@ Offensive Tackles and Guards average 300 to 320 pounds. Centers about 290 to 310. Defensive Tackles average 290 to 315 or so. Defensive ends in a 4-3 average 260-280 pounds. They'd run over other guys.
@Christof Chrstoferson not saying that you are wrong, but the title and the people call it a sport like football, but yes, it is more like a handball than a football match
@@tiziano316 no are reenactors who keep alive an ancient sport just like the ancient Romans reenactors who play the Roman football a very similar game to the Florentine football.
@@tiziano316 sei proprio un ignorante, solo perché si picchiano sono bestie? Questo é uno sport importantissimo qui a firenze:é storia é una festa della città ed é una delle cose che più ci rappresenta, poi nessuno viene obbligaso, chi scende sull'area lo fa conoscendo i rischi nessuno viene obbligato il calcio fiorentino se non ti piace, non lo guardare ce lo godiamo tranquillamente senza di te
@@tommasocianci4118 "solo" perché si picchiano? Se ci siamo evoluti attraverso i secoli e i millenni è proprio a capire che la violenza non serve. Quindi rimanere aggrappati a queste stupide tradizioni secondo me è grottesco, un pò come in Spagna con la corrida che è assolutamente da abolire
@@tiziano316 prima di tutto ci siamo evoluti anche grazie alla violenza, secondo non credo sia da paragonate la corrida al calcio in costume in una c'è gli animali nel l'altra solo persone coscenti di cosa fanno, semmai la puoi paragonare al palio ma anche su quello e meglio se taci visto la tua ignoranza, comunque non è violenza gratuita questa, sono tutti combattenti scendono in campo per il quartiere ma anche per loro stessi perché tutti gli sport di contatto prima di sconfiggere il tuo avversario devi sconfiggere le tue paure, non c'è odio in questa "violenza" che tu tanto accusi forse ce ne più nelle tue parole.... Il vero violento sei tu forse?
BTW the Romans had a very similar game, a kind of primitive football, played mostly in the legions, and when there was a match between the recruits and the instructors, the firsts could avenge many abuses since punches, kicks, etc was all normal in that game like in the Florentine football.
A prescindere da quale squadra italiana si tifi!! Da tifoso del Napoli sono orgoglioso che in Italia ci sia ancora gente che con le "palle" che tiene su la propria tradizione che è unica al mondo!! Penso che siete l orgoglio Dell Italia.. Grandi!!
ah, Italians and their tradition, they take care of it, i love this. In Germany it would be forbidden, because it is too violent, after WW2 we can barely to something, even if it has nothing to do with WW2🙄😒
Soy del norte de México, es un arte y belleza ese deporte. Deberían de ver juegos a nivel internacional de este Calcio Storico, sería una forma más interesante que el fútbol.
Calcio Storico (Historical Football) has more than 500y of history and these guys in Florence repeat this tradition every here, with great passion e respect for their history. And consider that it's really all about passion, they train and they fight for no money in return
I go there every year just to see this tournament.Tuscany is spectacular in history and culture nevermind the beautiful cities and countryside,i went to the Palio in Siena too,i love Tuscany i really do.
Rugby, Bare Knukle Boxing and all fighting sports too, even if some say “you don’t play boxing” … all are games since there are rules in. Easy to contradict you sir, too easy.
How? This is a paid commercial by le coq sportif and Fiorentina. If this would be a documentary there would be bigger focus on the game itself and less on the kits. Don't take this the wrong way, I still think that the story behind the four kits and this video is fantastic, but all that I am trying to say is that its basically a one long really well made ad.
I wish this would take off outside of Florence too. It’d never be as passionate without the history they have over there, but I bet it’d still be some buzz playing it! Makes me love this part of Italy even more than I already did. Much love from Scotland 🏴
As an American and native Hawaiian that was raised in the south! I have got to go pay my respects to these guys one day and witness a game in real life!!! Keep the Game alive brothers!!💯
@@digge2210 Mannn most definitely I would love to watch some Polys play in this game! It would be cool of all the Pacific Islanders played against each others islands like Tonga,Samoa,Hawaii,etc etc and like once a year battle they battle one another. For example- It could be Hawaii vs Tonga then whoever wins goes against Samoa!!! Whoever wins all rounds takes the Respect and Trophy or whatever the prize!!! 💯💪🏾
These is profoundly Italian in more ways than might be apparent. The drama, the not so playful play, the colours/districts/family against family, the “brotherhood” and the “let’s drink all together after” happy ending.
