Oxford Islamic Director Backs Pro-ISIS Rhetoric On National TV & Is Told 'Shia Genocide Is Real'

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Dr Sheikh Ramzy comes on GN News and puts forward rhetoric that aligns with the pro-ISIS and pro-Taliban protests we've seen break out across the UK that have forced UK cinemas to pull down the film. Malik Shlibak challenges this rhetoric and defends freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression from all sides 'even if we disagree'.
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Комментарии • 316

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat 2 года назад +76

    One guy thought it was a conversation, the other guy thought it was a shouting competition.

    • @ItachiAli1993
      @ItachiAli1993 2 года назад +11

      Just shows u the difference between a Bakri and a Shia

  • @DeletedUsername-xn6vx
    @DeletedUsername-xn6vx 2 года назад +89

    The logic and eloquence of brother Malik is exemplary and inspirational, really proud of you bro!

  • @yazahra_yaali
    @yazahra_yaali 2 года назад +32

    Aisha's followers are crazy, they quarrel with everyone, look at this how he quarrels with the presenter

    • @lailakurji1350
      @lailakurji1350 2 года назад

      Probably Aiasha hasn’t breastfed him

  • @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists
    @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists 2 года назад +62

    Peace be upon to The Lady of Heaven❤

    • @خادمسایبریائمه
      @خادمسایبریائمه 2 года назад

      Sheikh Allahyari predicted how sunnies will react to the lady of heaven movie !
      Please share this lecture.

    • @hanimohammed6345
      @hanimohammed6345 2 года назад

      Peace be upon all the sahaba

    • @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam
      @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam 2 года назад +6

      @@hanimohammed6345 Narrated Anas
      The Prophet said “Some of my companions will come to me at my Lake Fount and after I recognise them, they will then be taken away from me, whereupon I will say, My companions! Then it will be said, You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you.”
      Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 Hadith 584 😁

    • @AnotherSoldier
      @AnotherSoldier 2 года назад +5

      @@hanimohammed6345 peace be upon imams

  • @zafaramiri
    @zafaramiri 2 года назад +108

    They gave us more press than we could have achieved on our own. Allah is the best planner 🙏🏼 we stand with the lady of heaven.

    • @sergeyastov6353
      @sergeyastov6353 2 года назад +1

      So why has it flopped at the box office?
      You can't sugar coat this slap in the face, for this movie.

    • @zafaramiri
      @zafaramiri 2 года назад +16

      @@sergeyastov6353 box office doesn't mean anything, most people stream videos now anyways. Hence why the publicity given to us by the Sunni will propel the movie to more audiences. The goal is truth, not monetary gain. Bigger Audience > Box office performance. Allah is the best planner!

    • @خادمسایبریائمه
      @خادمسایبریائمه 2 года назад

      Sheikh Allahyari predicted how sunnies will react to the lady of heaven movie !
      Please share this lecture.

    • @yousef-eq8zw
      @yousef-eq8zw 2 года назад +1

      Allah isnt on your side on this one this movie is Shia propaganda and goes against the sunnah of the beloved prophet saw

