I feel like 90% of my lost games are due to someone flaming early, and everyone arguing for the rest of the match instead of focusing on the game itself.
So true, some people take just 1ks so serious that they go AFK or be super toxic.Today only i took tahm kench's 1 kill and he just W me into enemy turret(Thw whole game he did it) . Feelsbad
This is putting me on some next level tilt, I had a game yesterday where every lane of ours won except mid (I was top Mundo). So we were trying to snowball the game, and usually that requires opening mid up. I ganked mid and we killed him, our Anivia got the kill and then I started shoving in the lane and she was question marking me because I was "taking her cs". I destroyed the T 1 tower and started teleporting top because enemy laner was trying to push and that son of a bitch Anivia cancelled my TP with her ice wall. I swear to god I would've killed someone if anyone was with me. People are so stupid and selfish, they don't realized that sometimes you need to allow yourself to get carried, you can't be the key player in every single game. They have such a huge ego that they can't realize how bad they are, it just makes me so angry.
Mark Contini I'm okay at talking that down but there's only so much talking down you could do until it starts affecting your own play. And some of these fools are set on losing just to prove a point. At that point I just shut up but I don't feel confident to hard carry on my own so fuck me right
JC112 lol after the first time a Tham trolled Me by eating and spitting me and to shity situations over and over and could always catch up to me no matter if I bought the fastest boots I'm always a little stressed out when he's my support
+SneakyBadness Along the lines of "proving a point", my favorite are the people who actively work to make sure your team loses because they said "we've already lost", and need to make sure they're right in the end.
How to solo carry Step 1: pick Sion Step 2: go arcane comet Step 3: doran ring and lane stomping Step 4: play to your comp, zzrot triforce for splitpush or generic tank Step 5: Ult bot every single time until bot can carry or splitpush their whole base away Step 6: get 4 honors Step 7: get cha len jour
One most common mistake that I encounter is all players wants to carry... No one wants to adjust to be a support role... They always underestimate the support role, they don't know the importance of this role for me it is the backbone of the team without it the team most likely will fail
Lizard Master but I think in order to be a good player you have to learn to adjust in situations. I'm a support main and I admit that at first I don't like to play this role but when I was playing carry before I learn that without a support it is harder to win a game... And I started to learn the importance of support role becausr there are very few players who really are good playing support
Bumble Bee thats kind of true but if youre a bronze support player you will never get better. How are you supposed to get diamond or master, challenger in order to learn more things? You cant carry the game playing suppory
σταματης βραγκας I agree that's why I said you have to learn to adjust in situations and fill what is need... Support can't carry the game but they can do really big impacts in a teamfight.. Support has one of the very complicated role in the game with maintaining the vision all around the map and helping other lanes as well as making very wise decision using items in clash such as redemp, solari, etc to have an advantage, and the most important is making sure your carry is well protected.. See how complicated this role is and very few people who appreciate them. They can also turn around the situations in clash with their perfect execution of skills and items..
I think you’re a little bit right but also not really. The biggest problem in the area of adjusting, especially in low elo, is the fact that people don’t want to do anything other than one champion in one role, the problem with being a one trick pony is champions get banned and auto fill. The amount of game’s I’ve lost because someone got jungle instead of mid, then does anything they can to lose. But if people were more open to actually taking a support role they’d have a better time in solo queue
The biggest problem is that in low elo, people don't care about most of these mistakes and keep doing them despite you telling them how to improve or to avoid them.
I think that a good way to improve the quality of your videos is that, as an example, when you're saying 'make sure you clear the wave' you shouldn't be showing footage of you getting kills in team fights. You should be showing footage of you clearing a wave then grouping up for a fight, and because you cleared the wave you don't have to worry about losing the tower while you fight. Currently, there's no reason for me to look at the video at all, as everything you say has nothing to do with the footage.
The amount of times I see people not using their wards when they have 2 stacks is annoying. When you have one it's nice to bush check with it, but saving all of your wards when there is a river only having a max of 4 wards, (Counting control from the support) when there is 5 or more paths just to move through river let alone objectives? Having zombie wards along with placing wards when you have a change if you happen to be in a good spot really helps out your team. Also more wards means more tp points for your team members running tp which is stupidly useful when your lanes are pressed in.
Mistakes I see most: 1. Trying to "make a play" when you're clearly in no position to do so; or when your team isn't close enough to follow-up, or isn't the right composition to follow-up. And especially at the cost of an objective (eg, if you push-in, and the enemy is recalling, let them go and take the turret). 2. Massive overextending and horrific positioning. Just no awareness of minions, turrets, vision blind spots, enemy ability mechanics (eg, don't stand behind your minions when laning against a MF; but do stand behind them for blitz/lux/morg). 3. Not using wards. A vision score under 8 isn't pulling your own weight, and you should be aiming for 20+. Others, like wave management, split pushing, and communication are important, but less so in solo queue.
