She kicked the radtrad hornets nest: Miss Happy Catholic (Laura) and TradRecovery

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @halleylujah247
    @halleylujah247 Месяц назад +4

    Great interview. Laura and her Trad Recovery are great! Very important work she os doing. I loved your questions. Prayers for you.

  • @messman5847
    @messman5847 5 дней назад +2

    This was eye-opening regarding the trauma aspect. I think a lot of people are into the Rad Trad and Latin Mass for good intentions. However, the clericalism, formalism, and "being more Catholic than the Pope" is a major turnoff for me.

  • @jenniferrobertscreative
    @jenniferrobertscreative 4 месяца назад +7

    Thank you both! It’s such important work.

  • @Onlyafool172
    @Onlyafool172 3 месяца назад +9

    As a traditional catholic, i can respect so much people who leaves rad trads and stays in the church, some trads are truly abusers without even knowing

    • @willchristie2650
      @willchristie2650 Месяц назад

      I used to watch all the Rad Trad channels on RUclips. I ended up a hate filled intolerant old man, and this is not who I wish to be or who Jesus wishes me to be. So I got rid of all of it, and I feel "born again" as a happy Catholic who just doesn't care if women wear a veil in church or whether the Eucharist is in the hand or the tongue. Someone like Taylor Marshall has probably encouraged thousands to leave the Church. Then there was Church Militant, and we know what happened to them (to use an expression from outside Catholicism "Karma is a bitch!"). Bottomline: I have never felt even an ounce of actual LOVE from a RadTrad broadcast because the anger and hate is so overwhelming. To me, the demonic has taken over.

    • @Onlyafool172
      @Onlyafool172 Месяц назад

      @@willchristie2650 dude thats awesome, btw eucarist on hand was the norm for 800 years, just Love God and love others, everyone has different devotions, I still love being a trad, but I do a lot of exercises to be charitable, a good way is to sometimes.just go to a more charismatic mass, I am glad I never became a rad trad (depends on who asks)

  • @Electric_
    @Electric_ 2 месяца назад +12

    I came into the Church being attracted to the TLM, but quickly lost interest because the people associated with it often hated the Pope more than any of the extremist Baptists I grew up around. In many TLM groups even if the Priests are FSSP and in full communion with the Pope, and affirm the NO and Vatican II as fully legitimate, a huge chunk of their parishioners just make up their own theology or are even sedevacantists. I actually did not find the TLM a good place for my wife and small children, and I found my local NO Parish to be exceedingly excellent. These days I am not comfortable attending TLM masses in most cases because I just don’t want to be around a bunch of hateful schismatics, which flock to the TLM. It also seems like the legit TLM groups don’t do enough to address the heresy, schism and hate within their laity either. So I see them as partly at fault now as well.

    • @janetplonka8110
      @janetplonka8110 2 месяца назад

      Not all TLM people are bad but good & faithful & friendly people. Please don’t judge all of them.

    • @Electric_
      @Electric_ 2 месяца назад +3

      @@janetplonka8110 I don’t judge all of them by any means. I would affirm most are great Catholics. But I would also say based on experience a big chunk of many FSSP parishioners are indeed schismatics or some sort. I don’t think the good Catholic laity or Priests at the FSSP are aggressive enough in dealing with this problem, but it isn’t for me to decide. What I can do is avoid taking my family there and away from the unaddressed extremism.

  • @Descriptor413
    @Descriptor413 4 месяца назад +5

    Thanks for your work!

  • @willchristie2650
    @willchristie2650 Месяц назад +1

    This may be controversial, but this is the kind of thing in Catholicism that just makes me groan and shake my head (I am Catholic, by the way). I was listening to an EWTN talk show on the radio while driving. A woman called in and asked this question (paraphrasing) "My twin sister is getting married soon to a Protestant. She wants me to be her Maid of Honor and we have always been super close. But would this be a sin before the Church if I attend this wedding to a (gasp!) Protestant?" I don't even remember the answer, but it seemed to affirm that attending such a wedding would be an affront to a Rad Trad's view of Catholicism. I was just in shock. How long has Catholicism been creating these mindless people who cannot even make a basic decision without checking in with Catholicism Central for a ruling? Your twin sister is marrying a Protestant and wants you to be her Maid of Honor, and you still can't put asside your fundamentalist attitude towards religion and just go and help make your sister's Wedding a joyous experience? Some old men on EWTN are more important? I just grieve when I come upon this type of Catholic who is so powerless and can't determine the difference between Jesus's love and hardass self-righteous, if not superstitious, interpretations of Church dogma. Is it OK to talk to my Protestant neighbors? If we go to a potluck, is it sinful to eat from the caserole they brought? This is so ridiculous.