tuo padre ps poi che per offendere ti dica al Sud vi considerano.....🙈.....cioè cazzo ma te le cerchi pure?Se ti dico come vi considerano a voi da Roma in su???gnamo fai i serio brodo costi....come puoi vedere dalla mia immagine del profilo nn so razzista,ma quando trovo un meridionale che è fiero di esserlo per le cose sbagliate,quelle illegali o per essere forti in gruppo solo perché, la camorra e i Carabinieri son tutti delle vostre parti,che cazzo ti devo dire?!?Cresci bambina.....un vero uomo si vede dalla cosa opposta,un vero uomo non picchia la donne,aiuta i più deboli e sa mantenere la calma,non picchia chi non può difendersi...l'opposto che fate voi....attaccate solo se siete in maggioranza e se non sono pugili o gente che mena!!!poi ci sono Napoletani e Albanesi che vanno pure nella discoteche di Provincia a gruppate intere,siccome le fighe vi schifano,a cercare risse e fare i duri contro ragazzetti indifesi a malapena maggiorenni o nemmeno....ho visto paesani tuoi picchiare un 6 contro 1 un ragazzino di 17 anni,a cui hanno dovuto ricostruire la faccia,solo perché ballava vicino a loro!!...stessa cosa toccò ad un mio amico erano albanesi,intervenni e ruppero il naso anche a me....ma almeno un paio ne tirai giù....erano gli anni 90...tu eri ancora con il biberon in mano come minimo...ma che ne vuoi sapere??...Ripeto 1 Contro 1 non c'è storia!!
tuo padre io analfabeta??ahah Diplomato al Liceo Scientifico,Laurea Triennale in Psicologia e imprenditore a 32 anni....e io sarei l'analfabeta???Non hai messo una virgola,non si capisce una sega di ciò che scrivi e hai scritto 5 righe,piene di errori grammaticali!!!!Le elementari le hai finite,o eri a chiedere il pizzo con tuoi simili???Mi sembra ma a me, di sparare sulla croce rossa!!Combattete contro la camorra e la mafia???ahah aspetta che mi fo una risata...chi??quelli del Sud sani di mente forse......poi ci sono quelli che ne vanno pure fieri, che vi conoscono nel mondo solo per quello!!!Parli di Firenze nel mondo che ti dicono??e di Napoli e la Sicilia???Poi sul Pd non mi esprimo nemmeno,al Sud votate Berlusconi,Salvini e Pd....i comuni e i Sindaci del Pd indagati come De Luca sono tutti di Bolzano vero??ma smettila che fai più bella figura!!
This is brilliant, in England during the medieval times football used to be similar to this. Sometimes in the streets with the 2 goals being miles apart and the only rule being that you couldn’t kill your opponent.
@@danilodemaddis7317 Dovresti studiare la storia, questo era il gioco in epoca romana, giocato dai soldati e gladiatori romani, nel tempo e rimasto solo a Firenze, fondata dai romani del antico impero.
It's great to see fortitude in modern descendants of the city with numerous of eminent citizens such as Davinchi, Mikelandgelo alongside Nikolo Makiaveli, whom I read in Kyrgyzstan in 2021. I'm sorry for the spelling of their names. Florentians left an immortal legacy for the entire world.
I'm sitting in a hotel room in Florence watching this. After spending time in Florence, with it's beauty and history, I can understand why Florentines feel so passionate about this. I've never been anywhere that instills such a feeling of being a part of history.
Questo gioco se così si può definire nn e mai stato giocato dai romani e nato a Firenze nel medioevo durante un assedio mentre la città era allo stremo x la fame fu deciso di organizzare qualcosa x dimostrate al nemico che Firenze era ancora in forza il premio era un vitello quindi carne e x conquistare il premio se le dettero di santa ragione 😁
@@marcomugnai6380 A quanto ne so - ma non ho consultato tutte le fonti storiche, quindi potrei essere mal informato - il gioco si è sviluppato a Firenze, ma deriverebbe dall'arpasto dei romani. Quindi, direi che è tecnicamente vero che i romani non giocarono mai al calcio storico fiorentino, ma è altrettanto vero che contribuirono alla sua nascita.
Amazing. Well done ACF Fiorentina for releasing club kits in the 4 colours in honour of the tradition, you can see what it means to the men, these are priceless items for them
Que orgullo deben sentir los Italianos de ese deporte, me hace sentir orgulloso de sin ser Italiano, ser descendiente del Imperio Romano, como Hispano.