10:58 question; three turrets for a death of 1-2 champs. isn't that a good trade? less enemy towers means more roaming possibilities right? sometimes I choose to kamikaze myself (if my team is alive) if it means getting a turret or inhibitor. can someone explain why this is/isn't a good decision?
I recently lose a ranked game just because a Yasuo main on my team always chased after kills then get ambushed by the enemy followed by flaming other teammates "why you guys dont help me?","You guys are idiots!"
7:11 true af but it hurt so much when someone write smth like this... especially since you have score vision in-game and you see like you have about 60 and other have about 15...
I'll add one thing, it situationnal, but it definitively happened multiple time and it stress me out each time this. "Don't only push" I don't mean like flamming the top who only push top. I'm talkig about the whole team just pushing lanes, ennemy team clear waves and the game goes nowhere. If you're behind, have a better late comp or a good comp for siege, go for it, else you're just wasting the advantage you have until ennemy team catch up. And even if both team are equals end game, this is huge gambling, because the longer the game is, the more impactfull is an ace or almost ace. - You aced them ,gg they'll respawn in 70 sec and you'll take nexus or nexus turrets - They aced you , youll respawn in 70 sec, nexus will be down But if there is no drake and no baron, what to do? beside pushing? well , i'll said : DO NOT PUSH AT ALL, let ennemies getting away from their tower and then catch them from behind or in the jungle. Or start coming top and go back mid so you can make a dent in the turret But please for the love of god , don't just push and wait for the next wave .
While playing half a year of LoL, I wasn’t thinking about som much on vision or objectives. Instead I was thinking about “KILL! KILL! KILL THEM ALL!” and straight up 1v1 against champs with a strong early game, which resulted me getting killed myself and feeding the other, so that he/she get really ahead. But I learned a bit to play patiently and try to react to the enemies movement via vision, so that I can take objectives easily and win the game.
Jeremy Nice Video TBH(shout out to ETHUG as well) it was super helpful, although I did notice some of the mistakes u mention during my ranked game which was nice and now I know even more which is awesome!!!. But I wish I can show this video to the temates that I get automatically so they could have same feeling as me and we all could have a better game and wins for climbing.
Speaking of that kill over objective mistake. I had this game where i played trynda where i farmed abt 500 cs pushed pushed 5 turrets. Teammates flamed me early game for not participating at teamfights for they always lost to a better teamcomp. Loool they thanked me at the end of the game :D i think they learned a lesson from me. That kills alone wont win the game.
Mistake number 11: honoring your duo/party because it doesn't do anything and honoring a random even when they are 0/7/0 at the end of the game is better
rrett44556 it does count but it does so little so it feels like it does nothing but.... what if you honor your premade and 2 more guys do too? He gets bonus honor points because of you
σταματης βραγκας that is actually untrue, the only boost a duo/party gets from honouring one another is the little boost that the game supposedly gives when all 5 players choose to honor someone The only thing honoring a premade teammate does is award the banner and boarder flare if they are high enough honor to show one, and there is no point bonus associated with this effect This was done to prevent boosting and to further that, you can receive bonuses like additional key fragments and honor capsules by honoring randoms and receiving honors from them too. And if you don't believe me you can submit a ticket and ask a riot support agent and they will tell you the exact same thing.
rrett44556 well, Id love to agree with you but. Your premade does not get a boarder by honoring him. Also lets say two people honored your premade, what will happen if you do too? Thats right he gets a bonus from your honor THE PREMADES HONOR
I have to say something. NEVER EVER dodge a game. A lot of the times I get very very toxic teammates but I let it play it out and there is a 50/50 chance we will do great and win. You don't know the enemy team. They may be even worse. Don't lose points over what could've been a sure win.
it’s hard to climb as a support main because the rest of my team start flaming and giving up early and it’s really annoying to deal with and I lose because of them. I do have a lot of mistakes to improve on but at least I don’t flame, get mad, get tilted or give up early game ;(.
I think a lot of new players don't realize how important minions are in the game. Just played a game with a Yi that was just going around looking for kills. We almost lost because the other 3 would follow him around and get collapsed on. I started pushing minion waves and pressuring towers giving Yi chances to pick off the enemy players. Guess who got the most honor. Yi and what do I get for setting up those plays? Nothing. Idk I thought I put in work pushing out two lanes while my team dicks around in the jungle. Finally one of them realize that they should probably push out waves too. Moral of the story... minions, and if your new don't be a Yi or Yasuo main.
i am just silver and j do the mist things good, i am only bad at the recall thing and the vision thing but when i am tilted and start a new game i jst think like, new game new players, new start.
