I played Inner Light (Picard Flute) on a high D yesterday until I nearly dropped of my crutch😶🌫️😛. Sweetone, 15 dollars. I think the breathing is also an unconscience learning process, right? But I wonder, do you feel whistles in higher price ranges are easier to play than cheaper ones? Especially with respect to playing in tune?
That is an absolutely lovely tune. I feel like if I help folks know the breathing is something that has to be learned then folks will stick with the whistle and get better sooner. So, yes, if you stick with it the breathing is virtually an unconscious process. I’ll try and give a shorter reply to your other question. I’m feeling a video answer will be in order soon because this is a great, and frustrating, question. I have some expensive whistles I do not like as well as the Sweetone. Some expensive whistles are simply too finicky. Some aren’t in tune unless you blow really hard. Others are lovely. A more expensive whistle is “supposed” to play more consistently in tune, but that is not always the case. Thanks for he great question. Ask a clarifying question if I didn’t give a good reply.
I played Inner Light (Picard Flute) on a high D yesterday until I nearly dropped of my crutch😶🌫️😛. Sweetone, 15 dollars. I think the breathing is also an unconscience learning process, right? But I wonder, do you feel whistles in higher price ranges are easier to play than cheaper ones? Especially with respect to playing in tune?
That is an absolutely lovely tune. I feel like if I help folks know the breathing is something that has to be learned then folks will stick with the whistle and get better sooner. So, yes, if you stick with it the breathing is virtually an unconscious process. I’ll try and give a shorter reply to your other question. I’m feeling a video answer will be in order soon because this is a great, and frustrating, question.
I have some expensive whistles I do not like as well as the Sweetone. Some expensive whistles are simply too finicky. Some aren’t in tune unless you blow really hard. Others are lovely. A more expensive whistle is “supposed” to play more consistently in tune, but that is not always the case. Thanks for he great question. Ask a clarifying question if I didn’t give a good reply.