Every so often, Copa 90 will put out a video that truly and extraordinarily appeals to everything great about the sport that they cover: the passion, skill, and dedication of the fans. This is one of those videos. Very well done, Copa 90!
this is not a sport but a historical reconstruction: this is not done for tourists but to keep alive the history and tradition of the city of Florence .. no one gets paid for this: it is done for the honor of one's neighborhood! I understand that these concepts are difficult for an American to understand but they can be summarized in one word: This is culture!
Ma quali pazzi é un gioco bellissimo c'e una foga incredibile, la violenza immotivata é un altra cosa, vi invidio tantissimo é uno spettacolo bravi e coraggiosi uomini liberi di sfidare se stessi uniti da una fratellanza solo da dentro si capisce l'anima e la profondità
The thing I appreciate the most about this sport is that the calcianti aren’t paid. They play this violent “sport” only to keep alive an historical tradition like this one, and to be unique ( rightly or wrongly). This is sense of belonging and love for origins. We all feel brothers...proud to be Florentine
@Roland Parr I went on an trip to Naples in Italy. Had the best looking women, in the highest population concentration I've ever seen in any of the countries I've been to. Good looking women everywhere to be seen.
Manifestazione storico culturale unica da ammirare e comprendere per il significato che unisce divide e ricongiunge il mondo. .grazie per la vostra testimonianza
I was there, not to the final match, but the match before it between the Whites and the Blues. It was something special and completely unique for Firenze. I highly recommend a visit to the city, and do it around the 24th of June for a chance to see a Calcio Storico-match and the San Giovanni fireworks. Firenze is great, Calcio Storico is brutal and great, and it's well worth a visit.
@@Ezekiel903 right! lol never thought of it that way and I'm from Firenze, dei ROSSI!!!! (of the reds, the color i belong to, even if I don't personally play)
American football: I'm the toughest sport in the world Rugby: I am the meanest sport in the world MMA: I am the most challenging sport in the world Calcio Storico: I am art
as an Italian and florentine it always bothered me that especially in the Anglo-Saxon world the Italian are always seen as " cowards" because we didn't fight well in ww2. All those jokes about Italian soldiers , or Italian tanks that have one Forward gear and 5 backwards gears etc etc Italians aren't coward at all, if we believe in something. These guys love and believe what they are doing, and they can give lessons of courage to anybody in the world, and they have a heart of a lion. Before judging others countries people, maybe one should do more homework. Proud to be Italian and florentine!
Italians fought well when equipped in WW2, check what Rommel said, XMAS and Guillet, El Alamein... They were scarcely equipped and leaded by donkeys but not cowards, fought till the last men many times, last nation to retreat from Russia... Let people speak, the real ones knows.
@@marvinsilverman4394 it's the Arditi flag, the first shock troop that has ever existed and fought in ww1 for the pride of Italy bare hands using mostly knifes their motto was "either we win or we all die". Educate yourself kiddo...
Ace Gibson The origin of the game is in fact HARPASTUM, a sort of sport the Roman Legions used to practice to stay in shape, first described in writings from 49 AD. To consider the brutal environment of the Roman Legions put in the picture the fact that, in case of defeat or poor performance in battle the cohorts were inflicted as punishment DECIMATIO... one out of ten soldiers picked randomly were condemned to death and the sentences were executed by their own fellow troopers by beating them to death with sticks....
Esta mejor que el futbol de ahora el futbol de ahora le bajaron la pasion mucho manoseo de fifa mucha mercadotencia mafia y sobretodo cualquiera patea una pelota hasta una abuela en silla de ruedas patea un balon
American football: I'm the toughest sport in the world
Rugby: hold my beer
MMA: hold my beer and my mouth guard
Calcio Storico: hold my testament
ITALIAN do it better
American football is really hard for the head shocks for example , a lot of damages .
@ Offensive Tackles and Guards average 300 to 320 pounds. Centers about 290 to 310. Defensive Tackles average 290 to 315 or so. Defensive ends in a 4-3 average 260-280 pounds. They'd run over other guys.
Neymar's nightmare
3piece And Soda lol
@Christof Chrstoferson not saying that you are wrong, but the title and the people call it a sport like football, but yes, it is more like a handball than a football match
I'm from Brazil and can endorse that. Blessed.
This is not a sport, this is a piece of history. Respect to everyone who keep this alive.
We evolve, those are beasts.
@@tiziano316 no are reenactors who keep alive an ancient sport just like the ancient Romans reenactors who play the Roman football a very similar game to the Florentine football.