i know no one is going to read this but back in season 5 i remember i was queueing up for my last game for my provisionals and i dodged it because we had a jarvan mid against a leblanc, at the time i didn't realize that jarvan isn't a terrible pick mid lane but i had put up with so many trolls and toxic players that i thought he was just taking the piss and that's the story on how i lost my provisionals thanks for reading
My biggest problem is I’m focused on pushing out the wave before I back and sometimes you just can’t push out the wave and I need to just back and play back more because I’m behind. Also my teammates worry more about kills then objectives 🙃
Another thing to avoid is that you dont go with your team cause you think its a bad call, if 4 want to make that call you should always follow beacuse there's no point with just you surviving, so you might as well help them and try and do it
I do one mistake very frequently: when I see a Yasuo in my midlane i don't dodge the game, then he proceeds to take Arcane Comet in his runes and goes 0/13 in lane just to state how much of a smartass he is
Hi! I did watch your video and I do agree about flaming and being bad to other just make them play more bad... This is something I all the time say in my own stream. I hope you get a good day!
besides the mistakes you said , most lost games in my elo (silver elo) because the team don't really focus on "What we need" or "What we don't need" meaning u may need an ap mid laner but they still pick the zed same thing you pick the sejuane on the jungle but no one thinks that this champ may need 1 melee champ to strenthen their team fights but they end up picking 4 ranged champs but the worst of the worst that people don't want to pick these 3 types of champs ,, tanks / propper supp (when they're autofilled end up picking sth like shaco or riven) / and the worst of them all your laning oppenent picked a champ and you get the chance to counter pick but still u pick a champ that your enemy counters and then cry about how badly you're countered (commonly on the toplane) like picking the yasuo into the darius or picking the teemo into the vlad or even worse picking the draven into the nasus while your team needs a front line more than your tank
Some do ,,, but most don't they just want to play one certain champ desn't matter what's the consequences ,,, you're vs sejuane ,, you need someone that can stand for a tank ,, and he picks fkin rengar ,, and he tries to go solo vs her you know you're vs diana ,,, and you still go for the katarina who can be esaily destroyed by a moderated diana player not even main i have to respect these who understand what's it to counter pick ,, but i rarely see them in my games :) especially rankeds ,,, idc about normals because well they're meant to just hf ,,, but in ranked i want to win and i can hardly win most games while i have a 0/6 jhin on midlane who cries for being countered although he saw enemy picks zed or katarina and he didn't think about the match up
I don't play much ranked but I know people disregarding their team comb a lot both in ranked and normal, like picking a zed instead of some ap cc mage when the whole team is already ad. But picking kat when you know you're gonna lane against diana? I can hardly believe any ranked player do that.
I dont want to sound like steretypical "blaming guy", but knowing all this stuff doesn't help you to win, because everyone in your team needs to know what to do. If they don't you really cannot do anything about it.
actually i really don't tilt. because i have a mentality that will never allow for it anyway. and also cuz like when i get really angry i just stop playing cuz i know it's not gonna be worth it.
Communication as a mistake is bs because it's more common to end up with someone that doesn't notice pings then that doesn't use them. You ping that they're getting ganked or you're ganking them and then they either die or back....
I'm a KDA player and I always get mad when my KDA goes negative and I start to tilt. Do you think I would be happier if I played for the win instead of kills? (Talking about normals not ranked)
You forgot to mention the most important thing when you were talking about tilting...DISABLE ALL CHAT! After disabling all chat I notice 3000% more enjoyment and increased win rate without having to read "gg ez, izi, easy" in all chat every single game.
Yea tilting your team doesn't help much, Surprising I lost a game after I told my teammates, "You all should get up and thank your parents, because with the IQ I just saw this game they are the only reason you people made it passed 5 years old". Also unsurprisingly I was chat muted.
I've been playing a lot of yasuo for the last 3 days and I immediately noticed that no one on my team wants to gank me because I'm yasuo and the enemy team is straight up playing duo mid.
Love these Informative Videos! Specially if your living here in the Philippines.. Before the new patch, I already know how to Improve upon.. Do more contents Pls!. Really Learning this Tips are so GOOD! I Love it!
Guys i have a question so i get tilted ez i always mute everyone once game starts since im kinda tilted and i dont want to argue with people and rito sended me a warrning how i shudnot mute my team bcs of communication and shit so my question is basicly can i get banned for muting everyone ?
I was an easily tilting bronze player, and since I started using mute all, I've climbed to gold. I'd never heard of riot sending a warning for muting, though. Interesting
My problem is in our server ph there is so many toxic players,they will always blame you like when they engage in fight and dies they will be like "what the fuck your noob why did you not help idiot dont ever play league again" even when you already ping that you have no mana and a low health thats why im always tilted in every game and i want to change servers if ony if its allowed
well, fuck, i am not even good enough for a normal ranked game and i already do control minion waves and stuff.. well.. some of these mistakes i still do... yea
what i belive to be the worst misstanke People do is when they flee from one or two low health enemys but away from their teammates. i mean c'mon runt towards me! not from me! and stop asking for support if you Are just gonna run the other way anyhow.