    • @mohjmz2003
      @mohjmz2003 2 года назад +5

      @@yousef-eq8zw انا حمید انا عثمان بن صالح، حدثنی اللیث بن سعد بن عبدالرحمن الفهمی، حدثنی علوان، عن صالح بن کیسان، عن حمید بن عبدالرحمن بن عوف، ان اباه عبدالرحمن بن عوف، دخل علی ابی‌بکر الصدیق (رحمة‌الله‌علیه) فی مرضه الذی قبض فیه... فقال (ابوبکر): «اجل انی لا آسی من الدنیا الا علی ثَلاثٍ فَعَلْتُهُنَّ وَدِدْتُ اَنِّی تَرَکْتُهُنَّ، وثلاث ترکتهن وددت انی فعلتهن، وثلاث وددت انی سالت عنهن رسول الله (صلی‌الله‌علیه‌و‌آله‌وسلّم)، اما اللاتی وددت انی ترکتهن، فوددت انی لم اَکُنْ کَشَفْتُ بیتَ فاطِمَةَ عن شیء، وان کانوا قد اَغْلَقُوا علی الحرب....
      Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf visited Abu Bakr when he was in the ill that led him to death, and he (Abu Bakr) said: "I am regret of three things that I have done in my life, wish I never done them. One of them was attacking the house of Fatima, wish I never desecrated her house, even though they were closing it for war."
      Tarikh at-Tabari, V2, P619
      This Hadith is mentioned with three different chains of narrators, here is the other two chains:
      رواه هکذا واطول من هذا ابن وهب، عن اللیث بن سعد، عن صالح بن کیسان، اخرجه کذلک ابن عائذ.
      Tarikh al-Islam ad-dhahabi, V3, P118
      اخبرنا ابوالبرکات عبدالله بن محمد بن الفضل الفراوی وام المؤید نازیین المعروفة بجمعة بنت ابی‌حرب محمد بن الفضل بن ابی‌حرب قالا انا ابوالقاسم الفضل بن ابی‌حرب الجرجانی انبا ابوبکر احمد بن الحسن نا ابوالعباس احمد بن یعقوب نا الحسن بن مکرم بن حسان البزار ابوعلی ببغداد حدثنی ابوالهیثم خالد بن القاسم قال حدثنا لیث بن سعد عن صالح بن کیسان عن حمید بن عبدالرحمن بن عوف عن ابیه
      Tarikh madinat Dameshq, V30, P417-419
      There is another chain as well:
      حدثنی حفص بن عمر، ثنا الهیثم بن عدی عن یونس بن یزید الایلی عن الزهری ان عبدالرحمن بن عوف
      Ansab al-Ashraf, V3, P346
      Even if someone argues that all these chains are weak, still they are accepted by Ahl Sunnah because:
      وقال النووی فی (شرح المهذب): ان الحدیث اذا روی من طرق ومفرداتها ضعاف یحتج به، علی انا نقول: قد شهد لمذهبنا عدة احادیث من الصحابة بطرق مختلفة کثیرة یقوی بعضها بعضا، وان کان کل واحد ضعیفا.
      No'wi has said in sharh al-mahdhab: If a narration is narrated with different chains, even if some of its narrators are weak, still they can be used as argument. Plus we say, some Hadiths are narrated by the Sahaba through different chains and some make other ones stronger, even if all of them are weak.
      Umdat al-Qari, V3, P307
      But the fact is this Hadith is at the very least "Hasan" which is just like Sahih when it comes to argument for Ahl Sunnah.
      Saeed Ibn Mansoor and Dia al-maqdisi said this Hadith is Hasan.
      Now let's see the situation of each narrator. You can go to the Sunni website (موسوعة الحدیث) which gives the rutba of any narrator and the opinions of scholars about them:
      Hamid Ibn Mukhallad Ibn Qutaiba (thiqat ath-thabt)
      Uthman Ibn Salih Ibn Safwan (thiqa)
      Layth Ibn Sa'ad Ibn Abdul Rahman (thiqat ath-thabt, faqih, Imam, mashhur)
      Salih Ibn Kaysan (thiqat ath-thabt)
      Hamid Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf (thiqa)
      Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf (Sahabi)
      The only narrator that they try to show as weak is Ulwan Ibn Dawood. Because dhahabi and Ibn hajar narrated that Bukhari said he was Munkar al-Hadith. But this can be easily answered because:
      1: Ibn Hibban has said that Ulwan Ibn Dawood is thiqa.
      Dhahabi has said that several books including the book of Ibn Hibban are "the sources of knowing those who are trustworthy".
      Al-muqazat by dhahabi, V1, P79
      2: Not any Munkar al-Hadith is weak according to Ahl Sunnah.
      Dhahabi: Not any person who narrates Munkar has to be considered weak.
      Mizan al-I'tidal, V1, P118
      Ibn hajar: If we are meant to say that every person who narrates Munkar is weak, then no narrator is going to be accepted.
      Lisan al-Mizan, V2, P308
      Sakhawi: If a trustworthy narrator narrates Munkar from duafa, he will be called "Munkar al-Hadith".
      Fath al-muqith, V2, P130
      And lastly, even Bukhari has Munkar narrators, example:
      Khalid Ibn Mukhallad, he has narrated the narration in (Sahih Bukhari 7430)
      Dhahabi: He has narrated too many Munkar Hadiths and Ibn Sa'ad called him Munkar al-Hadith.
      Al-Muqni fi al-duafa, V1, P206

