Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Working Hard For World Peace If the universe is filled with auspicious proper energy, then the earth will not blow up. The modern world is made up of many countries. Each country is made up of many families. Each family is made up of many people. Therefore, each person is very closely related to all the other people in the world. If the minds of the people in the world are pure and free of defiled thoughts, this world will certainly be peaceful and free of war. On the other hand, if every person's mind is defiled, the world will consequently go bad. Everyone knows this principle, but no one applies it. We all know it clearly and yet go against it. That's truly pitiful! That which is called “good” begins with the mind, That which is called “bad” also begins with the mind. The modern world has already reached the point of impending death, when one cannot be sure in the morning whether there will be an evening! Why is this? It's because the planet is on the verge of blowing up; the danger has reached an extreme. Why is the earth about to blow up? Because it has been oppressed by the violent forces of the three poisons: greed, anger, and stupidity. If the earth is destroyed, the human race will certainly not survive. But the people of the world still refuse to face this situation. They still pass their time in drunkenness and die in a dream, totally oblivious to the crisis. Some are only concerned about what lies before them and have no regard for the future. They worry that the human population is increasing daily, and that there are people with no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no houses to live in, and no energy supply; they think that those are the most serious problems. Actually, those are relatively minor problems which will naturally resolve themselves in time.
Our birth and death is really the big problem. One minute we're here, but the next minute we're gone. In the twinkling of an eye, the suffering of separation while alive or when nearing death comes upon us. But people all treat this serious problem with indifference, as if it were a dream. Where did we come from when we were born? Where will we go when we die? We have no idea. Even if we understood the situation, what could we do? There's only one way to save ourselves, which is to correct our faults and go towards the good, to reform ourselves. We shouldn't be so selfish and greedy for personal profit. Be kind and compassionate and do everything for the sake of other living beings. We should imitate the spirit of the Bodhisattvas.
Each person's behavior is controlled by his thoughts, which cause him to enter the Ten Dharma Realms. With one good thought, one can be born in the heavens. With one evil thought, one can fall into the hells. It's said, With one enlightened thought, you are a Buddha. With one confused thought, you are a living being. To put it simply, with one thought to benefit living beings, you are a Bodhisattva. With one thought to benefit yourself, you are a living being. With one thought of turning the light inwards to reflect on yourself, you are an Arhat or a Pratyekabuddha. The choice is yours. If you turn your back on enlightenment and unite with defilement, you are a common person. If you turn your back on defilement and unite with enlightenment, you are a Sage. It's as easy as turning your hand over. Whether the world is good or bad also depends on a single thought. If every person's mind is good, the world will abide eternally. If every person's mind is bad, the world will be destroyed. This is the law of nature. Buddhism exhorts people to go toward the good, to understand cause and effect, to create abundant wholesome merit and virtue. That is, if people refrain from contention, greed, seeking, selfishness, self benefit, and lying, the danger in the world will naturally become peace. It's said, "Everything is made from the mind alone." The mind can create the world, and it can destroy the world. The mind can create the heavens, and it can create the hells. Families are made up of people, and people are made up of idle thoughts. If you change evil idle thoughts into good idle thoughts, you become a good person. If you change good idle thoughts into evil idle thoughts, you become a bad person. That's the pivotal point between being a good person and a bad person. Cultivators should diligently cultivate precepts, samadhi and wisdom, and put greed, anger, and stupidity to rest. Those are basic requirements. People who study the Buddhadharma should first of all abstain from all evil, and offer up all good conduct. That is a basic requirement. If everyone can really practice in that way, the world will become good, the auspicious energy will increase, and the violent energy will decrease. If the universe is filled with auspicious proper energy, then the earth will not blow up. How can we make the world peaceful and stable? There is only one way: to come to a Way-place of the Proper Dharma to study the Buddhadharma, reform your faults, and renew yourself. If everyone mends his ways and becomes good, the world will be free from the three calamities and the eight difficulties, and all people will live together harmoniously, without greed or contention, in a world of Great Unity. I hope the people who have no religious faith will, for the sake of the family, the country, and the world, renounce greed and do some work for the welfare of society. You should realize that money is an external thing which you did not bring with you at birth, nor can you take with you when you die.
If the light of the good people can counteract the darkness of bad people, this world will be free of the violent forces of the three poisons and will not be on the verge of extinction. Although this principle is very simple, it requires a profound effort to apply it successfully. All of you! You must begin with the mind and reform the world, changing hostility into harmony and bringing peace to the world.
The master of each person is his mind. If the mind is corrupt, the body will be plagued with sickness and prone to accidents and disasters. We must reflect within and examine ourselves. If we have faults we should hurry and repent! It is said, Offenses that fill up the skies are dissolved by a single thought of repentance.