@@tiziano316 sei proprio un ignorante, solo perché si picchiano sono bestie? Questo é uno sport importantissimo qui a firenze:é storia é una festa della città ed é una delle cose che più ci rappresenta, poi nessuno viene obbligaso, chi scende sull'area lo fa conoscendo i rischi nessuno viene obbligato il calcio fiorentino se non ti piace, non lo guardare ce lo godiamo tranquillamente senza di te
@@tommasocianci4118 "solo" perché si picchiano? Se ci siamo evoluti attraverso i secoli e i millenni è proprio a capire che la violenza non serve. Quindi rimanere aggrappati a queste stupide tradizioni secondo me è grottesco, un pò come in Spagna con la corrida che è assolutamente da abolire
@@tiziano316 prima di tutto ci siamo evoluti anche grazie alla violenza, secondo non credo sia da paragonate la corrida al calcio in costume in una c'è gli animali nel l'altra solo persone coscenti di cosa fanno, semmai la puoi paragonare al palio ma anche su quello e meglio se taci visto la tua ignoranza, comunque non è violenza gratuita questa, sono tutti combattenti scendono in campo per il quartiere ma anche per loro stessi perché tutti gli sport di contatto prima di sconfiggere il tuo avversario devi sconfiggere le tue paure, non c'è odio in questa "violenza" che tu tanto accusi forse ce ne più nelle tue parole.... Il vero violento sei tu forse?
Absolutely fascinating, some of these guys look like some of the Roman statues I've seen, makes sense since they're Italians!
BTW the Romans had a very similar game, a kind of primitive football, played mostly in the legions, and when there was a match between the recruits and the instructors, the firsts could avenge many abuses since punches, kicks, etc was all normal in that game like in the Florentine football.
they are Roman statues in flesh-lol
@@oskareriksson2202 calcio storico is that game, evolved in Renaissance
@@oskareriksson2202 That's exactly where this came from.
no it doesn't make very sense, Italians from the north Italy looks very different ^^
A prescindere da quale squadra italiana si tifi!! Da tifoso del Napoli sono orgoglioso che in Italia ci sia ancora gente che con le "palle" che tiene su la propria tradizione che è unica al mondo!! Penso che siete l orgoglio Dell Italia.. Grandi!!
Diego Costa would love this
he can only sucker punch people and dive once they respond. Vinnie Jones and Cantona would love it for sure
And pepe
Fernando and luis luarez
Suarez would eat them for breakfast.... literally
absolutely no football player would be able to fight any of them. they are crazy, strong, merciless and crazy!!
I was at the final of the 2015 edition of the calcio storico. Probably one of the best experiences I have ever had
@Paul Middleton that was your moms!
3:35 no one is gonna talk about them skills?! Ok
Drg Sh i
Drg Sh ikr
They are called Sbandieratori Fiorentini.
this what i heard, they are worker like lawyer, farmer and etc. but the 1 thing is that reduce crime rate (more like stressful life)
surely you mean at 1:04
So happy to live 4 years in Italy, miss you my second hometown
Why don't you come back
@@OllyHutton graduated
Do you got any scholarship
@@brianbig7047 we wait for you son!
@@lovemycountrylovemycountry8889 ofc
I wish we did this in England. It looks like a true honour to be able to compete. Respect from Derby County FC 🏴
Go to watch it personally. And I guarantee you'll have the best holidays and expierience of your live.
You do this. You just call it football
ah, Italians and their tradition, they take care of it, i love this. In Germany it would be forbidden, because it is too violent, after WW2 we can barely to something, even if it has nothing to do with WW2🙄😒
@@Ezekiel903 MMA is legal over there? I heard in some country like Norway or so is not
@@gamedogfan MMA is pretty popular in Scandinavia
So basically it's soccer, rugby and MMA all mixed together
Patrick O' Brien "football"
Ibrahim khayam same thing
Taha Hagar well theres a goal to put it in so its like soccer in that way
Taha Hagar dude chill
SamWow123 football
Fiero di essere fiorentino
E fiero di diventare un futuro calciante.
Proud to be a florentino
And proud to be a future player.
Grazie che tieni in vita questa bellissima tradizione.
Hai le palle fratello,in bocca al lupo 👏🏻🤞
Spero nei bianchi 💪💪💪
Soy del norte de México, es un arte y belleza ese deporte. Deberían de ver juegos a nivel internacional de este Calcio Storico, sería una forma más interesante que el fútbol.
Magnificent! Tradition, strength, honor, combate and spirit!
What a beautiful tradition! Not only a sport, much more! Keep it up, Florence, we love you!
Proud of being italian!
Queste sono cose che solo un italiano può capire
Da siciliano dico forza Firenze città e popolo fantastico
Che solo un italiano può capire..ma che cazzo dici?
ma ti svegli?