  • @zond7290
    @zond7290 2 года назад +18

    look how much more civilised malik is than the bakri 😂😂

  • @8and4
    @8and4 2 года назад +72

    Mashallah Malik …so calm and logically replied . Allah Bless you

    • @inityo
      @inityo 2 года назад

      Lol he's wrong on this because this involves historical facts and Charlie hebdo was just slander not based on history

    • @gamer-ce1ls
      @gamer-ce1ls 2 года назад +2

      @@inityo nope it happened in real

    • @mohjmz2003
      @mohjmz2003 2 года назад

      @@inityo charlie hebdu was just a cartoonist. Their entire point was making mockery. But the Shia are making their narrative based on their faith. It's way different. You did too

  • @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists
    @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists 2 года назад +69

    God bless you brother Malik, really great job!

  • @DeletedUsername-xn6vx
    @DeletedUsername-xn6vx 2 года назад +31

    Host: I’m not supporting anything, I haven’t seen the film, I cant see the film because you banned it! 🔥👏👌

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +21

    Oh God, curse the criminal Omar

    • @yousef-eq8zw
      @yousef-eq8zw 2 года назад

      🤣🤣 disrespecting the companion of the prophet saw Allah the almighty will çurse you instead

    • @muhammed_kadhimi
      @muhammed_kadhimi 2 года назад +2

      ​@@yousef-eq8zw Being an companion does not give you status such logic contradicts the Qur'an

    • @yousef-eq8zw
      @yousef-eq8zw 2 года назад

      @@muhammed_kadhimi the companions are the ones who preserved the the quran 😐😐 it gives them status they are responding for the expansion of the quran after Muhammad pbuh and also maintained keeping the hadith authentic which is extremely important

    • @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam
      @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam 2 года назад +5

      @@yousef-eq8zw 1. They did not preserve the uthmani mushaf 2. They did not preserve/maintain the authentic hadiths only the righteous of them did your idols burned/destroyed the hadiths according to your books
      Let's for arguments sake say they did all this like you claimed which they didn't according to us. What merit does it prove for them don't you have a whole chapter in bukhari that says "Allah may support his religion with the fajir" 🤔

    • @yousef-eq8zw
      @yousef-eq8zw 2 года назад

      @@ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam even if they didn't preserve some hadith they spread Islam and the quran, even the quran pays respect to the companions and disciples of the beloved prophet saw, shias like you are just here to back stab islam doing more harm than the kufr, worshiping 12 imams that are all knowing 🤣 enjoy your shia hadith with no proof

  • @abuali920
    @abuali920 2 года назад +11

    Fatima (AS) is smiling over you brother Malik. Thank you for your service.

  • @olawaleabdwasi4389
    @olawaleabdwasi4389 2 года назад +18

    May Allah bless you my dear brother Malik. Your subtle and excellent 👌 precise points exposed the so-called Dr. Sheikh. These people are too ignorantly emotional.

  • @nadeemgilani7318
    @nadeemgilani7318 2 года назад +26

    Mashallah brother Malik ! Keep going brother u r doing jihad in love for Allah and the lady of heaven

  • @oldman1734
    @oldman1734 2 года назад +25

    The important thing is (or was) this is Britain. People are not supposed to threaten others with violence because they disagree.

    • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
      @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад

      The writer of the film Mr Yasser Al Habib is a rogue scholar rejected both by Shia and Sunni. The protestors in Bradford and the "Dr.Shaykh" from Oxford are only giving the extremist cult and their film further publicity.

    • @hellomedia9069
      @hellomedia9069 2 года назад +1


  • @AbuHurr
    @AbuHurr 2 года назад +36

    Mr Malik the most eloquent spoke person

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +17

    Brother Malik, your words are very beautiful

  • @Ali83833
    @Ali83833 2 года назад +11

    You can't come on a national debate in england unable to speak english, he's dug himself a hole

    • @yourmomshouse8993
      @yourmomshouse8993 2 года назад +2

      lol exactly and him not allowing the other brother to talk shows his manners and etiquette. We Shia are polite and will mannered.