even tho pretty much everything in this video is correct you mentioned these tips can make you win games that's where you are wrong you also said focuss on your own gameplay actually you have to do the exact opposite because if bot lane is feeding and all you care about is your own lane you wont be able to carry making you lose this is my situation every game by the way I win lane but the rest of my team somehow doesn't resulting in me being unable to carry (I'm a toplaner btw)
Um... how exactly do you define tilting? Focusing on your teammates and not yourself is exactly what you *do* want to do to fix tilt. Because tilting means I'm not doing that, at all, and have no idea what's going on around me because I'm only focused on myself.
this particular vidya, I would like to show it to everybody in this gold ranks bc of such bad macro and not thinking at all XD subbed well, you got nice stuff to watch
Its not that were worried about MMR in silver, if we dodge games we think were going to lose we will end up in bronze 5 when we sit down for a few games
Eh, I disagree, if a one-trick gets their champion, they tend to do real well, a lot of high elo players are one tricks. cx But I don't agree with the idea of one-tricking. In my eyes, a truly good player can play any champion.
you got banned for playing with an exotic rune? i've played tons and tons and tons of exotic pick for year (taric offtank jungle , nasus ap top, malzahar ad top/jungle/mid/adc, rek'sia support ap ....and so on and so on ...) and i've never been banned.
putting dodges into a video, tell that to Rito games, when the give us a penalty for dodging que and forcing us to wait forever after multiple dodges. I agree its definately needed, but with a penalty against the person trying to keep a clean lobby I'm livid with this being a solution.
I hope the players who watches this realize that champions have individual differences even though they are the same in role... Tons of idiots still think lux should use support items instead of ap items 😑 dont they know lux supports damage and utility!? Its like telling a malphite support to buy support items instead of tank ones
BRUH. DONT TELL ME.. the fucking second I try to do anything with my wave my support instantly will stop poking/ will stop Working on Vision/ will stop zoning/will stop doing anything and everything they should be doing to DESPERATELY push my fucking minions. I could be 05 against the team with a jungler who has a strong gank and if I beg and plead on my knees maybe they'll leave my creeps alone. It's easier to just forget about it since no one is doing it anyways I'll just pick it up when everyone gets their shit together and I climb
The Lack of Communication part, Me and my brother were playing with Diamonds and Plats, the chat was empty except for me who said glhf and is currently at gold 4 and can't go to Plat (I just wanted to be noticed ;_;).. Ehem, Back to the topic.. The chat was empty and my teamates only pings once for example, Enemy is missing in mid *Pings only once* I was in bot playing as Jhin and I got killed by Kat :D (Map Awareness You Dumb Idiot!) They all talked in the end game.. You know what my teamates said when we were winning? "You guys are trash" "Lol, Weaklings" and etc etc etc We won that game.. ;)
I feel like 90% of my lost games are due to someone flaming early, and everyone arguing for the rest of the match instead of focusing on the game itself.
So true, some people take just 1ks so serious that they go AFK or be super toxic.Today only i took tahm kench's 1 kill and he just W me into enemy turret(Thw whole game he did it) . Feelsbad
This is putting me on some next level tilt, I had a game yesterday where every lane of ours won except mid (I was top Mundo). So we were trying to snowball the game, and usually that requires opening mid up. I ganked mid and we killed him, our Anivia got the kill and then I started shoving in the lane and she was question marking me because I was "taking her cs". I destroyed the T 1 tower and started teleporting top because enemy laner was trying to push and that son of a bitch Anivia cancelled my TP with her ice wall. I swear to god I would've killed someone if anyone was with me. People are so stupid and selfish, they don't realized that sometimes you need to allow yourself to get carried, you can't be the key player in every single game. They have such a huge ego that they can't realize how bad they are, it just makes me so angry.
Mark Contini I'm okay at talking that down but there's only so much talking down you could do until it starts affecting your own play. And some of these fools are set on losing just to prove a point. At that point I just shut up but I don't feel confident to hard carry on my own so fuck me right
JC112 lol after the first time a Tham trolled Me by eating and spitting me and to shity situations over and over and could always catch up to me no matter if I bought the fastest boots I'm always a little stressed out when he's my support
+SneakyBadness Along the lines of "proving a point", my favorite are the people who actively work to make sure your team loses because they said "we've already lost", and need to make sure they're right in the end.
How to solo carry
Step 1: pick Sion
Step 2: go arcane comet
Step 3: doran ring and lane stomping
Step 4: play to your comp, zzrot triforce for splitpush or generic tank
Step 5: Ult bot every single time until bot can carry or splitpush their whole base away
Step 6: get 4 honors
Step 7: get cha len jour
"Lack of communication"
Me: Hey bot you got a jungler heading your way
Bot: "STFU!"