事实证明在一个上了年纪且位居高位的人带来的不一定是睿智,也有可能是隐患与灾难。我就在俄国,昨晚看到这里关于承认卢甘斯克和顿巴斯的新闻时都惊了,然后亲眼见证了卢布跌破了15年来(也有可能自俄国从苏联复国以来)最低。实在想象不出未来的物价会涨成什么样子。所以我觉得应该不会打,或者说他拿什么打?而今天早上起来看到的关于拜登的制裁再一次惊到了我,合着制裁和俄国没有半毛钱关系??怪不得别人骑到你头上拉屎。。我对俄国一只有一种固执的希望,觉得它有别与独裁国家,因为在这里你可以感受到充分的自由,没有言论审查以及网络审查,并且相信一定会越来越好。但是自疫情爆发后让这个国家的经济雪上加霜,在昨天的事件后更是这种期待显得遥遥无期。这个世界会好么?以前听过袁腾飞老师的一期视频,里面有人问彼得一世时期的人民生活幸福么?袁老师回答说:那个时期很像中国隋炀帝时期,对外扩张战争,对内大搞建设,那么那个时期的人民生活能好么? 普京一心想着成为俄国新的彼得大帝,达到鼎盛时期的辉煌或者说,为了未来的辉煌。但是这个辉煌要付出多少代价?是否真的值得赌上国运来个鱼死网破?
@Shanti Morishita 但是美国不中用了,没有抓住这次机会甚至不想抓住这次机会,与欧盟之间也是各有盘算。而像是你说的什么他们都不是好东西一类的话,像不像国内的五毛说杀光日本人那样可笑?当代的人凭什么要为上个时代的错永远的付出代价?况且苏联早就没了,两个国家也将苏联所有见不得光的事写进了教科书
@@晓杭高 一套国内宣传的说辞,我以前也是这么听说的,但是事实就是俄国没有加入北约以及欧盟的可能性。首先欧盟及北约的平恒会因俄国国内拥有超过6000枚的核弹数所打破,其次就凭他的这个核武数量也知道他没有加入谁的打算,而是想要独立屹立。他与欧洲的施政方针也是与西方合作,并非寻求加入
@Shanti Morishita 管道早就修好了,并不是以西乌人家破人亡为代价。
信息慢半拍,烏俄雙方都已進入"準戰爭狀態",俄羅斯已揮軍進入被叛軍控制的"烏東地區",弓出弦不回頭,只能看普亭該怎麼收手,戰略主動權又回到了俄羅斯手上,這才是普亭想要的。Let the world tremble because of me.
呃....所以開戰了嗎? 這是民國幾年的影片啊
@@非乐-i8d 现在我感觉拿不下基辅😇
@@rcz8888 给你机会再感觉一次
二戰蘇德對決 很多人都瞄準斯大林格勒
其實基輔(烏克蘭)會戰 才是關鍵 普京很顯然
不想重犯歷史錯誤(此戰後 北約在烏 幾乎無險可守)
1、2003 伊拉克大規模武器,包括小布希在內真的有人相信?小布希進攻伊拉克的理由拿來當成美軍情報能力,呵呵。但是這次俄軍的行動大家真的只能靠美國提供,俄國也真的揮軍進入烏東了。
@hung po北約東擴意味着莫斯科被覆蓋於導彈射程範圍之內,國家安全受到脅, 烏加入北約意味著戰爭。
@@我來也 說不通,因為我怕你打我,所以我要先打你,這是流氓藉口。更何況現代飛彈射程超過2000公里的多的很,那俄羅斯是不是為了怕北約佈署導彈,要把立陶宛、波蘭…等國家都併吞了?從1991年蘇聯解體,就只有俄羅斯出兵它國,有誰去侵犯俄羅斯了?
@@mushuiyang109如2000公里射程飛彈:巡航導彈要一到兩個小時左右,彈道導彈約8分鐘,可用S500預防! 但家門口飛彈沒得防
Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Working Hard For World Peace
If the universe is filled with auspicious proper energy, then the earth will not blow up.
The modern world is made up of many countries. Each country is made up of many families. Each family is made up of many people. Therefore, each person is very closely related to all the other people in the world.
If the minds of the people in the world are pure and free of defiled thoughts, this world will certainly be peaceful and free of war. On the other hand, if every person's mind is defiled, the world will consequently go bad. Everyone knows this principle, but no one applies it. We all know it clearly and yet go against it. That's truly pitiful!
That which is called “good” begins with the mind,
That which is called “bad” also begins with the mind.