Da Fiorentino ti saluto fratello ho un sacco di amici siciliani!!
Hai pienamente ragione non ascoltare sti bischeri
Fncbm perché qua in sicilia la vita è così, no il gioco, povero demente per questo
Italia unita da nord a sud
Calcio Storico (Historical Football) has more than 500y of history and these guys in Florence repeat this tradition every here, with great passion e respect for their history. And consider that it's really all about passion, they train and they fight for no money in return
i would love to have something like this in my country up firenze up italia and la espagna 🇮🇹🇪🇸👊 warrior respect
tienes toros :D
I go there every year just to see this tournament.Tuscany is spectacular in history and culture nevermind the beautiful cities and countryside,i went to the Palio in Siena too,i love Tuscany i really do.
Do you prefer the Palio or Calcio Storico? I mean as atmosphere, tradition and locals people's love.
Upon seeing it played in 1574, King Henry III of France declared it was “too small to be a war and too cruel to be a game.”
Nowadays it's too soft to be a cruel game, call it hunger games if you will
@FreeWont Nowadays, do you have anything even close to it? I can hardly imagine, but I'm ready to be contradicted.
Rugby, Bare Knukle Boxing and all fighting sports too, even if some say “you don’t play boxing” … all are games since there are rules in. Easy to contradict you sir, too easy.
@@augustodanielgallo5333 Boh, Augusto bello, se lo dici te, allora a posto...
What oration
Copa90 raising the bar. Amazing video.
Masal Strahinja true
How? This is a paid commercial by le coq sportif and Fiorentina. If this would be a documentary there would be bigger focus on the game itself and less on the kits. Don't take this the wrong way, I still think that the story behind the four kits and this video is fantastic, but all that I am trying to say is that its basically a one long really well made ad.
Stevie G that's how the world works. Real them in with the eye candy, then your true fans will seek out the true history.
Masal Strahinja agreed brilliant and inspiring.
I wish this would take off outside of Florence too. It’d never be as passionate without the history they have over there, but I bet it’d still be some buzz playing it!
Makes me love this part of Italy even more than I already did. Much love from Scotland 🏴
Sporting C. Portugal ama-vos!!
As an American and native Hawaiian that was raised in the south! I have got to go pay my respects to these guys one day and witness a game in real life!!! Keep the Game alive brothers!!💯
Yo i would love to see Polynesians play this game too, would be glorious
@@digge2210 Mannn most definitely I would love to watch some Polys play in this game! It would be cool of all the Pacific Islanders played against each others islands like Tonga,Samoa,Hawaii,etc etc and like once a year battle they battle one another. For example- It could be Hawaii vs Tonga then whoever wins goes against Samoa!!! Whoever wins all rounds takes the Respect and Trophy or whatever the prize!!! 💯💪🏾
@@Suth3rnHawaiian I hope to see a match some day, who knows, maybe Italy-Hawaii 👊👊 respect bro
They will. Culture will never die. Great roots as an Hawaiian. Its in blood. Good time
These is profoundly Italian in more ways than might be apparent. The drama, the not so playful play, the colours/districts/family against family, the “brotherhood” and the “let’s drink all together after” happy ending.
Do not mess with fiorentina fans... noted
lol - INDEED!!!
tuo padre ps poi che per offendere ti dica al Sud vi considerano.....🙈.....cioè cazzo ma te le cerchi pure?Se ti dico come vi considerano a voi da Roma in su???gnamo fai i serio brodo costi....come puoi vedere dalla mia immagine del profilo nn so razzista,ma quando trovo un meridionale che è fiero di esserlo per le cose sbagliate,quelle illegali o per essere forti in gruppo solo perché, la camorra e i Carabinieri son tutti delle vostre parti,che cazzo ti devo dire?!?Cresci bambina.....un vero uomo si vede dalla cosa opposta,un vero uomo non picchia la donne,aiuta i più deboli e sa mantenere la calma,non picchia chi non può difendersi...l'opposto che fate voi....attaccate solo se siete in maggioranza e se non sono pugili o gente che mena!!!poi ci sono Napoletani e Albanesi che vanno pure nella discoteche di Provincia a gruppate intere,siccome le fighe vi schifano,a cercare risse e fare i duri contro ragazzetti indifesi a malapena maggiorenni o nemmeno....ho visto paesani tuoi picchiare un 6 contro 1 un ragazzino di 17 anni,a cui hanno dovuto ricostruire la faccia,solo perché ballava vicino a loro!!...stessa cosa toccò ad un mio amico erano albanesi,intervenni e ruppero il naso anche a me....ma almeno un paio ne tirai giù....erano gli anni 90...tu eri ancora con il biberon in mano come minimo...ma che ne vuoi sapere??...Ripeto 1 Contro 1 non c'è storia!!