  • @monicamohan4720
    @monicamohan4720 3 месяца назад +3

    I have only experienced people who come for the Mass at the TLM. I could care less what others think of where I go. If we reallly loved others, we would leave them alone wherever they choose to honor the Lord's Day. All of those that I know that attend the TLM do so with sometimes much sacrifice. They do it out of wanting to honor God and form their children as they see fit.

  • @garymcwilliams6526
    @garymcwilliams6526 4 месяца назад +4

    Interesting. I’m not a “rad trad” but I have attened 28:22 Latin Mass 4 or 5 times. I think your work is important.

  • @murielkinsella3526
    @murielkinsella3526 4 месяца назад +4

    I attend both NO and TLM. I believe each can enhance the other, as Pope Benedict recommended in SP. The High Mass is sublime and, when celebrated devoutly, the NO is beautiful too. Both allow us to access the very centre of our faith, to be in communion with Jesus in the Eucharist. I cannot understand the growing emnity between the two. There are too many stereotypes being created on both sides. One does not have to get involved in the politics, if that is what is causing division.
    All I want to be is a Catholic, one who sees the beauty in both liturgies
    It's difficult to fathom why the Vatican is so intent on suppressing the Latin Mass, even if its only from an appreciation of its history as well as its aesthetics. It's puzzling to me. Please explain why one has to 'recover' from the tradional Mass?

    • @RobertC-1966
      @RobertC-1966 4 месяца назад +7

      I too love both the NO and TLM and attend both. Sadly, many on the TLM side do not see things this way. Many of them see the NO as an inferior Mass, constructed by a non-valid Council (Vat II) and believe Pope Francis is a heretic. Some even say St. Pope John XXIII, St. Pope Paul VI, and St. Pope John Paul II were not valid canonizations. These are very grave errors of the faith and need to be stopped. It does not seem to go the other way. I don't know of anyone who only attends the NO and makes these false accusations against Francis, the TLM, Vat II, or canonizations, etc.

    • @murielkinsella3526
      @murielkinsella3526 4 месяца назад +1

      @@RobertC-1966 That's not been my experience of the TLM attendees, even the SSPX. They are very alert to 'modernism' , but I haven't heard any disrespectful comments about Pope Francis. In fact I'm on a thread with a SSPX group, and any criticism of Pope Francis is very much discouraged. In private conversations, however, people do discuss their concerns about what is coming out of Rome. And I think there are things about which we should be concerned. Some of the appointments, for example, are, at best, questionable as are some recent documents. I don't get into debates now about them. I trust certain sources and my own reason and faith.
      I avoid the really controversial Catholic media. It's not profitable psychologically and spiritually to imbibe negativity, and some media go way too far. Christ left us the fruits of His Church during bad times and good times. We have the sacraments, the Catechism, the Rosary and many charisms and devotions. He will never leave us orphans.

    • @victoria9381
      @victoria9381 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@murielkinsella3526I'm glad you have had a positive experience in the TLM community although many of us haven't. The Holy Father has to maintain unity amongst Catholics and sadly many in TLM community want it their way or the highway. If they had just left well enough alone and stopped their attacks on the NO things might have gone a different route.

    • @murielkinsella3526
      @murielkinsella3526 3 месяца назад +1

      @@victoria9381 I really think you're wrong on this. I can't remember anything coming from the traditionalists side to the Vatican, but I do remember many very hurtful and negative statements issuing from the Vatican to the TLM people.
      I go to both Masses, but I'm very careful now where I attend the NO. Thank God I have located a church where the Mass is celebrated with great reverence. The priests are Opus Dei, and while I have no attraction to the lay organisation, I can't speak more highly of the priests

    • @Electric_
      @Electric_ 2 месяца назад +2

      The problem is the TLM, while an excellent liturgy, is serving as a battery for schismatics. That’s not the intent of the TLM and 99% of Priests who celebrate it are probably well and good. But if you go to any TLM and start to get involved and meet people you notice a massive amount of extremely heterodox and frankly extreme to the point of being anti-Catholic opinions on the Pope and Vatican II. In fact, I know a lot of TLM-onlyists and I can’t say I’m sure any one of them are actually Catholic and not somehow self-excommunicated based on their beliefs about Papal authority alone.

