced with BGH.
People say make it a 6/6, but thats actually a buff, many people run BGH because it is the most played legendary,and if its 6 attack thats one less day to deal with it.
Red Bacon Well u have the card that kills any minion with 5 or more atatck (noob here so I dont know the name of it)
Space mouth shadow word death is only priest card.
bombs being 1-3 damage would not help.. the problem would be the same. still 3 minions that are not killable in 1 turn, also the bombs are FREE in comparison to war golem. it has to be 8 mana
Every time i play Dr. Balanced the bombs hit face for 1, but when my enemy plays him, the bombs always hit my minions for 4, how is that possible?
You seem cool and very good to the game. You know i thought some of the legendaries you mentioned was a little crappy before, but you are really good at finding good reasons to play them. Well done
Yserra saved me a lot when I play Dragon Priest! (and Chromaggus too!)
My first legendary was Sylvanas. And I got her before GvG. So much win.
Where's yes area and what agro deck uses Harrison