tuo padre tu vivi in Africa e non hai nemmeno l'età per noleggiare un porno....cresci bambina cresci....
tuo padre io analfabeta??ahah Diplomato al Liceo Scientifico,Laurea Triennale in Psicologia e imprenditore a 32 anni....e io sarei l'analfabeta???Non hai messo una virgola,non si capisce una sega di ciò che scrivi e hai scritto 5 righe,piene di errori grammaticali!!!!Le elementari le hai finite,o eri a chiedere il pizzo con tuoi simili???Mi sembra ma a me, di sparare sulla croce rossa!!Combattete contro la camorra e la mafia???ahah aspetta che mi fo una risata...chi??quelli del Sud sani di mente forse......poi ci sono quelli che ne vanno pure fieri, che vi conoscono nel mondo solo per quello!!!Parli di Firenze nel mondo che ti dicono??e di Napoli e la Sicilia???Poi sul Pd non mi esprimo nemmeno,al Sud votate Berlusconi,Salvini e Pd....i comuni e i Sindaci del Pd indagati come De Luca sono tutti di Bolzano vero??ma smettila che fai più bella figura!!
Boia tuo padre ma come stai?
Ti ci vorrei vedere in piazza nell’arena..
Honor y respeto
para todos los fiorentinos
desde Argentina....!!!
This is brilliant, in England during the medieval times football used to be similar to this. Sometimes in the streets with the 2 goals being miles apart and the only rule being that you couldn’t kill your opponent.
Respect for italia gained +35xp
Thanks bro 👍
Only 35, dude?
Thank you
Ma che cazzo c'entra con Roma che è calcio fiorentino???
@@danilodemaddis7317 Dovresti studiare la storia, questo era il gioco in epoca romana, giocato dai soldati e gladiatori romani, nel tempo e rimasto solo a Firenze, fondata dai romani del antico impero.
Ho tre lauree..si chiama calcio fiorentino..vai a vendere il pesce
@@danilodemaddis7317 Secondo me hai 13 anni, e non 3 laure, il pesce non e male, ma amo le bistecche alla fiorentina.
Gladiator DNA.
Legionarium DNA
So not Italian
@@0002EcM sorry?
@@alelarocca9921 Weren't most gladiators and later legionarii from other countries? Gaul, Hispania, Dacia, Germania, etc?
@@0002EcM a man who knows :)
looking at these men's faces it feels like I am looking back 2000 years at a Rome that once was
It think it is incredible how much they love Fiorentina! Great video!
obviously you never been there, first its the cradle of the reinassance , its a beautiful city.
Soccer player: *Trips and proceeds to fake cry*
Calico Storico Player: *Trips and dies*
Italy is Italy !!!!
i'm proud to be italian.
Queste tradiziono sono fantastiche.
Grandi, Firenze è stupenda.
I can literally hear your hands move around while I read that
After watching that ill shut up if i was you
Its not about Italy its about Florence...
Italy always was and still is country of pussies
my virility has taken a hit watching this video.
Hahahahahaha mine too xD
Loving the Italian. Keep up the interesting and flawless content!
It's great to see fortitude in modern descendants of the city with numerous of eminent citizens such as Davinchi, Mikelandgelo alongside Nikolo Makiaveli, whom I read in Kyrgyzstan in 2021. I'm sorry for the spelling of their names. Florentians left an immortal legacy for the entire world.
I have a house next to the square they play. You cant understand how important tradition in our culture is. Proud to be “fiorentino”. Forza Viola 💜💪
This is the 2000 years ago football, a piece of history.
RIP davide Astori
this video is flawless
Hairy Beast nice teeth
I'm sitting in a hotel room in Florence watching this. After spending time in Florence, with it's beauty and history, I can understand why Florentines feel so passionate about this. I've never been anywhere that instills such a feeling of being a part of history.
This is why I love Italy so much!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Soo much passion for Florence my favorite part of Italy i can see why they love it and hold the culture down!!!
Holy crap, the Roman legionairs used to play this when they got bored in their camps, imagine what they did during battle.
Conquering a continent.