*An ally has been slain*
Me: "ok"
One most common mistake that I encounter is all players wants to carry... No one wants to adjust to be a support role... They always underestimate the support role, they don't know the importance of this role for me it is the backbone of the team without it the team most likely will fail
True af
Lizard Master but I think in order to be a good player you have to learn to adjust in situations. I'm a support main and I admit that at first I don't like to play this role but when I was playing carry before I learn that without a support it is harder to win a game... And I started to learn the importance of support role becausr there are very few players who really are good playing support
Bumble Bee thats kind of true but if youre a bronze support player you will never get better. How are you supposed to get diamond or master, challenger in order to learn more things? You cant carry the game playing suppory
σταματης βραγκας I agree that's why I said you have to learn to adjust in situations and fill what is need... Support can't carry the game but they can do really big impacts in a teamfight.. Support has one of the very complicated role in the game with maintaining the vision all around the map and helping other lanes as well as making very wise decision using items in clash such as redemp, solari, etc to have an advantage, and the most important is making sure your carry is well protected.. See how complicated this role is and very few people who appreciate them. They can also turn around the situations in clash with their perfect execution of skills and items..
I think you’re a little bit right but also not really. The biggest problem in the area of adjusting, especially in low elo, is the fact that people don’t want to do anything other than one champion in one role, the problem with being a one trick pony is champions get banned and auto fill. The amount of game’s I’ve lost because someone got jungle instead of mid, then does anything they can to lose. But if people were more open to actually taking a support role they’d have a better time in solo queue
So basically I should dodge every single queue.
The biggest problem is that in low elo, people don't care about most of these mistakes and keep doing them despite you telling them how to improve or to avoid them.
I swear, on some days that I play league it becomes feed the other team day
I think that a good way to improve the quality of your videos is that, as an example, when you're saying 'make sure you clear the wave' you shouldn't be showing footage of you getting kills in team fights. You should be showing footage of you clearing a wave then grouping up for a fight, and because you cleared the wave you don't have to worry about losing the tower while you fight. Currently, there's no reason for me to look at the video at all, as everything you say has nothing to do with the footage.
1. Installing League of Legends
The amount of times I see people not using their wards when they have 2 stacks is annoying. When you have one it's nice to bush check with it, but saving all of your wards when there is a river only having a max of 4 wards, (Counting control from the support) when there is 5 or more paths just to move through river let alone objectives? Having zombie wards along with placing wards when you have a change if you happen to be in a good spot really helps out your team.
Also more wards means more tp points for your team members running tp which is stupidly useful when your lanes are pressed in.
"League of Legends is a 5v5-Game!"
"The most important person in SoloQ is yourself!"
Im confused
Pushing Mid when you already have the inhib down instead of trying to take top or bot
First mistake I see is the corki at 0:45, he shouldve let rammus hit him and taunt, then cleanse and W. not the other way around
Amazing vid
Keep em coming
Plus seeing that MSI laptop is amazing !
By far the best one I have come across! Really did help me a ton ;) Thanks
Mistakes I see most:
1. Trying to "make a play" when you're clearly in no position to do so; or when your team isn't close enough to follow-up, or isn't the right composition to follow-up. And especially at the cost of an objective (eg, if you push-in, and the enemy is recalling, let them go and take the turret).
2. Massive overextending and horrific positioning. Just no awareness of minions, turrets, vision blind spots, enemy ability mechanics (eg, don't stand behind your minions when laning against a MF; but do stand behind them for blitz/lux/morg).
3. Not using wards. A vision score under 8 isn't pulling your own weight, and you should be aiming for 20+.
Others, like wave management, split pushing, and communication are important, but less so in solo queue.
10:58 question; three turrets for a death of 1-2 champs. isn't that a good trade? less enemy towers means more roaming possibilities right? sometimes I choose to kamikaze myself (if my team is alive) if it means getting a turret or inhibitor. can someone explain why this is/isn't a good decision?
I wish i had this video when i started playing ranked
David Vega what do you mean this video doesn’t help new ppl at all
I recently lose a ranked game just because a Yasuo main on my team always chased after kills then get ambushed by the enemy followed by flaming other teammates "why you guys dont help me?","You guys are idiots!"
Awepz u prob play really passive or he’s dumb
Masoud Shairzadeh yea
7:11 true af but it hurt so much when someone write smth like this... especially since you have score vision in-game and you see like you have about 60 and other have about 15...
I'll add one thing, it situationnal, but it definitively happened multiple time and it stress me out each time this.
"Don't only push"
I don't mean like flamming the top who only push top.
I'm talkig about the whole team just pushing lanes, ennemy team clear waves and the game goes nowhere.
If you're behind, have a better late comp or a good comp for siege, go for it, else you're just wasting the advantage you have until ennemy team catch up.
And even if both team are equals end game, this is huge gambling, because the longer the game is, the more impactfull is an ace or almost ace.
- You aced them ,gg they'll respawn in 70 sec and you'll take nexus or nexus turrets
- They aced you , youll respawn in 70 sec, nexus will be down
But if there is no drake and no baron, what to do? beside pushing?
well , i'll said : DO NOT PUSH AT ALL, let ennemies getting away from their tower and then catch them from behind or in the jungle. Or start coming top and go back mid so you can make a dent in the turret
But please for the love of god , don't just push and wait for the next wave .