  • @personarebellia6775
    @personarebellia6775 2 года назад +11

    patience will lead to beautiful results. Spread the truth. May Allah help those followers of Ahlul Bayt

  • @Real_Entertainment1
    @Real_Entertainment1 2 года назад +16

    Look at the frustration of Sheikh and look at brother Malik how calm and cool is. Qudos to you brother, you destroyed him.

  • @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists
    @TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists 2 года назад +39

    I stand by The Lady of Heaven!✊❤

  • @DaboooogA
    @DaboooogA 2 года назад +8

    Director of the Islamic information Centre in Oxford can barely speak English

  • @zulqarnain0211
    @zulqarnain0211 2 года назад +8

    Oh these people needs to be shown all the slanders and belittling of the Holy Prophet in the so called Sahis; Bukhari and Muslim.

  • @alihaidar5680
    @alihaidar5680 2 года назад +12

    Look how the sunni wahabi starts stuttering, and look how the Shia brother speaks calmly with confidence.

  • @Always512
    @Always512 2 года назад +13

    Mr Malik well done 👌

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat 2 года назад +9

    All this controversy is making this film known very well known.

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat 2 года назад +13

    "I haven't seen the film" + 'I have very strong feelings & interpretation about the contents of the film'

    • @ihs51
      @ihs51 Год назад +1

      It seems that he knew the truth and is upset that "The truth shall always prevail".

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat 2 года назад +18

    One of the sad side effects of the protests is that tomorrow all the cinemas & media will be reluctant to put forward any Muslim context because they will be afraid of a backlash from one section or another of the Muslim population, so they'll take the easy route of avoiding it altogether

  • @yazahra_yaali
    @yazahra_yaali 2 года назад +17

    I love the movie Our Lady of Heaven and I want to watch it soon

  • @imranalijamal6373
    @imranalijamal6373 2 года назад +7

    Sunnis barking and not letting brother Malik or the presenter speak

    • @ZwaneMakki
      @ZwaneMakki 2 года назад +2

      Embarrassing. The Saudi-Sunni petro dollar has sent the Oxford cleric mad.

  • @hellomedia9069
    @hellomedia9069 2 года назад +7

    This is seriously embarrassing for the Sunniz. They still don't understand that they live in UK, And the laws are different.

  • @andrewdudson7750
    @andrewdudson7750 2 года назад +6

    These trouble maker’s should be deported, they bite the hand that feeds them

    • @yourmomshouse8993
      @yourmomshouse8993 2 года назад +3

      Agree they are making themselves like the fools they are let them speak more they are being exposed by the way they talk and act this is great. They are hypocrites let’s not say the truth because you are going to threaten us wow 😯

  • @indram5384
    @indram5384 2 года назад +2

    This country is UK not Pakistan, UK is European countries, we have a right to talk .

  • @el_chico1313
    @el_chico1313 Год назад +3

    we have to empower people like malik

  • @fatimahossaynya461
    @fatimahossaynya461 2 года назад +5

    Thank you brother Malik

  • @huwaali7759
    @huwaali7759 2 года назад +12

    This sunni Oxford guy sounds Iranian? Wtf

    • @hussains.s.s.
      @hussains.s.s. 2 года назад +5

      100% lol

    • @thehonestdude1067
      @thehonestdude1067 2 года назад +1

      I mean iranians created sunni islam basically
      All their scholars are iranians 💀
      And they dare to say bad stuff about iranians
      They just found out shia is much more true after a while, but others stuck to the lesser islam

      @E-E.ADVENTUREGEARS 2 года назад

      Must be Afghan

    • @forbiddenknowledge210
      @forbiddenknowledge210 2 года назад +3

      He is a Persian speaking bakri from Afghanistan
      Persians of Iran are all shia

    • @huwaali7759
      @huwaali7759 2 года назад

      @@forbiddenknowledge210 no he's Iranian I can tell the accent a mile away

  • @besafe5969
    @besafe5969 2 года назад +4

    It is a fact that they do not want the world to know. God bless the maker of this film. I suggest that every human being, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, should see this film

  • @mir7532
    @mir7532 2 года назад +4

    Absolutely brilliant replies Mr. Malik

  • @MuhammadAbdullah-pe2ze
    @MuhammadAbdullah-pe2ze 2 года назад +8

    Thank you so much for keeping us updated on this. I'm in California and this isn't a big topic for us here so I haven't seen it in the news outlets just yet.