The modern world has already reached the point of impending death, when one cannot be sure in the morning whether there will be an evening! Why is this? It's because the planet is on the verge of blowing up; the danger has reached an extreme. Why is the earth about to blow up? Because it has been oppressed by the violent forces of the three poisons: greed, anger, and stupidity. If the earth is destroyed, the human race will certainly not survive.
But the people of the world still refuse to face this situation. They still pass their time in drunkenness and die in a dream, totally oblivious to the crisis. Some are only concerned about what lies before them and have no regard for the future. They worry that the human population is increasing daily, and that there are people with no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no houses to live in, and no energy supply; they think that those are the most serious problems. Actually, those are relatively minor problems which will naturally resolve themselves in time.
Our birth and death is really the big problem. One minute we're here, but the next minute we're gone. In the twinkling of an eye, the suffering of separation while alive or when nearing death comes upon us. But people all treat this serious problem with indifference, as if it were a dream. Where did we come from when we were born? Where will we go when we die? We have no idea. Even if we understood the situation, what could we do? There's only one way to save ourselves, which is to correct our faults and go towards the good, to reform ourselves. We shouldn't be so selfish and greedy for personal profit. Be kind and compassionate and do everything for the sake of other living beings. We should imitate the spirit of the Bodhisattvas.
Each person's behavior is controlled by his thoughts, which cause him to enter the Ten Dharma Realms. With one good thought, one can be born in the heavens. With one evil thought, one can fall into the hells. It's said,
With one enlightened thought,
you are a Buddha.
With one confused thought,
you are a living being.
To put it simply, with one thought to benefit living beings, you are a Bodhisattva. With one thought to benefit yourself, you are a living being. With one thought of turning the light inwards to reflect on yourself, you are an Arhat or a Pratyekabuddha. The choice is yours. If you turn your back on enlightenment and unite with defilement, you are a common person. If you turn your back on defilement and unite with enlightenment, you are a Sage. It's as easy as turning your hand over.
Whether the world is good or bad also depends on a single thought. If every person's mind is good, the world will abide eternally. If every person's mind is bad, the world will be destroyed. This is the law of nature. Buddhism exhorts people to go toward the good, to understand cause and effect, to create abundant wholesome merit and virtue. That is, if people refrain from contention, greed, seeking, selfishness, self benefit, and lying, the danger in the world will naturally become peace. It's said, "Everything is made from the mind alone." The mind can create the world, and it can destroy the world. The mind can create the heavens, and it can create the hells.
Families are made up of people, and people are made up of idle thoughts. If you change evil idle thoughts into good idle thoughts, you become a good person. If you change good idle thoughts into evil idle thoughts, you become a bad person. That's the pivotal point between being a good person and a bad person.
Cultivators should diligently cultivate precepts, samadhi and wisdom, and put greed, anger, and stupidity to rest. Those are basic requirements. People who study the Buddhadharma should first of all abstain from all evil, and offer up all good conduct. That is a basic requirement. If everyone can really practice in that way, the world will become good, the auspicious energy will increase, and the violent energy will decrease. If the universe is filled with auspicious proper energy, then the earth will not blow up.
How can we make the world peaceful and stable? There is only one way: to come to a Way-place of the Proper Dharma to study the Buddhadharma, reform your faults, and renew yourself. If everyone mends his ways and becomes good, the world will be free from the three calamities and the eight difficulties, and all people will live together harmoniously, without greed or contention, in a world of Great Unity.
I hope the people who have no religious faith will, for the sake of the family, the country, and the world, renounce greed and do some work for the welfare of society. You should realize that money is an external thing which you did not bring with you at birth, nor can you take with you when you die.
If the light of the good people can counteract the darkness of bad people, this world will be free of the violent forces of the three poisons and will not be on the verge of extinction. Although this principle is very simple, it requires a profound effort to apply it successfully. All of you! You must begin with the mind and reform the world, changing hostility into harmony and bringing peace to the world.
The master of each person is his mind. If the mind is corrupt, the body will be plagued with sickness and prone to accidents and disasters. We must reflect within and examine ourselves. If we have faults we should hurry and repent! It is said,
Offenses that fill up the skies are dissolved by a single thought of repentance.
@@我來也 那為什麼還不動手打台灣,實現統一名留歷史呢?實際上就是還沒這個能力,懂不
@@goodluck42688嘩!你是住在火星的軍盲嗎? 中共收復台易如反掌!太易!太易!耐心再等多兩年啦!今年冬奥、明年中央換屆,都不會打住,
彭博電視台:美軍參謀首長聯席會議主席、陸軍上將(Mark Milley)稱「中國高超音速武器美國無力防禦」。我們沒有見過飛行如此快的高超音速武器,我們美國沒有類似的裝備。中國現時的軍事力量是「非常先進的軍事力量」,可在太空、網絡、陸地、海洋、空中和水下操作。