While playing half a year of LoL, I wasn’t thinking about som much on vision or objectives. Instead I was thinking about “KILL! KILL! KILL THEM ALL!” and straight up 1v1 against champs with a strong early game, which resulted me getting killed myself and feeding the other, so that he/she get really ahead. But I learned a bit to play patiently and try to react to the enemies movement via vision, so that I can take objectives easily and win the game.
Jeremy Nice Video TBH(shout out to ETHUG as well) it was super helpful, although I did notice some of the mistakes u mention during my ranked game which was nice and now I know even more which is awesome!!!. But I wish I can show this video to the temates that I get automatically so they could have same feeling as me and we all could have a better game and wins for climbing.
Speaking of that kill over objective mistake. I had this game where i played trynda where i farmed abt 500 cs pushed pushed 5 turrets. Teammates flamed me early game for not participating at teamfights for they always lost to a better teamcomp. Loool they thanked me at the end of the game :D i think they learned a lesson from me. That kills alone wont win the game.
That Syndra pissed me off with her mastery 7 shit
incredibly tilting vs someone like that
And that Aurelion lol, level 4 yet still spams their mastery emote
it's even funnier when u fak them up with a level 4 champion and u spam level 4 master when enemies spam 7 XD
Mistake number 11: honoring your duo/party because it doesn't do anything and honoring a random even when they are 0/7/0 at the end of the game is better
rrett44556 it does count but it does so little so it feels like it does nothing but.... what if you honor your premade and 2 more guys do too? He gets bonus honor points because of you
σταματης βραγκας that is actually untrue, the only boost a duo/party gets from honouring one another is the little boost that the game supposedly gives when all 5 players choose to honor someone
The only thing honoring a premade teammate does is award the banner and boarder flare if they are high enough honor to show one, and there is no point bonus associated with this effect
This was done to prevent boosting and to further that, you can receive bonuses like additional key fragments and honor capsules by honoring randoms and receiving honors from them too.
And if you don't believe me you can submit a ticket and ask a riot support agent and they will tell you the exact same thing.
rrett44556 well, Id love to agree with you but. Your premade does not get a boarder by honoring him. Also lets say two people honored your premade, what will happen if you do too? Thats right he gets a bonus from your honor THE PREMADES HONOR
I have to say something. NEVER EVER dodge a game. A lot of the times I get very very toxic teammates but I let it play it out and there is a 50/50 chance we will do great and win. You don't know the enemy team. They may be even worse. Don't lose points over what could've been a sure win.
5thDimensionDragon lol
Using dodge is a good strategy to climb.
it’s hard to climb as a support main because the rest of my team start flaming and giving up early and it’s really annoying to deal with and I lose because of them. I do have a lot of mistakes to improve on but at least I don’t flame, get mad, get tilted or give up early game ;(.
I think a lot of new players don't realize how important minions are in the game. Just played a game with a Yi that was just going around looking for kills. We almost lost because the other 3 would follow him around and get collapsed on. I started pushing minion waves and pressuring towers giving Yi chances to pick off the enemy players. Guess who got the most honor. Yi and what do I get for setting up those plays? Nothing. Idk I thought I put in work pushing out two lanes while my team dicks around in the jungle. Finally one of them realize that they should probably push out waves too. Moral of the story... minions, and if your new don't be a Yi or Yasuo main.
bruh I cannot hear the audio are you in hiding from a cop patrolling near you while recording?
i am just silver and j do the mist things good, i am only bad at the recall thing and the vision thing but when i am tilted and start a new game i jst think like, new game new players, new start.
i know no one is going to read this but back in season 5 i remember i was queueing up for my last game for my provisionals and i dodged it because we had a jarvan mid against a leblanc, at the time i didn't realize that jarvan isn't a terrible pick mid lane but i had put up with so many trolls and toxic players that i thought he was just taking the piss and that's the story on how i lost my provisionals thanks for reading
overstaying and chasing kills and not prioritizing objectives are the BIGGEST issue for the elo im currently in.
My biggest problem is I’m focused on pushing out the wave before I back and sometimes you just can’t push out the wave and I need to just back and play back more because I’m behind. Also my teammates worry more about kills then objectives 🙃
Another thing to avoid is that you dont go with your team cause you think its a bad call, if 4 want to make that call you should always follow beacuse there's no point with just you surviving, so you might as well help them and try and do it
I do one mistake very frequently: when I see a Yasuo in my midlane i don't dodge the game, then he proceeds to take Arcane Comet in his runes and goes 0/13 in lane just to state how much of a smartass he is
I'm not scared of dodging at all, but the trolls always show up as soon as I hit a promotional series. You want to believe you can win them
Hi! I did watch your video and I do agree about flaming and being bad to other just make them play more bad... This is something I all the time say in my own stream. I hope you get a good day!
i neva tilt
besides the mistakes you said , most lost games in my elo (silver elo) because the team don't really focus on "What we need" or "What we don't need"
meaning u may need an ap mid laner but they still pick the zed
same thing you pick the sejuane on the jungle but no one thinks that this champ may need 1 melee champ to strenthen their team fights but they end up picking 4 ranged champs
but the worst of the worst that people don't want to pick these 3 types of champs ,, tanks / propper supp (when they're autofilled end up picking sth like shaco or riven) / and the worst of them all your laning oppenent picked a champ and you get the chance to counter pick but still u pick a champ that your enemy counters and then cry about how badly you're countered (commonly on the toplane) like picking the yasuo into the darius or picking the teemo into the vlad or even worse picking the draven into the nasus while your team needs a front line more than your tank
You're kidding right? I am in bronze and even I know to counterpick champ...