    • @yourmomshouse8993
      @yourmomshouse8993 2 года назад

      It shouldn’t be free speech is important and these tyrants can’t silence people

  • @fouadawada4942
    @fouadawada4942 2 года назад +2

    How is the Sunni Shiekh a director of anything? He was beyond embarrassing. Has no etiquette or manners, unprofessional as hell

  • @zayn670
    @zayn670 2 года назад +4

    Thank you to these Salafi’s for free publicity

  • @xXMoAzraelsWorkshopXx
    @xXMoAzraelsWorkshopXx 2 года назад +3

    Lanat bar abu bakr and aisha, umar and their followers, beshumar lanat.

  • @Anony_mous5001
    @Anony_mous5001 2 года назад +4

    The Shia brother speaks so well Ma Sha Allah, whilst I don't agree with every point he has made in other clips, the majority of his argument is very valid. The Shia have always been othered and now people like this sheikh are trying to say this movie is Islamophobic. Total rubbish. The Shia are Muslim and no one can deny this. The Shia have every right to state their version of events. Infact it was high time someone made a movie or a documentary on these issues from the Shia side. The biggest issue for people with this movie was that people would finally have some understanding what exactly the Shia believe and all this cracks through the propaganda and negative image the majority have created of the Shia as people who beat themselves, curse the Sahabah and do mutah, etc. Most people don't even know alot of these events are documented in Ahle Sunnah books. I came from a place of ignorance but Alhamdulillah I now understand the status of the Ahle Bayt and know what happened with them was a great injustice. Laanat Beshumar on anyone and all that upset them, took their rights away and harmed them.

  • @zaineb3132
    @zaineb3132 2 года назад +14

    An amazing film ❤

  • @muhammedthegambian6170
    @muhammedthegambian6170 2 года назад +3

    Allahu Akbar.
    They have been exposed

  • @rafida5360
    @rafida5360 2 года назад +13

    @cineworld You can get your strength back, keep your audience and your brand around the world, by recasting The Lady of Heaven in your cinemas, instead of the days that have been canceled, you will grow in the eyes of the British people because you support freedom!

  • @yazahra_yaali
    @yazahra_yaali 2 года назад +8

    Thank you brother, well done

  • @Ali83833
    @Ali83833 2 года назад +13

    Malik is blowing up at the momnt, big work from him

  • @thelion2087
    @thelion2087 2 года назад +3

    This guy is so angry and salty by the truth 😌

  • @RevolutionaryRealm
    @RevolutionaryRealm 2 года назад +14

    Malik was perfect. Well said!!

  • @lyntonross9581
    @lyntonross9581 2 года назад +4

    Dr. Shiek Ramsey salaam wa alikum.
    You have replicate exactly with so much of arrogance the scene of Omar when The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) on his death bed ask for them to get paper so they could write his orders to avoid his ummah going astray.
    Your arrogance is a replica of Omar's ultra motives.
    Dr. Shiek seek knowledge.
    Follow the hadiths.

  • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
    @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад +15

    If you really want a film or 📚 book to be a blockbuster or a bestseller all you need to do is create a "protest" or force a "ban". The same thing happened with Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses book a few years ago. It made me think about how films and books are promoted these days. I have since come to realize that, in fact, many of Salman Rushdie's most devoted fans were happily protesting and 'burning' his book since that is a 'sure fire' and guaranteed way of turning it into a best seller. Similarly, Yasser Al-Habib (the writer of this movie) appears to have a large fan base in places such as Bradford and Sheffield who are super charged and quite willing to shut down cinemas and cause general mayhem in order to promote his film. I guess films and books can only be promoted in this way these days.