Add weapons and allow chopping off arms and stabbing
Questo gioco se così si può definire nn e mai stato giocato dai romani e nato a Firenze nel medioevo durante un assedio mentre la città era allo stremo x la fame fu deciso di organizzare qualcosa x dimostrate al nemico che Firenze era ancora in forza il premio era un vitello quindi carne e x conquistare il premio se le dettero di santa ragione 😁
@@marcomugnai6380 A quanto ne so - ma non ho consultato tutte le fonti storiche, quindi potrei essere mal informato - il gioco si è sviluppato a Firenze, ma deriverebbe dall'arpasto dei romani. Quindi, direi che è tecnicamente vero che i romani non giocarono mai al calcio storico fiorentino, ma è altrettanto vero che contribuirono alla sua nascita.
Amazing. Well done ACF Fiorentina for releasing club kits in the 4 colours in honour of the tradition, you can see what it means to the men, these are priceless items for them
Mr Locorio I wht that football shirt fiorentnia
Que orgullo deben sentir los Italianos de ese deporte, me hace sentir orgulloso de sin ser Italiano, ser descendiente del Imperio Romano, como Hispano.
Every so often, Copa 90 will put out a video that truly and extraordinarily appeals to everything great about the sport that they cover: the passion, skill, and dedication of the fans. This is one of those videos. Very well done, Copa 90!
Honour!! These are the True Italians! People with Balls!
This is on my bucket list, I want to see a live game!
It's a florentine tradition, they only play in florence, in Tuscany. A great place
this is not a sport but a historical reconstruction: this is not done for tourists but to keep alive the history and tradition of the city of Florence .. no one gets paid for this: it is done for the honor of one's neighborhood! I understand that these concepts are difficult for an American to understand but they can be summarized in one word: This is culture!
damn they don't get paid 😳
How presumptuous.
Ma quali pazzi é un gioco bellissimo c'e una foga incredibile, la violenza immotivata é un altra cosa, vi invidio tantissimo é uno spettacolo bravi e coraggiosi uomini liberi di sfidare se stessi uniti da una fratellanza solo da dentro si capisce l'anima e la profondità
The montage of this video is OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD. Great job guys ! Love the chanel..
Grande Fiorentina. Giving recognition to their city. If I can, I'll buy all 4 variations of the away Jersey. grande gesto.
The thing I appreciate the most about this sport is that the calcianti aren’t paid. They play this violent “sport” only to keep alive an historical tradition like this one, and to be unique ( rightly or wrongly). This is sense of belonging and love for origins. We all feel brothers...proud to be Florentine
A lot of them are criminals and don't have many opportunities in society to express their aggression.
@@cognito8325 that’s not true
@@eliashoed1938 That is true
@@cognito8325 not true
@@ld_kronoss It is tho
This tradition is beautiful
Italians are the most beautiful people in the world
no nationality is
@Roland Parr I went on an trip to Naples in Italy. Had the best looking women, in the highest population concentration I've ever seen in any of the countries I've been to. Good looking women everywhere to be seen.
Torlini Decor racist.
Italy has the highest debt in Europe! Yeah but we are the most beautiful people! Talking about priorities 😂
@@Piairom hahaha okay, right. Silly arrogance.
Brilliant video guys, thanks for covering this
Manifestazione storico culturale unica da ammirare e comprendere per il significato che unisce divide e ricongiunge il mondo. .grazie per la vostra testimonianza
If beauty, natural, rawness can be described it would be this video! Forza copa90!!
I'm so proud of my country! Florence is the most beautiful city in the world!
sarebbe perfetto con uno scudetto , ma ci arriveremo
So epic!! Just learned about Calcio Storico. Love the video.
Proud to be italian
proud to be fiorentino
No subtitle was needed
IlPelatoDiBrazzerz e perché cazzo parlate inglese
Bel nome
Forza Milan!?
I was there, not to the final match, but the match before it between the Whites and the Blues. It was something special and completely unique for Firenze. I highly recommend a visit to the city, and do it around the 24th of June for a chance to see a Calcio Storico-match and the San Giovanni fireworks. Firenze is great, Calcio Storico is brutal and great, and it's well worth a visit.
Great production on this. Really helped tell the stories of these men. Bravo!
Just a beautiful tradition. I'm jealous. I'd like to witness it one day once all this settles down.
that's why they have med4all, i don't want to imagine what would happen if it were taken away from them
@@Ezekiel903 right! lol never thought of it that way and I'm from Firenze, dei ROSSI!!!! (of the reds, the color i belong to, even if I don't personally play)
i visited Florence about a week later and it had a similar, old traditioned horse race which also made the city feel more alive than ever
@HerrNilssonTheMonkey Palio does not take place in Florence,but in Siena.
You probably mean the palio. But it's placed in Siena, not in Florence. I live in Siena.
This is how wars should be settled between world powers. Great video!