Some do ,,, but most don't they just want to play one certain champ desn't matter what's the consequences ,,, you're vs sejuane ,, you need someone that can stand for a tank ,, and he picks fkin rengar ,, and he tries to go solo vs her
you know you're vs diana ,,, and you still go for the katarina who can be esaily destroyed by a moderated diana player not even main
i have to respect these who understand what's it to counter pick ,, but i rarely see them in my games :) especially rankeds ,,, idc about normals because well they're meant to just hf ,,, but in ranked i want to win and i can hardly win most games while i have a 0/6 jhin on midlane who cries for being countered although he saw enemy picks zed or katarina and he didn't think about the match up
I don't play much ranked but I know people disregarding their team comb a lot both in ranked and normal, like picking a zed instead of some ap cc mage when the whole team is already ad. But picking kat when you know you're gonna lane against diana? I can hardly believe any ranked player do that.
Belive it or not ,,, they actually do :D kata mains are the least of the problems ,,, i didnt talk about yasuo "mains" who can't play him XD
I dont want to sound like steretypical "blaming guy", but knowing all this stuff doesn't help you to win, because everyone in your team needs to know what to do. If they don't you really cannot do anything about it.
I literally quit playing for like 2 weeks when I am tilted. It works guys! I always hard climb when I come back
actually i really don't tilt. because i have a mentality that will never allow for it anyway. and also cuz like when i get really angry i just stop playing cuz i know it's not gonna be worth it.
Communication as a mistake is bs because it's more common to end up with someone that doesn't notice pings then that doesn't use them. You ping that they're getting ganked or you're ganking them and then they either die or back....
where is yasuo ?
its not a common mistakes to avoid ?
Forcing objectives is also very very bad, desperatetly trying to get a Baron/Dragon/Elder Dragon/Tower/Inhibitor can lead to the biggest throws.
I'm a KDA player and I always get mad when my KDA goes negative and I start to tilt. Do you think I would be happier if I played for the win instead of kills? (Talking about normals not ranked)
Thank you Jeremy this is really helpful. I do almos half of it.
Is that Tae in your profil picture ?
You forgot to mention the most important thing when you were talking about tilting...DISABLE ALL CHAT!
After disabling all chat I notice 3000% more enjoyment and increased win rate without having to read "gg ez, izi, easy" in all chat every single game.
Rly ?
Yea tilting your team doesn't help much, Surprising I lost a game after I told my teammates, "You all should get up and thank your parents, because with the IQ I just saw this game they are the only reason you people made it passed 5 years old". Also unsurprisingly I was chat muted.
Communication is super difficult in euw servers. Easily get 3 or 4 languges and its the most toxic server ive seen.
I've been playing a lot of yasuo for the last 3 days and I immediately noticed that no one on my team wants to gank me because I'm yasuo and the enemy team is straight up playing duo mid.
Tnx man this help me a lot!
The crub almost blocked rammus
Shows a picture of Zoe. Well played.
Love these Informative Videos! Specially if your living here in the Philippines.. Before the new patch, I already know how to Improve upon.. Do more contents Pls!. Really Learning this Tips are so GOOD! I Love it!
How do you slow push?
where will the winner be announced?
Jeremy i did everything.
Guys i have a question so i get tilted ez i always mute everyone once game starts since im kinda tilted and i dont want to argue with people and rito sended me a warrning how i shudnot mute my team bcs of communication and shit so my question is basicly can i get banned for muting everyone ?
Luka Stojanovic no you can't, so yeah, maybe you tend to spam pings
Epileptic Wizard :D might do might do
I was an easily tilting bronze player, and since I started using mute all, I've climbed to gold. I'd never heard of riot sending a warning for muting, though. Interesting
Rey Haze i was bronze 2 started muting everyone im s2 now :D
Luka Stojanovic i
My problem is in our server ph there is so many toxic players,they will always blame you like when they engage in fight and dies they will be like "what the fuck your noob why did you not help idiot dont ever play league again" even when you already ping that you have no mana and a low health thats why im always tilted in every game and i want to change servers if ony if its allowed
Guess what happens when the midlaner ot botlaner doesnt ss...