    • @wafaabdullah2172
      @wafaabdullah2172 2 года назад +4

      Brilliant! Thank you David for the incredible insight. Yes, sadly, books, films, 🥊 boxing matches are being promoted these days using "protests" "bans" or pre-fight "scuffles" and the like. I think a lot of it has to do with economics since with the rise of the internet it has become harder for film promoters and publishers to get their products noticed.

    • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
      @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад

      @@wafaabdullah2172 Thank you Wafa - yes if you really want a film or book to sell these days you will need to create a lot of controversy. It's got nothing to do with religion. Yasser Al Habib and his supporters are behind the so-called "protests" since they is no benefit for the mainstream Muslim community using such outdated methods. The same thing happened with Salman Rushdie's book Satanic Verses a few years ago. All of the 'protesting' came from Rushdie's own fan base. You could call it modern day marketing of products.

    • @Ahmed-tu9dt
      @Ahmed-tu9dt 2 года назад

      if you knew anything about the subject you wouldn't say that yes we are happy about the protests it promoted our film but there's no way those protesters are actors 💀 we actually expected them because it's a very natural reaction muslim countries banned the film is it acting too ?

    • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
      @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад

      @@Ahmed-tu9dt No it's not acting on the part of Muslim countries since they have the right. However, in the UK Muslims do not have the right to ban or pretend to ban a film because it only ends up promoting the film's message.

    • @najefwaseem3416
      @najefwaseem3416 2 года назад

      @@DavidSmith-zl2ww so which cinema is showing it?

  • @aliken6240
    @aliken6240 2 месяца назад +1

    This is radical, Doctor. Why don't you want anyone to disagree with your opinion?

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +34

    I am with the lady of heaven ❤🧡

    • @خادمسایبریائمه
      @خادمسایبریائمه 2 года назад

      Sheikh Allahyari predicted how sunnies will react to the lady of heaven movie !
      Please share this lecture.

  • @muzaffartirmizey8207
    @muzaffartirmizey8207 Месяц назад

    Never watch how people rationalize right.
    Watch how they rationalize wrong. Paul Portesi

  • @RockHash
    @RockHash Год назад +1

    I love that the news man is unbiased and he sees the Sunni sheikh as a hypocrite.

  • @RockHash
    @RockHash Год назад +2

    Hundreds of millions of Shia Muslims and the rest of the world can't watch the movie bc of extreme Sunni's. I'll find it online and post the link to it.

  • @caesarjimlok1616
    @caesarjimlok1616 Год назад +2

    Dr ramsay must learn the manners how to talk to an educated people.

  • @migranboyz
    @migranboyz 2 года назад +2

    this oxford Islamic director uncle talks about debate then must read the Peshawar night full on debate with all his answers and with Sahi hadees right there but they have agreed to disagree

  • @sumayamustafa2365
    @sumayamustafa2365 2 года назад +2

    The doctor from Oxford is totally gullible and naive

  • @caesarjimlok1616
    @caesarjimlok1616 Год назад +1

    Congratulations brother malik,you are great an inspiring person

  • @hhhproductions5957
    @hhhproductions5957 Год назад +3

    Sheikh Ramzy shouted too much and you could barely understand what he was saying. A person who shouts and has broken English just equals to disaster 😂. Even the Interviewer was clearly annoyed at Ramzy. Ramzy then had the audacity to call the interviewer a “bias” when he’s acting like a mad man. Barak allahu feek brother malik, you kept your calm and proved to all the viewers that all the Sunnis do when they’re wrong is shout.

  • @yazahra_yaali
    @yazahra_yaali 2 года назад +1

    I pledge forever to you, Fatima

  • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
    @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад +10

    This is an interesting development since the "Dr Shaykh" from Oxford is only giving the film more Oxygen. Sometimes, I wonder whether such "Shaykhs" are actually covertly acting in the interests of this Shia sect since I cannot see how making such an incoherent fuss is actually helping either the Sunni or the mainstream Shia community. It is only helping fringe extremists get further publicity for their film. I think "Dr Shaykh" may have some explaining to do. Is he Iranian?

    • @wafaabdullah2172
      @wafaabdullah2172 2 года назад

      Hi David - something tells me you are right! The so-called 'protestors' are actually working to get the film more publicity.