American football: I'm the toughest sport in the world
Rugby: I am the meanest sport in the world
MMA: I am the most challenging sport in the world
Calcio Storico: I am art
I love how there's so much tactics and strategy involved in punchball.
Roman legionaries blood is in italian people DNA. Warrior culture
as an Italian and florentine it always bothered me that especially in the Anglo-Saxon world the Italian are always seen as " cowards" because we didn't fight well in ww2. All those jokes about Italian soldiers , or Italian tanks that have one Forward gear and 5 backwards gears etc etc
Italians aren't coward at all, if we believe in something. These guys love and believe what they are doing, and they can give lessons of courage to anybody in the world, and they have a heart of a lion. Before judging others countries people, maybe one should do more homework. Proud to be Italian and florentine!
Italians fought well when equipped in WW2, check what Rommel said, XMAS and Guillet, El Alamein... They were scarcely equipped and leaded by donkeys but not cowards, fought till the last men many times, last nation to retreat from Russia... Let people speak, the real ones knows.
Fantástico mis respetos 🇦🇷💪🇮🇹
That's also your culture
@@bvro9633 you have a skull with a knife
@@marvinsilverman4394 it's the Arditi flag, the first shock troop that has ever existed and fought in ww1 for the pride of Italy bare hands using mostly knifes their motto was "either we win or we all die".
Educate yourself kiddo...
@@bvro9633 lmao no
Thats seriously commitment and beautiful at its finest as a true Italian fan of Palermo fc (Sicilian) this is beautiful!!!
Bellissimo Sport, va alle radici della natura umana. Grazie ai ragazzi che ne portano avanti la tradizione.
Crazy guys.
Best sport ever !!!!!!!
This sport is absolutely fantastic
This looks fun!
Hell yeah it does!! Sup, Streetbeefs fam?
What a beautiful tradition.
We play this at school at lunch times starts off as a game of football minutes later turns into this😂😂
U guys don't have enough technique so you have to use violence... Haha
If neymar was in there he would be thrown out of the arena single handedly 😂
D Legit
Nah, he could flop and play dead. Solid tactic
so would you you pussy
They use neymar like a welcome mat
This is not game for football primadonas
The rule is that you can't leave the arena on your legs (unless you're expelled for a fault), so yeah, it would be funny to watch 😂
We need this game in every Stadium in the World!
I imagine this is a taste of what the gladiators were like.
Ace Gibson
The origin of the game is in fact HARPASTUM, a sort of sport the Roman Legions used to practice to stay in shape, first described in writings from 49 AD.
To consider the brutal environment of the Roman Legions put in the picture the fact that, in case of defeat or poor performance in battle the cohorts were inflicted as punishment DECIMATIO... one out of ten soldiers picked randomly were condemned to death and the sentences were executed by their own fellow troopers by beating them to death with sticks....
@@ClaudeMagicbox Decimatio was extremely rare and was implemented as a punishment for cowardness and not for losing a battle.
A taste of people full of roids and shit.
Io sono di Firenze e sono davvero onorato per questo video sul il calcio storico che fa parte della nostra tradizione 🔝👌🇮🇹
I really enjoyed this, how much they love their city!
Just great! Respect from Hamburger SV!
American footballer: I'm badass
Florentine footballer: Hold my beer
Hold my wine, apologise for the correction but had to be done
now i know why this people have med4all, I don't want to imagine what would happen if it were taken away from them
My respect. Greetings from Mexico
I would genuinely love to travel to Florence during the Feast of San Giovanni and watch a game of Calico Storico.
Calcio storico fiorentino...👍
New country New life New Dreams New nationality respect is everything of me ❤
This is more respectful than football
Samson Adedokun don't mean to be rude but how?
@@jonassemerdjian9528 no show boat dancing
@ggg alpastrum from roman legio
Loving the mini-documentaries coming from Copa90. They've always been top draw
"un poco más violento que lo que vemos en el futbol normal"
pero sólo un poquito, eh? xDDDD
El deporte siempre estará ligado a la violencia
Solo un poquito el ganador se va a su casa en ambulancia, el perdedor se va a su casa en un ataud!
Que hueva
Esta mejor que el futbol de ahora el futbol de ahora le bajaron la pasion mucho manoseo de fifa mucha mercadotencia mafia y sobretodo cualquiera patea una pelota hasta una abuela en silla de ruedas patea un balon
Nel passato potevano essere usati i pugnali sotto le natiche...
Italy, a country full of history. Magic !
Semoga olahraga ini dapat disaksikan di seluruh dunia, salam dari indonesia 🇮🇩❤️🇮🇹 respect 🫡