army: joining the army is every aspirants dream choice : choice of words shows inner thoughts , word choice reflects personal imagination. educated: educated people enhance societies productivity, educated leader coordinates better problem : positive mind can deal with any problem, good analysis can solve problem easily. read : reading good quotes refreshes mind, reading helps in improving communication skills remember : focus on good things, good friends remembered forever. right: parents gives right direction to children, teacher leads to right direction. score : high score never defines intelligence, smart studying boosts score task: task performed with great spirit gives good results. university : good university provides good placements, university is centre for knowledge enforce : a responsible government enforces law by considering every aspects. machine gun : --------------------------------------- model : exceptional officers are role model for many aspirants
army: joining the army is every aspirants dream
choice : choice of words shows inner thoughts , word choice reflects personal imagination.
educated: educated people enhance societies productivity, educated leader coordinates better
problem : positive mind can deal with any problem, good analysis can solve problem easily.
read : reading good quotes refreshes mind, reading helps in improving communication skills
remember : focus on good things, good friends remembered forever.
right: parents gives right direction to children, teacher leads to right direction.
score : high score never defines intelligence, smart studying boosts score
task: task performed with great spirit gives good results.
university : good university provides good placements, university is centre for knowledge
enforce : a responsible government enforces law by considering every aspects.
machine gun : ---------------------------------------
model : exceptional officers are role model for many aspirants
Mam, may you please give some tips.
machine gun used for national security
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