      @E-E.ADVENTUREGEARS 2 года назад +3

      No he's Afghan

    • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
      @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад

      @@E-E.ADVENTUREGEARS No he is definitely Iranian

      @E-E.ADVENTUREGEARS 2 года назад +3


    • @DavidSmith-zl2ww
      @DavidSmith-zl2ww 2 года назад

      @@E-E.ADVENTUREGEARS I know something

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +3

    لَعٌنِ آلَلَهّ عٌمًر وٌآبًوٌبًکْر وٌعٌآئشُةّ وٌآتٌبًآعٌهّمً وٌآنِصّآرهّمً وٌآلَمًآئلَيَنِ آلَيَهّمً وٌآلَنِآهّضيَنِ بًآجّنِحًتٌهّمً وٌآلَمًقُتٌدٍيَنِ بًکْلَآمًهّمً وٌآلَمًصّدٍقُيَنِ بًآحًکْآمًهّمً.

  • @Hussain-qv2ii
    @Hussain-qv2ii 2 года назад +2

    I'm now more excited to watch the film

  • @baqirhemraj7639
    @baqirhemraj7639 2 года назад +1

    Are insulting the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr and Umar more heinous than the evil deeds of Abu Bakr and Umar?

  • @Ace.inc200
    @Ace.inc200 Год назад +1

    Radical Ramzy got rekttt 😂😂😂

  • @andnowyouknow3363
    @andnowyouknow3363 Год назад +2

    Seems like anyone can give themselves a 'Dr.' title if all that requires is shouting, rude interruptions and strawmanning your opponent's arguments. This 'Dr.' has made a fool of himself. It's one thing to practice your right to demonstrate and another to demand other people succumb to YOUR views. You have the right to protest, but you don't have the right to silence other voices. Freedom of speech. Welcome to the west.

  • @alialmusawe1476
    @alialmusawe1476 2 года назад

    Iraqi refugee family in Turkey lives in very difficult economic conditions because of the COVID-19 .their only son 16 Yrs is sick (epileptic), let us help them please... God may bless all .

  • @taehyungkim3974
    @taehyungkim3974 Месяц назад

    We were divided since the prophet was murdered 😊

  • @Aquines
    @Aquines 2 года назад +1

    They have just renamed Cineworld to Suniworld

  • @kab3138
    @kab3138 2 года назад +3

    Fatima as. guid you brother Malik 🌹

  • @EpicRevelations
    @EpicRevelations 2 года назад +2

    Why are they bringing a guy who struggles with English

  • @wingstingsv815
    @wingstingsv815 Год назад

    Inshallah they learn the truth one day instead of being hateful

  • @truthseeker-cz6lf
    @truthseeker-cz6lf 2 года назад +1

    Labayka ya Zahra labayka ya Zahra labayka ya Zahra.....
    Lady of the heavens is differentiator between falsehood and truth.... Her husband is with truth and the truth is with him.

  • @plumpydayz
    @plumpydayz 2 года назад +1

    Sheikh repeats himself over and over and avoids questions because he does not want a discussion. He has no real way of articulating his arguments, it's frightening how he argues, its exactly how my mum behaves when she goes on a religious ramble.

  • @AmirAli-ok6hi
    @AmirAli-ok6hi 2 года назад

    This movie reveals the truth and shows that extremists follow hypocrites.

  • @hhhnnhhh
    @hhhnnhhh 2 года назад +2

    Release the film online

  • @1412512shah
    @1412512shah 2 года назад +1

    May ALLAH curse on enemy of SYEADA FATIMA S.A & AHLULBAIT A.S 🙌
    Lady of heaven is true story truth is bitter hard to digest ✋

  • @khafilhussain4046
    @khafilhussain4046 2 года назад +1

    So called educated Dr of Oxfrod having a complete meltdown. Lmao every single person who publicly objected to this inadvertently gave it publicity. Mainly the Sunnis. Its satisfying to watch them completely unravel. So called educated.

