Few questions for you Bernard, when your doing the 5 over 4, did you mean it was voiced like this (captials accents for 5): TAkadime taKAdime takaDIme takadiME takadime TA, or in the place of all those accents there, you say Ta on 1, Ka on 2e, Di on 3&, 4a, 2, 3e, 4& (using a 16/16 '1e&a' grid) resolving over multiple bars? Then could 3 be understood as: TAkadiME takaDIme taKAdime TA, or is its saying Ta on the 3rd triplet, Ka on the next 3rd triplet etc? also awesome lessons, thank you very much
Thank you very much Bernhard! I learned a lot from your videos. It inspired me. 🙂🎵
Seen many konnakol lesson but you explained it the best great stuff man
NICE drums!! I love both of those and that GREAT Vintage Yamaha Snare drum
Very inspiring way of presenting.
Could you show different talams? Especially odd times talam ? 5, 7 and 9. Thanks for your lessons.
awesome lessons man...thank you so much :)
thank you Bernie. lovely lesson.
you are welcome mr hang tabla master
+Bernhard Schimpelsberger Never a master always a student. Smile through the music. thanks Bernie hope your well.
Awesome tutorials, very clear explanations! Thanks!
P.s. Is the music from the beginning available online somewhere to listen or buy?!
thanks i stumbled upon this fortunately
Thank you!
Uhhhh getting this right will be tough!
IT would be interesting to see a few jazz or pop tunes analysed rhythmically.
hello Bernard can u make a lesson on a polyrthmic bandish or tudka that u learned from Ur guru
Few questions for you Bernard,
when your doing the 5 over 4, did you mean it was voiced like this (captials accents for 5):
TAkadime taKAdime takaDIme takadiME takadime TA,
or in the place of all those accents there, you say Ta on 1, Ka on 2e, Di on 3&, 4a, 2, 3e, 4& (using a 16/16 '1e&a' grid) resolving over multiple bars?
Then could 3 be understood as: TAkadiME takaDIme taKAdime TA, or is its saying Ta on the 3rd triplet, Ka on the next 3rd triplet etc?
also awesome lessons, thank you very much
PDFs ?????
I can't find the name Fayrashbandhi anywhere else but here...
You will find different spellings and pronunciations for musical terms in that area of the world. Especially konnokol.
thanks very much, I going to star from the 1...jajaja
enjoy the journey!