  • @allanvichtern6051
    @allanvichtern6051 Месяц назад +2

    I was really hoping to hear some refined points about what the issue is with the TLM/traditionalist Catholicism generally, and instead it was a half hour of bubbly nothingness

  • @allanvichtern6051
    @allanvichtern6051 Месяц назад

    Mass OR just going out to dinner with friends! Lol

  • @Paulo_Sa_Pereira
    @Paulo_Sa_Pereira 3 месяца назад

    I´m sorry but don´t see how someone who knows Scripture can be at peace with so much error that has resulted from Vatican II. I´m not a Trad. I´m just someone who wants to be Catholic and faithful to 20 centuries of Catholic doctrine.

    • @Electric_
      @Electric_ 2 месяца назад

      Not one error resulted from Vatican II. The fact is Vatican II was a severe blow to Satan, and he works hard to convince some laity to try to overthrow it. He does whatever he can to disparage it and finds susceptible people to serve his interests against it. If you are on the wrong side of the Pope, you are always wrong. This was true during the Arian heresy and it’s true of Vatican II. Take the side of Christ’s vicar.

    • @matthewbroderick6287
      @matthewbroderick6287 2 месяца назад +3

      Paulo, please provide evidence where Vatican 2 teaches anything contrary to Church teaching or Canon Law or Holy Scripture? Best of luck to you! You are in my prayers as you journey toward Truth! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!

    • @brianmurphy9570
      @brianmurphy9570 2 месяца назад

      The supposed error that has resulted from Vatican II is always the result of false interpretations and/or misinformation

  • @Caesaribus
    @Caesaribus 2 дня назад

    The big problem with the rad trad movement that I have seen overall is the overwhelming sometimes toxic pride present. I’m sure most are there for the right reasons but some almost come off as like the Pharisees in the gospels. LOOK AT HOW WELL WE FOLLOW GOD’s LAW. Your new fangled ways are invalid and we are the true catholics. I like the idea of keeping tradition but not to the extent that we are complaining openly and disrespectfully about Pope Francis and those who defend the NO. Just my two cents.

  • @monicamohan4720
    @monicamohan4720 3 месяца назад +4

    It literally makes me sick how you are painting those that love Tradition with a broad brush. There are problems in all institutions. I have gone to the TLM for years. It was where I finally fell in love with Jesus.

    • @kurtandrews5844
      @kurtandrews5844 2 месяца назад

      Catholicism is Scripture and Tradition. The Magisterium. Sola Tradition is just as wrong as Sola Scripture.

    • @TheBrunohusker
      @TheBrunohusker 2 месяца назад

      Not to be crude, but why watch this then if this makes you sick?

    • @TheBrunohusker
      @TheBrunohusker 2 месяца назад

      Thanks for this channel and glad to see Laura on here. Il be honest I’ve never really fallen into Chad thinking though. I’ve always been kind of interested in it and what gets me is that people that still believe the same thing. Sure sometimes my alarm go off even looking at the videos from people on this channel, but at times I think what we need to realize is that, we’re all Catholic and we are valid and we are all wanting to go to the same mass and the same. This has been something that has always annoyed me as somebody who Catholic, but somebody who believes in the church. I’m not a lesser Catholic just because I don’t go to the right mass, or because my wife works, or because we have one kid (even if that’s due to health issues. I’m guessing a lot of trades sadly would be very judge of a family with one kid unless they were super open about their fertility issues which has to be kind of annoying as well not everybody wants to be public with that stuff.) it just annoys me because we’re really not all that different and yes, you can say 2000 years and blah, blah blah and all this, but at the end of the day it just seems like people trying to be special or maybe even in some cases people trying to cover up for their horribly simple nature, but focusing on external rather than internals and looking at themselves. Basically, I guess what I love about this and what I’m finding is that as Catholics should be for self improvement and working towards heaven. From the heart. It is not gonna come from doing so many prayers or treating it like it’s a video game manual or a ritual that if we don’t do this exact, we might as well be doing it wrong. It’s funny how and someways, some traditionalist think this is how it goes and yet it’s more can a magic spell and Harry Potter where if you say the wrong word well you didn’t do it right. Kind of funny how the end of the day it seems as our whole society just wants spirituality to be this kind of magical list spell rather than an encounter with God. So I guess thanks for this channel and sorry for the rant, God bless y’all