  • @طالبعلم-ج5ط
    @طالبعلم-ج5ط 2 года назад +1

    you're so respectable

  • @rrssrr123
    @rrssrr123 2 года назад +3

    Who says its falsehood

  • @alialamdaar8526
    @alialamdaar8526 2 года назад +1

    Ya Fatima 🌹

  • @mahdy3910
    @mahdy3910 2 года назад +2

    Keep on barking bakris
    You’re giving this film more fame😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ALI-om2re
    @ALI-om2re 2 года назад +1

    Movie was out in USA 6 months ago, no one really batted an eye. I feel sunni have the right to protest. I feel Shia have the right project their faith. Now with the topics being so sensitive to both, I felt the movie was just projecting Shia faith but was taking little jabs along the way by making Sunni revered figures as grimy and crooked teeth etc.

    • @w.o.p
      @w.o.p 2 года назад +1

      The film speaks from the books of the Sunnis. Read history. I advise you to watch in RUclips : DhulFiqar Al-Maghrabi - English channel, which presents the history and facts from the books of the Sunnis and that the Shia are the true Islam.

    • @ALI-om2re
      @ALI-om2re 2 года назад +2

      @@w.o.p I was speaking in the situation in UK. No doubt Twelver Shia Islam is Haq.

  • @arthurbraincell1198
    @arthurbraincell1198 2 года назад +2

    I hate the way these sheikhs/scholar waffle on 😂

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +2

    Labeik Fatima ❤🌹

  • @zahra-110
    @zahra-110 2 года назад +3

    انا مع فيلم سيدة الجنة لبيڪ فاطمة💚

  • @smartypants6502
    @smartypants6502 2 года назад

    AbuBakr, Umer and Uthman were political figures. Both shia and sunni agree that they were not appointed by Rasool(s) so in politics any body can agree or disagree with an individual. There is nothing wrong with that.

  • @Mohdzn
    @Mohdzn 2 года назад

    May the ahlulbayt (a.s) intercede on your behalf brother to god, and may they petition for your case to god.

  • @fatimahossaynya461
    @fatimahossaynya461 2 года назад +5

    Wah sahabah wah😥

  • @dinkiduniyatv3268
    @dinkiduniyatv3268 2 года назад +1

    السلام علیکم ماشاءاللّٰه‎ ماشاءاللّٰه‎ ماشاءاللّٰه‎ ماشاءاللّٰه‎ ماشاءاللّٰه‎

  • @aliibn-muhammadal-sharif8568
    @aliibn-muhammadal-sharif8568 Год назад +2

    Everyone, this is how Abu Baker and Umar deal with matters through violence and shouting. Welcome to Sunni Islam!

  • @mohammadhosseini5822
    @mohammadhosseini5822 2 года назад

    Mashallah brother Malik .🤲🤲🤲

  • @lb8965
    @lb8965 Месяц назад

    Why is he dressed like a priest?

  • @rakib4052
    @rakib4052 2 месяца назад

    What ignites flares of sectarian clashes should be banned as it is forbidden..Moula Ali (a.s) remained quiet on him being robbed of his right on Khilafah, for the very reason.....why has the world never heard a word of divide from revered Mujtahids Faqihs like Khamenie or Sistani .....your channel is not to propagate right but to incite hatred amongst muslim brotherhood...
    May Allah guide you to the right....

    • @alimo4610
      @alimo4610 2 месяца назад

      Through out history bad guys always wants to censor other views. Youre a bad guy😂

  • @saleseastheritage
    @saleseastheritage 2 года назад

    Anyone who slander prophet Muhammad wives and companions, "think they are better than THEM ?" nauzubillah. Had you all joined Badr, have you joined hijjrah to Medina??? Who you think you are???, 1400yrs after prophet left we have NOT done even tiny dust for what they been through.

    • @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam
      @ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam 2 года назад

      Tell that to the quran that insults some of the companions of prophet musa and calls them worshippers of the calf ie mushrikeen

    • @ehsanmousawi2998
      @ehsanmousawi2998 2 года назад

      Have you ran away from Uhud like children😂😂

  • @umameer8943
    @umameer8943 2 года назад +4

    شكرا شيخ ياسر الحبيب

  • @ذولفقارمحمد-س8د
    @ذولفقارمحمد-س8د 2 года назад +1

    اللهم صل على محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم

  • @Farman_110
    @Farman_110 2 года назад +1

    Holy hell the sheikh got destroyed haha the what planet are you on made me laugh