"This major tilt spree where you tilt off the face of the earth..." Me xd
How to avoid...
well, fuck, i am not even good enough for a normal ranked game and i already do control minion waves and stuff.. well.. some of these mistakes i still do... yea
what i belive to be the worst misstanke People do is when they flee from one or two low health enemys but away from their teammates.
i mean c'mon runt towards me! not from me! and stop asking for support if you Are just gonna run the other way anyhow.
even tho pretty much everything in this video is correct you mentioned these tips can make you win games that's where you are wrong you also said focuss on your own gameplay actually you have to do the exact opposite because if bot lane is feeding and all you care about is your own lane you wont be able to carry making you lose this is my situation every game by the way I win lane but the rest of my team somehow doesn't resulting in me being unable to carry (I'm a toplaner btw)
akise Foucusing to your own gameplay doesn't mean to just focus on your lane but yourself as a player.
Lol when i try to split push most of the time i get flamed by my team because they dont know what im doing. Feelssilverman
video starts at 0:48
I m a low Elo player and all these mistakes are happening everyday in my games
Thx for this video cuz im still starting
Um... how exactly do you define tilting? Focusing on your teammates and not yourself is exactly what you *do* want to do to fix tilt. Because tilting means I'm not doing that, at all, and have no idea what's going on around me because I'm only focused on myself.
How do you control minion waves
When I played in silver and gold elo, they all have these mistakes
Best advice! Don't play if you're tilted to the moon. Remember: there is no WiFi on the moon!
That historic baron sneaky tho
this particular vidya, I would like to show it to everybody in this gold ranks bc of such bad macro and not thinking at all XD subbed well, you got nice stuff to watch
hey its the burgerking foot lettuce guy kappa kappa
What’s the outro song?
I am about to watch this now and if Muting chat is not on this list something is wrong.
1:29 Wtfff that crub move
I just need a better self-control about me tiling off the universe
Does dodging cause riot to penalize you like reporting for afk does?
When I heard the first one i was like...... This is soooo true
the trouble with this is that it tells you what is being done wrong with little advice on fixing it. " manage waves" OK How?
Its not that were worried about MMR in silver, if we dodge games we think were going to lose we will end up in bronze 5 when we sit down for a few games
1:29 did that Scuttle Crab just glitch?
Any one-trick pony should be placed into a work camp for life
Eh, I disagree, if a one-trick gets their champion, they tend to do real well, a lot of high elo players are one tricks. cx But I don't agree with the idea of one-tricking. In my eyes, a truly good player can play any champion.
Zack Rose exactly, they're only high elo cause they're good at the champ and not necessarily the game as a whole
Life story :
. Gets silver after 1 year of training
. Gets banned
. Never plays nasus with phase rush again
you got banned for playing with an exotic rune?
i've played tons and tons and tons of exotic pick for year (taric offtank jungle , nasus ap top, malzahar ad top/jungle/mid/adc, rek'sia support ap ....and so on and so on ...) and i've never been banned.
He's obviously leaving something out.
You don't even get warnings for playing off-meta builds on champs.
That first point is horrendously wrong..... solo que is all about individual skill
he must have said the phrase in the end of the day 10 times only in this video
Video just showed in my feed. Contest has already ended. Noyce.
Num1_dont play duo
What's up guys, It's me Mikey
putting dodges into a video, tell that to Rito games, when the give us a penalty for dodging que and forcing us to wait forever after multiple dodges. I agree its definately needed, but with a penalty against the person trying to keep a clean lobby I'm livid with this being a solution.
Yea, and don't you lose quite a bit of LP when you dodge to, and doesn't the dodge timer increase every time you dodge in a succession.
I hope the players who watches this realize that champions have individual differences even though they are the same in role...
Tons of idiots still think lux should use support items instead of ap items 😑 dont they know lux supports damage and utility!? Its like telling a malphite support to buy support items instead of tank ones
Alex Darum That would be smart but almost every lux I see starts with Dorans Ring...
(I mean when they are supp)
We all know the real reason of common mistake is not have a good gaming chair
I got an enemy 41kills darius in a game but after a good teamfight we won the game
BRUH. DONT TELL ME.. the fucking second I try to do anything with my wave my support instantly will stop poking/ will stop Working on Vision/ will stop zoning/will stop doing anything and everything they should be doing to DESPERATELY push my fucking minions. I could be 05 against the team with a jungler who has a strong gank and if I beg and plead on my knees maybe they'll leave my creeps alone.
It's easier to just forget about it since no one is doing it anyways I'll just pick it up when everyone gets their shit together and I climb
The Lack of Communication part, Me and my brother were playing with Diamonds and Plats, the chat was empty except for me who said glhf and is currently at gold 4 and can't go to Plat (I just wanted to be noticed ;_;).. Ehem, Back to the topic.. The chat was empty and my teamates only pings once for example, Enemy is missing in mid *Pings only once* I was in bot playing as Jhin and I got killed by Kat :D (Map Awareness You Dumb Idiot!) They all talked in the end game.. You know what my teamates said when we were winning? "You guys are trash" "Lol, Weaklings" and etc etc etc
We won that game..