    • @TheBrunohusker
      @TheBrunohusker 2 месяца назад

      Thanks for this channel and glad to see Laura on here. Il be honest I’ve never really fallen into Chad thinking though. I’ve always been kind of interested in it and what gets me is that people that still believe the same thing. Sure sometimes my alarm go off even looking at the videos from people on this channel, but at times I think what we need to realize is that, we’re all Catholic and we are valid and we are all wanting to go to the same mass and the same. This has been something that has always annoyed me as somebody who Catholic, but somebody who believes in the church. I’m not a lesser Catholic just because I don’t go to the right mass, or because my wife works, or because we have one kid (even if that’s due to health issues. I’m guessing a lot of trades sadly would be very judge of a family with one kid unless they were super open about their fertility issues which has to be kind of annoying as well not everybody wants to be public with that stuff.) it just annoys me because we’re really not all that different and yes, you can say 2000 years and blah, blah blah and all this, but at the end of the day it just seems like people trying to be special or maybe even in some cases people trying to cover up for their horribly simple nature, but focusing on external rather than internals and looking at themselves. Basically, I guess what I love about this and what I’m finding is that as Catholics should be for self improvement and working towards heaven. From the heart. It is not gonna come from doing so many prayers or treating it like it’s a video game manual or a ritual that if we don’t do this exact, we might as well be doing it wrong. It’s funny how and someways, some traditionalist think this is how it goes and yet it’s more can a magic spell and Harry Potter where if you say the wrong word well you didn’t do it right. Kind of funny how the end of the day it seems as our whole society just wants spirituality to be this kind of magical list spell rather than an encounter with God. So I guess thanks for this channel and sorry for the rant, God bless y’all

  • @salusindomino
    @salusindomino 4 месяца назад +6

    Sorry it shows immaturity. The TLM existed for a long time and the liturgy etc brings people closer to God but it requires a great deal of spiritual maturity. We are all at different levels,
    I am in a schola and we sing the mass. The TLM is not the end in itself but rather a means to the end which is to love and worship God in humility. It is not emotionalism but time honoured rubrics which makes us keenly aware of the majesty of God. There is a sacred silence in that.
    Of course people get caught up and become or can be scrupulous etc but these are baby steps. Our spiritual journey lasts a lifetime and we fail and we fall.
    Our spirituality is also the working of God’s grace on us. We are asked to pray continually.
    Unfortunately the current Pontiff wishes to eliminate the TLM and declare ONE way. While Jesus is THE way, to try to erase the universality of the TLM and to replace it with the NO is something I dont understand and produces no fruit.
    Are people spiritually immature? Of course! I was baptized by Apollo, I by Gaius etc.
    We need to pray ceaselessly with love and mercy. What is required of you o man? ( find the answer in Malachi)

    • @murielkinsella3526
      @murielkinsella3526 4 месяца назад

      An insightful, charitable and gentle response to the topic. I really commend you.

    • @mycatholicexperience8409
      @mycatholicexperience8409 3 месяца назад +3

      The TLM isn’t an issue. There’s nothing wrong with it . I share your love of it . But I think you are minimizing the real problems found in TLM communities by dismissing them as spiritual immaturity on the part of individuals . The real issiue is intrinsically connected to a schismatic mentally that is often spread in TLM communities within the Church , this mentality is spreading from another TLM groups that are schismatic like sedevacantist or other groups that operate outside the Church . My FSSP clergy have made a real effort to correct these ideas on the part of laity , Fr Ripperger even gave a talk about these problems, they recognize these problems. As more then just icolated cases of spiritual immaturity . It’s an ideology that has problems intrinsically connected to it . As one who grew up in one of these separatist groups , I can testify to the many problems intrinsically connected to a mindset that sees the universal Church and the post V2 hierarchy as enemies to the faith, and sees one’s self as the protector and preserver to the Faith over and above legitimate authority and everyone else who disagrees with you . The individual or the non authority the individual selects for himself become the new rule of faith . This of course leads to a multitude of problems, not the least of which is the root idea that God has somehow abandoned the Church after V2 .

    • @murielkinsella3526
      @murielkinsella3526 3 месяца назад

      @@mycatholicexperience8409 Well, as a Catholic who attends both forms of the Mass, I don't think I am minimising any problems with the TLM. The ire from Rome seems to be directed against traditionalists and conservatives

    • @matthewbroderick6287
      @matthewbroderick6287 2 месяца назад

      !Salus, Pope Francis loves the Latin Mass! Unfortunately, many Catholic Christians claim the Latin Mass is the only valid Mass, which of course would then exclude the Last Supper, also not said in Latin! Hence the restrictions! You are in my prayers as you journey toward Truth! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink

  • @pirn3676
    @pirn3676 4 месяца назад

    Eating flesh, drinking blood... O.K.

    • @vardaainur-michaelmas5462
      @vardaainur-michaelmas5462 24 дня назад

      What’s your point? That you like ignoring the words from your Savior’s lips? And arranging them to fit your narrative?